The Huron Signal, 1884-9-12, Page 7Tashion's 3 ancies. }tousehota }tints.
A little Amain boy saw his mother
r' ; take of her switch time day, and nailed
'rat : "Oh, names' Let us take your
scalp out In the yard, au that w• out
play Iridium."
A Dorman newspaper teasing the fol-
lowing advssttaeuient :- "If Chanes
Frankerb.r*er will either call on ..r
write to Kart Schmid, op tl►. Kaiser
Straw, Nu 1'0, he ell) bear of ware -
thing to his advantage. H. watt, is
The following doubtful roc pliw.nt is
as, a fragnerat fru.0 a love -teller. "H.. r I
wish my darling Adelaide, lay engage-
ments w.*ld permit rue to :Car tofu
sob a 't: i and no to gee you. It would ba seer vis-
iting steno old ruin, b• to- taw,
and trtsaght with • th..u.•(nl ple•slug
a,. Lord Chief Justice Cuhtddge of Euh-
/and, who went to many banquets and
few churches during hia recent visit to
the United States, said, is reply to the
gwsstion how long a wratuu should be,
Twenty-hve miuut.a, with a leaning to
the side of mercy.
A wife had a squabble with her hus-
band, who was bald. After they had
beooiw. r.cutciled agate and made mut-
ual amends, the wife said : "There is one
agreeable thing shout you dear ; when '
we tall mut anti become friends again,une
hasn't to gine back any of jour hair. '
"Heaoeturth we meet es stnncere'"
exclaiu1.d Brown, in a tit L,1 auger.
"Thank you, Bron, toy dear fellow,"
gushed Fugg. effusive}tr: "you always did
peat strangers better than your fneuds
and •civaiutaueee, and yea male um ex-
eaedingly happy that f am henceforth to
share in your distinguished ctueideta-
It is said that t!e feet are much larger
in summer than in eater. This may 1,s
so, but we suspect that the savant who
made the discovery bases his theory upwn
the tact that he measured the imprint 4
&is inamorata in the *now when el'e had
ma her French heeled boots last wit ter,
mad in the summer took his data from
the imprint of her coked feet en the sea-
uierseasr ♦ tae rare.
Observe bow, when the shrewd palm -
1st N reading the lions of • hand, he scads
the face with almost equal interest.
"These learned people knows how s soul '
dwells Pt the rye ; aid the ability to un-
derstand the language is inborn with
most folic. without having to study it,
though extremely..oantive persons have
told tea that tare power of diacnnma-
tion rested in their hands than they
could read trona every feature of the face,
the timer being set lull of vision that
they could feel a color without seeing it ;
.w full of nerves that an impresiot. was
itstantaneoas Lad could be relied upon ;
w full of life that when their poesmwso.r
was In lore tingled with an affectionate
Itte ieaton.
It is said that tery quiet eyes that ia-
,l r and embarrass one with truer re-
pass signify self command, and aloe much
complacency awl some conceit Restless
eyes that caasee look one steadily in the
face denote a deceitlu►, dsignine mind.
Eyes in which the white has • yedl.ewiah
tinge and is streaked with reddish trios,
prove much etetrtieg passion and hasty
temper. Very blue eyes bespeak a mind
inclosed to eugeetty ; grey eyes signify
dignity, intelltgeoce and excellent rea-
ta.oing faculties ; greenish eye., false-
hood and a footloose fur scandal. A
malicious mind .is often indicated by
.greenish eyes. Black eye• show a pas-
sionate, lively temperament, and often-
times a meet deceitful despoliation ;
brown eyes are generally tenter and
tree, indicating a Lind and happy dispo-
Of the nose. A Roman nose denotes
an enterprising. business like character ;
a long nose to • sign of good sense ; a
;perfectly straight nose indicates a pure
and noble soul. unless the eye contra-
ailtct ; a ries retreow signifies a spirit
ischief, wit and dash . a large noes
indicates larre mind and good
rtlWr., but lace 4 energy.
Thick lips generally mese either great
genius or great stupidity ; very thin lips,
cruelty, avariciousness, and if the lips
are htbitually co falsehood.
Dimples cm the are known as the
.abodes of roffmery, and in the chin of
Cupid and his tweaks.
A lean lace speaks more of intelligence
than • fat face, generally speaking. and
they do say, beware of a full, round and
$psesy face -it means treachery.
Irascibility is a000tts snied by an erect
posters, open nostrils, moist temples,
displaying superficial veins which stand
out and throb under the least exeite-
rseat, large, unequal, ill arranged eyes,
and equal use of both hands.
A genie may be expected from me-
dium stature, blue gray or brown eyes.
prominent •ted larKe furehssd, with tem-
ples a little hollow ; under lips slightly
retin.*,a Axed, attentive look. •oil habi-
teal iodination of the head either back-
ward or forward.
A rare fee (*51... taenias.
A positive cure for this dangerous
complaint, and for all acute or chronic
forms of Bowel Complaint incident to
Bummer and Fall, is found in Dr. Few -
ear's Extract of Wild Strawberry ; to be
Mllaeared from any dremiet. Y
The Nan.aN's ear.
T Isve4e society • reined ehals.*er,
wretched egample, sed memory that will
soon rot.
I (rave to my parents during the rest
of their lives as much serrnw as human-
ity, in • fail* and decrepid state. osn
1 leave to my brothers an. sisters as
moth mnrtif eatinn and injury as I eoeid
well bring on there.
I Isere to my wife • broken heart, a
life of wretchedasa and shame to wasp
neer my promoter. death.
L give and bequeath to each of my
children poverty, ignoramus, a low
character, aid the remembrance that
their father was a monster.
le Saes lout.
The Wild Strawberry Plait pe..ewag
sere virtues* a i.emsiest.ttelrfe-
gent, ant.ssptis, sad healer �aediehae.
awe when eomhiesd with other rideable
vegetable *streets, as in Dr. Fowler's
*tetrad of Wild Strawherry, it is as
n•failing remelt ie all Reuel 0gas-
O amts 3
The tart apples whit& are now in the
merest are almost without dart* Ti.
give teem flavor, and t., make a teal')
appetising dish fur supper, prepare Wow
un this way : Pare thew, and take out
the cores ; till the spaces uwi* with
dales. Than pot the apples tutu a deep
earthen baling plate pour • hale water
tier thele, and hake until tewiae low
tune will be rey.tred for thew than if
the skins were left urn ; it is lr.vsasary W
remember this, or they will be left tau
leemg In the morn, and low their turn.
Au ettractit• way to cuter en ugly and
, unused tiro -place is to wake COI WW1
which areatjached to the mantle, and
fall from it in graceful fuh(a to the d....r.
They should be trimmed io the satuu
seamier that yes would trio thew if they
were to be looped Leel . They testy be
..f felt and have for tuuruuux a baud of
velveteen. In this c se the mantle
should nave* lambrequin of velveteen
hemline seer at each red lite a scarf for
half a yanl, sal the curtain. sliuuld be
drawn up mud lumped et the corner with
bows ret ribbon.
A preth'wnage 'trap for the all
which wid he useful in We early &unwut•t,
ieu.rde d Turkish towelling. Chew we
that with scarlet stripes and .carltetpolka
dots ; tram the edge with the starlet
mid white triwwinx which resembles
torebon, but is still hoarier am/ more
durable. For winter there u uotietrg w
hmndsorue ur so as avitiate
of fur; Ince it with darnel Teo. edge
of the t!annel shoel•l be pinked, it cut in
scollops, and for further ornasentatitui
the bete 's aerogram, or initials may he
red in the centre of ate &n-
Tatum., sauce which will keep well is
made cf one dower perfectly ripe tonta-
t .e a,twu teaspoonfuls of the beet.powder-
ed g:nver, one head of garlic rhupped
very due, two. tablespoeufuls of vinegar,
owe desert sp ronful of cayenne pepper,
sac' one of salt. Put the tuwa[oea int.,
a stone '.r and let them stand in a best
oven uuti! they are tender. Winer cold
remove the skims mei mix the •bore
.aoeel ingredients with the gulp and
juice in the jar. Then put it away in
bottles and seal tightly. This sauce is
said t., keep well fur yearn The tome -
tees should he in the oven fur several
loan, and bec+tme thoroughly cocked.
A lung shelf and wee of Rood width
is a necessity. T.. curer this shelf uwp-
ha/ and ecuu.:uically and yet tastefully a
nut always easy. A summate! oorering
i. made .d pretty cretonne. Cover the
shelf with it, and make a valiance nut
quite half • y and deep. (c the bottom
.if this put a pleating tive taches deet..
Tae pleats should be single hex pleats.
on the upper wire put a narrow single -
box pleating. This should not be more
than two inches and a halt wide, and
e hnt-uld be stitched in the comae, while
that which 1. just un the lower edge
should be stitched at the sipper edge
only, and the pleats should tet. caught on
who back so that they will rw.t !utter ou ,
hut will keep in straight full..
PleKLan CArtle.owattw.-Take
and white oaulidowen ; pull apart in
hunches. spread on aa (teethes dish : lay
salt all over them, and let them stand
three days ; then put into earthen jars
and peer boiling salt and aster over
them ; let thein stand over night, then
'vain, put into glias jars soil till up with
white vinegar prepared the same as for
MCrr*pp PP r.5 -Teat quarts cu-
oumbers, two of green tomatoes, two of
onions, two of cabbage oe eaeeiiilower ;
busk in a weak brine over uiebt, cook separately until tender. Fur the
paste : tine gallon vinegar, one large cup
&ear, one ptund mustard, owe and one-
half pounds sugar ; stir the paste till it
beths, then pour it over the vegetables.
Tis pickle will keep s Tear.
Mixro PIL tits• oa Hsosotr.-Chop •
gallon of green tomatoes, sprinkle over
tkem half a pint of ask, crud let theta
stand over night. In the morning drain
off the water and add to them six unions
chopped or sliced, six peppers chopped,
half a cabbage eatcrarsel sad then
chopped, half a pint of rested horse rad-
ish, the same of mustard seed, * seetable-
spt.onful of ground clones. one of black
pepper, two of di, mustard ; mix an
we together, pack in jars three-fourths
full, and fill up with cider vinegar.
Coron Brace. -S. A. B. sends the
following : For making the beat cough
ayrep take one ounce each of thorough -
wort, slippery elm, flax seed, gun arabic
and dick liquorice. Simmer together in
one quart 4.1 water until the strew is
entirely extracted. Strain ally ;
add one pint best molasses and half a
pound of loaf sugar ; simmer all well to -
gather and when cold bottle tsghal*.
Dose - a tablespoonful from three to silt
times a day, according to the urgency of
the can. I have tested this syrup in my
owe case; it is safe and the bast syrup I
ever used.
Hew to seg la onus.
'When L waa in Philadelphia,' acid
Robinson. 'a littie ragged girl approach-
ed me and said : 'My papa drinks, ney
ma is sick with consumptiun-plesse
will you gore me a penny r It was the
old plea, end it was.taoosesful,
'When I came on to Boston I was are
preached by a little Kiri of similar ap-
pearance. and as ase was about to speak
I said • 'I know all about ; your father
drinks. your mother is sick with consump-
ttoo, and you want a penny.' 'Pardon
me, sir, elle observed with great dignity,
as she removed a pair of rusty, steel
frond apeetades, and carefullywiped
the solitary glans they containewith a
shred of her tattered shawl 'Pardon
me sir ; I was about t0 observe that it
pains and humiliates me beyood museum
to he obliged to confess that my Ila is
addicted to the habitual esu of aleobel
stimulants, and is frequently, Perked. I
may my, psrmanet.tly, in • condition of
helpless inebriety, while a serious Indis-
prrwotsirtioon, da r to a p Iasomsry affection,
Iasepatltate. my visa front eery form d
physical labor ; soesequestly the oily
remota hit to hie se eaten the ascent,
of her owe std •y let la to send am out
to imperious Mlinge s ler dant hens 1
make ea appeal te year g,tal,sity '
'As she esestadad .he held oat ler
hand with a fffes, sad dignity trimly
H.Mo.ia. inti I W n• other rowers,
that M pmt h ai is lay stellae sodrow her a i'
.. t tet ryi t .le�^Sw4'
aassrlfa[ watt rise Ugwer Maltase.
Bates, Sept. 1 - •rite. Federal Oma-
ni has seat the blue book to tis Aerate
key, ewibodytug the results 4 the °Halal
injury into the liquor traffic Prefaced by
potpie*is sent up front various cantons
fur legislatem ag,uust such traffic. The
psatut s. give, statistics which 'bow that
the consuutpta.ns ..f alo,ehol in Switzer
laud is greater p(ore-r head than to any
other oouutry of Europe. The statistics
ales show that the cmautuptiuns of
howdy among the Swiss is recrossing,
and that parallel with this there is an in-
crease el mental dummies and an increase
of misery anal want. le. spite of all this,
the council refuses tt recommend restric-
tive levtslat►uu. It status that the sales
of Imuuor w Swit•.rlanul rept escrt au an-
nual return of 160/,000,00 franca. In
tine clause 4 the report, headed "the ad-
vantages of spirituous drinks," the coun-
cil is outspoken in defence tf social
drinking. It says : "The practice Lel the
socia( drinking 4 liquors
brings • cho.rful tender into society, e( -
tacos the traces ut daily labor, epees the
heart to other iwpre.swus, and is inti-
mately associated with this development
.1 public life. The public house festers
intellectual activity and N a remedy
await misanthropy, egotism, vanity,
taerru.ner of ideas and extravagance of
ii**ginat The report Itai taLeu the
ouuutry by surprise.
Mono Ming Iateertty of thwarter.
There is • wide ditfereaco in the esti-
mate of justice and right among men.
Some have au instin;tive sense if jus-
tice ; ethers always have diatcrted ur
shaded views of right mud wrung. The
difference is that there is an intention to
do wronr, but that each has learned to
view all notal questions from his parti-
cular standpoint. Yet right and wreig
are immutable. Each is stamped with
is particular characteristic, and these
do not change. Hawse if different views
of the inoral quality of a ttiven act are
takes it is evident that nee or the other
is wrong Hence • right view of justice
and all the notal issues is a matter of
training; How may it best be dine 1
We answer, by inculcating clear per-
oeptioum "1 the fundamental principles of
right. Thew ate simple and plain. It
is nght to toll the truth, to deal honest-
ly, t.. respect ethers' rights, and to ob-
serve the rules of c entuercial :morality.
To injure aw.ther's reputation is wring ;
and to despoil another .,f property, even
it legally done. is wrung. The original,
fundamental principles of right and
wrung are simple and plain. It is when
we obscure them by special influences
that wo are befogged. There is always
a special plea for an an of spoliation,
whether it be oil character or property.
And, as a rule. there is a willingness to
allow this special plea peculiar force. It
w thus mens views of right are warped.
By nice turas of expression, seen convey
a false itnpreasion, wheii they would
scorn to openly lie. By shrewd toys
they outrage to complete a satisfactory
business transaction, when they would
utterly refuse to directly and boldly
cheat It is the indirection in mcrah
that need to be watched. These are often
N ben the muds.d children are plastic
and habits are formative these great
principles can be s lolly inculcated. And
if wisely and carefully done, they will
answer for years after. The best educa-
tion a parent can impart is that which
leads to integrity of character. A sense
of right no acute that in all doubtful lanes
it will instinctively seek the true is better
for a child than a fortune. It imparts
the elements of character that command
eunEd.soe, and in the twin secure suc-
cess. A rough, hard man in Australia
came to the celebrated Henry Reed. He
had managed to place himself on the
pension rolls of the Britisharmyby freed.
He lined in a pour way on this pension.
All his energies were blunted by his
sense of wrong, and he did net succeed
in life. Reed, hearing his story and his
wish to reform, said to him that first of
lithe must surrender his pension, and
that as soon at able he meet return all
be had drawn, pnocitsl and interest.
The man did so. Under his reliever+
sense he was able 10 amuse his enemies,
and attained wraith and position.
There aro many lives, like his, blight-
ed by false positions, taken in moments
of weaknen, and from which there is
trot Moral commits to escape. It is wise
to guard children from it. and inasmuch
as oontingencies cannot be watched, it is
best to teeniest. fundamental truths.
These are like the peke sew to the sailor,
• guide amid storm and sewabine. All
else can he made to a -inform if the es-
sential principles aro right. If these are
u nsettled we may an well seek to watch
the wind as to seep guard over the well -
hiring of children. Hence to lentil in-
tegrity of character in a child is the blest
legacy that can p.nasibly be eonfeerred. -
Moder. sentare.
No llrolitisl candidate is a hero to his
A loan without security is • cyclone
lar a hank.
Misfortams never oome singly. They
tae always married.
Tine cloths only make igaensnce more
All play ani no work is a brass band
that plays with • jerk.
The old bull may bellow, bc't he can't
blow his own horn.
Riad words are the cheapest thing" we
ars ai"srly with.
Ao tombstones mark the graves in the
..5s'7 where last hopes are interred.
The proverb "Life is what we make
k" is all wrong Life is what one's
e dllh'ww makes it.
Uharity envere a maltitede art las and
she area es • asl far a m; of gin-
Ilehoemere" d b..r Mil thew of
trouble, and *mane a wise is masked
when "halt las over.
A wnmem'a.mile and a .odadonmtaie
dart'" sal are now .j. -we ter what
they ..siwai thaw .Mt they *,real.
A IIAns eaves, vassal.
1[r. IL L Allison. Hutchinson, rat,
leaved kis life by • simple Trial Bottle to
Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con
gumption, which caused haw to procure
a large bottle, tlett completely cured hue,
when Doctors, change of climate and
everything else had tailed. Asthma,
Bre i ohttia, Hesreenw, Severe eulogise,
and ail Threat and Luug disease., it O
ruaraite ld to cur*. Trull Bottles at J.
drib Mori. large .teat 111. (1).
A large proportion et this lissom which
eauas hamar 'alerting result from deraees-
&cut of the stomach, towels, and liver,
A%re's CATua8T:t Prim act directly apo*
Were organs, and are especially de.sgrrd to
.urs Use di sews caused by Weir derange.
anent, Itw;es'Jnq, Ceastip.tioa, iodises.
Usa. Dy. sp.ta, aaadaehe, Dymwt.ry,
noel • bust .d oiler .tl..ala, for aU 4
which they are a safe, sure, prompt, awl
pieassiat remedy. 'MA eateasive um of those
Prom by emissnt phystetats to regular prac-
tice. shows tmmutakably the .Snntnn.s la
whish they ars Le.d by the sresieal prudes-
These Plitt an compnun.:ed of vegetable
roteta.:cas oily, and are absolutely free lion
sicco.uelor any . aaer W;arWus utg.eahe.L
A Sasser Has.daehe writes:
'• Attic's Pitts are invaluable to me. and
arc my moisten' rompauton. 1 Lees
a essay s4' rer front Headache, aunt your
*loss are the sly thug 1 could look to
for relief. olio tars all gn'clly ley
bowel rad tree soy Lr.J 1....a pain. They
sre ties *moat sitecute sr.d the easiest physic ever found. It is alaboiiur. to to
speak fu %keit y.raee, and 1 •legs Su so
Mem occasion elem.
W. 1.. 1'A..r. of W. L. Page a Pro.'
Frsakliu tet., l::clutwud,\ a, June 1212.
"1 bare as..d Area's Priv In number-
less hots**. as recominsweied by you. se.1
have never aw,ws Usut. to toil to rcctu:plash
the desired result Ws constant iy keep them
on laud at our noose. and ,-nee Unto a. s
pprise,, t, safe, anal reliable tastily
LI'SPk.b1A they ars iutaluabse.
J. T. t:i.Ca.'•
Mese., Texas, Jia. 17, 1att2.
Toe itrr. Passers Il. Il.tctnrrr, writing
(rums Atlaen. Ga., says: "Yoe moues years
past 1 bare beta sebjwet W e.wr tipet o0.
fro,, which, so site of W. use .4 n,e.'•
ewes or various k1.45, I at.L.Ter-.t increasing
iecooventeuc', tall eau.* wo.tbs ago 1
began taking A van' ?Ilia. '1 Lev tsare
entirely corrected the ccstlte baba. mud
Lave t.u•Iv Unproved m; goosed basila."
Artr. a Cnrr:au-_c MLA correct tree^*
birdies of the bowels, stimulate lb* a1•pa-
t:e and dlge.tlum, and by their prompt .rd
thorough actio' give Wu and rigor to tie
whose pn.yuul taowusuy.
rttrAate DT
Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mzss.
�.,'d by all L.
rot ' All expel -ewes the wewderfal
bluest etlrcts of
OLD. "11 Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
1"9r,`E i tidbir.n with More Eyes. Sone
k,E^. Errs, or aur scrofulous or srra-
l:inr r-e.nt, tam) be roads healthy sedatives
1. se. List.
sold L; ML' 1a-ugpita ; 111, sin bottles fee Ili.
• adteo' «allege,
Music a Specialty_
(W. Waugh Lauder. Gold Medallist. and pupil
of the celebrated Abbe Liszt, Iffrrctor.
IJ H Marcy. Artist. Director)
Junior Department.
Full Diploma Coarse• in Literature, Mode
and An. so ncoularsb:ps t - moped itit•cly
awarded annually. 18 at September entrance
ArTersse *tae se rise For large, iilus-
trwted circular, addles.:
(REV. E. N. F.NOLiSH. 11. A.. Principal
It Next tern. begins September 18th
Aug 7. 1881 1121.1..
Hes just received his spring Stock of
Diiv Got aid roIt&
AU are New sad Well Selected. which be of-
fers at the Lowest Possible Prices.
Hams. Bacon. lard. e'h.eeee. Roller ?lone
trade from Manitoba Wheat. alto Harris'
Fine Family Flour. and (kits. Bran,
Shorts. and all other kindle of feed.
Fanners. It wadwee Takes Is Ltxehaage.
Goode delirered free in any pan of the town
sad Saltford.
Corner Victoria and Nelson streets. opposite
Fair (Rounds, Goderich.
May 8th. 1881. 1942 -
Saginaw and Bay City Route.
Will leave OODRRiCH. weather permttliiagrg,,
on and after June Mibi. HMS. making WRRtL,
Rogge inure during the season. as foIIsWS
At 1 o'clock p.m.. for Saginaw. may ('ity, sows
Sesoh, Tawas and all points on the west shegs.
leehudlna Alpena and Chet:oylryraap
Returning w1)1 leave (N)DF.Rl('H
At 1 piss.. for Detroit and Cleveland. calling
hoth ways at Port Harem .ad point. ow 1M.
(:lair Rive..
A Eleven Days' Trip
with the P 1vileg. at spendla. 24 hoary In
eleTniewde w B(3t th
as Im Detroit. and 1! Assn In
r .d y, .t the wm/eaewlewtedly
me beard rine
Per rat** La hitch sed mimes. mead all tw-
fernatlea. apply to
sea. sale, Asst S.iasab.
• e. A. eissaserawirs.
Da. Low's Musser Worst Starr.- if \suuRAr'Ci CARL.
Au agreeable, safe and otectual remedy1
to remote all kinds of worms. in
Alison e.eryp.11 , entatns calome'ata
BRIT. ASS MY. 7uaoalo- 6ahtrsbed
ober iso real oonpoetd.. Lr. Carson's PHtENIX iNS. ('O'T. .1 Loagiva Yoakum,
Dtenriach Batters u rel vegetable sad ' lC.sshlivl.4 1'
r OAHTFURI INia. ( Y, et Raavwoau Cela.
takes the plies of all tither purgatives. Irma blotted 111.16.
In largo kettles at 60 cent. ss I Rieke taken in the shovelled -de"' care at
I the lowest refits boy W
This uide•stgsed is .lea Appraiser of the
A Seeser•r.hle Lampe.I CAN-tl►.1 PLR. LOAN axa SAVINGS CO. et
Tgatr • re.
iire Mary A. Dail/spot( Tuakhanuuck, 7 tole per lel Cdrgt i trwdee.ste y rest
Pa. ,was aflikted fur se. lean with Asth- �1ORAC'a HUATON.
ma and Bn,r,ehiti., during which time I soder'-h amt. K HN
the beet physicians could give no relief. ,
Her life was despaired of, until in last
Octoberbeetle abe procured a btle of Dr.
Kim. a New Discovery, when immediate
relief was felt, and by euntinunug is tea
fur a short time she was completely OW
ed, itaiusog in doh 60 lbs. in • AN
Free Trial Bottles of this certain mare
of all Throat and Long Diseases at Jas.
ti ils.u's Drug Store. Large B.•ttles
PI. tea (4)
1Md ebe SM t?
, "Nu ; she lingered and suffered ahono,
:pining all tEo owe f..r )ears. the doc-
'pore doit.e her no gu"l ; and at last was
'cared by this Hop Diners the papers
"say no much ata.ut. Indeed ' indeed
'how thankful we .h, tad be for that
"medicine ' .
Thousands of graves
ant .uuually] robbed
of their . ktinu.,Iivta
prolonged happen."
and health restored
by the use of the Irma
lath:. is posit sc-ely sad permanent y cttree
ppwwtteary tcatuad by excesse•s of say Mao.)
tesalsal weal.we.m and all di.esrea that fol-
low .t. a seta wens a of `elf -Abuse. as lot. of en-
ergy. hes of memory. whereat leashude,
pun n, the beck, dimness of vision, prema-
ture.1d age. •oil noisy other diseases that
leve t.. !nisbity ur eunsumptit•n and • prema-
ture gra t t.
*end for theaters .Oh testimonials tree by
mail. The 1%1 1641011A/011 is said at sl per
box. er silt boxes fur 95 by all druggists, or
w11) 1. ..ant free u:y ma 1, securely 'vettd, ou
receipt ut peke. br addressing
F. J. c'IIKbEY. Druggist,
187 Summit St.. Toledo. Ohlu
. as.
ill! Agent for Goderirb
clotplr re areare al disitu'betooe
Field d�1d time she was ctheir a provet•ei iristime be.
come wealthy ; ibow who do
no repro** their opportun
(ties r -•mal,, in poverty. We offs.' a pm -
chant a to money. We want en. wo
laws, boys and girls to wort. sur u• • tbe.r
own Ire•.!:tier. Anyone can do the v .-k ism:
Time subscriber is now preparet1 petty teen the Ant start. Tbs business wU
LO fllrlt:Sia- of Field and any rmora• than ten tiniesoMsnary'wales. Lye
all hintt,, 1 pp..usn•e•outfit furnishedfnc. No ciao wb..m-
Gardert Si., ds (..f tl:c. flair-' tail+ t.. make money rapidly. arca an
grout' your ahote . • to the work. or eels'
your .pare uiumrnts. Full information asa
all that it ne-esrary sent fret. Address STIR!
BON E' Co 1'urtl.r.d. Me r.e,
at rate-' that cannot be beate-n in
Call and examr.e samples be-
fore purchasing elsewhere.
East Street Grain Depot. Opposite
Town Hall, Goderich.
March :MM. 1x11. 180 -
•(5(1a week m home. QS.eioutft tree•. Pay
0 at.olutely rare-. Nn auk. l'apDttal net
requirtel. l:ewer.:fwantburinesa
at which persona of either sex. young
or old. ran make great pay all the time they
work, with absolute certainty. Write for full
psnlculars to 11. HALLLTT d- Co.. Portland,
]Iain*' 1"r=- Health is Wealt
$600.00 Reward.
We ail! pay the ahoye reward for any r 1.r•
Liver l'omptalnt. Dyeepers. Sick Headache.
Indigestion. Coast ipation or l wtR t wen we
cannot cure will. West'. Vegetable loll. r
when 1,., direvtiot.wre strictly complied with.
They ars• pur iy Vegetable. and never fall to
Kit c sat Wart ion. Sugar * weird. pars'' poxes
containing 30 Pill` !S teats. For sale by all
llrugg,.tr. Hectare of counterfeits and imita-
tions. The genuine ntanufsttured .a1f b1
JOHN C. WEST at CO.. "The Pill Matters,
81 and 13 King St. Ai' Toronto. Ott. Free
triol pa. kagc sent by mat prepaid on receipt
of a 3 tent stamp.
ler gale at WEL$C '* silt f: %TOSi.
The People's Livery
Haring purchased the Livery business of .l no.
E. Swartz, formerly owned by Robert Kerr.
solicit a share of public patronage. They
guarantee satisfaction it, all. and offer
The Finest Rigs
CALL AND SEE US -Opposite Ra:;ey'u
Hotel. lioderith.
Oed.rleb. Feb. 1ttb. 1894.
191^ -Gm
Having the utmost iottIdence in its super
iority over all milers, and after 11 nomads of
tuts of the most complicated sod ..,errs
Lynes we could rind. we feel iustflied ins ol5t-
Ing to forfeit One TLousaan Dollars for any
ca.e of wrughs. cods. sore threat. indecent
hoarseness, bronchitis. coasumptio■ in Its
early stages. whooping cough, and all dla.w*
of the throat and lungs. except asthma. for
which we only claim* r. lief. that we can't lure
with West's l'ougb Myrup. when taken accord
ing to dire tiow. Sample bottles, 23 and 50
cents: large bottles sine dollar. Genuine
-wrapper* e411p la Mee-. 11514 it, all
or sent by express on receipt of price. ►HN
1'. W EST 4' ('(1.. 81 and 83 ffsdtrg street Fast,
Toronto. Ont. Sind at JAS. WILSON'S Drug
Store Ooderka Had -
11n. F. t'- Wirier, Nenva .et, haulm TE=AT
Marr, a guaranteed .peens for lty.tcrla, Iris
sinew, /'out ulalons, Fits. Nvrtous Neuralgia
Heada.l.e. Nervous Prostration t..e(d bee the
use of t+4jM.dto! ur tobacco. Wakefulness, Men-
tal Itep$-rsalon. Satirising of the Brava. result
Ing in l sanity and leading to misery. decay
and death. Premature Old Age. Burenre s,
Loa,, of Power in rill her *ex . invMusser? Lessee
awl Spat toaturrhtra. caused by over-exertion
f the brain• self-abuse or otrr-indulgence.
One box •a ell cure recent cases. bash box con
tains one month's treat nn ret. (Inc dollar a box
or six tuxes for Ale dollars : sent by mail pre
pale on receipt of price. We guarantee Nz
boxes to cure any cane. With each order re-
ceived by us for at boxes, .c rompat.led with
Ave dollars, we 5111 rend the purchaser our
written guarantee to refund the money if the
treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantee
Mined onty by J.itatsi wtLaco. role anther
lard agent for (aoderlch.Ont. JOHN C WLST
& CO.. sole proprietor.. Toronto Ont.
Haring been .ppnlnted agent of the above
machine. begs to solicit the weal public pat -
rooter. and will supply machines on liberal
Try the genuine Singer.
Residence: Victoria street, near, tee M. Mt
('hunk. Godertch.
Ooderlrh, Dec. 11, ia83, imams
A week ,cele at home by the la
duetnuue, lest business now ke
fore U,.• public. Capitals
not seeA
en. boy. rindstgirl ywanted yen
em. wo
where to work for us. Now la the time. Tee
can work in spare time, or rive your whale
time to the business. No other bootee, rill
My fon nearly no well. NO one dna fall 10
make enormous pay. by encashing a1 este
Cosily outfit and teruts tree. Mont ramie
fast, easily. and honorably. Address Money
Co.. Auruata. Maf..e
But loll
("'(res Dr:,_uu'.ax, Lona of Appetite, livligestion, Biliovras,
Dyspepsia, .lawsdice, Affections of tate Liver and range,
Pimpk3, Blotches, Bata, iHumors, (salt Rheum, Scrofula.
Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from impure Blood,
Deranged Stomach, or irrrffular artium of fhr Rowels.
H A.^4X °.:R.D
Ase planer$ b labs Cmaksis their ewe
Pupttv.. i. a gab, sea, sad •
`lreir.r eg CWlgn area '+
life Is *weepiest s It
d dare ►rtes y.'.rethlsg righty mad.leae. h.ah,4 1. eetgeere.. s•a s w..h 1 s leer seas
sews. M .5555 tree. Ne risk, s
taw. Capital 5.l Belted. We .tier
77.*t1�, rve►ythhe. mmur are n.hltiffbst�
I�N1.tes sate• se neem se nettsas�Mtr( ''mow
le rose : N eat rally