The Huron Signal, 1884-9-12, Page 6veeil A
The Weesmaieine
This la the wheat
The wheal well arrow* naan'a law fat leen.
The aew-plueked teen ot pattern toll ;
Pledge me tanneee simey head -
gendty acres waiting staad •
114•4110 tea the bent Ms terve can oink'
To Blew te $o reap the Acid !
Brake the height hearts sad break thein sere
att., cheer front door to door.
MIAOW sae Ib. kernel sound ami sweet -
The natleses bread, the winsewed wheel!
This lathe flail -
Tim Imlay Gail. whom loud uproar
Wears on the oaken thrash lag door °
.A measured boat, • ringing sound!
The leng. lew seaMaida was and wear.
'Melodeon tl.• Medivee or earnered wale.
And empty, tartars* laughter
The yellow straw is Woad) piled.
These level crashing* tell the tale -
Owing round the nail, the Itil,ghty nail!
These are the men -
Tim erten who else* with stunt" stroke.
A fallen menta heart ot oak.
Now build for life and idea demands.
Aug All n oh bread the walling limits
eimb rhyme with rhyme. the thrashersseas
Deal blow, on blew* strike loud and long
The wrench of hunger drives at length
Tim iron of unyielding strength ;
wield the bent Made again, again.
A.d wri e the puny race of men !
IN. 1°. Runes,.
r -WM our Teeth nerai.
Theefar have we spokes ugly ut the
active agents of daisy. The vitality of
the individual has mock t..) do with the
metier of decay of the teeth. Fevers
enfeeble the spasms and favor &may.
Don't blame the medicines. The aside
your physician administers correct iamb:
ed conditions in the systam, that d
the teeth suffer it is probably in spite of
his medicines, rather than because of
them. Altar typhoid fever. especially,
look out fur derey.'-[Cinciiiisati Com-
mercial tlazetta.
Illespeet Age.
Age should always command respect.
In the cam of Dr. Yowler • Itztract uI
Wild fftrawberry it venom', dues, for 25
years that has been the standard remedy
with the petiole for Cholera Morten,
Dysentery, DtarrhooseColie and all bowel
complaints. 2
'Doctor, I've taken so much strung
metikine, Oust -'
!Oh, please stop ! Pardon me, but 1
eee you are beginning the same old stery,
Now let me do this talking. 1 suppose
you think your physician is wholly re-
sponsiole for your decayed teeth, because
you casuely learned flee the iron tonic
as prescribed contained muriatic acid.
Or peembly he prescribed hydrochloric
acid. It is always well to take suet One -
diaries through • tube and then nese the
mouth theneighly, But not (meet' theme
agents, however care:esaly administered.
la capable 'f thee; one quarter of the
miscnief hich on exa lll ll Minn pun
mouth r‘ real'. The havoc has been
wrought by acids, it is true ; but they
were born in the mouth. You have what
was formerly a beautiful *et of teeerly
white teeth. Some time ago you dis.
catered several decayed spot), which
rapidly grew worse, te. that your teeth
seemed fairly P. melt away.
'Take a iiiirror and examine ono of
these. The enamel is t rauslaeteit ,Iireaks
down easily, and cereals larier cavity
than you suspected. This cavity is part•
ly tilled with a whitish pulpy .i. and
when yeti probe it the wells are elute
sensitive. Het and cot.' drinhe hurt,and
fond in the teeny start. the
tooth to aching. Nit!ic acid did it.
Wbei*ct, the nitric acid 1 Fria* the C011.1•
position of aminenia in the mouth. Fre-
quently tue futictieta of the skin, kid-
neys and other excretory organs 'become
impaired, the 61....1 itecoleeit overleeded
with ammonia which, in a,
healthy c (ndition, is carried out ..f the
system), and eventually this anetiouia
finds Its way through the s•tlivray ducts
int., the ineuth. Then ensues a beautiful
chemical reaction. The 1, tat icles of
nitrogenous toed which have been suf-
fered t.. act:emulate bet weei, the teeth -
you're nut going to interrupt toe 1'
•Why, I brush/key teeth after tvern
meal, doctor.'
'Yon do? And do you use your tooth-
pick and bit of string with scrupulous
are t., clear an the spaces 1 What is
this Indeed here 1-etworn these teeth ? A
shred of beef f
'This .bred of becf. then, as we were
laying, decomposes after a while, and
liberates intregen. hydrogen and ...xylem
This latter aeri)t instantly unites -with
tho free ammonia. in the mouth, and a
small quantity of /lane acid is the re-
sult. This nascent acid, which is far
more energetic in its action than nitric
acid taken in the meitli, attacks instant.;
ly the lime salts ef the tooth antface with
which it may he in etintact. and decay is,
the result.
'What is the remedy ? Cleaulinese.
first of all an.t, stemiellv, anythitiz that
will neutralize the iminenia. Fruit or
vegetable acid w.1I tio this. Kit more
cherries, apples, berries, pickle*, sauer-
kraut ; (Intik lemonade. Try water made
tart with vinegar at meals. Ito you an- !
derstand, now, why your daueliter just
bloomingnt.. wemanleest craves pickles. i
leniono ant: v inezir ' She can bee '
a raw lemon without wincing. %Shy •
Because her blood is surcharged with ,
ammo:sta, her tweeds to full ef it, the
saliva iS ropy with it.
'Another ebservatien apropos 1,• this •
subject. The free use of fruit acid
sures the teeth fligit,lett that diegmatine
accumulation, tartar, by vacate of its de- l
showily the free atitineuis. Before the
A nagaiseent nicest reins the Leaden
Cry, tall relate.
The Rev. H. R. Haweia writes thus in
the Pall Mall I ;u:ette : -The helloon shot
up majestically amid the cheering of the
people as the clock struck six. Just
then the sun broke from behind a rano
deed, bathing the whole of Kent in
glory. F( r a minute or two, as we soar-
ed high abet.* the palace, the novelty ef
the situation was peaitively appalling. 1
felt I must dole out toy sensations to my -
sett. There was hardly a breath . f air.
We were rising rapidly, but 1 felt no
motion at all. Closing tity eyes I could
tancy myself on -.firma Id au arni-
....heir, but my heart best violently, and
I felt thsinclitted et look over the edge
of the car. For a moment the sky and
the distant tonerams had fascinated Me.
I now felt that the ballast toes at the
bete•nt of the basket were about the
in st frlen.ity things in the universe.
-Hew high are we 1- I asked when 1
fel: niv Lead a little steadier.
"Three the wand feet' -Wright held
an aneri-itl in h:s hind. "rtiil rising."
A faint tweeze sprang up, which at 0140
time promised to take us over to Seven-
oaks. I neerea out and down ; the Pal-
ace LIT beneath, with its erounds looking
like se architect's diagram, the whole
not larzer than a sheet of the Timet news-
paper : it shrunk presently to the size
the Pall 31M1 r.:.•oete. The wind, if
wind it etes1-1 tve called, shifted -we were
indite toward the Thanies. Merit an
bour we stetulti be hanging et er L eiden
t.. eve acres" and t.. des -
coed with any safety. Wrieht lueke.1
anxious f..r a seci.nd er ter.. -we were
uppraite the Ice of Dsgs. hut mull see
the trains couter-,inz through the haze,
from the sow!: c. eat tni one side and
Greenwich en the other, toward' the
eniat-btathed but sunlit metropolis.
Wright sadeetily ariZell a When bag Sea
shook it erer the Car side ; then another,
and we oh't up apace, to 4,000 ft. There
he found his upper current setting away
from the Thames and Lendon. and we
drifted slowly out over Kent. We now
r0.che4 our highest elevation, at abut
4.690 ft. The supreme stillneas seem-
ed enhanced hy the distant voices ef the
earth which ascended to the ear as frein
another planet. The under -hum ..1 L
don came upon the ear like a lee, sad.
menetonems ni an. realistic *puled in-
deed of al! earth-prin. Sounds seemed
almest unaffected by the distance, and
came to us from every direction -the
barking of a dog at Dulwich or there -
al. ,uts, the whittle of s tram at Green•
',tab ; a hand playing •t Woolwich mie•
gled its tunes with a wile bend At the
new remote Crystal Pe ace, and a !eng-
ine cheer front the bonier" .1 Kent. The
tret, crawled beneath us like little
black worms, and their mingled rear as-
cended from all sides. The towns and
hamlets over which we passed looked
like these Datch villages that children
buy in bits& and set up in synnuetricil
,quare. -all seemed ground plan from
above, figured with cardboard models
painted mere 'r less aptly to mutate na-
ture. At 2.000 feet. the crowds in the
Palace ereurnis appeared like ants ; at
4.000, they were as mites oti the surface
of a vast cheese.
It beinz a bank holiday, almost every
village lied its ga.a, its betel, is crowd.
Here a 'ant btck ring 01 Pe0P10 10.0k1I11(
en apparently at nethine -prohaby a
cricket match invisible at our elevation
-there another Week patch in an open
green field, the little puffs train
tuns alone betraying the nature of the
pastime. The Kentish c•irntields in odd
squares and zigzags. lying close to tiny
hatches of weeds and mimic Likes, show-
ed sign. s 1 the recent sharp rainfells.
Setae huge monster seemed to have
ammonia decomposes to form nitric add, crossed them and left the prints of hist Bret *ore and set stSeesTrial
a portion of it nebtraltree the -carbonic footsteps in the downtrodden vsrig:Ticsreireise i2)
assid of the saliva. by which its lime salts _Sheet seven o'clock, the sun. still hot /INN eannsiste.
are held suspended in solution, and these seemed nearly on a level with is while Fleet leifhte el is tee only ewe for Tatitl�s t-
, tnta:%"7,11-'nhtie 1;111;1,11 iNeee';' ra; hu:
Agit* are precipitated upon the teeth, he kissed every pond ar.d river Int.. bur..1';.$•he:
**ad Ilentees.
Neglecting a constipated comiitoai of
the bowels is mini to bring Ill health and
greet suffering. Burdock Blood Bitters
regulate the bowels in • natural manser,
purifying the blood and preemie a heal-
thy action of the stomach, liver, Worm
sal bowels. 2
t Views MINN liable.
Speaking of the Bible, says Maenad -
Ma's Mutrultrie, Carlyle said : "It is a
wonderful book, that. Some years ag..
1 read the four gospels through, and 1
wept • greet deal over it. It ie full of
sincenties and everlasting truths. I did
not find Christ that jound-of fresh -bet•
ter character which peeple have made of
hint. On the contrary, he is • wan with
a great deal of anger in him, but the
anger is all ..n the right side. He always
has a sharp word to return to the Phari-
see*. When one who has kept the Ten
C0111Menditifelta asks him whether that
is not enough' he tolls him nit --•Leave
ail thy riches and follow after me.' " •
IF • Speaking of the indifference °, the
people of our times towiud high-minded
men. he .aid. "If Jesus Chrtst were to
come today people would not even cru-
cify Hirn; they would ask His& to din-
ner and bear what He had to asy, and
ipake fun of it."
Respect Nei low%
An old favorite is the remelt'''. known
at 1». Fowler a Eatraet of SS ild Straw-
berry. Thiry years reliable for cholera
morbus,* tharrie e s and summer cow -
Healing, soothing. and demising for all
!eruptive diseases et the skin. Delightful
for teilet use. 1 ni
piece cf work of unparalleletl pati -
!once and ingenuity is reperted (nen
Karthus. in Bohemia, the wonderful
workman being a yeuth dutauce for
five years he theft. He has turned his
enforced leiter.. to use. and manufactured
. a straw watch hve centimetres in diamet-
er two in thickness. The works cow-
; prise :I few bits of straw, 14411141 cetten,
two needles and a pin, a small piece .4
I taper ferminz the dial. It is sail to go
fer heurs. awl c .ulti made to go
twelve with a few unerevements.
I Natieual l'i:ts are unsurpassed as a
safe. nai'd, yet thorourth, purzetive, act-
; int epee the biliary organs pt..mptly and
effectuelly. lin
Richard S.Storis, prefeaser of the deaf
and dumb asylum a: Hartford, *nit a
eelldineern htterateur. •het and killed
himself nn Saturday while suiering from
mental depression
Never 1.11se I p.
If you are suffering vent. 1.,w and de-
, pressed ipirits, rt appetite. e.neral
debility. distort:erect weak consti-
tution. headAche. or any disease of a bil-
ieus natere, by all means prewar, a not -
ti. of Electric Bitters. You will he sur -
i •
'prised t.. see the repid improvement that
will hdlow; yet: will be inspired with new
life : strength and activity will return ;
pain and misery will cease. anti hence-
fertlt yeu will repece in the praise of
Electric Bitters. 5,1,1 at fifty cents a
bottle by J. Wilson. [61
Aa ne-tkIdermen Treed M.
Ex -Alderman Taylicod Toronto, tried
Hagyaril's w Oil for Rheumatism.
It cured Iiitu after all other remedies had
failed. 2
T. the Medical Pretiessona, and all wham
II nasty •
IPleephatine, or Nerve Pooci, a Phos-
phatir Element based upon Scientific
Fecte. F.vrinulated by Prefessor Austin,
,f. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption. Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks. Vertige and Neuralgia
and all wasting tlisesses of the human
system. Phospharine is not a Nedecine.
; but a Nutriment, because it contains no
, Veeetable or Mineral Poisons, 4 /plates.
Nircotics, and no Stimulants, hut situp,
i ly the Ph. ephatic and Gartric Elements
, found in our daily f..oa. A single bottle
is sutticiont to convince. All Druggists
sell it. 01.00 per Ivittle. L..wt'v't
Cc., sole aeenes f ,r the Doom -nun,
55 Frew Street Ear. T..retite
tia Mdbliwett Tribute.
Theron P. Keriter,editer ef Ft. Wayne
, Ind., tee the writes : 'For the past five
years I have always mall Dr. King's New
1 Discovery for ceughs of neat severe
character. as well as tor these of a milder
type. it never fMls to effect a speedy
cure, My friends to whom I have re-
; onnlitended it 'Peek of it in same high
terms. Haring been cured by it ..f every
laeuelt I have had for five years, I con-
, sitter it the only reliable and sure cure
I for coughs, c..Ids, etc.' Call at Wilson's -
884 •
.13111115121. -
ease titer IllwaIbeas.
As numerous tostimossials will *hew
!kens IVO inure retieble awe ler deaf.
rase than Regyanrs Yellow thl. It i.
Wee the boot remedy fue ear eels*, sere
throat, creep, rheensatiem, awl for pains
and lameness generally. Used &stormily
sad extersally. y
Mae Iribiraleinas
Mrs. Helen Pliervia, No. 331 Day's*
8t., Chiang°, IU., is Row in her sixty-
eighth year, and states that else has suf-
fered with Cneesimption for about ten
yeses, was treated by nine phystetanseill
of them pireatitmeing her mire hopeless..
tate had given up all hope of .ver recov-
e ring. Pleven bottles ef Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption completely
cured her. Doubting douse, please drop
bit a postal and satisfy yourselves. Can
at J. Wilson's drug storeand get • free
triad bottle. (1)
Seeing is believing. Read the testi
moniels ni the pamphlet on IN. Van
ineren's likivioey inns, then bay a bottle
and relieve yourself of all slum distress-
ing Ileitis. Veer Drugerat can tell you
all ahem it. Sold by J Wilson Gosierichil
The use of Pills, tialts.Vaator Oil, &c.
and ocher nauseous, griping Catharties
Uneedeellary, as a pleasant substitute
is tempi le Dr. Carson's Bitters. winds
act air a Cathartic without griping or
causing nausea. All druggists sell it.
b0 cents a bottle.
Prry inn melt Dy•-rarrir. --Poverty
with perfect health is rather tt. be chosen
than riches and dyspepsia. Try the
matte effect of a dollar bottle 4.4 Fot NTAI
Fer roaell esvallitiens et the Skin,
Shalutemine the heed, Pimples. Eruption
and skin diseases, use Prot. Ltw's Sul-
phur Soap.
All Serrates Debility cured by the use
of Ds. C. West's Nerve and Brain
Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere
Suld at Wilson's drug stere. 526)
An Ammer illsated.
Can any one Prune us a tame rd Kidney
or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters
will not speedily cure 1 We say they
icemen, as theciaands ceses already
permanently cured and wiz., are daily re-
ct. lllll tending Electric Bitters, will levee.
Bristht's Disease, Diabetes, Week Back,
er any urinary comidaint quickly cured.
They purify the bltod. regulate the how-
. els, and act directly ..n the diseased
.; parts. Every beetle euaranseed. For
gale at 50CA. 4asabontuede‘tle [11:
l'hysician's are often startled le re-
markable discoveries. The fact that Di.
King's New Discovery n.r Consumptieu
and all nine:end Lung diseases daily
curing pst:ents that they have given up
to die, is startling them tio realise their
sense of duty, and examine into the
merits of this wunderful discovery. re-
- suiting in hundreds of our best Phpsi-
cans using it 111 their ibractice. Trial
betties free at .1. Wilson s 1»u,, stem.
'teenier axe $1.00. .4)
National Pills act promptly upon the
fiver, regulate the bowels and as a pur-
gative are mild end thoreugh. in
There are lots cf people :reins anosad
grurahling. and half sick at the Stomach
all the time ; who might be well and
happy, if they euly used Dr. Careen.
Stoinseh Bitters eceasionally. It is a
apteadid 'blood purifier. All druggists
50 cents
laneklines Armies ealse.
The greatest medical wonder e. the
1Varranted t.. "tardily cure
Burns, Bruises,Cuts,l'Icers, Salt Itheutu,
Fever Sores, Caicers, Piles,
Corsi, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, gexassiteed to cute in
every itugance, yr money refunded. 25c.
per box. 1.'er sale by J. %Viliem. ly.
• laleoilaw "eau sisaitiatit.
Li these tunes when our newspapers
are deeded with patent medicine adver
moments, It is gratifying to know what
te procure that will certainly cure yell
If you are bilious, blood out of erder,
liver inactive, or :enenil delsilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
cure you a) quickly as Electric Bitters.
They are a blessing to all mankind, and
can Ise had for only fifty cents a bottle
of James Wilson. [2:j
40,000 ACRES
forming tartar. A swallow of vinegar ',Iowa trolvi beneath him, 'I shall e'llilie ' in lee, than n minzit'e: all pain is gon'el:. llinwon.
and water at night will .1., much t.. pre. ' dew,. presently,- mid Wrieht,decidedly, 1 ands heerue teeter' its merit. within ibc. bust
vent tartar.' I "only nut in thee* cornfields. - We rritsPelmilL,„i,th.tnaitiszi„....).=:,;:.--
'But the deoxy in my teeth is brown, seemed at that moment to be fleeting' neer. been permanently rtuvvl in one week.
not white,' yeu say . 'The spots an: ex• I, gently tewanla a fair estate. It lay, P, s' 2' cents at G. ithyniur I Drug Store. tas
sjuisitely sensitive. • with its n l i lll ature weeds and takes and A Rea- on.-- Of one dozen "Tcanes-
'Hydrochloric acid is the little milt. I lima of greenhouses, just beneath us. rt•• t' any one sending the beit four line
chief -maker this time. Have you seeeeet its Ir the maesion. we couild only see rhyme en • rtanxittrr." the remorkalde
large fillings extending to the gum and se 'the slate roof*. -I think this wi.1 dn. little gein for the Teeth and Cat.. Ask
situated that food lbdos in contact with will ni r There waa not a moment to your druirgest er addnaa.
them ? Perhaps you wear a plate with i spare. Beyond a wide. green field lay a
clasps around one or two teeth. This 1thiek forest ; beyond that, cornfields. Wm. Johnson, of Huron, Dak., writes
a manilas Misesiery.
favors galvanic actum, and thence re. i "Yes, 1.11 risk it, anyhow. Here got.* !'' that his wife lied been troubled with
and he pulled the vas -valve. . • • We acute Bronchitis for many years. and that
sults hydroehloric acid in its nascent ,
ouiradition. itut indepertlently of thee., chine down in the village of Hayes, ali remedies tried vete no permanent re- 1
sionsiaerations this acid often abournis Kent. lief, until he procured a bottle of Dr.
• in the meethe of persons who use salts i King's New Discevery fin. Ciinsumitt ion,
A Marisa Itadereemesit.
ig salted meats immederately. It has Coughs and Colas. which had • magical '
no iliroct :elation to ammoiti.s.• The Clergy. Ow Feculty, the effect, and preduced a permanent cure.
Press and the People all end wee Bur-
. 'The teeny of my teeth is net like It is guaranteed to cure all diseases of
either of the abeve varieties,' you say. ci"ek 11"."1 Bitten " the "t 'Silent Throw, Lungs or Itronehial Tubes. I
map . t along, blood purifying tenic known.
'It is black as ink.' Trial bottles free at .1. WilszinS dreg
'Sulphuric acid, then. The decay pro- Its work bears ..ut their best 0 meow - dere, (Am size p1,00.
anomie very slowly, and you suffer very 1121""I' . l3)
little at the hands of your dentist. and , Witten with pale, color:es. faces, who - . - - ___.
perhaps wonder why peeple make such a feel weak and disc 'unwed, will receive
fun *leen heving teeth filled. This acid ' both inertia and beddy vigor by using
COAis lees destructive than the other ow.. ' carter's iron Pills, whieti are made tor
named, still, if yon are greatly alarmed the blood. nerves Lid complexion Im it
at its inr lids, avoid the use of ezycs an.I , _ _
each food as abounds in sulphur. Your Tit UM ladhes.
I hew to 5.15 4., my customers and the cell-
•,,enee.. of Coat renerally !too I fon no. Ifte-
breath ill likely to betray the pregame, Meniennie de Parke'. I 'artinik rem. .111
of sulphurcted hydrogen, which does not core any rem of Pimple. on the fav or Rough 7.,"..i"L'44 i'...111,1.4.114___„Wisier ..IPP11 01 II AU
at all reeemble tartar of masa , %kiln se either hand. or Nee Med leaga Mom r.,,,L,,,...."“- ---. " 3 .,.... 'in" rini prepared to take
eyed In veletas the followtaig
, eat as silk It will alai heal any ohm wben ..,...,--„,„. "o - '''''''
',owl .c and Aeolic acids glee affect some 1 eil et! sr l.Yrri^attntel fell. ?haves& hare rwt_'-'- . __. and glove, $7.00
- taus. The former acid causes an eroion °.• A" vow 'I. -natio ter McGregor & v1108144.
af the surface of the tooth without de eiseee es take anything AIN. ell', MMI to b. aa i
I yeti. • I erbolt, venire mid .10 net he Imr EgA to. •$6.75
ip, a
finite lints of decay. The lasseie ferrnen- . e, •04. 111^ t'ril 01 ewitte Per bog at Li Rhynas SO „ .
tation ;of asettherine matter need in pre 1 ' In'w F"*". %I Thainklig yet for past Alvaro, 1 barevillb
paring tedium., explains its presence in Priselisse's Worm powders "yeti. in f'll•Plwit'fill sellell a edIllinuatee at Ivor w-
eb. mouths of eld inveterate*. The al cases They destney and removal 1-432CiEu
mood y frr it act4s. W.Irms is chddrea Welt% las Ass. Yri:
el '.111.1, and 1111 UM ND LANDS. for sale
nlong the hne of the 1'.11_4-N.W.ILit. in
Ma mid Herm (Mamie*. Mit if NJ AN. Pried,
from la' per ad -re acre upwards. Good water,
markets. soil climate. We. Free Guides Bowl
IL:elusion Hates to Mow the land... it rite
tor lista vied hill particulars to W.V.. JON E.S.
M Militate) st..P5 fur HU Alien. Gen.
Mont for Tennensee Lands. 11.3-.1ea
... ,1L, •
TaE cum; or
altiir0"CHSITI. COLDS.aadArgitelge
ICI I (4 I kidEl t
the advanced or
144 BR AYLEt
9.% • n.AiLbiligtuAliAa.11.616 It4i6S .1^
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich
A peal amortmeat ot 'Waken, Red room Dialog Itteent and Parlor irmulturesuck es
him Chairs their. dam and wood seatelt. Cupboard* Hed stead* Mattreascp. wssivetnut
Lottnitea. Sofas, Wasi-Nette. Leaking Ulament.
N. FL A complete taro. •inelit of Collins and Shrouds &Iwo), on hard Mao Meatball lab
at re•eouabla rate .
Picture remitting a speclalty.-A call solicited vz,vostete 1701', tan
4/P't; The Mbst Reliable Goods,
And the Lowest Prices,
15 case Call dr• 17-1zramirle
Crabb'. C.aner &lit street aind Square. ff
Giidericli, May rith, 1884.
Beg t. announce P. the Public titat :bey have opened betenesa In the above Stor•
in the more et-upied te Horace !Neaten. Having purchased a large mei
well assettestock of Sprite; mid Summer Goods at chew 3gures, we are determine
give the Public the henetie
-'lease call anti examine our geed, beferepurchautieg elsewhere. .
Affellemendier ehe place. next doer to J. %Vitae' s Drell blots.
AP -Custom work will receive our special attention._ _--
ma-None hut the best of ineterial lead and tirst-clase workmen eon! 'hied.
SO -Repairing neatly a..n....n the sherteet melee
Coderich, March 9 1882. DOWNING & WEDDUF
Web Neadaelm awl relieve CI the i'o-A°' Mei-
den t •o• CI lone mem of the or-1mm. melt as Ws.
Viacom, Kansa; Dar__.,.. Therms after eattec, '
Pant. the Side. et. WWI. the 1 most rtas.rat•
able moms' hu beaashown .i ..!. 4
ICi( '' I
nmeeeep,e • . arteyrLittle Liver r I. 4 •-- erre?
%absent., in Conetealw, enrag smi pre.ut me
thus annoy ;Ng complamt, wloie th. y a io tarreet
all dIvorders of Ilia etoalseh. atlemite.• tile. vv.e
mil bgalste the bowels. 11. is it truy ony clad14 I
AeNe they ou:d hrarnet pritelsa to thaer whit
• at this dsinmengeasepisnt; but forte.
iIc?tern, sad thaw
tieta mileitristes
that thee it in not S. telling
lint sited 1.1 • el:
h the beat of so many lives that Lee .• wbauturs
make oar gnat beast. Our pile cane iINAS
others dome.
Carterb Littl• Uwe irlis aro rte;
eery easy to tam Oce'r two p411 r. 'tar • Skew
They are eiriellY TeirelaCe mid do not gr pe ar
Mow, but bj Met gentle attain veil.. ea vette
ma them, is nee si n evuts : flee for Said
by dreards esery yaws, (waist by aatL
Mew Vert Cit.
b,oittlat. 11./..1. sag
suit ,:,:neximoinr.m.
Lirti.! )
Wei wad Tema
pinAldetaL:11 10113.,
Ilasselmenweeprittneeretlieet and
ettommy eventel as
IalsIsad 11) tCgt. tfur
an c se, • of meet
AU easseetimu
13 row.
Tickers •Is th
Throat 4,fti
Celebrated 1.Ine
West 5'1 or*. 4
the r S. rod
The Ontazioltatuaell'
l'•:t •
.,.„ .-....,.... ,,,.....
01111.1 as,.../.., .-- -.*-7“-• 1,17,tr Airi
PSC SV.1. odiall.
41611INION Dawson. rim 1 fp.
The only sorely Mnteal I.i 0 Co. In Canada. I nt.., ' ' '
Canadian Pain Al t,
Total number of Pallets* In for.. ner 31et„ 1 '
1013, 5.211. tesering amarsnee t r te amount t
Torolio, Oat.
nt flitkl72.71111.00
11TOT121.1 1111"Wgiarlitit.. 114411.11331)1114-80711". I Tirke Agent. Goderch ,
r, B. Jontertnis,
Theilartilfornpan% Rear. 1r;e41 asi.4the
-Actuaries Table of Mortality" and four per
mat. interest Ilse Mews! Stanlard adopted
by any Ilfte company Mt Canalsand ono half
per mint higher than the standard used by dye
Mosilninn insurance Illeparterient
The incr.-awns popularity and rapd growth
eif the CA'nnuany may bc seem from the faet
44.3 4* 1/1711the drat year of ita huirtmus. Me
MARI atmete ansolialeel Wendy T.21A. while Ism
=74,111( ris"Iribt th.H 1 haN11711.""Y 11.11atnaltiigrai ..e
51, I10110I5.51. General Awmt,
ri: milord. Ont.
Or An aetle. and reitias
fr.' finderich and Wee ibm,. Apply
tis W. ri Hounivra. teraiers1 Agent sitratford.
Wilosesyr to Lase et Lew Rats ot Interne.
Mar Ms& Pal
To R Mow Dawes pi -Cleanse t he
see* with Prof. Lows %woe Aelpttor
Bep. A deltshtfei medicated soap for
the Wish le.
Rend Mr rents for peetage,
sad receive frete• total, boa
t gond* which will help Yell
• more money rightfateer
Ulan anyt Maw else In this world. AIL of
ma, stwered from tirst hour Tim bread=
to Modem 09.00 twines. the workwes,aliamalw.
sure A t aim address. Team at CO.. Amur.
Rays Dryden
Rho knows her ma, mad whoa yea rent
anti a111,
Can draw you to her "fa a desk hair:.
Rut it meet he beautiful hat es bore
noel rwer • sad beautiful kir eau be
ensured tilos use of CUOIALIIIII Met.:
lemma add at NO ea. W
t him
a ha
few c
the a
tat a
• bean'
ist is
told E
the fii
so fel
50 1,1]
was It
It it
poem •
eyes t
SO lel
a km!
sad o
than ,
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