The Huron Signal, 1884-9-12, Page 5AQUATIC. Tae Cetaadtaa (1.tt.. a Peak somas Moatlowed by Ors tatNre. flea Franciwu. Sept. 8. --Thu A ustn- lias steamer brings particular. of the saes betimes Hamas and Beach, of flQrdaq, A g�� 10. Tb, race wits fur the sham p- sowetd w the Yarawatte linter, 'unship ani a stake of 11,140. The weeiber was mazuificent, but the water was slightly ruugh. A splendid s:art was efeet.d. A dead level was main- tained for the tiro quarter of a mile. Hanan then furled ahead. Wbeu a mile and . half had hasp outcry.' the Canadian was • !earth in advises. Brash responded, and rowed right down ou Hanks. The letter allowed his twat to cross, and a foul took place. Haslam put up his hand and claimed a foul. Beach, however, kept pulling away. Hanka followed, but Beach case to the post an easy winner by 3 or 0 lengths. Time, 20:04. The u.u; ire disallowed the foul claimed by Hanka. An im- mense crowd witnessed the race. Sixty- eight steamers were crowded with spec- tators and the shores also densely luted. Tremendous enthusiasm was manifested over Beach's victory. A cordial inter- view took plus after the raw between Hannan and Beach. Haman admitted that be was beaten. He was puzzled by the close t.ru1Iinity of the • tour Tomki, which bore down too close to his boat. The day fell.owing a large meeting was held et Sydney. Harlan then admitted he had purposely fouled Beach because he believed the :atter had wilfully cross- ed over into his water. Hanlan raid he was willing to row another match in three months. Beach refused to now in less than six mouths. The captain of the steamer Tokio who was present at the greeting, stated that he was compell- ed to close upon Haitian's bust to avoid running aground. It was generally Lat- hered that another thatch between and Beach would be arranged. betting already stood iw anticipation the event, 3 to 1 on Hanlan with 4 to wanted. Beach's splendid appearance was commented on. He is an English- man by birth, twenty-six years old, and six feet high. He went to Australia when a child. He is generally acknow- ledged to be the finest (enc an Australia ever Kuchleed. The rresrea. sr Preerbut... In Canada and the United States the questwrt of prohibition is bespeaking the living one ; it will Dot he ignored, or take a back seat. It will be to the front, and the men who have the handling of it, are not the men to cry quarters, or bask down. It is plain to all who can rad the future, that in the end the ad- vocates of the SadaAct will prevail either soca this Act or sone other niers stnn- sent. Both parties at present are alike determined, out fot years the temper- ance men have been gradually but cer- advancing. They have, moreover, *. till very respectable portion of the people is their side -she churches, and for the moat part the clergy, and a lame propor- tion of the most respectable wuaten. It is easy to see that should this prove an even- handed fight this year, it cannot be so long. The S.x,tt Act men have the ad- vantage in being disinterested, and ars certainly fighting on the'side of sufferings humanity, and an favor of morality aid an advanced civilisation. The wheels of progress do not run backwards, hence we predict that though the battle be nerds and uncertain in its wars before us t•. - day, the final issue will be, must be, in favor of prohibition at no very distant day, and it would be thus wise for all en- teseed in the trade So see what is coning and prepare for it.- Ally man who would incest largtay in the manufactaring in- terestsof eith.r beer or whiskey at the present time, would he blindly incurring risks which will involve hits :u greet loss. -(St. Thomas Times. Macer teuveyueee. birds are known to fly long carrying their young on their Small birds take passage across the Maditerraua.n Sea on the backs of bistst and stronger ones. They could not fly so far, Their strength would gip out and they would drop in the water. Along the northern shore .4 the esti, in autumn, these little birds assem- ble to wait the costing of cranes from the north, as psopie wait for the train at a retlroad station. With the first cold blast the cranes arrive, flock after lock. They utter a peculiar cry, u of warning or tailing. It answers the same purpose as the ringing of the hell when the train is about to start. The small birds understand it. They get excited. They hasten aboard, scrambhug for The first so mese gat the hest seats. I1 the passengers ars too many, sone will have to lit back to the hedges till the next tris. How they chatter good -byes --•hens who go and those who stay. No ticket haws they, but all the same they ars oonvyed safely Doubt - lege the great birds like this warm eover- iag for their backs. in this way the mall birds pay their, fan. And it is these last who must be out in the est if itatorse. The little passengers are of diluent species, like Americans, Irish, Omrtnnns and Chines traveling together in can or steamships. Their rummy takes them through the air, high above the wide sweep o 1 waters. They are clue companions on the way. Ry-and- bytch the beautiful south coun- try. athey build nests and sing sweetly, as they build here and sing for as Is our happy summer tome. MED. in (Wheys,. e. Sato September Itb. 1551 Frank Manserwb. 10 years. At Sammeterbep.rate.. Sept Mb. latent ammeterof David redstart, aged 11 tenth% 7 weeks. la Celbeet e, nth last., Neer preen. SPA 55 fears. _-_._-- aMrinib-IO;; taM Gonane t. Sept 11. Whist (Fail t • bomb.......... OD 7e yeas, ISMag 1 • bush. ...... • M $ . M N , tsareel.... ............ t 1i t M rl5y • DaN. suss :3'1 Batter, • IL. 0 N t Ls. r. da NgOaiu�..N .... . it A II . • • • hot.. • ! 1 o i OIL.....•.,•_•_•_._ • 5 1•rpt••«..4.,•.•e•.-.•. " 1 •-•.••..........••...•• " 4 •••NN••N_N••N•• •• 1 IAPPLT BARRELS. 1 a.red to salt ray quantity el First ('haus Apple brrrck, at the LOWEST FIGURE poa.tb:e, and ea deliver to any part I^'ompteese a.d q.aUM7 gtiaraalee4. Apply to PAT. FA RR, lMa esUonal Volt Works Cosp•r, Shull. Ates 7, Iafit. 1156.11. FACTS ! ! FACTS!! FACTS!! AND DON'T FORGET IT That we have never been, and never intend to be undersold by any legitimate house in the Trade, either in Suars,Teils, Coffees General Groceries, Crockery tt Glassware at Rock Bottom Prises, IA Doz. FRIIT JARS JUST bRRZVED_ Come and See Us C. A. NAIRN, (hurt Hoare t+.iva:'e. Gadertck. Ane ab. 1444. GO TO KNIGHT'S FOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHA M POO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAItT OF P.0 1111417 _ wanted for The Liven of al the Presidents of the U.S. It i. the Largest. Handsomest rah HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, SEPT 12, 18b4. GREAT REDUCTOIN IN COFFEES. 4f.vt p.nibs ted tae loam Itwprsr.4 Cs s iaa.ater, 1 am caakbd to oar "-mak, Ptah O s d at tae !edea iai pflc �'a' -e., 30c.. per 1b. Rio, 18c_ pox lb_ 25c_ per ih_ BUC+AR (�UO'rATIONS. STANDAR!) GRANULATED til'GAR, 12 lit. for 11.00. COFFEE HU(lAlt, 14 lbs for 1.00. BRIGHT YELLOW, 13 Ito, for 1,00. -Uao a Vrgr stuck e( Bac.. sad Lard and every other commodity 1e be fuuad la a gra-class grocery Morr- West Side Court Howe linear-. Goderorh. COLBORNE BROS. are to have the largest and meat varied acne General Dr7 (foods Cur the corning fall that they hove ever shoe u. They have secured some bargains In DitE1IS COORS, TWEEDS Al)R SHIHTINGS, that are worth enquiring tor. !nark and Colored Vet ..rcr,re• are to he largelyworn this fall. and they have .pared no palm to make their stuck complete In three liars, and at prices that cannot be bear en. If you want the beet value the sweet .f- hee& terma cash. and no ,cooed peke. go to ('OLBORNE BROTHERS. oederich, Aug. 11 affil. JUST ARRIVED. ABOUT THREF, THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF NEW FALL GOODS, AND AT PTIICF.S THAT WILL SURPRISE VEVEY- OXE. CALL AND SEE THEM. COLBORNE BROS. NEW FALL DRESS GOODS A LARGE A9SORTMCNT. AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S I1tEDALION DRESS TRIMMINGS, NEW CORSETS, NEW EVENING WOOL SHAWLS, 4 Arworted Ca1ors . 4 -BUTTON KID GLOVES, AT 11.00. New Fall Tweeds and Coatings J. O. DETLOR .Se 00_ 1 • best and hook ever sold for - _ leas than twice oar price. The fairest selling book in America. immense profit. to ageniet All intelligent people want it..tnyone can be. roma a enevresiNI agent. Terms free. Address HAuar,- BOOK Co. Portland, Maine. 111 3- R=3=vc= Steerage a0d intermediate R..43.TFS_ Steerage, $21.40. -To-- Liverpool, Londonderry,Glasgow London, Queenstown, Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAILOI STICAMSHIPF LIVERPOOL -LONDON DERRY-OL►W1001 Tag SOoargRr SCA Rocas m AND now EN(1LA.xn. SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY UNSURPASSED. EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. Cabin Rate from Quebec to Liverpool, S60 From Quebec to Liverpool and Return, 1110. Sailings from Quebec. PAKIS1AN POLYNESIAN PERU V IAN SARMATIAN SARDINIAN 71rd Sept. Rh 17th •• 74th " 27th PARISIAN i ass Oet. CIRCA/384 .. 111 h PLRYEESSII VIAN filth .. SARlIA AA•.•• .............. . 10 MS Nov. SpAA�► War CIRCASPiAN �e ,. P.aenfr:ere minim le lave Caderle8 w Thnrndays, at 12 o'clock. making direct ma- ne tion with Msawwa at Quebec. ifen see seadMg for your Meade. you ma obtain Prepaid Purer Tickets at lowest rates at this Oalee. ay.iaWe trout ht.alaad 'reloadPeotland, Proem « m. ertaany. Swrdra aa 1 Norway. ger lickete and all Information. apply to H.•RMITRONO Ticket gbh. ftederira. May IMh. iow. JAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT /to. OWoe. (7sWu Meek. gi a.eesa et, Wes Ask. Pl..e aid aposilltmOrmiedrswa correct b1yy (yrp.nt.r.s• 'mead macaw's wart Msaswr.1 and ea Get your Printing at this Office. llisoa's Pr¢acnpllou DM Stored Fountain of Health. Sulphur 8 Iron Bitters, Fluid Lightning. Burdock Bitters. Electric Bitters. London Purple PURE PARIS GREEN AND-- HBI4BB0I • JAS. WILSON. EYE, EAR AND THROAT. 1)R. RYERSO) N, L. R.CP.P.a.. Lecturer Medical Eye. Far and Throat. Trinity College, Toronto, and Surgeon to the Mercer Rye anFar inermaar7. ()enlist atad Auriet to the Hospital for sick children. late Clfalral Astdstant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Moarflelda. and CentraLeaden Threat and Ear Hospital, 011 Curate brag r, k. 11a1. 11at- C. CRABB -oaa The Oldest Established and Cheapest Store in the County of Huron. PRESENT PRICES: 0-R0CER211613_ Gunnlated Sugar, 17 Dm for $i.•e: by the 114. tie. Other .agars In proportion. Snpare rash on delivery. TEAS AS CHEAP AS SUGARS. Rlack Tee at tc., ems' to say Stk-. Tea In 0e- t.rno: riser works .t Ser. sod The. «even Teas- Tonne Wyss. tram We. to 11e. Owe - powder Teo, 11r.: the Soma impowted. lye. Ib. A very line Japan Sifting at tor_ Its. DMZ' QOODB- Prints to close at prime to aetnng•h. Pattern (Koen, 'wit wide, M piece .t er.. narrower at lie- A Sae lot .(Ores Grain trees Silks at 73e, worth 51 IS H�RDW�RE_ A wellueleeted stork of Scythes, S.atrhs. Ray Pnrke, spade. and Bae•eis. as hew the beet soaker.. Sr+�Zrif .AND OILS. Ws keep Rene het the hest, and gen tame at MOO prise as eamweseast. foe egad sielda . and 'rammed Oce of OI4o sad htaetneees' Ruth soots . ARY. 0_ C7R.A33H6 QrsslsL Pam fib. 1219, 1911499 WESTERN FAIR_ 1S84. Canada's Great Exhibition A50 INDUSTRIAL INTERMUSE. LONDON, CANADA, September 22, 23, 84, 25, N. $17,000OO 111 PRLZES f1.000.10 IN EICESS Of IMO *LOAN 1N SPECIALS IT FRIENDS OF THE WESTERN FAIR. Open to the World. The Western Fair for MI will far .nrpaep all It. predreeesor,. The prime are lei -meanie the new features sad novelties to be Moe - dared will crake it the most attractlre ezhlb4 too. ever held in Canada. Walt for 1t. Write to the everetary for Prize Lista. feat• era, Programmes or any information required. E. R. ROBINSO Presidecat GEO. McHROO. Lary T"3FIE t31.21t.BAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR _sNn- Semi-Centennial Exposition 1884. Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy, Agricultural and Horticultnral Products, Implements and Man- ufactures of all kinds. TORONTO, September 10th to 20th Tae Lasfsai Prase 11dr s. tele B4e/a1w. Prize i.ista and Entry Forms can he cleals- ed from theSecretagies of all Aterlrnitnral So- etrtbne . a' 3tetails res' Institutes, or they will bo seat U ywhere on appnratlon M poet -card to Secretary. at Toronto. ERRE!' t'tME atareT tiro. Tata WILD K Twg GRANDEST EVENT Of Toresui s Serwt('ewtenaial rear An Immense Programme! • car SPBCUL ATTRACTIONS 0 betas gprepared,titieV INK time. war Irby beet Mee visa else of cheep Reeve waw r J. 1.Rt,1)W • � r. 5'-'. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. GEORGE ACHESON, The Premier Dry Goody Mrrdmant of Goderich, is now SLAUGHTERING GOODS. Come at Once and Share the Bargains. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Allowed for Cash on all purehasx' over $1.00. Goderich. July 3-d. 15.4. R. W. McKENZIE IS NOTIGOING OUT OF BUSINESS but has been so long in it and formed such good trade connectional/hat he I. able and *111 GIVE BETTER BARGAINS IN F , C f. 'k. GENERAL HARDWARE ! Than others protesting to sell at coot. He :s hound that Lis house in the future, as in the past, aha'.: be noted as the CHEAP HARDWARE. EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cent. Off Cash Sales! R. W. MCKENZIE'S Goderich Foundry. The undersinned, having purchased the Goderich Shops, sad "'rise put the same In good repair. will take contracts fur Flouring- Mills, Steam Engines, Boilers, All Binds of nCastirngs Made to Order. Flouring Mills Changed to the Gradual RoductioR or Rollri System. Will keep Agricultural Implements on hand. and do alt itPl'AIR`t on short notice. .1. R. RUNCIMAN. R. W. RUNCIMAN. Goderich. April U. 1551. 1510-Iy The Chicago House, Spring Millinery_ Szt.x mer Millinery_ One of the Most Conzf lett' Stocks in Goderich. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. Miss Willrinson's, - -AL.-- Chicago House. Goderich. April 4(155. ggra AT THF MEDICAL HALL. Rani v L1:mETtrs n► SWEEDISH TURNIP SEEDS. Pare Paris Green and London Purple for Potato Bugs, Pure HellQbore for Iimpleote on Currant. Gooseberry and Rose Bushes_ BEST INSECT POWDERS FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF ALL KINDS OF VERMIN. INSECT POWDER GUNS. FLY -PAPER. ETC.. ETC F. JORDBN, Chemist sad Druggist, awUourt ttuuss Sours. Goderich. 194; - THE PEOPLE'S STORE. For Cash i will sell all kinds of Oust et Lowest Priers. See Those 10,1217, & 20c. Dress Goods. NOTICE THOSE OINOHAMS---11, lid and 13c. EXAMINE THOSE PRINTS 5c., 8c., 9c., lOc., 12+c. Nn trnnhl. to show floods. Tlon'l purchase if antra are nut facts. haw Ifs.. 1551 MOW a L W_ H_ RZ:S�LEY',tsritri The Pv^poe's Stec.,(i•dsriei