The Huron Signal, 1884-9-12, Page 41 4 terseemerseesestemeee HURON SIGNA. every , Friday Mermiti b c ��qg DoT je thereO Office, North $ *Vibe OODERICH. ONTARIO aeattfe ~ el ed to all parts et the surround y ibis 'Driest malls and telae a.assal admisoloa n W s larger clrouler ILD W other sewsla Ibis part of eeadFT, d is was fir tbo racket, newsiest taM reliable journals Ias does, thfsoing resent ilo n addtUea to the shone, a erN.daa and fireside Wpe r It is tberdae a desirable s/.rr/ia(ap medians. $1 SO i■ advance postage prwpat4 WOuWlabers;+l.,3, 11 pald before eta swaths If nut w paid. This rid will be trtctly rued. tarp iv Atxatsrtattre.–Etgtt cysts pe for drat insomnia; three cents Feer �Ilne for sobsequoatinse,i n. Ye•Ay,halt-yearl7 unrterly contracts at endured rales. wftexw f{'..—erehavealsoatlesttims lid tM sd'oat otos asks :i ret std esterr .k." w torado( out work is Oaterteh. are prepared d qo basiaess a Oast Lae at prima that c••naot Lsaten. a'4 of • a that mot be -- Tense �FIkIDAY, SEPT. itis, 1884. THE SCOTT .4(T PETITION. D. D. Wilson, President .•f the Scott kt Aet Alliance of Huron, was in town ye.- terday to, take the petition from the F9ti heads of the sheriff. The ten days eE- • pired at 11 o'clock on Thursday. It met!wag was Mr. Witan p'Aa's intention to go to Ot- 'taws with the document on Saturday. Wile others are hopeful of the Act being submitted in this county in time for it to come lute operation by the 1st of May, if carried, Mr. \Nilson is of opinion that the rote will not be permit- ted et a date early enough to admit of that resuh. The temperance pe.ople are confident oma big victory in this county. So far no opposition has been offered to the petition from • legal standpoint. LEGISLATION es. APPEAL The Tory papers are now eleibaing Ihet, Sir John A. Maodueald pseaca.d w submit the Arbrtrstioa case to die Privy Commit in 1881 Sir John deserves no credit for t bat proposition. He could base settled the matter oy doing what the Privy Council intimated was the correct thiu1; to do--ackuuwledge the arbitration. That was all that was m- ammary. Because the Dominion premier perversely recused to acquiesce. the case was fenced upon the Privy Coun- cil. Here is the judgmeut of the Coun- cil : "Tbat legislation by the ibsiat.s of Casa - ds as well se by the Province ut tfotarn was necessary to give binding Aloe as against the Dominion and the Pro.. ince to the sward of the Jr.t of August. ISt& arm fAaf oe aro a..rk fry.stutioa Ina taken platy, the award is ant bind Ong." Mac w:mid's duty is here clearly indi- cated. He should have ratified the award by legislation. Mowat had always coo - tended that all that was necessary ram the same legislation by the Cummins that the Province of Ontario has so free- ly passed. Mowat's proposal waa slight- ed, and an expensive reference had to be made to the Pnvy Council. Macdonald on one side ; Mowat' and the Privy Council on the other. And yet the Tory organs talk of Sit John's prescience ! How are the mighty fallen ' IN a lit of candor the Vail recasts its silly twaddle anent Hardy, Tardy, Lar- + dy, the Slugger and the Bull Pup. It says 'The smart to nick -names is a silly mann de 1 ?tee. The application of e nick -name is calculated rather to cunvice the r sura whoa lies than of !be or neon of the person at- tacked." ort ill aid-- reader of the vulgarity of th hu pp F t t. ter .ef. it/ A ad o t: It1 of ht good, that Mr. Stephens and Carling cis gave • good impreulen of the businees of \Vingham, and that everything so far Pei looked favorable. The Wingham peo- ple enter cordially into the prq.used ex- tension to Goderich. A letter from the Secretary of the C. P. R., received here on Monday, stated that the matter of the extension to Ooderick would be brought before the beard of directors at their next meeting. THE RAIL WA 1' Bt ted. The work of pushing the railway agi- tation crutinues. The Wingham p1eo- pie now feel quite assured of the early I completion of the C. P. R. to that town. At • recent meeting of the town council et the junctiuc town, Mayor Meyer Mated that he had an interview with Mr. A. White of the C. P. R., in Torcnto, that Mr. White stated that it was still the intention o.f the Company to carry out the proposed project of extending the T. G. A B. R., into Wingham ; that Nt. t)aler was In England for the pur- pose of raising money ; that IMr. Van Borne was absent, and en the return of these geuticman final arrangements will be made for carrying out the prop•sed scheme. He mid that the prospect was dim i 1 t et get i ttli Limer e 7114 telegraph • m was largely at- filaded os Tuesday evening M persona , etshlene to heat the result of the vete in - IsNua Everybody mm not delighted. '' 1 fee one lost temper over *e Malt. A THE I'(1TE IN H.4LTON. Under the above headitag, the Toronto Wcrld,which heretofore suinted violent- ly toward the liquor party, rosea to the following conclusions :- We take the vote of yesterday in Halton to mean : That the majority of people in that county are in favor of the continuation of the Scott Act. That adjoining and other counties, not only in Ontario but throughout the d• - minion,will now adopt the act, and there- by increase the chances of pro: ins the experiment • success. That the liquor interest put their best and strongest forces f..rrard In a compact territory and were defeated. That the people are in favor o'1 still farther regulation of the liquor business -of regulating it out of existence when- ever that is possible. The World very sensibly faces the itsevitable, and shows, as we always thought, that the editor when writing on the spur of the moment, and under I ems t feeling, was sound in his philo.- let ms add our own cpioion of the result We consider the Halton vote no the question of the repeal e.1 the Seat Act to he ma irretrievable defeat of 4he liquor party. That party selected the ground, and invited the combat. They had all the advantage of • "mon- ster" petition --a monster it has proven to be -and they became the aggressive party in the conflict, foram their op- ponents to the tight. Even under such circumstances, a victory might have ailed forth a (pertain amount of admira- tion for tact and dash. But being de- feated, they must hear all the odium that falls to the lot of beaten braggarts, for frees a hundred platforms they boast- ed of the crashing detest in store for the Act in Halton. Had this ill-advised contest not come off in Hahne. that e,osty would hate still furnished powder and shot nd lih.hion fur future campaigns. The arguments on cleverly handled by the elegnent orators on the anti -Scott side would still lure been of woe. s. -w, no intelligent man will tare to listen to the most polished harangue on the failure of I9estt Act u. Halton. The liquor party is torlay in the psi - tion of those who hare blown up their aagasine when standiug meet in need of eipwder and shot. THE NORTHER!! HBO. ♦ 8wocsuslul Celebration at Brussels. Ilan i Thea Rallaseyae, Mit ehiitMia ; r. S. Seat, sexy -treaty, Jame. D,en, usIsee'y., who together with C. Pe, Vaoatw►a, Dwtpld titaaclaa, D. A. Sale, It Black, A. O..od, J. Yet S and H. Williams comprise the easeatlN ex•mmlttee. The result of the .port. on the green can be easily seen by • gleam at I trtF Atlte.d.eee The t'e.mtrraweaa - it Tres Mai LIaT. Fagg Condors eF ID l'. Mini Ttbe epee Standing toes 'erne ---W F Smolt, 11 1 Air t'eaerel aN rtmasawr toms$. ft 11 in.; Yad D M 8utlivan, 10 tt b in.; 1 3rd A Scott. Standing hop, step and jump -A Lueknow village held ■p her Aad of Scott, 3'I ft 3 in.; 2o4 1) M Sellieaa, 31 the gunk in great shape ou Wedueeday ft 104 in.; 3rd W F Scott, 31 ft 91 tn. last, when the tenth annual athletic cele - Standing hig6mp-W F Scott. b ft bream made the auspices of the Cele - 1 in.; Ind E \ Johnston ; 'Ord A de.tl. dunian society was held- r'.is year the Running highlarger jump -A Scutt, 1 ft 8 attendance was laer than ever before, in.: Sad E W Johnston ; 3rd A C Reid. and the number of competitors wean) also Running lose jump -A C Reid, 21 ft each increased. Auouga. 7 in.; 2nd J (i Gibb, 21 ft 3l in.; 3M A rag viarrott:. 1)oupe, 20 ft 8 in. Pr•saat were ; Hua 1.„11L 14,m, traaur Vaulting -A Scott, 10 ft. ; tad W F r of Outariu; M. C. Cawerewn, M.P. f•.r Sc , 9 Running 11 poi Sid D M Sullivan Wet Heron ; H. P. O'Connor, M. PP. 4 ; hops and jamp-G Gibb, Gr eusih Breve ; De. MOCriunnun, tit. 43 ft 9 in. ; Ind W F Scott, 42 ft 8 in. ; T�� , W. G. Reid, e6uf Hawilton • ram Day - A items Lasnssi( - sena tampesnfoa A I meas t'.seeet Im eta Iltve.Ses. Tae Goderich railway boom has reach- ed Toronto. That live daily newspaper the iVorld, on Wednesday made the fol- lowing mention of the proposed exten- sion : - "A Ply sheet hes ret been sen out by • citi- zens committer of 1;oderich. showing the de- sirability of an extension of the Toronto. lirey and Bruce railway to Bacterial. a distance of thirty miles. This would give Torontu com- petition to • sum on Lake ifuron. A railway &me�mber 9th will be a day gong re- membered in the duunshinat \'silage uI Brussel& Fur the Past hve year" the Caleduoian Society of this thriving burg had carried ou a series of annual *onset, but this year • special effort was put forward by the society,aided amid mated by • number of welt -known uataiders, and the result has been the Ont{{ualifred memos of the earns" oo Tueedsy last d D M Salllru, 42 ft to 6 By the night trams ua Monday a large 3rThrvwi taro 42l t 6 In. 6mith,tiB number of athletes and others interested ^11 in the games attired, and were received ft 4 is ; 2nd Ew Johnston, 81 116 in.; 3rd J D StioColt, 80ft 8 in. Putting heavy shot D McColl 34 ft 4+j in.: Ind L Sinclair, 84 h t in. Putting light shot -J D McColl, 45 ft.; Ind G Petrie, 44 ft 1 in.; 3rd A fully borne out. By the six • m. train Scott, 43 ft. the Kincardine tire company and a host T«a bs --D Smith, 38 ft 4 in. ; of visitors from the north arrived, and 2nd J D ]1acl:ull, 38 It 3; in ; Ssd W from all the points of the compass, the Ju toll. 37 k il in- visitorn continued to pour in by vehicle Throwing 16 -Ib. weight high -E W during the day. Amongst J ohnst.n, 11 ft.; J D McColl ; G Perris Tag VlIaTORS Throwing light hatnmer D Smith.104 ft 10 in.; 2nd J D McColl, 100 ft 10 in.; we noticed, John Leckie, of Toronto, en ' 3rd E \V Jehnstun, 99 ft 10 in. old-time reeve of Brussels : John Diem- t<muolt0-F Palumbo(' ; end R Percy ; gold, W. Roberts, A. McPherson, Loa- - Sid F Hughes. den ; J. D. Stewart. Hamilton : A. Mc- Best dressed Highlander -1st Jas lntyre and family, Lucknow ; I:. D(be- M.a.n, London ; 2nd tf J Paterson, 44, Galt ; Robt Baird. E. Robertson, I Hamilton ; 3ri1 Geo Angus. London. TI! LHCEOV 11118. The Largest Gathering Yet Held. at the statute by the Bruwla Caledon- ians, headed by pipers. Tuesday morn- ing opened with every indication of tsir and warm weather, and throughout the day the prognostics of the morning were Kincardine ; J. Cunniugham, Clinton ; ' lint daooe-Buys-1st j A Kama), ; m T. Manuel, A. Roe, Wingba; P. Ho- 12nd R Burns ; 3rd J Trainee*. gen, J. McMichael, W. Grieve, T. Taps- Best dressed boy under lb -R Mc - ler, T. Hays, J. Carroll. Seaforth ; Gen Pherson ; 2nd J Trainee ; 3rd J Rat - Hamilton, Newry ; H. Gelman, Blyth : trey. R. Miller, T. Miller, Wroxeter ; Thos. Boys under 10 years -1st R Burns ; Wilson, .,p C ereotL A. Mcntosh, J. Smith. Gonia : W. J. Bet piper -March, A McDonald ; Acs•, else Itattray, Robe. Barns, L,n- don Harry McIntyre, Ale: McIntyre, Caledonian society ; Mayor Kline, Walk- ert u ; M. Hutchison, F. Jordan, W. Lae, D. McDonald, R. S. Williams, (,apt. Raney, Goderich ; J. Alexander, ebief }Inmate Celeduoian society ; F. S. Scott, T. Fletcher, Brussels ; Mayor Meyer, Wingbam ; E. Doherty, Gilt, and others. MatNq ; Plod H Ns*�Mess ; 3rd RebS Berne Smotch tet, bot. mJ Rich pries for gide-Mies 8lpalairi Ia4 ,(erli1. )tend. taloa ; 3rd Della Malatya Bet dressed Highlander -A McPher- son ;Ind Gee Argue ; 3rd T Camerua Beet dressed boy between 10 mud 18 years—R McPherson ; 2nd 0 SineM ; 3rd H McIntyre. Best deemed bee ender 10 years—A Mclutyre ; Ind H L Smith ; 3M 1L Bunn. Tin Filial Wass tepeemsnted by W. Manning, Lon don Thee Pre ; D. McGillicuddy, Tut Hemet, Goderich ; Jas. Bryan. Lack- ner Beatiiwl ; J. T. Mitchell, Wingham Prefer • H. W. Ball, Goderich .'t.er and W. Campbell, Toronto Moil- The following appeared on the grounds Ili IIluHLa3D(V5TBME: Thos. Cameron, Ake Lawson, Chicago ; Alex. McPbsreou, D. E. Cameron, Thus. McDonald, Jae Anderson, Lucknow Jas. Moon. Geo. Angus, Linden ; G. A. Mathesow,M. J. Pathogen. G. A. Smith, A. Macdonald, Hamilton ; Wei. Mitchell, John Macdouaid, London : D. A Mc- Intyre, D. Campbell, M. Campbell, Lucknow. Fordwich; rhos. McLaughlin n d It M Ph Boys -John Trainem, Robt. McPhee- don Shannon. McKillop ; W. Douglas, Turn- 2nd J Moon ; 3rd G A Smith. J' Lticknow ; Calvin Sinclair, Hamilton berry,and others. The Best dancer -Highland ding. G A Nrnatta at or ArHLETElt Matheson ; Ind J Moon ; 3rd J Faber- THIS t'O PaTtrloR pre.eat was particularly large, and Ingham. Strathspey -A Macdonald ; in the different games was keen, and the t them we observed : A. Scott, 2ndalio in J Moon ; 3ri ti A Smith. Pibroch- interest in the proceedings never t%a gtld. A Macdonald ; G A Smith ; J M000a The ground proved a little apngy' and soh for yaultinz, towing caber, and other contests of a like nature. and especially in the vaulting, militated such agates' the record. In other respects most of the proceedings of the day were of a highly enjoyablenature,and the 10,000 or 11.000 people present seemed to enter heartily into the enjoyment of the games. Then was one feature which we would enter protest agetn.t, and that u the tolerating by the society of the ' Carpaign in the interest of the extension has' W • F. Scott. Bewails , Geo. already been opened in the districts it la pro- Dundas , •'Gillis Callum"- J Moon: b A Mat he - i posed to benefit.- I Gibb, Blenheim ; E, W, Johnaten, Bar. I rie ; A. Doone, St. Marys ; J. D. Me- stn ; G Anderson. "Reel 1)' Tulloch"- Tat claim .•f the Reform prem, that a Coll, Ailsa Craig ; G. Perris, Brussels ; 3 A Matheson ; J Fotheringham ; J D. M. Sullivan, Dundas ; A. C. Reid, Moon. "Sailors Hornpipe" -J Ander- steady Liberal Independent re -action has set in finds Parkhill ; A. Robinson. Parkhill ; D. von : J Fotberingbam ; 0 A Matheson. an echo in the Independent puss The Smith chief of ice' Woodstock ; A. One mile race -R Caldwell, Galt ; 2nd u eta. party opinion, mats :- It is quite clear L Sinclair, Gaa, and a number of other Boys so moa 100 yards -Lewis Jackson ; 2nd John McLeod Four hundred yards race --let J Camp- Bobcayge on Independent, which has no Woods, (salt ; W. Y.Saunders, Gait . A Woods - 3rd W F Sand that a steady change of opinion is going lesser celebrities. on in Ontario and that such change is bell • 21e1 J McKay. THE HoflE REEL COMPETITION not favorable to Sir John. The people Half-mile-race-lst, A Robinson ; Ind are beginning to feel that they are over- \V Y Saunders ; 3rd C Campbell taxed, and with that feelsg come. at Boys race under 10yearss--ld AChap- thaScottn ; 2nd K Scott : 3rd Chas. Jackson. was the first event of the day, and sues held on Turnberry street shortly before noon. Com Kincardine, Companies from the mune moment the knowledge that the taxation is for the interests of the most sinister character. Jrnoa Tow's decision ..n the validity o' the Croaks Act is a bold one for a county judge to make. It is rendered in a very able manner, and will rank among une of the important judgments given on the iicense question. Taking it for granted that the Dominion Government has the power to legislate on the question of license, the:judge bolds that as s superior legislative body its laws over- ride that of • Provincial legislature on the same question. and that the Crooks Act is therefore ultra rirca. The case will be carried to the higher courts. THE Canadian 1..ptut strong ground against the salvation army. a Jur contemporary objects to the senseless beating of drums, the thumping of tam- bourines. and the braying of discordant bass, which play so important • part in the devotions of the soldiers. The Ay, claims the right to protest against this method of turning sacred things in- to ridicule, because christianity is never studiously offensive. while nitration army tactics are so. The secular press has dealt very generously with the army out of respect ut what may their mistaken motives, but both religious and the "mu - tat prem must be pardoned for failing to see anything high or holy in • caruival of awls.. A sabdeed sorrow bemuses a m pentant sinner than a big drum. take Tees chief writer ea the Mail has earn- ed the reputation of being the most im- pertinent puppy on the Canadian Prem. He insulted the Canadian Carm- en who attended the Reform convention two- years ago by saying they were in Tomato ''looking for cheap whisky and Seaforth and Clinton entered in this contest, and ereat anxiety was manifest- ed as to the result. Whet., however,the trials of speed were had, it was discover- ed that Kincardine was an easy winner, the respective times being : Kincardine 1 min 111 sec ; Clinton 1 min 244 nee ; Seaforth 1 min 28 1 5 tic. During the progress of the competition the streets were crowded with spectators, and every possible point of vantage was secured by anxious spectators. Shortly after one o'clock p.m. Te& TACK Lai10R was formed and proceeded to the town park, upon which the frames were held. The grounds are a level stretch of about five acres, which have been fenced off for purposes of recreation. and fully come up to the required standard of excellence for that purpose. The order of proses- I cion was as follows : J. D. Stewart, manager. The Pipers. Clansmen in Costume. Inds and lassies in costume. wq Two hundred yards raoe,for firemen-. 1st J McInnis ; 2nd J McKay ; 3rd Dietrich. One hundred yards race --1st A Robin- pn ; '2nd W Y Saunders ; 3rd A C Reid. Sack rsee--palet J C Smith : Ind R Caldwell ; 3rd W T Saunders. Hurdle race -tat A Scott ; Ind A C Reid : 3rd, A Robinson. Archery, Open to all -lit Rachel Alex- ander ; 2nd Mrs. J Alexander. Archery. local competition -1st Mime Hunter ; 2nd Rachel Alexander. Tug-of•war-Clinton, two in three. Judges -Dancing, etc. -J Leckie, To- ronto ; D Stewart, Brssst& ; J Hallam t e. Brussels. Racing and tug-of-war- ., Stewart. J Dromgole and J Doher- ty. Archery -D McGillicuddy, G Gibb and J Kerr. THE ('O`(Zer in the evening, in the town hall, was one of the finest ever held in Brume's, and reflected credit upon the committee The guests. of management for having gone to the Chief Alexander. 1 labor and expense of providing so excel- TOE Tru Or a'Aa Members of Brussels Caledonian Society. lent a muaial treat. Capital songs were between picked teamun s from the enmities The following were given by :Messrs. Dromgole, Hargreaves • Hann and Bruce Hon. A. 314 Room THE H1OHLANeraa' n. eo,.Tr-ME • and Hamilton and by Mrs Revell of Gen. A. Matheson, lotus Macdonald, G. A. Smith and M. J. Paterson, Ham- ilton ; John Fotheringham, Toronto ; Oma Angus and Jas. Moon, London ; Jas. Anderson, Lucknow ; and T. B•I- lantJne, Brussels. Boys and girls- Robt. McPherson, John Rattray, Robt Burns end J. Trsinem, London ; Ales. McIntyre, Harry McIntyre, Islay Mc- Intyre and babel McIntyre, Lucknow. IuowDTIiM or D. C. ane, who behaved in • mort disgraceful man- ner, during the sword combat He was having • bout with Prof. McGregor, the Toronto fencing master, and was getting tee worst of the count on point. et the hands of his more skilful antog%nisi In this strait he allowed has passion to get the m•etery ..f him, and deliberately knocked his opponent off the platform twice by sheer brute force. The specta- tors allied "Shame !" and the judges re- monstrated with him, but this appeared to have no effect upon him farther than to incite him to pour out the rials of his wrath, in the mast depraved language, upon all and sundry who took exception to his ouwardly manner of doing busi- ness. He was finally ruled out by the judges. and if the ruling out was inset for all time in the instance of D. C. Rom, the Locknow Society would he the gainer. Ross is a powerful athlete, but he is a foul-mouthed fellow, and of a 1•,w moral stripe. If he cannot compete in a decent manner, he should not be allow- ed to take part in any gams where lad- ies and gentlemen are amengat the spec- tators. Perhaps the most exciting event of the day was Toronto, Mim captained the Huron team which was MARgi• Barr, of Hamilton, • Miss Ella CCie, of London, and Mie cauterised of : J. J. Dalton, John Msth• Maude Wynn, of Godench. "The Highlandman's Toast," and "Mary of Argyle." by Mr. Dromgole were particu- larly well rendered, and "Caller Herrin," by Miss Cole, and "The land of the Leal," by Miss Maggie Barr were effect- ively given. In fact,the singing through- out was a rare treat. A couple of instru- mental pieces were ale. well played by THE ATT*POA tart OF aPziTATOaa Mus Lizzie Jackson, and MW Grace was large, and during the day not nem Ronald and Miss Jackson were the ac• then between 3,000 and 4,000 Persona c,mp nista during the evening. The viewed the game. The competit.on in si^ ^g wasinterspersed with dancing the ring game. ram particularly keep, and piping W rhe general eatufactinn of and we ve rarely attended • gathering those Present. Piper Smith, of Hamil- ton,where a larger list, or a better class of furnished the music, Geo. A. Math - athletes took pert in the contest. The oumpetition was of the "botteat" kind everywhere, and a go u4.n$tared and hon- est rivalry could be easily observed inimitable in his Irish t The au- gaise.througa.i The manager of the dience was ata and appreciative one, games had put forth �• PP mPai LAL Irr0RT4 ; anti meted out generous applause at this year to make the games attractive I intervals dnrinq the evening. The chair sadly in need of a bath," and • lot of and give it •front place. Heretofore it mem-cepa/id by John Leckie, of Toronto, similar rubbish, and on Saturday he had been the custom to hold the in • highly creditable manner. Beanpole games the day after the Lack- I now eempetltion. This necessitated the � CONTEMPORARY OPINION. holding of them on Thur"day,and it was almost impossible for the reporters of the weekly newsp•pets to. he in attend - female frame, aimless which diet ram lean, ane& that day; the games at Brusse's to pall at the ends that s'eident plaices suffered to some extent from lack of be- e t thslreeemesai. ghee ere twleMst ...his- ins so largely advert wed outside, al ty and stars aa/ tobacco sod profanity. - mon, of Hamilton, the champion, favor- ed with a highland fling, little Islay Mc- Intyre, of Lecknow also did some pretty step dancing. and Jas. Andersen was flung the following insulting jibe at the young men wbu propos to snood the Mowat eelebratiom on Tesday next : -They mai be found at retreat cernete after nightfall, Thy are fend of the shelter of If it be true, as we hear, that the writer of the above passed his earliest years oo the street& of Halifax, the asso- ciate of the of ec uripgs of that seaport, and was aftereirds educated through the charity of the Archbishop of that city. the y.mng mea of Outano without a pauper streak is them can laugh at the asemption of the cheeky fellow. While rowing from the imbed to the mainland •t Pealmeh fake on Thursday two (last ge.tlessee saw • huge asepeent rise tally four feet Ant .e1 the water. The reptile headed towards their boat and only aimed following them wham shallow water wee reached. The .erpmet is dis- cribed se being folly 14 feat in I•egtb with a large flat-topped heat. An aid tamest who lire •erne the lake "aye the GUN etrpest was sees twelve years eight'• would ntherwmse bare been the calla This year the managers t•.uk a new view ..f the situation, and the date was changed and placed before that of Lok - n ow. The result showed that the deal - ion of the directors of the Brussels Calm donien Society in this respect woe a wee «ee. A full reproseotatioen of pipers, dancers and athletes was had, and the news*pev men were net in good f' -res, the Temote 61.J.,, Lindon Adrerfi.rr, fiestn,th Brpem. t r, Hi -now Stows', Brumsb P..ef, Clinton Nor Ens and Rea. hash '1.101 being represented. On the whole, the change has been a wise .me, and we Mope the officers of the a.eiity will continue to hold the celebration on the mood 'remise in September in the time to erose. The orne•sp ray rwa atx•i.ry are m fellows : John Alexander, chief ; Jaime Drew., let chieftain , John Shaw, ted emotion ; Robe Grahet, 3rd chisf- Arraa Tw►. moon Wittig nsrruorun. When Mr Dwight. general manager of the N(rthweet Telegraph Company, destroyed the telegrams which pained between the Tory wire -puller, he put it beyond the reit* of the commission to fasten this ounsyirec7 upon those who were accused of p•rttapttion in it, and thereupon they became cheeky and ins, - kat, Sir David Macpherson so mach so as to be roamed and silenced by the mat. -[Kinw.towt Whig. *1* JngR'a LITTLE 1055. At the Windsor Hotel today • small not of people gathered around Sir John Wodonalil. Among these were air. Hngh Mclennan, President of the Citi - exon, Alex. McKee, Rev AfcKenzte. Dan McIver, Alex. McLean, .lathes Henderson, Jas. Arebibeen, Wm. Brant. The Bruce team led by H. 1'. 1)'Connor rag : Pete Campbell, Jos Alexander, Mai Nicholson, Harry Alemnder, John Hay., Wm. Taylor, Hugh Taylor. M. H. McClure, Muni Morrison, Rudarick McKenzie. Mr. O'Conner won the tome, and chose position. After some pre- liminaries had been settled, the men settled down to solid, steady work, and for about five minae.. • tentage struggle ensued, until finally the Bruce men he- gan to fail, and they were then quickly dragged acs the sore. The second heat was almost a repetition of the hard worker its predece.m r, but was woo by the Bruce men, in the third pull victory perched on the banner of the Hurn men, after some heavy work had been done by both teams The .ueeoes of the Huron team was greeted with loud and prolonged cheers by their sympathisers among* the spectators, and for • time the air was filled with boister- ous congratulatory crew In the even- ing an OPEN AIR onsi•t!? was given nn the grounds by the hand of the 32n.1 Bat., which was largely at- tended, and the display e1 fireworks was exceptionally fine. The day's dniop were brought to a dose by the hording of a hall in the Caledonian hall in the even- ing which was • highly sucoeasful gather- ing. The following is The Pelee Use. OW IJX A L . YrwPrTlT1o3. Petting light .tone J Mathews, 41 ft 11 in ; 2nd J McPhereos, 41 ft 10 in.; 3M G Perris. 40 ft 8 tan. Throwing light hammer -G Perri., 97 ft 7 in.: Ind D McIntosh, 8i ft.; H Mc- Millan, Ott ft 10 in. Highland fling -T McDonald, Ind Jai Anderson, 3rd H McIntyre OPER TV TU WOELD. Standing long ump-D M KYUIvan,10 ft 9 in.; Ind W F Sett, 10 ft 7l. in.; 3r4 Archie Scutt. 10 ft 7 in. Standing hivh jusp-W F Scw.tt. 4 R 10 in. ; Ind A Scott, 4 ft 9 in.; 3td D Ml Sulliveu, 4 ft 8 in. Putting heavy awns --D C Roos, 35 ft 10 in.; tad J D McColl, 34 ft 6 in.; 3rd li Petrie, 32 It 9 in. Putting light hoes --D C Roms, 46 ft fi in.; 2nd J 1) McColl, 43 ft 6 in.; 3rd J McPheream, 43 It. Thr•ring heavy. hammer --D C Rom, 101 ft :t in.; 2nd D Smith, 100 ft. 2 is., 3rd E W Johnston, 89 ft 5 in. Throwing Itght hammer -D C Roe. 123 ftfin.;Ind DSmith, 118ft;3rdI W Johnstwt. 101 ft 7 in. Throwing 56 -Ib high, .me hand -D 0 Rom, D McColl, E W Johnston. T. testog the caber - -E W Johnston, 37 ft d in., 'Ind D C Ross, 37 ft.; 3r4 D Smith, 36 it 7 in. Pibroch ---O A Smith ; !red A Macao's- ad acaour std : 3rd Jas Moon. Marches --Jas Ilo.on ; Ind A Manion - alit ::Sri (; A Smith. Strathspey and reel --J Moron ; 2 Geo A Smith ; •.rel A Macdonald. Highland flint --G Matheson, Ind J Fotheringham ; 3rd J Munn. Reel of Tull. ch-- Geo Matheson ; 2nd J Moon ; 3rd T Cameron. Sailors' Horopipe-J Arderson ; 2ted .r A Matheson ; 3rd T Campbell Strathspey and reel -0 A Matheson i Ind A McDonald : 3rd J Moon. Highland dine -6 A Matheson ; Ind A Macdonald: 3rd J Man. Highland ding. hos ander 18 years - John Trainem ; 2nd I1 McPherson ; 311 H McIntyre. P.unnui, I..n2 jump -Cr Gibh, 20 fl I in ; Ina H McMillan, 19 ft 9 in.; 3rd A C Reid, 19 ft 8 in. Running high jump, -E W Johnston and A Scott tied et 5 ft 7 in.; 3rd G Gibb, 5ft6in. Hop, step and jump --G Gibb, 44 ft 7 in.; Ind H McMillan, 43 ft 11 in.: 3rd D M Sullivan, 41 ft 6 in. Vaulting with pole -A Scott, 9 ft 10 in.; the second and third prima were divided between D 3: Sullivan, G Gibb and H McMillan. One hundred yards -A C Reid ; 2nd A Robins•n ; 3rd W Y I:sunders. Half -mile race -A Robinson ; Yad E J Case ; 3rd I) Bennett. dile race- E J Case ; '2nd D Bennett, - 3rd A Weeds. Sack ties ---Ge, Morris ; 2nd P Lock- man : 3rd J Smith. Old man's rave- W Scrimgoar ; 2nd R Hamilton ; 3rd W Bell. Obstacle race --A Robinson ; Ind A Caldwell ; 3rd A C Reid. Hurdle race -A C Reid ; 2nd A Scott; 3rd A Rehinson. ('ummercial Travelers' race - W B Roberts ; 2nd E Doherty ; 3r"' J R Vert. Walking match -C Smith ; Id D Ben- nett ; 3M E J Case Sword combat -Prof. McGregor: 2d Jaa Moon ; 3rd D C Item ruled out Archery --Mrs R Copeland : 2d Mrs A McIntyre ; 3rd Mrs W C Little ; 4t► Miss Balk well ; bib Mrs D Campkll; gill Miss Ida It. oklidge Scotch wrestling -DC Rose ; 2d E W Johnston : 3rd W Bell. Wresting in harass. -D C Ross ; E \% Johnston : 3rd W 5011. Beet dressed knight in c,stume-H I)ay. Tug of War-- Hume won by two puns out of three. sena' Hospitality Committee, what is Amateur piper competition D H Me - rather spare, and Captain Bedford Pim, hay : Ind 1) Mekay, Snl A Finlayeen. who is decidedly corpulent. Between Irish jig - Ter Wham only--Agrntt the latter rentlesnen a err 04 gond-na- Fitasll, tad Larry Tascy, Std Jae Ander- teretd dispute arm as to rho should ea- tertmie I.iemtesant Grimly. This wee interrupted by Me isbn with, "T throkt McLmaoso, Lieutenant Greedy would rather dine of Captain Pim than oft yee"--(Montreal itfir. - Rest dressed Highlander A McPhee- e ns ; 2md R McIntyre, 3rd D Cam pbell Quarteromile anmteir roes - Little ; t d • MaDeaseld,3e1 Gen Ken. Sneed ass% boys sad. 11 years --J LIternry Votes. Canadian Methodist Magazine for germ -mbar, nal. !too Ida year ; 11 far six months ; T6 .-Ants per somber. Fur sale at all book- stores. The article in this number which will attract moat attention is that by Princi- pal Grant en "Organic Inion of the Churches -Hod far should it go r It is a striking sign of the tinges to see this eloquent Presbyterian divine pleading in a Methodist Magazine for the union of the Presbyterian and Methodist Church- es. John Reade's exceedingly interest- ing paper on "Some Curious Kin•ltite"' is concluded. Under the title "Vel, Not I,' th, Ree. Emil Soigne c'iatelb•. les • remarkable account of ' • Reeled Work in the Church of England under the Ministry .4 the Rev. W. Ha.lemi." It is nicely illustrated. The first of throe copiously illustrated articles on "The Lord's Land," by the Rev. Hugh John- ston, B.D., is given. lady Hearsay's illustrated article a.n Japan is of epsoial interest to Methodist readers, The Editor contributes an illustrated .ketch of summer travel entitled "On the Hud- son, and writes editorially on "Imperial Federation," •'Aggrmsaive Christianity, etc. The 'Amy of "Old PMdsf,' the eccentric Metbody" load psMeier, is concluded. The Polar 1 -;;Roam Lieutenant (lenely of the Arctic •1t - S edition has been giving an outline of his expenencre in the far north, to the members of the British Ass►ciatioo at Montreal. He expresses the opinion that while there is not a navigable sea at the pole, there a npeti water. He said that in one mile's travel into the interior his toot never touched snorer. and that veg sahon ahennded and is exceedingly lnxutiant as compared with other points further south. Deed willow, which served for fireweed, was famed in abmad- ance, and gases and i,lantagrew is laugh profusion as toe completely come large tracts of ground. A rather rtlrprie fast m. that when the tide wasn= from the North Pole the water wee found to he warmer than where fMwisgr� in the impose. direction. This �gyg� out the statements of ether expbseeo who picked up in the water driftwood which .sly grows in warm temperable,. All this isterfeem with the preermgeited ides of the greet ma pso�g10 the effect that the Ar7Aie majority je ane Fast Gold or 'coheres and snow nalF,ANNI moth*/ osiers theta bet white basis