The Huron Signal, 1884-9-12, Page 2' A .14 et og al til rel 044 M fel ▪ LIQUOR UCENSE ACTS. Aa IMeort st Jstlpntt, L etas Covina'Cooter or tau Covert Mr Bowie _ Is tkelllakar at appeal between Useuss Tnensar.D. Appel/oat, –AND Shwas YAMS. Bssp--4sat Onotee ion under Liquor Lianas Act, 1884, Ontario, gnashed. Th. Act held to be ultra vires being . ab ueefece Dominion Act. The lAquer teal, Dentition, held to the law la tore regulating taverns, to Ili DAvitea, he the Appel. it. ML M G. CAMasot., fur t&c Re i.w- drNf dA. Aetevvtey-(loners! of (Muria. Totter, Ou J. This is an tipped from the conviction of two Justices of the Peace whereby the Appellant is o. nvicted of an offence against •onion 'J3 a "The Liquor Liens Act, 1884, Ontario." " The objections taken by the summons mite : 1. Noevidene to sustain t he offence, if any. 2. No penalty provided by the Act. 3. Act ultra cine of the Legislature d °uteri.,. 4. No license proved. 6. Conviction nut sufficient in law. 1 am satisfied that the evidence, al- though not very satisfactory, was sof- bent to justify the Magistrates in finding the Appellant guilty of the of- fence charged. As to the second objection, the Act provides that it shall be read with and as part of "The Liquor License Act. ' kW reading it, the 51st section gives the immalt7 twp.ed. As to the fourth objection, I have the power to allow further evidence to be siven,and I allowed the Respondent to fib his certificate, which by the Liquor License Act is !nada evidence of the issuing of • license. The third objection is the principle one, viz: That the Act creating the offence was and is ultra rirrs of the Legislative of Ontario, it haying been taelesubsequent 4, ' The Liquor use Act, 1883," Dominion, which came into force on the first day of Janu- ary, 1884, the 65th section of which is iadentical with the 23rd section of the Ontario Act in question ; both sections , read,"Not more than one bar shall be kept in any house ur premises lionised under this Act." L the eases of The eitixnt's Insensate Ce. s& Parsons, : L. R. aero'! eases, !4; ; .fin sell se. the Ones 7 L. R. omit eases, 819; and H«!;r rs, the Omen, the principle of construction to be ob- t served in considering the distribution of legislative powers under the B. N. A Act, and the general scope of sections 91 and 92 and their relation to each d ether, u fully ceuudered by their lora- a ships of the Privy Council. According D oto the principle .4 construction there t pointed out, the first question is, f *bother the Act In gumbo.' falls within o any of the classes of subjects enumerated! in section 92 as being assigned exclusive- Iy to the Legtalaturee of the Provinces; p if it does, then thefurtberquestiun we.uld w aro, via : Whether the subject of the t Act does not alar/ fall within one of the enumerated classes t.f subjects in asetion 91, and so does not still belong W the Dominion Parliament. the British Veath Atr,.siea statute of It was deeided rime years age tNssiw shoot OValit, 36 U. C. R. 160, that the Laical Legislature bei the power to regulate the liquor trate amid so me- te that power upon ouutctpslttns. Very meek is mid by the leaned duet jaw lice in that eate,e to the h emasieg pewit bevies been a portion of our lamaiwpsl institutions prior to confederation I have already referred w this mode of argument. and what 1 understand from the Hodes ass, when their lordship refer to clause 8 otescnon 93," Maulcipal Institutioes its the Pvoveocu,"is, that the Local Legislature u( Ontario had full power under clause 16 of section 92 to deal with the subject of licensing, and the general reguleti nes of taverns. etc., and that hai 'Inc the full legislative power they might ezerclse 11, through the mun- icipal institutions of the Pruvinoe, over wbica, by clause 8, they have the ex- clusive Ie..1stive control. The fact that the licensing power was a portion of the municipal institutions of the province prior to Confederation dues not affect the question, a. the 1.egi•latare can only confer upon municipal btdtes such pr ens as it possesses, by virtue 1.1 the re- maining lb clause of section 92. Prier to confederation serge matters were dealt with by municipal regulations, the sub- ject nutter of which is new under DoD- inion control The Temperance Act of 1664, known es the Dunkin Act. was a part of the municipal institutions of the Province, and this act has in a great measure been repeled by "The Canada Temperance Act of 1878." The effect of the decision in Russel tr. the (hien appears to be that "The Tem• parsecs? Act of 1878' was held to be tetra nen of the Dominion Parliament, the subject matter not coming within any of the eunumersted clauses of section 92, and the objects and scope of the Act be- ing general, viz: to promote temperance by means of a uniform aw throughout the Dominion. What theu is the effect of "The Liquor >use Act of 1883, Dominion, upon piisvious and subsequent local legislation upon ta. same subject 1 It may appear to he a strange result of legislation that upon any subject the power is either in the Dominion or Prov- incial Parliament, according to particular circuntvtauces, and that an Act of Par- liament passed by a local legislature and within its competence at the time, may be rendered nugatory by an Act of the Dominion Parliament subsequently puss-• ed; but is not this what is meant by the Privy Council when they say as I have before quoted, "Subjects which in one aspect and for one purpose fall within section 92, way in another aspect and for another purpose, fall within section 91,' and this is certainly the effect of "The Canada Temperance Act of 1878," Lx when the provisions of that Act are brought into force in any county ur city, he consequence is any local license law must for the time being give way. The Temperance Act of 1878 contains • pro- vision that no license shall avail to renn- et legal any a=t done in violation of it, red the Ontario license law provides that o license shall issue in any license dis- riet where the Temperance Act is in one; but :he law would have the tame peration without these provisions, for as remarked in Russell va. Queen, "The provwun is only the expression inserted. robably from abundant caution, cf hat would be necessarily implied from The two sections must be reed to- gether, and the language of ono inter - and, where necessary, modified that of the other. The true nature and character of the Legislation in the particular instance , must always be determined in order to emesrtain the class of subject to which it Melly belongs. Subjects which in one aspect and for one purpose fall within section 9'2, may in another aspect and 6i See another purpore fall within section It was epon the application of these principles of construction that the three oasts mentioned were decided. In our own exerts in several teres in construlnr the Confederation Act,gre.t stress is laid at Capon the position of affairs prior to Con- of I.diration,and in the Casa of Frederidslow ml o. s Q�eew 3 $uet pree ens i t 5115, Mr, by �ldiee Gwynn enters into a lengthy 1 ion upon the scheme .1 Cordite pass (jeierument embodied in the by he legislation itself." The effect then of the legislation by the Domini an Parliament in passing the Liquor License Act of 1883 is not to re- peal the local license laws of the differ- ent provinces. but to remora for the tune nein; this particular subject of leg- islation from the scope and opera- tion of the ]tkh class of subjects en- umerated in section 92, viz: "geneially all matters of a merely local or private nature in the province," and this subject matter no longer remaining within the scope of that clause, it follows that past local legislation must remain in abeyance until the subject matter is restored to its former position, and that subsequent local legiaation upon this subject is ultra tire.. I hare already pointed nut that the Canada Temperance Act of 1878 did repeal many of the provision. of the Temperseee Act of 1864. and that the ter Ant was 1. fact part of the muni - pal law of Ontario, and in my view ghat have beim repealed or amended the Local Legislature, u a matter of ocal concern, at any time prior to the ing of the Temperance Act of 1878 the Dominion Parliament. N. A. Act. • jt would appear to me, that the fact Li iinlar power was eierci.ed by a isllatt before Confederation, is no Pa t iia faror of that authority P now vested in the Previews. In Prior to Confederation esoh of the ada laces pommelled plenary powers of T tion over all or nearly all of the two te now assigned by the Imm�p�crttaal1 ice to the Dominion and P ovtacis] am 1s rapeetively,end it was quite nt for the In 1 Parliament dee have ssiiened the illative power Do to some of the subjects enumerated in form 91 to the Provincial Legislatures, r like w.anoer some of the subjects wm orated in sec. 92 to the Dominion i u t. Enjoying, as we have done the before and since Confederation, a teal independence, it is quite nam to overlook the fact that the Dto Perliassent had the perfect mad' its passion the Ccnfedentieon Act, veefer epos the United Provinces Pres" a constitution .s to it seemed Th and the simplest way to construe Iv teometitution will be to apply the sties role that are applicable to similar 14.1 a, irrespective of the position from Prveincee under their old forms 92 - the Government. *Wass! of the Privy Council in els et { is an affirmance ti the 399 d our Court ••l Appeal is the ess.,7 On Appel( 241, and may b• bad in so far as it affects the ate he- wider M, to oanu the jedgmeM d lir. ,etc. BurIN• for mush of the mems - tea learned elm( jellies is not re- The fa. ►et k will be untied that lir. ...� ale Burton Eames simnel el 8,13 sad 16 Act rig the .ours. ef heal legislative "t while their hardships .4 the Privy erases • !m tem way refer w chases 13. tiler I ani clearly of opinion that the Lno cense Act of 1883, was within the leg ere ohm sone of the Dominic rliament, or the reasons given byth ivy Council in Russell vv. the deciding upon the validity of the -Can Temperance Act of 1878. 5e subject nutter dealt vefth by th Acts is the mese, the traffic in into: tinny liquors; this Mohair's by the pre hies, which ane follows : The Act of 187& "Whereas, it is very irable to peewees temperance in the 1]omiition, and 'that then should be uni- Iegialation in all the Provinces, pectins, the trail; in intoxicating Stora." The Act of 1883 "Whereas, desirable to regulate the traffic in sale of intoxicating liquors, and it is peeient that the law respecting the • should be uniform throughout the minion, and that provision should be e in regard thereto#or the better vation of pesos order." • power exercised applies general- to eneral-to the whole Dominion, and as i have dy remarked the 1•Qislation of f mien eels the subject matter the operation of shame 16 of sec. and, as i reed the eases of Busman r.. (Leen and 111.4. ea the (funs it do. not fall within any of the remaining use. orf sec. 92. or within any of the enumerated clauses .4 Dec. 91. It follows that the i n i nine Parliament' the undoubted right s, to lestislate the general power configured by � 91, "To Intake laws for the peri,, ardor, and gond government nt of ('Janda," Act L in sleet an aniendme.t of Temperance Act of 1878." RJ that genets' prevision is made her a of prohibiting; by the Lyman ambers! provisions are made revile - the teaks in .ueh twenties and cities not adept the Temperance Act by the 47th sea the principle of epees is eiAsded to Nene, gee, perishes seri towlesbipe. power d the De mise nein- • r Dominion e Nut) Oieil Rights in the Prey: ss do 4 Sly, 'le subject el laps- tiff the Ontario As. of IfA9, see-wow ied 6, seem le seem wMbie the cob 1L II L6 mrd $ d -ilia W et meet to legislate is referee°, to the liquor train was slowly present to the mind of Mr. Jimmies Burton, whoa he dekeered jedg.eat u Ruder sit eke Orem at Pete 276 he says, •'It (tpesk- fag d the licensing power) was at Slat time desk with y the Prrtismettt of the ethos d is w were Instillatioes, thepkoouu as sewing withf deakesgslittalii - is iswitbia the ti jure- dMtion of the Prorinees, amid it weld esteeinly ootus within the general dame which centers uadmsive power epos the Provincial Legislature to ileal with ustacis d • merely local or private assure, and does not fall within any of the subjects with which the Downie Parliament has power to deal, unteas prreopy by u taenial weusun alerting eke mhos 4tniiaiwe, ieAicA Am not Areae .lu... While, as I have observed, the lova! laws prior to Confederation do nut afford • guide for construing the powers °Deferred by the B. N. A. Act upon Local Legid•tures, ret these laws may sell be referred to as showing how former Parliaments dealt with certain subject matters of legislation ; and by reference to "The Temperance Act of 1864," it will he seen that partial pro- hibition was then treated in the same manner ar the licensing power. TI e preamble to that Act read. "Where- as it u expedient to amend the laws in force in this Province, respecting the We of intoxicating liquor', aced the nesse of herein therefor, and otherwise to provide for the repression of abuses resulting from such sale." "The Temperance Act of 1878" was intended as an amendment and a sub- stitute as it were, for the Act of 1864, the machinery of which was found in be behind the ase. and it being advisable that the principle should be extended to the whole Dominion, instead of being confined to the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. I think for the reasons given that the conviction cf the Appellant should be quashed, and with costa t'HAPfat 0 "Malden. Nast.. Feb. 1.11e4 Gentlemen - I suffered with attacks 01 sick headache." Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in the moat terrible and excruciating Mall - Der. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters. 'The first bottle Nearly cured me The secured made me as well and strong e when a child 'And I have been so to this day.' My hu.bend was an invalid for twenty years with a serious 'Kidney-, liver and urinary complaint, 'Pr000unced by Boston's best pbysi- tnan.— • Incurable '' Seven bottles of your bitten cured him, and I kn..w of the 'Lives of eig}•t persons' In my neighborhood that hare been saved by your bitten, And many more are using them with great benefit. 'They almost Do miracles :' lm Mrs. E. D. Slack. New Leib far ie.etm... Weakened by fit. ease. Debility W IMssq.mm.a. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great German Remedy will restore the felt function, and secure health and happiness. *1.00 per box, six boxes for *5.00. Sold by all druggi t& Sent on receipt of price, postage paid, by F. J. Cheney, Tondo, Ohio, who rgent for United States. Cir - truism and testimonials sent free. Sold by Geo. RDyiaa, sole agent for Gods - rich 3m : A Betimes Tarrino,ry. — For a Cough, Cold or any Broncbical affecion. "Pectoris," in my opinion, tel just the thing. I have used it in my family for Cough. and Colds for the past four years with the meet unvaried success, and to- day my opinion of it is that I continue to think still more of that which I began thinking well of. Geo. Kala, Manager Ontario Bank, Pickering. Price 25 emit* at all drugrida m A Wee Awake lereaamw. J. Wilson is always alive to his Nisi - nem, and spares no puns to secure the best of every article in his line. He has geared the agency for theoelebratedDr Kings New Discovery for Consumption, the only certain care known for Coo- , empties, Coughs, Culls, Hnsseenees Asthma, Hay Fever, Brnnehitim, or any affection of the Thrust and Loses. Sold on • positive guarantee. Trial bottles fres. Regular sine *1.00, (3 CnreAisaa –A name wel1 known is Connection with the Bair Renewertwhich restores grey hair to ics natural enlnr by a few weeks use. Sold at 60 cents per bottle by James Wilson 2es ems Orem. Cased. Are you trodtled wtah Salt Rheum, Baugh Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; if so, go at ones to Geo. Rhyne' Drug Store and get a package of McGregor Parke's Carbeiic Comte. Prim 26 cents. It was never known to fiL b Waitod jonbe, Kiioii! Cg�ICB CONTICTIOIERT, CAONEO FRUITS AND FISH, TOB.RCCO, CIG.9RS, 4'c DesaesNe and Fort Rugs, ere d the Nest Brandi Pr sea !!metett star ilei Is strias A fallasss.twiewt of all toads of tiara Syms weer.. h Ivey? Wyk. tr..gmM•d Its PRBA MR 11V NSANo y. mete(=cis, 111111001•01. to temaweetmg mess i •egmeaMsa /s seems Ar— R11111119'i'rtTu14 T den noels Bigots, A mem .itee.r r Thin is daily briar ag ley te the kame d them esds by suttee teeny of their dear time ben as why gears. Truly is Dr. Kisg'1 mew Dissu.ery for oonseop- tties, Ceeghs, Cluids, Asthma. Beesohiw, Hay Terex, less of Voice, Tlitlklimg a the Three. Pais in Slid. and CJlet,or- any dimes, o the Threat sad , a tubes ve eat J... Wilim StoreTt aLarge l BM list $L00. (6) W aueirrow, D.C., May lbtk, 1880. Galtrt,anla--Hating been a sufferer lee a long time trues servos, prostration and general debility, I was advised 16 try Hop Bitters. I have takes one bot- tle, sad I have been rapidly getting bet- ter ever sis,e, sad I think tt the best used/eine I ever seed. I am now gaining strewth and appetite, which was ell gone, and 1 wee in despair until 1 tried your Bitters. I am now well, able to go about and do ley own work. Before taking it I was completely prostrated. Mae MANY Syn Aar. . theurames may ss. T. W. Aitken', Girard, Kan., writes: 'I Dever hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitten to my ortomers, they hue entire satisfaction and ere rapid sellers.' Electric Bitters are the parse and best medicine known and will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels Nu family can afford te be without them They will save bundreda of dollars in darter's bills every year. luld at 50cta a bottle oy J. Wileon. 13] Well useeeded. A liberal reward will he paid to any party who will pr duce r ease of Liver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring t'tem along, it will cost you nothing Inc the medicine if it fain to cure, and you will he well rewarded for your trouble beside& All Blood diseases, Bilious- ness, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or :money retunded Price only fifty tinte per bottle. For sale by J. Wilson. 15' gram'. name untamed L the only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking immense medicines for weeks, but rens minute's application removes .11 pain and will prove the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. 25 Dents per bottle at (Monte Rhynai drug store. h These ser IOW rams. The beat blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach' of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ters. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousnes Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or wild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They set wryly and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at thy cents • bottle by J. Willem [4) Follthill Nursenes. 325 .ACRES. THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION. SALESMEN WANTED To begin work at once on Rall Sales y employment at fixed salaries to all willing work. SLB and Woau can have Pleasant Wort the Year Round. Good &gente6N ~slag trots Seto 675 pe diesel sad excesses. tWTerms awl (hart tree- AMMO: iI�OZIi t! -- WILLINOTON, 'Pemele. Oat. DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER Il4t1D Lead lllldofla1er, Has et t asw the LAICi IT e'reiCt of First - Class Furniture bt tbeC.asty. sea is I sow will sot ate asdereotd cosh.o. 1 neer Tapestry ('srpsf 1,e.p apwsrds. R aurora tea good, fro% 6 iKM Bow Beck Chale, trees Hie. se. sad evsey. tkIag else la the mase /espartie., AT THE OLD STAND Hatwea 11e Pose Ogee & Bask of Mantras ce4Dr• tzti178. Ort, Ink, Item !p1 y D. K. STRACHAN, PR,AOTZtDrL MACHINIST, Keeps a head a ro a=sks ateelal for the Ioui's and Roaors Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows and Agricultural Implements and Machinery Generally. ALL WORK THOROUGHLY OUP D. K. STRACHAN, GODERICH MACHINE SHP O.derteb. March nth, leM lefa>rs 11e warthog alias. need f1 s1& air p•aitje, ami we eau ,.all yea par• reis1- v$hmhl• bot Mr nee& will say the of suntug mosey a um tow h e t pewever IAeertit et may weatee a .ripls.l regelred. w. w1f1M•rt ye.. You gas were e1 tea time or 1a pan+ the soil► The weft a weserem sad y •eaptr4 to %Mb the stg>► ss�t ee t0e �ears trem swetmeve►s.q we�"trot sea 1 ( r eel by eedoeletl.Mm , ah` 0111411e) ARMER 111167 um per OIL es raw Hopes nth *aa sea 'visa yeas as M 240001.11111 LARDINE 01 a ` 8o Cheap. Ie hem stn equal. Try it and you will use De other. „orsa.y McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO. R. ,VCT'_ Mc 777"Trt, OOD*R1C11. =HUGH DUNLOP Fashionable Tailor "— " WEST STREET, Has the Finest Assortment of Summer Goods to3 Choose From. IF YOU WANT A Nobby Suit at a Reasonable Price CALL (' HtTG-33 D -u I IJOP_ CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on heat! (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) GEORGE REYNt3, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARt' 41 The Canadian Pacific Railway Co LAND k .ECI- ULATsIONS. The Manitoba. Comatt prices noffer anggiir.gffrotat e within the Railway Nett slow the rah lite, sed fa tl,� $2_60 PER ACRE upwards, with conditions requiring cultivation. A rebate for ruin%mien of from BIAS le e3.3111 per sere, according to entire pard isr Ne land. allowed on certain conditions. The Company also otter Lads without mediates settlement or cultivation. THE RESERVED SECTIONS along the Main Line, i...• the odd numbered Sections within on. mile of the Railway, are now geared for sale ea • tvaat.g our terms. to parties prepared to undertake their immediate tul- Ilvatioe. TERMS OF PAYMENT: -- Purchasers may pal om,aixtli in cash. and the valance in Ave annual lastalment& with is tenet at SIX PER CYNT. per annum. payable in advance Pa marcasite, wltbot.t conditions d cultivation, will receive a Deed of Conreyasca Payments try he made layment in made J) GRANT RONIllt. which will be accepted at ten per oat premium on their par value and secretd intent. These bonds can be obtained us ap plkailo, at the Hank of ]bursal. Montreal : or at asy of it. WV sties. ?'os PRICES and CONDITIONS. of SALK and all infnrmatiou with respect to Slee par- nie Boarttime adLanda, apply to JOHN H. McTA'I$H. Land ('ommnsioner, Winalpeg. By order of CHARLES IrlINKWATEH, Secretary. MIAs m H CO w Q 0 o F M H pi 0 Oa e F1OQ .3yz� aO Ari Des!gns in Wall P aper. lbw .the time. it res wick ere a two Mee reams at 6.5.,itei use Butler's mat imply Ne her ever, 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs unset d seem. sail at mitre lee than very lama Interim 5os4S, as. the beat valet h tem w maw 1.514 Call and eve the m Ti Desi Spnog BdF . 4 T BU TL$ZIO•t- 114