The Huron Signal, 1884-9-12, Page 1• : • '414. t4.000,100.00.4....4 • 1 THIRTY-81XTH YEAR. i WHOLN N UNIIE11 301 i bilsrateferwattas* M Tee -(1. M. Old. Fara be Let -J. 8. Liam% Veemaili-lNaitheer Mount ?sem to Let Daniel J. Naftel. reessiegkAale:J. kBuceanen. TAM Tau eass-eoltiorne Brew. Dentistry. kr NICHOLSON, LD S. SURGICON Demist. Oce and reaidence. West Suess& three dtors below stank el Montreal. tioiletich MAI She People's Column. 'WOUND - ABOUT TWO %MIMS A' ago. • bleat aad tan deg. senallest Mao. The owner can hem it by_peor In property. and pkYing cbergew MA I1W 3101. NT8- NEI.. L.AmlneWe Weed. !Writ GIRL WANTED--44ZNERAL SER. TANT. Ailed)* to hilt8. J. tiC0111 E. or at Star Salt Works, Dederick. IMwt (AATANTED-BY THE FIFTEENTH tor • family of three grown persons. Good 'Illnissable. Apply et this ...Mee. water required. thin water in kitchen indite T OV IIEP-r.. a mat. convenient home, -poR SALE - U0 TO 200 CORDS mixed hard wood. piled os sew mill road. at hill per coed. areceired tui nod. Three menthe credit will Le given. un Well mewed mete with intermit. II. V. ATTKILL. Ridgewood. MB- -11J, trTICE lel HEREBY GIVEN rear GEORGE BR AN VORIS COX. of the Tows 01 tioderach. in the Comity of Huron., sad Province of Ontario. Dentlensaa. will ap- ply to the Periutnieut of *lw lionsiniosof (*.n- ada. at the eest seseton thereof. for • Bill of Divortie from his wife. EMILY COX. former - of the cod Town or tiodericL bat new of C11toraIa in te.e United States of Arsiegice. en the grounds of adultery mot dew -mien. Dated at (Le said Town or troderith. thM IBrell day of August, A. D.. 1004. CANIkKON. HOLT a CAMERON. Se=grostioile the said P.M/weer. Demers Cox. 1116114m 141,148 PARSONS WILL RECEIVE ..YA pupas ea the Itth Aag.„ MI. Distrac- tion etyma in Ereglith. redinance otenuecaad free hand dniwitut. Terme Me. per week. Piano Forte. U lesson& es. Needle work and lemech conversation with Madame DePendry 4~4 p. m. Tomer ladle. will dad this as lir Wiens opportunity of improving their pro - emaciation end retaining their knowledge of h. Terms Mc. per week. 11153-1y R SALE - A FEW A 1 LAND Koller. and Iron Harrowswill be sold itispirt the Lioderich lieundry. The Beenty Reaper and all repa:m for tee same eau Mao DO procured from t be tioderich Eowidry.oron = On, br emit es SEEGMILLk.lt, h. Ost. UMW For Sale or to Let. VARM TO LET -FOR A TERM Or' a: years. Lot gh *011 1. the Maitland cos. csicm. et me Township of Dederick. sitilitY by letter to J. M. LIZA KS, Strattord. 1101-tt -VAR)! TO LET-L9Tfl 33 AND 34. 1st Co... Codertch Township. et acres. lieges and buildings in good repair. A *ever ratting creek runs through term. !Well on the members or by letter to DANIEL .1. NA I.TEL. tioderich 1.0. IRM41 1J'OR SALE --DESIRABLE SMALL .a: farm being part of Lot I. eueeeseies 1. Township of Colborne. County of Hums. die. tent, halt • mile from rieltford P. 0. The Lot mamma lei acres in good order. There is a Many and nail ironic house. resell barn turd wit/ /Gum oratuird 00. 111. ISM. Pao. will be gives hy the end of October. further pertioutars apply on the premises . R. BUCHANAN. coihorne. . ITU 'ARM FOR SALE IN THE TOWN- ellIP or MULLETT -The adnitalstra- , of the Some of the late Simon 011.11.1. 01- (00 for sale. She East Hall of Lot Number thirty-eight. la the Itth coseession of the Towsship 01 Ruitett, contain's& 50 acres. about ellarreeeff which is cleared.* he Mimics 10 acres. bard wood timber. Frame dwelliag boom. It le atom ti miles from the tillage el Lesidesbero, and about t: mile* Luse the vil- lage et Weik. both on the Landes, Berea sad HMCO Railway. There will be Illaeres el fall whist spun on the Mem. _ jog further particulars apply to 07.0. C. W11000. Adinteietratm. Lot 011. Ce.. IL Het - i* or to Lesderboro P. 0.. Oat. P. 8. -The ether hall ef said Lel. shin mishit tomb.t at the mine (Inc. for this apt.* to HAM 41DTU[1e, Loadeaboiro 1. ly. lith Rept.. 1006. POR SALE --FARM LAM NO. .1. Maitland coecestioaJjederica letteteek including L 00100 01 Ireseliasei mapbo IS. nos tree' oeseriab. There is • stoma brick and Nick kitehen. mentioning mre e ="1pealtry mid miler. There me te.o wette mem castle stable. with tees wear. hay NO Weenie Well WAIL /AIM, MAW toe 6 with shed. There In I aces et large b.spple trees. This tan/ leis nese-mem aed goe4_rtmate. Alm . 0am Be. Walsall acre*. with a anal* boon mil mitt te AS ineureett tbeirrare oeriamenesearmeer. GENERAL iNTELLIGEN GODERIOB. ONT.. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1884. KWIJUTIIOMOME. AIPOLIVr'pr:;,10."t1". Tory TOixos. sergaga la the weather are sot Just au with liqeor.dont but always get the bent Herten& A package of tee American ',reit Preem- ie.; Powder and Liquid will moot, ge lbs. of Fruit, caber with ur without sugar. (tie 'ems. No need to keep the fruit air tam. lre. Wale. Agent. Darlow (1 11. Robson'. ahmece met week. Mr. R.11. Ilaylpy, flost-claai photographe,. will have charge of the galleryro that parties wishing tholes takes. cee redy OD tits work being fu ly up 50 111. Roark. Tbe leave* are beetenine to torn. and all tha,. but mallow,. the photographer. olive lila art aa in the caber weasone.goalearisic Lie mem toad turning/ oat pictures. fret next week and see the latest. The Moultishimes 01 net metre on stemma of the kilts. the tartans aad the pipes. The suite turned out by Y. it A. Prldbarn. the fothionsble tailors. are also attractive. be. Catifff well -fitting and well -made. Unities aro Tiptoeing early. Mrs. Harrison is progressing favorably. The Myth .4ifrorate has again appear- ed. Mr. and Mn. Doty have returned to town. Mn. T. B. Vanevery left foe Toronto this week. The past week was one of the warmest of the seasos. Mrs. A. Watson has returned from her holiday trie. Miss Gorley. ot London, is the guest of Mrs. Capt. Among the inmates of Huron County gut are three infanta. Mies Heron. of Buffalo, is the guest of Mrs. W. Smith, Easest. Mn. J. H. Colborn• left on W.J. day to visit relatives in Paisley. Knox, the well-known Clinton 'has man, has come to reside in town. Mies Maggie Wilkinson lett for De- troit on Friday last, to visit friends. Mrs. Ben. Johnston. of St. Thomas, is the guest of Mrs. Wilder McGregor. Mrs. Thom, of Montreal, is the guest of her parents 31r. and Mrs. Hutchison. Joseph Whitehead, of Winnipeg, a tonna! Harouite, was in town ott Mao - day. Miss Downing has resumed her studies at the Wesleyan Female College, Ham- ilton. Tim Hutto% &seal. this week steps into its fifth year under the present maaagemont. Rev Mr. Middleton, of Brantford, preached List Sunday, morning and even- ing, in St. George's. Mrs. James Porter hu been very ill during the past week, but at last us - *aunts was improving. Abram Smith and his•son, WillAeft on Thursday for Michigan, with horses for the American market. Thoa McBride has gene to Bey City for a change of scene, and to recuperate, after his recent severe illness Mies Ids Greer has returned botne after spending a week visiting friends in Goderioh. - [Lucknow Sentinel. Mr& W. Smith has teen spending a few days in Clinton, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Johu Robertson. recta Tom's CABIN. -Mortimer Powell's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. will play here tat Tuesday the 16th inst. Samuel Shaw has returned from an extended trip in the eiciaity of the Georgian Ray. Still siagle, however. The select( re will mut in the Clerk of time Peace's office OD Monday :met, to strike jurors for the forthcoming 000155. Thursday, November Oth, has been appointed Thank=g day by the poems that be. title*, of tk. e. John McGillivray hes returned from a top .'n the lakes. He will till a pulpit in;'aris for the Next three or four Sun- dae. J. C. McIntosh has lowed his farm for 10 years to Mr. Bell. of the Carey farm, Ilay6eld road, sad will remove into VINE HOUSE FOR SALE- THAT1 1 nue set Mime home on Sebes o. hear lirappoette tm. Patrick's ward le offer- , eel her setis rellemistile terms. 0 u right f torso bod-rooloo. besides parlors. 41015 60000,. library. Waimea, manias. elesetkeeltarii. All thoroughly halabod &aside. The property e re*tZapy tie Owe*? e.SA=sOet Meer SALE OR TO RENT -THAT valuable peoporty. Miaow .111. Id illiewn Hotel. at orrapted by Mr. arson. is sale Of to rent. 1. 01? lh•Aimel reads be. Oedertch and Pole - sad Bit tit, • snug bushier. oft 1st Sr Deemer If mina Terme neameable. Fer wetness+ apply te A. ALUM. Ifesideas P. O. 1111* -2111. Ey Sara- in QTORI TO RENT OR SELL -11E- 1..) Mesa eerier et goad gravel rest HOISEP her», iftwazipeasiroklesee WIC Irbil sadl Isere lout. o. Arty to SiiiPPARVitik PANE 1t RENT IA MU. liessrea. *serge elluarooi awe bar of stamp: ise well reseed : two wens: wee bars itati shot armaRatore bull:Jr aloe drix.tirXt reuse with 14 eel : urge eau aeons Illa. Tarots esu. AMA/ et nee mit, . RAM. presite .. tost i • Mart wee. :. I , : 11:11/atill". We Hie indishisd to J. C. LeTousel for I We understand that the principal of1 A Biala Titerr. -Dining the suerner ! J MCGILLICUDDY Sit08 t *LSO A YEAR IN ADPrhitirif kat RINg NRW13. a hasket oil whopping Mg apples. known the public schools intuit& bolding th. same bold tha t• occurred in Ooderich-- , us the lush, grown by himself They am 117 meetings with the teachers for the bet Colborne coins* t» the front with ens Mem' or Inger"' " lb' °sr° who new IA* frets Inieurted Channel Island serous- 1 purpose of diecitaaing teaching methods, of the coolest steals on record. Onv We are glade. learn that at the recent :and attaining a zreater desire, of edici- otoontaiiht atgbt lam west a, splendid examatuttion of teachers held in Mantto- 'ITeney awl harmony in methods of work. peep was stolen hunt the farni of John ba, blue Annie Currie, forerly of Guderich, got a 2nd A. bead- : in prac tical benefit to both teachers and agricultural society. The pump was as ing the list. m„I winnipm plaateiiiisd.es is a good one and should result Varcoe, *be well known secretary ef Gm good as now, and was carried ogee easily George Moore, sor., of E. F. moor., of ; We ere pleased to kern that our old as if it were* drinking cupt. mTheureist Chicago, is viedines g relativin town.. ft:end H. Spence, who bas long been inet"n• thing "m'illing f"rheidigh Goon. has *Town considerably *ince he I laid up, is much inaproved, although not marauder to do. He should return some left Godetich, and appears to thnve in fully out of danger of a relapae. We dark night and steel the well ! He ou.cht the Pluenix City. have heard many enquiries ..n the street to bare taken the hale thing while he Mears. Robson and Sallows have been after his welfare, which tells us that Mr. was about it. attending the pliiin.gratitiers convention Spence is missed front his place of bur- Charles Noble, of Kingsbridge, who at Toronto. and their etude* were clime' noes. He is able to be about, however. bed been arrested en • chat ge of insanity eia Wednesday and Thursoley, and will and holm well after his keg siege of ill- shortly after his attempt to commit aloe be clawed today. nese suicide by hanging, was discharged ..n The darecturs of the fell show tnet dur-itient in gaol The Education Department has just W.dneadAY' His c ntinet ing the week and chose judyea for the has .101.41 completely restored him to revised regulations in regard to the ex • I exhibition. .l, ow Th. + 0/1 th:: e :Ird and aniinatuns for teacherscertificates. h th and spirits. Mr. Noble has far ,' "ea' 24th, is expected to be a success. Get Automat other changes Latin and French years been a victim to in.lige.tiun. His are struck off the list of 1)0110112,1 111113 - their natural functions fair a week at a ready for it itt time. bowels sometimes refused to perform Rev. 8. Jones, of Brussels, spent s portion of his vacation in Goderich, the guest of H. Spence, He carries hie years well, and I...ks as if he cau do all concerned we shall gire a aumuutry plenty of wed work yet. Mat week of the principal changes. Vary little betting was indulged in Mr. Thorpe and levelly, of Detroit, here on the Halt.,n election. One hotel who resided in Geo. Achesun's house keeper drupped • V to another nn an this summer, lett for their beme the even thing. The Scott Act hotel keeper week before last. Mr. Thorpe, we un - came �0t ahead that time. derstand, is v. pleased with Godeeka as tuts, and algebra, drawing, bookkeep- ing and physics are inside obligatory on all candidates. For the information of timeand he avers that he has no re- collectian of attempting suicide. The regular prison fare and medical attentiee have restored him to wonderful rigor of laird and brain. Hoarse Stelae -The honey serial held at the residence of George Cox on Tues- day evening, under the auspices of the Y.P.S. C. , of the North street Method- ist Church, was lamely attended and HAMA. - A man representing the a health :wort that he intends to rents passed off very successfully. The weatli- Hudson's Bay Co., was in town last house, end lave here chorine a larger er was delightful, the honey delicious, week buying hams for the north arest. porton of the year. An invalid daugle the coffee of excellent throe, the lemon- Thtee of our merchants who had a stuck ter Ha. wonderfully restored to health by ode cool and refreshing. etc. The young on band sold them at good toners. the pure air of Goderich this mummer. people present furnished an excellent JO.ao flOChillwho has been machine Pasvan Foe HALT(,( -.k number of pregramme of music, etc., and games operator with E. Downing for stone time. temperance men azid women met in the and other amusements were indulged in. has taken the position of beekeeper and temperance hall OR Monday afternoon, i$20 were netted by Cie entertainment. ammeter in the store of Downing & and offered up prayer on behalf of ttio The affair Wes one of the most pleasant W.ddup. We wish him every success. Canada Temperance Act in Halton. The gatberines of the season, and reflected ThetKiropen correspondent of the Ex. nieeting was an impressive ene. Prayer credit on the host anti hostess. seer Neyfeefer says :--"Mise Hunt. we,, was otferea ea., for Halton all over the Pismo roara Texitio.-Montagu Ray - has been visiting friends in Goderith for Province at the same hour. The result mond, piano forte tuner for Mason & the past two weeks, is home again. She has -oven much encouragement to the Risch. Tormito, ales holding certificate reports having spent a very enjoyable %%omen's Temperance Union of this from John Broanisood & Sons, London. time." town. Eng.. paat.o makers to Her 3Iajeaty THE FALL Seray. -The West Riding Sam. Rnether, of Port Elgin, arrived of Huron tall sham will he held in °ode- here about a fortnight ago on a run by rich on Tuesday and Wednesday, the wheel through some of the western 23rd and 24th inst. Make a note of it. cuenties. On his homeward trip. he Exeter show will be held on the Gth and1 called at Goderich Friday, and on lemur - 7t11 of October. clay left for his home in the northern London, mem notice that he will visa A Goon RzronT :- We must congratto port. He was accompanied by (.ho. B. late the Stratford &aeon on its excellent Cox as far as Smith's Hill. Garage is a report of the Caledonian games, etc., sort of guide, philosopher and friend to NAL odic& As Mr. Raymond has been recently held in that town. For cow. wandering wheelmen who happen to in town some days. iluoto desiring to pletenees and interesting description, it strike our town. secure his services should leave order at was hard to beat. At a recent entertainmetit in Seaftetb 01". Rm. Mr. Broley and fatally, of See- Henry L'atlefair Hudson, a 15 year forth, are the tutees of Thy& Graham, of the performers. a young vacelist fame Goderich Hee one Th. san my, old English emigrant, MU brought before Kigin street. Mr. Brol appears t • • " "Little Miss Nellie Straiton,of Goderich, Judge Touts on Tuesday charged with stealang. The prisoner admitted the charge. It seems that he entered a Seeforth hotel some seven weeks ago. and ransacked the bedrooms, carrying off a number of teilet requisites. Among has been observed at St. Peter's ending which pleased the audience very much, the articles piled upon the clerks' desk on Monday last. The sermon on Sunday Mass Straitton ts a little girl about 10 on Tdbeday were : a razor, a hair brush, eventeit after Velment was preached by years of age, and has a cleer,sweet voice a clothes brush. a cake oe soap, a Rev. Fr. Wattera from the text, "Thou tr. a HE LIVE firoce SALL -Parties ut- neat little bottle of hair oil, wane teeth are blessed among women." tending ea enter stock for the fall sale of powder, etc. The judge administered a brief lecture to the youne priettner. and nn his protnising to work for a living hereafter and be honest. discharged him. Rudman had been spetadina the past seven weeks in the county vaol awaiting trial. THE SlArOPTII HIPPoDIVESTE- - The matched races held at Sealorth tut week were lathed upon as a eell by atom who attended from the west. The races nem place am Fairview Park, and as was ex- pected, drew a large crowd of spectators. The first race was a attache 1 trot for 41100 a side between Ward a 'Mohawk Chief and Rattenbury's Royal Revenge. It was won in three straight heats by Royal Revenge. The second ram. -a matched race between Geo. W. a% hiteley's Gar- field and Jae. Bailey', Roan Cloud -wee declered off, nn actount of Garfield M- ute lame and unlit to trot. The third rue was between the hoariest -old colta, Thee. Kidd's Lord Dnfferie, Tho,. Bell'a Lewis B. and Mr. Reba Jeesie , was won by Lord Due/min. A FeArn. --We Inuit from the Watford kieurof..A.Irisor that gentleman from Watford, while at • farm house in War- wick some time ate. was appealed to for aid by an elder! but strong and healthy hooking man, o was travelling about *eliciting charitte In smear to emot- ions as te his circumstance, the nein said that his WHIM was Lynch, that he lived near GoderiZh, and that the week previous his four grown up sons had died of inflammenon. The gentleman there- upon odd the tramp where he rounded an Watford, and promised to make inquines in regard te him on les return leen*, and in ease he famed his statements to be tree, render him some acaistance. The fellow was of routs. preyed to be an impeiter, being a werthlue character from Muskoka, who makes a tore! living W ire:easing on kind- hearted farmers. The Allallas Loeser Caws Tha art journed eases against hotel keepers Moriev, Kennedy, 81.0.0410r. Me- ter,* and Reatenbury strain came Isidore Justice, Fermater anti Fisher in the tame also references from F. H. Torrington. Esq orstamet of the Metropolitan church, Toronto, W. Waugh Lauder. Esq., from Leipeic Conservatory, Ger- many, prof. at Helmuth Ladies' College, Goderich and vicinity retrutariy. Orders at W. J. C. Natters drug store or Stu - t own. Plums ranged in price from 11.60 to 14 a bushel, aceording to quality, this Sallano. The local push crop is counted a failare. Mies McLean, eldest daughter of A. P. McLean, bas just returned fmm an extended visit to friends at London and other points. Reettard Siorinvms has hems spending his holidays this summer among friends in Stanley and Hallett. He reports the crops legend. Mn. J. 0. Stevenson, of Clinton, wee the guest Mat week of her earn. Guam Marry. Mr. Steveneen alio spent a day or two in town. A. Smith of *Watford, "Mt i fru daye with hit brother, W. 0. Smith, during the week. He resided in God. - rich 10 years ego. Among the visitors at the Caudiall Government Aloes, London, data( the week ending August 26tb, was Or. Alm Ilateitiene. of bilin hiwIL D. A. Fraser, deopety tegiertar, Oft ea Saturday on * ten days top to relatives in Detroit sad other points. He was accompanied hy Mrs. rv.aer. Mn. sad Mite Hume left no the ler week for the netsur4 it* ris.h;orship le keep*, "be,' aid wear. • look of lonesomeness. J. 1011, of Wroseter, eat stritall last enjoy his perambulations .lone the cool sang a solo which was rapturously ap- banks of Rneen, and on th• shady pleaded." The Eapotitor says :-Mise avenues of our pretty town. Nellie Straiten, of Goderich, sang a solo, A trititurn, or three deys of prayer, entitled the "Drunkard's Ragged Wein." J. Young, aim of Alex. Yonne, of C ilborne, preached very acceptably in Knox church on Sunday. He gives promise et being * useful and eloquent pastor. He leavee next month to man - pieta his studies at Edinburgh. VAL Z" A BLE Fere( SOLO. -Cherrydale Farm, also known as the LeTouzel pro- perty, was **id by auction to Wan. Van - stone, yeeterday, for $6,420, It onin- prises 162 acres, a comfortable house and a rateable orchard. It was a cheap pur- chase. Capt. Crocket returned to the city yesterday fnen a monthly sketching tour almg the north shore of lake Superior. He returns with a portfolio wed filled with sketches of the grand scenery of that wild region. -(J61:flacon Spectator. A. McD. Allan has returned after severed Reedits' abeam* tie the iseuithe and other places of recreatien. His health has vastly improved, and his friends will he pleased to hear of pny greet in putting flesh on He bake sun- burnt, and is u hearty and genial as of yore. The tomato crop, owing to the intense drought, will not be a big crop, although the r wick ripen well Not very lone the Huron Live Stock Association, to be held in Clinton, about the middle Oc- tober. should send iu their names, to. tether with the pedigrees of the animals thee intend ti offer, to the Secretary, M. Y. 'Mclean, Sesfurth, without delay, AS all entries not made by the 20tb Mee at the lateat, can not be recorded in the Sale Catalogue. Parties having stock to stil shocld attend to this at mace. Judie Sinclair is a bad num for any *harper to tackle. A swindler an simian scale found this ort to his cost in Maned - ton recently. A city paper informs us that ".Jude Sinclair enimeal Mike Me - Laughlin to drive bis horse front the beach to the city. and paid him what he asked before leaving. When he arnved at the judire's home he asked far mere money, and got it, the judge not being at home. He was arrested today (II a tiberte 11,..ernbtLittiAliPPM.„10.-IFP-0, pretwassa - • Sreestmert LAW firm:norm. -The re- sults of the Trinity term were rather favorable to candidates from :3telerich. 8. F. Washingtop, of Wawarosh, a Goderich bath 'chola graduate, was sixth on the list of barristers (wiehout an orala E. J B. Duncan was fearth in • list 439 in the test intermediate, the ago tomeaties were known te love apples, Ins..11 nes! 11,11"° ngc,,Linu ite,11,04'wha'bt-t snip. snit M. I D t and were regardott as poloonous. Last smarm the canning eetabliatirnents of the the_.middle of the same clam& E. J. Atwood stood feennd In the primary list. United Statee put up $2,322,9712 cans of We eongratulate the boys on their sec - tomatoes. ems. Wm. Woodman. who was charged by As the Ontario waa nearing Port Ar - hie daughter with indecent assault, is • tkur on her Let up trip, a man was die - well and ditch dagger, an. not a tai ir, eiverod stewing from the ship's store. as erresteostly meta last week. We Shackles were put on hen, and he was mak" Lit "grarti':nth imh.A14urf V1"14,i placed In the state nom „nder a emir& man, •-"""r• will ',__-""" k_e""•nun--- but somehow he eluded the guard lanai with the Pnemmvrt Wila°' by t'w WilY' Wia hid himself. On noseang tee twasoner "11" Uu'eiti.dunci.erstand that John Yoill hes instituted, watch lasted *beat Ave hours, the beet wits checked down, aria a mad, leased the Maitland House from the when the prisoner wits famed by ono id creditor' of Joh a Brohmae until theetid the crew in the crank pit completely of the license __Velar 444 a nominal sent, teetered with oil He was secured end and that Ed. vaitEitere yin marmite A handed over to the authorities at Port for him daring that period. The later- Arthur. __tger.,,ie tehaarear. nnti^nnl• it "."iii: win 0100 b. r"P"led Tam Minaret,' Qravrtort. - The Km - ll andWienleaurn.wfmingte ith: WYingham .4.1resee hod/oriels. It says - -"sioduich is still at toe o'clock, a. se mediae &porter kite' • close watch on Hall, Clinton, on Monday the Rth Ult., of hist week that the RevA Mr. Ilierosh masting the extension of the It will be remembered that theshargee taken suddenly ill get after nue- T. (3. sad Brace from Teestrater to that are similar to these preferred egalise eieweintt eloweinff enfirie• 0" Sunday hut. . town. Tee flaKIVAL say.: 'Whet we Thersbeld in the same court and at the sad wee unable Is< carry "n the n•T'Ica want to kw from the C. P. R. is: mine pls osi Ang. ark. in which Ws ern glad to he able to rate that he e7pin what term will ouderich bo, mad* 000.10410* 010.5 mode „ol which has Ins Itwoolrorok and hopes to bIll in his the tummies of the T. G. & B. besnch I tines been set elude by County Jade, wawa Ogee es lisnwlay arta Tb", if the terms are at all reasonable, Toms. Thos.l y 4 s princi will tbe co !Minh, who forsworn arida tire handy of mp:stay will be ofpna ermeiateci in having mom =rid, sad set apal of ollf s wesisest . weawl b. liberacalling liquor over a ritually of hers am. i m. 0461, Beaminar, has mimed 0*. poi. fkremphaasii 11 wallies weds se 511. pert than one hereon licensed preasiers and OM 11141001. A pities Of Mr bonuses from our immatipalaim That teary to the provisions of Orden. Lie. Morato, who bag reel . Mr. Wien. is ..ti.4,07 Trhat K meantime IT been en- ens* Aet 11,4 _ '" • ''' • - ''' -'-`- ' ' '- 1 A tux, end barge with lumber from Port Frank unloaded at Williams' duok 11 last week. The schooner EveningStarreached har- bor last week, where she was stripped of I her cal vase and laid up for the season. The steamer W. M. Alderson, of Poet Burwell arrived on Sunday and was Laded Mouday wall salt by W. Camp, bell. The steamer Myles arrived in part at 11 a.m. on Sundey, and after loading lame quantity of sat left for Kamer- diue. AN UNHAPPY FAMILY. Wow Woodsman, • Mono. 151.10114 Itself 5 *erten* Caporal. INsas0.es1. Wan, Woodman. a well and ditch dig- ger, of Londestoure., appeared before Judge TOMS on Tuesday, chanted with having indecently assaulted his daughter on the 22.1 of August last. The prieozer, who had been pulling moodily at a pipe. awaiting his 'Lag's arrival,stoutly denied the chareemtirthe general impression was that the cam wnuul fal h h Selina WOOAIOIATI, the complainant, in a girl of 24 years of age. mile, with dark eyes, auburn hair, a slight but shapely tigure, and woe neatly attired in a dark green, well-htting drese. She was the only witness examined. She testified that her father entered her room, and made On 11111.0:1ff proposal to her, but made no ittleto effort. to accomplish his desare. Hering iter cross-examination by Mr. Garraw some things very discreditable to the girl were brought out, and the tam proved to be a deciaetily week oae. The manes of a Clinton auctioneer and a village medico were dmaged into the affair in a led very dattering connection, and the family had its dirty been wash- ed in court to the delectation of the little krot that had gathered to hear the case tried Several witnesses testified to N',ieitiman's good character. Judge Torus referred to the fact that the prisoner had borne an excellent repu- tation, except that ho had a weediness fur liquor. The case had not been proved. as oil!): the girl's evidence, without any- thing to corrobocate it, bad been adduc- ed. Nat indecent assault had been made out, and it only remained for hint to die - chimp the prisoner. He thought the prisoner and his wife should live mos - irately if they could not agree better than they nad done in the past. Woodman was oangratulated by a number of his friends in court on his discharge. Two of his heathers, very respectable men, were present at the trial. LACROSSE MATCH. A Came lir for Agitator taampleasadhp- Sederforai anal. Win*. A very interesting game of lacrosse was played here on Friday afternoon be- tween the juniatr Hurons, of Goderieh and the junstar Beavers, of Seaforth. The salver cup and championship of Hosea and Brum was at stake, the Hurons hay- ing won the trophy at /lasokauw frees Wins/ham. As is usual with lacrosse matehes in Goderich, the game began about an hoer after the time appointed, but some airy good play on the part of the home tame partly awned for the molar The at- tendance of spectators would hardly cover expenses. The teams cumprised the following McLeod GOIII T Maim Jen:tot (1 Westlake NL1/1;:taeritvert Ifefellee fisr., • 1riP141j WC. tYNei Deterwe I A Theologise el Kelt ie Centre D NM:681MM A J Wilson HOMO 11 11 /- tirkpaggte 1: McLennan ) 2 MUMS t • Ilkowlind A /Men Beale 0 Shama, T MiOrmie Stanley Hays was field captain for Goderich, and Happy Jack Towel*, do. for Seafortle W. Veneta')." was the Humniumnana, while Pete Shesea aelerich seart,crateh- tad the Rags for the Heavers. J. J. Brown, referee. The hall Was faced foe- the first gams about 4-30. For ha:f an hoer the He- rons made a determined attack upon the Beaver's flaws, and the game peeved tile- culedly one-sided from the tient. The visiters stubborn defence of thew was the only strong play they made. lame team, on the contrary. passel the ball to one another in a way that world make some of the unions stare, and Sharman, Jack Watson. '1' 01 McGuire, Billy Wal 'see and others were repeatedly appisodei for their handy play. At the ex pied ion of half an hour (hoer, Sher - man meet the ruttier through the %Ilk amid 1 mil cheenne. The Sailors h team thew went tepees,. Tho wetted game had pr000selarl *even minutes when tinse wee eat ,.n. the vieitors having received • shp ete the nom Ten eseinds atter theo was awed for a iresotrel of the fiests. Jack Wateet Ames th• sphere isea where the Otallestiosb boys welded te. The thins isms we. won "as quirk tm a flesh." It was jut a Ilene* of peellwr dm ball to inivisibere .1 111. home eh*. instil it readied smug, Marmon, sloe pawed it ender the Leal keeper's war and the mime was won its lees time ehr it tithes to reed the, panirepla. • 1 4.