HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-8-22, Page 88
Atte alma' bad bees t et tram 14.4.4.
lees seas.-- \e leae►s of f• 1e.
Sere t WWI".
Ilk Dlu.rxl, IND., Ami 19.. -.tt the is•
1 yeah of sedatives. the remains of Private
Mae tial.tler .4 this Coot :7 ea sedition were
FAS 1..I6/e1 Ulla lis 0111: ,( in t •u isr.,.m a el
l,.rb y a 4J lie...... e u q.aUy statue ed
. • INA/ •u.,e c•• lin.' ....w.o..4J........i....1.014,u4 a., Dry.
4iillte 1t, Angell. 3uarur AWL o..s.th .L
fAni.ig- I'au amino( not, Lea mid with y'2
whit. wee 'wooer(' se Lie, situates. when
r s.ylas a ...u.. le ..dor one ail that eowap-
ud. 'Cow (malin w..a hooked with mitten
veste awl rue u..rp.e t.eath, wrapped in
is whom ..f u.wseii, au le. which were
three thiehe reins .1 a ...ha td eat►et..
Ali were qutoaly fuel q..ieuy removed.
y'he when this dreaded tree& was verified.
The needy Is, mem the het ....lis. is .4 ail
hi the doom was cut from tabu Limbs ,mid
hawk, 1h few-, .;brei rel t'ew.th.-a loo -
Lig all 11'x1 re.u.uuud u,.tous: lied. The
Mucin L•4 ta•eu i:aau'u4y reuI,1rsd to the
f hi
•ery beam. hu evidence of violence
weed see t..uled. The eyes were decay-
( ed, the fern was covered with shaggy red
whinier., and the head with darkish rod
Toss Latr.q Over the skull a es a clues -fitting
to sup, leppmentiy male o. a knit under-
shirt, ever which waa a sealskin cap with
R ears, slid tied under the chiu. there
were w.e.dela behdages ablaut the wrists
A. and ankles, and c..uaidurable gravel up en
the chest. 'the feet and hands seemed
L white and sw•dlen. The intestines were
axe but the ecu st acs n
J� {Y
T cne
oaained a small a:•uut of hair and
wos.y stuff. The remains were hilly
identified by relati]• a from the teeth, •
crippled finger mini the well preserved
features. Desch wee evidently caused
by star..tiou, as ::tasks of vl..iruor or
disease were apparent. The sealskin cap
and a lock .•f hair will be preserved.
J udKuolp by the Lumber u tat names us
the Scott Act petition from this towashlp,
Coluarue will give *boat 100 of a major-
ity tor the Act. . , ems ,
4Th, friends ..f Mr. Is*ae-'Ichor, w►
regret to learn .4 her 'Amenity, resulting
frutu chaldberth. We understated that
ate effort will be midis h. Ileo bee 111 un*
..f the uyluses, where alio can remise
proo•wulal tteatwent.
Osrbra t1.
Ilse tiring/lit u much felt, and this heat
on Sunday w*a most oppressive. Even
the heel uorreepte.deuts aro .h•yiag ..p.
The Echlin steamer last week threshed
for Jueepli Moms 896 bushels of fall
wheat frust _U acres, and left Ove lords
in the wow. Al A. Me\el's 430 buaheis
were obtained front 13 sores. How
.0 u.y bushels per acre is the yield? Don't
all speak at once.
The public school messed ou Mouday
Quite a nuuthei of wells in this %iuiui-
ty hare gone dry.
John Elliott, who is a teacher in elate -
(Ionia high *wheel, visited his friends in
this viciulty lately.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kitty returned
home un Satunlay last, atter having
i•icuut • tai
their *tat un in the
Sumwerhalle •
Capt. Auburn and Lieut. tfils,u, ..t
the Lord's Army, Wtughabu, hare held
comae wrett'ng• at the ditfereut appoint-
ments of the Asi.held Circuit Methodist
church. We believe they intend cells
tittering them.
l:ueh hres are raging in this viciva).
Tose s: T. m. •ea+au.a.
Mao Ralph has returned to her duties"
hr coat of lesnung, af[rr a .lease i
tis, .Ifs.basing te of tie bsing Lite sir of TER WORLD OVIIR.
silk hamlet. --
Harry Horton and P. Stuart visaed
the Ilertiller school last week. The
former pore • pleasant, wildnewildness,.n
ds, wgrsI-
uhMumsuag the teachers, Mr. Mus ear
Miss Rutherford, ..0 the wur►ing of the
t)airuaay.-1t is our painful duty to
record the death of Roberti Pentland,
of Dungannon, after a very sudden bet
painful diocese, bonne with Outmanresignation. He was a member of L O.
L No. 10vi4,fur quite a number of yarns.
His reins was followed to the grave
by members of the lodges of the district.
Tfie family 'have the sympathy .•f this
community In their sod bereavement.
Mortal Towsshia-
Mn. Wesley MItlgford, of the 10th, is
on the sick list. '
Chas. Cole thresh fur Wm. Croaks
on Wednesday lest, awning oat the fall
wheat at the rate of twc Michels to the
There will be preaching in the Sturdy
church on Sabbath eveuuatl, the 24th
iustamt, and alternately 1etween Sunday
morning at 10:30 and livening at 0.30.
On Thursday LRobt. McMurray cut
tan acres of oats with a Massey waehwwe
fur Samuel Caat.lou. Messrs. S. and A.
Cunt -len and Wes. Mugford bound it ali
before 'Dundee's. They did not start to
bind until Mire o'clock In the morning -
nut eight hours -but a good day's work.
Phon.'. A is little daughter of t1.
Beaver, ..f the Bayfield lake shore road,
in rang thr,ugh her father's wheat titled
plucked an ear of wheat s:= itches in
length which contained by actual *mut
ninety-eight grains. There were fifteen
stools from the one grain pleated and
the ears on each were nearly as large as
the one c.)naluing nnsetyaight grains
• Say there were ninety grams, on theaverage, t.. each, this would make 13:,0
fold. For one groin to yield 13:0u
seems to challenge be,ief, but are hare it
on unimpeachable authority. yeas
Faav•Sou).-The Morley humestee ,
on the Maitland con., near Hnlmeavilk,
has been sold to Mr. 1'. J. Evans, of
this township. for the sue' of $5,300.
It contains 190 acres, of which 100 is
bush, has good souse house and frim.
out -buildings, and is well worth the price
paid for it. Mr. Carter has it rented
for this year, but it u probable Mr.
Evans will move un it this fall. #
Herbison, spring Mr. Wm. Herb,n, of the
Ilea bell road, started a small creamery
un his farm, principally for his convent-
fluairhere 9 •i r t have hent tat s, rc
doors suspended. bat there are many
were anitemely awaiting the falling of
the hh,. It appears that G. T. It. D
tectivellynu had t'othunet•. do with the
work of getting Evidence *,stoat the
ticket puhch.re 31anager Hickson en-
gineering the nutter himself. It is not
exactly known as to what aroused the
suspici. nos of the rails al company. That
recently 4*enly rently there is little doubt,
but the cnnpany acted very suddenly on
the hent. Tate wet)...f spying on con-
ductors Is but looked upon s a congefuel
task by detecttirs as a geueral rule, and
it is said it was found iutpsible to get
men on this side to do it. Be that as it
may, Manager Hickson wrote over to the
heal °thee in Lenders, remelting to be
furnished with two smart men en who
could do the job, as there were none in
Canada who cared to take it up. The
two teen arrived out by the next steam-
er, and travelled the 0!anie length of the
Grand Trunk as high-tlying Englishmen
out doing the country. They s.x,tt
found their way into the confidence of
the conducturs, and claim to hare made
cases against them. Among u. Mr explode
they managed to catch a t. •ket picker
plying bis trade. 1'erhapa i, they had
not shown their hand n little too upeuly
an this particular case, they u,tght have
managed to secure evidence against a
great many more. It is probable that
the whole affair will be ventilated by the
"courts with the G. T. 1y'. Co. as prose-
cutor. eh-h/
\att.sal eland.
1878 people voted for the N. P.
without haring the faintest idea what it
meant, beyond • general impression that
it was going to drire away hard times
and makeeverybody rich and prosperous.
Before they had time to fully realise its
worthleuness they were forced by the
action of the Government to paw a sec-
ond verdict upon it in lien, which with
the help of the gerrymander and the bri-
bery fund provided by the monopolists,
was turned in itis favor. By 188 it u
expected that the power of the monopo-
lists will be see well established that the
people will be unable to shake off their
yoke, in spite of the fact that they will
before then have fully learned that the
A. P. is really a scheme for protecting
wealthy capitalists and mailing the labor.
ing man and consumers generally ply
tribute to the rich. But the ballot nary
show that the man ..f the people are net
to be caught by chuff again, even th..ueh
the husks are gilded to utske them ap-
pear enticing. I Ex.
Mead toe Yarrow.
8..311, out, Ont., Aug. 18 --Early yes-
terday nerrnint as seine children Wine
pawing through a p.f •wed field they were
hurritied to find a dead body lying in a
furrow near the fent,. The beefy was
identified by the c:oohing u that of W.
tt-inegar.lei, a pisco, Man who was past
seen on Friday afterou. A bottle of
wkisty in his pncuct explains his sad
history. This Wako. the third son sud-
denly called away in a short tnnc. tine
was struck by lightning and one burned..
R' death. The cmner considered an in-
quest unnetresary, and the body was
buried this aftern•.on.
teeming and [.stud
r Ito Voas, Agin. 20. -Telegrams from
Paris say it u officially confirmed that
flermany has annexed the entire tern -
tory between Orally, River and the 2bth
decree south. The german flag has
been hoisted along the coast to Cereals'.
country annexe.' (wine equal in extent
to the state of New 1•.rk. Thedistrits ascentoerguecry, anto
i d t h l I5.4 1t I hfeeling runs high. It lk. thought the
strained relatins of the ten powers in
Africa. will undoubtedly- lead t.. grave
eosophatins and reprisals.
at t
l nt
Mrs. Edward Jennings, of Pi:moiling,
Mich., paid us a blah last week. emich4
After a long and painful illness, _James
Emmerton,ef the 1st concession, Huron,
passel from this life on Thursday, the
14th Inst., at eh.. en .• clock, aged 44
year.. 11:s rrunisina were interred in
Kincardine cemetery, on Saturday, (ul-
lusted by a long concourse of friends and
'neighbors. He leaves a wife and four
chddren au favorable circumstances.
They have the sympathy .1 the cotnwuu-
icy in the loss of their relative.
Jlraete. Watson, Gusman, Milne, Mc-
Kntuut', Taylor, and McGowan, were at
the tjueeu City last week. :..y'.;'1' ,12P11
Cl.l.• Howl=Av.--Tuesday, :,tit Aug.,
was observed as a holiday in this village.
.About :t,i went to Port Huron, and en-
c joyed themselves very well. ,thrd -LEI
Rev. Mr. Ekin officiated at Kroh
Church in tl'e absence of Rev. A. Mh.-
L pan, who u spending his holidays. He
is an able, powerful and fluent speaker,
and wet with an unpreceuented effusion
of ap batten of his sermon by the
people. The Rev. Mr. mlcNaughtos
will preach ext Sunday. eh - It
aa-. •tt►aNr.'-. While K,bt. Taykcrwwas
cutting a stick on Wednesday, he acci-
dentally cut Ica hand. It appears the
stick struck the axe handle as at was de-
scending, and thus misdirected the blade
of the axe, which carne down with great
force, cutting the Ont three fingers
above the knuckles almost off, being sus-
pended unly by a piece of akin. Medi-
cal aid was at once summoned, and he is
doing as wen as could be expected, al-
though there are some fears of amputa-
tion. It has happened in a bad tune, *5
the young man will not be able to do
any work for a long time, and he as
two farms to work.
As sk,...d v ase teswwr er our !tial. WE ARE LENDING MONEY AT
sr.' ~"w tett) Int u.ut. PIs. tie f u
--- Saimaa:it a LaWI*
The escewlve death rate bigwig Uy'- Guderieh. Awe" t7th. Ulm. HMI
tame iu Montreal udl continues, being 000 To LOAI.. APPLY TO
materially aided by the intense heat CA MEWS" 11OLT RCA MKRUK. Gude
ich. 1750.
Loans anti insurance.
Out of • total u( 1116 deaths last week.
uo less than. 117 were ohitdreu under 5
years of age.
A platform at the picnic of the Knights
of Libor et Belleville fell whilst a now -
her of the people were on it. A buy
Imbued McAdoo had ow of his legs brok-
en, and others had narrt :v escapes front
A notable piece of work was done at
the Pullman Car Works, Minute, un
Monday. One hundred cars were con-
structed, sainted. and all complete with
nal regular workwg hours
The black ea -Queen of Asset), Teriu•
royal guest, refused the aid of doctors
during a recent indimpu.ttiou on the
ground that it was aYaitt*t .tfsioat: court
etiquette No white hands to tout. ker.)
The Independent and l.ibersal press
unanimously condemn the unfair clwrac •
ter .•1 the t)u.uinion g',re:rolnent'• ruling
iu the Halton: Scott Ac'. repeal petition.
Thaw* clot are not blindncl by partizan --
zeal admit that oho tiovcrnmeu: has ..m- 14 E. CASE, M.D., C.Ml., N.C.P.8.,
mtttel a anal bluadrr. 1 • Oni. Meehan. C aa, ttna;••sa. A.• ouehrur,
1 funds -ow freehold sauaraly• .6 3 is
lh5. Hwaawu. li.drrich. 1
1. amount of Private Funds for lnvoenswt
it lowest rates 018 drat -clam Inn tillages. Apply
to JARROW t 1'1Loc lea Of.
NVonlearn, and hewn Property at lowest in
toren. Mo,tguses pltuchs .d, *s comma/mon
1014107 soflle rec. ressustabte.
N. R. -Hurr'oaers oaa obiala rouser iu nosedive
if title i. witistactory.-DAYI:4ON & JOHN
OWN Barrister.. tc.. tloderica. t1s1
5 toile and Aceldeat Insurance Agent.
ft•'preernttng arse rl.s.Cempente. Alwageet
for tbe4As•pa Lien *race 1x01 RA1ea Cu.
Money to lend on Mortgage, either is Town in
Yana Propertyin any way to snit the burrow
:. l°Mcc--tup-dalrsi Kay's block Ooderlch
hl•rss 1 .).'Jt. ; lnaw-v. I. A,Im Covironr- I
"Hy • tburoujh Woowled.e el the natty•
rat lawn which cavern the operations or
tion awl nutrit andb
iiire.l fah. y • careen' '
application of the Woe properties of wrU•
selected Coons. Mr. F.pp-, has provided our I
ureak(ast tables with a deLcatety devoured I
h..% cringe which miryj ware us many henry 1
.iur Cora bill* Its bythe ju•i.cwus teas of ,
+uchartivierof .diet that a conatitut,on eta)
t11.rr.lualiy built up boil atrouj enough to
resist ever) tendeu.y to disease. Hundreds
of subtle maladies are heiehe around us i
ready to attack ehere; er there L • weak
point. We may rape many ♦ fatal shaft by
seeping ours.:lres earl: forti:led with ppuure
blood and a properly nourished frame. -(8:(1
Jerrie, Oo.totte. Mete simply with boiling
'valet or mak. odd only in Packets and
Tins lilb. and lis.,. b) Grxers. labelled -
Jaises Errs a: t'.,., Humeropathlc Cho/stmts.
.t••:. Dace abut forc,ertkuccupied to Dr.
:1J', 'uaeoat lout.; :4 t80 . .'Ight ,1tfle -3I•r
.1t.. hotel. 11rt1-
7it. WHITELY. H D., C.M1., PHY-
. :i'I.t `:. aurifeoa. Accuwlieur. etc.. M.
1' 1' + ,:•,t.:..,. o•t11ce-The Square. 3 doors
Mas• o! tio:+ , .'s Drug Store. rap stairs. lent
1t ft. MeV )NAIIH, M.D., PHYSIC -
. 1 N. s,.::';EON. &e.. l;reduate u( tor-
orauto (',ours'!, .t.:eetLate t the Royal Col-
tsje of Phjsima :. Los.toa. England. a e., tie..
M. C. P. M., thteou. 011e.- and residence
Opposite Baileys 11 • 11. 11a...ilton s:reet...ud
erleh 17964m
11 ygives t1es the taerpmattaie eit
DA Y eyept1i�esesg uppllp�ll�p tette Yt)A
lla the Town el Mlir�snl bNeeee
scathed Beale et lrt�wwNN[t ii�ant ttsa
o rb Inuit of Jobe sweet; else this id
Patrwk street la wahl towelling westward e.
the wsaterly Balt of WIWas efremefM,wW:
also twat portio* of the Inas or rsrdw►y in
said sewn lythe between the spetliertv Una
of Patrick street cad artbertylimit et
Jobe street. aid lyiy sba ea Latin. M. eft.
5s cad 67 in Peter y'Iehsre privilege
• on Cie owe side, and 1ot�ale, >r7. ME VII
cad 105 (luseranselo eareey, ea Lite other
side ; awl for the purpose el .elW,a sad eae-
veyfna the pu.00hs of wad serses. lane and
roadway*, w as *fo:enal4 to be .teiped ftp N
GeorgePttLt)u_'Llday of er 01
Jody. * �
)aced lr J. lily. A,jLV .
Mast H TKRTows bark.
blot xvv 0v Ht•eo.v • Ily r1Rue tat a tt'tit at
io brat: ('limbi Faefas. itred 0441
of Her MsJ. wly's nigh /'ours of Jostle*,
Queen's lime\ iSrtww. awl to be directed
ea l dell%cr d awguilits' the lands and Tene-
ment.' to W Il.l,l.%441 It.mKRT,401. at tow•
suit of JOHN GItI►:N ei CO. 1 have sinned
tial taken bo car. uim.a all 1tw: tubi, title. fr
trmat, a,wl eynity of rrdreiptlun of .H and
.trwrular ibaa certain parcel or tract of land
511:1 pnentiete..iut•ts,. 1) -Ing and being in the
Township of Colborne. In the County of
Hume. and Pre.riace of Ontario. b.lry eons -
posed of a p to of but sun1taw one. in the Bret
i ,ria ewion. eastern div MOO. ,1: the said Town-
ship. Thr cartes and bound. of the said parcel
of head. brunt as toolbar. l'uu,nosle•Iao at the
distant,/ of .gine chaise sixty-seven links, on a
Count• dor west, from the poet planted be-
lot and
tea on south side t ,x.n
taneu lis 0.
r•e•+slun rod. thenen: south. tour 4egreee.
term minutes. east lbtsgne lcl two chains
nim.I�sks. 1114500 swots. D-veat)••5sed
flfttrn niInw,•s, wnl, one .heir. eyrhty tisk+.
thenrr 14,111 88. furty•thrrr degrees, forty -Are
minutes. west. alxty-nine links. thence worth.
eight degrees, twenty minutia. we.t. two
chains. thirty links, thence north. fourteen de -
greets ems:, ow• chain. fifteen links. thence
nuih eifhty-two drones. len minuses, east.
1 ii R. McLEiN. 'riVSICIAN, SUR- thirty-two dearth". forty m,nntem. east. orae
iJ chain. forty links, to the plarc tat seminal*`.
and OoneIbing by adnw•asurcn,ent three
nods and twoperehe+of land. which wand.
and Tenemret+'shall offer for Sale. ot ms e-
1 ace. in the Court Houw. . in the Tenn of Godo-
: ich. uta Ti ,:44:,.1, the TImRTIKTH day Of SOP
tember. IS114. at the Incur of twelve of Ma-
tlock. noon.
one cha n. thirty-four links. thence south.
(:EON,t'.er .••, 4Mtt.e and residence
Hover riga.!..... .lour west of t ietorte
I 'intro. 1751.
H G. M[ACnID. M. D., PHI -Si-
l A De 1 dim
. of Toronto (•nirereity. WE. eopposite t'ismer
, res at Cameron's Hank. Lucsow. if not in
Nim. , MIL,. enautre at the hank. hhey.
. C n an. moue r res
.an.. u
At Danganaon. on the 3n.1 Tare. Kutner -
Pentland aged t: )ears, atter Asher: and eery ' LRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON,
painful illness. ... ... _ l:'aysk:ans. Iurseona. Ac.ouchers. Rc.
In Godenct , on testard. . August tech. l..,8 °M`''' at Dr. Shannon 't residence, seer the
hcrlfl Co. Huroe.
?bcrltf. (Mlle•. Gowlerich.
June 13:h. 1144. . 191143'
` y 'rs tna,t O.wtencb. l,. C. semehme. J. C. Hseem
Johu Ittlw Slcl►ay, tical 33 years. mouths
and 11 days.
• Tux 1:51.
in Goderi T=un Vednesday. An -net �Dt:.. - n --+
Auctios ring
1358. 1t1Nwm Martin S1ci►ertnut:. eldest sou
of bleary M.L)ermott. Novi.. Master to Chow
mer., aged 31 1 ears anal 5 months. _ J
%Oat Monday. lith Inst.. Marr, widow of the
late Thos. Gutirnorpr. aired is years and ten
L. the County of Huron. slates attendee
homy pan of the (*one( y. Address order* to
Guderich P. 0. ISYS.
once and the aawmmodetion of a few of sedemeh makes.
his neighbors who might chose to send
their cream to him. It was intended
ala. as an experiment, and we are glad
to say it was proved a gratifying success,
for while farmer's butter is selling at 14
std 15 cents per lb., he has refused 20
cents per Ib. for hu male. He makes
about 150 lbs. a day, with the 4Vartman
& Ward churn. text season Mr. Her -
biotin intends to put in steam power and
, prepare for a more extended business.
Everybody asyss tthe hest of theweek was very oppressive.
There was a gin se camp en Nt4htln-
gale-at. last uiebt.
Ann Culunming 1s returned honoe
from • pleasant visit to Kingsbridge.
Albert bud Willie McArthur have
been visiting relatives at Grand Bond.
The brushes of Hllier & 1).,n, of
t;odericlavane a new crst of paint t. our
Exchange h.teI recently. 1 bur achitct
also made some repairs in the wodwork.
"Black Mlnnaay returned to meunory
this week, as the urchins were hurried
off to school by anxious mothers. Tole
streets and highways are now deserted,
and nn trod of the houses quietness
once more reigns supreme. tf1The Morrow stmer was in our Iwrlast week. Its atachees, Tall Donald
and the lolly angmeer, oast with a merry
welcome fret' old chus. Both still
support single lite, at.d say they never
have bud moments when they a.sseamong the Black Sheep.
1'HgMoosvIL The broad fences on
either sideof the road north of the "Es-
change-' was black with grasshoppers
about 9 p. u1. on the 13th ist. An Ashfield farmer returning hoe, mistokthem fr bees. Error architect difTred inopinion, anti, sat satisfy himself, the
farmer goat oat df the wagon, andtiously apeuuehed the fence, whip in
hand. A cl..e observation dtechoed the
fact that they were genuine D.k.,ta grasshoppers
fol,* I.nkl.ter Ind .1. G. Clutton teeat i onnaller loot week.
The fist threshing of the seaamon E. Shaws, East Lynne far, onSaturdayA .ystematic robbery ,f registered Mra Land, and her two daughters, (.f
letters has bbeen ging ..n in St. i eeks, the Forest city, were vatting Mends
Que., fnr ,nmme time, and •usiesen res; hero hat weeke1 on • letter earner named John Du- John McAlister ha gone to Dunlop to
manlier. wh•. es closely watched. and learn 11e myies a the few andwas aaht Tredeiy in theact of open. undo, the *titins of D heming,isg letters. He confessed. and wee atnow, erreste.1 dIced in ole 1 .•k-ftplyaaaThere an 6wt in a great
for the night Lis morning hr was Pim votes the lake abets(send dead itl is cell. it i■ thught aaas gm son 1u►ve rein they win MOMthe caws. of drttb i;fr m drinkes he a gat t10a1 s•ih°'
been imbiiligd eiery freely fur De Kerry Hort,* returned M rusmewtsome time partt .4n inquest will lbe hot Misturdmy to tk. charge of his
hod. He g• cis beet • now ms •w�
Wheat. t Falls V bush.eiWCaL
Wheat, toprieg I Y hush......
Flout. N barnL..,.....
Oats. M bush........ .
Peas. 4+ bush...........
Barley, Y busk . .. .....
Potatoes Whet* ...,
Hay. 41 ton. .................
flutter. w •.._�����.;��y;
lists,. 41 dos. nt1g1M' '4........
A g. 21. 11 .44 • TiONF.ER and Land Valuator, Got:rrfab.
4f4ay' is 1 lint. Haring had cots.derable experience la
1 00 er 1 lig, the auctioneeringg trade. he l+ in a position to
4 75 p 5 ate discharge with thorough satisfaction all com-
e .1' 4 0 10 missions entrasted to him. Order's left at
• 6: . a . Martin's Hotel, or sent by mall to nay address.
• t3 vg a V) r;•deri•-b P. 0.. crefslly attended to JOHN
• 40 to u 50 .i;XOX ('ountr Auctionee:. 1417-tf
7 So fe a to
11 to o HE=1LMt7T E ; .
Short.. i tort
Bron. P cwt....
Wood............. .............
L t • l• aFINK
• rut
r - •
:1-.1 *dish ollcgeC+ H -
fl,- i . +'•+', n l.ar-v .t..ortmrn' of
y. Ffillii (IAt1L�ltia A SPECILTY.
. .
enema Mss d1 Part..1 N.r.. gN ea the
new. Carbaae.
Rohr. Durnin's saw mill, Wroxeter, •
was totally destroyed by tiro on Satur-
day the 9th inst. It was partly covered
by insurance.
FARM Sot,. -Mr. David Mill, of 1's-
b.orne. has disposed of his farm, coutain-
ing 150 acres, being lot D, con. ; , to
Mean. Clarke & Fletcher, for the sum
of1l,500: Mr. Mmol will probably
move to Exete.
A Naesw Fa;, t,F. ML. Robert
Gevenleck, "f AicKill.p, accompanied
by Mr. Wn,. Gore:dock. returned h.me
from M*nit.lsa on •Vednealy, •.f last
week. H.• wrist to the N.rthwce.t for
the lrnetit of his healti. ..m1 wepleased that hos outtur has heel acal result, a:houh lie'.baI aa.mewhat
r.'llgh exerience .0 the h.eueward jt.
and he has t• thin.: his skil ss •
samostcr, acquired in rally life, that Le
u not ir, :he tottotu of Thunder Bey, as
f,..cl fr the fishes instead of gladdening
the hearts of nu [Wends by recounting
his ad :rutat1s and rx'rd.ats by lead and
tfhen h arrived at Port Arthur
into very .1iy and raining heavily,
1144 3u hma.elf .t11 his nephew deme
paswing hurriedly *lune the wharf in
quest .f ther haggaale. Mr. Govnl,ct
steptw.I utf an1 fell Intra the water, a dis-
tauce ••f about twlve feet below. it
w*+ pich dark and he. war muffled up in
his even:oat ; but despite these disadvan-
tages and reganlless lef the feet that he
hailtteet attempted t.. sewn f••r twentyyear* 141 acroti,.u1 drbly and succred-
ad in kelit'g himsf -H•.it unil M r.
Wm. f{oren•e:. secured A light atol i�assistance, when a r;le aa. thrownhint and by [Hess,. of a he uia.:eted troach terra firma ince more, pretty
therughie dtetchedbut none the worse
for hs adventure. Had lie not been n
swimmr he would certainly here
been drowned. He last his valise wi_ich
h. wa. carrying in his 11,11(1 when he
stepped off the wharf-Esp.sitor
It". tt-1_.&,k. (loll l Medalli+'. awl pupaO, .:are, .114, iszt. ,.recto
I beg to advise my cutomr, and the Cor..
s,.g.ers of Coal generally. that 1 ant now' receiring m) Fol .ad Wiut.r et:pply o: sssD
•rt .4PT /'OAL wind am prepared t.. t:.keorders to tea delivered intune tat tar foil,..,ng
Chestnut and Stove, 87.00
g $6.78
Soft, --- $5.00
TLanking you fnr plot favors. 1respectfully clic: u continanceof your pat-
W_ LE.
tfatcrh. !.ug. 13. 11,4. 8'554(
tEGEPt & LE WI, B.tRR!sTERf1,
tlodertch.J.A. 31o*M1t.
1., N. LLeiria. 1907-
R'iC. HAtie, '11.kCIToFt .ttc.,
1 •• 1480 aluar1 an.1 West
sue. :.I.c:.. rte: Hitler, booktore.
measy toleadat law•at rotesofinteres:.
w�IiROW & i'itsf'DF.►t►T, BAR
:I1Tfi At'ortweys. +elicitor+, etc
eh. . T. iii.'nrw..s. Pr,u.ltoot. 175
ftarri.tem. iarto thaa.-er:')d•-4181. and te•inglil.ae.irc.r• )i. C Canwyron,drenle 1'. )loll. Si. 0.4Aia:rnn, Ieeseeh. Warc. windburn. 1751.
\a ane
r0.l! 51 iS8lN 1100)19
rAceettt doer S12�Nit Blot al. O11c•
Lend Bo.t ii.e. rt,.f 1144! Olt twsrxr vosera•MILTON LOAN SOCIETY.
Money 1...( al Lowst Rate of I,ercwr.
Y�\EY AllV 11C T1iJ Nf[O ALS.rigNTTO
S. Pt►LU)CK,
Real Estate and Ftnanclsl .%gent
April .tkbifitl. I11-Iy
eea'r say. lease se OU)AN AT 8 PER
Nrw YOR, Ang. 19-Vanderbilt�
hold M•wi ri. for # $4'000, notwithstanding that he hal been offereo $100,000.
Today Bonner was asked, "Supp.oer
Jay-Eye.$ee• shoul.l hat the recent of
Maori S.what wunl.l you d.. then 1Huanswer was eharsctenstie "Ituy him.
res,, if 1 col(, or put )laud 41 to (rai-
intit D„ne gr.xl track TikeCharter
Hartf.rti, atad give the public a free ex-
hibition of speed.
ed Time* 4sect A1
The dedacti.n is that hard timessooner and last longer under high thunder low tariffs History corroborates
philosophy in that ennclusum. The old
ws that hard times might be ex-
peetei once in ten years Now four
gond years out of tee are •bout all as
be depended o n. -
Tb. seers ,ort la sew srwaswtlea.
HALIFAX. Au,. 19--Tbe cornet r'a-
tnres of the Hentt Ad election held in
Westoreland enmity, NB., 00 Thursday last, give a t.ils.rii of 73 is featof retainint the Act, .lot sgahst iM se-
are prepared to loan money at 1 per cent. pay
shim half gnarly.on
TERMS TO SUIT Bf0RRO%VERBon first -sines farm ,security.Apply to
Barristers. Ooderimb.
Agents for the Toronto general Trade Coy.
Mssrs. (astsv. Hot.T fti Caginr base
ab0a amount of private funds to los1
er avet-e tars security.
Oederieh. Oct. 4.1alx 1511tf
1 am pm•arwl 10 sell any gtfty of P),
('lea Ale barrels at the
sad will detlrer to any part
Preseptw.,, and dealityguarsod. Apply M
PT. F' .R,
atsstll sib wgoMui
t `+iarey. Arnot. i)1re .ot:
Jit)tior Departiiieiit,
Full Diploma !hearses in Ltteiaturr, Mahe .
and Art. Serolars1lpe .oa,petatiruly
awarded ann ly to at :"eptember -r.:ranee i
Wisms.+ N ars,. For last. films
Owed circular. dress'
REV. E. N. ENOLI8H.'1. 1.. Priteipa1'
£r: est tem bewWv.Soptesseher ►•nth
A..t 7. MN 1L'a--1m
00 To
K ri 1011 e s
1)R 1)YE.
The Oldest Established and
Cheapest Store in the
County of Huron.
liranalated Sugar,11 lbs. /tar 51.0; by .he Ib.
.Oc. tither sugars in proportion. Mayans cash
on delivery.
Roark Tea at it,-.. e.pn*l to any 50r. Tea la On-
tario : riser Meeks at 50e. and 75c. Orre%
Tea* -Ponstel arson. trews mc. a Mr. Gun-
powder Tea,Me.: the finest Impetted. 75e. Ib.
A eery flee ape* Rioting at HM. ib.
DRQ c,00DB_
Prints to rime at prices to aatmish. Factory
Cotton. yard wide. by piece et s..: narrower
at Sc. A fine lot of Oros Orals Drees 8111i• at
75c.. worth 111.35.
A we;1-selected stork of ltcyt Snaith*. Hy
York, spade* and Shovels, all the bed
P.41.I1'•TIB AND OILrf.
We keep nese her the hese. and sell them at
some price as commonest.
Vinegar • epocialty, and warrented free
from mlrrsI acids.
A ow.d *steely of Ohms awl builder. Hard-
ware an bald.
Owberleb. 351.`1«.. heal . 1904m
AG.tel forTie « sl
U hh umitr
lass thea Mies ser p��ow T�wwat g
beak is merles. cis ries s t-
��Appdttaal��e t IL
Oaitr� '
J 1
hoe sc; -���. r
•.I.., a null lis.. in
Ci'ocery& Glassivare
1J111111'I' and Tea Sets.
Giftlt+itihar: of u'.i kinds at Bottom
P1xe .
Chinn Sets at Cost.
.t tall line of Fre-ah
Wilt Not be Cndentokl in Sugar+.
'Tees as Cheap as ever.
G. 13. (iLD.
On the Square, Guderidi.
Seidi-Centennial EIpositihl,
Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy
Agricultural and Hortscultnral
Products, Implements and Man-
ufactures of all kinds.
September 10th to 20th
The LIMNS non Yoe r * iaamtr/aw.
Prize Ilse and patty Forms can be obtain-
ed from the seseesaala se alt ARrlcaltokral Ito
rktl.s and )Ieabaatw' inMnens, et they will
be sent anywhere es typhoids% M postcard
to the *,creta 7. at Teewate.
VITstld CLOSE a.1'0t••T tied.
tau esu w este
Of Toronto's SemtOe9MnwW year.
An Immense Programme!
is being M'aesred her that flem
e•benw ossa NMI tseasyems yen Dal&
ss?be bees Pere to ddb eM NIp et
J. J. WITHROW, taagi
Jams 1M. NN. ma,