The Huron Signal, 1884-8-22, Page 4•;••,.
"A:SPELitt T:Nisbr ur's
THE HURON ,31.1 NAL FRIDAY, AUG. 2t 1884.
every y gig le c
5 Iliraest their Met. N«rtli •
qrsemstre by the serum mails end using.
Is esspeeebsol te tell parts ot the serremd-
tbsa t=lialiyal=1:111 ta this eart et
it has a lamer Moats -
the essatry. 4 ki ere raciest, newsiest
mad mu reliebie Marsala la Ontario
Vamoosing asEdeoes, the torsegolageseratial•
aad Was* Wen te the above, ti Aret-cias-
laintly It is therefore a
lioraitherseelatillids esiesr=saisilliatm.
-OM la adt &WI, lataing• Pev-gatil
; $1.75, if pall before Ms mostlis
if am so peed. This rel will be tried!
526 or AD Mae. Eight cense
111.21. for last insertion three cents per Ilse or
gik subilottennt4eatirt ter. Yeartz.bahr yeare
ma esarteratedierecis at reduce' rate..
.114141 rut mu,. No heat, ajoe• first claim
totalling departhient In eonneetion. and mama.
tagrmaussit cemplete oat th and hest fecilities
tat eas weak In Goderiets,areprepailed
b• MUMS Ulla at prialtathatiatneat
bo R. =silty that caanot b.
seiresseed.- ferns
Hurt* will vote ua the question of
the repeal of the Scutt Ast ma Tuesday,
September the Mk Three attempts
have tame, beam mole to repeal the
Scott Act --i 'Fredericton, in -Prime
county, 1'. I. , and to Westmoreland.
het aU three cases the Act was enetatued.
During the past three years the Temper-
. mu Act ineu have won every contest at
Lib. pulls. The light us Halton will be a
I close ead bettor one.
Tata bleat Act prevents isetwo-thirds
of Not Scotia, tee -thirds of N•w
Brunswick, and 111 illd rutin) region 44
Prince kedward Island. The endeavor
to repeal the Act in Prince county, P. F.
I. sell voted down by 2,tet9 to 1,00, or
a vote of nearly three to one. Prince
Edward Island, mya • Waterae emerge -
Ipendent, the list o4 crimes haa gruwn
less, and empty prison culls speak loudly
nik RAILWAY JIBITLYG. lin fever of the Scott Act.
The preliminary reiFirosy ainsitad field
CM Wednesday ermine, an amount of
whirl is given in tour news oilmen*, pro-
misee to be the beginnitte of • series tot
meetings fraught with importance to the
interests of Ooderich. For years railway
talk lets been indulged in by some .4 tour
stocalled pretniaent men, but like the
daliberattous ef the Dutch councilmen
in Knickerbocker's e• York. the mat-
ter usually ended in erneke. Our coun-
cil candidates Near Vein; always speak before lonetto *rue up Canadian politics
long and loud at nomination in fever cf in the 'Tory interest at a bettor or surer
railway extention, and tell the ratepay • salary The Spectator Bohemian has
.IS wLat they will do if elected ; and given hiinself away badly.
when elected, they de nothing. A coin-
mittee for railway purposes has been in THE silly seadoa appears to. be upon
existence for a number of years put, and our Tory contemporaries along with the
has preyed to be At useless as a tifth discussian of the Roundery question. So
wheel to a coach:WV. high time a inconsistent are they that the Toronto
change was made, and we hail with Tel...tram chides them after this naanner
pleasure the advent .4 the citizens' "It is eotnewhat uthl that the Conserve -
committee. We expect to hew Itire journals should take such pains to
some sueerinn, againet the promoters of pnee that the disputed territery which
the present agitation from the do-noth- I has been awarded te Ontario by the
ing element. But sneering is net argu- Privy Council is practical!! melees. If
ment. We are of epitrien that reflections lit is useless, why did:Mr...Meredith ttry
will be (Mit upen some ..f the railway leo hard-accordingft75-heir; story --to
secure it for Ontario And if:it is no
value, why did Sit John Mudenald show
such determined opposition to Mr. Mowat
when Mr. Molest was pressing Ontario's
claim to it Vas it all fur amuse-
Iliedimareris Use Ilsillesdos An stemma Ile
flbehe Mir
liwtchiana & Ogilvie'. Harbor Mill at
thodench ts mice agate teaming at full
camosty, Menai regime.) beau refitted
with the 141411C1r 11(4000111/. nit 4.4.p1110ity 141
the mill under the new symeut so 800
brie. per diem, and the wage hat foots
up tu 5300 weekly. During %Ise
rliallartisalATIgns Talt 211.4
seritgasly on this mustime, ere Walt we
have shown to atet elieffen thiet
Po arrest nu IIALSN LOTT L'IlTallth
os die part of the pnerriettes of the mill
to rodeos So • minimum the Mute of
smoke from their works. The Mame,
is 101 feet from the ground; the latest
econtritheses for consinnute smoke have
been plated in the mill, and everything
that amid be done to prevent any some-
time to residents of the town -save the
charming of the course of the wiod from
the uorthweet -has bees* dote. Well,
there is
from the old pnseses to the new, whet:.
it haa takes since last Jenusty so mom l
piety, • large member (4 our teen inech-
mita have been engaged the mill, in
addition to the regular employees, and
$4100 per week have been patd out dur-
ing these mouths. Durum the past year
eros are pleased to Mote that, thaite• to
the ineuagement of the Big Mill in ill-
CoalliENTINti upon the Stratford Bea
cone reference to the Winniesee San's
opinion of Sir John 4. Macdonald, the
Hamilton Spcchitor bays 1 -
'The Mores shisuld tea pay too murk at-
tention to the remarks of Inconsistent editors.
The Bohemian newspaper men antes wbat
he is mid to write."
The editor of the Specester speaks
front experience'. He left his paper a
year or tits. ago to manage a Minnesota
daily for a oinseleration, but returned
051 !NUM COVLD 1111 DONE
and that is this: The mill management
eould shut down the works and discharge
their hands, thus depriving the town of
5300 a week in wages the amount uf
money paid out to the:farming community
ter Wheat- sonte.200,000peryear ouuld
be stepped by the unit, and the produes
auguratiug the new ruler proccss far alhowed to go to neighbortng towne for
manufactunag Soar in tioderirb, ; end the, eseital invested ta
man able and wilhog to drive Ilai's and the construction of the null, the. putting in
aaw luusber has been mid of • job. of the latest end beet machinery, and
i4ISAIETITY OP WHEAT other handicrafts in connection,could be
Mew ilas Immo, While the Mom liestee
The Puget hens, the tanseue Goderiels
*unmet newt, this year deism en ex -
minimally large business, and the sem
.on thua far has been the must profitable
of auy during the pest tee years. Hav-
ing a desire to Nis the meager in which
the guests enjoyed thee duke fur week,
tr..1 1.0.srded the mad couveyance of the
Point Fano, on Saturday eveniug, and
about eight o'clock alighted on the broad
701 pima. JR
on Saturday night at the resort aa
interesting .vent, ad has to be seen to
be fully appreciated. The mail ben is
brought to the office and it* cootents
emptied. A lame uuuiber .4 expectant
ones gather around, and as the addresses
of the namentes, packastes and Penodiestle
are read out jey and depression are the
feelings that run through the audience.
Every guest not a confirmed invalid is
riso handled each „sr .seies swouctiiiiit to Ttallzecod uitdo bleied,idnlie obit; Hunuprtcodhisii%nctive.a
another the soerage would be holm 110",1-1 Ogilvtietu the interest of the petitioners,
the seasone yield, hut 4.1543 year
000 to 200,000 bushels per year. which who suffer hem the smoke uf the mill
, when the "northwest wind cloth blow;
Pi"ell tik eirwehttiwn ill this ileetIc'n t" but we duubt if they will see their way
In o- an' lit clear to lb, it. We also doubt that the
Huron county, the Gotta au f
$200,000. For years pest the Be..:11
Mill hae been • crowning teest to th people ef Goderieh credit approve of the
action .1 the otroprieters if they decided
people .4 Goderich, and with good cause.
to let the nen be idle. We have not 10
The business dem has been great,. the
many tnanufacturine inanstries in Chide -
number uf werkluen employ -el has mon
_A rich that the town cam afford to hose the
lai4Pe• and the sin""tit '''t """ne7 Ptavr• principal oneinterfered withtegratify the
in circulations has been considereb.e. whim ef half a deem, petitioners, who
Everything that money could di. and sometimes eaperienee a sensation tot
experience suggest has been dear tu : sntoke when the '•tuortiowest wind
snake the inatitutiou a success in every woes.. No . the pe,,pie i.f Gederich
way, and the efforts put forth have we a who:c wcw•
culminated in ttie plume of the Dig
agitator, because they are not the heav-
iest tarpmers in town. But wealth is
not always yoked with intelligence anti
ability. We will tea be surprised to
hear that the nievement illa fouliab one,
and that where, be great men of the town
have failed, it comet be expected that
the lesser ones will be successful. But
they who hare beeu looked upon as the
"Retests ones- terve often confounded
the wise. For ourselves we are glad to
see the !emulation et the spirit .4 en-
deavor in the citizens of the town, and
we leek fee better w pee than has been
dent. heretofore. At any rateove will be
pleated to see any of the sceffers at the he mei tea; they have any direct ciaimi
mese meet glitte,and hearthent express their it iir.tettekeoloketytoliketoleargg=ii. et teCtetctiel.1
CHRtsTOTHER lUntimios, counsel for
the D.. llll inion in the Boundary case be-
fore the Privy Council, made the fel-
bowing admission as to the relation the
Dominion bears to the two Provinces,
and the territory in dispute :-
--Tee Dominion. sal hat e saki. is not the
direct litigant party here claiming any terri..
tory: They are not very much concerned as
to whether this territory belong t• Mantobs
or Ontario The only way in which it could
views publicly a4ainst the proite.ters of
the schouse.
T H E Osumi* Qovernment tied the
Liberal mem always held Vest all -that
was iteceesary t•. make the Boundary
Award legally binding was its ratification
by the Domeoion parliament. The Lord
Chancellor 4 Eateuted, during the pro-
gress of the case 101. -re the Privy Coun-
cil, pointed the out also
"enepoeing the Arbitrators did *rule as wen
as they could tbe true boundary. it is very dif-
ficult to say that the Award is always to de-
teradrfieirrhittso;:alwift It y us tahnedy uesw t ioni.;•fo:nthe.t.hrtieir
matters of this sort. surely it hos remonable
tiling for • competent legislative authority to
give its effect whether it is lifht or wruhlt."
The Mat:ikon:al Gaverement fell before
it was possible to give effect te the
award, and the Macdenald Government
refused to endorse the award. Their
approval only was necessary to legalize
it, sad it was their beunden duty,moral-
ly speaking, to have ratified it, but Sir
John a. 21scdonakt, for some retuon,
refuel his assent, and thueg the Calle
into the arena ,4 parte pelitice, 80
much distrust has been *wakened' by his
unfair treatment et tlie arbitzeturs and
the Presence, that the Privy Council
administered the follueriug severe snule
bing tbe tricky Premiere representa-
tive :
Mr. Robiason There is another qmsrtioh to
which. withsto ..11t41.111filg 101110,1 11. 1 *Mb to
dgsw your Lordships attrition. Thepows ion
ill whether your Lordships' deeision will re-
quire any Imperial klrialat lea to csmo it into
. effect.
The Lord Chancellor -1 summer nothing
L but imperial la/gists:ion would he satisfactory
_Oeltherparty became it ta manifest that if
'her., is not luipe4i: legislation the s, our
,e1,1 ?maw. "Carr r ares.a vrhirh hap -
'retard thr ease of he award. lite party
...woo did sot 1.1cr the ,..srierassi•is awed come
awl say he mita rim ,aeind ti
Lo Robinoin I Ion think there la the
- 14, n.,t empress appro.-
fost sidfl, 1 ,!to•IN *type. A, woos
befog, wit. 0 the' 'I: ed 10 Mg' w.rd.
jsis iont. te‘• .1 Lai at last
hew settled, an.1 eetl:ol in fever thi-
kale Sir John A. if ichnial.1 had the
mot the ntanagement or control o t e Town
lAads in Ontario. That le the only sense in
which the Dominion have any interest in
Manitoba differing from their interest in Dm
Just so. The Dominion Government
elle control Manitoba Orem Leda. hut
4 reoeuOT TME Flo MILL,
Mill in such a shape that it stands
and it will not do for any person t.. en-
Ileimee TO Illola1
. dearer to hinder the institution front
on the continent. Under those circum- , working to its full cepacity. There are
t" I 'atm annoyances that must be submitted
stances it was not a utile surprising , ,
us to learn recently that . efforts: were
to, anti when they can't he cured they
being put forwent by certain parties to
must be endurel. The itig Mill is •
hamper, if possible, the successful week- ho..o t.. Goiter:jet, mot the oiiii regret
NANLAN ova Larr,
illati 111•••• wetitie
v 4, nee gigusgerip/h),
T101211L, N. $.W., Auto,
fee the championship of law world took
phtee bet sr wawa Karim and Beach on
the Panumetta River toolsy. Bosch won
by eleven length&
rale 4 a A unwept aurronv.
Beach, the vanquisher of the letherto
invincible Haulm, la a Rea star hi the
aquatic enstasemet. ilia aehevegamate ita
MA uarsinan an a small may first Inman to e
receive notice from the Australhan sport- 1
Mg peas about three years ago.. Freon
rowing for small stakes with 1. l com-
pothers on the Parmaatta, he aspired to
the rasik ot Trickier', Liecock aad the
aquatic aristocroucy 01 the °elute. His
first appearance me • first class eareutan
eras at the Walker -Whiskey regatta .ni
the Parainatta, the winter succeedine
Haulan's defeat of Trickett. Here he I
failed to *boa mulling the leadera. Busch '
" remained in obscurity until the following
present on tk• tecww",. 'with° Inva'1"11 suinnter, when he encountered Muthael
are represented by proxies in the fleetest Rush at another regatta. Hie succeia
here induced hint to challenge Trickett. '
the prowess of hie youthful fellow -towns -
saran THE Di5Ta1ltI77I0N ' man Beach has never indulged in the
of dimail matter, the gimes 'mattered pastene sof breaking records'. so popular
around -sous betook theinselves to the among aspiring :oarsmen. His achieve -
parlor, some to the reading new, so-ne to menta have hathere. nut been note.
the nursery, and some t.the verandah, worthy, end H.anlan has fallen to an an -
where, with the iemline tweeze from the taguitutt who had not won a place among
west blowtrig at an even rate. the solace
of the pipe could be enjeyed, free from
the raeket and Domed incident to burs
earlier in the day. In the nureery there
is quiet: in the parbet there is music,
vocal and instrumental ; on the ver-
andah there is profound meditation on
the part ..f the man with the tobacco
pipe ; and a mild flirtation is truing on
between the young titan with the ineip- A SICRLRTON FIXED UP.
lent moustache and the young lady who
prefers to gaze upon the silent stars in
charge of an escort to being cooped in
the wide parlor when some other young
tag of this great Institution became ..I .
that we can eleress Is that a round lady was in cherge of the escort. And
some real or fancied
grievance with re- 'dozen such establishments, with tell so we sit until about 10.30 when the
Nsw YOSL Aim, 16. --The remains of
gerd to the quantity of smoke thrown ene
enneve, do 11.4 ;UICO1ld 11Wylrill'd anti coo*" rote
B. Henry, who was
m shot
frothe "tall chimney" at certain tittles . Pei% ate
' belch ferth the em
e 'm, that beton
kes at -
at the (freely camp an Smith's Sound on
when the wind blew *from a particular
. etetty and prosperity. TUB LATE ARLIV•111
June 6th, were found by the reaming
: ,
point of the compass. Where there is a , drive in from Goderich railway station.
The warbler has ceased, the youug couple party a I itiarter of • utile beyond the tent
large manufacturing eetablishment. and
wheretherearestneke and variable wind.. THE 20TH OF AUGUST, 1884. I have heconse satiated with astronomical of the eterving wen. There was searcelv
the directum of the smoke cannot be oheervettens, and the last curling wrest anything left but a pile of irlisteniue
controlled by the proprietors of the ' tette. er ow ottepente !hes seeended from the moditeti`'• tat" bones, stripped of nearly every trace of
, pipe, and that warthy lea shaken out flesh except souse of the lower parts of
manufacturing establishment. All that ii meat was Omar.
the trunk. The head we mums and
can be expected under these circumstan- . - i the eahee. slid is new prepared to inflict
ties is that the proprietors will seek
the result ef his cegitations upon the could not be found. A day or two after
every reaseuable method .4 lessening the 1 A large and influential meeting ...f ; unforturems with ahem he may:eomthe equadren began the h.ttneward trip
e in
basil cabmen and. then. was held in the I cantact. The centimes are relieved of the offerors, determined to relators all
evie-if it be an evil t.. have the amoke
d; f tall chimney le ; Huron hotel parlor en Wednesday even- ' their passe -tigers. the newcomers are • - of um u,ffibie won., a canna_
Goderich. In the case of the Hie Mill I ing Lest, to take preliminary steps to in- welcomed to their remould fnends and enacted at the mp on Cape
the /one -Timers have dune everything . augurete a railway campaign at Goderich, intrnduced le tie- icquaintances. a lunch sebum, prepared the hones for barna.
that cau be done in the matter of Sticks of wood procured, and to
/in the interest .4 io
the extensn of the is prepared fer ill r.mra
.. ef theistvellers
i C. P. ft. road t.. this pert. During the who wish to iertake. a chat Is indulged thaw, fitted to the proper length, the
past year nothing has been dene hy the en he the kentlemeti lately Arrived with
towel! cONtil-311110. bones were tied, until all were as marly
Some tive years Ego It Rhode !eland . railway committee of thr teem council their acquaentances newly ferined. •nd in place MI It was possible to get them.
furnace was put In at considerable cost, I toward showine; the benefits that weuld then each one seeks the seclusion that his The heed wea niiiii 04 , end a idea ef
with the intentien of lessening the accrue t.. a competitive line havineGoie- hednene grant., and the replenish- mond waa made 14. do duty in its place.
volume of smoke from the chimney, and rich se an objective point. and it has ing of the 'Jerome forme ef the system Then this framewurk in the shape ot ae
although it was partially succeulul, yet been decided by a number of the citizens which omit be hest ebtatried from ••Na- matt wee tied to • plank, sad wound with
it Wall practically demonstrated that at to take the naatter in hand so that the ture • sweet restorer -balmy steep. cotton as the ether bodies, had been.
that time pc furnace had been invented claims of the town may be put forward Tilt or EMS 1 It waa then eurreptitiouly placed in One
which could be leeked upon as a in such a way as te engage the attennon
ace from all points., and compree retie I 91 tile akeded-iilled tanks with *eine of
thorough smoke c..itsuiner. About three .4 the managers of the C.P. R.. when
years *go the manufacturers of the I they conclude to extend the T. 0. & B. dents ot Detreit, Slilwatikee, Rey City, the others. It au this skilfully made
Hutchison patent arneke consumer of ; branch lakeward. London. Si. Catherines ane other places. Pliew.skiagelfted. resena.n.ish!:..nedian hi:m:7 jbadohncs. tanhadt
Dunnthe 'moon s
e t, um been IV. unconi-
Chicaz. , were corresponded with by the: The chair was occupied by S Platt,
pnepnetors of the Biz Mill, and it was ' the well-knewn salt manufacturer, who mon thing for 400 neels per Ilay to be marked ••Pneete Charles II. Henry.-
decided that eue of the patent furnaces / explailied the object ef the meeting in an served. and an average can be placed
Thtroullit.1:t ttb1.14Nebirme""1..;;A,"ctlaiwlingedNI btyhafitiendwase
fairly at ale.ut 300. Many ef the guests
would be put in if the Chicago tirm able manner. who were leveed' when they arrivedofPrivate Hoary, and buried at Cypress
would place a bank deposit te the value Interesting impeehes were also made
have bee'"" it'ull'I in 1"41Y and"1""ff Hilell'szaceArrotnerfa; Au. 16. -Third 0111'.raf the furnace as a guarantee that the' be James Mitchell, W. E. Grace, D. Mc-
physie ue, owing to the healthiness el
smoke would be consunted by their Gillicuddr, Peter McEwen, Abtahani
furnace. Although they made great , Smith, It Price, Jac Saunders and thep ace, and the exhilirating breetea kl,irt.11y111.;4.aitahetiwr,k
ateeti.osof ib
ner lieerca, nynesmism
; which perpetually play on the premises inrn
eiaims for their patent,the Chicago :nano- ; ethers, and the following cewohnione g
lecturers were not wilting to furnish the ' were unanimously adopted • • from the hike on the :forth, south and stwrtireongstrrhili.:,..inthyb.ther.
eTrihslisherapu.r.rf itTheGrevtoilarefravertryl. uarann
tee, and the ezotiatione fell Jas. Mitchell 'novel, and %V. E. Grace west; tithe" anwingat the guests are
business and prefessional men who have h
through. During the pam yew. when ascended. that it being• generally con -
betaken themselves t.. the Pent Farm Lintels. Aug. 13.-A profound sensa-
te. mills were being overhauled for the' ceded that teederich oecupies the moat
so !hat restfalness supreme could he ti"n has leeen melted in England by the
putting in of the roller systetu, Messrs i advantageous position on the highway
Hutchison & I tgilvie again directed their I teem the East n. the Wm for shipping their portion 41unne relaxation front accimeminbentre• .i.1"fthcaa nolreentlyhenAirticPmetoxpediseditionhY.
attention to the matter of smoke cenanni- I purposes, and also that she pommitheirregular vocate•ns. The children
es the '
constitute anether and A large contingent S'eGe"ette Nanw, R. N. commander et
Ingo and after much enquiry, purchased I beet harbor on the lake, it is abwolutely
of 'he dwellers at the ••Fertu, ' and they
aud had placed in the mill at an expense ' necessary that immediate steps be taken ' .
themselves at the resort perhaps
of 82,500, ene .4 the celebrated Jarvis 1 to secure a share ef the trade with the letiloy Lieutenant Get -rte.'s skill, courage, awe
furnaces, weich is loeiced upon as the Northwest. the growth .4 which in pope-
; the most .4 any. They have hots ef room
judgment as a catutuander, and heoliever
new furnace has preyed to le a :mat : in busimies generally his been so very 1 .
is, pee. Oho of smoke censumera The ; Let ion. in the production ..1 cereals. aad !e", r`ntlifTwi ca. iihtvtatteliPTetite• the/ ha"
tree, atry tredniems in which to enjoy
• 1 theyh e it wegild show that whatever was done
t ;finely.
with his knewledyet aed emotion was jail -
improvement mem its predecessors, 1•ut , great during the past few years. .r after the. aay's‘_doinste
even it fails te consume inure than a I D. McGillicuddy moved, and p. me_ Power"' sinntrebe,
:I. LI IIIII4 the u.y, vrtwoin 0,,
third .1 the smoke,andma a conseeuence, i Ewen seeended, that the Grand Trunk are ;
when the wind blows off the lake the Raileay company having fey many resits / in li si rre4.441".1 irreasetL
remainder of the smoke is wafted teed- persistently effered every elettuction to i ,
LI4170111 IN HALTON.
sHillesintre inner Way elf tiellillog a Ibril
- Tb, SWIM 5.5 5.555.1. Tama is&
Lads that the house n.ntains, who dart
hither and thither to the rooms of the
afflict. I with the much prised "letter
from home." eei
the rowing worthies .4 the world His
defeat may possibly be due to unfavora-
ble climatic cenditions. Haulm was
warned before his departure that In an
Australian campaign he would have more
to fear from the "customs of the °ma-
tey" than the prowess of tho Antipodean
The Ileasseashared Keemalas of !Myst*
Mrs," realleemed te ammo et eteed•-•
Mod of Wirt *enmities in mutated.
not lOntario.Crown Lands. The Privy
Council has decided that Ontario owns
the land; and the Don l i ll ion, therefore,
has n.. control over it. It was, and is,
awl always will be Ontario's.'
. ....--z
agreestanni IN austam.
According to the report of the Bureau
of Industries for August a meet harvest
of grain crops in Ontario seems te be
web assured. The fall wheat gives an
average yield .4 21i bushels : eprini
wheat of 181 bushele per acre, -the
1 average of both beinte20 hoshels„-and
the aggregate pruduction exceeds that of
last year's hervest by 10,360,000 huahels.
Barley was a meld crop in the southern
land anuthweatern counnes (if the Pro-
vince, but its the northern and north-
eastern counties it was attested by tee
summer drought. The grain, though
plump and heavy, was in large areas dis-
colored by the rain -showers of the last
week of July. The accounts of the oat
crop are much the same as for barley,but,
being two er three weeks later in ripen-
ing, a has been greatly benefited by the
July rains, mod the yield will possibly
exceed the estimate. The area tia rye is
niece less than last year. and the aver-
age yield about the same. Pease is •
homage! crop, and it te ripenimounder
t he ,mest fat -wattle circumstances. The
pea -bug has done touch leu harm than
useel this year, site in !many localities
thiougbout the west it has hardly ap-
peared at alL
'The area and produceien 44 the fore-
gettig crops lea two successive harvests
Are given as feliews :--
Some weeks ago when the cotton
wa,rd. l'his has prove,' an annoyance to I the eetension of our trade It is the duty ' A the favorite resort, and thither the
' gouts fleck t.. enley tlte !eke breeze, to manufectures in Eastern Canada found
nna et. two peewees who live in that ! of the citizens of Goderich. to take mere theseseires burdened with unsaleable
portion uf the tewn„ and 1 at once to sezurebetterrailwayfacilities - ' rather lake pebbles .,f variegated hue,
, &ester, Eug., for advice. Mr. Slater,
stocks they called on Mr. Slater of -
• PETITION ' and thin a preliminary citizens' commit. f and b. bathe in the cooling waters. A • • Man
who is an manned cotton manufacturer,
! tee be formed; Bald CoMMittee to be sub. : better bathing place than the beaca at
has been drawn up and pin in circula- „f a me" meeting „f ! the Point Farm cannot tm had ailywhere
I ject to the approral made • therm/eh examination ot the'
non, and as a result. the fellowtng omit - '
i citizens to be hes
held hereafter. on the lake crest. and it is satisfacuory
Canadian ma•ls. He estimated that the
municatems were sent in to the manage- i Meved by Abraham Smith, seconded to know that each year the advantages of
r,500,000 invested in them waa not
this Returner resort are becoming mere
knesvn ethe public. wiorth more that. fifty cents on the dollar
Mid proposed that the mins should pool
.5. J. IrEloffT,
. their Wastes and iNt placed under the
the pnmrietor, has worked energetically behitroil of a huge monopoly to be known
to ettract visitors to his house, and hie as the "Cutistilidated Cotton Manufactur-
friends will be plemed td learn that sue- ing CH.° Mr. Slater says if this were
coati has crewnell hie efforts. The done. miffeowners would get at least 8
town .4 Goderich is much benefitted by per eent on their investment*, though
tbe euccess of the Pint Farm, imam- why they should be nontent with so small
emelt aa Mr Wreatht obtains a;I his sup- • dividend when, thanks to the tariff, it
would he in their power te make 20 per
cent. he dees not explain. The propme-
tem, however, hes not yet 1104411 accepted
by the Canadian nianufacturem Het
it shows how protection pumas the even
tenssr of ata way -reckless iavestment,
overproduction, staznation, heavy losses
and then combination and insmopoly with
*trend raid apes the coasemer. -[Wia-
niptIg San.
A Timely Megrea.
ment of the mill on Saturday lest :- , by R. Price, that the citizens prelimin-
Gederieh. AXIL ift. mt. ; ley committee censtst ef the following,
Meagre. °para. It Het.-kiast‘ I with power to *441 to the number :-
Oorteroe. nee !Samuel Platt, .1..s. Williains,Thoe. Kydd,
Dear sera Enclosed writing speaks tor it. ' W. E. Grace, Peter McEwen, E. Wend -
self. I do hope you will sea the necessity af I
John Scottie, D.McGdlicuddy,.Iss.
In some way carry Inr: nut the ergo -era wlth- 1 cocilc•
in pet item Yours truly. 1 Mitchell. H. tarcord, R. Price.
IRA LEWIS.. I The hollering letter wu read from
Goderich. Ang- 15- 15)4• mayor Meyer of Winghstit :
Attarre. °eerie iik flettehionw.
eiodertek. Oat S. Platt, Bri., Goderieli.
plies from the teem, end is thereby*
near ses.- The enwke ani 6°^1 ben" ths. DEAR F/111,-1 ret that I cannot re-
-, - ----1*.t.1 -„- -, --:•63„ o.----, chimney 0 your miLs has tor the lam few .
main to meeteig this evening in regard
ca' -t:iita'-1 amongst the buisinessintifen. et :Mho
ne Meta foe dr• in • oriped ti form
Wheat. 1.30,121 31.'1 Lfiet. 7 21370.00 nulizzed to keep imr windowa and doors (-Ward , to railway matters. lf shall he happy to place.
-cr.. "ls"."' ''erea '""'"e's days bees Yem troublesome. Tre have been I
We feel assured that all appre-
earee. 701.Lter ilitfil.77- 757.110 la 114.3$' 1 whenever the wind leas blown from the 1 i t ' hl •
01111,. Liments avitausi 3.41$1111 A.573.606 oo,,e.„,,e
ciatde the :work: he has done in the past,
w.„ wee.„1 „merman, ure, , sue • you in any way pow o in your
ItTe. 10E141 11110-117 Min 1-052.340 upon you the ttimprlett of amine& snuAe con- , interests, and aleo in regard to railway
Pram. :.72.1gro 11.11111.0111 512.117 hom.s.rm sillwieli him every success in all
•uteenor in some gray reliee'.na us from *bore I affairs, having had considereible expert- an
The hay crop was injured to seine ex -i I once in this present year. 1 may say we
. .
tent by the frosts of the week in NAY. The petition was eismed bY Int Lewis are certain to have the nulway to Weig-
and iume uneasily by the drought a mid tire othersand as they were Pr"he- ! ham, and will be in a better position in
June. The yield IS estimated *4 3.044,. hie net aware that the proprieties of the i tha course of two weeks to know when
11I2 tens, er about 1,000,000 tone lees mill had already expended sn'n" $3.000 ' the first mete may be taken.
future efforts.
power af setaine *tatty sittirte .4 Par- than Jolt- rhe appearince of the , in embowering to proure con- espectull
ELcy Neal Was. a Illsrderer.
Au.. 19 -Chief .4 Police
Griffith. 11011Id two weeks ago, after street
expense and troghle discovered a young
I ent since Iltee, hut his hatred • f et'n' '1 Fri'intalag• da° t" Demers. wrIt
e hae taken
tee tremble to 1 H. W. ''"o"'.-.. mayor. man in the city, conoerning whom he
'artier seal, an./ pertly to the low tout- make all nereseary entwine. in the mat- I 20th A Genet, 1414. reCtileod noteficatien • emir ago that he
Hon. 11r. 1111,,wat, mei Saw devee was wanted for murder, in Wayne Co.,
nerature twersilInst throtlnlatat June tied ter. so that the feet* a the cue would he
A specie! comutittee eensisting .f Jae. Ohio. Since hts diecerere he has
oily mid Irieme the I )11tarlt. (l'o'w1w1111110111• duly. Tier fortune .1 the gaup depends fully lead hetere them soul the public. oos
would nut allow him te. Jo what wet on the weather of August and SeptenoIn the petitin it will be oeerved that Miechen, E. Weodovek and 1). MeGilli• etantly 'teethed the authorities uf Wayne
I olI
eel upon enildY• was aPP"inted t" Pe•Pse• siestas' .bat he Wed tracked the man, bat no
the smoke teem the mill is lank
clearly los time. The following ilespeteh . n'inr 'The area planted is 174.834 acres !
shows the. the matter is practically set -
and the exit Weather, an t se wi tam
Beans have pufferted from the drenght
d h 11 ' '
as a nuisance he the wieners mile wheel tics of the pest and praseM trade of
seariens until this week whom he waa
answer has been received to his comma -
the wind %does Omni the northwi4t, and Onderich, and other matter/ of interest ,,- • . .
. ,,_
tare a work or ten slAVII later than usual- ' it se nu te us a lit•er peculiar that the :11 tne week of prnmeting the scheme ; infeneel th,olt (4,1111..iun4 iLthinecesurrplinaebyt.
raid committee te tarot sten adjourned • 11 s-
tied fee all time :-
Leeteler. An)!. le. -The award of the Th.. I -louts, hovreier. AIM ation4 ah'i proprietots of tiu. itt1:1 s'i •ulii Is* asked
meeting to be held ou Monday next. traditien. it was Dot 'mended 0. imate
.reemes wet
Judicial Committee in the Bonntlary die- healthy. sod being well heeded 4 ir."(1 eemmly a matter ever which titer ran
put• between Innen° and Mendota has crop an lately i„ me withered -the etas- ' have no emend whatever. On cond Mr. (helms Mesas was appoiated laity mere eget to secure the man's sr-
secretary. rem. Meanwhile the murderer welks
been rentlereA. Th. bow:Aeries settled mate being 662,911 hellhole from Ma I aulh„ri.t
for oaten., are practically the same as larva of 24,877. The reports ..f the root ..ra, "A.! i D au's. ern w meat rr twee -no
we are i..!.1.
After Alacumi.m. it It" d•eid°41 that 1 the stt refit at will.
steps elenukt he taken to bolsi • nem 1
these set one intim loran' ..t th• rens- I er spa are generally U. -Arable. I...muses ,
...t. .:191(ltani Board of Trade Feld
den arbitrators. Her Majesty in Celia- ' are excellent, and tnangeles and carrots ' •mi all it 111# Ce.tri4PTI,* whteh we' mortise at an early date. alien pionlie ; Te ta
illoCtIallion will hr iiirited on the some- lite fleet reveler mortmg on Monday with
cil hoe been orate malt pleased b. tome I areefairly mes.i. Turnips .;„d„&e, ; hare HI the eurtgA• an• ) .1 :
1 heeinesa tee: ..I ,-
a inemembershin .4 over forty. The
an order approvier ill* n Irani and order- pgrowth at brat. owing to the dry elide. ,' MrlarS. HI titcht...n & t tt TIC. we' ore- ; nen ; and when the report of the Teel
L. bet the recent rains leave been very , .---, 1 committee will hr presented for en area- following Akers were elected for the
taint)? fail t» tare whet them can do to . •
ing obedient.. therett. t
envenom year :- H. Wilson, Agent Dank
il&2 armee ; i« raangolds. 15,341 aerii , u, n'irskWeet: Th. `iff"." bar. PridentlY rho meeting them ertj„nted.
Innen : gm -rotary, jam A. Ciao ; Coon.
of Hamillt.,n ., Vice-Preeideet, D. Mo-
gen. tery ugly seseatals have hotan
bet the ewe, airoeson, minima, ham heel% 1104.1.4i asses. Ths bolsi area in nee& is 1 authenty, if t ey we the grin sin its I The 41 eerie noel Templar. num riving pal- toaere, none pmegicomm. that MIR yesterday didet aii. say micik
heneffelat. Th.. aria in potatoes is 168,- , "'der l'*"." 14"1"141 frina She tine to the pets&
wialited r'mwwwriins 110."^ Cleveland. I wier•es. 10.61•3 awes ; and ia turnips, lite* directed tr etsthoon to thed mer
Isrelled it Headricks. It le charred 30'2,291 acres, of about 15,6%) more them "'Ur" to tw rhinire4 ft.'" n*.rt ir,"i 'terfainnsent° in 411 .4 tho neott saner, 11111i(stt, knot. Leslie,
'I was mighty thankful tor that rale
we mit yesterday; said a man.
'Yes. it did the trope a world of good.
How many acres have roe got planted of
awn 1'
'I've got Do crime planted this year at
all. 1 wassis't thinking about crops.'
'Well thess, how Call the rani beweill6
you r
s. I dome ..ften get a deemat
dinner at home, se my wife ears she
esti t cook is het weather ; bat yester-
day there was to ise • church pieme, and
she fixed iv a Ilinch basket for the
preacher • tablo, Inn it reined so the
team could not &muted!. To keep theio
Meer's lance from spieling we had
net% and it ass the beet dinner
I' re had since Ite a ors married. There .
was no end of chsckswo and jellies and
that sort s.f altonationa Dree't tell ese
A reporter ef the Toronto gel
the belealige graphic sketch .4 • mei
.4 thuatiaters who were *witionally nee
niftionl- es a eist-uT he' this temps
misc., diumnieeting. The tweeter it e
perteruce la worth cmisidering :
on Saturday Deist there wee WWI
of twelve et perhaps fourteen en 11
street that mew druuk. They kept t
elute: tialvistem army amigo, hush,
and they wade night hideto
yelled, and tomtit. Ley a cun out
&kerma. they took their Matt ... exact
mite the headquerters of tee tempo
ance peaty. rod they talked aud hew Li
for that pwrty's trapetta heath:. 1 we
over and eastutiued the gam( Those .
hair uld etagere sere bike! with Imo
chuck up to the imck, there was 1141 Mi
take about that ; the tether. only ;mato
eel they wiee druuk. The crowd wi
sant mem uf Cie aforesaid thiee or foi
• ad stagers and right to ten youths
anatetuirel development in C,
upper story. One said :
"We're haviiii • hell ot • time. -
I could uot help thinking of the um
key and the parnA. He resembled bot
a 1 ttle.
'rh• uext morning 1 found that one
the eld stagers had seeurosl a hroke
emit in the tueies die usght before. El
ase parading taa.t brokuu nose up an
(teen for the edification id the mult
ludo. He was as proud of that broke
time se if it wee the Victoria Cross.
tbeught, of course, that he was urackin
his hosts tomato. of the prowess he ha
dieplayed in tattle, but shortly louts
that I was mistaken. The fracture.
les proboscis was honorable, not as
wound valorously received Us battle, be
te glorious and trreframble proof that h
had been druuk the previous night.
will permit:4z stiike the reader that
place where tatexication eo rare that i
has to be advertised is not a had sort of
temperance town. That broken nos
forcibly reminded me .4 scene ot th
tianspareumes a. frequeutly seen carno
almut pour stnsets et night, it was so re
met neared and lugatueus, so evidentl,
the last -at-reusing resont .4 a in.s.d. bust
11 55.
I had 'evict cunversation with Mr
Broken Nee,. Said 1 :
"You mum hAee had tIM • lee
night r
"You betcher we had. riglar rip
mein' time, ene of the mown° old styl
lay -outs, but," and his voice dropped t
O isid emeriti -al liker gin um
B.. all -fired quick."
"Why 1 theught you could get all th•
li.:uor met wanted in Milton 1-
.•Wisht we could. Say do you knia
.4 any place where will could Re a enifte
thee moron. My throat has the dr;
t &deeded my inshility beteg a mange
1.. pilot tutu la petits labulteesoil Sat
left hint uf his c eutatite. appellee
to be eel: ender the ititiuma, et tts
bust. ...• re« !ler Veal. 111•1 1.,V1 it Upui.
int01114.,. i!.i• 11114M It11311. 11.,4 Cala
that L.- etill goei 411.1 fide whit
other.' f "eel cetupany were suffer:he th
cravini'• . t sh unsatisfied steatite 111111
the 1... ..A..11eir repentance
Le telei.teered :et...tante n (list h
had hem. happy in oicistine two bottle
liquer. weieh lit au keetotez for hi
own special tee. He further stated tha
liquor poled ite elesined in 311:toii, the
weedout o. adjacent caunties ate
freight -it ie. •'Hut, " Paid he, "Yedi'v
Vet to Lisow where tu go to get it. It i
kept iti elitde and in centers, and mate
you know weere to go for it. mat the:
kaow whe you are, you'll have to g
"Do you think I calk' get *drink if
\tried r
"No, or, you can not, and there's n
nee 01 7001 tryir4."
I did not try. Now, here was 'Ada
oe front the very best possible source
The men who had formed drialtin
habits, the latta who were willing tolah
all :Mks to satisfy the craviles_d a
appetite that had becomes sewed mann
grumbled that they could net ret
supply of their favorite bereave onl
oecamonally, and then is limited gaunt
ties. That any mei -animint 4 liga(
is drank in Milton is, I ma ocentinen
not true. As I mid before, it ma t
got, M time*, but only by • favored fey
The treating system is totally abolishet
The habit of dropping in for • dries
totally abolished, coinfie a spree is
thing of the past, and the only s.a.e. wt
n and d..drisik are a few 44 tha
makers and a few empty-headed ynut
fork that imagine &antennae at
manlitesa sytenymous terms.
Esse maim inusestares.
The millionaire manufacturers who,a
oording to Tory orators during last gen
rel election campaign, were to come I
Canada immediately 1.e the retilleatic
of th• High Taloa* goliey. Imre n
vet put in an appearanch. They had
lig opportunity at Halifax. N S., poen
day. when the works of the eanat
Steel Clittinotty were offered for sale I
amnion. The investment was apparel
ly regareel as prior, for not • single t
could he get. Yet it is (only a few hr
ntoethig emu Cenadians were pointed
this 1105 insolvent concern as the b
prooiolib.suocessof Sir Leonard 1
loy's taxation policy. "Chickens cat
home to roma e' 'Lose of the N. P. bre
hem come hems early. - Mundt
=mode. It woe** most refreshing shower wit
ebat b. ; . 3r...elmsr. ft their ("postal benefit. Dot. ar'skind lauds. A good idea. Williams, Anderson sad M t, have hid kr room'
•,/,44/f/Nar, Weir' ATM erigewareastancime ;71ZOI(L'
The habit .1 reading aloud is t
which ithenhl be cultivated by the you'
Wtt alone fer the. benefit 1.. he derit
asfr..:11...hi•,.prarth,nit7,Nb.t.iteownfore eath: 1* p)
enter then thin .4 the family Dithered
gather after the toile arid mires of
dayeatentne attentively while mut fal
her reads linnet hien 4,,0/11, interest'
book or paper. The isiffuences that
mit from each a borne are meted bey.
pasty*, aml are most potent shar
th« mares the fitter* life of the y
rof that hamiehoM. All .down the
Mu spina with the hems friend
meta of years the memory 4 ere
weer he cherished, making brerh
their hely redience ninny nf th
planes of inaturer years, and oft
limning oho tempted one hook fr
pitfall of temptation Mtn wheel
sorely stepping. -frer.t.on