The Huron Signal, 1884-8-22, Page 3s E11st3c0, te Oulcast '. CHAPTER RITit- rag ls0ia0s are soma—titanis or Nat - 1141011 ---a ktlmral iraala--Tea KIDr7N Or rs11 WILL—*ALra /teas ane aum V DeroaTapT Lassa. At the sight of Jessie aid her child the guilty Randolph seemed blinded at by • hash of lightning. (hie Met look of otter horror he oast upon her, then with a violent shedder, he coined his eyes with his hands to shut out this spec- tacle. pec- tale. The ret were struck dump, and stead geeing first on the pale trembling figure in the corner, and thea on the bowed tura of Randolph. Ralph stood in the toad enjoyment d his triumph as the producer of the situation, and wag in ne hurry to break the spell u( amazed •ud'horrified algae.. He alese of the spectators understood the muse ed Ru. dulph s extraordinary terror, for no one but he had suspicion of th. crime be had committed. The spell war at length broker by Jes- sie s.sie hentdt, who came timidly and totter- ingly from the currier and approached Ran lolpt- 'Do net feu anything for nae, Ran- dolph,' she said, in a tone of intense sad - nem and sorrow. 'I will not trouble yin again It would not have troubled you Jot for this talked-of.marriatze. I could allow that oxime to h. cummitted. For your sake and the sake .1 her whom no ceremony amid snake your wife I mime hither to prevent it. and now I sin gone- I repeat that from me you have nuthine more to fear trona me you bays nothing snore to fear, for, as re- gards the past, my swath has tea, and shall be sealed by silence.' Her wont recovered him at once. His quick seal perceived from what she said that the faithful girl who had loved him so strongly had not divulged the horrible deed he had done. His worst fear was therefore removed, and he gathered to- gether his energies to meet the emer- gency. As for Jessie, she had no sourer spok- en the words she Lad to atter then she glided mases the room and passed tout by As door—no one having the presence -41 Mind to prevent her. `Oh, Randolph, what dims this mean 1' •messed Mr,. Grahams. 'Is that woman indeed your wife r 'Yes, I guess that's a bit worse than yours, Nell,' chuckled Ralph. 'Rut that lint all. The girl isn't only only his wife, but the child u his son—the heir of Bsngarry, if the guvenor there don't change his will. So he didn't make much of it when he cut out Mr. Eurtaa, and maybe he'll give him the estate yet, now when be knows what's what.' 'Alas, Ralph, du you know that Km - nice is dead i' said Captaiu Dusmnore. '::o he ain't,' answered Ralph, briskly —'His as much in life as yuu are.' 'Eurtace alive " exclaimed Dinsmore. grasping king vehemently by the ars, while the others are etsuny moved, *ugh with different feelings, by the 1.- ngeaos. Mr. Grahame did not speak, started forward, and, gracing the bsok of a chair for savior., gazed breath- lessly on Ralph. 'Yes, alive,' replied the latter. 'Bless you, Captain- be and Willy and Joe did not go down with the Cossets, bat tbq lost !their oars and couldn't make the French ship, so they were drifted right on till Providence, sent them to the de- sert s-sert island where 1 had been hd to starve, and next day a ship gime gad picked to all off, and in the ad we get back to Scotland.' 'And where is E.staoe nowt asked Dssamors, in ttesalblem eegmsel , Dedph looked into Ns dad hea, iNwft! to Bandoiph, gad .glee _ kijosaa breatlemy welting tot the immtet, he gime a dpliisaat nod. '1 rather think I11 set tell yes thait just now.' I know where to get him if he is treated.' 'Hs ! it is a fsbricatioa,' cried Ran- dolph. 'You wish it wee,'T dare say,' rejoined the gamekeeper. 'Bat keep in that be- lief if yoe choses. 'i'll tell Mr. Eustacs what has takes plates here today, and if it suits him he will soon gine you all proof enough that he is alive. Hilles ! what's the matter with the old gentle- msr. r As Ralph spoke • dull, heavy thud sounded on the door, and they looked rooted to find Mr. Grahame lying in s hap, with his had hanging forward on his breast The Captain and Ralph rushed towards him, and lifted him up, but he lay in their erns heavy and hotp- late. His eyelet were dosed. and the color of hie fare was • d.wp paid.. 'Mereitel haves, he is in • fit !' es - els need Densmore. 'it's • stroke of apoplexy,' mid Ralph. 'Devilish fortunate,' said Randolph tee himself, as a thrill of selfish joy struck though his edaeh heart, Sae- the keel hope ledged there that the stroke was mm'tal. Great was the mmmntirm that now en- sued. The servants ware sumnwisd, end Mr. Grahame wee carried up to lie room still imeeseibla sada .-neap dts- THE HURON ,.i.%2NAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 22, 1884. seedi•tely de- meted for • duster. With- dram un the egret ta,mertve night. The in the hoer the doctor naris, sod, after • lispervieur informs me that be has idea, abort eaami-Nies shook his heed ed amengemeus watt • teat eonaesSd "Very had awe' he muttered, and,Id- Wide Ike swugglere in the district, who vbad that mare neediest skill ahu.Jd be le W reveal all their hiding plan.., [tad ..tied as- The Wafts resesemp r name eaehia the oiliest* to setae an tnm.ar therefore dispatched os another hams to t=eaatlty of stet Now, this will is too Newburgh, and meanwhile Mr. Omahas* plwdbw • document to have is the am- mo freely bled. Thu operation took ter, ad it must be d.pol iced in some sway, se tar, the purple Dolor from his sate plass here.' face, std ha breathing became somewhat 'In the hour P mud kis mutter, in - ler labored, beat he did not spin either gsiri11gly. L don't kaow at say said - or sagaciousness. .test concealment there, ie returned • 1. there mush danger r asked Duns- '1 know what ib., game w l be now. more, fedlowiag the doctor into au ad- Dun.niur. "will send for EMtass, and joined rouse•their brat object will be to have the will The doctor replied by puttee( another � found and deetruyed. To this offset question - "Iia. Mr. (IreheM bad any- thing to excite him 1' 'lie has,' wee any answer. 'He wee suited very musk—indeed, most vio- lently.' 'I aweigh[ so.' 'His i1Las, thea, lea severe one t The doctor looked at him. 'It mat candidly intone you,' he said, 'that thele is no likelihood of Mr. Grahauwe'.tecuv- they will auanh every wok of the hoose hem cellar to roof. We mast hide it, &horsier*, in some place out of doors which wall never be thought of.' 'Bury It; suggested Mrs. arabans 'H um, reflected Randolph. •Acci- d.ut might reveal its grave, aged yet 1 so better ides can be thought et it aught —Stay, I have it. When a buy, I used to kuuw an old chestnut tree at one cry. It was this conviction that made c.rne: of the park with a cavity tar up es ebi.dy anxious for the presence of in uneo( the clefts. Nut a *nil here - Dr. ScotL' !about* knows of it but myself. That iM The apt•ia was greatly shocked. the spot for the certain c,ncealmmnt of 'He may linger (mamas taw,' addded ( the will-' the doctor, 'for days, for weeks even, but 'Won't the rains injure it,' suggested recover he uhnut." Mrs. Grahame. 'Will his c,nscivaness not even re- 'Nu. I will tear up my waterproof torn r coat, and wrap it in s piece of it. Be - 'Must likely it will, but he will not re- sides it will -require to lie is the tree fur cover in any great degree the puwer of a few days only. By Jove, mother, but motion or speech.' When Dr. Sett ar- we have had a lucky deliverance out of rived he fully corroborated this opinion. a must deuced situation. That fellow, Randolph heard the declaration of the Ralph, aurae him, thought to ruin me on doctors, and suppressing by an effort the all hands, and egad, he had nearly done intense satisfaction he felt, he lett the library to seek his mother. apartment. Ia the hall he met a servant coming to him with • letter which had just been done with her r' exclaimed Mrs. Gra- de/oared by an express messenger. Mme, with sudden anxiety. Tuning back, Randolph opened the 'I don't know yet. The fact is, 1 have epistle, and beams* at once intensely in- a liking fur Jessie, and wouldn't h•ve— terested in ata contents. ahem—acted as I did, of this other warn - 'Ha, that is important,' be said, as he age had not been forced upon me, She refolded the letter put it in his breast u s good girl, and is, I see. stili fathful `I inset depart without as hour's delay, to me, but she las ale. a spirit of her for this is s chanes that must nut be neglected. By heaven ! my triumphs are increasing when all seemed lust Now, to aero may mother sad make all sure here.' He ran quickly up the stain, and en- tered his another's apartment. Mrs. Grahame lay upon a coach and the i•ouesernaid knelt beside her, both utter- ing wild lamentation, The girl was dismissed, and Randolph closed and fastened the door. Then his mother rose up, and regarded him reproachfully. 'Randolph,' she exclamed, 'you have deceived nie dreadfully. You have acted foolishly and ruined all.' 'Hush, not a word of this,' he hurried- ly whispered. 'All is nut mined We are m(e yet --safer than ever. Ln fact our triumph is certain if one thing can be accomplished.' 'Foolish buy, it u Idle to speak thus,' she bluntly rejoined. 'Your tether will never give you the estate now. He will never—' 'H• will never speak more,' interrupt- ed Randolph, 'at least he will not moue. er.' 'I know it I beard what the doctors ▪ but—' 'But what, mother 1 How dull you are. He may now wish Eastacu to get the estate, but all his wishes will be .1 'Aye—Mrs. Randolph Grahame'' 'Ah ' Oust poor girl with t►e.hild i A dr meihil boomer fur her, Doer tWsg- Sos►ettiag must be done fur bee- Met to have Kesteoe here is the brat btriama, ,o adieu, my Id ; and heaves speed you., Ralph tosehal his ap end departed. It was now deek,ad as thepmekeep- ar took las way through the park the shadows of night were begiemiag t. deepen Year the landscape. The acest was very familiar to biro, and m he walked along the ottcsmwtasegs evanesc- ed with his forcer readout* came Rall into his mind- Particularly did he re- member the last time he walked agrees that park in company with Randolph as the night when tae later betrayed him to the pre gang. 'Haug hon fur a cunning fat,' mut- tered Ralph, as he thought bow he had been allured •long towards the river. 'How preciously gulled I was that time. A pretty lot o' scenes 1've passed through sines then, and one o' them was to have my beet flayed with the lash. It makes me nod whenever I think of it, but my revenge is coming. In fact, I have had some ..f it today. My eye, what s treat it was to gee him when I knocked sway the screen and discovered Jame- How his cruel craven soul collapsed. Pity it wasn't him instead of the old man that dropped. Never mind, I'll do for him yet If Mr. Kenzie is wanted it can only be to make bin right, and give him the property. Nell, tomo, how confound- ed she looked when I lopped in. Ahs, I guess she wishes now that she hadn't used me as she did. Hallos, what's that f. it. How he came across Jessie I cannot He stopped short ata noise he heard guess. in a tree nut far off,and peering forward, 'Ah, true, that girl—what is to be be saw the branches of a chestnut shak- ing, and heard a rustle as if some one was climbing among them. 'A poacher,' he said to himself. -W-.11 I ain't the gamekeeper now, and it don't matter s curse to me it a dozen poachers were in the park He was about to move forward again, when the rustling among the breaches own and may nut forth ,. the past. But was t isumed, and looking more narrow - that matter can rest in the meantime. I ly, he saw the form of a man descending wish to heaven It were dark. that I from the tree. He stood still and watch - might get the will concealed and be oE' ed him till be reached the undermost While this interview was takiwe place branch, when he flung himself from it between Randolph and his mother, Cap- with both arum, dropped lightly upon Min Dunmore remained in deme attend- the ground and walked rapidly away is sacs on Mr. Grahame. He sae that an a direction which brought him not to important crisis in the fortunes of hie from where Ralph 'toed. The hitter in - friend Eustace had come, and resolved stinctively crept behind a gnarled oak, to devote his whole time sod attention and watched the man as he moved pest to the interests of the latter. Late in and disappeared. the afternoon the patient's heave breath- 'Randolph Grahame, by all that'' cur- ing changed a little, and he opened his Mug,' he ejaculated, as be recognized the eyes. Densmore and the doctor were form that glided by. both by his bedside at the moment, and I Raiph atcod in motionless astonish - the later intimated that he was consci- men[ gazing in the direction be had Das, though utterly unable to speak or taken lung after he had vanished from move his limbs. TheCaptain bent fur- sight. At last ht muttered to himself— ward, and when Mr. Grahame Aw him 'Well, now, what the deuce could he a glance of intelligence appeared in hie be up that tree for i But it's no use eye- fia,sing,for nobody on earth could tath- 'Mr. Grahame, do yuu know me r be oat his doings. It would take s fiend &sh•d• from below to make him out.' The old man wade au abortive effort He walked on and as his road took him to speak, but his eyes g.eamed agaiu. past the old chestnut, he looked curioa- 'Yon do—I see you do. If you have ly up amonz the, branches. of course any perti-ular wishes I shall be eager to he could .ee nothing there, and was give etdect to them. Again did Mr. about to mere un when his eye fell on Grahame essay to speak, and, eagerly something white lying on the grass, just painful was the effort be made, but with- under the branch from which Randolph out success, and it was; evident the in- bad dropper. He stooped down and picked it up—it was a letter. ability gave him great anxiety. no avail, so long as the will remains." 'There is somothing he particularly 'That must have dropped out of his 'Bot be will order the will to be de- wishes, yet cannot express it,' observed pocket,' muttered Ralph. 'I can't see to read it here, but I'll take it on with me. I wonder what on earth he was up that tree for i' Saying this Ralph pocketed the letter he had found, and passed on his way to- wards the gate of the park, having pav- ed which be did not walk very far till he reached the village, and entered the only inn which it seemed to pos.eas,andwhich was situated about the centres, the main street Ralph went up stairs and entered a small roan, where sat the disconsolate Jessie with her child on her knee. She had been longing for hours for Ralph's appearance, and received him iu a stats et wildly excited grief. The emus N the streyed 'Very likely, and that is just what we must prevent' 'Ah,' exclaimed his mother, catching at his meaning. 'But how t' 'By securing it- - by concealing it. He is lien in a state to execute another, sad will die in • few days at most. Then I shall cot Eustace out in spite of every oils.' the doctor. 'I think I know what it is,' sad Dens- more, and again bending over Mr. Gra- hame, he whispered : 'Do you wash the presence of 'Kosice r The question was immediately followed by such a glance et acquiescence in the eye as to give an maisiat•kable token that this was the wish he was so ewer to express 'Oh she Whereupon Captain Dunmore, quit- , snort') cried, 'you have the chamber, se _went to arch at given me new hope. 1 looked upon our,1 Ralph Bloxam. He knew where to And ee irrutriarbdy "mood, but wd him, for by his direction Ralph mmained may triumph still.' in the vicinity, and soon entered the 'We must, wtt aka11,' rejoined Ran- lower room into which Densmore went dulph, vehemently. 'Dis yon know after sending • message for his attend - where the will lies t apes. 'Yee—in the library. In the private 'Now, Ralph, began the captain), I mansion had shaken her nervous system drawer of your fathers writing table need not eek you if you wish wtl to Mr. to its centre,and but for the playful peat - 'And the key r Enamel Grahame I' tie of her boy she won'ld have broker 'I have a duplicate. Hes it is.' I wish uneommno well to him,' re- down altogether. She received another 'Oh, most rare lack,' exclaimed Rao- .ponded Ralph with • nod. shock in the iotelligenoe of Mr. Gra- dolpb, in unmitigated triumph. 'IAN 'And you should do so all the more Name's sodden and hopeless illness ; and, us at ones secure it' that your appearance here today caused iJ in the simplicity of her nature, blamed She gave him the key, and with it in. the excitement which produced his fath- I herself for oeiog the cause of it. struetions for finding and opening the er's illness r t)6 ' I wish I was awtq Imes ban,' secret drawer, as it might excite suspicion 'Well the old mac wishes Kustace 1 she moaned. 'Now that 1 have doe if abs went down to the library with Imre immdi.tely. You know where he i enough to prevent the mnarri•te, I . will him- Paying earefoi heed to all her is to be found. Will you go at once and 1 not disturb Randolph by my D"nce her directions, he stealthily made his Wine hist any mots. When .hall was nisi ato"ovr way thither alone and found that which Til go and tell him at any rets,' an- mind friends at Lowden r ice aowgbt 1* the eetond drawer lay mired Ralph 'As to bringing him,that 'i am going them immediately,' sue tits *111, ad las, it op he plased lost depends on himadf ' altered Ralph, 'but yea most stay hens a i1 is his bsoon, releekiagthe repository, 'Return in half ae boor, and i will little Linger The old gentleman treats mad retanin•g to the bedebembsr nieces, meet you with a letter for him,' sad Mr. Emtaos, cold I am going post -lento Mrs. Owb•me amaifeoted her usdi guis- Doaomors. to tell him.' ed mAilydioa at the guesses of hes im- They ..pasted on this smdentandins, 'Ob. deer ! and most i stay here r devisk ii. and half -an -hour later they met amain in 'Italy for • day or two; raid Raipw, 'Now souls",' it. wbklperod,' 1N Nem the same room, when Ralph remind the cheerily. 'You can keep yourself se letter from the captain's laude, along der in this hem rimiest as you like r.. with s was of money to defray the es- got mosey fur yon to pay your way. Dawes d his purser(ts g txrsT[lett11 'L demi seed this,' mid theR•mekep- er as he ..tspfed ohs gild 'het i know innthst that does. and f1f give it to her.' 'Her r .shoed Dmsamore, engeirisg- ly. do as they will, Bntaarry is by this moored to m.. Where shall we visnal it r 'Helier keep It in yoe" pe..asine,' she said 'No ; I most depart tonight with the Butter. L have just remised idsemation that the smoggier, Donaid- sea, wheat[ 1 bars ewers to capture, is /e Alf Prompt relief is .ick hes4Nha. dill• nem„ seesea, oonstt'pstics, pad in the side, etre , guersated to thee* agger OW, ter'. Little Liver Pills. Ome pill a dell !i sesta SOW A MONARCH DIMD- i noes' aeti-wartivat 11 eelis stes.u. , o.. ,,t it hes the A Sim wise w reM_M at 'isbuess ei is le, , .,, . stn . • , • 6...4 mass* la mesal seer lasee. easels ble Okla+- Summer, se. j. r. - ode, draggle[, www' Ilsrstmvi) r...1 Peed.". W tel Strawberry, ��- the most re early f • +.maser Com- Gti the messy demngs *tones told d plaints.y 3 the oldest .store—is those day w hew � saesery wee bet as adj..et to the slate - is (and s wretebed use at that) 1 alt ,,.•.. by e Liver Pills 1' set forget Wee s more gr'tee'ahomyy f1 t�ma thea biking .., • � . • nor• I. old o.» 01 MM•me•dy is "Hamlet." lee nuw«ah c.•Ir suer the lad est of 'iLmlet,'- whir, se all thus. lovers of :Fe knew, • emend �ahter Haslet soliliquixe. for • feweuta, uttering his senteswa Wooly Woes he himself feel. the death petals trues Legatee' puroueal blade. On ale occasion is question the persc•n who enacted the part of Claudius (the kisg) had an enmity against Hamlet and when the latter Caine hes" the end of his soliloquy he noticed that should he drop where he etucwd the curtain ...aid not hide him front view when it fel'. He therefore gave a kick to the pros- trate Bing, and muttered to him angrily through a sotto von. the appalling dire. - Son, 'Die further back.' Of this his energy took noautioe, and the unhappy Hamlet was compelled again to interrup• his ante-mortem .t*tement (11 s. it niay b. .•gad) by again admonishing his uncle to die • little further from the footlights. To this appeal the king paid no atten- tion, and at last, goaded to desperation by the knowledge of the fact that his horn would permit bin d au further de- lay, Hamlet administered his admonition, "Die further back," accompanied by s kick et great strenght sed vigor. T. the astonishment .d the doleful Dela, but to the delight of the audience (meta - tossup —A l<Nber'% Triads, especially of that portion commonly known as the gods), the defunct King ruse to • sitting posture, and with a stentorian voice .aid : — "I'm King here ; and I'll die where 1 please." Tableau ' Y Cherry Pectoral*' Se sitar eosylater use ..dollen /e then ema&settees ahead thetameeal1eems masa se i ea with by Ibn nwhMq d segue. en. ifs estan vy ant er esti, will ag psrhap Lam a edam er ree-sslses ee.; paean, le *Una la she legnatag.t a MU stetson. Ansa'. Cassa* !.Lias... Ing 'i well Wigan he ism" la a Sony pear 11011 with threat ad tag Mener, ssiMssia tensa la a11 ease talose& delay. A Tearable tll•rh parols w • hiter? I took a..wsedd, wbl.b ray hags. 1 bad a terrible .o..4 aipttt atter *ea atlas sloop. nfm v spine1'sa teem him relieved my tsteep.ae she p. 1tried Avers af°s ed t= the red - k�� nr*7 10. eaaYased~ w yes the Pro asi, s Jane - seas este was Waled. 1 as saw or years ell hale sed baaty, W as naded year Quay 1'*orotaL eared ... Aouca PAaaaearsaa.'• ltattasksm. vt.. Jell ts, leaf. ttestru .ad Wife. James More and wife, well known in Leamington, were both chronic nttfeters from dyspepsia that the best medical aid failed t.. relieve. Three bottles of Bur- dock Blood Bitten cured both husband and wife. 3 Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, though now ever seventy years of age, wears all her weight ..fears and loaning lightly. A sp correondent says of her :—'•She is site of the few women of aur day who can appear uta the platform without making un., wish she were a man. Site never does anything unwomanly, but, observant as she is of the forms of society, she is never complacently conventional ; she dares to says what she thinks. She says it boldly, gracefully, with a certain fas- cination that always attracts the closest attention." weepy se•delve. In the the Province .f O•tarto every year thous• ands are being slowly muMered by taking GOD MIMIOH eeesitable, untried nostrums for such com- ps1laaiints as Coetiveneet, Indigestion, Liter PL Compislnt, Kidney Trouble.. etc., who might easily_regain lost strength and energy by altar theta that suucch its the case we or's /Speedy Cure. To continue � bite tore. • [roe total bottle a Oso. Mynas' Drug Store. Price lac. and el See to tilnonlels from tier - sons in your own town. .in "While is Me sosster tart wittier .y little bay, ara snored ass let be would diIII with trots; e hem strangu- lation. lite el tis fatly seeltess.d thew sol avows Casa P•crout, s meati. at Ins n always kept In th.Lbo.r., Tkle was tried in mall and frequent 4.., sodoes delight in Mile rd wee1 ege .th thee ball ea kooar the The for sad that th. (amine ?scrotum had sand ley dards(^, ref.. Ceti yes wader ee ear gratitude? liaesset how, lA West t11tt 3.... ora dralwT.' 1 at., New York, hay 1•, 154E • "I haw wase Ava's CuaaT PrcToua la h faaily for ..real y�an,, and do sot beams to proareasa n Ihe an Wand tenteily for eitegla sod .olds ws have ever A. J. Camas." Lake Crystal, loan, Moab lit lsar. " I mitered tor debt yeses treat ilroaelltle. gad aft.r tad by 1h waisy w et AvYn'a ousel ash so ea- oBLAU Dytb.Joesra Wawwas." 11 B7Pbeaclia. Dna. Agra f. Iles "1manes say .seine le praise or Aven'. Camay Pmcroarr. eWevtag as I do that hat for he w I aheeld agate* have 41.d Lee_ troublesTaus,.. , April U. UAL • No mss at a Wades et as throat or lap sante whisk cannot be greatly reared by the see at Anal Cmew Pecroaat, sad it will entem nes when the dbsass Is cwt e/reedy b.7oad the metro' of n wild... rsaa*KD BY Dr. J. C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Masa. Mg by all Druggists. Worms often destroy children, hat Freeman's Worm Powders destroy Worm., and expel them from the sys- tem lm. ANING MILL i *TAILInHKD MSS- . wson a Robinson lea\.•i•. •: l I'lil[+ oY -) ri .''/,l, ).;,'r & B/znds To lle fltidleal t,.. t t' ALL 1tiNDO.OY Preatiet s. w all wheat It me, nears.. ././//:/7),-,.. Leith Shingles Phe•sphatin., or Nerve I'ooa, a Phos- an: '•,,i; iu,:.,3.I at evert drrrtttioe. plats get bead upon Scientific SCHOOL Ftlailijt,E A SPECIALTY jF!'ads, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mesa, cures Pulmon- !WM&ta: ter, promptlygst/ended to. cry Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-''ri'''m• -t-tr. :, ISlt. tat: It vow Attacks, Vertigo. and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the ecioe. GODERICI BOILER WORKS system. Pbtrphatine u not a le'Ledecine, but a Nutriment, because it contains ne Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, Narcotics, and no Stimulants, hut wimp; ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is saffciont to convince. All Druggists sell it. 111.00 per bottle- Tnwese & - Ca. sole agents for the /^lkominton, Iib Fror►t Street East Toronto Havee)u.t ren'i.ed a large �,to.k of BRSS N IRON STEAK FITTINGS BOI1IRS &ENGINES Sell Sb.um Cared. — - - Are you troubled wits halt Rheum, Hew Salt Pans and Boilers Rough Skin, Pimpdesor Canker Sora : if so, go at once to Geo. Rhyne Drug Store and get $ package of McGregor & Parker Carbolis Cerate. Price Ori cents. It was never known t» fail. h National Pills is the favorite purgative and anti -bilious medicine, they are mild and thornath. 1 m Built on `3horte.t Notice. Mail orders for are work amtirepaira wt" receive preempt attention. CHRYSTAL & BL ACK. Works near G. T. iL Station. Uo•1erlch. Dob. ts. 111811.. 17W oroqlo Weeklg News HURON SIGNAL FOR 2..00 A 141; TORONTO Wb;i;.KLV vlKWh ie an Illestreird Paper, scant. paaeed In all lase nem arm of enterprising pnmrsallaw It mined* eels. spocuuus among the beet intim ale .4 -Canada ea a e•..mpphl.r newsppapeR.� which will be IllidtPrelallagliftetrary nseasber of* he family. The .•hildre& w/tl Ilke the pMt.rrn. lbwmse etalk• the atr..Ire. we .1 Manley Ain .310-.be.e, the mere wsatmre will be delight. d with . nee . ollorlab amid news eluate."• n lease la every teaswill ler hrwnel Inetetve, and ent.rtalalug- la the "genitor oft.•1wgra pbl. a.retee.lint len the ro'• en- tag,•ofconnecting' with Teil TOROK70 DAILY \hWM, it bei• 'ta .•ommeaad all the dispasobes of Mr Asoncia,.iI Pre-.-. wr.Ide• t t {tea Mala Mea NEWS ear*e•pe.dewte In every -..•[lot. of Mater... new whit* the daily paper ke so Asaose. Asa newp.. per it has an ssperlew is r i.4speedNN fattpti present Meg ail p.,1 it heal news ares MinMinpart Mss M eentensjand le aneolwtefy wit host leer w Aver y se pmrelen Taw pmeelsssensery report. are wee f ess M a buaorosa veer. lead decal wish men end tsossares without aM..e, and Imola;retard only so brevlse, Laster.. sad troth. It M I. t b. Arllemew • a •e ace�mps�er issue ert.talaa a ve•rlas it.. report of Rev. Dr. T =Cm !.east .eaTelemeter*.Telemeter*.n ' reIn Brooklyn Telemeter*. Pearn Ilto.11irw Ta "fall.. Ismer, •• The Wan -Aerial -Tows," abetcbee of prep" no pias. a neete% et absorbing{ 1stwrest, • polk.eal .meloess, mad a ✓ ich verfey at eeisdss..4 metes teen Paahtona, Art, Iadastelaa, I.hwee- 1nre+ .to,. egg, eau ty [whoa grsetatewe are rttwpleee aged to be .15,4 apes. Jae is past kb* paper ear the yesing 11331•, aged them*? folks wf11 Into k as me &. Our epeeistt! hieing teems Meng It w>� n ese\ ort aft, �.�y.. [tamp bad at ab/a aloft dead year w� io *&M ♦