HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-8-22, Page 20
IllaMe.nld • seewe an lied e'eswrvdlame
ea ole• reembA meendeates.
No loernalitt in Oaatad• has h.d•bettar
�p�t item `recent years of outlying
IM puh io career of the fury ch
/than the pineal editor u( the Wlanipeg
Hiss He has hewn behind the wenn at
Ottawa lad Ttw•u.t.e, and writes with u
accurate k swwledge of Iles *object he
A discusses. Is a regent .taste. he ,loco
this trtn..tu-lite aborta : ttie John's sae
is sottish, is creeds. The mieforteeas
that nom befallen hint u( late have des -
fine iroyed in • lame degree that reputatius
as foe far-.ihteti statwoianabip *hash had
ed� risen almost to the dignity ..f a creed
gup among his followers. The first ergs of
s weekaese was the clumsiness of his deal -
igen with Bir Hugh Allan in 187Y while
aegotiatine for the Pacific bribery fund
►tl led the helplessuese he displayed when
bis sin had found him out. F..r a tin
he rallied, eahsbitirg rare tact es heed
pare, r ei the Opposition ; hut his tnumph i
▪ 1878 was uiaiuly due t.. the fact that Mr
Mackenzie had been discredited by cir
lime cumetauees beyond human control. Mime
Lo 1879 Sir John. though he carried tit
ice country in 1882 when the boom was •
w its height, hos ono -mattered a long series
like of dtsst.rs in a settee personal to himself.
qt j. Be set out t.. male everybody ricb by
rat means of high duties, and that he has
1 agreriously failed is situated by the doe
plorsbte c.uditun. of Canadian industry
today. His grand scheme fur establish
r mo the direct trade and lines of steamships
between Montreal and the chief ports o
Preece, Sttoin and lined fizzled out hag
ago. His efforts to induce foreign capi
talists to invest in Canadian enterprises
vat —he declared that numbers of them were
waiting at the door for the verdict of 188
fel - hato [sikd utterly. His railway pulley
jj we • miscarried, the original +ubands hay
so/ ing been pr ctieally exhausted withi
be three ears of the etguuiz of the contras
ed' and the country oumpellei to advance
two thirty millions nose to save the Syndi
' Di one from ruin. Of his administration
I of Northwest affairs it is hardly ueeess.ry
} to speak. He has driven • loyal people
i to the vents of revolt and planted in this
w) region • er.p of distrust mod disaffection
th. that premises a harvest ..f evil for the
Doan:Mos. These things have seriously
damaged hs. prestit!v Though his fol-
lower. still profess faith in hint. they to
longer believe that lie ie incarnate pres-
cience ; seine of them uideed are begin-
ning to wonder how he ever c..ntrieed to
WILY a repotstt..ti for statesmanship. In
the field of eonditetional law, where he
WWI ..nce deemed infallible, he has also
met with humiliating reversal. Though
be drafted the constitution his interpre-
tation of it in the Streams, License, In-
surance end .ether important cases has
been consistently wnn.g in the opinion
of the highest tr;hunal. In the Bound-
ary nutter he has been completely thrown
by a mat whoa he hates and affects to
It has hemmer impossible for his ad-
mirers to frame recuse* for this steady
rue ..f failure. The secret of it u that
Stir J..Iiu's rvputetk.n with this generation
was lergely founded on tradition ; and
fa that. beyond • profound knowledge of
w men and a mar'vell..us eapecityforintrigue
i c hu ie over, even at their test were nioth-
di er solid nor hail inns. The weight of
h, years has unpaired the energies of mind
and iwidy, and hit .. d joke that he had
becomes. laggard .•n mho stare is no long-
er a fit subject for laughter
am wile ace ttbacsts m Ole sieerty a
A risme rtepoA5r .sited for a seeded
+eftsee dation. lie wombed to w bow why
tinges the intelligent oewpueitoe held
same is his roe seat of a Are which well
les t h to take pVw se 8
o sleek in the
deified roto a bmesos . The deers welt
&help to break sad'the rush ell tip night
was 'Sr.eThu hmrten lar dee* at the
dour brushing his eon with a whisk
broom. The early mail warms wee,
catcher, their papers and %Mindere, for
their treiva
'Pretty nearly through r suggested
the reporter in a congratulatory meaner.
'The rush is about to begin, answered
the bartender in tones of conviction
'The early morning drinkers will sow ap-
ve t'
s As he spoke a wagon came rattling up
teethe door and the teamster sprang of
'Good morning, doctor said the bar-
_ tender.
'Gnu' morning,' said t he teamster.
e 'Fur godrakegimmeadrink.'
t )se had it. He filled his glass three-
quarters full, gulped and de
Said the bartender : 'On that fellow
we can sell more ruui and make less
money than you ever saw. tVe've a
Bial bottle of rum at =1.25 per gallon that
we keep for him and his cLm of drink-
_ era. Get onto the slug this one false,'
•zcleieed the bartender. as rut old gen-
e Homan, with $ face cleanly shaven, ex-
cept fur his purple mustache, a double
obis, a paper Dollar and an immaculate
.hitt bosom with two glass studs, walk-
ed in.
2 The old gentleman filled his glass to
the brim. He'drank it down. He di3
sot take it as Sir George Campbell .s
all Americans drink, 'with a gulp& and a
e rrssp for water.' He thirsted for it.
His lip. sucked it in as a thirsty horse
socks water. He gave • long sigh of
mtisfaction, grasped • sandwich and went
'That men,' said the oracle behind the
bar, 'waa ..nee • wealthy lawyer. Be
had a taste for rum. You see how that
taste has grown on him.'
The bartender washed his gleans and
milked to the door again. 'Here's my
, I two pretty buys,' he said returning.
'Watch 'em.'
Two dudish young men entered the
. saloon.
'What'll you have to drink, Harry t'
asked one, in an offhand wsy.
'Ob ' nothing ; thanks, replied Hrrry,
A little whiskey, please,' sighed the
first speaker. He was given the battle.
He poured out a glass and drank half.
Then he began to splutter.
What in the devil is the matter with
the whiskey 1 Taste it, Harry.
Harry tasted, then drank the half glass
'I don't see anything the matter with
it,' be mad. Then the pair went out.
'They just had 10 cents between
them.' explained the bartender'detisive-
ly. 'ratty adopted that scheme t.• get
two drinks f..r the price of one. See 1
You will undstand,' continued the bar-
tender, 'that the early morning drinkers
are the people on whom we lose money.
They are the slaves of rum. Tney and
have big drinks and they can't pay for
them, so they steal 'em. I've been try-
ing to get the boss to get some dolls -a -
gallon whiskey for ther special benefit.
Going, and without a drink 1 Good
morning.'—[Philadelphia Times.
' th
l th
, an
f � «
�. sec
Y a
, ti.
Ilaro Ise.
1._ fin The nest suddenly fatal diseases of
h Bummer and Fall .re the various forms
' ) pi of Bowel Cempl•iuts which Dr. Fowler's
1 ijst
Eraet..f Wild Strawberry will prompt -
ft y termed y. 3
Pewee .f t t- ie Wares.
ti Perhaps the influence of the tides on
to the wayss is nowhere re clearly shown
a than om the casts ..f Sc.tl•nd. In tM
s long narrow bays that indent the cads
b the tides have a very rapid current. No
boat can live if there is a gale that is run-
ning to the tide. There is • theory that
tides are the canoe of a very striking
p.eulianty of the waves an a sterna.
/Every one has noticed that after • series
t. 1 d of moderately high waves have passed a
af ship will encounter three in suooes-
11E cion which are censlncuously larger.
M Then there will be a longer or shorter
Aht period of comparatively moderate waves,
181 followed by three mor., monsters. and so
TTtt en. Some sailors believe that tides or
Oa currents tripping up the waves bring
4 them together until they unite in those
all enormous swells that carry havoc on
If tbeir cresta. la support of this is sited
se a case at Perterhead harbor, on the
Bonteh coast. Over 3') years• ago theeni
was a great caw.' .d Iw.ople down near
the beach one d..y. watching the swell*
_t twee in room the severest 't..rm on re-
g cord at the time Aha.ut two hears he -
fore high water three tremendous waves
rolled in. and, breaking on the basalt
carried away 315 feet .d a great bulwark
Ifounded t feet above high water of the
t spring tides One piece of the wall
weighing 13 tuts cow. curried 60 feet.
Two hours ezactly •t,.•r high tide three
more wares came in . 1 e yonder ehsrsc-
tee, hut they did Ie.. 1. a cur. This was
the hr.t instance an r,....ol no which the
formation ..f the hit, 5w54 ens a .n•:,•ctsl
with the tune of the v.I..., ►.tit suui:ar ..h.
serrations have beam Ire i s,,, singe then.
The movement of t,, 4 w.4:1 remn1de
ms of two more wonderful instances ,.f
the power .4 the waves than 1 hav a men-
tioned. it is on record that the wav,-s
of the German ocean once broke in two
• solid column of freestone that erns :11i
feet high and 17 feet in diameter at the
bees. The shaft was 'tending to place
at the time. The distorter at the place
of fracture was 11 feet. But at the top
of the Hound Skerry of Whalsey in Zet-
land the wares hare broken out of their
beds, which are 8b fest *hose the level
of the sea, blocks ..f atone weighing from
8 t.. 10 t ons is it ally w..nder that
Kneeaton in his history of th.. Eddystone
lighthouse should speak .d c,ntroding
thole rowers of nature subject to no
calculation f
The '.sent sediyl aoth..ntiea aeknow.
led,, the great valine .4 \per • Cathartic
Pis.. aced frequently prescribe their um
with the 'sonnet confidence, well know
ins that they are the mint ef6W.ai rem
edy evrr drvisr•l for diseases rousted by
derangement+ of the stostaeh, liter and '
Do you wish a beautiful complexion 1
Then use Ayer s Sarsaparilla. It clean-
ses and purifies the blood, and thereby
removes blotches and pimples from the
skin, making it smooth and clear, and
giving it a hright and healthy appear-
A tsestMn.
How can we raise more corn to the
acher 1 Why, of course by using Pot-
nam's Corn Extractor. Putnam's Pain-
less Corin Extractor has given universal
eatisfartion, for it is sure, info end pain-
less Like every article of real merit it
has a host of imitators, and we would
specially warn the public to rwrd against
those dangerous substitutes offered for
the genuine Putnam's Extractor. N. C.
Polson & Co., proprietors, Kingston.
Adhere Ie Old res.
Don t presume on your age.
Don't be rain of your haodeome tray
hair and whiskers.
Don't think beouse voang men ere
young they are fowls. They probably
I are, but you were young once yourself.
Don't take the front seat at ballet
' shows, Y..ur bald head reflects the light
1 unpleasantly.
Antic say vulgar things hoofers 'mites
and excuse yourselves on the ground that
you are utd enough to be their fathers.
I Don't for,et that age meet respect it-
self before it ren command it from oth-
Don't sour the world on you by sour-
ing yourselves on the world.
Don't f.wd with temptation. I
Don't be to. wise.
1D •n't try to make into. The old fools
•re the biggest fool..
1)..,,'t let your lore o1 time moll make
you forget that a man never gets to . old
to .he.
D•,n't to t . b.• a boy. Your erend-
sons ell •tte:..l to. that ;,art of the husi•
Don't let the evening of life 1.e lees
joyous than the freshness of the niurn:ng
gave you rigor to work through time
and the quiet of the evening ehomid gets
poi peace to rest thr .ugh eternity.
Waeeter'• Those ree+Ngtea. gid
1I1HS CONSUttPTiON .4 Ale dud in
1 the form of "hitters.- ranter '1. ,,.,r
Aearet al tisedirilanl ream is • eryitag evil
and w fruitful seur-e of Intemperance. Much
of the uae.w.rrnllaht.- iw•hrirtr we pee among
•Ar compared rely roil o attrihatable tohere
dl•ary impnlve.t derived from mother. who
have hese led to oar these perniclonh drinks
for in.-r.wisgtMnagthharlot/ r.sisiion s.d
•nraln.. &ad have contra/led a fatal habit
lad transmitted it to the oftltol • phy.
si.durtr.l form of elver,, Artier titan albino-
!witto.eat•in the 41151 ferry when •ttrs
demands are nate on the systean,'tithe 1
Phree.rtpohate., as eunrblaet In N`NMlcf,tR'-
riAziR or I'HiMPHaTKK ANO('AI•o
■•w Seive a Icarus WM.
Nye. would him a Wigg wife, be
asps* Ii• year wards eller as belosw
tesniags i tock her es leaded; whoa a
sacro M rine a miss : dont quite maks
her the florid d all work sad sok her the
she ba1M lets tidy sad mat data Ass
i yarn .a d knew h.r ;" dset bey Asp,tough borsht and esak her beer* V
doss net ease oa the IOU `perbeitlpte
btabios V
'mmthat hyak.
bsr that m1e, Mee
In hie dieaeoiuus ; don't smoke wed
whew tobeacu, and thus shatter year
nm'►M, and spoil your temper, and leeks
your breath • nusaaos, and oompieie
that your wife dealt; es to kiss yoe ; so
hems 'Joyous and cheerful to your wife.
sad tell her the good news you have
heard, sad sot silently put on yt.er hat
sod go out to the "club' or "lodge," end
let her afterwards hear that you speed
the evening at the opera or at a fancy
ball with Mrs. Dash. Love your wife ;
be poised ; remember you are not per-
fect, but try to be ; let whiskey. toba000
and vulgar cimpeny alone ; spend your
evenings with your wife, and live s
assent Christian life, aid your wife will
he loving and true,—if you did not marry
a heartless beauty, without sense or
worth ; if you did, who is to blame if
yuu suffer the consequences 1
Fluid Llighalaill .
Fluid Liahtni is the only eon. for Tooth-
ache. Headache. te and Neuralgia. 1t
does not take • day or an hour to cure (1t,, but
in less than. minute all pain la gore. 'Thoos-
sds have tested it. writs within the last
year. Fluid Lightning is alio • positive care
Dr Rheumatism. The worst possible cane
have been permanently cured in one week.
Price SS cent. at (:. Rhynes' Thug Store. :n
mese to the ye.
When, in travelling, • bit of duet gets
in the eye, it is beet to remain quiet fur
• little, .. the teen may wash it away ;
the flow of tears may be prompted from
time to time by attempting to open the
eye. Blowing the nose violently waists
the operation. The head of a pin, cov-
ered with the end of a pocket handker-
chief, and moistened with satire, mayjbe
moved about between the eyeball and
eyelid, and will detach the introdbr if not
too firmly fixed. Another plan is to:. get
• fellow traveller to raise the eyelid with
his fingers and then gently wipe the red
mucous membrane with a moistened
pocket -handkerchief, or remove the for-
eign body If he can see it. A little piece
of paper twisted to a Ioint is useful. A
drop of olive oil or caster oil introduced
into the eye will often allay a pain and
intolerance of light produced by a tine ir-
ritant. as sand
Leas and Gla.
AYfta I.
"I was taken seek • veer ago
With billow fever.'
'My doctor pronounced me cured, but
I gut sick again, with terrible pains in
my back and sides, and I got s.. bad I
Could not move ' .
Ishrunk !
From 228 lbs. to 120 ' I had been
doctoring for my liver, but it did me no
good. I did not expect to live more than
three month. I began to use Hop Bit-
ters. Directly my appetite returned, my
pains left me, my entire system seemed
renewed .s if by magic, and after using
severs* bottles I am not only as sound as
a sovereign, hut weieh more than I did •
�eeeese Old ya
An *Id favorite is tee remedy known
r Dr. Fowler's Egtrem of Wild &raw -
tagTbirty 7east relieble for cholera
dianthus and seasoner ems
*Ina 7.
• heves weever•
That is daily bringing boy te the homes
of thouasach by saving many of their
dear once from as early grave. 'Frosty is
Dr. King's nor Discovery fur Cou.unp•
time Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Broachita ,
Hay Fever, Lem of Voice, ?taking i•
the Thrust. Pail ia Bide and Ohast,or-
ary disease o the Throat sad Lenge, a
punitive cora Ousrsnteed. Trial Bot
ties fres at J. Wilsoe's Drag Stora Lary
Baas $.00. (6)
Wasatxoroe, U.C..
May 16th, 1880.
Ge rrissar—Having been a sufferer.
for a long time from nervous prostration
and general debility, I was advised to
try HopBitters. 1 hare taken obot-
tle, anne I have been rapidly getting bet-
ter ever since, and I think it the best
medicine I ever used. I lin now gaining
strength and appetite, which was all
gone, and I was in despair until I tried
your Bitters. 1 sm nue well, able to me
about and do shy own work. Before
taking it I was completely prostrated.
Mas MART STt'asT. .
ns.sards say ace
T. W. Aitlits, Girard, Kan., writes:
'I never hesitate to recommend your
Electric Bitters to my costumers,
give entire s•tufaction and are rapid
sellers.' Electric Bitters aro the purest
and bent medicine known and will posi-
tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints
Purify the blood and regulate the bowels
No family can afford to be without them
They will save hundreds of dollars in
doctor's bills every year. told at Wets.
a bottle oy J. Wilson. 13]
Well Rewarded.
A liberal reward will be paid to any
party who will produce s ease ..f Liver,
Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec-
tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring
them along, it will cost you nothing for
the medicine if it fails to cure, and you
will he well rewarded for your trouble
besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious-
ness, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene-
ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed or money retunded
Pnoe only fifty cents purChottle_. For
sale by J. Wilson. [51
Cproam.I,R -A name well known in
connection with the Hair Renewer,which
restores grey hair to is mineral color by
a few weeks use. &.ld at fi0cents
bottle by James Wilson. 2m Per
These are send Fath.
The best blood purifier and system re-
gulator ever placed within the reach' of
suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit-
ters. Inactivity of the Liter, Biliou•nea
Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys,
or any disease of the urinary organs, or
whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or
mild stimulant, will always find Electric
Bitten the best and only certain cure
known. They act surely and quickly,
every bottle guaranteed to give entire
satisfaction or money refundeG. &old at
fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. [4]
before. To Hop Bitten I owe my life.' F�Ilt�111 Nursenno.
R Fmraratcli 111111)11]
Dublin, June 6, 1881.
How TO GIT Sues.—Expose yourself
day and night ; eat too much without ex-
ercise ; work too hand without rest ; doc-
tor all the time ; take all the vile nos-
trums advertised, and then you will want
to know row to yet irell, which is answer-
ed in three word.—Take Hop Bit-
ters. 1 in
325 ACR1E8_
To beton work at once on Fall Sales iite.dy
employment at axed salaried' to all willing to
work. ttva read Wwfeti can have
T'rM`'"� Pleasant Wort the Year Round.
McGregor i'arke's ('artx.lk Gestate will
cure any case of Pimples on the face or Rough
Skin on either bands or face a em
pd leer.- them
soft as silk. It will also heal any sore when
ail ether preparatioae fail. Thousands have
tested It. Ask your drawee for McGregor
Parke. (carbolic Cerate. and do sot he per-
suaded to take anything else claimed to be as
"nod. it is but IS cents per lost at ( 11Yruls
Doig Store. !m
few We else re.ette.s Wesnesed ay m-
ean. Dewtuy and shsapasle..
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency. nervous de-
bility, unirenal lassitude, fa.rgetfulnees,
pain in the back or sides, no matter how
shuttered the system may he from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the lost function+
and secure health and happiness. 81.00
per box, six Moxa for 85.00. Sold by
all druggists. sent on receipt of price,
mrppaid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo,
sole meet for United States. Cir-
culars end testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Reyna., sole agent for Godo-
rich 3m :
Tri Ede history of medicines no preps
action has received such universal cotn-
mendatiou for the alleviation it affords,
and the permanent cure it effects in kid
ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kidney
Cure. Its action in these distrr•mng
oomplaints is simply wonderful. Sold
by J. Wilsan. 2m
Why use poor OIL on year Bagpele NW Howe*, whim dee on pi
es:d Bo Asap. Is less at. «road. Try it sail yore wi8 nee tlo cal w,
Pee sort by W.. iviecs.iV
Fashionable Tailor,.
Ham the Finest A.wiortment of Sommer (foods t44 Choose Front_
8 Nobby Snit at a Reasonable Price,
Et 'UGH D u :LOP_
line of all the Leading Patent Me.Iicint'., always kept on han•i.
(Physician" Prescriptions a Specialty.)
The Canadian Pacific Railway Co
companyat pyl ranging
lands within the Hallway Rest along the main Hae, d is Spathe
$2-50 PER ACRE
upwards. with coedit loos regnirf.g cultivation.
A rebate tor cultivation of front ei,m to Ox... per ser.. aernrding to price paled for the
had. allowed on certain eosditlo.s. The ('ompany also offer Landswitiost co.dttioas
settlement or cuklvattoe.
ran aoaaoa or
Tac$—• teem?,
OP 1'm.$ cotta --
al lltlroaTa1T
At the eight
Um gay Rondo!
by a flash of blest
of atter horror h
with a violent •
eyes with his ham
The rest were le
gaging fiat un the
in the corner,
bowed form of RI
in the fond enjoys
the producer of th
in ne hurry to bre
sod Shoran/ed silo
spectators undone
dulph s eztraordiai
but he had stspicio
The spell was at
sic herfelf, who cm
'ugly from the col
Ra lolp&.
'Do not fear a
dolph,' she said, in
nem and sorrow. '
again. it would n
_Jhut fur the talke&
r4,Wt allow that aria.
IPor your sake and t
no ceremony omit
came hither to pre.
am gone. I repeat
have nothing more
hays nothing mon
garde the peat, my
shall be sealed by si
Her wont• noovo
quick soul perceived
that the faithful gin
So str ugly had not 1
deed he had done.
'therefore removed, t
/ether his anemia
As for Jessie, she
en the words she ba
aerees the rue
door—sus one 1
to prevent 1
`Oh, Randolph, w
• mweed Mrs. Grano
indeed your wife "
'Yes, I guar that
yours, Nell,' chuckle
aint all. The girl
wife, but the child i
of Bengsrry, 1f the I
change his wild So k
of it when he cut o
maybe he'll give him
when W knows what
'Alas, Ralph, du y
taco- is dead r grid C
he sia't,' airs.
—'His as mach in li
'Eustace alive'' ez
grasping him vehen
while the others I
gh with different
, r igesea Mr. Gas
started forward
batik of • chair for sal
lowly on Ralph.
'Yes, alive,' replier
you, Captain, he and
not go down with th<
lost their oars and
French ship, so they
on till Providence, •
sett island where I
starve, and next day
picked tat all off, and
back to Scotland.'
'And where is EI
Dunmore, in bresthl
Ralph leaked into
theses glgflsad w RL
ihet filo sl, wee brei
the answer, be gave
'I rather think I'll no
now. I know when
. Ha ! it in a fabri
dol ph.
'You wish it was,' ]
the gsmsekesper. 'B
lief if you heo.... `1
what has takes plass
it suits him hs wi
proof .rough that It
what's the matter wi
Roar: r
As Ralph .poke
sounded on the 80.
mond to find Mr.
heap, with his head 1
his breast The (�
rushed towards him,
but he bey i• their at
Ism His eyes wet
ardor of kis fase was
'Massif& hese n,
elelm.d D*n.mo,w.
'Lt's a stroke of ap
R).viiisk fortunate
hiwself, as a thrill
thorough his selfish I
hops hedged there t
(host was the oast
sed. Th. •armee
lied Mr. Grahame ria
new still iessttisilris,
along the Dais Line, L,,. the odd numbered Perones within one mile a tb. Railway, are sow
etened bar maea atraetaaeow e, tervto pante* prepared to undertake their immediate eel -
Purchasers m*y 5ay one-sixth in nub. lad the balance in eve assume instalments, with is
merest at SIX P6rt l'ICNT. per annum. payable In &draw*.
Partite p.rvbadag witbot.t conditions of rahiTatiea, wilt receive a Deed of Cosveyence
tine of parches.. 1f payment is made in full.
Payments may be mate is LAND GRANT HONI,$. whith will be accepted at tea per
mai. nn es their par value lad accrued intent. There bonds cal be obtained on *p-
pl at the lIsak of Moatrrul. )iostr•al : or at aay of fns age•cMa
TOR PRICES and CONDITIONS OF BALK and afl lakora.atlon with respect to the par-
ches* et beads. apply to JOHN H. HeTA FISH. Land Commissieaer. W fsalpeg. Ry order at
the Hoard. CHARLES DRINKWATER. etcretary.
11117 -tins
Goo.I.ab-rntsare earning from 140 to t=5 es •
month and repeaters. IP i
WTerns and outfit fm. Address:
t13m- Toronto. Oat
Lead llildeflaler,Hason hand now the LART /To
First - Class Furniture
in the County. and as i now purchase for earth,
will not be undersold by any one.
I ot$•r Tapestry Carpet Lounges. from DUO
upwards_ Whatnots. good, from 51.50 up.
Sew stack ('halts, from Tic. up, and every-
• thing else in the atm. proportion,
lietwelat the Peat Office t Rank eft igMtrea
ew. ISM. 111111. MIL
A l'R1't!Iu Kee,'. ••n ham! a wnpply of maerial for the
Et it.—Children aro often repairing of
fretful and ill when Worms is t' a cause.p 3.1111
pIlk.LoriWormltyrul, safely expel. all overs Reapers
Worm& 1•n.
Valltod to he Kno*n!
rn,r t',,• ,
TOR. ACCO, t'IG.4RS, 4"c
ib mesa. and Foreign Fruits.
of the Rho Herm&
Flesh and frawok,..l •s.lwt t ler riot to avows
A hall aa.,rt, .cot of all kinds of Nuts.
epee,.N $a wy
eyteser.teary awn $..Mead
ICS "kEA.I.i I.T NE.tri,Y.
Flora, lse.lgns, Wreathe, ('re•
y.. Fin meter,
wade wle to order
revetq MaaN. a eee.swe
aa le Manes
con,' Hnu.e Pei ire, ti'wterteb�
Dee fn. IoxtL la " co r -1m..
Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows and
Agricultural Implements
and Machinery Generally.
ri ill Isi1311 P aper
o:o,terich. Harsh rte. met. isms.
Now • the time, It Tori wish arse or two tore rotors a home t P
GOLllbr the worth, etas, qitmap uM•ea He has over
for wattage. we will 7.e
►err, • royal- valuable box of sone
pi. rends that .111 pat pal la tM
SW of making men• mosey In • few dantkaa
you ever thought possible sl any hisineaa, Ne
capital ser. tired We will shirt roil Yon pawork ail the time or ;e .parr time maty Tb.
work is aalversally adapted to hath the ee;Ns �
•out and oVon ran teeny eon m
to M. tl0 every ev.-nlng. That all who want welt
may teat the bnslnres. we make this al•
IMM o1M1r ; to • 11 who see not wen tatnttp•lw.
will .sad $1 to pay for the freakier d'•Acle,
re/al%rrtwarm. directions . ems. wt frill
anew will he heads try she.. a'hegivthele
we too. to the wart. Great moons acne
tstdy carr. Don't dely. Shirt sew. mps,.
seetnux *5('o,, Pot rand, Malan.*. ARM '
. e tee mires re< m pipes
20,000 Rolls of the Latest DA w
!•sisetlhtl osier. and at pro es less Mae very much nfeno h.
are the twat value la Iowa. and musteL seed Call sad are tb. in
The �'t�S1i 11 �rti�� i
11313/II'Pd1P��sand Fasiliolls1
m.1 alrr -,11ruir