The Huron Signal, 1884-8-22, Page 1.iM • 1 b. r f . a! • oupll i NEWS • TY.$IXTH YKAII. NOLs N V MBIMIR fes. j tares obiW t House Waatd-mal Huron Hasal.-(halt! id Iambs. Voters' IJMs. fast- W. Cast GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1884. N0 IEtERAL INTELLIGEN 1 Ko :t A TSAR 011 A DVA CII '"!!""1" r NEWS ABOUT HOME. l Mrs. J. D. RDid, u•the Misses 1G,naW, ST. liuoaus'rt Cucte:u. -Sunday, Aust. u . gtte.tioer. "Why, don't yea know 11 detente a,naistinv, in the morning, d a Hie Femme sad Mr. Sinclair, aU of 24th, the Rev. P. Owen -Jones, will (D. Why they register the --tae-the OM, fancy dress parade on bicycler The .wMMtyre1s ye. takja' melee Brawls, were in town on Thrneday, pre- V.) preach morning and evening; subject_ cant's where they register the--thee-the wherlmwn w wired costume wilt Ito fel - 7 I prtr•t.ay to titling a round Mip sit the 11 a.m., "The effects .et early piety." feriae death. and. assn egos." And the lowed by au enormouscrawMICalbbsra- - 1 mvito. 7 ..w., "The doves td Pastor and Per- lady thauked hum fe,r his infonnation, pities and others tut. curious fee dlscrip- pttol4 TOW TQ?103. A dime musoum with a I.. .widget, Pi•' It is pwniaularly requested that and wished she had been been a Luau, ar. ti.ur. Alter the pr.* s*1 ,u the Guderie an alloeed ' electric etre," anal ea tieing every member of the arngrsR.twn. as that she would kn..w •verythitrr, sad and \\•te,d.luck laon•sse clubs will play ti s siva vers sd- 33 *-c& wawa. Card- hero!." doer a ceowd of eonderinz urea- far as peaatble, be present at the even- not have t.. ask -.p iestion. is the Contest Pork. In the •fttarnetea Dentist •Maga half V ant -class eu•d•uwr' The wwical event of the eraa.•n in I there will he a bar ball much between r . P • coat A&aw y. N. O. d ua. I ins dunug the past few dare au N'ir tan's utt •stn tee. the Louder*, of Loudon, and the Weod- but a• caaot ulways depend upon ra:nf:_Ila• old ,caul. Hoarx Noses. -TIN span of dappled Wlnnipett was tits concert eaten et the Fut every out eau rel; upon scala an.• hest pieties lately bwgnt by 114 J E warts iraupeurahun of the new organ of Holy stocks en the Ass.ctati"e grounds, also• value for theft pme y ke . wise", ,, , junior lacrosse match. 'Chen will be Wood - ase. W. i< Meeton'e Minor cion, A,iiuo Drwnct, Vaster ut l,!naucrr diel uu Trinity (,'hutch. )era. F. S. Hick, for- 1 y• ..f Latch. Mr. J. Y. Fisher, of Cul- needy of Gcderith, was one of 1!is vocal - block. siz foot laces, and eight bicycle races. ar►u.den & ties want COabushels apples W r''u't" ay• aged 31 Seen. lie was • b, e, ha* sold hie young stallion Kleek- '1'6s 1«o says 91ra. Hick, who for which about 1]80A iu gold an.l ulcer sour and 1niey. Also plu.n+, y -aro. t.., In law sltidrnt, anis one .,f oor best knuwi law, to Mr. J. D. Fisher, e,( Brooklyn, medals are offered. h ni6cent silver mama. highest pries mei 1a id. Tbe cheap- rvvdruts-7 , bas a lovely ,xontrsld. voice, a g in a rtaag est house under the sane" Vert dour to the Iowa. for the sunt of $1,500. K>; D. mnuner which surprised every one, and Pitcher, valued at >175, a oLv'ereni her the pod oboe. CxD xsr. -The Tune of cricket M• Fisher, of Colborne. will ship a ar load estahlishad her claims Gr a leadit g place r1O" representation of any bicycle club A package of the American ll'ruit Preserr- tween the Winehein and Gederich edits of entire horses to tae ►\•rstrrn State. in au,,,,II our utast talented ruealists." outside of \V.Modatuek. The best foot e[attY wt,deltier Liquid MwiKli rrt. l leo resulte.l in a tris, eaeh grub scoriae GO it: a few days -{New Err► The Taws remarks ---"To Mrs. Hicks "n and wheelmen of Canada will be ears No need so keep roe- true air iiget, the lits! innings The wickets were It was left to an outside paper, the must undoubtedly bo awarded the palm pint. The programme of the day will ins Irate Attest.be concluded bya c.ncert in theevenintr, in the vocal department ; her solo from Webers )less was nicely rendered in • for which fiat -ratty talent has been aecut- fuU, rich, even mice, and stiff better ed. Hundreds of our readers will no sung was Mary's plaintive solo 1r:m the doubt visit Woodstock on the 25th. The "Redemption,'' albeit taken mneh too railways will issue tickets at angle fan, fast and nut to the marked tempo an the stood fur the Stith. The W.A.A.A. es- ocs,re, and so het s.me of the effects ,, . p the determination that this will be tended by the composer." one of the finest athletic events ever seen rATHsa(JM; or BeETRRRe. --A leather- in 1)ntsrio. ire of Christians known u Brethren will peyele Metre. be held in the drill shed. Goderich, fir - several days, beginning us Thursday t', T:. Mountjoy. of the oleicl club, next. A large nunttr.r from diaerent ' Leiden, artived ..n Saturday last with parts of the Province aro expected. his wheel, and will remuun a weak t.. en - Anions( the teachers and evangelists ex- joy our tine roads. {,ectrrl to attend, are Lord Cecil, Capt. At the Seaf..rth bicycle tournament Trigg, and Messrs Mace, Buchanan, last week a withawe, of Uuderich. won Hayhoe, and other well-known preach- the half mile race without hands, awl %I 1fICHOLSON, L.D.K, SURl1EON Detttlet. OM. mad resides's. West, ones (hes ov.s heli el ]bettra. sioderfck 1,32 Whe People's Column. WA N T E D IMMEDIATELY -- A good spri for geaerat work. One who ,an wards and inn well. and do plain coeklyt Ina small family. Anotier girl kept. ppll .et tib Mace,ITIS WANT$D-BT THZ FIFTEENTH 1I OF SUPT.. • neat. eoevetsttsst bows for a family of three grown persons. (rood water required. daft water tedlapeaslbls. tpply et tits Mare. 1167- ARMERS WANTING ENGLISH 4Kot io.,. pbunusrspb :, troll breva +anstaa- (MNJ KAwfN to eattafor ono Seer to start, of Wore wise ..U.- to Wet. farming. wile be sept') rr d .o. tett belt- Lien te th.• refat ea .ir before the thh terms by •p ppl1Call and see •P"':tna.i. He aims a p:es.e at to JOHN fil'T. rL K l:url'ricb. 107-tf all time. The dry yrn1V,. one cem:ed me 11 .lust, esd Wm. M. McDermott, son of H. Me- have been resold to Mr. E Busaenbury, then drawn. Then may be wore room fur quest wit as to Clinton .Vele Ent, to give the. bachelors what was the hottest da: duM*K the meet, C. R. Dunsfont. of Nelsen, )len., is „f Gietwich ties following drive :- cwt it ie a certainty gnat Aaelnws, the ober, it tori,, beteg 0116 l hither by the death has this year the esiues of twpler is always on trim for turning au: i) - of his bruthertn-law. After a visit to 137 (cosecs on the veer'• lints. Now, ttttis tb t pi..... the multitude. -A thing of beau,y is a,ioy faryrer. • eel fee Lindsay, he will return too his h•.nnr is if some g•,...1 lroktiet out»arned man can beautiful cabinet picture* tureen nae by G. It. the Noll it -wee'. be brought "tit at the next wuuicigal A meeting of the W.man s Christian cutest, his election will be assured. Temperance Union will be held in the But, bold en. This is impossible. as all Te.upnaance hall, North street, on Toes- the if•eod-h,okiar teen there are . alar - the yeunac j(enlieelen ... retie hac.• nut Leen danext, at 3 cyclase- p. m. A full at- reed." ISS PAItSONS \VILL RECEIVE abet to dao fust.awitr u, "Aerr *uud clothes. ten-datxxr is teeuested. Trs \\ etAT 1 tttto.-Thr Chicon New pepW oa tea ►tri ♦ug•. lint laatrue- Tbe !cue and perfect tit or rbc ,acts e"ase"s J. McDougall is home un a brief yrs- Er.s nays : Mr. Jos. Whitely, o1 Gode- nee vest 1a Ksilieb. rudiments etweslataad by r, It .t. Pridbaot, always Iwo.: well. dust i rich township, claims a told of 40 bush - Pismo_turd drawlnit. Terms 311c. per week. or nu dust. pito frau u.Jce duties in Detroit. Hep• Y Pismo Forte, 21 Itasoas, if- Needle work awl Lx.iu ►t if life in the cit of this straits els ea fail r neat to the acre. Mr S. Frencchcesveraatioo with Madame Iist'eedry THx SPINat.-Remainder of 1834- y phi of the same township, had over was a serious tiling. but is well lewd per• p• after 4 p. et Young ladies wall end this an Only Glc. p 3 i bushels to the acre from 17 access excellent opportunity of importing ulcer pro- with the city for all that. auseistlss and stats/seg their kneeled e of Mrs. Grahame M•.nhouse has return- Dr. Sloan ..1 Blyth. takes the lead with French. Terms M. per week. Iss61y eel trent her tri H. I. Strang, principal of the high s. 1 sehow,:,return .i from Teret• thea week.4 , bushels to the acro. Mr. D. Tiplady LOOK SALE - A FEW A 1 LA24D Mm B jla%w• u[ Ooii'tttel', is visit- He eau kern taking part in the cunvea- has 40 bushels to the acre, which turas ere of the gespel. The services in the „ur young townsman Keith McLean l Hailers ase Iron !!arrows will be wed ire fneI.Js to t3:yth. 63 lbs. t., the bushel ; this is the heave drill shed are open t.• all, and no collect- race mooed in the 5 mile cltaiu uDabi tion of provincial uogeiuios which held Pr cheap a* the tiedarich Feemdry. TM Beatty J. T. ' arr,w voce s.na tsar returns d session un the Queen cicy, eat yet bniught here. icons ..r any money gatherings will be ewes. W. C. Measy, „f i3ettforth took Reaper ass alt repairs far the same can also taken. These therin are not -nn - be proctored tram the°solarise Foundarr,orea fr..... tact seaside trip, Charles Edwards spent three week* at 1a°' anMxe'-Tbe Bruning, strengthen- gsthe. first priz+. 1'hrre was a IArytr turn application by mol w H. xBEG11910tf Ix ee b sumo ••f the Bruning :avers u, the usual with the Brecher+, although we eel. , Goderieb, Oat. cello Mie '•t'ilkrnson hitt ton the U.ited home, this nuatue, v7 va'atiwa /rout the : y p d whce{mru. Empire f.,r )finnewpolia. tells cf his business. He is still connect- i cuouty, t,wk pplayee"a ices /hitt'" a•n MUSIC FOR THE MILLION. Mies yleIiitn,ah, of L vtroit, is the gue(t ed with the Jt n.rt.try Tie', as a coal.; Sunday, amd payed a Yams with t -.r lei tri of firs. C'a t• Mair ntor. posttor, and likes Toronto. Independents of \\•iudwr. The latter 9 pfeces, your owe detection. 25 eget,. P 'run in three etrri_ut gatnes, Our boys Lists seat yogi treses application to Rif . Mr. Crain, •ef Clinton, was cool- S. T. Bastedo, Irirate secretary of 1 had a 1,041 outing, however, aril will H DAS .,tf la town during the week. Hen. U. Mowat. has been *pending i fee the music attain when the oDIM,rtun- 13as ity presents atsr:f. Its to tin, we W. L. PCO , 478, Qualm 'i. W logo TOKONTO, ON'T. 1'tsaos, and Iduaroal lustru-.r nos. •& *ioi seeena-ansa I'iaaos in first-. roto ur 'NSW ••rsdreed prices for cash. I:a,ilm ARD SHARMAN, 31rs. H••ffntan awl family have totem-' week in town. He likes Go.iench, and I T Windsors, ed t•. their haws at St. Paul. Slime theses who have the pleasure ..1 Mr. I uedeastand, had the lielpot some crack tette; s acquaintance lido him. jot en from Detroit. Dr. Stewart, of Montreal, spent Sun- \\ e peepers day in taws, the guest ••f G. N. Davis. regret t.. announce the death of I Last week, on the occasion o(. tie BRICKLAYER Mrs Cuuerou, sink 3liss \\'ilhu n,iva KK } Efi d YD 1'L.l iTb'1R$R. le.t fox t:.etr blue at Nebraska this week, RAMI $TYIRh'r. is still ready tet do nay wore /s his Wee Maury Mathes has 'teen confined to smeerate moos- Material si` s hest aunts_ thus peat gawk, tbrxwh ill- temo, Bricks. Firebricks, eget other ;bo:ding Material kteopptt n toad fur :Saw. A 1.115. ederiok il•teialker.nMt tjttllLttt Mrs. W. T. Whitely, .of Clinton, has - 1 see i isitiee friends in town the past week. Mrs. Kearns, of Parkhill, is the enlist '0R SALE --FARM LOT Nis. 102, ..! her sister. Mrs. )rlckende, Aloion )1altLnd co esti ew,Noa.•rieb Iaweeklp. :mat ` ✓ ";'sutsells j 7u as aer jued 31r. Cooly. of the Detruit Free Press, hardwood 'sure' r'r. , besrh aid ep . one mite . treat teeter..., fuer, is a IA storey back has been visiting his reiatires the Messrs. - beats* sad bei.• c Wove. e• eteina1 r tr reams Curry. dilagmatey an shear. TimmTimmaretwo wells, • ..itis 'settee. evert,- • •'.,,.r. hay loft Mr. and Xrs W. H. Tyson and fasn- eger. I'm*" ..Me hrr v ,nater far b icy, of Brantford, are the guests of J W. la s Mese pin For Sato or to test. s.+. esu.. ed.a. Irene acro . ►Map1.; apt tee. This terse le la erst•elass Peeress. t arc esd nysir. Ata w.•e Lr :. visa ; Mins Rachel. Thum aro, of Fullerton, •.ua:sfa; xr/auree, wN.. • ..call bows acrd , Juha Ross McKay, cooper, afters linger- ing illness of bronchitis. He was only 33 years of wee. He Mares a wife and one child and a sorrowing mother. Mayor Meyer. of Witneeem, booms. partied tl:e Wine -ham excursionists on Wednesday, and yielded the willow at :he cricket watch. Harry's hat is caUed j regain tefrii .+11.001. but by the aid of "Jehu," for "it drivvth furiously. ' ethers he succeeded in getups out, Dune \\-e regret to learn that Roht Bissett. !the worse for his cold hath 441 a seine - of Cellwrne, a gentlesise well known in what chilly day.--r8eaforth Expoeit..r. Goderich, was stricken by paralysis on GRAND Terns t/itzse, - Special Sunday morning. He ie still unable to I orders have been issued to the casduo- muve, bet hope is heed of his recovery. ton of the Grand Trunk Railway t.. be The gorernment observer at Goderich I careful in preventin¢ the large horde of regiewred 91' is the shade en Weenes- r people who are in the habit of forcing dap. There yes a stiff breeze blowing 1 their way tato the postal can, to allow Presbyterian Sabbath school teacher picnic at Baytiebi, J. R. Miller, who furtsed one of the party, while stepping from a boat to the pier, slipped and fell i*to the water. which was deep at the point. Bre Lad on ea overcoat, which naturally ie mpfared with his exertions to and we were not aware that it was the ! no one t.. stay cher' an instant unless pt hottest of the season, until after we were they have a se._ peamt: front the post owl ere. u..,.ipoxes*. I...t.ureon [buena. le tiettrni he. aunt, 31rs J. J. Bard, of told so, office inspector. \n••ther order has . IwsW ellA HLAI:k. laat'f ' this torn. Leen issued to the attests of tlw road to 13au. k.... -tis A -ors Pu crtat u. -Ed- articu'ar in revebtin the station j'II(I HOG dB FOR SALE. -THAT. Mrs. \V H. 14..,., of Bremen, was brp P g Jr -atm new remise anew ea X'4,nn-et. -we thesea- :cbertuse kat )est evtup:rted two on dui I quer ..f 31rr E. E.Mule, town, fine brick steres in Clinton for W. C. etttp'u- from amukisg whit, y. tF M, +,, easelstsi mint who,. W tiielt,_LM: leek. STRwzmnD Cttsuoeis t GAr1en. - ett 1M OM, on rea«nr,blr tenn4 Ir ens eiK!tt ; Searle, and has returned to Goderich, boil-roim• b•1(4.. pei4,n-t" nor.: 'erre ' Mise Maggie Martin, of Detroit, whys where he will be open fur alt work in Friday ;test, the 29th, Inst, will be • big an khcben t> e• •caret t.4..r..et. was visiting friwds byre loft for bums I tiny in 3tntford. 51000 are offered in ally nWKd Made. peeper;J was oY • his line. u • bargain. Apply- te tie naval? on Sunday. The enormous SUCCESS ..f many retail money, medals and other prizes to be • TH ta.drriob Ont. lttta•!is Rut lilt Brelee, o1 Seaforth. «bit. dry golds8rulers of this city has been I oumpxted fur in games etc, under the }108 SALE uK TO RENT -Tit AT 1 in town this week, was the guest of Mr. due to their liberal newspaper advertts- auspices "f the Perth Caledonian Society. valuable propettt,e know as the Milburn ' I•h„s Grthame•I The games are in charge ..f a competent ing, upon which they have concentrated committee and a large turn :out of Rxcha.ge Holet atiyrr+cut u. cup.ed b) ler. Peed IlerIoi, M oirre for ask or to rent. The Italia is Memel ea the gravel roads be- tween HodolsY and Port A 11.R. sad tied* rich and Mute, and does • anas b Ibssem{es let of pt or sooner if d. Terms ..-M(s• Per panic m to A. ALL Dealer P. 0. 0 FAitMS FOR $ALE -LOTS 8 AND 9, asst con miles. towasbieei two beautiful fame adjoining. 3ti !f9 ants ; about 11 miles frees Lake Heron : well watered. A. 1 aadna. oat. `7TORE TO RENT OK STiUr-.BE- A7 1 NO on terser of gond gravel spa, Soots Ii storks. In pondIrepair. crywith acesreroom, need nl.41.ad, _eia leenn M P.O. sad date malt. Terms seq. trly to 1t 6, d T. HArigh.ppardles. b .i uEPPARDTf)N FARM TO RW' J O1 ARIL. ee acres. 111 sere' cleared ,d free of •I a8 well teasel; two wsW: -t yp, Minn sad stied and otter el: udsdleg h.4ek eo4 a tal sir of home • a id ; large runs across the 1M. Tensa Apyly on pr.mkw, Let l Lake . tewnsbtp of ('olborns. R. T. HAY N wepearl . Marsh lath. idat. 1100- Mies Annie McTnto.k, daettkter of f• ACRS LOT IN ASHFLELD FOR Capt. McIntosh. of -Detroit, is the guest v0 PAM -On 3M eon.. R.D. Macao clear- •f cousin, Miss IkOregor. y had been th Master Jack Ferguson and little Mies their expenditures for securing publicity. athletes end spectators may be lexokwl Martin returned to their homes at De- -[New York Sun for. A concert will be held in the evtln- troit on Sunday last. MrS. Aaron McBrine, whose husband I ing et which a nrmber of favorites will There will he a monster excursion to was recently sent to the penitentiary, ep•tear Rttfalo and the Falls September 4th. gave birth to a fine boy in gaol on Thurs ' Tats "LORD'S Arany" BRSAR-I'r--The (Particulars nest week. day. Owlsg to no iotirmary 'Hating an Mitchell I%cordrr says :-"Capt." Lata Grace Fuser will 1et'e uezt trip the county. the woman was snot 10 the I well has laid aside has honorary prefix tit the United Empire tax visit her sister, gaol for treatment and nursing. I sad also his army uniform, and is now Mrs. Little, of Dakota. About 160 persons came oa the excur• I the chief and head only of a small bead sion from Wingjfaua on Wednesday, the in this tuwu. "Lieut." Rolle left es civic holiday of the junction town. The Monday for home, and intends learning town band accompanied them, and, led a trade. The Lord's Army has no long - Mies McMahon. and her netce, MiMa by Prof. Kay, made the day pleasant by er an organized head or body, and we Lilly Whitely, returned on Sunday last their music. The hand is • good one. suppose most of the stations that are 1N - frogs thea risit to Saginaw. Runciman Bra. have received ag ing continued are unier • listed oflieer. order from F. C. Rogers, salt raker, .'i Hew eon¢ Mr. Lathwoll intends reroain- Mrs. T. visiting mistiest tine two child- $rowels, to make for him the neaxmwrir !ng here we do net know. nn, aryl other poi in Stratford, machinery far the tnanufaeture of dairy Tan New ia*saatt+aa-The liters - salt by the latest approved process. This i tare for 1885, second class and intimate - Dr. Ryerson. auriat Slid oculist, will young hrnt is making a reputation for daate examinations, is the Lady of the be at the Windsor Hotel, Stratford, for g,,,,d work. i Lake ; special reference to canto v., and minsultation, on August 90th. Cul. Jackson, of London, inspected I Irvsng a Rip Van Winkle. Ws give the the areas and .conutrenienta of our vol. 'resines and rice' of some of the leading unteers lent week. Mn. Jackson urea - panted him. The Colonel is delighted with Goderich es a samtaer resort, as, indeed, are the hest of Londoners now Miss Hattie Smith, who has been the guest of Mrs. Wm. Smith, left for her southern Nome on Sunday. relieve test this wt;l he the first held in Goderich. We understand that the en- tire expenses of the assembly will be borne by the Goderich Brethren. They do not believe in pnemiscuous collect- ions. Crime DL+RzTto..--Leat Wednesday Annie Wight, the woman wh.. left her infant at the Ctint..n radroad station, was br.ught before Hes Honor Judge Doyle, charged with the desertion of her child. She elected to be tried by his Honor, and pleaded guilty t.. the charge, litert'ts At•c,DssT.-Keith McLean, while riding un East street on 'Monday, had occasion to uuw his head while par- ing under a spreading tree. At the woe time hit -sheet struck a strew, and hosing his balance, the rider was flow violently forward. As a result of the header one of Keith's arms was broken near the wrist, and he may he "c•.unted out" in wheel contests her the balance eft the season. Gee. Forsyth and J. McCarthy. of the after which she was remanded till Femur- Ariel touring club,left London am Satur- day for sentence. On Saturday the pro- day evening, and wade Exeter +n their Gods - otter was brought up fur sentence, but wheels, and nest morning doh for (i.de- rich. H. M. Kipp, 'Atha wine club left Londunat ti a. tn. on Sunday, accom- panied by Meyer ant 'tianin of the F.C. B.C. Kipp, oeertwk Forsyth and Mc- Carthy about five miles out of Godersch, and rode into town with them about 3 p. ret- Meyer arrived about half an hoist afterward, and Martin about 7 in the evening. On Monday forenoon the party visited•the Point Farm, and returned to London by the excursive" train ori Mon- day evening. at the request .1 the Co. attorney was again tenianded, this time till the 24th day of September. The Judge before re- manding the prisoner, addreeseid her at some length as to the seriousness of the offence -the desertion u! her offspring - end the enormity of her violation of the moral law in the lite ,be had been lead- ing the past few years. The prisoner, who seemed somewhat impressed with hu Honor's remarks, was again returned to jail. The following from a Glasgow, Scot - kale Arvtvale at the rsasagays . land, paper, refersto * (,ranee psat• r of - Kstos churc;r, G.Mlerich : The members I D„d.l'sterry, S.T.-3Ir. Tittmana. of Cumberland street United Presbyter- j Simc,e-Mrs. D. Campbell, nurse and tan church congregation and friends met on r ridgy evening is the hall of the church, for the purpose of presenting Rev. Mr. Fraser, their pastor, with a pulpit rube and cassock. R. Fletcher, set., in making the presentation on be- half of ,the ladies of the congregation, referred at length w Mr. Fraser'■ long a,unection with the church, and the high esteem in which he was held by its mem- bers and adherents. Mr. Fraser return - e1 thanks on behalf of himself and Mrs. Fraser, who was also presented with a handsome silver to and coffee service. He assured them that nothing would be wanting on his part is merit their 0041- tinued affection and trued wishes in the future. Daring the evening several songs were ably renderel by es.mbeea of the musical aw)otation. Violation( ovT R LtelLeaa LAW. -Be- fore the Crooke Act eras emendate lad session, hotel keepers were allowed to have mere than one liquor bar in their Premien on arsenal occasions, such as holidays, or when then was likely to be , large crowd in town. This while** was withdrawn last session, and before the 121h of July hist Inspector Yates notified all the hotel keepers at Clinton that osiy one bar !mould be allowed on that day, but it is alleged that all violat- ed : -Lady of the Las (notes by ed his iuetructiusu, *Keeps Messrs Pike Taybori aid Rip Van \Vinke. ttea by and Kelly, by running two or mere ham Chase) roe rnlume OO cewtel pobushed s on telt day. The hotel men neem they ed, ker house. hardwood. A stud orchard Mrs. Tilley, tits, h n e guest h Dago & Co.;Lad of this Lake and wove,paided by legal advice it ttctinv y enders* Meuse FlwMsslopa te • creek ran if fY they did. it was decided to f t only mane the p 1let, sad n rattily drained, Terme et( her st1•M-law Mr. K. Elmea fur a few Rip Van Winkle, mutes by A m.tr,ng, one of the chs and make a test ease eta_ y. Apply to T IiAY\EA. a+benparddlun- , weeks left her Kincardine to Friday. summering here. one volume, 130 cents, C.rsadaPntluhinr ' Y eh Miss Lizzie Dickson 81L the position A"erm BAZAR. - An apron hazzr willCo.; Icy of the Like, nasty v., Cow• °f it, therefore Mr. Theohaie was Bored h yds credit. M Geld soder the auspices of the ladies - Task, hook v and RipVas Winkle $90 and nets, and grove notice of sppesl. ▪ TOTERB LIST 1884 dIy during the absence of Mini Fish. aid society of St Georges ehrrch on brief notes by Arg;, .,rl le , 30 eta., • Thursday and Fnday, tib and "orb Clark S G child. Hamittun-airs R. A. Lucas aid family. Leaden - The 'Susses Elliott, H. Becher. Thamesvdle-3fiss Ferguson, Mia Mc - McFarlane. Stratford -Mr. and Mrs Wm. Smith and 2 children. Detr?it--Mrs. T. L Pittman, Miss Kate Maloney, John G. Rumnity, Mr. Pittman, Mr. Russell. rd organist at Knox e e very c i per's Should the appeal be sustained by the - i . e volume, c MUNICIPALITY OF THS TfM•X Mies Hattie Read, who has been yy' pubbsbd by Copp, r .- (1P GODESTr'H. spending s few weeks with relatives A literary entertainment will be shoe" 'beeves Forma Tent -One rhe tram- rtt.4n each evening, for which a small admits here, lett for Cli , her home, cast ed great success wrote thus ; "Putincity weak. ion fee will he charged as money. This has cense t.e le reverses - Mies Meetoo Veneroae, who has been An item appeared in TRr. 81;*4I. last d as• prinelphi in business. t.nnpetf• visiting for sortie Pew her fnends in Mie• week which mused a impression that P. now is so keen. and we hes 1. mush hely snort, has returned to her horns at Ben- R. Gene'''.stlicitor, of S..forth, had miller. left that tows, end was seriously ill. Elsewhere in this issue John Butler This, we are happy to say, is not so. advertises that he can supply emigrant Mr. Carroll is still attending to profits - help to tanners Rase the afire and see Mr. Butler. lfd(oe fNOge horrhy elven- flat Anew traits. or tO the pa fmwneinawd third mei roma' ret• tee -roues i.Iree Art,"tee come* required by midse••ttows to to se trsnsineeed •r deltv.'nnt of the I. made parcener to maid Art, of all p001.. a peering M the Met embed asseem,wnt roll the saki mesklpallty to he entitled to vete r the said mindelpallty a sleet ions for reales M ,f the i a.Mlattro AwemW and at Muskiest Merriam, sed that the flet wee first rest - estd re ep 1s my elle* est the eighteenth day of Alerted tel and r+ma1ns there for impart Mk klectnre are called epos to esamino the said hot,.ad If arty omlaslonr er an yother M ase tenants to tat' fysta raid vetoes esers*Wd searett•g WILLIAM CAMPB1I1.1. ('Aeelt rl.ti_ ir•nielaellty. DMsd 5Ms 10511 ►ret HURON HOTEL GospeI temperance meetings will be atarf•d in town nest month. The WO - potence people see (reing to pet teeth every endeavor to advance their cause. Thos. Roddy, an old Goderich boy. now county -attorney in Meadsvile, P` eccnmp.u►ied by his wife and family is voicing at the residence of $bwrtff alb- eJta1a t aACLns. I' i rle•r. bait. -The Huron Hotel- late the '-R-oedh;ae," Nes Th'trnf•tn. of Des Moines, Iowa, btu teeessytyy bans 1,4•1•4la every *saes aridM ed the Methodist choir .flimeay pM earl le ears of /SHag set warmest Is oro 5 riming. Her rendering of the sole steal. parameter to tie travelling public. The • •Jean Levet of My Seoul" to the sir . in Wootton has been sperm. Rued 0r ter the foresee•' ...err,. - T, c ase i is ear ' of "When the Swallows Ifomew•td P1 • arstelaee hastier. Rases for iresafee, was a vocal tree'. Mew Thornton is t in the highest terms of praise of the ss tnrdMw.flt tioov day: speeiult.trmsArwseklr nmrs rime of Mrs. D. Goedes. e,odatiui afforded on *be beat." iiiik koeMas org times,tbat • man's only *bane ed success lies in proolaiming the merits of hie wares far and Ride, up and down the market. He mast keep a trumpeter,Me signal ditties at fisafnrth. public attention mast be arrested, and Dewar& Dawuta -Quito a number r t he who best succeeds tee the km the bast former residents of this county are set- chance of making • torten.. in this tied in the vicinity of Grandis. Disk. enneictc..n every .one of spirit erivertiee. About the tint .4 this month • seven it is not eualeient to pot a sign over teb hail storm destroyed the crop there. deer, signs tenet lea sent let far sad Among the sufferers are Arthur Elliott wide. and temple made to sen sad de - sad ht. brother. the McDonald iiothers, weionher them in spite el themselves feint Porter's Hill. and Oen. Pratt. A party of Wingham female inclusive - The nclusiv -The tkesfnttli R.psifrn- Mayr :-" Mr. Pits peened ep 'meth street in Irmo .4 the Edward Cash returned Ise Friday knee registry of .. They worn in charge ret a holiday trip around Lake Homo. H• a well•ke.1 gentleman. vsepl•sdent with embarked nn the pleasure atemmr a fine set efllklft mutton -Atop whittlers "Denson' at Ouderich, sed took in Meer fil of the prfsmp•1 take pert towns He eejoyed the trip immeneeiy, sad speaks Sir John Lubbock has been compelled, for personal reasons, te abandon his in- tention of attending the meeting of the British Association at Montreal. Fort Plain, N. V., hose young wnmaa who Minot partaken of any find mei very little water her 150 days She sill . become terribly emaciated and is dying, but her mind is slay and her determina- tion to die of starvation as stroug es on the day she first refused to eat. The Maxwell time have always detested the mistral. This dry, northerly bream has brought a healthier tone to the site serine inhabitants of the stricken city, and is now more hovel than it was be- fore disliked. The mayor and ouencil at Belleville have been notified that a mandamus will be applied fur en Friday to compel them to Wry a higher rate of taxation ; the ap- . pluasu, a barrister .d the city,olai:ns !hate , the present rate is inadequate to melte the expenditure. In a kerning pigskin race from Wadi" 'neon to Brooklyn, un Satmrda , •• Mita cook pigeon, owseil by Mr. ('.kites*.„ made the dista.... of 2041 miles in 3 tem Judge, of coarse the cases fall through, i and 3tt minute% and s.nie aweo,,dr. but should he decide against to eke re- exact average speed being 1.311 3 mender of those charged with violating per minute. tele taw will probably ba fined aha+, A great many bee,. are nuking bar WoomeeteK's Cryrt- Helena. --The appearance this summer tai lbasite• p5rsert has been • meet successful sea- district, end the farmer* *re causstlee_0a stn In amateur athletics in the uneeasnese owing to the dematrv.ss ec town of Wno dstoek. The Resters! v- stilts smelt always f..lbes 14 thele tes+ik. Ioetatien formed early in the rear, and 1 element Units trapped four Aot these under which all the athletic clubs .ef the this summer which were ••f iremetenes town are run on • strictly amateur basis. i aim. has dome good work, and now --ander' H*ertnty, Aug. 18. -Joseph- Allen. a the able and visiles. management of I young min, who was arrested about freer well.kmown gentlemen -is in a strong months ago and taken t.a Jaeaeoe, Mica,: position financially. tinder the W. A. A. f••r ►cent iu.plraated IS • rsurder mare A. the ham hall, barroom and hicyolo ; but who. was subsequently; diseb•rgp clubs have all made essfel r.sonrds. and , has cancel • writ to be served on Detea" are most enthusiastically supp.•rtnl by tore McKenna, of this city, for raids i do. people -who, it te said, hare this i rest. He al•imed 112000 damages , year mbnwn even interest in legitimist' I It 1. now said that Sit 1J aetor je1n ;port than Bret were. Tho Brut via will tett« the Lieut.-Doverneeship e tournament, twee ..n the 2811* May,erew i Qeaebee The fact that it try ride• (together tour or firs thouond pe.•ple. ; hies sufbssently indicated that the A still Wpm gathering is looked For en sailer e.omsidend his, uaefulser Cabmen gone. ltr. Chapiear by and will eert.tsly dtampewse o4, se he has of ever* politisies in who ever stood betimes hit Frelach Canalllalt. "What placon is that with the iron shut- the 26th .ingest, Monday nett, when tars t groth oxu 'In* of the lair "nes. "1M, the mousse trnetemit will he hell. philosopher and guide. "And what do that this at Mede desnoeserstion ere 1 he a that's a ruetstry cults," replied the 'Tisk is W0n41.enek's eerie h.1ida7, se" they do then • persisted the tsar taws star. The programme is a splen• 9, 1 7