HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-8-15, Page 7T PEIh IIURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG 15, 1814. Tun anti Fancy. It makes a milkman's wife blush to aft her if her silk dram is wales -mi. Tbe truly people who Meese grumble at their lot are those wbu occupy true in the assose.-7. Life is like • Immerse. There are traces of ears, limes of trouble. bits ted Rood 1obese, breaches of goon meanness, &•died tram, •ad everytludy has • tog to pen ►/ eorlgb. An old subscriber being handed his paper right hem the pews_ asked wh w was so damp. The editor said he did not kenw unless it was because Heim was so mach due ors it. Waiter -'What will you hare, Miss r Customer (looking over the restaurant bel of fares) --'Permit me to oogeate. In the ourr.Ltioe of forces it is a reougnised propertyof atomic-' Waiter -shouts across thall to head server)-'H•ked beats tor oue !' 'It Deems to sae,' mid • jedge to his daughter, that your young man calla a ,•,Loud many times • week. My court AOMa't sit anywhere near as often as yours den' 'Oh, well, pupa, was tee blushing reply, 11 am engaged to him, you know, and that entitles us to • wart of special sessions.' A gentleman made his way into the bed -chamber of one of his friends, and found him fast asleep with • pair of spec- tacles upon his nose. 'Whet !' cried he awakening itis., do you wear your spec- tacles while you sleep r 'Oh " replied the other, 'I am so near sighted that without mr glasses I could nes nothing whatever in my dreams.' Ina tit of rage and disappointment W - INN nal estate is evidently not 'boom - as hv.ly as he wishes in his neigh- borhood, the editor of the Iowa Capitol exclaims: 'A tornado is a wind storm, bqt every severs wind storm isn't a tor- nado. Not by five or six hundred miles as boar ! Will newspaper reporters make a note of tbis,•od stop their ►e lying about��_,.t �I�owa There re hasn't been • regular old twister of t tor- pedo in Iowa this year.': `An unphisticated'cotantryman,% who reached town on an early mornint(atrain, took • saunter through a street when an ieemal had just dotted the sidewalks with 'early deliveries.' After viewing the 'deliveries with sweat curiosity, the stranger stopped a citizen and mid, 'Had powerful storm here I see.' 'Why, not that I know of,' replied the citizen. 'Ye didn't,' exclaimed the countryman. Then where in thunder did them hail- stones come in= r simple Ceres. Try pop -corn for nausea. Try sun baths for rheumatism. Try ginger ale for stomach cramps. Try clam broth for • weak stomach. Try l uttermilk for freckles. Try a hot flannel over the seat of new •"`talgic pain. and renew frequently. Try taking cod liver oil in tomato sauce you wish to u.ake it palatable Try a nap in the afternoon if you are going out Iste in the evening. Try a cloth wrung out from cold water put aim *t the neck at night, for a sore chert. Try walking with your hands behind you when you find you are tendin: for- ward. Try cranberries as. poultice for ery- sipelas. Try planting sunflowers in your gar- den if compelled to live in a malarial neighborhood. .los OU8HING'S ItA LMO&D. Oft Oew•ntly Bei awed Aeseaa leas we fieaeeai MisaAbullss- 'Joe Owning,' orad a railroad man to a reporter the other day. ',used to own a mull on • oert•io railway sp in New Hampshire, and it was as almighty bin mill, too. Well, the railroad gut to wesstag Joe pretty hard. They told him he'd gut to stip over their Ito or shut up his mill. and they ptuposed to charge him any rate they wanted W. At last Jos couldn't stead it any lu,wer. There was another railroad six miles away, and one day he wort to see the general manager of the other line, and aired to build a rued 'cross hots' from his mill if he was guaranteed certain reasonable charges for all time te come. His oiler was accepted, and inside of twenty-four hours Joe had 500 men at work shoveling down hills, tilling up val- leys, bndgine streams and laying rails and ties. The officials of rood that had been putting the blocks to him went to see hint, and offered to carry his stuff for the cost of transportation it he world abandon his profit, but Joe promptly refused them. In • few mouths he had his road completed, and he has been us - ism it ever since. "Now, the tun of the thing is that as sown as everything was in working order Joe went to Boston and had • lot of printing done, and before many days .very railroad official in America roomy - ed an elegantly engraved annual pass, inclosed in • neatly printed circular. The front of the pees read as follows : " '1881. Jos Ccatnio's Roar. 1881. Pass Mr. until Dec. 31, 1881, un- less stherwise ordered. 'No.-. Jos Cranium, President.' "On the back was printed this enigue sentence : 'Phis pass is not transferable. The person accepting and using it there- by assumes the right to travel and trans- port baggage over this road whenever he Messes, and at the risk of Joe Cushing, who will be financially responsible for all damage to person or property incurred while sir traveling.' "The circular was headed by • map of the red showing the location of the mill and the length of the line. It said in substance : 'My road is (rely six miles king, but it is perfectly solvent, pays all its iuterest charges and taxes, and it is a tint -class property in every respect. I herewith send you an annual pass, and invite you to use my line at any and all times at my own risk. if you should see tit to extend to me in return the courtesy of an annual pan over your road I shall greatly appreciate it.' "well, sir, the man's cheek was w enormous that the officials of nearly every road in America laugh over the thing and send him a pass, and I hear .d him , every now and then indifferent places all over the oountry wing his anneals." - [St. Louis Globe -Democrat. A Mere Apereertaee same. 'Will you have some of the dessert, Mr. Dumley r inquired the landlady. Mr. Dumley politely allowed that he would. 'Do you know,' he remarked, as be gazed at the very narrow little piece of wertleberry pie which was sent him. 'that 1 would hardly call this a dessert.' 'No, what would you call it r she de- manded. 'An oasis.' iourteen ids. Maedi/sig Sad Setieai.g teen. &M0140 Tall MORMON • Seaga► S5.Wsee r We Seel Wm OM TMNasses. dervie• in the T•bern•de is hold Sundays at tee u'elusk in the afteruoute. The Sainte assemble not ably from the oily, but Irmo all the seentry ruund,•ed missy refuges d assurer are lett stand - log ea the awfhb'•• hood. The e•utre 4 W church Ails 1 ,pally with women, while mea pr.u.usele In the side ryes of seats. There •re seats for tntrteeu thousand peewee iu the asephuheatre bbd gallery, and many mere crowd in at u sumo of the great ot erenoee. A broad gallery tresses around se the frnt, where the choir sit mu two wings, fsoutg each other, the mow on one side and the women opposite. The space between is tilled by three long cr n roe oushiouad pulpit dusts, in seen •.t which twenty apothem OF w can sit at 0051, each rank overlooking the hoods of the oue beneath. The highest was destgtted for the presi- dent and hie t wo counsellors; the second ow• fur oho twelve apostles, and the e.weet for the bishops, but I believe thu order is out very ngtdly eheervsd. The acoustic properties .f tee huuae are •Inert perfect. A fernier defic►eucy of light has been ovuround by the use Iry e lectricity ; and the cetera( bareness . f the bugs whitewashed vault is relieved by hangings of evergreen and dowers made of tissue -paper, the effect of which is very good indeed. Every Sundaythe or&+neat s •drain altered, the table err e loaded with the baskets of bread and tankards of water occupy- ing a dais at the foot of the pulpits. Gradually • number of bishops take thou places behind this table, sad watch the ouugregation ...tether, people coming in through the dozen or snore aide deur. as though the Tabernacle was • huge sponge absorbing the population of the Territory. Mingling with the rest Dome many strangers, bringing the latest tailoring and millinery, and these strane- en are always oo.ducted to seats down in front, where they can be addressed effective) in • body. At one door stands a huge cask of cold water, with several tin cups hands, and nearly all stew t, drink as they once in. Later you will see tin pails holding • quart ur more, and having handles on Moth sides, circulating through the audience, and refilled from time to time by small Danyutedes running about in chip hate and well -starched pinafores. Precisely at two o'clock the great organ sands forth its melodious summons, end the noise of busy voioes-in their home hive -is hushed. A hymn Is •nnoonoed (by some brother in & busiues cat whom you will meat in trade to -morrow, per - Imps), and sung by the choir, for though the tune may he one of the old familiar ones, the audience does nut join in the singing. The music of the Tabernacle has a great reputation in the West, and it would hardly be fair to decry it because it does not Dome up to a New York per- formance. It is conspicuously good for the material at hand and the locality. The organ, • handsotne instrument, nearly as large as the great organ in the Boston Music Hall, is not so readily dis- counted, however, and is played with much skill, to the constant delight of the people. After the singing comes a long prayer by some layman -priest, and a hymn, during the singing of which eight bishops break the sloes of bread into morsels. Then, while the bread is being paired through the audience to the communi- cants -everybody, old and yosibg, par- taking -President Taylor or some other dignitary reads a chapter from the Bible, usually from Revelation, and makes extcmpore remarks upe.n it. Sometimes the Hua Ge..r-ee lj. Cann..u, the meet eminent of the Mormon leaders occupies the pulpit. It is three uechock before the bread and water have been partaken of by a11, and fully four by the time the preacher has ceased, the bishop pr,nnunced the benediction, and the eengreeati°n is dismissed. An the people scatter *beet the great dusty yard, Picking their way anlong the blocks .d stone awaiting their place in the Temple, one sees how Large- ly foreigners th eTaee, the prednmieapt nationalities being British and Scandin- avian. Their peasantry, toe, is unmis- takably stamped upon their facea,th.ugh they have exchanged their foreign characteristics for a tusticity of the American type. Acetone the most pro- minent of the Mormon apostles are Orson Pratt, the most dietingushed scholar and writer in the sect, and Joseph F. Smith. • nephew of the origi- nal prophet and founder .•f Mormonism. -Keener Itroraxoii, hi Harper's Maga- zine for Aureole. Lanarkshire kee-keeper, in a I.cmdon journal, gives the following on handling and quieting bees, the remedies when they are imtated, and the best treatment of them. When bees are accustomed to people and domesticated animals tear the *pasty, they seldom offer an attack unless through ream provocation, which they are to resect. Incautious manipu- lation, turning the mil, and pulling weeds or vegetables ; certain .dours,such as musk and other scents ; vinegar and •Ilnwieg bees to have acce.e to the honey c.,tnb ..r relentic other Mees, are a few of the many things that untie. them, all of ''iich should be guarded against. One bee irritated and ureig rut strum may set the whole apiary 111 a frantic and vicious state, which mar last for weeks ere they can be calmed down. It u possible that tees poseur a nesse that we ars ignorant uf. One thing es certain, when people of • nervous temperament manipulate Lees there is something that excites them. We can avoid irritating bees in many ways, such as by leasing the apiary for a time when they are in- clined to sting, or disturbing them .a mentioned above ; but there ar • times when all danger has to be faced, and caution with firmness neoe.mry,and veils, if stings are dreaded. When manipn- He will keep thee as the apple of the bating, I seldom use either • veil er smoke, carhelic acid being much superior to the latter that it enables me to manip- palate with safety, leaving the bees in a passive state after it. The hive also is the better able to resist foul brood, while moths do not harbor where it has been used, neither is the honey tainted nor the larvae affected by its use, as is the case when smoke is sand. Carbolic acids useful to prevent robbers attack- ing another colony. The robbing hive resew tams. to a each route. Urea' lel iuw _ fowl 51 1 .r•• Homey .,odors granted ..0 ale sum? order M- ▪ in 1 �1ad Prime Ydward kusd\u aid b Ma."meg•Innes• et the .et Deposits Aloe ssvt•Sr ee beakbetween the hours of SILO. Sad as pea.. u minutes lettere meat be posted ka4or. theew came et Dern o1wLL Orae hours 1111.111. 10 0JN p.tn-. sandays sx- e•p(ed. resawm •ossa• Cana.!. ' ries bees admitted tete lb. Pow W Caw,. there M • re-arrawieW0et of postal rater. as follows : Icela&d, iur Austria. Helgiuset. Uwm•rk. Say W . gram*, Amada. (ierm•a7. O'bralt•r. Great Britain Sad Erel•ad. Oreeoe• Italy. Lua- •sherd. Malta, Moeteaegre, Netherland. Nor- way. Persia, Pertalrat. Amens Roumania, Kumla. tan. Pierre. M srvlo, 80ain. the 4.11,0r1lelau.ls Sweden, Soileerlaad tied Turkey. And via platted States: isermeda. B&►amaa Cuba.1)Ssteh Cobol.* of St. Thema* St. Jobe. I. Croix. Janielw. Japsa. and Porte Rico. tlsowfouadland r sow In 1hellessal Unto•. • t the postal 'etas reseals as before). Letters S mots per 1 *mice. Postal Dards 2 rents each. Newspapers 2 cess for 4 ounces. Registra- tion fee S orate. Fur Aden, Argeatlne Confederation. Brasil. B ritish Guinea. l'eylira Greenland. Preach l)eiunies in Asia. Africa. lkoeanlca and Amer- ica. ramp, re. Pierre and Miquelon. Persia. via Persian Gulf. Portuguese Colw.lee la Aeta. Atrba. Oceanic*. Trinidad. 1psuooh Celeaies In A•rka. Oceanic* and Awreria. except Cuba and Porto Rtom. Straits Settlements le Signe �Pore. Penang and Malacca: Letters ler. per )ton teems, to., U. for / es. Other ritgistra- We.t India Islands via Ha Sfax, same rates. formerly. Prepayment by stamp 1n all Caen. Australia *except New South wales. Vic - lariat, and Queensland : letters 7c.. papers 4 carte. Australia. New South Wales, Victoria, Qrtreasland :--letters ISe., papers le. New Zeataad. via San Ynneanco. - Letters loo. s.•.. papers "I am toning up the system," retaark- ed a first tenor, as he humped himself and made a wild effort to reach high C. e He will keep thee in all thy wary, lest thou dash thy foot against a done. He will keep thy foot from being taken. Inst any hurt thee, he will keep thee day and night. Be will keep thee as • shepherd does his flock. He will keep thee from the evil that is in the world. Ho will keep thee from falling. is well smeared at the entrance ; the H• will keep thee from the hour of diverts the bees from making further tea tion inroads on its weaker neighbors. When seastseuei*g to manipulate, if the hese see vicious, or suspected to be so, I smear the alighting -board with some acid• then uncover the hive. I then smear the tops of the frames with the acid, and hating a wine or feather ;leu Maturated so that I may dislodge the bees from any part by its w, placing it rete the bees, cursing them to retreat to or from any part I may chaise. When this is done the bees remain quiet, and do not crowd over the frames or attempt to sting as they do when smoke u used. There are teeny` applications and nes- trums reonm,nrnlied for stings, none of them being effectual se a cure, for the vety simple reason that the person hes ed prise, a tall man who Mat •.n the pul- impregnated theorems before the alkali pit stain began slowly to unwind him- osa be &pplled and reach the seid to self an, when he had done so, wanted neutralise 11 The hest remedy I ever 6. Was the none to -urr!y r ea to f', -•'•j t because of a ere. cured by a keg'. t013. b. Tse v... wt.:r cow, and lace , ti r: e will keep thee is all plaose whith- er thou Roost. He will keep thee in the way, and be- ing thee into the places which He has He *111 keep the feet of his saints. Ho will keep that which thou hast com- mitted to Him. use Cos MM Alamein Jenny Lind once sent to hear Father Taylor preach in Boston. but the preach- er, ignorant of her presents, paid a glow- in.f tribute to her powers of song. As the Swedish nightingale leaned forward with delight, drinking in this onexpect- to know whether any one who had died at one of Mie. Lind contorts would g.. to heaven Father Taylor amid : "Sir, a Christian will gra. to heaven wherever he (lies ; but a foul will be a fool, even though he be on the pulpit stair: It would take more grace to save sash e man as that than it would take akimmerd milk to 'sedan elephant. found was to apply heat by steam or water to the patient obese, • tree panel - ration, and to give • little salvolatile ; but this oawht to be prescribed by the medical man. Not a moment should be lost to bring on • free nerepiratIon, and every moons reasserted to t het will se- somplsh that end. SCROFULA masa rr'e be eared b t t''' ''•• ' ti,r '•: .be 1t u.i. tt.e ...len ;a+iirtuJte. 1., !tint twsve v.: -.1 a aP.T . e la l t . n. . 7tn•. ' .;'1:,:1:.1 N' .: ••,• hez.•c.a, kat:.ueut.. l'rr•t.•.,o• .- snot r. /,..!,11:CAtrb6.1a .t., 1,: ; i. - :,r,. Put..trnl &eters, Nem cub au.. a; Ideal ('uG:ipso.. Mc. 115I''0.v. throe. Itheumatl•ns. Scrofulous LA- tteerh, Kidney and Liver 1)!erses, Tubercular Consumption, and t-.1- ces other dangerous or fatal maladies, ere predated by I11. Ayers Sarsaparilla jr the owls trerfid mid always reliable blood rifting wsedtelas. It las° effect- ual an alterative that H ersdieates from the stem Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the tame time ft ei- riches and vitalizes the blood. reecho( healthful action to the vital owes tivndg rejuvenating the entire system. Thisgnat Thousands bear witness to the posi- tive curative powers of the GREAT Gxs- RAX Imieooru rob, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, seminal weakness, impotency) etc., and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in consumption, insanity and a reen- ters grave Sold by all druggists. or will be Bert free on receipt of 41.00 per box, or six boxes for f$il. Address F. J. CNtsirtr, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Send for circ••lar and testimonials of genuine cures. Geo Rhyme. Goderich. 3m A We mavg„gervemo t. A Wide a waste $re1SMM Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson. Kan., J. Wilson 16 always alive to his bol- t i'7idsaph Trial Bottle el nose and spares nn Palen te lessee the wised im to h seemed the &melee for the celebratedDr what Donors. ehange of climate anti the a ely eeytele erre knew" ter Chile' everything else had failed. Asthma, eurnptien• Onu[ha, Onlde, Hoarseness Brvesehltia, Husrsenaga. Savers Greeks, Asthma. Hay Fever. Bro•tlehitis. eri 1 Tit wed Lase dleaes, it to &S'o'da• 4 the Throat Sad Limes. Dred his li • a e list „f every article in his lino. He hm Dr. King's New Discovery. for Cove - a Iai'go bottle, i.n, •hiwheeltat plate) troreAim d him King's New Diseneary for Com nsepties. and al rent as on • Positive g*aT$Mu • Trial hotels§ tsstfeod to maw. Trial Bopttler at J p"'i ani armature. Large aim $1. (1). thew RfgmMr Slee UPI (3) Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the genuine Honduras Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock. St1b Stee(a, the Iodides t;/ Po(aafir R and Iron, and other iwredients of great po- tency, carefullyand eclentifcally com- pounded. 1s ormula is generally known to the medical procession. and the best pbyslolans constantly prescribe AYER'S 86♦It5•rSRILLa as en A B*siu s TltamVotrY. - For a Cough, Cold or any Bronchical affecion. "Pectoris'," in my opinion, Is just the thing I bare need it in my family for Cough. and Colds for the past four years with the moat unveried success, and to- day my opinion of it i. that I continue to think still more of that which 1 he) en thir.kinr• well of. Goa Kure, Manager (introit) Ilene, Pickering. Price 2E cents st all dewwiest& ni 'Absolute' Cure For all diseases caused by the vitict1on cf the blood. It b concentrated to the Ugh - re practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest. as well as the best blood purifying medi- cine, in the world. Ayers Sarsaparilla PEEPAnLD AY Dr. J. C. Ayer £ Car Lowell, last. ( Analytical CheMalets. ] Sold by all Druggists: pyla $1; .1* bottles for 4& Da. Low's Maasa7,T Wean St aor. - Aw agreeable, sale and eflaetual remedy to reutevu all kiuda of worsts*. m Al.n...t eeeryptll ooutai:.s o•inaselu.a other unmoral sosepowwda ler. Berson e dtu*iach Hatton is purely vegetable and Sakes the piece of all other purgatives. Is lenge botanist 1.0 met- Irma INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH Air. CO'T, Taman- ItasaklWtd PHMTHX INS. COOY, el Los oos Kagl•d)- tiataltl.Wd 17111. RARTVONI) [Net. (Y -YY, et Han create (%•aa. Established ISM Risks taken is the &hove first clan Oeve • theI.ws.'� ra,�tegs sblnAHM new aA l lto+b� TC N. lyra CAIS • DA PER. LOAN Aso SAVINGS CO. • A te.aestseds tiatepr. To•wThe reo K[oss7 to less u a )ria.. se•ctsri17. massa Mei Mary A. for stxut erTskhsuu..uk, 7 toe per Coal-Ckartiv�. ee leHONTt1N. Pa. ,was •ftikit!d for six eters udb Asth- 6Mor•�h ts� Ie. less. nu and Bret.chitis, dune* which time the best physician. amid give no relief. Her life was despaired of, until in last Pbuw stP'v October she procured a baste. .•f Dr. King's New Disc•rery, when immediate relief was telt, and by a.tltinuing its we b) for weuftewr.a for • short time she was completely cur- ed, gaintog Ill I!esh ell) lbs. in a few months. I which piedlvely and prta,a•eau y curers Hat' Five Trial Bottles of this certain cure p�.oear�ar7 tc•ueed b) •rowels of sny kind 1 of all Throe and Lung Diseases at Jas. itemls•1 wwksrr mud •1l dosses. total fei- Ndeal's 11rug Stun.. Ltrge Beetles ie..,�a. . 16180 of • m'of Pylf-ualvor.al llaabndr, 41.00 +) 1pain ure ate age, athe nd ouaJYthervision. lersaes that Did Ns ! Ir.d to Insanity ter roueumetiva and s pees's- t tare grave. "Nes ; She lingered and suffered along, I Send fur circulars with trstiapontals fere b7 ., scall. The I1**I :.NATe1R Ir w1d at e1 per pmupq all the time for year. the duo- boz. or ell bpx'•s fur f,% by aR dnoggista se "tors doing her no good ; and at last was will lee sent fee. Ino mall, rrrureiy o.aatd. os "cdrwd by thus Hop Bittern the papers , receipt of price. b. addresses, T. J. ('IIKNKY, 1►r�up�gg�W� 'say r. much sb..ut. Brad.ed ! indeed t 157 8uuan:t tt,.;'f'eledo, able "how thane fol oar should be for that IOau. R aA(s etfurOederich "wedir:ne ''. 1 Sole ROBE..F arc San tet l leis dict me, lives pr ,longed happiness el an.i health lestwsd :GERMAN INVIGORATOR Field and Garden Seed.I SE1°t'5 are alma) s on the look out for charmers to ice -cease their eanoegs,aed it, )lure be. come wealthy : those who do nu improve their opportwa Hie. remain In poverty. We offer • gyms chaser to make mosey. We want moa, we to work for sown localities. An boys and , us one can do the work The subscriber subscriber is now prepare(in thew , i petty from the first )Asn. The business sew h all kinds of Field 8nol5$7 n'urt'than ten times orrir.e. sir) wave. es- I t0 r elle:+ppaay more fornished roc. No one *hoes Garden Seeds of the daga.failstomake money rsMdly. You tow ge. OW your whole time to tet •• work. oe Wilt your spare motnentr. Foil it.foreatiow earn BEST VARIETIEc �•I all nkat is nem .wry .•ant free. eddrs.* orfs wyt it Co Port land. 1l n t..•. at rates that cannot Ike beatc3. ill. G(>, ler1 C f :lie/NUL CSL' and exaniibe maniples the- $500.00 lie U fore purchasing elsewhere. REES PRiCE, We will )may the ata.• reward ter e, • cote Liver t'ue.plaint, Iiyopt' sta. Mirk 1 . r.'to. he,. 1 ladtgewMn. ('unrfil+tion ,.r 1 ioil..I.,. we Centavo cute with t% eel'• Vey....' i.:'et 1 ills. 1 when the direct toms are s1,i. t l) .1 t. . !i..1 .11 h. They are prurely Vegetable. and t. .1 tr fell to ]�iRSt Street Grain Depot, Oppo. tt Ftoe.-els a.•li•' futr.r''.e(t - eerie. itemise Town Hall, Gotlerlch. ,'us'aiair.R:s' 1 die, Y.:,,ma, ►or tele b) all Drilitst lion..The trelooliw neel,ehert tied mol b March 21th, Itlsl. 1St ' JOHN C. WI,,, r t (te., -"Lc 1'111 Makers, ' ell and et K:l.a Mt. Inst. '*.-rent'. Om. 1 roe ur''Jtl tn. ).aet, .wilt by uu.t pre) rid un reaelpt $ ,,..mak al borne. ;keg .,oat !n r. 1'u) of a 3 rent su►..1•. lntely nuke_. Ste ribk. t'.pil.l out I 1'.w sale at Nit: OA's DRI 4 l.T®ts. rr,uire•:. Lea,:er. If Ft..'ea..: , ceiness - n' whirl. t persons of a :.. r ear.. 3uul.g or old. can make great pay &0 !I- time they - work. with :absolutet-e,teinty. Write for full wr r rticulare to H. HALLETT ! (.'o.. Portland, >r )(Sine. lir~• H ea 1. vh is t C alt R. PROUDFOOT Haeju?* received his Spring Stock of The People's Livery J. P. FISHER & JOHN ,t; OI 1 }laving punhautd the Lively huelnees of Jno. E. attars. formerly owned by Hobert Ken. solei) a .hare ..f public patronage. They! glaarsntee..lI.1action to all. and cliff•" f The Finest Rigs Cf R)•:A40y7A 11LF ,'i'ICI»'. CAL). .IND RSB ' `-o'•^• .lee Halley's1 Hotel. Go 'vetch. Go. er:c . Fr' iUb. 114.4. Dpi liods and (Jillvaiiis. All are New snd Well Selected, which be of- ten at the Lowest Possible Prices. •uwt Havels. Itacon, Duni, Cheese. Roller Flour - made from Manitoba What. also Harrel' Fine remit, Flour. .rad Oats, Brag Shorts. and sit other kinds of feed. pvsess Peados* Takes la rs.l e, Goods delivered free In any part of tin tone end Salt ford. i1 PROUDFI)OT, Corner Victoria and Nelaoo streets. e/peite Fair Grounds. Oode eek. May 5th. 1t014 1111. r 1884. Saginaw and Bay City Route. THR gTKAMCR oco�TTo 19284m O. W. McORR00R. Mu,Trtn, Will Mare GO0KRICH. weather peredUlne. on and after Jose 5th. ISM. meting WeMSLT 11101111111. TRIPS during the arson, as follows: Sever Cine i,. If you are seferieg with low and de- pressed spirits, Ices cf appetite. general debility, disordered blood, weak eneti- tutirwt, headache, OT any disease of • bi1 inn miter*, by all mets pnsere a bot- tle a Fleetrie Bitters. Yon will he sur- prised to See rho rapid imprrrvetmnt that will follow ; yrse will he inspired with new life; strewth and activity w111 return psis wad misery will erase, and' Man- fredi you will rejn.se in the praise of Meets%• Blame Sold at fifty meta • bottle b! I, Wilma. [0j EVERY THURSDAY $loCC Fali .LIT De. le C, eta r'n Nzsvr. •011) Baarx TWIST J Num• guaranteed specific for Hy Merle, Dia Stress, Com ultdoes. Fits. Nervous Neurep� Headache, Nero our Prostration caused ysea. he use of alcohol or tnbsceo. W ek. fulness, tal Depression. Softening of the grain• reunit log in inranit) end lead ng to t'Mery. dera7 and death. 1. oil reer Old Age. t I,oaslofPow erlaetehcrmes, Snooinntary and 1pernatorrhos, roue d ty over -exert( of the brain. self -abase or over -indulgence. One box *111 cure recent ream. Fact boa con tains one ueont ter treatment. One dollar 41 box or ds boles for five dollars : vent by mail paid on receipt of prier. We guarantee loxes to cure any ease. Witb each order celved by us for sly boxes, accompanied Ave dollars, we will send the purchaser written guarantee to refund the mosey U treatment does not effect • cure. Owrentee issued only by JANES WILSON sole apt hied agent for Oodrrleh, tint. JOHN C W •. It CO.. sole proprietors. Toronto Out. 1 . ,oar . 11 iia Mullet ten as... •., a. . • ,mal •tuu.wn(1m 01 Sale. I. •abR u.,. -• 1. 1.666.1. • . t n tier urea ear..• .e wd& Iatd, w. ..ss i.• i. ed w otlet• tali i,. .) .., owl slw.e,*'. .'Jt IS fe: lin, C•.. : e..,r ..,•ed.. • .. • :r.. 1. luftueh,r* lar as •. t,, .,... ... ., e. , • 1 .1.5 jl ties. .v Its ear.. '•a,.r..L.,:W.•e•;, ,14.4.adalld1sraaes et . «st sad t dt. t. sµ l.n.a. ter wt. .or- c wren 1Mler. abs► w* sal. t cure wile.. ' ea* s a:.e1,, . r, • is watt.'sten accord 11,4 t 4.4,0 • ..IS. !sn,..- it ttk&. and is see:'.: w:d ,4IL, ... .i... . (i-ne)ne w,,, , •efie ne.i; .to e:.,,. •k, ii itii d tert fiti�•r•"ai.ress.•, ..verly .1 ••r.c.•. H\ \i -.w1'! ..'!» r1 are *1 R'n4 oirert Beat. :wad at J -tP. tt' { Do N's lyrsg At 1 o'clock p.m.. for Saginaw. Hay City. tad Beach• Tawsa and all po(n)s on the west share, inclndhua Alpena and Cheboygan. Returning, will leave GODERt('H EVERY SUNDAY Al 1 p.m.. for Detroit and Cleveland. caliber both wars at Port Hurst sad peters ea 81 (1•1r Rlrwr. A. Seven De.3r13' Trip with the •rirllelge d .pending >u Ir Cleveland. 10 Mean In i etreil. and It be Aaginaw er Rev Clev. se the no teal) Mw peme 112 FOR THE ROUND TRIP, INCLI I)INO MEALS' AND naRT'Htt A Illnev('1,w• QI:ADRILLL RAND almao an beard Inc hD•woi rnr rstsa ..1 .Mrbf and paeaese. Sed all In feewsattee apply to W U. Lam. Agent at Meier I, A or r. A. f'M tl*ERIStl. M•aags. Derrell t;ederw. ilai tank MK INS - GENUINE SINGE SEINING MACHINE. CHAS. P1 T T ilariog been appointed agent of the abo machine. brae to solicit the usual public mirage, and will supply machines on U terms. Try the Genuine Singer. Residence: Victoria street. near the M. Church. Godcrlch. Go deride. Dee. 131883. )s!1 7 A week .jade at home by the dustrlour. Best beslstes now fore the public. Capita not ed. We will start you. Man. mea. boys and girl wanted v w re to work for us. Now is the thine. can work In spare time. or rive your w thee lir the breathe... No other beslsee pay )ou nearly w, well. No oue can fat melte .ou pay. h3' a ,sg•gtag at t'u.'ly outfit And t. no• tire. hoar fa. easily. and honorably. Address Ts Co.. A urn's. Male v B1I1 BoOD NIP tiITTEFiS Cures Dizziness, Less of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, IIwuvirs, Salt Rheum, Berard F,ry.ipelas, and all diseases arising frets Inspire B Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. I •AC YARD' f f PREEXAWS WORM POWDE Are pleasant to take. Castel Purgative. Is • sate, sem, ass (hrsewrer .1 weer 1n ObOmessa I , life is **serfs rtn: Dethey ire 7s deM s r re babied b I1rIoars (u•• w. -n len town ID oatat 11.1 he 11.1 It, li*w l eptt&l nee reewitt.'. tt . v"' you ererythbe. lane) ••• r.*!,'""1 �,s4Ms make ss sew. h rat men. er" tl girls nutter greet ray Reletter. 1, bwtnere at .41144. •i -n 'l,n s et • the time, write for peer'.• -ails l e r ! G. Portland hieing p e