The Huron Signal, 1884-8-15, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. AUG. 15, 11SI. tie Poet's Corner. j The desist Mar Abase. *iw *sees .e+ 1. ■.... I I bays lust returned iruw a hug tiuti To the admit ut ire Menest Witness. tae Neva sad Atte Lawyers. ple...at minion and two -headed ramie- Sts, -1 have just returned flow • two The anal came so to the earth ase dq, week's top tbrtwth Huron county. Aad late the eeert-bosm he weeded ale way, [dose I had 7 7 Hunte is • fine meaty. I bad • new ex - Just ail the the shores!, wine • ver7 grevu Dearing he pen000a while I wail these -I had trpptr f>•oe, I bees savers I. Oxford and elsewhere i[ 1 wished • ht 1 had to go to the 'Anti's Was proceeding q argue the pelts 1. • casae dlaorert, he bee lees hampered fill sisMU t, but in Herm they have one ]raw a lawyer W devitiate aevsr had aeee, us p ( leans! enure fellow willing to Dome W :our meetings For to ble deesdlosr ease ever hal sews : I isod talk on behalf of the traffic. Thee bad two, but one a them took the cre- mation to change his name truer Collies to Bell before he talked for whiskey. He only tried it one night I believe I told the people I did nut blues the fellow 1. r if I wanted to talk on that aide 1 would ohenge my name ton. We had some wonderful tuoutiuga. .wain an! again although the opposition speaker was present with his crowd. when we took the tote at the meeting so great was the temperance *automat that no tate voted &rained the AM. So far as I know there are over thir- teen merapapers in the county. Eight ars for the Act, three against, and two doubtfuL The moat it.duenti•1 papers of the county are with us. Nearly every- where I wont Presbytertien,Episcopeluw, Methodist, Baptist and all the other ministers were on the platform support- ing the Act. support- ing petitions will be hung up in the sheriff's odious in about three week. In some of the municipalities the canvas is net completed. yet they hare 5,200 names on the petition. Al the last gene- ral election there were 19,500 rotes pull- ed. Considering that the petitions were circulated during a very busy season, and under the circumstances mold not but be done imperfectly, the result u wonderfully gratifying. They have a fine loot of men at the head of the organi• zation. I will lung remember my vert to old Huron. Yours in the fray, C. R. Mossow. Strsthallan, Ont., July 30, 1884. woos with SO Old-tiese fnend, whew not mem for tweet esti n that tints he has bent in t penitentiary, and having .sore to n Th our the bare lei las through different walks of life. Al , AN M felt very curious the reams to knew \6'. were comparing nutty yesterday,Why, twos had bow angst to tee ninon below. and, among Other things, the converse- rrwas the asslt of bre aweatw tib 1,4.1117 thea drifted toward the subject of real thought. and apparent wealth. My friend, prior Why nose of these .harpers had ever bees to his retlnment, had been engaged in mem ; the wholesale burgh trade and prior - 4.d for hie own pleasure he had • desire al grand -larceny businw, and his es - To Deme to the earth and the reason inquire- pertenuo had sharpened hu judgement Well. the lawyer who rase, with a visage •o and knowledge of human nature. I grave, call to mind Dow, seven' ut his max - Made out his opponent • consummate knave; pita Aad the des a wall really great'! send Among others, he made it • rule never Te beer the Astons.; so apU tthi-( to follow a man very far who bought As soon as the first speaker bad .see tis s strawberries in January. He said that close wealthy people were not the noes who The attorney oppuuag hist fiercely arose. bought the highest -priced seats to hear And heaped such abuse on the head of the Patti, or who ate green peas for Christ- aree, mita As made him a villain of all men the worst. Its the Junes Crow aristocrat and nickel -plated suds! favorite with the tin- foil -back dimmed in his only shirt who buys things because they are high, and gets side-tracked et Sing Sing, with ten years for repentance. I wish that I had a voice like • fog- horn, that I might sit ou the corner of a cloud and pr,claw to the world that the man who sits up ,ai hts to knock his neighbors cold with envy is liable to get • chance to recover his lost sleep under Hie gentle guardianship of the state and the statutes in such case made and pro- vided. Fewer people are actually fooled by hand-me-down pomp than is generally surmised. Those who have arrived at years of discretion, as a general rule, call to mind from twenty-seven to thirty-nine people in their own horizon who have sought to get there,but stepped ..n some- thing while in transit, and felt with a The Fruits 114 roily. sickening thud. Eating green apples, cucumbers and This should teach us to be what we unripe fruits generally rosy be so termed. ten, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry Only a few months u a young man cures all Summer Complaints- 3 Thus they quarreled, contended and argued w long. 'Twee hard to determine the one who was wrung : And concluding he'd hissed quite 'sough of tae fuse. Old N tek tuructrawaj and soliloquized thus : "I1a11 they have said of escb other be true. The devil 1... surely been rubbed of kis due, 1'in satisfied now. 't 1. all very well - Tor taeselawyers would ruin the, morals of hell. "They've puzzled the Court with their villain ou. cavil, Aadl'm fr.e to confess toey'.e muddled the devil. Men are all right to let lawyers alone 11 1 had them they'd swiudte me out of my throne." L*1petle of l'esvervlles. Do not manifest impatience. Du Out engage in ar•uwmt. D. not interrupt another when speak- who occupied a fifteen doiler seat at the tag'occupied opera fainted,and when they had carried Do nut find fault, though yuu may him out and work" 1 upon him for wee gently criticise. time, and t' .y were beginning t.. be Do uut talk of your private, personal alarmed ail overhauled hum a little, and family matters. they found that his shirt b.,som was pin - dove Ise Bessie_. As awmssess teatimowisis will sheer these is done seals reliable este far delet- es.. than Hsgyard's Yellow Oil It is also the batt remedy for ear sae, sere threat, mwsp, rheumatism, and for pains and hemmer gemrally. Vaud wteraally asd externally. 2 Mise APMM.as imams. Mrs. Helen Pb r i�o 331 w in Dayy St. , Cheer),r sixty- eighth year, and states that she has sad - [seed with Cu.sumptiuo fur about ten years, was treated by nine physecuuis,all of them pr000u.ntat her WAS hopeless. She had given up all hops of ever recov- ering. Seem bottles el Dr. King's New Diaoorery for Consumption oompletsly cured her. Doubting Ones, pleses dro her s portal and satisfy yourselves at J. Wilson ■ drag stun and get • free trial bottle (1) Do not appear to notice inaccuracies of ed to his vest, and his culls were pine speech in others. to the onside of the sleeves of his spike - Du not allow yourself to lose temper tail coat, because there was nothing else as well as s retnarkat le fluty of language 10 pin tit, and he only wore One sock. He used to take great delight in exhibit- or speak excitedly. re vocal i his l p' ,wets One of his tests Little do we know of the actual suffer- notallude to unfortunate - A Great Talker. A Mathias 3frrgridge, of Union settle- ment, Wayne county. Pa.; celebrated his 81;th birthday in the same house that he had lived in for sixty-four yeas He is persessed of s wonderful voice, Du all e u fortualat peculate that is going on all around us. Do ties of any one present. you think it hurts my sensitive nature Do not always comrtenCu a converu• t„ pee frowned upon by the proud and tion by sUusten t., the weather.haughty milkman a alternate, as he rude - De not, when narrating an incident, I ly jostles me on his way to the dress - continually say,' you sce,' 'you know,'etc. i circle, while I joyously climb to the pea - Do Out intrude professional or other nut gallery, softly humming to myself topics that the Company generally cannot ! "Empty is the Crsdle, Baby's liune, ur take an interest in, ! s tar from some other great oratorio 1 Du not talk very loud. .\'inn, clear, I Not exactly. I am not sensitive that distinct, yet mild, gentle an musical ,'ray. I could sell • block of stock in my voice has {resins New Jerusalem mine, borrow a breech - !"'neer. loading spy -glass, and sit in the bald - Do not be absetit-minde.,, requiring i headed row myself, if I wanted t., : but the speaker to repeat what het been said 1 I'd rather not occupy • seat in mixed that you may urderstaud. 1 company. I'd rather sit among haziness Ones aiIi al have the same defects I 1 may be peculiar that way. Per - Do not try to force yourself into the laps ita plebian and vulgar, but ttscom- Do not speak disrespectfully of person- I suits�jtat are paid for than swat! t appearance when any ver present may that` will have w be returned nest day confidence of others. It they give their' fortable. Really, we need as much re confidence never betray it Do not use profanity, vulgar terms, . 'ung phrases, words of double meaning, or language that will bring a blush to any ono. Do hot inteflrperse your conversation with foreign words and high-s,undiug terms it shows affection and will draw ridicule upon you. Do not carry on a conversation with another in company about matters which the general company knows nothing of. It u re almost as impolite olite as to whisper. Repotted lore fee l'e.s.mMrea. A corrspsndent at Hood River sends to the fallowing: I have discovered a plant that is a cure for pulmouary consumption. It has cured a number of cases after they commenced blending at the lungs, and hectic flush was already on the cheek. After trying this retdedy to my own sat- isfaction, I have thought philanthropy requires thus it shouloi be given to the world. It is the common mullein,steep- ed strong and sweetened with cotles sugar, and drank freely. The herb should be gathered before the end of July, if pu.dble, (older leaves way be meed if not too dry) and dried in the shale. and put in paper begs : thick white ur yellow paper, not Frint.d paper. The medicine reeled be continued from four to six months according to the pro- gress of the disease. it purities the bleed and strengthens the system, heal- ing the lungs as feet as purified by the medicine, and health returns to the patient. it is th. wish of the writer that every paper and ;•erindicel in the United States and the world should publish the notice for the benefit of humanity, knowing h..w i have suffered and how I hat • been cured, and when eon got it paste it in your recipe hook. -jEs. form in society as we do in politics. If [ had not so much to attend to myself, I'd organize a two -dollar refornu in this line ; and I have no doubt that, with my brilliant social record and personal nutg- netism, I could elevate society several degrees, Fahrenheit. Society is too apt to infer that the riff -off and the common herd are fooled and blinded by the glare and glitter of rented clothes and prize -package jew- elry. On behalf of the rid -rad an.' common herd I desire to state that we are not. We find that by wearing blue -glass gog- gles we can outglare a diamond as big as a cut -glass ink -stand. Let us remember that clothes do not make the man. it is the head and heart that make ro- man, though, of course, he should d,•• see that he has a g.••.d, light -running and durable liver. He oujht also t.• ince :t stomach which will Out cr..ve for w..:. r• melons in Jacuary. and snow lord% in August, at thirty days- [Bill Nye. A Valuable FIN. Isaac Brown. of Bothwell, declares that he found one bott�le1 of Butnock Blown! Bitters worth $300 to him. It cured him of Balt Rheum frcm whi• h he had suffered years after other•ttaattuent had failed to relieve 3 Not another Pitt .hall vu down nay threat again, said a citizen. "when I can get sueh a t.rompt and pleasant cure for my bilious attacks, as Dr.Cars n a Stom- ach Bitters It renders the bland pure and cool an 1 makes a splendid spring medicine. Large bottles 50 oents. Fla14 Llgkr.l.g. !Auld I.t 1.1.1sg 1. the only cure for Tooth- ache. Heada.'be Earache and Neuralgia, 1t does not take • slay or an hour to cure 11. but la seas than • minute all pain is gone. Thous- ands Thoseands lure tested its merits within the last year, fluid Lightning Is also a positi. e cure far Rheumatism. Tb. wont possible oases hie. been permanently cures in ..n. week. ivies. 23 cents at 0 Rhynaii thug amen. fig _War.lwg. To the t edleal Pretenses. sad all whom The most suddenly fatal diseases of It heal re.aw.. Summer and Fall are the various forms -_ of B•.wel Complaints which Dr. Fowler's Ph•sphatine, or Nerve torso, a Phos- Extsaet of Wild Strawberry will prompt- Oat* Element hafted upon Scientific ly reined y. 3 , hots, Formulated by Professor Austin. M. D. of Beaton, Mass., cures Pulmon- t'r.e117 weererrd. 574 Consumption, Nick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks. Vertigo and Neuralgia sad all wasting diseases of the human system. Pho sphatine is not a Medecine, but • Nutriment, became it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poirms, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but amp, ly the Phosphatic and tihrtric Elements found in our duly food. A single bottle Prompt relief ,n sick headache, dei- it eatfieiont to convince. All Druggists sem, Raiconstipation, pain in the 5511 it- $1.00 per horde. inwDgiw R side, rte., guaranteed to these urine Car- 01/1sole wrests for the D us.ininn, tors little laver Pills One pill • dens I N #naso Street Kae' Torosto 23 yenta. Int. To ser •aches. Soli libitum Cored - Are you trnnhled irks Salt Abeam, =M on Bough Nitta, Pimples or Caakr [lease ; _a _- It will ales the l'rn. in. of Ontario every year thous- and. are Aesop ,fowl; mnrder•d by taking mendable. Untied norirnme (.r such roan- ptaa.l. doe I'oatl.i•11eri, IndlgtWloi,. 1.Ivse 1'ompt..int. Kidney Trouble., ere.. who might easily w.pfa*1a I.rt .tr-ntth and wart=y by tieing kleGregnr. $pe.ut t ore To 11100Y11)4344 them that rash ., the teen we will etre thein • trio 1ddal Mtll - at lie•,. Ith, naw' Drng Ptnee. Pelee sae. and $i 'tee teetlatoat.l. tress per Mae to year own Iowa. Neots■• & eq wt Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. Gimp. Beek.ruEtuist CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Btreet,LGoderich A aped seoortment of Hlteaea Bed room. Itlabat liounined it toren !Rewe. W,:skek •a/ �CWre las. 'bat -N Looking 0115 Yb•ards N. B. -- A completeseise.-meat of Cones anditiresdaalsa7ses head alae Hearers for at reasonable rate . Picture naming • Upstart!• --A salt estlettd. Seeing u believing. Read the testi menials in the pamphlet on Ile. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy • bottle and relieve yourself of all thea distress- ing {riots Your Druggeat can tell you all about it Sold by J Wilma Uodenchll 2m The use of Pills, Sa1ts,Caator Oil, &c. and other nauseous, griping Cathartics u unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute u found in Dr. Carson's Bitten, which act as • Cathartic without griping or causing nausea. All druggists sell it. 50 cents a bottle. PITT TRW POOL Dverzrrtc.-Poverty with perfect health u rather to be chosen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the u ie effect of • dollar bottle of FouxTanl .;HEALTH. For rough conditions et the Skin, Shampooing the head, Pimples, Eruption and skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sul- phur Soap. m All Nervous Debility cured by the use of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere Sold at Wilson's dru;; stere. 2b - was to stand on the top :,f a hill in the valley and deliver a speech of half an hour in length that could be distinctly heard in two villages, one three miles south .,1 the hill and the other the name distance northwest. He called in to see Horace Grcely once and talked a straight streak for two hours not even stopping to spit. On taking his departure be said he would drop in again when he would have t nee enough to talk a little whale. He got starter in a hotel at Honesdale once and talked continuously for twenty- seven hours notwithstanding he had been offered #10 to atop at the end of the eleventh hour. am alae. It is so agreeable that even an infant will take tt. For coughs, colds, hoarse- ness, croup, asthma and bronchitis, Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam is reliable for young or old. 3 An Answer Wasted. Can any nue onng us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Basan will not speedily cure 1 We say they cannot, as thousands of eases already permanently cured and who are daily re- c.numeuding Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bow- els, and act directly on the diseased parts Every bottle guaranteed. For .ale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1]: -sew amlel1,dparees"f"' A youg man from'Vermont was hired by a family who were in extreme want of a footman. He was most friendly personage, as willing as he was free and easy : but he knew nothing of life out of a small farmhouse. - An evening ur two after his arrival there was a large party et the house. His mistress strove to impress upon him that all he had to do at tet time was to fellow, with the su,:.r and cream, the waiter wan earned the t. -a -to see that every nue had creme and sugar, and to lo/l.1 his tongue. He aid his part n oh an earliest (see, 'deplete, induetri.ue y from gue..t to {meet. \!'heti lie mt.Je the circuit and reached the d...r, a doubt struck him. whither a Yrs up in the farthe•: I -art of the ro..nt bird had the benult of the attentions He raised henre!f ••n his tees with "1'11 ask. and shouted ,,ver the heads of the c,nipsny, "i say. lion ere _ye off for lweetniu in that ere c•inter.' 6uesa'edoaM urea Is the only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, T.o.,thache, etc. Rub- bing a few 'trope briskly is all that is needed. Ne taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but .one minute's application removes all pain and will i.rove the greet value of Kram'c Fluid Lightning. 25 cents per bottle at George Rhynes' drug store. 1 h A wasp gsg&lseeverr. Physician's are often startled b; re- markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kings New Discovery iur Consumption and all Throe,' and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they.itave given up_ to die, is startling them to realize their tense of duty, and examine int.. the merits of this wonderful discovery, re- sulting in hundreds of our best Phpsi- cians using it in their practice. Trial bottles free at J. Wilson s Druv Store. Regular size $1.0.). 4) National Pills act promptly upon the liter, regulate the bowels and as a pur- gative are mild and thorough. o There are lots cf people going around grumbling, and half sick at the Stomach all the time ; who might be well and happy, if they ouly used Dr. Carsons Stomach Bitten occasionally. It is a splendid (blood purifier. All druggists 50 cents •os "I bare anus noticed," observes aunt Clan, "that the bop who lets his mother brine in .11 the kindling wood, and build the kitchen fire. is the mourner who hellere the loudest at her funeral." And then she added thoughtfully. "Melo- be as not it is because he faiws her the most. • A. Editors TVAwS.. Thsr.n P. Keator,editor of Ft W•tyne Inde, Noattt., wntes`: used the past five rears i have always used Dr. Kings New Discovery for coughs of most severe character, as well as for thew of • milder type. it never fail* to effect • speedy cure. My friends to whom i have re- commended it speak of it in same high terms. Haring been eared by it of every Bough i have had for five years. i eou- mder it the only rsleable and sure owrw for coughs, odds eta.' Call at Wilson's Store Drug Ste and Qat • Ftes Trial Bottle. Large apes $1.00. (2) Mve Tea T he.gbl err N Por [our tbows.id ears or 'arm the wade groaned(t��mtim.1 aid fasted ou ed abt is seenCa . for Were was so primitive rale -so eertsia aid pafabm ears until Ilk. (neon ratans gave to thewoiW bigggesl Oars getwsler. It there is .sitlliR war Nis • mask d eatwim.aw , for the .....1w 1. de hoed. Taw J earre'J 1761 BOOTS AN➢SHOES NEW GOODS_ - REMEMBER Have the Largest Stock, The Latest Stylest The Most Reliable Goods, And the Lowest Prices, ,* 731ea,Se Call dr, =ac m e.. ■srkies's Araks Salve. The greatest medical wonder o. the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Erupt:uns, gjuto v.recd t•, cure in every in,tatere, or in.su y refunded 2.7.c. per boa. F -,r sale te ...}. ly. .t :11r..try ter ell 71saklyd- tu these titnta when our newspapers are *1,.oaed nett:, patent medicine adver- tisements, it is gr..ufyatg to know what t.o ero,.:ure that will certainly cure you, if you are bilious, blood out of order, liver inactive, er :emeriti debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you s. quickly :u Electric Bitters. They are a pleasing t., all mankind, and can be had for only fifty cents a bottle of James WuIs•n. [2:] 40,000 ACRES NO :TROUBLE \WATEVER TO SHOW G10ODfll. DC) VT NIN'G-,' Crabb's Block, Corner East street and Square. Goderich, May tlth, 1884. cuz 1-4i" O;:" BOOTS&SHOES �OWr111Zg' + Wecl. .Z1p 43eg t. announce to the Public that they hare opened business in the above Stor in the store hi ely occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large ani well assorted stuck of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determine t.. give the Public the benefi.. at %W11,L and t*IPRnt-Sli 1.ANDS, for .ala long MI the llwe of the P.11.4-N.W.R.R. in Skant- and Hama counties. WleftIOAN. Price. ttrob per acre acre up flood Guides � markets. soil climate, aro. Kreursioa Hates to .hew the lauds Write for lists sad full particulate to W.W. JONES, M Military :3t.- ['CRT HURON, Mich.. Oen. agent for Tennessee Lands. 11163 -Sm peewee ON tTLMON�p ALS to1R THE CURS ° ' co��8. COLAs. 6 RAVirc, a>,d aD ONg A(*PLAINTS LIEpof PRSON ledtraocsd��t�us dt CoNBUMPTION. J.wvsaa BRAYLE� Plop eros • MONTREAL- foit QUICK BILES, SXALL PROFITS WILL BB OUR MOTTO • ,otenPlease call and examine our goods beforepur.hasing elsewhere. ,ttr-Remember the place, next door to J. Wilsons Drug Store. usto,n work will twelve our special attention. �8 Norie but the hest • f material used and first -cisme woekn:cn etnpl. yed. ter -Repairing neatly dene on the shortest notice Goderich, March of 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U F CURE SIek Headache asd relieve W the tro::ht.s inci- dent to • bacons wale of the s;ars, se eh se Lis- wows. isuser. Hassett, Drewsl ass. Deltrse altar e•i..aagg Psis is the Side. 45. While tbc r most resizrS- able wises has bssa •sora la caring ICK A.ad.eb.yrt Certer'et. elle Liver?Miser.. meant valuable la C this anseytwg eompleist, eryf all dtsow eds of the stomach. sllmulat. the NOW and repasts the bowels. !vee N tat./ esti eared w►I4 ih also semen ' EA Aebe they would boatman priceless t., thnr who esrt frost this draeaslat tcoeplaiat. but forth - who sees hey them will led them little pule do wttbowt s. But.hrr ail sIek heed cola- sobe ninety their roman sed bens, and thee. able las lasways that they will not wawa in CHE Li the bass of .e sway liven that herr is where we nabs ear great beast.. Oar pills care It wars Carter~'. Llatle Liver Are Ire ver- ^tl mil very e� strictly Osw W es owe IgU' r _ . ,dy vgtvsaw and Ao mot rrps er per bat by their {retie action plsawe all ohs byMM. II aonfor Bolddnwggl to everywhere, r us by CARTER YSDICIII'E CO., r w YON' OItp. The Ontario Mutual PRINCiPAI.+L1N Tae eilutfTlier. aj; ;. GS.-: cod REST Ilse to Ito. .:•w-ptL VcRM.a U,p+•. ls at- o m. 1(1 ...... GM- , 41.M. had all �. valuta la Iowa. Pebrsska. Mt..oert, sa- es, New Mexico, Arlanea tt. Mao and Tessa Cif ME . la' o s heete hes ee,up.rNe: r .r %Oen Mlaar polis sad 14 Pat Watke•tty reputed se artaw the tweet Car Una IF =seeded to le the hest !sasses le ti. riatd for all seems et trate!. KANSAS CITY Alt rosooetlsas lases to Vass D. Tb part Tidies via OMMsed Lie Meet seedless the r. a Ossrsa Try h. sad ;•e will lad nannies • ;unary, 11011111 of • es r...t,. All lsfereestlee skeet tans of LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Pte. "�` v Nt . ehrvrf.•'r a1rea LH l. READ OFFIEE, - WATERLOO, 00:011 7TM*� �;; " row. ,. aa.telti.. siar'w.rr .us - .,• - The eel? pots( 111i,tual IA(• Co. In cased.. weber of Collets@ to force, Tree. riot, 1111, oovertwg eases.ee to the amount .1 IP2 71t1.M. G T+TTAAgS INIE NI $MMs 116 The (wiesps.71t Reeves. sewn os this"Aeteariss T• of 6tortallty," ane tsar nsiby • any We reampaay fa Csaade. sad the seasdasi seed by Me TM hese a pMa eps my aid rapid .w .t the (smpa.y may be " ggete _ t� ..,/.i Arm 155 .t 04 'Mal atetaeuT.� •itwmar sf ►Meths the �rIeLli mashed /t114DRY. Ma mussesotal . W. R 17ifitailvR 1 OrasAi•a Per. Ag t, Torose, Ont B. Joaaeses, Tieka' Ago* Oodorwb saga a.�N�Oe:.aosti• seas _ +yN T• e!. 7ew pi`1{[ghoFRiter6.. �� bht��Le.nis,l��.�Ataissddrels, At� dt►As settee aired t Says Dryden : settee owe. .ems kaclere sod s bit , mod whoa roan* M 1� tkal lave= et rn*. tvMia DM it meat hu isatinl le legs 4■ Ata it you M list Irak a =is VfF " 1k. 7ta 1!s•aer. ora_ -- .a AI-. Meiw+e�-._esi •.4yYa1. ,a .• �s41ir'11—ff