The Huron Signal, 1884-8-15, Page 5b4 r d h HURON SIGNAL •FRIDAY, AUG- 15, 1345I. 5 1 MOST HORRIBLE!! a sesrsel (leery-4Smatimilleas surd Irks. messily Sew tao growl, nerves sew Is - nosed t..v.wrt.s Tee Owe lessee .s. 1IRW Yoke, August If. -The Timers star thst the desneseate le posse -got et the navy eepart-eot add to the rased ut miserable human suffering alresdy pub- lished in ouoneetwn with the huding of Greet; by the relief expedite*, the meat abockmr &t.'..s et iuhutnanity and ean- nibalism. Fur the sale of humanity and the American people, the army authori- ties are endeavoring to keep tl •• matter barbed, but in the inveetsgalsoo, which ,. & stet sure to sours. tial theta «111 un- douhtedlJ cotue out. The object in ship- ping the bodies in iron tatalet• was to prevent the expusure It has beat stat. ed that after the pas Rare out in Feb- ruary 'the members of the party lived principally on sealskins, licking and ' linings. As matter of fact, they wire RUT •tier eN ■t•yAM neat. pa n the rs.cuiIY party discovered the half-starved survivor, their first duty was to look to the two moo who work in- e essible fro- add and privation. One of them shrieked as the sailors took hold of them. "Don't let them shoot me as they did poor Henry ; meet 1 be killed and eaten as Henry woa : don't let them do it. Don't, don't." After a brief in- vestigation Schley felt that the WW1 was speaking the truth, and that some of the men who perished had been stripped of their flesh to keep their comrades alive. Schley instructed two or three gentle- men, among them the doctors and sur- geons of the Bear, to maks a careful ex- amination and put their conclusions in writing. This was done. The bodies were dug from the graves hack to the permanent camp, establtsbd in October, tea, but it was found that ,nost .4 the blankets contained nothing bot heaps of :whits bones, many of them picked clean Schley discovered that many of the ere- eateas men who were said to bare per- ished from starvation were RATIN BY TIZIR ►Atee'tfxa'NI AUE•. It is reported that the only men who ssap.. the knife were three or four who died . • ...:urvy. The amputated limbs of men • L. afterwards perished were eager- ly de, noas food. Chas. II. Henry was •. • t f...trnitue rations. When his body wen freed the hands and face tbout:I. shrunken. sere intact, hut near- ly ev..tywaere .ho for akin had been stripe. it from him and the deal. picked ' from the bones. Even the heart and longs were eaten. Frio/meets .4 hrtuan flesh were also used on twit for shrimps. Some ..f the officers of the relief .hips scout the idea of cannibalism. oth.rs ad- mit that the bodies *ere shocking to Le.k urone but attributed it tis the storm and ice The entitle .tory Ihry believed **gibe n tailor's yarn. Schley recuses t.. soy At • thing until the official . 111191iry is 110:4*. OLEVELAND'S OWN STORY. w• L' taloa wet tMnri... Nish Marta wet—. Iia. eortyx, N.Y., Aug. A. -General Horst:•. Ring. where report of what he heart.. • in Buffele led Mr. Beecher to re- turn to Governor Cleveland's support, mrd •• :e reporter : "After leaving Buf- %%.est street. next door to the Poet (Mice. fab• I went to Albany and saw Governor ••Tb. Chs.p..* House Under the Sus.'- Cleve:es d. He frankly tufa me that my April se. 1881: HMIs version. of the stories was substantially FACTS t t -- FACTS! 1 FACTS!! AND DON'T FORGET IT That we have never been, and never intend to be undersold any legitimate house in the Tryad�e, either in Suars, Teas, Coffees General Groceries, Crockery & Glassware at Rock ,t,, 150 Doz. FRUIT JARS JVBT ARRIVED_ Come and See Us C. A. NAIRN Jas. Sanders & Soll Gf`OD ERICH_ Bottom Pric Curt Hoar Square. Gedericb. Julie lath, Isar. w co Om 0 a 0 0 —J J . Ia< i� verses t w CC E-4 CC w4< Pi 0 0 CO W correct, adding, 'I acted throughout as any hei.ursble matt should.' " The ver- sion thus endorsed is in Gen. Ring's words, as follows : "Many years ago when the Governor was sowing his wild oats he met this woman and became ✓ intimate with her. Hite wee a widow and not a good woman by any means. Mr. Cleveland learning this made inquiries, and found that two of his friends were also intimate with her. When a child was born, Cleveland, to shield his two friends, who were married keen, assumed the respoostbility of it and took care ..f the child and mother until the women became a confirmed victim to drink, and heal conduct made it impossible to have anything to do with her. He never neparat d the mother and child, nor did aught to injure her. He wee a victim of eiroemMancss, sad accepted a responsi- bility that not oto in a thouusnd has shouldered and add honorably. The other stories against him could not be substantiated ,and no one willing to father them could be found.- els Theme Caterpillar. The Manitoba thistle caterpillar has filled annos in this section, says the Tern sad is gettinieite ;busi- ness in in fine style. About three weeks ago they were int noticed by Mr. Geo. Hooper, on his fano on the townline of Grey. He paid very little attention to the species at first, bet he soon noticed numerous Canadian thistles stripped to the calk and dead. Au examination disclosed myriads of tray caterpillars, of all sixes, industriously feeding away on this pest of the farmer—and he of course allowed them to enjoy their meal. andie- totbed. They finally reached his turnip paw!, Peder the loaves of the small thirties found there it a small web like bulb, numerous eggs were left by the large ones as they passed slaw. The eggs soon turned it.to young caterpillars, and these promptly attacked the little thistles apparently left by the older owe for their refreshment These they soon devoured, and not beige able to travel ill search of other thietlee,tttey on Monday, t 1h t and would s urine .Mt to t. a armsui ps. have cleaned the field had not Mr. Harper interfered. Ealy on Tuesday morning h. hitched his tan. to the roller and went over the whole field. eelsahlaR the turnip tops sado.tKpiIlan into the ground. H. hopes the'turotpt wid r► corer. hut at any eate hi twill be no war.. o/ than if lis had allowed the pest to est them. The large or old caterpil- lars sever touched anything but tbe this - ries, and wield travel from stalk to stalk as nMtlraily ss pnsaihl., and as anon as the s.n.ply was gone in one field psaed on to lie (test. vas Reearefel that your children do not .hew any kink) of estt.eed paper A littie girt ret Tare wee nearly peMnri.d by the anew.. in a piece of enamelled paprr r 9rerage and ieternedt.N RAT�S1, Steerage, $21.40. Or DEMtICH —ro— Liverpool, Londonderry,Glaegow London, Queenstown, Belfast, Bristol. Cardiff. ALLAN LINE MOL_MAIL a Y&TEA MSHIPF STOOL-LOIfDONDEART-GLAS'iOtt Tet Suottvtu'r Su Rot;*. To AND FROM ENGLAND. SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY UNSURPASSED. EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. Cabin Rate -From Quebec to Liverpool, WO. From Quebec to Liverpool and Return, $110. Sailings from Quebec. COLBORNE BROS. are g.tag to have Use Mime* endwise varied stock of Hovered Dry Geode ten the comas fall that they hare ever shown. They have secured some bargales V DRESS GOODS, TWRSDS ANI) SHIR tJ' UL that are worth eagalrias fer. Black sad Colored ed VSLVSTEEna are l0 he lard worn this fall. sad they have spared se paler to snake their stork complete 1a these liars, end at prices that oaaaot be beaten. It yea wast the best value the market at- fortia, terms acisk and se ascend price. es to COLBORNE I11tOTHERS. Roderick. Aar. ll. lest. NEW FALL DRESS GOODS A LAMA ASSORTMENT. AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. NEW MEDALION DRESS TRIMMINGS, NEW CORSETS, NEW EVENING WOOL SHAWLS, t Asserted Galas. 4 -BUTTON KID GLOVES, AT $1.00. New Fall Tweeds and Coatings J_ C_ DETLOR Sc CO_ MR. C. H. GIRVIN, GODERIt'II, ONT. DEAR SIR,— We have received the BrrcHEN CABINET you ,shipped to us some time ago, but have de- layed writing until now in order to find out how we would like it. My wife says it is a gels—a household friend. It is compactness itself. For convenience it has no equal in the kitchen, as it saves expense, time and labor. No kitchen is cornplete without it. As the price is within the reach of almost anyone, the KITCHEN CABINET in tine to meet with a very speedy sale. Yours very respectfully, GEO. LAING, Guelph, Ont. 47 THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. GEORGE ACHESON, The Premier Dry Goods Merchant of Goderich, is now SLAUGHTERING GOODS. Come at Once and Share the Bargains. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Allowed for Cash on all purchase, over $1.00, Goderich. July 3rd. 1881. R. W. MCKENZ1E IS NOT GOING OUT OF 8t 8/A I -86 but Lea been so loon in it and forme.! such Keel trade ccs 1.r.ad s t' a he e..L1, at . wltei GIVE BETTER ilARGi►. i NLi IN GENERAL HARE,VVARE! Than others pref.-tofu( W sell at coat. Hr is hound Met 1 L Lome .t. Le :. ors., as la the peat. shall be :mud as the CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cent. Off Cash Sales II R.W. MCKENZ1E'S' Goderich Foundry The undersigned kering purchased the Goderich Foundry min Mahlne Shops. and bas m put the sae in good repair. will take Contracts for Flouring Mills, Steam Engines, Boilers, And other Maehinery wanted. 1811 Kinds of Castings Made to Order Flouring Mills Quieted to the Gradual Reduction or Roller System. Will keep Agricultural Implements on hand. and do all IREI'AIlei on short notice. J. B. RUNCIMAN. R W. RUNCIMAN. Goderich, April 21. ISt1. ittlLly The Chicago House GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Having retired from the Liquor business. I now denote my attention to GROCER=E S Which i will oiler Ise* than any house in the county. My facilities for handgng , svc�-ae� Defy Competition. 1 pssebese direct from the Refinery in car load lots. i also sake a specialty of curing Sugar -Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon. Z.1RD BOLD 8Y THE P dIZ� Read tin mi uotsriotas b'TARD GRANULATED SUGAR, 12 (tai for $1.00. COFFEE SUGAR, 12ittat for 1.00. BRIGHT YELLOW, 14 tel*, for 1.00. west fids Court Hasse Square. Ooder eb. 3-=O_ GRANT_ au 21st Aar. auliAVTIAAN N acus Gtr.► ak w Wise S Prescription DA[ Siwe SARDiNIAN CIRCASSiAN PARiIIIAN POLY N EIMAN R ARM.4 SAN SARDINIAN PA Ritts A CiRCASSiAN POLyNRNIAN PERI: B AN SA RS AN.. ...� tptA�►RDIN N .. CiRCCAASSIA M fl.r- ! Fountain of Health. l Sulphur & Iron Bitters Fluid Lightning. 117th 1tb Oet. 11th " IMl tet Nov. Shed " Paaacngern reouire to leave Ondertek os Thorofare. at 11 direct coa- st -Gnu eih steamers at Quebec. if yes are sending !'sr your friends. you can oboists Prepaid Pamage Tickets et lowest rates at this (Mee. availaNee from England,ary �eale�n 1 S Nsq.►ivlraad, rewire. leer •Itdete and a/1 Information. apply to 21.ARM/TRONO Ticket Attest. eiederiek Seder/eh. Mar utb. iUL JAMER SWAiLI., ARCHITECT Re. • OSe . l(absItlorkSnOltes ypls*'s•e Carteinams•e work ssaswred and vs Get your Printing the other duty, at+ Arne only .area at this Office. Burdock Bitters. 'WESTERN wh Electric Bittern 1 London Purple!! Pt' RE PARIS GREEN —ANtI— HELF3BORF3_ JAS. WILSON. 1 Eyz, EAR AND THROAT. DR. RYSR140I(, L r.. t.R.c.r. UL, Lary.r r nu the e. and Throw. Trinity at .red Revives Mal at ant Ywrow lryf��a� r nArwary. Mr Aorta -to tie Haspital f stets MIAre.. lav TtilreasittitarAletlieww=tallt ref C'worw *ralmic xasN°tlnik INL ISIM 1 SS4. Canada's Great Exhibition ASO MOSSTRUI'STERPRIM. LONDON, CANADA, September 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. j11,100.00 in PBIZES use se Ie truss or Ifq. =i,MIN a $PECIIIS II WRIT OF RE INSTEP. FUR Open to the World. The Westars Pair for MS will far ssrpam ea Its pr.dwns..r. The prises are lsgtrand the new te.tnrw sot .wtv.lties to be InWe- tiered will make N the west anran've etSiht- ties seer halt le (lands. %Wall he 1t. ele..ge Write to 0- s.rreeary flee Pries data. Pest - sr.. Presr.w.artm w say Warwi.t nu required. IL R. ROSiN QM MoRROOkf• President Sprit .g T �r e S=ex Millirier r One n_ f the .'host Complete Stocks in (;oderic LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. Miss Wilkinson'., - Chicago House Goderich. April 1411011. (Yat AT THE MEDICAL H EiLL. eeeY VARIETIES i SWEEDISH TURIP SEEDS. Pure Paris Green and London Purple for rotatt B Pure Hellebore fbr Inseots on Curran Gooseberry and Rose "3us1) es. BEST INSECT POWDERS FOR THE I)iSTRUCTION 0 ALL KINDS OF VERMIN. INSECT POWDER GUNS, FLY -PAM?. ETC., ET P. JORD1A1 , Chemist and DnE ,.-Gust Mow .,ltrrsr (ledeeieh. r TH3 PEOPLE'S STORI For Cash i will sell all kinds .4 t4....ls at Losi.t Priers. See Those 10,12 417, & 20c. Drstas G°MjilNOTICE THOSE GINGHAM~ -11, 12!. and l.;t•. EXAMINE THOSE PRIN 1 S : 5c., 8c., 9c., lOc., 12+ •Ilio treble to show Gouda. l)nn't pureness- if above are not frets. QCT'_ �_ RZ?�LEY The po's