The Huron Signal, 1884-8-15, Page 4THE HURON S:•INAt. FRIDAY, AUG. 15, 1884. HURON SIgNAA. .vr7 /rider Morn tm ►7ley T Baas„ •ttheir Otis, berth ti OOD&kICH. ONTARIO 1011la to an trans .t the arrresad 6the earliest mails nod testae ; ls..r.l admission it has • larger clre l• bee,.7 arae newspaperlsi part Meeeemery, d neat oftearci.wsi r' sea Nies reliable Putman &. to Ontario 1 N 1l does, the fart going essea/Isla addition to the above, • east -clam. sad fireside paper it is therefore • �e� dewMmedium.t advertising medium. Tfnasa .h-41.10 1. advance postage pre -paid Wah.rs: fiL73, it paid before six maaths aot so paid. TSL rul will be triol, Tee OF ADfaarietee.-tight oats pe fes her first insertion: three coats per tine for rl ehaLNbrpuentinsertion. Yearl7,hall-yearl7 i*4 quarterly contracts at reduced rates. Jeffs rust iN,i.-- We have also •f est -rime tinting department in connection, and peers e lag the snot complete out -fit and best facilities' fw turning out work In Goderich. ars prepared to do boatman In that line at priers the cannot batten, .ad et • quality that cannot be surpassed.- Terns cask TR31AY, AVG. leaf, 1884. t A MS RAIL WA T QUEST/O.V. Ws ere indebted to our dorr. poudent "Ir, W.," this week for a detailed state- ment of the business done by the 13. & L H. R. during tho year cid • half prior to its amalgamation with the G. T. R. branch of the Women's Christian Tem - It will be weeu by the statement that prrsnce Union in Goderich has dune much good. They have visited the poor an enormous trade was done both by boat and railroad, and when contrasted w the homes of drunkards, they have with the boniness of today, it seems to pleaded with the fallen, they have cloth b. almost phenomenal. The data has e1 naked, and fed hungry ones. They ei been obtained from reliable sources, how. have worked according to their means ever, and can be depended upon in every and light in trying to albviate the woes particular. caused by drunkenness, buoyed up by 4 BRUTAL INIL'LT. Ill • pempblet dated, Seafortb, Jeb fhy, and bearing the tide The dab - Seed Act ddsoowfe, tko tdlowing foul mo- desties is made upon the *obis women who have turned the Wiser's Christ- i•. Temperaaes Union " d (lamed•. "• It is • favourite theory with teetotal- lers that alcohol ie not food, Gad core - gorily it is • poison. Young ase¢iwl uses commencing practice who (•icy by joining the teetotal crane will give teems • deeding, base given this uptake to the Indies Christian Tee peesnee Amer• dation, ..r as they should properly be called, " The Ladies Mahameden tad Association.' Association.' What the writer of the above contemp- tible innuenio meant, we wets at find pled to understand, until oar the pre- ceding page of the seine pamphlet we ford the key. Thur what " Mahume- elen norm according to that writer : ► " Wherever y4.2 find the crescent standard of M•homed, there you will tind vice, treachery. indolence, *moatal- ity and pnde." The insult appear to be as studied as it is low and brutal. We have 'bun lent reasons to believe that in the pest the OONT2MPOBARY OPINION. The amuse of see Meassaa wise erne wY.r.ed.e-sasses ea seeeoe. rim Time TO TIM roller. There can be no evading the point -if the depaessiun of 1874-79 was dee to the popsy of the Maakens,e Government the present depression must he des to the National t'ulcy of the present Gov- ernment. It is indisputable that the collapse of the cotton indsstry is des mouldy, if not wholly, to the operations of the National Pokey ; Gad it is a note - worth tact that the must highly protect- ed it�ustries are those which are suffer- ing most seriously. The Tory rentals had better give up their protesting and accept the attu•twa. They tacitly eon fess the failure of the N. P. es • remedial agent by hoping for • revival of trade trent the anticipated good harrest.- [Moncton Transcript ter uooi Tta Itiel or tees. Mr. G. U. Blackstock, of Turmas., who has been chosen by the Conserv.- time of Lennox as their candidate for the vaailcy mused by the death of Mr. Roe, is said to have • barrel of money. ' trade could be obtained fur • second Iline 1 The published statement r our answer the krowldge that W hate fir may die or bs forgot, to the quenes that have been made in Work done for God It climb um,' the past by some of the arpers : "If we And fur doing this they and their staters get in another railway, where would we are likened to vicious, indolent and sente get traffic to keep it running 1" dt will sal Mahomedaus. be seen that 4,400 ars were required to The person who penned that pamphlet carry goods in transit one way during the does not deserve the name of a mute, and year 1863, and b per cent. of that trade the person who would circulate thesame would be gladly seized upon by any rail- way company from • lake port nowadays. The lake carrying trade in 1863, inde- pendent ..f lumbering vessels and beats employed in the «eat trade, consisted of 9 propellers and 32 smiling remelt. Be- tween 300 and 40x0 sailors were rti uired to man the vessels. and about 100 addi- tional men found steady employment at high wages worki.ig at the dock. What has brought ablest the change which has proved so detrimental to (3od- *ricb t The answer a an easy one, al- though it is not generally known : The town has been "boycotted" by the G. T. R. Why ! Because in the lease made *assumedwhen the G. T. R. *assumed the R. & H. It it was distinctly stipulated that 100 per cent. of all profits made by the road, up to a certain amount, should be the portion .1 G. T. R.: and that if the traffic profits of the line went over that amount, then 40 per cent. of the over - plus profits would go to the original shareholders of the B. & L. H. R., and 60 ver cent. to the G. T. R. The G. T. R has, therefore, seen to it that no money bas been made for the original shareholders. and to this end have striven by every means to divert trade from the B. d- L H. branch at (lode - rich to the main line of the 0 T. R. at Sarnia. The foregoing is the cause of the com- mercial depression "4 Goderich, and every man who has tide interest of the town it heart un.,rt.�Ilis mind to face the difficulty and fight against the injustice. The G. T. R., by diverting lake trade from Godench make in two ways : They save 40 p. c. by keeping the receipts of the 'ire below a certain amount ; and by running freight tram Sarnia, ,.160 miles from Toronto instead of front Goderich . 13.1 miles from Toron- to) more mileage r made by the «ne- pany from traffic on the main line. The Isms lake trade don. at Goderich the more there will be at Sarnia, and the more money Will be cleared by the G. T. R. Thus it will be seen that it is not in the interest of the G. T. R. t.. use effort to build up trade at Gndench, or offer facilities to trade that at present exists at this port. w m der these aircumataneii ieains 1e, be seen if our residents will longer it tamely too the "mit... ting" ray file G. T. R. in past years Goderich built the B. & L H.R. when greater ..h- idades existed than thea-. that lie to the way of the «instruction of a competitive line today. Our pa• tple Nie a:Ixinus ti. be given an opp..rtunity t.. remove thea. T. R. yoke, mit it dew -Ives 'pen the "ding men of the .own re lake tire' inr its the matter. Winghant has ale. -ole mewed in the pr. - alms. and is suigan,e of getting in the T. G & B. branch ..f the C. 1'. R., but Wfrtghain cannot fie the terminus : and being the case, the duty of G.ede is clear : Lit the line be brought Either Tim running powers .f • man and • for • mile are in the fnIk,wung re- lation : - The lastest recorded mile made by a man is f our 'ninnies, sixteen and fifth tweeds. by William Cummings Preston, England. The fastest mil.n by s running hoe is one minute, -nine and three-quarter seconds, -mad. by Ten Biome, st Louisville, Ky. The fastest trotting mile is two minutes, and throw quarter seconds, by fl , at Cleveland, Ohio. d.0 oasts will eel Tws SIGNAL for the 'oder of 1884. Aber this kelp to t$IM *Ivo barrows !hipperialetemi . THAI U. P. B. W&NTSID. weal .as Deem paparjt (Howe. sae WIN* ha MIMING /Oft Ts the Latter of The lions (Sipafila,-The Oland Treat agnate w stili .t thole nefarious work - mut but at the crest earlier, sod from brim w be house, ouodw moth- erthe very ides of heisting oth- er railway into this plass They an now posing es and predict that no business Gould be °bt•iaed for • mind line, asserting that as the G. T. cannot find sutlicieot trade to make the one line pay, these two limes would only make matters wens. Such ridisnloos misstatements are szarcely worthy of reply, but lest any weak-minded peters should be led away by them, I will give • short ��nopats art the business of the Buffalo A lake Huron read for the two years prior b its falling into the hands 4 the G, T. The whet trade ted the west was then in its inlant'.y, sines that time it has more than quadrupled, and the public will be able to judge for them- selves whether or not • good through It won't be so hefty when be emerges from the cam{ai,tu it prices are as high I During the years 18t;2 and 1863 there as they were during the election in which were 41 vessels of venous classes emy- plo Sir Joh': ]lacdowld wok • hand.- d in carrying goods in transit to Gude- (Kinitstun H hitt. Inc.hof which nine were propellers and o! 5 scuta, t.outt% thirty-tw o sailing vessel& They brought into Goderich in 1862 109 cargoes of flour wheat, park, &e., in transit, and in 1863 146 cargoes -the first cargo of wheat Pillaging through the elevator a the 30th September. 1862. These 41 vessels were exclnsivs of those employed in the lum- ber trade, and also exclusive of the coast trade. The cergoes for 1862 were as under :- RIGHT V. MIGHT. The uereerier et tiawarrers Seddon tteavwaa Gees resialieea, Kotrrasat., Aug. 12. -Tee two yore tlslvstiou Army @oldies, Tamer and Ma- tisrl•tte, arrested for singing hyenas ea Dreiaiw square ma Sunday, um broeght Wore the lteoorder yesterday oratwg sad disehanred with • sesttoa. I. dsteoes, Mr. St. Pierre. Q.C., a Cathobe, esateoded that the Army had as Niue& right to use the streets for soli Mous purposes as the Catholic Church. The Recorder interrupted the advocate with the remark that asesssb&Igas by • couple of irresponsible young Men were of • oomplezon quite dissent from church or political meetmts approved by large motions ted the ooatmaaity. He let the youths off with a promisee, sentence them if ever brought before bite fur such practice again. The kind of logic the Tory press has been indulging in ter the past three or four years is vemetbing like this : "There is the N. P. and there is the pru.ppeerity ; judge the cause by its results." For the last few months they have been forced to plead : "There is the N. P., but do not say that it has anything to do with the depressiou which dues not at all arise from iia operations." Their logic only answers fur times "f prosperity.- ( Brock villa Recorder. IS sea TILLS't SRE•IN.; roVER ! The carshop. of London, Ont., have route to grief, though the assignee will complete its contracts. The tall chim- neys are having a hard time ..f it. Faith in the saving power of the Nattered Policy has been anandoned, and the kneeing that it contained the above foul . country's hopes are now centered in the innuendo, is no better than the writer. harvest. The Americans with their infinite variety of products hsvo been able to stand up against protection for live and twenty years, but it has knock- ed us vut in rave. Sir Leonard is wise in accepting the Lieutenaut-Governor- ship of New Brunswick. He has • mar- velous instinct for getting in out of the rain He took the governorship at the time of the Pacific Sandal exposure, in 1873, when it Iveiked as though Couser- vatrtti had sunk to rise no more ; and now he is about to seek that comfortable h 't h become im TILE LR(t►'CHT. Fr.'m every part of the county Domes news art the injurious effects of the drought. Pasture lands are actually in a scorch ed condition fur lack of rain, and owners of live stock are feeling anxious abe,ut the scarcity of fodder that r in pnapect. Wheat has headed out well, notwith standing the long -continued drought, but ra*L0•w. Flour..... - 132.588 Martel, 1521 Wheat .1,382 bags G Wheat ..... .428,61t; bushes. 100 Corn .. .. . .394,193 bushels 100 Barley, lett. and other Seeds..... 6,50; hugs 32 Beef and Pork22,006 barrels 244 Butter & Lard ....3.076 tierces 5 Tallow .. `2,960 eine is 33 Hides....... 3,711 1 Spirits A. Wine..... 785 harrels 1► Broom Coro ........178 hales 1 Fish. 148 barrels Wool. 156 stacks 2 Sundries, 241 packages, e.lual to about 1239 barrels 12 Total number .'f ars for 1862 2072 During the year 1843 ,the year pre- vious to the transfer t.. the Grand Trunk OOUWTY OtrItu1NOT. mirr , l�`tp IMwse area an uteri of Mama flat MI tIM News Ba-Y.twr The rate of asasasiwemt fur the town of Win/them tar this year bas been Gael at 19 miles us the dollar. J•a►es Tiniest►, euenaillor, tlodetiah tuwnshtpp, took • car load of reek to Montreal on Wednesday west. Rev. )Ir. Gardiner, the Cbarh of Kutrlaud minister in Letekyr has received an unanimous call huts the Episcopal congregation of Carlo, Yishi- gaa, ata salary of it000 • year. Mr. S. Wil000, .J Clinton, who hes for year been • traveller fur the whole- sale millinery house of Brayley et' Gu., has changed to that of Robertson. Linton & Co., of Muotreal, end now carries dry goods samples' Last week Chao. Harrison was severe- ly inured while loading hay ext the feet of Mr. Harbottle, Grey. He .tlppid down in front of the rack and oae the oleo kicked him oar the head causing a coecuesiow of the hraiu which rendered kin insensible ter about 12 hour. The Stephen and I'shorn. Branch Agricultural Fair, whet] is to be held i• Exotsr on the 6th aid 7th .4 October, prowess to be a grand success Already there are 400 members, 100 more than at this time last year, although the branch was then committed with the South Huron Riding show. Robe. Densmore, • boy on the Sete forth afro. staff, whose father live on the mill road, Tuckersmith, met with a seri- ous and painful sccideat one day last week, by which he will be disabled toe some Wee. He was working • small printing press, called "Tho Ciiveresl," and having missed a sheet, he put his band in to straighten it and of course the impression war being taken and his hand was crushed badly. Three finger are bruken and the palm of the hand badly squeezed. Tse MMea nepeel !vases. The Ottawa fret Prams has the follow- ing regarding the action taken by the Government in regard to the above peti- tion :- About two weeks .ince Mr. McGibbon, for the esti-Soottitea, bodged the repeal tediums in the Departwaest of State. It pared from the department b the Privy Council inside of two boon. This was a repeal petition, remember ; but petitions demanding a vote on the submission of the act. have invariable been dealt with only after two w four months considera- tion. The latter petition, were fur sub- mission of the act and not for repeal. Hence the delay. The Government's sympathies on this question may be judged by their activity on the repeal petition. Two weeks ago, when the repeal petition after two haus' delay reached the privy council by an accident then was no quorum. If these had been • quorum Mr. John Carling would have pushed it through at that sitting. The delay enabled the temperance people to present their counter petition the next day. They were astonished at the Gov- ernment's wanderful activity and asked three weeks grace to prepare evidence. This was refused but two weeks were granted. Next the Government were asked t.. receive a representative depots - nun of temperance people from the county, but the Government declined,on the ground there were not enough min- isters at the Capital. Let our readers note this ' There were not ministers enough here to receive a deputation, but there were enough to settle the ouesticn. Does not the cloven foot of Brewer Carl - the following weds were brought into ing crop tout throughout 1 Here we Goderich from Lake Michigan ports in world pause to ask if it is opposed to the transit :- public interests that atavernkeeper shell aeciuron an when t has . ' AkLO*1e,. be an alderman beds he may hare to '� F1onr..... 235,714 barrels 2257 deal with subjects upon which he will possib.e for iuw amid the crash of falling Wheat 220,638 bushels 5b1 the secondgrowth tf rasa, etc., ispoor industries to defend or excuse the tariff. Corn. 236,688 bushels 690 be prejudiced, le what logic is it might g It would be manlier in hila to stani histhat petitions effecting the Scott Act Root crops are suffering for lack of Beef & Pork.. ..lb ,b80 iorrcels 241 shall be dealt with by a brewer t In this ground and face the storm, but he is Hides ....13,425 ? moisture, and early rains alone can be evidently aweak andsehlsh man.-JWm- Tallow 1,324 barrels 16 quorumr.m Scotttthe Act capitalrepepetition.lthe their sslvati"n. nipeg San. High Wines $,25*; barrel* 41 treaea at deceitful hare played a In the townahi sof Colborne and Ash Liquor 1,629 barrel 19 end ceerohas and manifested geali The i L'wb indecettt haste tnareifrstd iu dealing with field many wells have gone dry, and live Aloobol.... 793 barrels 10 the repeal petition calls forth the con - stock must be driven twice a day to the Med OCa lake or the nearest creek. Bir.rley ke The summer months of 1884 have been Lard among the dryeat experienced in the Butter county. Grease Glue Tose •ssarie elppeatttes. The Toronto Tsleynve, an Independ- •uJt journal, say Ii s :-"When the Con- servatives in Ontario desire to supersede Mr. Meredith in the leadership of the Opp.sition they will be able to find some person .ialitied for the position without 2,044 keds. 41 1,969 packages 1 .7.405 bushels 18 .6,080 barrels 67 640 packages 1 613 barrels 7 ....198 barrels 2 We look to timely rams rather than to ! making an expedition t.. the Senate. J. the N. P. for a prosperous season, Burr Plumb is a gentleman of culture • land ability, bit he is itltugether unsuited THE writ fur the West Ontario election to the position ..f leader of the Lead hna at length been issued Mr. E. Jack Opposition. Mr. Meredith u not as popular as he once was, but this is be - son, Newmarket, is the returning officer. cause of the feeling in the public mind The nomination will be on August 22nd, that he has permitted himself to be made and polling on the 29th. J. D. Edgar a tool of by Sir John Macdonald. Sir is the Liberal candidate. His opponent John has his own game to play, and Pp sometimes he finds it exceedingly difficult has not yet been named. to play it. 1)n such occasions he does not hesitate to make urs of any person or combination of persons that may be of service to hinrin dFrying his pent Mr Meredith bite to thank Sir John for pulling him over on the wrone side of the Ontario boundary award. But on Mr. Meredith Senator Plumb would be no improvement. ' Tse aim Art la MaMN. Two old reprobates named Potter and Menary endeavo,1ed to break up a Sault Act meetiug near Meaford last week, by making groans and other unusual noises. The meeting was not captured by the Anti-ti.rott Act met', but the two man were brought beture • magistrate for j disturbing a public meting, and tined, The ('nus In P,'cnbyteri.i.. says "The one 911.80 and the other 98.80. They � petition from Halton County, though in . I some respects confessedly irregular, favouring the repeal of the Scott Act, has been accepted by the authorities at Ottawa, and it is expected that that rate- payers of that county will again be called upon to vote on the question, about the middle of September. A fierce struggle will take place. Both parties, the up- holders of the Act and its opponents, will do their utmost to secure victory. Much depends on the decision now pend. tete in Helton. it will directly affect every county 1n which it is proposed to submit the Act. The Irked' of toupee* ance must bestir themselves. There is no time to lose. Every fair and honest means for retaining the advantage gained in Halton must be made Indifference won't do it again. THE writ for the election of a member of the Ontario Legislature for Lennox hat been issued. The nomination takes places on the 21st int., and the election on the ?8th. The Liberal candidate is Geo. Hawley, a former member of the Legislature, and the Conservative is G. lilacksto•ck, who at one time resided with his father in this town, and is a graduate of our High School Hawley's pmspeots of redeeming the constituency are said to be very promising. THR members of the council of Kincar- dine are anxious to make that town an objective paint for summerexcursienistr, and at theit last meeting empowered the park committee to expend PM'00 in fitting up the teen park for the use of picnic parties. We wive tbia fact as a pointer to the members of our town council. Of ceurac, considerable work iris been done on the cd. nrthouse square during the pa.t season, but comparatively little has been done at the lake perk, which le ale. the property of :be bean. Next year we hope to see the latter place votneshat improved at the expert.. of the town. it would not require a heavy euCay tae snake it a lovely spot. will surely lead to defeat. There is no necessity for fighting side issues. Effort must be aencentrated on Halton from now till the day .f decision. With ordinary vigilance. activity and deter- rniation, a more decisive triumph will await the cause .4 temperance in that county and throughout Ontario." The Kinanndine X.porf.r says : "(It Thursday afternoon at etne o'clock Joseph Aikens left Kmardine astride his bicycle en routs h. (:sit. He reached Geederich- e,5 miles from herr -after rid- ing four hours and a half, over a heavy mal, it having rained very fast (Iona( . the early morning. The neat morning • he made for Seef,rth where he met three members of the Wheeleman's Association I on bicycle.. in their a.mpsny he made Stratford, a distance of 23 miles in two hours and a half. The seine day he preceealed to Shakespeare and Radon, 11; miles farther. tin ti.teney morning he started for Berlin, hurt was delayed when shout four miles from that town by loosing • key sof one of the *ranks. A ride to Berlin in a farmer's wsge.n was .ecere.l and after breakfast and having his machine repaired, he started to env*, the remaining 1n miles o1, his tnp to Galt, taking io a mineral bath at Premier sen his way Mr. Aiden felt in tread trim after his kung ride, the only rssualti to himself hint • hiister on one hand oared by wing the lardle& Mr. A. never enjoyed es good health as be i*' having jest wow, sad begets rYlmt has proves better them devise • Ifiwdieleir • eeehies •ieusaaa.a. I A Dublin cable says: inf..nuer Casey, the chief witness for the Crown in the prosecutions wailed the Maat.trasna mur- derers, has been induced to make a con- fessee. It was upon Casey's teetimemy that Myles and Joyce were r incluse. The informer went voluntarily hef.'rethe Aetbishep •4 Timm reeentiy ar.d stated that all the testint.rny he had given at the trial had been (al.e. and had been given for pay. The Archbishop spoke to C of the duty of reparation with each n(►ect that the perjurer offered to mike a pastille statement. Crown t4 Iwi- 1' r hullos repudiates the thermos •gsinat him made by (:wy. tea....,, 1 Sizing..............152 barre:s - 2 Hams... -.• 200 packages 2 (Hl ..............401 barrels 6 Tobacco, Seeds, Ashes, Wool Sheepskin. Brnem Corn, Rye Beeswax, Hides, Rags, Pig- skins, Louse Haws. Couper & Lead.... 2,590 pachag.. 14 From Saginaw : Staves, hoops, ` rags, leather, hides, and other articles, equal to 394 Number of cars required for -.goods in transit in 1863 4400 Although the number of semen em- ployed in this trade. uuw l..t to the town, cannot be ascertained accurately, yet a fair estimate may be made at eight nest to the vessel-cr in the whole 32,4 *sateen. Add to this the number i.f dock hands required fir h•odling these car- goes, together with the freight from the 'wet, say 100 more, nuking in all 428 The report quoted above for the year 18e3, shown the first full year's trade from the West, the elevator having been c.mple.ed during the previous fall, and yet the business abe.ve was very Large, requiring nit ut 29.3 full trains of fifteen ars each t.. carry the goe•o•ls thrnugh. And this ie not alt A trade nearly as large was tarried on from the East. It may be naked where has that great trade gone, and why was it removed from Goderich r It was rant taken from Gnderfch for want of harbor accommo- d atiuw brims the Gerd Trunk authori ties openly i1Tai-i liMi the tarbor of (lode rich is the best on the Lake, as will be Nen by the following quotation from an advertisement .igned by Mr. Hickson. the G. T. general tnaneger. He nays : "Besides other numer eas attractions Gedertch is famed for psseasrng the B EST mamma, the largest flooring mills and the moat extensive sal'. works in the West.' So that the want .e1 harbor acc'mmc- dation is out of the gnestion. Then why has this trade been removed hem Goderich. Simply it• build op other ptlates in which it is said the (1. T. R Co. have large landed interest. -sed that at the expense of G.'derich. They hare not only taken from 1:ode- rich all that large and rapidly incre.atnr trade, but are boycotting. aa it were, the place. They are offering to carry lumber and other goods by rail from Wiarton through $rratferl to Gndench at Wets par cwt, while they are charging lficts per cwt. from Goderich to Teri nte. or from Weirton to Toronto.- The rote on the same goods sent from Wiarton toe Cliet.n tr Pittsford being 15 cents per ewe ; showing elearly that their desire h to destnoy the .'-tall trade now remain- ing at Gndench. If this continues our lumber merch- ant* will, in their awn defence be com- pelled to remove to Wiert..n .or Sarnia Anel yet you will hear it seeerrr'1 that a me••nel line os net regmrved. E. W fi'.detieh A *t. 12. 1864. A greet ram is erre the mart az- • ever rowed. Tomer bee herr if m. Rrisw, of (beafoeth,has been fined Nei 's record, and the ehaswpine oaf the 91 and coats for interfering with the u *velld will Immo le reaper Nerowith a men Nero and striking a most.' of the stubs better thus Wallies Blass. Salvation Army last l3wday. re, «••;w demnation of every temperance Ian and woman -irrespective •d political lean- ings. Relerar7 Neer,- Caru'tian Methodist Magazine for Au•vet, It>tii. price tit. year : 51 for sir months : cents per number. For sale at all book- stores. One of the most striking articles in this number is that by the historian Freude, on "Great Britain and her Colo- nies." He urges a scheme of Federation that shall bird all Anglo Saxondum in one. At the present time this article will attract much attention. An exceed- ingly ineeniow ane interesting paper by John Reade, Esq., Literary Editor of the Montreal recerf., and one of the most eminent of eutr Canadian poets, discusses with much philolug:al learning some "Curious Kinship." .,f words. The Rev. J. Potts, of the Michigan (llristian Adevrnte, contributes • graphic "Life Story of Bishop Simpson," the greatest Bishop of the M. E. Church since the days of Asbury. There are also copious- ly illustrated papers in "Holy Russia," Charles H. Spurge•'n and Indy Brace 's Adventures in the Seetit 5..•. The quiet.• story of "O.d Feud -OE, ' the "Met:n.dy" Local Preacher, will be read with much interest. The Editor c•.ntn- butes "Studies is the South," the result of a recent visit to the Gulf States. and comes out strongly in favor of College federation and Christian fraternity. He reviews fully the Schaff -Herzog Cych- podia and other important works. Now is a good time to subscribe. p1 for six months. Back numbers Dail be supplied. Gunnison and Mayo:ine to- gether. 93 50 a year. The September number of flarper's .11egueine promisee t., be in itself quite a tour of Europe. Mr. Riding will de- scribe "A Run Ashore at Queenstown," including Blarney Castle and Killarney, with many illtutntiens ; passing on to London. there will be mere of Rev. Treadwell Walden's account .1 '•The Great Hall of Wilh.ut Rufus," with urn portraits of the early kin:. and queens ; entwine to France, Mism Hurn{ hrey's pen and Mr. Reinhartsncil will de- scribe the life at the bench sea -side revert, Trouville : and finally, the artist Boughton will stroll farther in Holland. At home, Mr. Ernest Ingersoll will de scribe the "Wheat -fields of the Colum• bin," with illustrations by Red- wood: and a paler by .1. G. Pyle with illustrative diagram•, will explain "Thee Reeerroir System ' now slider am- etro'etion to equaltltl[,tg Hl' of water in the Miist«ippi. There will be sketches, with fine portraits, of George Feller by Frank D. Millet, and of Chas. Renoir by Robert Buchanan, the frontis- piece ,of the number being a repn'dne- tion ,d one of Fuller span tinge Furth- er instalment. of Reis "Nature's $etisal "ivory, with (libeon'• red Dietitian illustrations of Blaok'r '•Ji.lith Shake- speare tit Wm. Sharp's "Transcripts from Nat are," with Alfred Parer', illostnti,me ; short stories by a "A Working Girl" and Ruse terry Cooke ; • ono -Get enrsedy. "A Cloud on the Honeymoon, by Julian Magnus ; and a number of poems, by Will Carlton and others, will 611 out, with the editorial departments. a briniest number. On Tuesday week, Mr. D. Milloy was returning from Bruce6eld, riding en • spring board un the wagon, when he ac- cidentally fell off, the waggon passing over his body,and the fall rendering him unconscious, Some friends brought his house, and medical assistance was called in, when his injune: were found to be painful, though not senors. The teas were turned into • field by the roadside, and brought home next day. Last spring Mr. S. McDougall, of Por- ter's Hill, sold • stallion which he had travelled the previous season. When foaling time canto he was w well pleased with the stock it left that he determined to buy it back again, and did so a few days since, at a higher figure than he sold it for. He has also bought • breed- ing mare with five cro.ass,and a two year old filly with even crosses ; the filly is a particularly one one, and will be worth considerable by the time it is a year or two older. Bscw.Eue C*LRDo tIAlt GsTtt*alteo.- The annual gathering of the dans, ander the auspices of the 1ireatels Caadooias Society. will be held un Victoria Square, Bruwela. on Tsesd•y, September 9th. 1804. The programme will laded./ a full list of Caledonian games, u which the most noted athletes, pipers and dancers .,f Canada and the United States will take part 9700.00 in prizes. A grand Firemen's demonstration will be held in the fnr.'n.rn, wizen 360 will be given tor the 1st anal $20 for the 2nd prize for the fastest h•r.• reel rap. There wit slat be racea open to firemen only, ani a tog of war between the visiting teams. Return tickets good for four dare, will be tailed at ■ single tan. Everyone will take the venial in, of course, and as ford for thought we make you a present of the mtttn .1 the society "Coimhoich tir'ar-n•thricheen." W adore our readers t.. handle it carefully because it is rathef delicate. Qcotnas. -The following appeared the Btpi.itor last week : "Two of the Hue%ae quoit players, Masers. Jas. Mitchell and John Paterson, sen., the former of whom is 64 and the latter 60 years of age, visited Corrie last week, and in • match with tweet the champion pitchers of that burg, Messrs. McIntosh and Dane, came out victorious by a score of 62 to b8. We would like to know tf there are two either men tt their age in the county who w.o,ld like to give the Bluevate team s to..le : if there are let them speak now." In reply to the above, two N'ingham gentlemen, aged respectively 62 and 70 year, have chal- lenged Messrs. P•:err,n and Mitchell to a friendly game. to he played in Wingham as soon as convenient, the number of points to be decided on by the parties. This, 1 accepted. will be • very interest- ing match, and it is hoped the old "sports" will come t..gether at ottoe. No pool -selling allowed .in the grounds. - f Wingham Ad% rice l Cestraaa.. -- ,•,:r.. Tho Mail protests that then is no similarity between the case, of Messrs. Edgar and Blackstock, except that they are both Toronto lawyers, Mt latter be- ing the unanimous choice .4 tete Lennox Tones, while there was great dissetisfao- tittri prevalent among the West Ontario Gnus oder Mr. Edgers nomination. Tea, there is a difference, and it is all in favor of the West Ontario (frit& Hos* of them had independent feeling enough to to kick, but the Lenuoz Tories, N far anything appears tc the contrary. nibs omitted like whipped curs to the bullied.- ing ullied•ing of the odoriferous Boultb,e, who was sent down there to enforce obedience to the mandate of the clique. There is, as the Mail says, a marked distinction be- tween the seas& So much the worms for the servile Tory partizans .t Ienoox.- [New*. "Thirty very sick Pones are we." slag the rovers of thirty timber ►mita, du• tribnted among thirty friends of the Ottawa government in the lake of the Woods' district ! The people who really work their limits fear northing et the hands of the (ntario government, but the shysters .ed hanro s-oo of the Tory lriMry brigade, eh.. precured besets simply to bleed the legitimate lumber- man and mill ".nar. must lay gond his to their drams tof wooly veguirsd plea- der. A m►rintn (*rota* Review :-" Like a mud spot, id any •sae daubs yon with slender let it alone : for If yea attempt to rub it net yne only rub it &vet la. Wait until the elands, bias MI them yea fir broth Y d whim*, oseteselaeled... •