The Huron Signal, 1884-8-15, Page 22 AUSTRALIA. ad Iigaa3l'ilMel. 'eights Seed Peva-sew. 1u a teal cline -TCN was aiae.-e de alar tdMr- Mr lighlm ear ewe Cernspewimt. The minim resources of the Austra- lia Colosimo are large, particalarly as �atd. gold, tingold , copin Neper, w aroa and caul '!he 'tend of tkwth Wale•, tied In t et, throughout all the colonies, ♦greatly or the decrease compared with the return. of • few years ago. The principal districts in thin colony where !ale mart active operations are now oar- +.dad en an Bathurst, Nudges, Lachlan, Taunt and New England ; in all sixty- Ive goldfields, covering an area of about A thirteen thousand *quare miles of auriferous formation. The d►oovery of gold in Australia was first made m Vic- kCoria in 1849, but the Government would Sot reougnise the right of the people to seek for and obtain the riches belietel I to he hidden under their feet until 1861. when it was found to be totally in vain to try to *tem the flood of oppusitioo,anoi • liminess to mine were issued. No saver 01 was gold mining declared a recognized remit, than the entire population .•f Melbourne -then a donriahing colonial a town—was plunged into a feverish ex- . *Moment, and, as aptly said, they were "Dkt-lit warp .OLD." THE HURON SIGNAL FRJAY, AUG. 15, 1884. was elated as psolilld i• her guldea nottime d the noise. Atter a wont • .sway two mans walled is on ell idle by excess 4 .eel ..d rook we tame to whwe seam weft et work. They gasewI, Iy week toppithee by twee, bath BAIL Tri wawa r wlwoR *sad weighed nae hundred and twat* award. It was e) who 67 a yews iiaetc taluw who sou . bes- tiary -rider or her tar a Dr. Kay. The bleak fellow, like his eHnter, .ad like away of the celaakMa at this time, car- ried a hammer far seserief specimens et 9rwrta, for whale (Harts is ,totlsd .11. - tial gold is act lar distrust. Hee why two levee boulders, partly •ppeseed to be a smaller black ore part- ly boded in the earth. Satisfying him - ..0 that this was no ordinary rock he went fur his master and unearthing it they found • nugget of nearly one hun- dred and twee. pounds wti;ht and valued at over MISTY THOL'.Al3D DOI.t.ana. asseses Ada An .h4 fl.,urite i. the restedg basun j«Dr. sOW- ) reliableBltf/alba • alsleh a. and ensrag irlielr ll[iase'al Wealth Clearly1. !Oa UO.QAHT AND easaeT. By • lottery system galled "1$L1 awl Amp plasm . these mrassies�lss te Tata doss sae, with all billiy al overseers showialg a M asp gl the wastage, sad bodies am111 with 1avoeitlem gives all egad as to positions of gaiety or dancer, ed- va. • or dndvMtage. Oa onto 11ti�� nothing was at first disaeaable dell, unsteady, flickering light, sous the dusky outlines of .ten stripped to the waist could be made out. One is in a c.or.er picking around agreatesaaa of ewsi weeding avowal tons, trying to dislodge tt. Another is lying ea his beck and digerati a cavity under another edaut preparing to blast it, and which ucay at any moment prove treacherous and crush him to death. Another hes put in a charge et blasting powder and has retired to a safe distance to await the result. The men are black from head to foie, and some who are not near the main current of air are obliged to live fur eight hours a day in an atmosphere both foul and close, and they are consequent- ly reeking with perspiration. From here Alluvial ruining in New South Wales is nearly a thing of the past. Quarts mining is carried on with tolerable out- cees, but most of the gold fields a_e suf- fering from a want of the necessary capital, and this want is attributed to a disinclination on the part of the Colonial capitalists to engage to anyspeculation when there is • shade of te uncertain- ty of one pound making another twenty shinnies. TIM 001-D Dl0Ota'a LIPC l'kat i• doily bringing ley to the hams of tbettmsds by saving many TM their dear Ones Gam as early grave'uly le Dr. King's new Diesuver f for OO.s��pp- Oveghe, Oolds, Asthma, Baa.sohitie. Hay Fever, Liss of Voice, TSskling io the Throat. Pain in Bid• and Ohest,or- any dames 7 the Throat and Lunge, a positive owe. Guaranteed. Tial Bot doles free at J. Wilson's Drug Store. Large sine 81.00. (41) is • very wandering, homeless one, at- tended by hardships, privations and many dangers, to say nothing of the uncertain results. He possesses little else than • pick -axe and shovel, hilley- can and blanket. When one tield is worked, lin ,traps his blanket in a roll (in his shoulders, and with his billet can and shovel starts for a new field. Many such men may be seer. in Australia who for years have led this aimless, nomadic life. When night overtakes him he builds • tire, hangs his billey-can over it to boil his coffee, and prepared his `damper' -s cake made of flour and water and Naked in hit &she& His sim- ple :real inisbed, his blanket serves for • bed, and with the canopy of a brilliantly star -illuminated Australian sky, with its Southern Crow Magellanic cloud, Milky Way, ('berm-' or big neer of the aborigines). constellations of Pleiades, Orion, Hydra, the "Coal Sack --a dark spot in the Milky Tay near the constellation of the Southern Cross, or the bright Aurora Australis shunting in every direction over his head, he seems content to call this home, mid thus year after year drags in his un- friended existence. Tim imam: in New South Wales appears to ,have a future before it very similar to that of gold mining. The surface tin is pretty well exhausted, and miners are now en- gaged in deep sinking. For this much time, patience and capital is required. There have been some extraordin- ary finds near Vegetable Creek, in the New England district, and the richness of the wash -dirt is remarkable. A hand- ful of the dirt taken from the heaps formed at the :n.uth of a shaft requires little more than a breath to blow away the Nand and lave the hand covered with pure tin. The industry is only about nine years old, and is worked ss yet on a small sale. Many Chinamen are employed, and in some of the tin mining districts two-thirds of the popu- lation are Celestial& Of all the mining resources the coal treasures of New South Wales are the most extensive and at present the most profitable and valuable. The .'OAL C'OYPalt1 5 1ATOLA.LY with English or Welsh cost, and for gas making and some other properties tests prove it to be superior. The principal field in the colony is at and around New- castle, about seventy-five miles north of 23Sydney. This field coven an area of ,000 square :Hiles, and ranks as one of the bast and mod extensive in the world. It had long been our desire to visit a coal mine and see its workings, and having secured a pass from one of the overseen, we put ourselves in readiness to make our first trip Into the bowels of mother earth. It might be interesting to those not familiar with coal mining .operations, to give a brief description of what we saw. On approaching the mine the surroundings, the working of en- gines, and the clanking ofl chains and pullies might be mistaken for the evi- dences of some larva manuf cturio�gtt es- tablishment, but the mountains of rhfuse Dual heaped about, the sooty appearance of the buildings and the ebony hue of the workmen - quite "in correspond- ence with their environments" -ell be- token the nature of the work. Abaco Tit norTH 07 TBI PIT is a massive platform to which all the coal from below is brought and is then wheeled in "skips" or small cars each containing about half a ton to the "shoot' ante which it ie emptied, sod from there run into owl wagons or cars and from there run down to the shipping dock& Above the platform are two large wheels over which run strong wire cables attached to the "ares' which descend or ascend as required. Having dressed ourselves in an old suit and each being provided with a miner's lamp, and accompanied by • guide, we entered one of the cages with express instructions not to more until we found ourselves at the bottom. The daft was about nine feet in diameter, and showed by the light of our lamps u we shot by a varie- ty of strata. Soon we were AT THg 50/Ton in total darkness elrept the unsteady glimmer of our lamps which are like small coffee pots filled with grease and bavio , the cotton wick sticking from the spout. Hiving "got our sight" by sit- ting .town and accustoming our eyes to the surrounding darkness,we were better able to realise the working of this bury, noisy little subterranean world. Boys shouting and besting their ponies, can Yr "skips" rattling put in all directions, cables rumpling, chains clankirnr, pulliee 4 The town was almost depopulated in a . bort time ; tradesmen put up their ahut- t` tare, lawyers and doctors left their prin- t, ties, clerks threw up their situations, • sailors deserted their vessels, everybody ,ached to Ballarat and its neighborhood, then the chief theatre of action, to gash - se in a few days what many struggle tkro.gh a whole life time without mak- c Ives sold fora sonMelbournepropertyo rano money to Oast mining companies ; and all trade and bugle... was at a standstill ; but n otwithstanding the troubled state of . Bean, Victoria was in a single day, as it were uplifted from being an uncon- sidered, out -of - the- way nook in the At. wilderness to become a power atnongst the nations. The fever rapidly spread to New South Wales, where rich fields were also discovered, and where the total yield for the first thirty years of systematic gold mining is nine and a quarter million ounces or something over two hundred and eighty-eight and • quarter tons, valued at nearlyone hun- dred and seventy millions of ollars. The history of most gold mines in Australia as in America or elsewhere, is very simple and in most cases identical. Gold is discovered in some Talley which ages bet re was the bed of a river, then ( is to the place, wash -dirt is struck probe- bly at the surface or it way be deep in the soil, and while the alluvial gold is being worked by those lucky enough to tome on it, the few fortunate search the t ` neighboring hills for gtartz.reef, know- ing it mat be in the vicinity. This found, claims are pegged out, leases taken and machinery sel up to crush the quarts. If the alluvial claims come to ` an end the greater number of the miners, leave for H.w,field& Many of the business places brvught into exiatenoe by the rush • are closed, depression creeps over the place and in a year or two people have forgotten that such a place existed. There is probably few mote melancholy eights than A o.aLITw .*OLD 7111.0, a number of piing holes, dour as graves, where .probably fortunes were made or lost ; .a temples. poet and the crooked ramie. of • building or two, likely tmndunaed from • grog shanty into a dweUing house ; numberleas scat- tered bottle -fragments and other signs eat life and revelry. are now all that re- main to mark the place where s few Tears ago stood a thriving mining town with several thora•ad of, • population. There may be pointed out a deserted claim that in itself has • history and yielded its owner a-fortone ; further on one even richer Mita returns, but was the means of its owner's ruin ; every- thing we see is in fad a significant diss- ection of the evanescent nature of the pursuit •f the Brtgbt and yellow bard end sand. Henry to get and tight ,-o bold." Many stories are told of the early dis- covery of gold in Australia. It is said that in New South Wales A cowmen. WAS ere 7115r to find • specimen of the rich metal • He was ordered ti. disclose the spot when the diseovery was made, and after many ineffectual efforts to satisfy the demands of those in authority, he was moused of beating up old gold orna- ments to deceive the people, and was pet to death as a breeder of diwatiafac- tioe among the other convicts, many .nf whom started with "French leave" in search ..f the genintio treasures they believed to be hi•Iden around them. More than half . f s b..e p„rtshed in the .e•reh, or wets ki:Itel by the satires. In Victoria a shepher.l waathe fins to get the machinery of oho, colony out of its normal state. 11, Ihro ieht • lump of the ore to Melbourne and sold it to a jeweller, but would not dise'.'ee where lie discovered it. When the rush was ant made to Ballarat FA5t'U1C' £rayon were washed from the alluvial digginxs, and it was an ordinary day's work in awes claims for two men to wad from one to two thousand dollen' worth. This sudden wealth brought about its almost invariable oy.neeolmince -utter abandon and recklessness All old Vic- torian ruiners are familiar with the story of the Seotchman who left the Glaattow police force and made rich in a short working and in the distance, the steady time by his good -fortune, was se elated stroke .f the force -p tap worked by aim - that he had hs hone shod with pressed air, all tend to give the visitor a favorable impression of life under- ground. We next proceeded with our tents along one' of the main arteries to find some .d the workmen engaged in digging the "dusky dean. nds." Thew endways or tunnels are abort tea or twelve feet in width, and from sit 10 ten ?wt in Might. In the centre ran iron track, Dover whish is drawn 17 aeaos 4 the cable attacked to the engine above, • trate of dips whisk pea leaded sad ttrwmwied to area A at-aH 07 rilNltaii t e. rc• Wa.ai eros, D.C., May li k, 1880. Ou!TLanan-Having been a sufferer for a long time from nervous prostration and general debility, I was advised to try Hop Bitters. 1 have taken one bot- tle, and I have been rapidly Netting Net- ter ever since, and I think it the best medicine I ever used. I am now gaining strength and appetite, which was all gone, and i was in despair until I tried your Bitten. I am now well, able to go about and du my own work. Before taking it I was completely prostrated. Man. HAAT STl' a IIT. . we. VISIT Tin STABLES where souse lefty to sixty horses and ponies are kept for weeks without seeing the (fight of day. it hen their day's work is done they are unhitched from their skips where they have been engaged in drawing loads to the main line, and through the dark windings they readily find their way to their stable& They are generally taken above ground once • month to enjoy a holiday, and for hours at first stagger about una- ble see. As a claw the miners are in- dustrious, but oniy a small proportion of theta are thrifty, sober and church- going. They live in small slab -and -bark or wattle -and -dab huts, built upon public comaton•ge, generally belonging to the mining company ; they pay rax pence or • ,billing a week rout ; they earn from twelve shillings (about 83) to one pound 15) per day of eight hours, but the hours spent out of the pit, except by a small proportion, are employed very unprofitably, and consequently they live fr,m hand to mouth, and many of them are frequently in debt. Their condition as a claw might be greatly improved if T8a TEDPtaSl1C•E Qt ESTIOle snort or tone, and did many other like *lint -avant things, and died al.n.ost a pauper in Vie moasum .t itrishaoe we mw a cut el two nugget. found in Viet..ori., each weighing over one hundred ppoound., end veered et about twenty live akoesand dol- lara Bathurst and it. .sighborMrod gave the rebut returns of anyplace in liew Booth *aloe, and Sew South "NM net. L a :ntti.id :ar aide c.:. 4 iliaggi . FARMERS nee pees OIL on year Brapan awe l -arse les am fid 3 Cc001.lirde3 LARDINE OIL So Cheap. Mew no equal. Try it and you will use so ether. McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO. Ter isle by •w•_ 1\,2C T7er' ommucu. HUGH DUNLOP Fashionable Tailor, WEST STREET, HAS the Finest Assortment of Summer HotelA to, Climate Froi11. \ IF TOL' WANT T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kau., writes : L �a Nobby Suit at a Reasonable Prim, 'I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitten to my onatumen, they trite entire ct is Bitters an are rapid ���� ,ellen' Electric Bitten ars the purest Tbemmusts Say Ge- s CALL ON d and best medicine known and will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liter complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels No family can afford to he without them (ICri. They will save Hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. lald at Wets. • bottle oy J. Wein. 13] �1J1 IJOP were agitated here, and the same active steps taken as we notice Ontario is mak- ing to that end. They ategreatly given to sporting, and every second Saturday is set apart for recreation. Racing and other sport are set on foot, sod the two weeks' wages rad idly change bands on the mult of these races. From Friday afternoon the following Tuesday is given up as a time for a general carouse, with the more dissipated class and the "pubs,." as the grogshops are called, during that time do a thriving business and rake into their tills many • poor fool's hard fortnight's work. Silver and lend have been found in various parts, but the mines are little worked. A difficulty is found in success- fully treating silver ore. Copper is widely distributed. The cupnferous formations cover over 5,000 paters miles. In this mining industry work has been retarded by the kw price of the metal, but the exports for last year amounted to nearly to two million dollars. D. E. MoC. Young, old, and middle -sped, all ex- perience the wonderful beneficial effects of Ayers Sarsaparilla Young children suffering form sore eyes, sore ears, scald - head, er with any scrofulous or syphilitic taint, may be mode heathy and strong by its use. Well Rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid two any party ns ;horo will pndhuoeteuro PI•int one .rf that EL ver, THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN Stomacico i 1 tris Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will cost you nothing for he medicine if it fails to cure, and you RS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Xe w Life Oar Weariless Weakened by OMas ease. Debillry amid Misatplaa. - The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides. no matter how shattered the system may be fowl,,, ex- cesses of any kind, the (:rat German restore Remedy will tothe lost functions and secure health and happtnea& 81.00 per box, six boxes for 85.00. Sold by all druggists Sent on receipt of price, postage paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole rgent for United States.Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. Soldu by Geo. Rnyn, sole agent for Gode- rich 3m : A Bswas»—Of one dozen "Tarim - ay" to any one sending the best four line rhyme on '-Tacatt5T, the remarkable littleem for the Teeth and Bat:.. Ask your druggest or address. t will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious- ness, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured. Si tisfec- tion guaranteed or money refunded Price only fifty tents per. bottle. For sale by J. Wilson. [61 CI\OaL1aL -A name well known in connection with the Hair Renewer,which restores grey hair to ice natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at S0 cents per bottle by Janes Wilson. 3m Lem sad Cal.. - CIf•PTia I. ._ -'i was taken sick • year age With bilious fever.' 'My doctor pronounced me cured, but I got sick again, with terrible pains in my beck and sides. and I got goo bad i Could not move ' I shrunk' From 228 lbs. to 120 ! I had been doctoring for my liver, but it did me no good. I did not expect to live more than three months. 1 began to use llop Bit- ters. Directly my appetite returned, my pains left me. my entire system seemed renewed as if bymagic, cud after using several/ bottles am not only as so.uni as • soe(rreirn, but weirh more than 1 did befoltk To Hop Bitten i owe my life.' R. FrrzpATIeICII. Dublin, June 6. 1881. How yo Orr Stet. -Expose yourself day and night ; eat too much without ex- ercise ; work tor. hard without rest :.int tow ail the time ; take all the vile nos- trums advertise&, and then yon will want to know how to gyri .ren, which is answer- ed in three words -Take Hop Bit- ten. 1 m lt. the history of raediein.s no preps ration has received such universal cum- mendatiou for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kid nay dimness, se Dr. Van Buren m Kinney Can. Its actu,a in thus diatreesing complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by J. Winn. !m A Canna tvu.-CbWree see .item fretful and i11 when Worms A. Is tae IAS DD sow's Worm Syrup latelly earn d --- Thew are Gelid Pari. The best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach, of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ters. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousnes Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiser, tonic or wild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the beet and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire agatiefaction or money refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. [4] Foothill llrsonos. 326 .AC1I3E8. THE URGEST IN THE MINION. SALESMEN WANTED To begin dock at once on Pall Bales. Steady employment at fixed salaries to all willing to work. ISM aad waled can hare Resat Wort tic Year Boni Good agents are earning from 110 to r5 W month and expenses. arTerms and outfit tree. Address: yr STONE it WELLINGTON, !ma>f Toronto. Oat. DANIEL GORDON, CABINETMAKER lAwn Lea Uudefla.ker, Has on hand now the LARD T STOCK of First - Class Furniture A full In the County, and as i now purchase for calk, will not be und,rvoM Ay any owe. 1 offer Tapestry Carpet Lounges, from f115a upwards. Trbatsota, good• from 15.50 up. Bew Beck Chaim, from 37fc. upand every. thing a ifaiis (kite propo rtbn. Pr THE QLD STAND Between the Peet OAA & Bank of )(metres CfODERICS_ Oat. lath. ial1L Ifl1 D. K. STRACHAN, PRAcYrICAL MACHINIST, Keeps on hand a supply of malerlal for the repairing of rowers and Realiers Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows and Agricultural Implements and Machinery Generally. ALL WORK THOROUGHLY DANE D. K. STRACHAN, GODERICH MACHINE SHP Gedertch. March rnh. I1L lain for the worths/ elate mead Mess. for pasta/re. ani we will mail M. remit a royal. valuable hex of leas 5 JM par geed& that win p11 yea la t s way n1 making mare wager In b few days taw yea 'ver tbeegbt posnible at any lesolnesa. N. e.pttal require& W. will Mart you. Yee.* work ail the thine er is spare time may. Tfe work Is aulverrwlb.daped in troll ysssmaA maws awe o plat se. y earn tree NF M *every eremite. may teat res b-----. wwe}e art./s Med elwill larit Miall abeam am M•yum� ata b. ire Orr rtaah!►" —1 ram line of all the Leading Patent bletlicinex always kept on hand (Physicians Proscriptions a'Soocialty.) GEORGE RHYNAs, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARES The Canadian Pacific Railway Co: LAND t-tEG-ULATIONS. The Company oder lands within the Railway Belt aloes tie mala Use. and in seethe Manitoba. at prices ranging frown) $2_50 PER. ACR321 upwards. with conditiors requiring cultivation. A rebate fee cultivation of from BLU M &Lae per arra. according to pour �M� _� tale land. allowed on certain conditions. The Compaey also otter leads wtthoat ee.� settlement or emanation. THE RESERVED SECTIONS alma the Main Ilse, der.. the odd numbered Sections edible one mile of the Railway, are sow 'sabred for male ow • ivaat.meoa terms. to parties prepared to undertake their Immediate cul- tivation. TERMS OF PAYMENT:-- Purebaeere may pay oneVlxtit in case. and the baleaoe in eve assail tasesime•ts, wftb la; tenet at SIX P1R CYX T. per annum. payable to advance. Parties purchasing withot.t condltioee of celttvatlon, w111 receive a Deed of Ceeveya.ee at time of porches.. it payment remade 1s fun. Payments may he made in LAND GRANT BONDS. which will be aeeeptd at tea Mr eaat premPast on fist: per value and accrued tneterst. neer bonds ma be obtained • ap- pitoattoa at tie Bank of Montreal. Moldiest • or at any of Its ageact s. FOR PRICES sad CONDITIONS OF HAUL sad an information with respect to tie iiia' einem of Lads, apply to JOHN H. McTATIIIH. Led Coninsim Baer Winnipeg. By order of ,ie Board. CHARL1S DRiNK WATER. tiecretary. -am FACTORY :---OPPOSITE COLBORNE MOTEL. 138n1OYJfNYN - J 0 144` Q0 0 MV Mn 1Y nN c43'20Q x f x� co Hp] a0* .3 A� u $ Ari Dciiuz is all P aper. Sow . as taw Tea wish see er two glee rocas at home. to see Patter'. rum peer He has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs BNwsHI[d seises. and at arteriole's thee very much inferrer goods. Coil sed see qc a •n the beet retests tows. and must keseld Tr Wst Spllg Bair Pts mill F&tlii AT IJUTI. ER'A:y p