HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-8-15, Page 1• • . r '$,' , eete ' • 17% • 4 E4 OT F331. c resee 141110Y-SLYTH YEAR. WHOLE NeMHER MA I GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1884. McOILLICD_P_DY BROS. Pratagingell t 111.30 A TZAR IN ADVANCE 11.11. Adver"....a" Tag* 1NEWS ABOUT HOME. Lad W. Lee. Speoliacies Lost Geo. litotesos. New nal Dress leurs4-4, C. Deffillliffi Drees Geode Tweeffil. Tont TOMOS. atesrmr. 821.40 Allan Armarreig. Omsk and Howsenisad Wanted - Mrs. Orinew. ftrues whale. phewe ei their frierou rep _ _ fed or salnegsd--deould call on 0. R. Robson. • 'A °biers annum ye. kakis,' soles An' faith he'll meat it." Dentistm who Iles ever? twilit. for diem this kind of IL D. Carey end L G. 1cPliillips,1 theta Wasen, of Detreit, an old-timeI system. James Mitchell followed in as A DELIGHTED VIEIrrOft. Mnnitobs legal gentleinee who had been I resident .1 timieneh, is in town renew. •..n.d speech. defending the spending vacation in °iamb, •isi4inif1 ing acquaintance. He likes the old town Christian women of Canna.* against the d Trlineol• lb I 11,11~1100•0 or seagull& relative* Axel friends, left by the United 1 yet. , vile attack made Upon them in a anti- lo a M. Timimaa. deariesissa. • Eutpue on Wednesday fur Winnipeg. i 8%114111er Estrisinos. -Capt. An- Scott Act paper. Rev. Dr. ire iii • very Wally J. Wilkinson, of the SeTteenas The inlayer has praele,,,e4 ,,,,.. wea„! drew.. the weli known swimmer mid i Isnot but unmistakeable temperance Times, who spent a pleasant week. hese im* et the attractions uf day, 2ath August, a pulthe hehday Gar i Id" "'eh, who is Mow InStrUctor lit , speech nailed his colors to the malt. recently, thus discourse', in a readable eee wi. . for the tow,. 01 eetaghae„ arre,,,m,,,,,,,te 1 switnitinig .1 the Dolphin club, of To- 1 Mrs. Campbell. wife of the peletter, in ster, el rent.,'. hexpreesea his willinss eneteSl North street ethodist church. in a v have bn madith the iT. Ita cheap excursion to bleehirtstli on that date workOver C. A. Nairn's grooery. verse t..I eiderieli with Inv number of modest yet vivorous address, put the The meanings were delightfully ...-i• . _ _ "launders k Son spent 3110 bushel., apples. 1\4 NICHOL/40N, LD.S. SCROBON sour and juicy. Also plums. pears. &.-., in season. Highest prior, cash paid. The cheap TA. Death& Ogee and redden...et. West est hu ouse nder the sun." Next door to the Street three deem elleew Hank of Musical. poet office. Ooderiels 1181 She People's Column. WANTED -A COOK, MUST BE A fixed 'amide's*. Also a housemaid. Apply to MRS. J. T. 0 tItHOW. OST. -PAIR OF GOLD SPECTA- 1-4 CLES, between Martin's. Hotel and k. Mc- herein's. Hayfield 'load. The finder will be rewarded by leaving them at Martin's Hotel. (.E0. 1101140N. Aug.111.114 ISS PARSONS WILL RECEIVE pupils en the Ilth Aug.. ItInt. Instrue. nee given an Eserlish. rudiments of manuc.aad head drawing. Terms ek:. per week. Forte. 21 lessons. $6. Needle work and la conversation with Madaase DePeudry • er 1 p. in. Young ladies es Mad this an es.. silent oppert amity ef improving their pro- nuneiation and retaining their knowledge of lei each. Terms ffic. per week. 1963- ly A package of the American Fruit Pressen- ing Powder and Liquid wall preserve 254 lbs. et Fruit, either with or without sugar for rears. No need to keep the fruit air tight. Jas. hawk, Agent. Felons naeves. -New when the winos' a reunited at the holidays. Low Dire to get • rzettedotogreplied. together with the old . Call on H. Hallows, the photo- grapher. sad get rates. The warm weather has set in at last and cooling drinks will now be the order of the dist . The choicest and hese brands of wines and liquors can be obtained at W. L. lioions, corner of Albion block. Tug FALL Ritow.-One or the event. of the year wall be the splendid toll show of 1sehi able clothing. as exhibited on their own its during the season. made up by T. dr A. Prid- ham. the stylish tailors. Leave your order early for fall clothing. John .1. Nagel going to sell luurdware ot all descriptions at lower rates thee ever. se he is bound to clear out his steck an.1 scut out the business. All persons indebted t• nes are re- quired tamp at mice and settle. either by emit C °TICE-THE STATt.' rrz oF ON- w •(••• • siren int* Court for collection. Call there list will shortly he matte out and -LI TALMO. 47 Viet IS". 'Ire mow "'Idol t'Ir fore and make arrangements and- save costs, see eppetite eves keen, MI my kind sari I his doh froin ten to fert and ire an claims of the l'ision before those present. ., _emirate those taking passage per the i exhibit...10 The boys will emir, per Rev. T. M. Campoell Veneered in • few hospitable entertainers know to their Oriente last Sunday, were Miss Ross , ;, , , ., ' I 'titled their expenses are paid, and being panted remarks, after which several sat ; the need respendod to the activity tewn, Mrs. Mcmttet, "leee''e• mt., meateurs, desire no other retnunerstion. ladies intimated their intention vi joining i t ot toe body, told all the world !mewed to Meyer. Nature, ; tie.. Item, town, rend , I This is a chence te draw • big crowd. the asseciation. Owing t. the lateness be as a might actually be were it sub - Messrs. Campbell and abler, .4 Sea - forth. I Pai-Eli A CkilltITABLE EXAM. ---We are of the hour the work .4 organization was jected to a ooldwater plunge and a vigor- . 1 1 m sa elm ,,, ,,tea pleased te lecni that Dr Alex. Hutchi. Peleneeedi There is a large field fur outs apple:anion of a roteih towel. True, .... or name. orr ei t"tts I I is•ii ii -11 ,,f 'Ir. Nlatthew Hutchiseti. of woman's work in this connection. the town lacks the bustle and life which e. irate from Clinteu, chanted with de- i • I the hitt mita, was successful at the Julie characterize St. Thomas, but the anti - sorting her child et the reilvetv !intent. i exa lll i ll stem .st Edinburgh, in taming a nagatresee Court news. dyspeptic atmosphere and a sound night's The affair canoe! considerable exciteraera, i sinhortelivin. ton. The trial will come eff 1 hie timeline -dam. Eerht c end i dates pre - high y creditable ekatnination for deu• Tuesday Aug. 13 non be any misery which may be or - sleep ahead to a certainty is atutpeneal Wm. Moans, ex -secret try et the Pro- ile.1C;usib$31"e•urniiKayin, tJheohlin IlLnecC.ne, A rchd. i seated themselves --four Ceitadians and easioned by a dearth of stir and anima - Jeer Old Ceuntrymen. The natives were tion. Thep:see possesses a .nost agree. hibitery Alliance of °uteri., was in town I Sinclair and John. tehanklin were charged on NVeartesday last, and gave an interest- 11 all plucked, while the Canadians patted by S. Platt with trespassing upon his able climate, as I have said, for during ing temperatice address in the North St. j with t1).'"4: ...°"lere. Alick heeding the c. Hui full title flaw is : A. Hutchi- :rounds on Sunday. Aug 10 Defend- the hottest days of July and Aueust. ceoling breezes from Lake Huron fan it Methodist church lecture room in the f"rl mita pleaded guilty, and were each fined to a neat delicious tenipemture, that 81.00 and costs or ten days in gaol. leaves the residenter nothing tie wish for Fines were paid. it. that (erection. The nights areaways o...I enough to enable tee to sleep e Ily beneath a fair quantity of bed - clothing. If I wished to revel in a sea- son idf Jut,. pr ni,nio• I know of $o other Vern that I would prefer to Huron's capi- eetelnenos la the "ice 'it the Cleric the evening. The directors of the 51.9ehanic's Insti- tute are ceiling in the books, and sus- spended the further issue until arrange- ments are mode in conformity with instructions recently received from the department. Geu. It. Johnston, of Canada Winch, Texas, an ad Gederich bey, who is now lamely engaged in sheep rousing in the Lone Star State, arrival in Gelerich on Saturday last, and will remain during the summer. son, M C. L R. C P. , L R. C. , L M. THE MILANZ4C STI-PENT.1 -The elm. cert given by those pestle inesiciees on Mondey evening, wider the Auspice. 1 the Mechanics Institute, wes IIMVelta. The venom' number. evinced cereful training, and were well received. The "31.cl:we Bird. so'o was raptureusly re- ceived, and the entire cencert was a satiefact. ry one. Tee Institute cleared John Shenkline was charged by Thos. Angus with assault at the Falls Reserve on Sunda Aug. 10. He pleaded guilty and was fined $1 and costs. MARINE NEWitl 1 as my business anmb lairs must t* settled up at 1'.nos Ooderich. to J ustiees of the Veoce. &ad tal,for none seams to possess its manifold .1 attractions. Here may be eajoyed all the pleasures of the gun and red in a most unusual deer...rite while partridge, snipe etc., are to he had in countless numbers scarcely three miles from town, the harbor stferJs a great variety of fishine, and every stream abounds with trout and furniehes ample scope for tee angler te test his skill. where entitled to same. IRA LEWIS. Clerk el the Peace. Office ot Clerk of the Peace. Goillarrich. Aug. nr. UM. 11166-2t IVOR SALE - A FEW Al LAND Rollers and Iron Harrows. will be sold cement Use Oodench Foundry. The Beatty Reaper sod all replete for toe Sams ran also he procured trout the Goderich Foundry,or on epplicetton by mail to H. SEE0MILLElt. GoderielL Ont. Iffie-tf once. jOilgt A. N•rini. Harry Clews has returned from Toron- to. Hon. Senator Vidal was in town on about $9 by the elite. Giuseppe Gies- cia and his gentlemanly company macre Wednesday last. many friends here by their courteous Aaron MeBrine, seiten 'el t.. sevith conduct. A dreice wai 1.1-.141 lfter the Mise Cooke is the guest of friend Mtss years in the Provinciel eeee'entiary for concert, and was lareely attended The Marks, Brucefield. stealing, was taken t t that pleo .. teas Students famishing the niece. which is Miss Aggie Humber is visiting re- week. He left on the "'I "'Le 111 said te have been the beet heard at any latives in Bewinanville. charre f Deputy Sheriff Reynehla and like gathering in Gederich. constable Yule. 311-• ble, swot A rim ...-.. a Selection, 25 cents. pieces. your own Lies met poet free on application to P W. C. PUGH, 478, Qt ens Sr. Wear, TORONTO, 'INT. PlIsms, Organs aad Musical instriunents. rzleaseeond-hand Poulos in drst-clasa or- ., seed prices for cads. 1163-1m EDWARD SHARMAN, 14 BRICKLAYER ASI) PLASTERER, EAST STREET. a 1, mai ready to do any work in his line at h moderate prices. BMWs' eiroelillite. Firebricks, sail ether material kept on bead Ear Dale. ti Onderiek. March ffill. WA WNW r. For Sale or to Let. i/RICK ClYFt11016-FOR SALE OR il LA to rent. Sitleitted os Cambridge street, tioderiele near Ib. R. It. station. It contains I r ght rooms and summer kitchen. Good wider Oa the preen • w An acre of land for a zaniest porpoises.... which is a good stable. %1 ouid be willing to rent the house. already eireticeed. Apply to E. D. CARE 1'. on the 11 oreineres. lall-tt a WARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT- J- That desirable farm. on lots 13 and lk t nth cen. of Colborne. ouseprustag 110 acres. lie being bush l: ....oared. the remainder and good pasture land. Deed frame boom% two 'coed barns, and 1 co acres of orchard. The tarns is well supplied with springs. as well fenced. In is the bank the river. Tisch** and mho on of c En a high stage of cultivation. I -Sacral beteg inser billowed aad ready for ball mowing. so leacres am the opposite side of the river. f la the township of Hullett. well adapted to Vesture. The harm is about two miles front 1 4 the thew velem of Manchester. and about right mall Mese Goderich. The farm implements. be - Meek, etc.. could bad bentgals by of fan.. at • purchaser I For further descaritation of My. terms. etc.. address E. D. CAREY. n, or sp- piy os the premises. 1161-tf I VOR SALE -FARM LOT NO. 102, j .1. Maitland conesesion.Ooderich to matalaing M acres, including 30 acres OtaligeZ ' hardwood timber. beech and maple. we mils nom Ooderlob. There is • le storey helot brick 2 i °use and kitchen. iiantainiag rooms whit pantry and cellar. There are two wells. 1 dupe rattle staid.. with root cellar. hay loft otter. Frame barn Welk horse stable tor 5 Lonna, with abed. There as t eon ot arse baring apple trees. Taus farm kale fret -clam order and good reptile. Ales out lot 5, oon. bosun 11. containing ID acres. with a sump sad orchard. Good gestute. Inquireca theisnle tees te CNA*. BLAKE. IFINK HOUSE FOR SALE -TEAT gee trews Mose ea Nolowet. sear - sew IL Patriare werel echOei, le ell'er- terms. 11 4... eight edireseetiegelos reeeemble large bed -rooms. besides parlors. dials/groom. librarr. kitchen, pastries. Mosses,cellars, Be. All thoroughly finished laskle. The property id afrad at a =roe. Apply to tie *weer F. 8 F.ATH oriel' Oat. 14.10411 VOR SALE UR TO RENT -THAT .1: valuable property. 'mew an the Milburn Exehaege Hotel. at t oreupied by Mr. Fred Horton, Is 0 reel for age or to rent. The hotel is nittutted on the gravel roads be- tween lioderieh and Port Albert. and God, • rich end Rly tit and does • song business. Perwession let Rept if requir- on of or sumer ed. Toms ressoaahis. For parecuars &pier to A. ALLZM Desk o P. 0. 111110,1m FAR FOR SALE -LOTS A AND _. . . . Miss Maud Start loui returned to emu, ter a visit to friends east. We are glad to learn .1 a unread im- cement in H. Spence's health. Mr. l'atriek Carrol, bite 41 Seaferth, , we regret to learn, seriously ill. Wrn. Swanson, of Chicago. has re - me.] to town on visit to his parents. Will. Macara. lawyer. .1 Winnipeg, ft for the Prairie City on Sunday last. Mrs. Harry Bolton. of Goeluh. spent few days in town last week visitinr re - Lives. Will Jessup, who had an attack 4 in- itiation of the lungs, a lawn/vine pidly. J. T. Garner, and Masterk Ed. and Tuesday morning Ian itieyer Herten, " 44' of Godench, receive -1 an invitee:on lean The Ezeter ferleiter says S Gibson. of the Galt Cellegiata Institute, mayor Herten, if St Thomas, asking son of Capt. Gibsen. of Godenoli. former- the presence of the eaportion of (;.,de- ly Usborne. is spending a few of his reel ait. the 0 leifeelowe. celebration t.. he holidays among ha nutneroue accquain. held in the letter place on Wednesday, tames in the vieinity." The members of the Goderich council Judge Tents. F. F Lewrenet ad were to be the guests .4 the city en the Neil Campbell left on Xenday to attend occasien. A special meeting of the town the meeting ef the Grand Lodge 1.0.0.F. council was hid on Tuesday afternoon, at Se Thomas, the two former as repro- but owing t.. the brief n 'nee, it was sentatives from Herm Lodge sue the found that the larger portion of the latter froin Huron Encampment. muneil ceuld not attend, and it was do- t'?" Wednesday last, while Mrs. Searle, teratinel that the visit of our towu fath- et Clinton, was visiting her dauehter. erg to Se. Thorium should be deferred to. Mrs. S. Davis, she slipped and put the another eocasion. The mayor was joint of one knee out of place. Before recesested earespend with the mayor medical aid arrived the other ladies pres- of St. Thema, to that effect. eat had reduced the dislocation. harlie, are speeding their holidays at nem. er Isterest re sbe Niels eke rum Doe beep. The Quebec lamed down. The Ocoee, passed up yesterday. The Si. Maimus passed up on Satur- day. The United Empire and Sovereign pursed up on Wednesday morning. Goderich occupies, eteloutitedly. one The Ariel arrived from Port Frank on of the meet charming spots that could be Wednesday, with lumber for Williams & selected for • city, for, so faraslatidscape M urray. The Jane McLeod, arrived en Wei- please the eye. The pace was laid out is concerned. nothing is absent that coed mislay. from Oswego, with hard coal for by the Canada Company, end its broad streets. 99 feet in width, are in striaing the biz mill. contrast t.. the narrow avenues which Kt. Themes Wrests. The court house, with a very neat ••breathing spot- surround- ing at stands in the centre of what is singularly enough known as "the square,- while the business houses are gn.uped about it in &circle, like chick- ens about the mother hen. But it is net in the streets aluue that Oodench contrasts se favorably with St. Thomas. Its attractions are varied. The "touch ,4 the beekwoada" which is to he seen in the Railway City in the unsightly and disgraceful features of o'er streets, has been got rid of in Huron's capital. Mud unkn.ern. It possesses beautiful lake view park, which in time wall be made one of the finest' in the province, itrid the riches that have liown te the doors of the wealthier citizens have in part been employed to glorify and adorn their residences. The result is seem of beautiful houses, delightful gardens, elegant streets, -all supplemented by stbaolute cleanliness and superb order. IDS4PIT A RLE That its public men are hospitable wes shown on the occasion of the excursion from this city on the 31st. Nothing pas left undone ti, please the waiters. The eunueil expended several score of dollars in providing • banquet in the town hall, expecting that the Board of Aldermen would be present in a body, and al- though sumo disappointment was occa- sioned by se few of the civic Selena put- ting in an appearance, their entertain- ers, headed by mayor Horton and reeve Johnston, did not allow this to mar the enjoyment of the party. I ran, with all candor, inform these who failed to visit Godench that a mere whole -seeded lot of men do not exist. Tilt SALT wsee. art the principal industry of the tome In 1814; in boring for oil a deposit of rook salt was struck at it depth of about 910 feet, tined the twine was remarkably Asa and of groat purity. The manufacture of salt was commenced immediately, and developed rapidly, until now the produc- tion amounts te several minima of bush- els minimally, affording the principal source of supply for Canada, sad .lso furnishing a large amount for export to the United States. The excessive duty imposed by the Americus Government, however, militates aiming* say very = tensive trade. Were this removed mAnufacture would receive a tremendous boom in Canada, as ..n amount of dos strength and purity of the brines, salt le even now produced and sold at a prim which after adding the duty enables the Goderich manufacturers t.. compete with those .1 the. middle awl We.t.em titates. Canada was fermerly erincipally supplied frees England aml the Stet.. re New Teri:. The number .1 4 :den. .4 twists required to the bushel ef •ilt us 72 tit tioderieh. the brine heifer nehm here than elsewhere to America. tiegitseet, be "teughs ' and tresspassers eenerally. Mich., renting mixt wah lat elfolheie Mr. C. Seeger, who is camping out at letter 1 may give a doscription ei: the tdhany,4111anind hbncibinehrtein thbne• ittresbrrenseith"nrs"fonr 11.8an- P"M'ener 1.1'4(7Dotrinfl7;".erre omer merchant fur Richard Certitri- ethehas placel the rich. and I Moil the plewrire .1 nenewiret of the C.tv. is in business es (1.4. - Sin eveseiTrifive dollars at the ; an ioeerainistiesehip with the MeGiRi- phovezeapher, two °ogees of capital W C. T . -.1 meeting te reorganize meal of the directors of the C,rnnty te- Tem and Dan -with whose 1 pictures of the Defferin Rifles en the the Women's Christian Temperance Agrieultnral Seciety ter special PrIses ! worked at the ease g..tit• fiftemi anarch tiering their recent trip to (lode- 1;fline was held nn Tomas, evening in et the Fall Fair in Meaforth. ago. "when w« were boy. toritall.1 rich. The pictures were taken by the the Temperance Hall. H. Hale occupied W. F Scott, Breese's, hat received ; They ere view poblethine Torn Smith theetheir. T McGillieeddy spoke upon the gold medal won at the athlete MIMS. ono ot the hrightere and newsiest exenntlinseettneranThisPfirstr"cninia.thnne dmanrrsch en( woritane ehowee hew the at Vieshrerten, An July I2th. It ie •1 in Heron. battalion by eompanim in &simian aninnd liquor tragic affected her dearest interests. I very handsome one end is well worth T Perry.fervaerly. nf St. The the square. Ne I en Of tbe nrd bringing and unlade an appeal for her ale in the I wearing the the tin is W alketten. Jely, is °Melanis as tom up tbs rear and the seemed is the present eon. JIM,: Raeh. 0. Joner, M. D.. 1 Igoe teat, and on the fie. of the 'modal tween Gederich BetTalo. " me" Dui/mina insrehing down Montreal St. curate Of Mt. emerge • ehureft, whe for er, 1'o, maple Neese RIM • 1 n run now • bernedict, and it was at his hose& to mho leeveme rewinds to the aftAPT110011. sanift.undrearoomoota jffsetenaaeicerlh.inaerlmocinein. antadeims.pia. tishaingg *abet. utenoime.wingThe-beeksv. orf. ahle residenee that I awl* 11,111, miarters. Fle still loves a game of le edfifttyromeraima; .48sithincephothioempawiezereperenthtesh; Brantford .hattalion. wheat eleaLear sncloteffectsAsowirs styoule,tehasowbevielmathe stelrftsaird.imme,igs Maimistvornagum jam jpomp., let hop, roses. and hes hem captain of the for Isam for th• pest two elegolle. ',t4t4Irir7 1/77"*-- • '',102111ffirdsliia A school of perch came into the harbor on Tuesday, and for a day or two anglers were busy- pulling out the tinny prizes. A SUNDAY ROW. mare ram. suit Dee Maitland Fall. and Coale 1s airier. On Sunday afternoon f.,ur young men t. named John Shenklin, Angus McKay, John McCue and Arrh. Sinclair, drove out to the !idealism,. Falls, taking a small kez of beer with them, determinel to paint that peaceful spot a moat decided red. After copious draughts of beer, the three last named went for a bathe, leav- ing' Shenklin on the hank with the horses and waggon. In driving down a hill the leirses became unhitched, and the 'raven was pitched to the bottom of the small hollow. This so exasperated Shenklin, that ho began to kick ever a few boards on which had been placed some crockery, owned by Thos. Angus. who, with his family. was camping out on Mr. Platta beautiful "Reserve.' Angus kindly expostulated with the irate kicker, and received a blow in the face from Shenklin. There was a rapid strike out from the shoulder on the part ot the ether, and hi. assailant rolled down the hill to join his waggon. He got up, and again advanced upon Angus, but a -sockdologer behind the cin and jell' under theft -Jr again brought him to the earth. & Co.. state that their books will show Class certificates -D. N. Kerr, A ; NellieBy this time his friends had arrived, Tighe. A; C. Cameron, A; A. Irwbribt4 from May 1883 May1 an increase . of $2.200 over any six In 484 and she l f ye., pm, jou% r exp ana tons by Mr. Angus and R. Seaburn, B. The intermediate under i,cense. Mr. A. ef. Thompson others present, the party hitched up has not yet been published. ``. states his book will show an increase ! their rig, and left for town. Dr. McLean and his three sons gnu from May 1883 to May 1884 of $3,7114 In a short time Shenklin returned to the bicycle family of the province. All over any previous year The following camp, and seta for Mr. Angus t.. "beg are good ridere. Ginger, the youngest he„ el,„ come „,,,r „r „heet.eation.. paraon" for peat trouble. The latter . Mr. Hellinrake. men:feint ia Mips, came out of the tent to shake hands with boy, a lad about twelve years. coming well up iu speed told general etelinlc Gaye "Ha business ha% nemeses' teem the offender, when Shenklin treacherous - powers. "Orme' has a neat regulation year. mid the liaZ•eiSSe Illd year fa Moe. ly dealt him a blow on the forehead with suit. and leeks well in the Proessiion• than cow.. 1111. Henderson, tether a heavy knobbed stick. Attain Angus Mr. Drumm. stmient .4 Knox *Amish, see erooser in %host. says he beset." struck out, and sent the cowardly fellow who will assist Dr. Ure during the has increessel 14 par cent under the to grass, and his boon companions corn - Printed envelopes and letter heads summer months, has entered upea his Act ing up in a menacing rnatiner,a fight was imminent between them and shme friends have a business look about them. They I work. Mr. Drurnin was at one time • tr e it e Fillt.tr3 lidrill. 1754t. -Messrs. Spies :pia Comte. -1 tenets, who were of Mr. Angus who were present. amit but little and saes valuable time. i oompesiter, and his experience en the Imre year order at this oce. 1 cane will be ''r effimild'"ible "list' charged with refusing accommodation to Mr. Mem Platt, owner .1 the property, parties Attending the Scott Act conven- who had been apprised of the drunken Elijah Martin, while pitching limits a to him in the sacred calling. Fie is well revel, appeared on the ne with a club, few days ago, strained one of the tondo= and the quartette of reughs were turned erf his left leg. He is quite lame, and summarily off the pnimerty. will Ise crippled for a few weeks. Mr. Shenklin looked • badly need tip The members of cemethoderich No 32 man as he beat a retreat. will meet this Friday evening to Mr. Angus. who is • local prewheir, about going to Clinton to attenrntraire after he was assatilted turned the boys' sermon to Foresters on Sunday next. picnic int . a surprise party. He deserves 6. est eon -es.Ion. township ofe c . The mineral water spring strock at the the thank, .4 every coed citizen for his twe beautiful fattens etifoining. enetaining In Harbor milks salt works tit steadily run- pluck and prentrenees. ning, and is of excellent steamy. It is On Tuesday Shenklin was breught ta- te De acres; shout 2f mile, frum Ooderich 00 . Lake Hnron : well watered. A. M. SMIVII. London. Ont. mixer a popular drink, and is as cheep as it is fore the Mayer and tined $4.75 fer as- whi.leseme. sault and $1 f..r. trespass. Ili. three QTORE TO RENT OR SELL -RE. companions were each timid $1 for trea- t...) fence earner of good grarel road, Howe. Runeiman Ilnua are now t Lshing out It elbrise, in rood repair. liters SKIL with and shipping the machinery of the page. More morn wood shed. dabir and i acre awl. This ought to be it weenie,/ te wealth p..). *tie .6%ii .511. "'sr.% ....y. Arsor to Hetteell mills- These eoterPc'eton 7"unll e sea side. A copartnership has been formed be - Mrs. Hawley, wife of the late 'Wu. tween Niagara. D C. Strachan and J. D. Luttrell for the nianufacture of cigars in . Hawley, is spending a tew weekhan ni: almet Goderich. efise Eva Ferrari, of Clinton, is spend- ag a few dart in town. She is seam t Hon. A. Rem*. Miss Minnie Adams, of Too, is king it. the beauties of our town, the est of Aieck maunders. C. A. Humber is making a shipment f • horse power and separator stud 25 iiinst1 plows to Muskoka. On Tuesday last there was a picnic rent Clinton to Gederich, under the CRISS? TRAVILLINo. -Yesterday H. Armstrong, agent of the Allan line, re- ceived a telegrsan instructing him to make the stee e rate from Goderich to Giodeneh. The neer firin in now turn- Len.deudetry, verpool and Glaseow ing out an excellent brand of cigars, and *21.40. The first sad second cabin rates destinued to further extend its already have also been reduced. Now for a cheap business. trip to tits old sod. The excellent time rhit Noble. of Kingsltridg«, who !MO 1117 Ow six issil steamers of the Allen liue this season is almoat marvel- atte suicide last week,Bas brotight t.; gaol n Monday. He is about fifty ou% when compare with travel 20 years awe and seetes well for Canadian rade.. years of .*ge. He will shortly he „thetal. ly examined as to his sanity. He has al- try and enerey. Buy your railvtay, most entirelyeecoyered from the effects steamship avid aczident tickets from Harry Arrustreng, ticket agenteloderich, of hts stranguletion. who will furnish you with all information A Bit FISII.--Mrs. M. 0. Cameron an to best and cheapest routes to all on Thursday of laM week caught a large points. Accident insurance a specialty. uspioes of the Episcopalian church. bass ehielt weighed five and one-half The kazoo is still very popular in town I pounds, while tithing on the river down with those who toot it. Geo. Shep- 1 at the "Black Hole. ' This is not an rd sold out his first instalment in three ordinary fish story ; it's a egad fact. We ys. 1 saw. the fish ourselves. A tramp named Charles Prescott was The following candidate' wr°te at rought before the Mayor on Monday, Goderich, and passed the reeent non- ut on promising to leave town he was professional Examinations for Second - 'schemed. Monday last was Sesforth's civic holl- y, and a targe excursion from that ern made Goderich rendezous on hat °cession. Frank Adams and bride, of Toronto, are spending part of their honeymoon in our city hy the sea. They ars the guests 04 Aleck Saunders. McLean Bres..1 Ooderieh shipped 42 head .1 catt!e from Clinton statton ..0 rriday. ?be preen** week they shipped a much larger number. spoken of as • student. Cintir Ex.-* -An eientil, to Griateby (ante will be run on Friday next, August 22nd. The tickets have been placed at the low rate of $1.75, ges hoWl keepers will be more careful in and are good for return on day of MOW, future how they refuse the public accent - Saturday or Monday. Dr. Talmage is mo latent. to preach on Fridify, and the general Capt. 8. W. Andrews, for may years attractions .1 the camp grounds are command of the old G. W. R. transfer many. For particulars me posters. steamer Saginaw, died at Port Harem CtLelle kTIRO A Biern. -The wife of lest Monday mornine, of onneemptien, the Methodist missionary at Victoria. after a long and painful ;linens. He N. W. T., Rev. J. A. McLachlan, ,a 1 firm went nn the lakes as wheelsman at daughter of our townsman, D. GorIone I the we of 11 years, and foilowee recently presented her husband with •Iin various capeeitim up to captain until daughter. A short time after the news the Greet Western Railway ferry spread. • party el half-breeds. some , Saginaw was built in 1872 when he took thirty in number, assembled. and fired a commend of her, holding the position salute from their rifles over the house where the new COMM* had arrived. That's a way they have up there. We have received from It Sallee's, St:orr A. AND Besieges -A gentle- man living 0* the city of Toronto, who was in town recently, received the following statement from a business man in the county Hakim, showing that the Scott Act has greatly benefited businese :-Messre. McLeod, Anderson tion held recently at Feelers, were clear- ed hecause neither they nor their direct agents refueed aceommodatien. They had a narrow escape, however, and Fee R. T. H A 'V N Shoppardson. teen are making reputation for HEPPARDTON FARM TO RFT thm.°6911 wnek. OR RF.1.1.. 110 acres, en acres cleared tad free of *wimps , all well Temsed ; two V, elle good barn and shed and other Milletinim. in- cluding hrick cottage Its* with eedier fell Mil OP of lemose. • splendid orchard . large creek rens scree, the lot. Terms easy Apply en mvieutses. Lot It !Ake shore nowt, township et Catheter. R. T. HAYNES. theppardssa. Mareh Inth. 1164. 5616. '4 ACRE LOT IN ASRPIILD FOR o PI, RALE OnnnKIX all sere. eleer- od. Wane^ nom hareleood. A good orchard aniline house ileitis slope to a .reek running ocean 0. 1.4. anel are reedy &Weed. Teeing • iNrck itor T. H AYXK. lihemeardtme -_-_ • Thos Town was sward.* tbe soistram retenlding the truant to the .buts'..* „J fig the north end .4 the bridge over the Maitland at Itressals His leader fret everything vras $111. There will be no service today. M St. Petrof.11 (POW nt the Assumption of the ). V. M., Father Lots haring to attend the funeral of the late Mies Winifred Flynn, orf Hallett. Mies May Cooper, after a few weeks visit to her relative*. Mr. and Mrs. Grant, lett for her home. Brussels, cm Platerflay seemnpanied by Mist Marion sad Master John Great. Condoetor Higgins has been laid up for shoot throe weeks by a *awl atm& of inflammatory rheumatism. Dining his illness he lost his little eon by death. Mush symosthy is expreseen for him is his allietion. We hope t o hoar of the early monetary of Mr Higgins, wits is a porde: eoedeotor sad $ good oit*a. until July. lien. when he was compelled to resign through failing healte. Com sumption was the deems* from which he suffered Sarnia Observer.