HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-8-8, Page 7emeileases law eta IOW Lae.
The following se • brt.Ay put compile
tiun of the natio feature u the law goy -
srsine ordinary humans. trsssacn,.nw.
We lire Convitxed it will he of mos Io our
It a note is lad or stolen, it does sot
Woes* the .raker ; lie oust pay it if the
ewnatderstluo fur which it was given and
the account can iia proven.
Principals are responsible for the sate
of their ag into.
Each nadir ideal an • partnership is to
geonsibie for the whole amount of the
debts of the tire, except In awe of spe-
cial partuersh'p•
The law compels toe one to do *atporai-
As sgteement without a tr..,aidets•iuo
is void.
A note nude un Sunday is void.
Contracts Made on Sunday annot be
A nuts by s minor is void.
A conger' mash) with a •boor is void.
A contract made with • lunatic is void.
A note obtained by fraud, or from a
person an the state et intoxication, am -
not be collected.
It is a fraud to conceal • fraud
Signatures made with a lead pencil are
grad in law.
A receipt for money is out always con-
The acts of one partner bind all the
'Value received' is usually written in $
note, and should be, but is not ueces-
pry. If not written it is presumed by
the law, or may be supplied by proof.
The maker of an 'accommodation' bill
or note(one for which he hY reoeivd no
consideration. having lent his name or
credit for the accommodation of the
holder. is not bound to the person secom-
gaodated, but is bound to all other par-
ties, precisely Y if there was a good cOn-
No considentir•n la sufficient in law if
it be illegal in its nature.f:
'Checks or drafts meat be presenter) for
Millis saws On 6M ceaaeer
I have already talked about the eti-
quette of vwnug. Au ubserteaoe of the
rides u especially useemail2wlwu -ata;-
sag In • farmer's house during the suai-
mer months. It as • busy true, and any-
nything which breaks In upeu the ordinary
beinekald •mauve:seats is •gni/yeas
burden, L'ulike city borers where the
income is but moderate, those country
houses arc rarely supplied with servants,
end the added labor must tall upon the
weary housewife. Not to come to the
mooning wool, even it it is at what • 'oto
an uuuotiscegiable Nrly hour, meso the
getting of another •erre by your hostess
Tu keep your emelt to dir•rler, to scat-
ter your bslouitnga over Ibis limas' where
they love no business to b.+,.ato leave
dotes ati w indotas .,pee je l ich are de-
sired 1.o bo shut, to act Y,,n the plane
wee merely • convenience and nmtbiug
else, all thews tbiuga am boorish in the
extrema and yet are not untrequeut.
Another way in which city visitors to
the country wmetime• make themselves
offensive is in showing off their superior
familiarity with the world, •ting; their
(iuery iu order to atuuw spry, sed find-
ing fat:tanser. (`taut; u words with
t -lou •rrangeIaent :of the ever -day
living. They do not stop to think that
if they do not like all these things they
are at liberty to leave and return to
their own horns• at any moment. In
fact not a few neem to imagine that they
are doing their country cousins an honor
by visiting them daring these aweltrinv
days, when they are seeking relief from
the stilling airs tot their city homes.
Of course all who visit country feria
houses in the summer time are not so
thoughtless and selfish, but few realize
how easy it is to make their stays pain
rather than a pleasure to their entertain-
ers. They forgot that one additional
rare is a.metimes an overwhelming bur-
den to • wearied b.dy, end that it is
ibis to order such 1..mes during
reset°• Roofs.
Pomade as Ureal
rat- got
( wawa W
each ssaw fee O
Yaasoy orders sed w al leets, Ben'
esist anad,\one stas... Orval a.
Prleoe ILA*
based. Newfsaadlaad and is -
a hrposlu r.ns/ved cedar the resalaUeas ei
west allot saw knot hank leg 5 res the hears
lettersp.mitegistorust be posted 15tatntates'
bsdtrs the dem ut each meta.
Oso° boon 0 mat. to 010 u.iu., Sunday• es-
amass'- 'UST aa, a.
haring he, d,nitted late the Pee -
U m
l.... .rrsageeat ut gotta
ram e,d� aa fe11•w• k. Iceland.
Fa Austria. Itelct,tm. Deanna' . Iceland.
tempt. frsuce. Algeria. Omwaal•
Ureat> e
Montenegro. %ethortatul. Nor-
way. Persia. Portugal. Acores• Roumania.
Rustle. rt. Pierre, tier. tae Spain. the (anar7
Womb, Sweden. awiteoristnl and Turkel.
And eta united Agates: Mermaotr. Itaha•t•4
Cubs. Walsh (*ideate* a
` bs.Walsh(*ideate*a St.lhouar.?ti .John,
isL riots. Jatrtak-s. Japan. •u4 Porto ltuso.
but he purtel r e now Pa
the romal
before,. Letters
6ct t he ptnsta rates Panel ants : sante each.
O teats per t t tare• ltrgistra-
Newrleapen 1 vents fur 1 ounces'.
lieu fee 5 cents.Ilse C t�tnttou. Mraafl
Far Aden, Argon (irecalaasl. French
Colonies lin Asia Ceylon. Oceanic* mud Amer-
ica. es s In Asia. erreAfriand Miquelon. Penta.
riaxxppaappt G .Pre oaoonirs its Asda.
i'efstseOulf.I'ortultmd ( Spanish Colonies
.lfrloa. chatter. Trin''.ddwa
st,y end t ober ata, except t' eta
►a Para.tlota
tad t Permag� Straits ei' Letters in per
es. Books, inc.. Le. tor I or. tither regtsira-
fees • ladleest Islands via t1a11fax• sante rate Y
formerly. Prepayment by stamp 1n all eases.
toilaet,!. anti
D1 QuscQueenslandatsad •. Letters
New /tooth Walt*. A1p tetters :c.. papers
4 1ent•" New South Wale*. Victoria.
Leiters lir•.. papers le.
t�New Ze. I.es via Pau t'raneiscu: - Letter
-!yew 'lealaad.
M. hr.. papers
"I am toning up the system," remark-
ed a first tenor, as he humped C.
and made a wild effort to reach high
payment without unreasonable dela) •i
Checksordrafts should he presented I impose is
Y cholas m the csty
during beanie's hours. but in this stun- the busy season it is better to take the
try, exce;•t in the case of hanks, the I are ordered.
time exteuds through the day and even- 1 summer rest and recreationade elsewhere
tad leave such visits V tk harrestiag •
ie over and the labourers
Field told Ga�de�� Seed.
If the drawer 01 a check or draft has
changed Ins residence, the holder find
use doe or rrnsouabte diligence
to him.
- If one who holds a check Y payee or
,•therwise transfers it to another. he has
a richt to insist that the check he pre-
sented that day. .,r. at farthest, esu the
day fallow Mak. O=�
A too.- endorsed in blank the n*.ne d
the and. ewer only wntten is transferee -
We by delivery, the asme as it stole
able t•. hearer.
s to
re in the
fsmhavety w,notll partr be anburden,but a wel-
come addition. c)( vision, you under-
stand, and noI am speakingu into
t of burden who 4
the country 1,.r a change and intend to
pay for the keeping. Such have a right
to expect and to demand moreo0nsiders-
tinn. And yet they often make them-
srlc." :ri.•1ously offennr* in a way that
most:* eau hardy rentor a c nip{ r hurttion
ingThere is never • necessity
the fe.•:in.re of others under any
eircumatanoes, and the true lady and
The subscriber is now prepared'
to furnish all kinds of Field and
Garden Seeds of the
at rate's that cannot be beaten in
Call and examine samples be-
fore purchasing elsewhere.
If the tine ••f payment of a note is I yentlrnoap will never du w• sty
pot Marred,ais held payab'r on de- ! not ammo.. that the payment of t certain
n Ler of dol:ar* each week or nntnth
civ. • tb.nt the right t.. any rude lale
cutti' things, or .I.• newness 1.
T1s ditto.'. however. are cod all up on
two. .1111. J
F.vervtruly has certain rights
East Street Grain Depot, Opposite
Town Hall, Goderich.
March 10th. 1414. ISR
The tinge of payment of a neje inust
not deoend upon a contingency. e
promise must he aboolute.
A bit may he "Ritter upon any (aper• whish aril to i,r r,.rltratrd, an
pencil. r enbstntlrle for it, either with int or mer 1-isit..rs and tr•%rder. in country
pfarm ),moans have theirs, which are some -
The ,.aces should be distinctly named -times infrner.l up.n, but truth a.onprla
bear the admission that the of(wtce is of
ul.m the other aide. -{T + letio Blade.
The O'ritario Mutual
M/1%1106 earSI IT. siens.see ee•
The only purely Mulches ofIn Cu. i n I'amidke. e.
Tota number
tie13. , 241. cowering assnr•uce to the amount
of $1,572.,7 19.00.
TOTAL A*sET%. 1y533,te6.ee
TOTAL tF+►O:OWC. t1M•••K.M
in the • •ate, unless it is pay
An indorser has • right
against all whose names were „
when be received it.
1f the letter containing • protest of
nonpayment be put into the poduffice,
any miscarriage does atfect'lthe party
giving notice.
Notice of protest may be seat either
• to place of bnsinet s or redid° es+ .(,f the
pa_rtt? oti6ed.
The bolder of a note may give notice
of protest *Blase to all the previous in-
dorsers, or only to one of them ; in dues
of the latter he must select the Wt
sea, and the last mast give encase o the
bet before him, and so on. tech indor-
ser const send notice the same day or
the day following- Neither ftanday nett
toga holidays is to be counted in reckon-
ing the time in which notice is to he
fitment el'•uee for not giving notice a I
vers are mustard plaster is now called in,
1f t7 I „r more note
Y partners
is brought, and find
toion y f liable on • node en bill,due notice 1 that the battle islnot always to the strong
to one of them is sis tra nt. \ Be wird-oy somebody thinks of hot-water
Y seem � liths for the head, and the son goes
If • rote or bill w ant o1 $ eziu
riety or eche d t revives
of a pre down. and re Roostaway into the pies
sant land of Noor, and waken without Soo
Mpg drht, the dept revivM if the ball "r mueh Y remembering that we hats had
It is almost worth while to have
The peadarhe.
The h.eoiech? is such a universe ache
that we a re all disposed. so the intervals
.rt its aheenoe to ,make light r'( it
we feel I.ettectlt Ire° from its assaults
we cherish the belief that it is a chimera,
that we 'nigh keep it otarm's the
iht *1
we did not wetkte give up
early to the day ; bot when in reins
inopportune motie-nt it bermes .1011' apdiffer t
upon use.
es'air. and no :Wean antagonist. At first
we think, perhaps, that it is only tem -
votary ; tt will pass ..tf after breakfast.
We take a little coffee and • quinine p'I1
to tone up the systeme u still rns-,
still hilts its gr•nitd, a
chine : by this time we are ready t.. try
a little lemon juicy, • little whiskey, a
.eidlitz powder, some champagne, Sons
boiling water ; we are advised to eat a
little dinner -there s a hunisry headache
we are told. We eat, slid are convinced
that ours is net s hungry headache. The
The loss of a bill or rote is not sof-
s0"Ori.l's. itt.7sI.M
The Company's Reserves are bawd on the
Act cries' Table of ydoruiitl, and four per
cent. interest -the Highest Standard adopted
by my lits company in Canada. and one-halff
per mat. higher than the standard used l
ihwninton Insurance Department.
The Itm•eaeing popularity and rapid growth
of the Company' may be seen fns. the fact
tl.at in Mo. tl.. rtst year of Oasiness. tar
tosal assets sem wed to only- 16.110. coral of
rear ,lire reached alae handaone
�� -Igo •n
WK. HENDRY. Karmeer.
W. r. Ho1)G1! . Re,,er:"l nAgen fit.
MIAs entire 554 veli' " District Agent
moiled irnerall-\�*e Stratfodi7
dirVnt.et to Loan a: Low iter• s tet Interest.
May nod. um1.
inia• llti MIT TO
Aloe• 1 seers t•.li a •utetws •:41•0i. elan o
ln. Cereus s
other Mineral.•unpc•ewa
$(,. ,itch 11nt•e:• is purei5ueee1'tis and
' land
take* the place of all
In tante ba.t ilea at Meant. in
1Ntit•l:ANCL CAKU-
( U' 1. Tuan see- ptattllshe d
Wtl'1'i�tt Afld. Rt�Vk�,
tA."t'irY • of Limper.PII/C I d INS.
wain -rose tN„• COY, attM' V"t' t'sas.
Fjtablisbed 1W' are% mai mdse. •
Olek la tate ahoer t\.
bear wanes. to the poet- ' t►e (oa 'rssates t•7 urger Noier0 the
Thousands d is aeu A prreii if t u
We c.:ratiee powers of the (Jetta* Ota- 1►e eneMr.tes• p tlpr lldt;(t
Pan tovruus$Tos, the only remedy that CANADA PER. WA Ise* Mesial• roe*
o y "sa-
has proved itself • r
specific for impend lleaeto l eau oa s is ACICe
debuhty, setnwal w ness, Moistener, : to 1 per ('eat. ham,
etc. , and all diseases that arise from self- Osdet ► assn•• is teff.
abuse or overtaxed brain, aurally ending _ -- _
in cotuuu.ptt.yb, iva•rtrty stud a piouts •
tore grave S..Id by all armorials. •'r
will be sent free on leeeipt .•t $I x10 per
IMx rsextextsfor$tri. AddreuF.J
CMgltct Toledo tlhio., ode •,est for
the Potted States. Send for eire•jtar
ThonsanA•of grab
sr. suuttaUy�
.t their, tttinr.11ve•
i •-• •lot used ....avidness
.0«1 health restored
or of 114. great
toe •t) -,--
hit h 1.0.0 n sly •"t permanent 7 cur •MO-
ereev of any kindi
and testimonials of genUttie curer (tr.,
fad lJ odencb ;1.0siellp a
_. ,c,�uenrr n . e ,rpilu e.
I,oibl lid, & �T I. ms 01 manor) • t;*iur.. prema-
to eXreve all kind and r. act ua ret . wan in the tin and
man) Mb, * dla,.. pr c
tura .d^ age• tine and a s tha-
CV retrieve all kinds of M.•r:u►• t• wrsnit� ur•'0wump
aptiaa• sr, a toast ) end ill dtwraw. ol.rt fu
deme,, ., tteeksw v 1f \but+' as loss of en-
. Winn Slut r loin 4. unit . h ( reined v riot • k i t ueM ut that
1 head to sure gr•" e' a with lesa{nu,nlsl+ lira 67
al. dead for circular,. Tse i. „nod wt 11 per
t LIA iM'lmpl a Tr mail. 1..14"',/,‘'tit+lar,. wt . ,i , Ut•, p
Mr. M. ti Allik•n, Hutchinson, ken t bull. nrs ce•n�'rnt.`et!,aurrl ns.•al,d• s•
peed has Pic dy a simple Trial Bottle of Send
be °ansa torr 01!) .1 ry wino
j,iettiorery, for tun• receiy of roti J,l'HBNr•\• P•is►C.ikdo. Ohio
Dr. ii inks sew
gumption, %%Loh caused him to pr•cnre ' 187 riuoi,nls
a large bottle. thatcotupletely cured hint, Oto.. Devi(
evi(At:ent cur Ooderlch
when I),.ctort, change of dlwste and ,
ecen'thin; raw haaT tailed. .1stl.rna. 'son
11,4i-series,.11,4i-series,.Severe Coughs,
and all Thtotat and Lung disease*, it is
'guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J.
W fa'n's drug storeI,•ryte rise $1. (I).
1,6•81.•5reatM61 he look
„o; (,,r • haoa'•r,d u,. note hes
t!,. -t earning•. ' who doe.
c ,tar w • .blip :those
no mproce their opparetam
.•e oerr • pea
Ilk. retrain In tour l• We , want men• Ira_ - - epkiur to make marc)'. for us n` the..
to Murk
trice. be) a and girls
♦ t,'IsraA.•Mr [+ear• ..sen lu,-rl:ucs. An> nue condo the i. ark N1i1
business o f Tuta►hauu•wk. gest) front the fir6`11 IOW start. ord!rail ' • _'^ Es•
N.. tiles A. 1J lie}.' Art mon than t''a dtr.r N.•a,.e who en•
atboted for SIX stars stt(t : •
ova •
I the ikst l•hyseimas could sive uo relief.
1 Her life Sas despaired 14, un
tictouar no. procured a bottle of Dr.
New Discovery, when iu tordi-tr
Y ADDRESS 1 va Bronchitis (luting which time
E til in
p.• loo. outnt (um,. 1 • You ata
nage' tall• to take money r, t utk, „r t'
germ, ).aur «Lott• tisut• 1.•y„tt•a or sr +
nee- spare motatenn*. run t +u, ,attar
al .hal 1* neeeesarp : �a
w„ .f• (0 1-ertlrud. • •alnr-
my s _•r • q a
relict Mas :a:•, and by continuing tt+ use r 'Al !� 1) ".'�aS •
ed, twitting in thell 50 lbs. in a few
! Free Trial Betties of this certain cure
I of all Throat and Lung Diseases at JY.
I Wilt...it's 1►rug Store. Large Bottles i The; are V Ir•
,111.001 4) on*r ..t2 gt 1
�....� � Dr,.Lt f.I . Its w err 01 Ci. i�t(n �+'prt d t �t, T l bJ
gg;g tai. rte ! , • .. •o• h l..• 1,, :. = a drip .lakes.
JONN (. t► I PT Yt l'(1•• ,I:.onto, trot. [rte
i .: *: a lintterC'.t o ' *uffe,wil ihaatlX. t r1 tad t~. l:i.•K r t• ii.ald.
•. N..- da.t
' i.•i* t.:.•m by sea: Fr• pa; 1 an receipt
• •`iu.t . ti r tir,,q f••: , {{{ trial tan. •
•' at l tet w Y 1 of a :: a vnt t• 4 *TwtR.
ty, r, • torr m, _ - : We 6ease1511 at srttttAh'/t not
..t,,rw ' , this lin ; 1.'it,•i.r he 1t that
'ski e„ h abot.t. !mired'. indeed' -__ -__
"how thauLiul Mt• ,t:• ,i.i Aar that' ±d e�lte
•'nwwliaoipe 1 $°earth iii
We_. _ - _ a r r watt for 5n> .'tae
tCc Mill toy the ani. r • oche.
Liter t•.ynpl . en /': aktut. o (ke lie• • . we
Indith•+Ia••u.t'aab6..-set, ` jp10.•1.tvarP411..
r•nti.•t rum wi�lemare sir' ,di. d with.
tit h.•ss fy Ceuctatic. end Lr• • r fail to
gltt• M•`► the tics. " ar'',+,;rd. 1 nese hoses,
•13.6•rots. For -ale b7 al
The cZ oople's Livery
1st of AUGUST,
(�(1(1a work tI home. No
risk. freer. Par
1r`tYtnU.1 week
int sure. Xn slab• t at'itri not
required. Reader. a Ara wart l..uinewa
at which Wrran` of a ;:•• r t•er, young
or ..14, ran maks great Per all 'lie lime they
work. with absolute aerta•nt'-. tl; r.' 'or fail
ppaarrttfealan to 1I. 0*Ll'-n- .1 ii1&n
]Moine. _
Has just received Ms i p: tog Atm k of
Do. ('i(\S 111(1 <jl'il('I'f'I�tI
note be dishonored.
An indorsement mai in written on the
face or back.
An indorser may prevest his own
liability to he sued by rrritinst 'without
recourse,' or similar words.
All claims abich do not opal upona
seal or judgment must bewithin
six years front the time when they arise.
Part payment of a debt which h*a
passed the timed statutory limitation,
revives the whole debt, and the claim
holds good for another period „f six
Tears from the data of such partial pay-
A verbal promise to pay, made with-
new for relief, in
is generally heist as sn�- meas
neo revive
gen. otherwise shut the palliatives known.
tient do tYvice •claim
h the law of limitation. a Cane pre a ke1•ra•
An oral agreement m proven Procure from n W
• head. .p order
had the pain and to lose a day'n which we
to appreciate the happinesswhich we
o..nhidered neutral before,
or c the
had not a,usidered at
headache is gone we feel that it will
never core beck : but experience cor-
rects this impress" n. \\ a ate apt to
treat the hdioua headache Y neuralgic,
and the t,euralttic, a* bilious ; hut per
haps it does not signify, as no treatment
eatth nt
seems t.. affect it, one way
unless it is that e. surprise or excitement
will sometimes frighten away a nervous
headache ; but we are rarely satisfied to.
lie dawn and stiffer without t'rying some
rrvint? all
All are New and Well Selected. which he of-
fers at the Lowe"t Po, -able frit•°,.
Hama. flacon. Lard, 1 horse. Roller flour -
made from Manitoba Wheat, alto Harris
oor. and Oats. Wan.
Shorts. and all other kinds of feed.
rarimers rredwee Takeo In Exchange.
Good* delirete'ifree in any Part of the town
and Saltford.
Cower Victoria and Nelson streets. optxoiite
fair °rounds, °odertc•h. IM,•
May 1th. 1104.
opt y
int be r van by ( cwt druggist tine bottle
agreement prove. Fowler's • cur
d f
Wild Ntraw.
evidence. A written written to oral of Dr. ow
itself. he a p»len I berry end take as directed. It aures all
evi lends hecto°° of its preewon. Summer Complaints
be introduced to A t/Ne avrske Ornaslil-
\a. evidence v may written c.ntract
buttits+iitt or vary • order to el- J. Wilson is always alive to. his bead -
plainit try he received cd r rd of , trap, and spares no pain% to secure the
plain it, when arch contract is in need best of every article in his line. 11e hes
rlloLnatisn. @toured the a(tewey for the celpt.ratedDt
D.ac.reery for (`nnanmp(itm.
A Balsall a Ttwrlyoitt. - For •
C, ugh, Cold or any t;mnehseal affecion.
o('„tifori,t," in my opinirm, n jnSt the
thing. 11155. tiara it an my family for
Cough, and Colas for the pad four years positive run
ancones, and to- los a positive star -1.0(1 1�)
with the most of it issh aflve free. jumped off an °teats
day my opinion of it that 1 hetet an John McIntyre
to think still more of flu( which 1 fret• ion trait. near Parkhill, fallinga
Iinnwell l 4.nt•rin hank, the eat 4le-guar.. receivedat his
Iiten. Kars, llA<srrRei i its from which he died today, Pickering. in rsotlur s bowie in that village.
Pace 21 modeN all dt'IsRFi•t••
aw and Bay City Route.
Int. E. C. W i o.T'a Natter s,tofoBUM'STitterI
tat:.'guaranteed T. a guarantd
Mums. Com iil.tons-! ts.NestonsNeuralgia
Headache. Nervous prostration caused by the
use .if alcohol or Moba. a 'wakefulness.,
t akefuile �inµe
1 cal lw pression.Softeningto misery. decal
Me in Insanity send leading tien-
t home.! ape Llvel7 * J 4 .-s 0' Joe.1 and )llcatt. Premo'ore Oki Age. 1z•rrennes*.
EE. Swart: :' '•• e (;. t«•rt '•err, l Luk" of I'ueer in either sea, into lunt*rT i.ama
i so °,. ora at 'ri bLtc tuser-exertion
ty')ivit * *bora at pubilc Pa '� ' • They and he Virgin.
self -a. use or by ot _
1 guarantee wati"faet icn to all. r:« Her : Ofne111 lies 111 torr areeent easew F ach hex con
1 The Trine at TR. gm, ; tains one menth'rtrWtm•nt.0oedollars boa
or "ix hoses for five dollarsii- tent by ■cal !i'•
AT PtlsAttONAPLS PiEI+'FSi+e-`- ' I d t•eor•tpt of prier all's t;uaresteesls
('ALL AND SEE 1'--Oppas le 'alley%
Rotel. Go:cricb.
. Feb. titb. lir:. 1x11"�
pal on With rat h order re-
to cure any ease.
by us for. lx bogie, soromparied with
fire dollars. wr will mead the purchaser ear
-coact the Dewey If the
written guarantee
I treatment
Is issued only does sot
WILM!s aw3eeffect a cure. '.tt
Med adient for modTomntoH0.1 WRIST
J; CO., role proprietors.
d ri :seri
ton' •
ratM• near \ 1st!►/J. stp�p ti•a
opal- c o.
(1. W. lict)HEI')it, 6i target,
Will neve (entente II. weather permitting.
n and after Jane Mit, ISM, tusking rat ♦‘10talma during 11,.- resume* folloews ::
King •• t toe tta0as core known for Con -
the ••el=Jnrhhs. Cobb. Hoarseness
samptinri, .,
Asthma. Har Peter. Bronchitis, orany
a�jete.n of the Throat
Tris t and Lstess••tr.told
At I ri Anrk p.m., for aw% 11sr
Reach. Tawas andpoints all the .
Inelt:Alpel"and (betn¢an
lemr•nal)leave (l0DPRi(11
At t p.m.. Detroit
faoatr D rtt Baron and epnints en Mt
het►o grays
Clair Ricer.
A. Seven. Days' Trip
with the nrlrliege of •p•ndira 31 hours
t•,ereland. 10 hones In*htroi . and
he 11 man
pp ice et t ill.
DINO A PIM -Clam Qi Ai)ItlL1.1: HAND always
ea bused for l*nc'Ine. sad all Fnr rates of freight and p•aea5e•
M. LIM *seat at Oeaeriets•
or e. a• Atte*tl?MLOt.
•ager. Detroit.
atlMabh. >a7 Nth. IIAI, til1-
Il.r log the aLrust confidence in I15 • at
vt cr severe*
tact• e. the groat rump e
ears »e , mold And. we feel justified �1 u>ap7
)err o, It•rteit One Tboumue for*Influenza
es...., osgt.". cold*. sore
hurt •• . . , run*, ills. euu•ttu,ytu,1* 1u 11,
earl; • • •. t. hoping cough. and all diseases
ut 1. . .a' ate twigs. except asthma, for
whit .. . ±•i." •'sato n lu"t'wlun takencan't
in& -• ,t t'r l' rap f4t tat r W „ tilos. !3 and .50
cents s - -ir&F'at•s. na.Wire Genuine
taw •:.hel••A• °
abut-. ' mire troths i t o . . d acs.
T. l r« �t .t. a : be& t': (lar '.. Ihug
rsran,o . tn.. *toil a: t1
lord) x11 otherm and after if sled and
Haring been eppolnted agent of the *box
tnac•hlae. begs to *elicit t usual
pubile ic p
song°. sod win supply o
Try the genuine Singer,
it t 1 lit �• ' 1t%
or xpr'e+itr. Etat
t' ,it watt ea l►.ut •
5155 5.6•655/0/11/5165.
Residence : leans treericm. h. ar the M.
COoderich. free. 17, 113. 11!41
d ustri k made at home by tha
u•. Rest lowness bow
fore the public. Capita not at
.w1. We *tit start you. Mee.
E Vmen, boys and girl wasted tri
w en to work for us. mNee. o Is ther 51re oats
can work In spares
time to the liminess.r)well, othNorr bustota•
mae ccs 1
pap you nearll ser
trate rnotdt a pal. hl e
Costly omtdt and terms fire. miff no
fast, easily-. and honorably. AddNMTn1
Co.. Augusta. thane
cf 1 t, In•.:, test lo n, 13ilie
• rig U•dict. iJj:C iy,la,f (7ur Lirer and Kid*"
3 '
:toners, Salt Rheum, Scrof ll&
• :tCJtCJ. %n� '+t ,
4-.1 l' e:.ria8 arioing frogs Impart Blom
ist ; ,. r .t ''r' ,t.•' v>t' f the Bowelg.
,AC5Y A R-
Are p)ss55a% to take. (edetate tlr
yforgatim is a sate. sem wed el
/arteries et worms in adhelrR
^n[D ByALI- f1E4'1 ERS.
net. 1/f« it •1. 'sit
add dare ie teal
eoneihtar tarty I
Imo leer. bah ed
pmisle• m a week n;
1051' ....art fro• ..'. \tar
new. t'•ptl.I out .witi".
•t. lug
rcrr}-thifK. ]0.167 •r.
Iadte• (wake as mashY 0 . 5.. aet
afr%* conk* great poet.
• n•Ines ". whish • instil.l
5.* si