HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-8-8, Page 5M PHh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG- 8, 18b4. COMMUNIO&TIONS. We do u..t amid uurwlvea Cor the opi*iow of our Currespus sale. Conti't►e- tem tc this department meat quails th.ts ..lose to public questions. aa% be M:rf. asset ase ataiseaee. fM ' :or • fort)) parson -power to cheat b • praise hypocrisy. Oh ter a hsswa L • to tee virtues time due* b.udly vast N..• pi settee. O. for troops u! cherubim -hyruu To :1 • Editor of The Huron signet Ai: – if the harangue delivered by the Iter u. H. Tornow eu behalf .•f the Scott Act on Monday evening of last even, a o. be taken as a lair 'ample of they arguments and logic nl iia ta.I ro ntes 11 ^1 anti, nig as a distntrt esti •• • ttaere- er, at they are very poorly .•ti for argon rat to install' their cause. If the.. icn; gesture, eMituoual iplw*1i 10 rte • ling*, and highly•col..red factures dr,., fr. in a still lu•..rs byfhly colored tote._ salon, hacked up by ionise and rid • , e of all engaged in a legitimate burst es. and interspersed with slatg ext. *ions and bed grammar, are the apo;. aiglsmenta ot the ticett Act advu- catr-. It would be a rain tank to answer then.. and I, foe ono, wend aa tike the ..•tempt. I would merely suggest that the legal adage "When you have no oase,abuse the opposuug counsel" appears to hold good here, and it west be a weak cause whose chief argument is abuse and ridicule .•1 its opponents To vilify all connected with the liquor business in slang terms, such as "the true temperance chaps," "them chaps." &c., and in the presence of ladies to make what must be called an iod.cent allusion to • recent outrage, may seem t, Mi. Morrow convincing and unanswer- able argument. I fail to see it. Such may be the language and tactics of a Methodist minister, ora paid temperance lecturer, I maintain that they are not threw of &scholar or a gentleman, or of an hunest and candid opponent. I tall them thele of a bully and a mountebank, ► r le •e r a. ar is or tg as rd at 28 rise ler K. env mei •Dg try a alp the en. roes 'ad ugh lelr sti- tust ren and hen Mel 107. Kish wk. with D MI Wei rut, the ego Sous glee, D ow crop .pts, 1 of elti- ti6c- u of the ,wth. e 111 the Sher 1 the ' the have Co- for toms ► are M off but r the Oat - al to live 1111 1w11. Wed in Ales meed kilted Ithey ill or „atity It the =Pad A pilot boat reports at Dew York that she caught • shark ty feet long with s seas head in its stomach. A knife was also sicking ►u the stomach. FACTS!! FACTS l ! FACTS!! AND DON'T FORGET IT That we have never been, and never intend to be undersold by any legitimate house in the Trade, either in S!oll*os General Groceries, Cracker, & Glassware at Rock Batton Prices. 15U Doz. FRUIT 3ARS 3OBT ARRIVED_ Come and See Us C. A. NAIRN ('.art Hone Square. (h.derte . Jose 1!111. Ise. and it ill becomes b r. Morrow to sneer ngagiat the "true temperance chaps" for en- salliors ng speakers to defend their ptattaon, darts Sou for u he not • tired lecturer, paid for thees purpose by the whom 1 will term. is coutrsei.tinctiuo. the "sham temperance aOD�irIOI chats." As Mr. Morrow is kind enough l t to cone.-- • to his opponents the title of '•true.eranee chaps' we sax pt it with t�nl.'.tude, thankful for this implied I ado ss • •1 of the correctness • 1 our v osi- tion. There can be no difference of opinion as to the cells of intemperance, --all mint equally deplore them. The remedy, how- ever, is not by attempting to enforce a cast-iron sumptuary law --which punisher the innocent more than the guilty—but by morel swuion and the power of the Gospel, which these gentlemen seem to forget when they forsake their proper sphere, the pulpit, for the lecture plat- form, and I will here quote $ pertixes. paragraph from a recent letter in the '•1t 1, a vast amount of morbid symp•a'• and oentitueutal gush are wast- ed ox t Aral drunkard. This mythical being .eptt•srnted .•n the pr•,hihition plat!.... • n all the L,.n!.r,un col,,ring of a fern A heated its. at; mat )•n• in order 0 to rite.• the morbid svmfa'hirs of a 1 V class •a • tale who plop Ioon reading a hate .sag tale ••f tieti.-n. as really and 1 natio..'.' as a kitchen swi•f-pail. Yet I, .hent aloe inilicidaals wh•• expend so much Knell on the platft ria will pass by on the .ether side lest their '.,creel per - Swore wally clerk renty beets milk .10 • CC aj .w wa W a sons ..1-• old he c.ont•mins...el let- lending a hell a band to the pa...r unf•ortnnate ; who h.• • allowing in the trotter It is so mug, easier to cure, ter rather t.. 'deet to cure. the evil effects of intemperance bydisplays of platform oratory and acts Parliament, than by actual deeds of West street. .it door to the Post Once. charityd broienoe, but it woo le t •e Cheapest Hoose Under the Sus." da" aneneApril It lest. No, it certainly won't. Pmhibitionleta rte edf-styled temperance men areacttW- 1y the meet intemperate and deigmattcal of any class of would-be reformers of the praaext day, and in their intemperate mal would brand all opposed to them in � opinion, however moderatenr abstemious as drunkards, etc. Some of these loud- mouthed "reverend" temperance orators, REnZtTCE however, are not quite ao teetotal in their practise as they would have uta be - U w Uco Q M MR. C. H. (1IRVIN, GonERII'H, ()NT. DIA It Sin,— We have reeeivell the Ern 'HEN CABINET you shipped to us some tilut• ago, but have tle- laye.l writing until now in tinier W fuel out how we would like it.. My wife says it is a gem—a household friend. It is compactness itself. For convenience it has no equal in the kitchen, as it saves expense, ttiete and labor. No kitchen i, complete without IE As the price it within the reach al awe' alayene, the KITCHEN CABINET is &lure to meet with a very spissly sale. Yours vary teapectfully, 41E0. LAI NG, Guelph, Out. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. GEORGE ACH:SON, The Premier Dry- Goods Merchant of Got' rich, is 110w SLAUGRTERUI& FOODS. COLBORNE BROS. We have now the Largest •eteersge and Intrrmed.atte�eti I R e�T.�ral ts�. Hoye, as witness the case of the reverend flour -Bag Hinter. during the Dunkin Act campaign in Tomato in 18 77• u pillar of the Methodist church, who was I Steerage, .$22.40. on. of the leading temperance orators of Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods we ever carried,_ and at Prices Lower than ever. Be sure and see our Prints and Factory Cotton before the day, was pored on the sworn testi- G-0 D E P. 10 moray ofN a b• roved to have had h k os i Leg of _ro-- beer sent to the baker's and taken home, 131 ow wt. from there in a dour bag to avoid anapic- Liverpool, L ondondwr'ry, Belfast, itpl : hence his weehr+rWhen think- London, Queenstown, l� log of Poch fellows I fell irresistibly re- Bristol, Oardift minded of the song in Oliver Goldsmith comedy, "She stoops to conquer !" .'When 31ethatMt parses* some down A prraehien that drinking is sinful• TB wager the resale ♦crown. They clears preach best with • Ohara- Perhaps kiafui.Perhaps these geniuses lean to the opinion .lrressed in another verse of the same. Let s.heolmaet erspwmle their brain. With grammar and •sneenee anti learning Geed liquor 1 stoutly sainl•in (tires ruse a batter dtaeersing." And it 1. • significant fact that many of the shining light• of the tem platform. "discerned" the evils exces- sive drinkint, from practical experience. and apropos of them gentry, i will quote another paragraph which recently spm tinder my notice. Paid t.mperaetoe lectuuers talk about insanity verb glibly. Well, D. B. Chis- holm wee • peed lecturer. He went crazy and skipped out, cheating widows and orphans out of thousands of dollars. D. 1. K. Rine sea■ • paid temperance ALLAN LINE making your purchases. COLBORNE BROS. 1 ., Come at Once and Share t1,-) argaint 5 PER CENT. DISCOTTNT Allowed for Cash on all purchases over *IMO. Goderich. July 3rd. 104. "The Signal" has the largest circu- lation in this section of the county, and is therefore the Cheapest Ad- vertising Medium. Get our rates. ROYAL MAIL f>,TRAMSHIPS LI VSRPOOL-LONDON DERRT-GLASrif" Tag Saosr SRA ANI) . ROUTS TO AND Taos SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY C NSt"R PASSED. BERG SATURDAi FROM QUEBEC. Cabin Rate from Quebec to Liverpool, WO From Quebec to Liverpool and Return, $110. Sailings from Quebec. PiRCVIAN ..-- .flatAug. SARMATIAN Iigtraww.) shoat Nth " lard " SARDINIAN ink " l'iRCA'stiANird PAIUIIId " Ah e$ lecturer. He died &raving maniac in an I KRvv`� % fwh •. Illinois asylum. Marvin Knowlton was PARU'v1AN " • paid tennp.rwnce lecturer He went $AItKA lA11 j s Oct. nary and skipped oat, leaving his credi- PPARIMAR1Alf .....,««« 11th toes by hundred. tit. mourn his loft. .. ...••..•• • ft/lb► .• Reit. Mr. 111eC.,ll,o1 Beverley, who slop- Ri1r1�; rim Ti- ed with bks ehuroh organist, leaving his W&RM Y1A' •. wife and children in shame and poverty, Rr4{Alt tetpoled Where (It('AIIt1Alr ••. rasa where trwroer&at'a , is the Oh ' where," rt be now, it the sono his neelrs ,� creditors sing. But, w hy go nn, the rinks of the noble army creta+" no beinhter lamps than these who, tinder the thin garb of temperance, have violat- ed friendshipp*a., ruined hap heroes, and fleeced hard -seeking people from ane end of the en/entry to the other Let tem purify strata reeks before they sud.rtake to dictate to their neighbors what they shall .at nit what they shall driek. " Aa flit 9 elletelles amok&wMfc kits de $1b SUITS. All Wool Tweed Suits FOR $10.00 J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. $1O SIIIT3. $10 R. W. MCKENZIE IS NOT GOING OUT OF BUHNcSS but has been so long in i s and formed such good trod. conn..l,ct • tt.rt ill i.• a •'r snit will' GIVE BETTER BAR;- AINS HARDWAFE GENERAL Than others professing to set cost. i lie noted t Wtit 1.4111,e1.4111,e1.4111,eu..be fats in, as m the pastshall ud a. CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cent. Off Cash Sales R.W. MCKENZIE' Goderich Found The undersigned. having purchneed eke Goderich Foundry awl Machine Shopa sad put the same in rood repair. will lake contracts for Flouring Mills, Stem Engines, !'oiler And other Machinery wanted. $10 All Kinds of Castings to Ora ......Naw GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Haring rrtlred trove tee liquor booboos, 1 soli devote my attention to G OOERI S Which 1 will offer lower than any house la the roomy. My facilities for handling SVGS Doty Competition. 1 purchase dicot from ole Refinery In ear load lots. 1 also make • specialty of curing Sugar -Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon. T - A► RD BOLD BY TSR PAIL_ Read the follows quotatiaae' for STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR, 12 Rig for $1.00. BRI RT YELLOE W, 14} Thi for 1.00. Weal Side Court Hesse Square. Goderich. Q- Oes Flouring MillsChanged to the Gradual R�dnetioo or Roller System. Flouring MiIIs Changed the Gradual Reduction or Roller Syste . Will keep Agricultural Implements on hand. and do all REPAIRS on short notice. J. B. RUNCIMAN R. W. RUNCIM Goderich. April 24. iNU. now The Chicago nous Spring Millinery_ Summer Mill .' .e One of the Most Complete Stocks in Code LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. MasiS Wil�asoa'a, - Chicago _Spoil Wilt' n �� Stpn.I FTI, LR AND THROAT. f1Ilb11Y PIYes I` DR. R1'31114014, LR.C.►.. LIt.C./.lest. Fountain of Health. Lecturer ea the rhe. tar awl Throat. Trinity MedMal College ooraate and N• to Me Plumage!, wrakiaS d eon- aon tR o tf sumak. eon - at Alen�tlsw .r with seeding ter near friends. los oda it .e are .Mewe1P ►ie 7 kerslowestWee at Olite�M Rem •vllab1 Ito ed N passe.. (Aermaar. a le.n sal =Tickets alba all Tainan tlmt. appy to 11.1R)1tlTRtIRekst' a1. Ovi oo/.rtsa. ]Tay Ilse. INC AMIIM Bl[AiLL, ARCHiTRCT ha eateklus000. 4-111 Sulphur it Iron Bitters. 111ereer f. &..l Ir&r inllrmary. atbt •sed (Vales' Assistant Royal London tlpl.ta.l .Mk rblMrea. laps Electric Bittertl itoseital. )11rnuAel'Is. and CentraLoudit en ToinsTn. Lnwlon Purplel Iitareb VON. Imlt. IMS. Lightning. Adis to llespltel for Throat and gar• r Hospital. est curare ttrs1 . Burdock Bitters.onfralaws Meek. RIM= Mit PARISGENI user s�iaOF.H- JAS. WILSON. kEIEIT \•wanted for The liras oral lioderlch. April itIOt. AT THF MEDICAL HALT a1dI VARt[Ttlde nit SWEEDISH TURNIP SE Pure Paris Green and London Purple for Potato Pur Hellebore and Rose Buas on hee. BEST INSECTOWDg>,R TRUOTIQ OF Vl1MZ[TN � INSECT POWDER GUNS, FLYPAPER, ETC. F. 3O11.D.1T, Chemist &M the Ptraldenta of tit. t•.t. It th. I.rrest. Itandec aesl -- &ad beet hook ecev .nM ter =ban twice oar prtre. The f*1..a glom 1 On. Pest. H/•t•r. 1�• airCuert Holies itgaes , Opdericb. THE PEOPLE'S STO For Cash i wilt sell all kinds of loads &t Lobe, Priors See Those 10, 12 ,1.7, & 20c. Zr s NOTICE THOSE IlI`ftHAM4-- 11, Io} and 15c.'. EXAMINE THOSE PNIN I S: In Marries. mens5 . profit. to agent■ ateltlteai outIt. :tiros. A n kP- I • 11•u.evr uses Get your Printing at this Office. c.,8c., 9c.,No ttveeble to show Cirtrwla Uewit 10c., �.wirehair. if •lame t. e' f