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FRIDAY. AUG. thot, 1884
We are this oak fdllia to lay beers
our readers die soulio of names, be
menicipelium, en the penile. for the
submisaim of the Canada Tensperases
Act in the county of Huron. Ashbeld
was only pertselly canvassed, owing IUs
misunderstanding. The canvassers
generally are hopeful of a vote much
larger t hon that repreeented on the
tition. There are seine 16,000 names
on the voters' lists, but the average vete
polled is not higher than 10,500 er 11,-
000, owing to duplicate tarries, absen-
tees, etc. The !plumber .4 'lames append-
ed to the petition is 5,000. and it is not
expected that the entire vete will exceed
10,000. The teuipermice men are confi-
dent of a majority as nage at least as
that ef oxford. The anti -Scott Act
advocates express nu opinion es to the
probable vote. The lint has been care-
THE BITER RITTE..Y. fully revised during the week. We are
A CHINIWE gun is a dangerous weapon I indebtsrl to Horace Foster, of Clinton
-when it gore off it usually kills more the secretary of the Solt Act party in
behind than it does in front. The West Huron, for the following figures
d f Aliek signatures.
No. of
Middlesex election trial has proved to bel Name of If unicipality.
Ti equeliaation Godmich was re-
cently reduced by Judge Toms to $875,-
000. and notwithstanding that fact, it is
still 'early double that of Clintuiewhich,
according to the .Vete Ere, le "the ceotre
of the universe," sad the moat imported
town in Huron county.
It at rumored that Mr. D. Limy, the Mar
Collector of custom* at tioderieb.
superannuated. mid duo deputy H. HatioltHla
who has charge pro. tem. of the Clinton Mace.
will he promoted te the ilicalleV• Mr. Rad
cliffs, to an eid-time public servant. and a very
sient one. and we, in eseaseen with his
away trieuds. shell he glad to and the rumor
rosined au far as he is concerned.
says the Wingham Adratee. But
the .44/ninee, ter a Conservative organ,
is lamentably behind the times. It is,
we believe, quite true that Mr. Doty has
been superaunuated, but it is not true
that Mr. tta4cliffe has been appointed
his succorer, and it is absolutely cruel erest length, speaking &game time,
for the Asisesses to harrow his feetings in them through the town and county for
we were in imminent dati/er of a heavy
IOW the S. La SW re seesaw te
IStbii &tiler of The Iluresi Mewl
L SAS Sia,-! find the' it is being loud-
ly whiseered in the by -ways and at the
street comers that it is utterly useless
and exceedingly bad policy ter bring for-
ward a proposition for another railroad
et the present time, because of the un-
conquerable .0 opposition it will receive
from the Grand Trunk and other imagin-
ary oinnipoteet bodies; but is it not
lamentable, sir, to know pas we well know)
the! in 1814, when the Government of
the day was opposed to the amalgamatioe
of the Grand 'hunk and Buffalo .t Lake
Huron railroads, that some of our own
townsmen got up petitions in favor of the
thrust-cuttin movement, and hawked
corporation of liniatford sad Paris, mad
ownhers of peruse from other peel.
sinuaget whom were Gismo Dimes,
Q.C. , recorder or ohamberlisto uf Toros -
to, sea Doctor Clerk ow 151a "Nabob"
of our colleague the Crown
=h4Pregerst-wlso had CAPSIS41 up for the
purpose of browbeating and cunning kis
baother to hare our party. but he had
uoither the teams our the knowledge of
the subject, to 'wake my impression on
his oldie brother. We had a very large
meeting with autamiestoner Mercer Junes
in the clime ; sod 1 feel quite sure that a
20,000 ur 25,000 niostiug today moult
nut bc greater in proportiou, under the
change of times and circumstances of the
country then our meeting was thou
After • number of rousing speeches in
favor of our scheme, and just as we were
about to bring forward our prepared re-
sulutions, Mr. Duggan jumped upon •
waggon and harangued the nieettug at
to feel the correctness of the old adage • ing them by the prospect of seeing Grand launder mann, which w..0 d have utter -
this way.- ilE Radcliffe has been made rignatures, cajoling the peeple into sign• ,
"There's inany a slip between the cup I Trunk steamers coming and guiti,g frum ly Juined our whole proceedings. He
tom us anionic t other things, that what-
autlrflie lip." He was an appticant for our harbor eyveetry*ertenhatiwrdeastso . Have ever we ling t tt, would be illegal, be-
, the positiou and had wed backing and You, sir,
strong claims, out the appointment rest- steamers I or are there any I'f
of these
these mum the meeting, yes called by me as
ed with Mr. Thomas Ferree, M. P., parties amongst us yet 1 And now this chairmen of the committee. instead of
and he, patriot -like, preferred sacrificing Imoyee.ree neunrooth monopoly is being by the sheriff ; at which point our friend
one of his elm blood relations, and had I dangled in our facts to scare us from even Clark went up to him and quietly asked
94 his brether. Mr. Asher Ferree, former- latterupting to better our present mecum- him if he would stake tea legal repute -
165 lv a wheel teacher at Illuevale, appoiut- , stances : but. ar, let us rouse the people tion as • hurtling lawyer oti the suite -
253 ed, and poor Radclid'e was pu: otl with • 1 and they will won become an unit to m,;_tintk he bed just made. He tried te
326 promise ef something coed in the future 1 favor of haring another railroad, mug.' it off, an., to wriggle out of it III
310 if he swallows his disappointment anti I nintetentla of them have been i
teiew.__17, stems way or other, but Mr. Clark was
1 remains true te the faith.-tegateete ! deepening of ever nearing such a word as not the Man to let him olf his heads
railroad again, but are now rejoicing at rwtodul:::ouLt .•, distinctuagsranadtihnenissi jounultpedhat (11
I Exploiter.
1 ose the prospect of better times, distant ss
ime (tear Grit Deed. they!may yet be. But, sir, another
- I "mere -crew" has been raked up to
We stated last week that the Witten , frighten the younger and newer settlers
t stallion, Old Clear Grit, the property a , ....pit us from joining in the mave-
IGeorge Whiteley, of this town, had met :meet, and that is. that "Owen Sound
with a serious accident in Toronto. Al- has get a dry dock." Now, what though
Ithough the accident was a severe one it lit had a score of dry docks' Gudench
was at fire holed that the injury Mlle:- !does not need such a thing, nor any port
4, ed might be sufficiently healed to enable ' ou Lake Huron ; for if a vessel were at
I the veteran to continue in his career of ;any time to require repairs on her boi-
1 neefuluese, but on Monday night it was Itom, Harry Marlton and his men could
Ifound that he made no improvement anti 1 rig a bhp. a cradle and a windlass, pull
so it was decided to put hini out of his ; her out ,.1 the water, repair, and haunch
misery. It was a hard task, and caused , her seam u. a very abort time. It is a
Mr. Whiteley a bitter pang t.. consent j' well-kti,en fact. air, as any of our lum-
to the enly, if heroic, remedy for his I bar merchants or others trading in that
134 suffering.!Every precaution had Wen ; direction con tell you, that insurance
taken to prevent just the thing that had i companies and underenters charges are
red at the time of the accident, but ' emsideraley less fretai pert to port on
the mare unwed ungovernable, and lash- 1Lake Huron than ..n vessels running into lin Pm I „
be, nearly as big a drink . i•
right fore leg, awoke a compound frac- fogs, anti thousands upon thews/it s
cure of the radius bone. He was slung small islands, rocks, reefs and shoals to may
up, and for a day or two hopes enteru.in- be steered clear of, however that may have been, before
is dull, it. fact absolutely ruined, -- he on Monday it bemune evident poor Clear !readers as ruinut.el 'and briefi as I can noon next day the united councils, with
one exception.had unanimously agreed to
ed that the broken bone would knit, but !, I n..w 'purpose sir. *4.. lay bef.ire your
am saasissame tamer 111.1111 Rev. Jido
l._- •_.
We have been privileged to make the
following selection frost • letter received
by James Stewart, tel lialtford, f rose
Rev. J. Jemmies', formerly of (ederich,
now a missionary an Formosa .-
Telltit'l, FtM1101111,
3.41 June, 11184.
Dalin MIL STEW•IIT.---1 adl sot sure
whether I promised te write to you After
getting to Formes or not. althouth 1
rather think 1 dad ; Ian se any rate .
deserve to have a few wools of remem-
brance, and will no douht be glad to %Le
how we are all getting un. I am glad to
be able to report all As well in ciovie,-
thin with the inissitei (amilies. Mr.. J.
and myself have had gued health spec,
our arrival,and. I tryst Gvd,will oont; nee
to bless us is this respect 55 11. has does
to the pest. Dr. and M.rs. McKay 'and
their tonally slim are all well. When we
came 1)r. McKay's health was hot veil
good, hut it has ituproveli consider* 4, -
We hare now beet, in Femora seta 4
months, and it seems hut a very slime
tiine, --how rapidly the weeks slip pee.
You will, no doubt, have heard or r ..1
ewe rep. its of our safe landing here, e.e
.1 the reception we met with from Wit
brother missionary. 1)r. and Mrs. I.
were glad enough to are us, and did
everything in their power te make oa
feel at home. Yon wens telling me that
we would find the I)r. very kind wet •
agreeable, anti en we have. Had he been
niy own brother I don't think he could
a Chinese gun in the han • o Mr.
One hundred and twenty-seven, charges
Johnston, the defeated Tory candidate.
I were thrown out on the evidence for the
petitioner. and Justices Ferguson and
4! Galt dismissed:the case without deeming
4 it necemary to call witness fur the ree-
1, pondent. During the examination of
f the petitioner's witnesses, the following
facts carne to light:
John Kilkstine was effete,' $25, by.
I one McKay, of Wentligo, to vote for
4. Johnston.
J Rodman, hotel -keeper, was paid
0 for refreshments by Alex. Johnston, the
• Tory candidate, durinc the electien•
j Joseph Sabine was offered money by
I members of the Tory party, in West
Middlesex, if be would vote for John-
lir 'Westbrook was asked to vote for
I Johnston by Michael Leech, who offered
f him $10 if he would do se.
le Wm. Harrisen was "approached" by
J. C. Hilleins. who was willing to pay
11 him liberally if he voted for Johnston.
6 The above ewes are sufficient to show
in West Middlesex, and that the recoil
that a boomerana has been at work up
mime so sudden that "Jumbo ' Johnston
hadn't time to step from under. A pecu-
liar feature in connection with the print -
aid evidence is that the Toronto Moil
scrupulously avoided publishing any
statements made by the electors who
West Wawanosh
East Wawanosh
Turnberry 193
Howick ...... 399
McKillop ...... 272
Hullett . 355
Colborne. . 242
t;oderich Township 314
Hay . • e. 170
Stepheu 289
l'sberne . 253
Tuckersmith . 189
flocierich Town.
Clinton ........
Seafert h
Winghain. ....• •
--- Mayfield
.... 175
. ....... 116
Total, WOO.
Tut Halton News of July 31st has the
following interesting item: -"Jailer Van-
allan complains that business in his line
turned the last primmer out YestsrdaY• grit was past rec..very. Dr. Campbell a short sketch of .1 strugelesYin 52, ee . take 8500006000 stock in the railway -be -
bis waggon, left the nicotine, and the
town. Mr. Jones thou reed the reanlu- I have done .uore. I trust we shall he
tions as :loudly and quickly as helable to repay his kindness by being help
could, but it took some time Whoa he ful in the mission work. As to our work
could give decisions on them, for we had at present. of course with Mrs. J. and
an opposition to each of them, cunsisting myself it is the study I1 the language.
of the sheriff, the clerk of the peace, • We have been at this almost since our
arrival, and it will retteire • maid while
yet ere we COM do much active Wit':
list you know what perseverance can di.,
and I sin not at all afraid ot success o'.
timately. provided all else is well. The
Ch item. is confessedly • difficult language
to acquire, as there are so man differeut
merchant, and our township reeve, an
and as these five stood stock-still on the
same spot, the whole crowd had to run
about half way across the square at wok
slivision. But we had kept the public so
well posted as to all our &Hugs, that
they had the fullest confidence in us;
and the wave of • bat to the one side or ; characters. or letttrs as we ht call
the other -from the hustings- sent the them, one for every word used. (Here
whole crowd running at •'double quick.' follow a few Chinese characters, for ilia'
In short, sir, we carried the meeting stration.1 So you will see they pretty
most successfully, and then ran for it ; strange I...Pking. t tne requi o knew
. .
f it was • tee- about 3000 of these before able te
mendous shower. We had • big supper speak fairly. But by this time next year
ing out she hit the famous sire on the the Georgian Bay, with its ever urring
in the "British" that night, air, and tt. we hope we shell not be so useless as we
are now. Nor will we be sorry, for it is
a great trial for us both to be laid aside
almost entirely (rem mission work. We
have a few European residents in Tam-
sui, and for their benefit I keep up a ser
vice in English •in Sunday ferenoons.
We do what we can, although aiming the
h Id ha th can judge for younsee 05 than auntie what we had led
he WWI bit ves, as to whether er not any ,,pposition
been adversely affected by the Scott fellow died hard, ami finally
, on the head t•:, alt axe. Even then he 1 that can possibly be brought against us
• Act. 1exhibited great tenacity to life, but the I now will, for ene inement. compare with
This is tele business which has assuredly I then administered plow, u Y
I waa brief and at last he suc- ' what we feught against and conquered
had been "appreeched" with the idea of e.. L'..;,1 .,.,h. night last • brakesmanicumbod. Clear Grit was about 24 Lars at that time ; and, in Ang , j opponents at that exciting time.
the Buffalo folks to expect.
Ani now. Mr. Editor, I must crave' Europeans in these countries there is
ycur indulgence. that I may go a little I not generally much encouragement for
fartber back in my story ; to shim you the missionary Dr. MeK. and his me
and our readers, the malignancy of our Meant* are all kept very busy. teaching
in the wheels, er visiting the various
chapels in the country. Besides (Ilford
College we have now a girls' school at
Tainsui, with 36 tries attending it, 26
students also at the college, so with these
panied b our sheriff and registrar, !two and 38 chapels or so to look after
I About
i d se I arn
exceedingly glad at being providentially
enabled, by the kindlier,* of Mr. George fire or aix weeks before the above named
Parsons, to place in ppm hands& solitary
but indisputable specimen .4 the work
- journal Is garbled from beginning to found that Scully had been on duty forlancestry vrae of the best, and very ote- we did in those days, and the way ic
was eminently successful, and is es- perhaps perceive it te have been sem -
• ease, for fear the respondent would be on the l!.
tree- for the approaching teeing, , cneienrudrts will for many a yeer keep his is
iry green. Among other good ones in our go. -d town now -a -da f th
hat different from the inethol adopted , _„ oI , , ,,-
and offered to bind the ermimisioner, to
give nits an their printing tor nee, or
setuarks of the judges in diemissing tls I
--e - been overcome by sleep while wattle
pi -
Mail pretends te give a report of the ; pe-mt (141a waagui re bytek P°of the Rock.'
16 having theta vete for Johnston. The named Scully, of the Northern Railway,
was sent to flag a train, and was run I
trial, hut the report published by that over and killed. At the Inquest it was
: summent is know to prove that his
His pedigree is not of the clearest, but
t went y- you mil called nn Mr. Woodcock, of the Loyalist.
Sad. the Mai/ ale. suppresses the re- three conseentiee hone., ead1 ly thoroughbred. His career at tbhe sdtud which wt. did it, and I think
meeting, Mr. Commissioner Widder sent
the shore named Geom. Duggan here,
to try to break us down. lie, accent;
awarded a just meed of praise for having
conducted a clean election, in what was
• the hardess conteet ever fought in West-
ern Ontario.
But even Martin J. c.riffin won't be
able editorially to lick the West Middle.
ex election trial into the shop...1 a Con -
*greatly. victory.
Smelt of our contemporaries take ex-
eeptioa to ministers taking the "stump'
or appearing in public print in opposi-
tiou to the Scott Att. and fer the life et
ne we can't see upon west they base
their contention. As rule, preachers
Ste good citizens, and under ordinary
W , circumstance% do thews "decently and
lilt in order." one of the nghts of true
hi Citizenship is the liberty to raise voice
al spinet what one considers to be an
abuse. If a minister believes the pres-
ent license system to be detnmental to
O the morals of his potpie, why should he
be restrained from using his privileges as
a citizen in the premises( Rev. Dr.
Carry, of Pert Perry, has come out
strongly against the Scott Act, in a
Series cf well-written letters, and al-
; though we have conversed on the matter
with several of the liquer men of
HeetiOM. We have set heard une of them
say that Dr. Carry should stick to his
pulpit and let the limit Act alone. If it
la right for Dr. Carry to give vent to his
honest convictions, why is it wrong for
oder rev. gentlemen to follow the dic-
Mew rif sessecionce,sad give vent to their
helluip on the public questions of the
as, t Crewe Berl, of Norfolk, McLean, of Lords was wanted. Siete the people
St. Thomas, and • host of other Tory
. .ys• u.r . 4" even seven years,if he would publish rano
papers which they had already prepared.
They showed him the first one, from
which he could surmise what would be
nature of the other. The sheriff made
the saute or a similar offer with regard
and had so lost his life. The railroad that he sired are Anilier. 2.24 ; I. &law professed purpose ot obtaining a sum
that works men twenty-three hours at a ,pacer). 2.131 ; Little Billy, 2.23; St. result.
Patrick, Flora (pacer., and many others. At the meeting in the British hotel, in
stretch should be forced t • incre its
His place will be taken in the stud by 1852, which 1 have already alluded to,
staff. his sem. the bay stallion Swallow, 4 I was tinanunoudy wined as chairman
- --- - -- - - years, he being by Clear Grit out of a of a currespending renitence to carry
THE Clinton woolen mill was one of Bleck Warrior mare. Clear Grit's en- out the object of the meeting, but they
gagements for the season were very resolved to have a cemmittee of fifteen
the industries that was to become a great
numerous, and but for the untoward in number , something like our present
institution under the N. P. It recently event here chronicled would doubtless, big "baker e dozen- in high plates. 1
went where the woodbine twineth- in spite -of his advanced age, haveturned at once refused to be one in a onnunttes
liabilities up in the thousands; assets, out as automats' as ever. Last year numbering over "five' The meeting,
nil. We eireipatse with th, company, ninety per cent. of the mares that he however. persisted in trying 15. 13. 11,
covered proved in fcal, and he appeared 9, 7, having • wrangle on each down -
but have this to ely : _Aller inanagr of
aa if, when he came to Toruntn a few ward step, and some ef them began to
the concern had less fiii in the N. P.. weeks sgo, good for several seasons yet. soundly abuse me for niy "stubbernese
and • more thorough knowledge of busi- But he has gene, and the scenes that and self conceit ;" but, on my moving
nem methods, the factory would still knew him once will know him no more. towards the door they stopped me, and
Peace be to his bones. He has served agreed to number "5.- Rut, when I
have been in operation in Clinton. And
hui country better probably thau any asked ,•if them to nominate Mr. Moder-
the Clinton woolen factory is not the horse that had gone before, and his lose well, whim ability, energy. and enthu•
nasal in the cause I was well aware of,
only industry in Huron upon which is a great one, not only te bis owner but
"Ile ',tee' has been written through else to the breeding interests of Canada.
the infineace of the N.P. --ESeaforth Expositor.
they would not do on, hut appointed
Messrs. Lewis, Wallace, John Clark, the
then Crown land ageot, and late of all,
John Longworth. with whom they all
Mord ea she Leers.
Tim petition agates' the return of . knew I had been at loggerheads for
Hon. G. W. Ross, M. PP. for West Birmingham, Aug- re -There were many years, and for many geed reasons;
20,000 :people at the Reform meeting and he was put amonest us fur the ex -
Middlesex, was tried at Strathroy on
Tuesday last and was dismissed with last. night. John Bright said the Tory press puninse t4 "snuffing" me out of
ma onty in the Howe of Lords was the chair, by his overbeariug mid bully-
ing manner. I therefore, at once msr
that if we tailed to secure the railroad, I
costs against the petitioner. This dig- actuated by the sante bitter hatred of
poses of some of the crowine that Liberals as in 1832. Who where the
indulged in by the Tery prem relative
.warsThsenyawesire, t petisr onf
to what they would show of Grit cor- (P.f thelblhuenasdekrsed,
the dark Kee of our history. They had
ruption in West Middlesex, when the entered the temple of honor, not through
ease manse before the court. "Jumbo"
Johnson, the petitioner will he a sadder
and a wiser man now, than before the
wee was entered. If • counter case had
been premed it is not unlikely that John-
son the candidate, Meredith the Opposi-
tion leader, Mackintosh, of Ottawa,
Roddy, Pringle and Porton, of Cobourg. The limitation of veto power of the
submit, of should they curb the nobles,
the door ment, but through the
sepulchres of their ancestors. They
were no better then their fathers. Some
of them were worse, for their pririlegea
had produced ignorance and ®ency.
Reform of the House of Lords was unmet
and inevitable. The creation of new
Peen to pun the Franchise Bill would
oaly get rid (4 the present difficulty.
"Rase op Sir I eivid Macpherson
tin -pt Iceltilat has been added
dm Canadian , and Hon. It.
Meephereen, has relegated to the
fret. Bat although we fit cat think the
title of "Sir," profile] to a titan a 1451111',
se limb sionient, vrorld like to know
What D. Meephereon ever did to en-
title )ii to any cansiderstousi at the
of the Home Government I
pets, wnnld shave nearer disqualifica-
tion than did the Hon. Minister of Edo-
mtit .n.
asznotthiseinrdfaltirs h9lairi.ad curbed the kinrs of
Jemph Chamberlain ma if the:Lords
remained obstinate the agitation would
continue to the bitter end. He looked
A %Hoag time ago the Tory journals forward with eager hope to the result of
all over the province, headed by the this agitation. England would never he
.11n*/, were denouncing West Ontario subservient G. the inaolent pretensions
fer submitting to an "oat side candidate, ef the hereditary class. The speakers
were frequently and enthusiastically-
, in the perien of James D. Edgar. The epplamietl. A resolution was adopted
"machine system- was denounced, and denouncing the Lords for rejecting the
- - every jot was impede to attract a local Reform Franehi"
IT is rumored in official circles that Mariner I., holt. and ran in opposition
21::16. R. Meredith, the resent leader .1 , to the noniinee a the Convention On
Opposition its the Provincial loins- ! Monday last the Conservatives of Len -
Uwe, is to be given • judireshe , and nor tendered the nomination fm that
h• will be enccemled in the Leader- !county to (4.. T. Blackstock, • young
by neriator Josiah Bore Mamie ' Termite lawyer, ef no political ex pen- I hew arranged for mixt Seturday.
•emapetent as Mr. Meredith has prey- ellen, and thus far we have failed to Daly. the enevieted dynamiter, mays
there is enough to be done. Dr. MeK.
Ilea four .1 t older mueslis assisting
him in teachins. Ma. McKay abet does
her part, chiefly now in teachtrig among
the irirls. But 1 must my she is eery
faithful in her work. We find her a
very agreeable person, aad a good help
to the Dr. in hie work. We like the
Chinese people m far as we bete seen.
to the printing tram his office -the re-, They are generally • nuiet, industnous
gistmr offered him a pecuniary bribe flier/ace, but some of the eunrerta are geed
the same purpose; but, sir, Mr. Wood- and brave men, d have come through
aeck-and to his honor let it be known- a good deal of trial on account of their
inaignantly refused to hare anything to religion. Yet while the cause of Christi -
do with any or all of them, for such • I amity is advancing in Bee land, we meat
• purpeee. Then, sir, these gentlemen . not forget that 411. but the little leaven
hunted up every creditor of his that ; as yet. Ales ! there is heathenism and
they could hear of in Teronti, r else- , idolatry here on all heed& It is when
enere, bought their claims against him : • here that one realises the many privileges
end within a very few weeks, raised. you who dwell in a Chistian land enjoy.
action in the Queen's Bench, and utter- The Sabbath you can scarcely distinguish
1 ruined peer Woodcock. But, sir, on from the rest of the days of the week.
e memorable toossion iu Guderich ; The cenverts ewe for worship, but with
many years before that time, 1 heard the majority work or pleasure goes on as
one of these men -setting his teeth to- before. May the time soon °aim when
gether--aaaert that "in man should ever this fair island will all be woo for Christ,
thwart him with impunity.' when all its people will hail with delight
Again, sir. Mr. Commissioner Jones the weekly return of the day which ro-
bed net only Le* n our chairman in the minds of Ilia victory over death and the
square, but was else eine:man at the grave.
*weedy mentioned meeting in the Formosa is a beautiful island. Vage-
"British and abetat a month after the tattoo is luxuriant. and crops of various
last meeting he was discharged by the kinds are produced, also • large variety
Canada Company. And yet &gala, sir, of fruits. Tea is largely cultivated now
eur present worthy rector - because and exported, ries is the principal crop
he had amended ems of our Buffalo and staple article of food for the people.
sweet potatoes. taro, and manysinds of
vegetables are also grown. The
vsied land is nearly all irrigated artifice
laity. the water runs among the roots of
the rice almost continually, so with the
and Brantft,n1 resoluti..n• - received
would receive all the blame for it, be-
camie I had refused to have a greater such an angry letter from thine virulent
official., as caused him a week's journey
member .4 advisers. 1, however, called
through mud at the "Corners" and all
a meeting in my own room, and no
the way teTorento In aceorthince with
sooner had we met than Longworth
tbe threat at the meminc. the Company heat and moisture ibers is a rapid growth -
drew • chair to the table, took a heedful
at once withdrew their office from (rele-
of unreadab.e manuscript from his POC( rich - but an indignant war Mr. Charles*Pre"et,
et • *Pre"it on the' table and 11 , 'n" Widder -brother of the emninissiener-
deemed us saying, that "the first thing
that he would not accept any positien in
we had to do waa to petition the aoreftl-
the effice at Toronto, our set as their
meat to take the limber from the Cana -
agent here ; because of their ill -treat
da Cempany,"
from whfie. emPl"Ymen.. ment of Mr. June*, and the settlers of
he had bet recently bees dismissed ; 1
Huron. The party whe had attacked
at once replied that we had been ap•
me w, fiercceli anti foolitiltly, was offered.
pointed Tor • special porpre, and ceuld iiee.tit th. agency here. You meet
have nothing to do with either the
Canada Company or the Government ; bear in mind, s... that at that period,
at least two-thirds 44 the settlers of
and my cempaniens agreeing with me.
Huron and Perth. as the counties were
Jnhu pocketed his papers, and never then constitute& were wore or less in
attended another 'fleeting. 4 shall not the vow., uf tee cantos company ; and
attempt. sir, to fill your columns with
yet in spite of their •priosition ea air-
s rehereal 44 the many difficulties with rie.i the mitened, and hn.he the ground
which we had to coatend, until we come
thrdays within
to approach the June meeting '.1 the e, , the year i
nter our op -
Counties Council, sheet a month before pouttment es a ecannitttea
which, I publiehed and cireell'ed the oigierich. iguty, Hist
somewhat lengthy address to the settlers
- which you have lately men -which
Soft 4%.
was immediately followed hy a 12 x 14 geodes' P.o.e.'s.
inch -four columned handbill, addressed New Vasa, Ang. 8. - The steamer
A fight for 000 • side occurred at Coal to the same parties. by one of the county
Valley on Seterday night between a officials, who invarishly desired himself
wildcat and three ball dew. All the to he Linked upon as the "biggest teed
dogs were killed. Three tie -outland del in the puddle." This gentleman attack-
lars changed hands nu the fight. A ed me in the „,„„K, scuml.ns an.I insult
thousand spectators. Another fight has ing winner, told his readers that I
seemed 'eery fond of seeing my name
in print,that I had told them so and
so. but that he meilti trill them some
himself to be, the planing in his stead !discover • paragraph in any Tory paper he was ono of tour rabies whose
thing elm. And so he did; but ante
the ~tiler of Niagara would certaise I denouncing the "machine system- in Intivevatenta were directed from America.
tesistely for himself, he put eighteen
not pot salt in the porridge '.1 be f t • en
nnoz. oes ie this to be said io f mor The hualbe 1•11•6 .1 tan 414 hia ar-
rest were headed him on the street in word.tt• talt t° his "%ow he way ef
tario Opposition. , .4 the nomination a Clear as against
Liverpoel. by • fellow notteptrator, Who lOydiff fore. to W. sreement I. .4
...elves wag foetid to repiv to this does
Tea Ilanon ..1*•-•rs, the leading Coim-
bra paper 44 the County, says • -
are as many, yes we Inhere far
Plod t Act conservatives in Raton
there are anti -Scott Act Ceilaerra-
that of Htaekstnck, that the former is an
• experienced earlianifinterian, while the
Lew is • more tyro. We am waiting
Ger Martin .1. Griffin 10tear passion to
; tatters in denouncing "outside moda-
1 dates,- •fl Lennox throege the coleuses
of the Mal.
hesitate sway The totem (Warn not
meet, anti get 0 circulated as widely as
for as in Biros han, hot ia 1,orolon,
his had been He did sot write again
We advertised a "embers, saisetimor of
the three enmities to he heed in thor
aquae the day before the rumen meet -
big. at .154.15 we 15.4the weer wed
et the SidO1111.11 lifrig""1" •
when Daly woe have heeded them t.,
another swesepirstor. Daly amperes .m..
the essisoiratdre tensed informer. The
asenshas of the went, wise hen" arrival
fres Again** have their eyes ea a WO,
sea win "teierwlee
Regia landed 900 steerage passengers.
chiefly Russian Jews.. today. Nearly .11
were poverty- st r se k en in appearance.
Superintendent Jeekson examined them
ma to thee. means end preepecta He
ordered twenty-eight to he returned to
Hamlourg forthwith It at pn.bableother
eases will be found among the remaitigler
when the examination is resumed.
taustesesase Resineas.
Washington, Ante 7. --Dttriaff the
Just now the fields are el green, rice pel-
met reining into ear. As moron as the
erep is eat they plant again. and another
crop will he reaped hof its the .54 01 the
year. Three crepe can 1. (Kt of the
MM. land in ene year, two of ries and
en* of vegetables At our house we have
a good garden with a fair supply of tees-
tabko, pi inted 'Meows cline* hero Poo -
lab -es planted in Pety. aro now fit for
usins, eshbage, carrots, &c. Planta
and peaches are now plentiful, so are
pine apples and other smell vanities tit
fruits. In winter twenties abound, but
do net last leng. •Wi. miss however the
.olid apples and prism of Caned& Out-
wardly we have cause to he thankful to
God. We hare a gond hours to dwell
in, and miry blessinvs myriad around
es May we have grace given es to
to Hie glory, and to he useful in His sr -
Tour. very truly,
Joust Jot11111.3‘.
fiscal year fending June 30. 609,000 im- A CAnulnenient nun• snid,„t.„„„" a Blalimme...„,ie
'migrants aril -ad in the United States, tare two 7117* ago ("1. Ww•w, `.."'"....._...X
81,000 lase than the mreessiling year. Talaind. I na" in the een eli 811 '1'
The pristeipal decrease was in immigrants wan Torin ta• *owl ander sea. Ilwilellr
from smima wa., hithd, ireis:1 tamer% at taint intleir., a"'"Iltuno_..
larsiamete 5. th • Illests.
Titres packages of dynamite wrapped
in a copy of the Irisits,sa were totted in
a letter brig at Nettir sham prat nem
Sunday niaht. The packages enotaimed
a reline of flyeanewiand were furnished
with • tine and e -q. Isis stippueed at/
wet* intended to expleile try • 4.11 01
when they were stamtwei. The qualiiitY
of dynamite was sofileiont to wreak the
bulletins. The pottage* were stamped
"British Dynamite C.... Glasgow."
Getesear, Italy. Norway. Needs, sod .hettet
liPstka. The .184 leer- "