HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-8-8, Page 2r'.1,;'"117 -7i:111`1,;„.. . 4 1GO OF HAIR t I Laaae..sses.e most to i••••.r.-. Yea •If warm Mem �■eea a uses& e Qs. Mary, and te, kiss the luck of her we let thea enol their mots deepsea %In was presented before or atter that (a our euuIS,tbs. se human Almighty bpd power t1•e sea Ment. was, a Stuart intones 1N, 'der ;epees' ``�- ,-'� patched pntately to France. He had I Crosier .ivae can pluck them oat_ Fes this reason, my child, snatch well per attended her with fidelity from the pus- iod of her escape Irvin Lochleven ; sad flat Impulses.' .�, meall while she desired Charles IX• to receive usyy viewer. Awe item, to the tact that Mi ss Brent, I (rum him the detail of her misfortunes, •o Jobe Shields mesa hes 1, S. Chilton, l•. S. Coo lockat A few years a� s she recomwmtded kin in the atro■gwt �fubu g:r to Tocsin• There IIIc. port, had it her Mary Queen • s. j manner to the protection of this monarch• saw not word sed against kir+ rate tiro lai IN copy the to Mary Qdsen pf Scuts. The part of the latter titch refers to I Binet say other Tomato merob*ML Re exol,y the relic Imre the of I him is finely characteristic of her tttati- I last week one of the Tory M. obi smog- Tkia eatable relic from the (%oory/ri"'rw ; tude for the service he had rendered to I d wi the Muskoka elks and declared el that if the cly - (hdigr Journal :- j her. end of the warn benevolence of her P into the coned that i he ganamu • sees simile.' Harr sin+■ d �1 fusers. This may have Let week we drew attention, by a sena.. w sea An old favorite is the remedy know as Dr. Fowler's £gtraet of Wil Strew- Tkir.y yews reliable for cholera ,. diarrhoea and summer tam - a1. ares... been gene- _ temper. We have been perul"ed to inspect 1 hope, therefore, that readers will Me or not, but it shows where Shields ibis rare relic, the history .,f which is" find it very natersl that Mary should stands, or rather lies. In an evil hour described as follows by its possessor, our have favored her young deliverer with a be ante w his tree service ofvSir s John asod d alumnus and good friend, J. ('scroll lock of her hair, after such "u hair- .shoulder. The way of this transgressor Brent, Esq. The hair is of a beautiful i breadth eswlw," tool will aerie t the hard. A few years ago Big Push Wilkissue P silken texture, and the hue, u nearly as 1 gentanees of the interesting and valuable is truly table minister in one of the; we eau describe it, is a pale auburn :' souvenir in the possession of .1. C. B. Methodist as a resp churches. mi He gine upof the at any rate, it corresponds in character' Washington, O 1875. � ininutry and went into the service of Sir with the color 4Mary'. lucks, se. de- ; 1'RGtatlTiniOlt. -The St. Catharines John co. Macdonald, mmunications' ationi and has hastiness been effect ossie ap • ewes aaseevers That is daily bringing 101 to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear „ueli from an early grave. Truly is DrConsump- tion, ,King's ce, Co►�Asthma, hitery for u,' tjua, Cuwg Hay Fever, Les of Voice, Tickling iu the Thr*t. Pain in Side and Chest,or- any disease „ the Throat and Lunge, a positive cure. Guaranteed -Tei Large x ties free at J. Wilson's Drug S sate $1.00 saribed by her biographer and we have i J 1 .-Friday, after the evenutg no doubt of its genuineness, conaiderin¢ service in cit. tie:,rge's church, a number u► the Want it was an heir -loom in the Douglas lid vestry fortheeationnpurpoassembledng tithe Warily enol its transfer to its present bye t.. Ur. Junes, who for some months parent. Where is he now 1 W hat u he now 1 A short time ago Bunting was a re- spectable business man engaged in sugar which it la said he made a posse ser, -and even in his hands, is in back less officiated as rector- The re-' re g, -- were a, hereditary keeping. The small mahog- I verend gentleman has matte warn friends good deal of money. If Bating may box referred to is enclosed in anoth- i here, and it a tangible not, exerrefure o .0 hear Sir- allJohn's hwks he tswould o rather thst cluing erous he of ivory, elabc•nte•► carved by one of regard should is. made in the shape of i kind of bttsinem the early possessors of the relic, -per- an address ex{•remnve of the esteem in The list Plight he indefinitely extend - baps by the father of young Douglas titch he is held and a purse containing , ed. Fauquier, the disqualified, might himself, -and yellow with age. In the . $12'3. The reverend gentletnan,although t be added The work that degraded "Abbot,' by Sir Walter Scott, the In- taken completely by surprise, made a I these men was cut out ofpared f hem by and eidents of Mary's escape from Lochieven suitable reply to the eulogistic address- Chieftain. He pro call They It is gratifying to note each pleasant re- I often superintended hen are me tools. 'Castle, and of the share young D out las I atious existing between pastor and pee- land two many took in it, are graphically described. ple. Lr. Jones leaves for (::,derich in I When t y have a served his little s oi•h its. BENT'S Ae c•ocvT• a few days. f unction them one casts aside an old ah<w- In the years 1$34 and 1841 I visited a ` A PLEA,A`tT St•ltrtu.e. - A pleasant I p 1 war rise greeted Mn. Jones -wife of Dr. They aid their cunnectiow suffer -sod p mot them aro very respecta'IY cun- zelati•e iivinR near t:hsagaw, Kcutatid. P. U. Jones, fur the let year acting rue socia -batt the arch -trickster lambs at She was a member of the Douglas family Cterhi„i the parish of St. Georges in this his victims with a arch tr sees that baffles and being a street admirer of the charact- I city -on the octwsien of her taking lave his victims with callousness Beacon. b es of Mary Queen of ruts, we had fee 'i of the deparr of the church ture her new home prior to A es. Au•• y•eteri. b Waaaittun►n, D.C.. May 1l5th, 1880. lisxTLsassle-Hering been a sufferer for a long time from nervous prostration arta general debility,I was advised to try Ilep{ Bitters. I ve taken one on bott- tle, and I have been rapidly getting ter ever since, and 1 think it the batt medicine I ever used. I am now gaining strength and appetite, which was all stone, and I was in despair until I tried your Bitten. I am now well, able to go aboutad du my wn it11 was completely ewp Lakin Before - taking 1'rostrated. V A T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kan., writes : g Nobby Suit at a It easonable Price, 1 FARMERS and $oft , t1 S IM itea Why is. poor OIL ria quer Respegeb ll sod ILS N 0 D LA R So Cheap. It Is. no equal. Try a and _,,,u will use no other- McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO. For rk bJ �;_ W_ 1v1cK�NZ OODYK1C lel. HUGH DUNLOP ashionable Tailor, 1 WEST STREET, w. Hee the !Wet As or•ttlwa d-a-fsat �O �'� Fro® - Ma . MARY i.TrAgT IF TOC WART Tle■saads M7 Ss. agent e.oncersations on the 'ublee - By many acts and wc.rda, a well as 7 Mr. John Morrison, well known in St. She showed me the l ,ck of hair, neatly I her assistance in active choir work, Mrs. ( new, Jrundi , Constipation, and Rene set in a mahogany hot, and previous .to Jones has stained the eateeilin and atfec- I Ann's, N. S., had seron ious KidneyCofer atisfac- her death in ltt4i , entristd it in the i tion of the member who ed her ac- plaintohad that bordered or a ei 6e roast cured byrel debility are quickly uc Trod- retuo ed Ah tion guaranteed Y bagels of a relative to he delivered to me ! cupu►aee of an elegant silverpp cake basket I Y *her* memento of their appreciation of Burdock Blood Bitten 2. Price only fifty cents per,-I>nt[51 For tor preservation- It is now in my i^'s her efl .sets in their behalf. Mr. Hunt ( t••tsesw rises* sad Viewers. sale by J. Wilson- CIYOALft%a — A name well known in 1 never hesitate to recommend your t' -\LL •o• the give in Bitten to my as arapid ���� give entero satisfaction and are rapid • sellers-' Electric Bitten are the purest and best medic'ne known and will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints They will save oundreds of dollars in (vIGANo family can afford tobe without them� uc o d at 60 ct s. Purify the blood and regulate the twels - d t r s hills every year tel a bottle ay J. Wi son. 131 Kell Rewarded. A liberal reward will ks paid to any party who will caducei case of Liver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will sat you nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. Al Blood dieeaees, Bilious- mission, iou a.ssion, and I rie.d hardly say that 1 prise and treasure it as an heir -loom and a relic. It was found anon¢ some old pep- pers at W ishaw, one of the estates ul the Douglas family, belonging to Lord It:4- haven, and had been (riven by the Queen herself to the George Douglas mentioned n the following extracts from the his- ory of Scotland. Gilbert Stuart, the historian alluded ' N.,w that Premier 1{c:wat, by his per - lo, informs us that th Queen of Scots I sistence and tact, has secured fort Inta- hewing fallen int. the hands of Morton rip unduputd t. sio.n of her \eit:,- tnld his se.ocutes, it was resolved in I wast territory, the ,ueeiion arses '«'hat council "that she should ke confined will he du wrath it 1' Eutigration has long during her life in the Fortress of Loch- 1 been diverted from that section of Cana! Won,' and that accordingly the Kith I da by the uncertainty which existed re- garding it. Now that Ontario's rights Jaw-, 15117, "she was delivered over to ;aro recognized, the 1►{owat (:ovetrnttunt Wm. Douglas, rue Governor of the Cas- ; might be relied upon to .ecuby udicihefad- 11 d - e,t Le.cbleven, whom they enjoined to I tlernient of the of its territory among `the aim her m close custody. In this ma- farmeng of Europe- Ontsrie farmers ile, which was situated in the middle of who wish to entre in pioneer wort, but t lake, Mary could not easily contrive to are afraid to go to D{anitba and the tarry on a correspondence with her Canadian Northwest ele account on odomald tad - he friends. Dougla, the (4ocern.r, was I ministration,u uyn find a home on the sandy related to the Earl of Mortun,and (fertile lands of Northern Umtaria Torre h Earl of l ( an reason for emigrating to lad marred the mother of the made the presentation, tenderl••g Ge —. recipient the best wishes of all her future There are tunny plants whew lax•eses, connection with ther tHair is natural er,colw by I weal. In reply, on behalf of Mr...Jones, flowers and sada contain virulent 1"'i- restores grey Dr. Jones took occasion to impress upon ' saw, which every one should know, so a few weeks use. Sold at 60 cents per I the choir the necessity and duty o1 un- I to atuid them and keep children from `bottle by James Wilson.2. animity and earnest co-operation as the lea them. best moans of wtcwas in the work that Buttercups poss.'s. a p uisun.•us prop- nal. lay before them. --(St. Catharines Jour- i eRy, which disappears when the flowers are dried in hay ; no cow will feed upon ' the petals that they will wmetinea in - D V- NLOP WI RS..; CIGARS > •eS IMPORTED AND DOME ' THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full line of all the Ll•aeling Pate•ttt Mr Liein,•e always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) • them while in blowout. So caustic are Real will Re M Kits 11 ? `u no Dotter y fame the skin of tender hngers. $very child should be cautioned monist eating them ; indeed, it is desirable t.. caution children about tasting the petals of any flowers, or putting leaves into their mouths, except those known to be harm- less. The .oleander contains a deadly poison in its leaves and flowers, and is said to be a dangerous plant fur the parlor or dining room- The flower and berries of the wild bryony possess a powerful pur- gative ; and red berries, which attract children, have proved fatal. 'l'he seeds of the aburnum and catalpa tree should be kept from children, and there is a poisonous property in their bark. The seeds of ches will produce •ow and of the rough -podded nausea and severe headache. Fool's parsley has tuberous roots, Kerrey, a woman .1 an imperious temp blirsardy Dakota. \unborn Ontario u which care been mistaken for turnips, - who had been the concubine of .lames hl pied fated by tornadoes. i, but who fancied bene to ° exodus of farmers toll ire tis Queen, and that her son was the true' toward the free grant lands '.f this p tear of the Scottish Monarchy. The vint� , and:so will cease to be an exodus Welity of such keepers could not well be and beeoome•merely a migratory move- ment The result , the Earl ..f 'Morton and his dud fieln for the cite except in skilful hands. idherenta found a mailrnant ion in re- I turers and wholesale amen of Toronto, August drug, e found i m every field a. the Meting, that here she weld not only Hamilton, London, and other cities in g d Shern Ontario- If Dlowat has been Twee see a UN races. The best bled purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach• of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ten. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousnea Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fifty cents s b,ttle by J. Wilson. [4] no colder than Dakota, , and it is not land produced a fel effect an hour after r w iia a to .vas they were cares I( havebee ll bed clod I Meadow hemlock is said to be the hemlock which Socrates drank ; it kills by its intense action on the nerves, pro- ducts complete insensibility and palsy of the arms and legs, and u a must danger - will of au baleen, and greatly erten rse, be a manufac- seashore and near mountain tops, in full psrience the com;uun severities an tagoen of • prison, but Ie exposed tui gov efeaternd the by tM vrould hichvhas nn he bitter mortification' of studied insults capital with which to develop it. The d neglects.' people of Ontario need have no fear as The month of January, 1368 arrived ; ; to whit Mowat will do with the terri- 'Mary, in the meanwhile, was amtriving I tory: He will manage it in the interests 1 of his province ; but while looking after a eeeape frown her an,t ninent, and there the commrrcisl interests r.t the province Iter in the Cse'tle . f Lichleven a young by promoting immigration and checking aatlenten allod George Douglas, the I the exodus, the Premier ecttul develnmight httpd rid• r. He was not morel people by wetting aside a large part of f To him she ; awarded territory for university pur- ller engatf- i poses. -(Toronto News. tether to her k tan eighteen yeera aid a flatteringto ^- wanner, her miefertunes, her beauty. 1 Illi armlet, aria him completely to her 'Tee mu" Lemma. 1Mtesta. She opened her mind to hint, — td even insinuated teat she night tend- ' There was once an old monk walking +bit hand as the reward o1 his service i through a forest 'with a pupil by his side. pd fidelity. His ie•art was big with Thu old man suddenly stopped and on, generosity, ami the spirit of elven- pointed to four plants that were close at diret. By this means she corresponded ; hand. The tint was just beginning to Ii11 her friends and prepared them f..r ! peep 'here the ground, the second had 1 shrunk e■terpriso. 1'1•.n the second day ufr.hoted itself pretty well into the earth, From 228 Itis. to 120: I had been kr, about seven rusk in the evening, and the third was a stnall shrub, while doctoring for my liver, but it did me no Rood. i did not expect Go live more than bee her keeper w.e :'t supper with his I the fourth end last was a full sized tree. three months. I began to use Hop Bit- Indy, tieorde D.orallaA, possessedhint- 1 Then the monk said to his young coin- tern. Directly my appetite returned, my eft me, my entire system seemed emwd k secretly of the keys of the rude, pinion : tenewe pens lel se. if by magic, and after eusing med Itetaed toher apart m gttieco.udwt- Pull up the fist. seventy fi.rttlea T sin n•.t only a wand as . iter out of her p e i felt her- i The leiy easily pulled it up with bis s w,verei sere, but weivh m^re than 1 did Ito be again a quern. •• a locked the fingers. before. To Hop Bitters I ..we my life.' R. Frt:rAT11I lea e( the pnecn behind him to pre•t r.r se \..w pull rep the cond.Dublin, June 6, 1881. fades pursuit. They flew to the I How Tei GRT Sue. -Elyse yourself bloom, and ladies and children,gather its large clusters of tiny white flowers in quantities, without the least ides of their poisont•w qualities. The water hemlock, or cow bane resembles par- snips, and has been eaten for them with deadly effects. The water dropwort resembles celery when not in flower, and its roots are also similar to those of the parsnip, but they contain a virulent poison, producing con- vulsions, which end in death in a short time. The fine -leaved water dropwort and the common danpwort are also dang- erous weeds. --(The Drugman. gess W Gain. t'nAPTRR 1. ••i was take% sick a y e.4 ago With bilious fever.' 'My .t....... pronounced me cured, but ' Between the Post fluke a; Bank of Montres goo pains in ODER,ZCS. my bask and sides, and 1 gat so bad 1 Oct. IRth. IrAx. ' lft1 Could not move Foutitill u1tser.., 325 .ACRES_ THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION. SALESMEN WANTED GZOME =DIAS, BLAKE'S BLOCK. THE SQUARE! The Canadian Pacific Railway Co LAND r•{eEC ULATIONS. To begin work at once un Fall Sates. Steady employment at fixed salaries to all willing to work. ■K% ase Nati Ke can have Pleasant Work the Year Road. The Company otter lands within the Railway Beit *Mug the mala Ilse. sad is 8oethe Manitoba. at prices ranging troch • $2_50 PER ACRS upwards, with conditions mitering cultivation. to micefol the A rebate for cdtivsawo of front e'I.t. WOKS* per aetee. scording without paid foroow land. allowed on certain conditions. The Company ales offerLeads settlement or cultivation. THE RESERVED ED SF. CTIONS Good agents are eaniing and expenses.o$4to pe mosaT.rms and outfit tree. Address: STONES WELLINGTON', 19311-3m- Toronto. Chit. DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER fa!CU Leathim lludeflater Has on hand now the LA*C5aT STOCK of along the Main Line, t r., the odd numbered Se. 1.un.. within one mile of the Railway. are now offered fur nate on a icantageoua tern's, to pan... p r.•trred to undertake their immediate oil. tivatioi-. First - Class Furniture TERMS OF PAYMENT: -- Purchasers may pay one-sixth in .-ash, and the balance In five annual instalments• wl(k fa: incest at NIX PFR (li.N T. per annum. payable in advance. P4ttes purchasing withot.t conditions of cultivation. will receive a Deed of Conveyance at time of purchase. if payme`nt •+ matte in fall. Payments may be nude in I.ANO (;RANT BONDS. which will be accepted at ten per cent. premium on their pa valne and accrued ineterst. These bonds can be obtained os ap- plication P plication at the Bank c' Montreal. Montreal ; or at any of it► agencies. to tie pur- chasePLUCKS and ('ONLITR'NS OF SA 1.1.: and all information with respect chase of ands. apply to JOHN 11. McTAt-1NH. Land Commissioner. Winnipeg- By order of the Board CHARLES UKiNKWATEH. Secretary• in the win not be undunt y. and as ersold by anow ny one. for �a ( offer T.pestr) t:arpet Longus. from ii Bow hack Chairs. from T,ic. up, and eragf thing else in the tame provertton. AT THE ()LI) STAND upwards- W tants, good, m r io e.1. I t sick again,with terrible I lake The yo•nth obeyed but not so easily. h without ex - Emthe twat that was in reaeiinoas ,and were instantly rowel to the ' • shore- There she was rucire.f I Moo Lori beton, with a chosen hsn.1 k,..... aan in complete sneer. That i tintaveyed her to his house e1 •Ijr' mto West len:hien. ?the rested And tie •bud. The boy had to pot forth ell his strength before he succeeded in uproot - 1 .t; It An.f now,' said the mater, 'try the d in three wools -Take Hon nit - fourth.' tern. lm But to ' the trunk of the tall tree, day and night ; eat too mac ems. ; work too hard without rest : doc- tor ail the time ; take all the vile nos- trums advertised, and then yen will want t.. know hoer to set , .U, which is answer - fire hours, and wet out for Hamilton. •'; grasped in the anus of tate youth, seance- 1r. the history of medicines n'. preps r;a most of your readers are aware. the I ly sho.,k its Jeeves, an.' the little fellow i ration has received such naivetes' (mt- Ee( Limpid* follewd on the lath I Mond it imp>'ssible t', tear its root fmm and he permanent urs. itetioatiou for the uteffects in :ion it d s %ha rt,tlt!`Wwr s were totally the. the earth.. ney diseases. as Ur. Van l;mtvn s Kinney ,and the Quwi tied to England. I Then the wise old monk explained fo Cure. its action in them distressing" was subsequently iniprir.ned is the pupal the meaning of these four enm laints is simply wonderful. Sold • y Castle, an4 was executed, murdered, by order ..1 Elise - lbw rival, the ith February, 11.87, ,e 43th year ^f her 64(.1. after sigh - trials : -- 'This. my son, is just what happens to our paso.n.. When they arc rwry'eves and weak one may, hy • little watchful- rs o/ eaplivity. aim „ver self and the help of a little ie Doggies who three reso eel I. &. Healy teat tant i •, Int 1[ hy J Wilson. 2m D. K. STRACHAN PRACTZCbL MACHINIST, Amps on hand • ...imply 01 material for the repairing of ,f tit 0 a H i ---I � a 4 0O zo ti o,; f PI0 r Tl Kt►'1 Q ci) 0ued 1 v . 12W0C4) t 03 cyZt4 st 2 0 O Il hi hie g 1 www Iirers and Reapers Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows and Agricultural Implements and Machinery Generally. All WORK THOROUGHLY DONE' D. K. STRACHAN, GODERICH MACHINE SHP G.rlerich. Mach 9th. 14a- IVB..tin CO for the working Clam, "chid 10 eta far poatw . and we will mall you ruts. • royal. ralnahle Sox of MM. pie Fee.hla tbst will tor yon In the way of makleg more more.- in a Mw dant ban you ever tamttbt pna.l! l.• at any ln,. &eau. No egMal required i • w I11 eau t you- yew ran weft e11 the rim, nr In spar, two only. The wort H unlreroaily sdantmd sen ke.h Ibeaarri sonic and old. Y..n . an wily fern from Me. lap erery! erening. That all -Tho "'sat wewk �feaay� test the hn.inr••. we make Ma mineral. oflt r ; to all wh.i arse nut well .at lobed we w411 seed $1 In pry for 'h.. tremble of writing A Callen Natl. — Cliildr'srt are chug es Fntllk+articnlar• d,rm, cons err . •.• ret free. frctfal and iii when Weems M toe rause. FortF•nner* to kiwwlelrrk. Item e, reel akar .noe, thole Dr. L.,.,w s Worm syrup sefely ...pais all iNAby ,,,,,• Iw+n't dflay. $tart naw. Addeo. Wane. Lit. Been Alpe.. Peg 06.4. make. no . Art Bes!gn 1u Wall P aper. New s the time. It row •..hn'•' "i' in uv. *sat bogie, to sew Patin's rola 1s. 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautiful colors. and at fir/, e• lima t Min , .:: much Inferior goods. Call sad see lin m .re tLe host • sine 1n -. w r, and meet bessld Tilt Laicst Srior,01 and Fashions, A'I' 13U9r1.411EDR'IS