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The Huron Signal, 1884-7-25, Page 6
• 1 1 6 (hs Poet's Corner. e easing. "At even, or at etildnhlbt, or at the cock- growtag. or in the mornlalt," It ma7 be in the , t e snug. Whoa th.• work of the da) Is dome. Lad rota have unto to sit fa the twilight Aad watch the slaking sun. Menthe long bright day dies slowly Over the sea. £ad the hour grows quiet aad holy %Fith thoughts of hue ; While you hear the t illage children Peering along the street. animas those thronging footsteps May come 11., woad of my feet . Therefore I test too Watch Ry the ltgl.l of the et ening star. When the room is growing dusky As the clouds afar ; Lat. the door Ire on the latch 1•t your Lome. For it may be through the gloaming 1 will .•u .u. It may be when the midnight L, heavy upon the lead. And the black water lying dumbly Along the sand 1° When the moonier night draws close. And the Rants are out in the house. Wham the fire burin low and red. And tie each i. ti. king loudly Halide the bed : Though you sleep, tired out. on your couch. iNdl ) our heart msul wake and watch le tee dark rune. Fsr it may be at midnight THE HURON EIF1AL, 111111I,JULY 25, 1884. p•itium grounds well be pravtd s�••nes` .d w COMM Air ...1\... As numerous tertltuenlala will t1Mw, arrivi g by see of wieners and exhibits A lack f refins .. . in one's mat- there a tau moue reliable mire ter deaf - nor, by steamabtp.ir ste•mbo$s we or soy iuurduy in uses . 'try nesa than yp Auer u ,rdin H ard's Yellow OIL 1t is A seen" ereneas, personal •ddiew, ought certainly to be a also the beat remedy for ear ache, sure cutter of regret 1.• the penial whew throat, croup, rheumatism, sad for pains If there is any lurking taint .d menials dol life displays such a detect But a and lameltess geaertdly. Card internally in the systnon, Burdock Blood Bitten are J wed le teruslly. 2 warranted to search it out. to by nu were uucuwauuu lir 111011 and women t., think, ur to pretend they I wa.a u Ceess. thunk, that ruleoese of manner and ones tP\7arrlaea Oit' o' ueglect of the courtesies of lite are ort- firs. Helen Pharvia, No. 331 Dayton' A gentleman was walking in Iteee1t's dente of a strong character ; see that A I St., Chicago, 111, u mow in her sixty - Perk, in I Griduu, and he met a nun cuts and urcvd habit e( sweet. is es eighth year, and states that �sb r tat ten as sof- whoa, only home was in tee poorhouse admirable proof that the speaker is aI tired with Conswmptioo He bad come out to take the an, and "-plain, blunt num,' who u above shams years, leas treated by eine physieuuleall excite.' it a gentleman s inter11stad at- and pretences sal than prolwunciaH her caw bupelw. fentiur, Now, while coarseness may dist along '� She ted given up all hope of ever meow - ,'Weil, ley friend,' said the gentleman, with strength of character ural righteuos- I enntg. Seven bottles of Dr. King's New 'rotting Hilo e.,nversetien, 'It u • pity Dees of life, it 11 always a ulewisb to Discovery for Consumption completely that a stun like you should be situated them, and carer a help. It is, of course I cured her. Doubting cues, please drop I( k how that refinement a out righteousness, her a postal and satisfy yourselves. Call weero you ars. Now may as no craw o d you are t' and that a rude and y.gral.t saint es at J. Wilsons drug storeand palet • free The nun said he was eighty years 'd always better, in Owd'stttiekt, if not iia trial betel,. • (1. spa, neo a, than a refined Yid iutelle:tual Seeing u believing. Read the testi 'Had you any trade before you prime sinner. of tDr.he Vail penniless?' But i Is set geiietion at issue. iuut ala in the pamphlet 'Yes, I was a carpenter.' The only point concerning which one Boron's Kidney Cure, then buy a bnt.ltt ''Did you use intoxicsting drink a ought to think is the questlen whether a and relieve yourself of all these duress• 'No, eh, no, I only took my Leer : leek of graciousness in character and in • paths. Your Druggest can you never anything stronger ; nothing but courtesy in manner is in itself • good all about it. Sold *y J Wilson Gederichi thing or a bad thing Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. 'S�.lEiRY CABINE'1t - MAKEI1, AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street J(ioderich A good ,t,aprllaent of [itches, lied-ruum• Uin!ISS Room and Parlor Furniture math M Irak. Clain. (hair. cane sad wood seatr,t. Cupboards, Red+tends. aleuresae. Wamk-muds Lounge. Sofas. What—Noes. Looking (awes. N. R. -A complete asses Blest of Collins lis and Shrouds alw.7a on hand ■Ire 11 at reaaosable rate . I:AI Picture Framing a specialty.—A cell sollc.ted nm my nesse. How much did your beer come to a Unfortunately, t ere is tea common • The use tat Pills, Salts Castor Oil, .L c. day.' tendency to confuse this question by and ether of Pills, griping Cathartlt •Uh. a s nonce • day, 1 wpt>+w• considering it 'dung with totally irrelevant Is unnecessary, as • Pleasant substitute For hos long •tion !' uuttels. Badness u sometimes polished, is hound in Dr. Carson's Bitters, which ' Well. I suppese for 40 yearn ge dnlst is sometimes rough : therefore, act as a Cathartic without griping tat The gentleman had taken out his note- illogically •ally cuncludes the hasty reasoner. causing nausea. All druggists sell it. book, and continued figuring with his anxious to excuse his own coarseness, 5O ceuta a bottle. pencil while he went e0 talking with the rude strength u better than courteous 1'lTY rats t'ogh UY+rErrto'. -Poverty I strewth. eh perfect health is dyspepsia- magic ellect of a dol bottle of .:r HEALTO. For n)etth conditions tat the Skin, I will coupe. I Iran. It may Leat they cock-a•ro.v, 'Now, let me tell you, said he as he when the night is dyiatt .lowly finished his calculations, 'how much In the see. that beer cost you, my ,tan. You can And the sea looks calm and holy. go over the figures yourself.' And the Waiting ter the .lawn gentlernau demonstrated that the money (N the vslden sun. at sic• pence a day far sixty years, ex - Which drsweth nue.; When the mists are on the valley, shsding The r. t r. -e chill. And my m�,rnini's er iv lading. fadin;t Over the kin ; itebcid ! 1 say to you - Watch Let the door b• on the latch la year homy. 1a the chill before the dawning. 1Ntw>cn the night and merdeg. 1 nosy cease 1t may Le .n I I•c :owning. When the son Is bright and strong. Ate• the dew is glittering sharply vier the MU. lawn ; When tba watts are Witching loudly Along the shone. And the hods are singing .wrest I t About the door: With a long day's work iwt•rr Ton, You rice up a ith the spm. And the n.ighhen cure in to talk • hole Of all that mu.t he done: But remember I may Is• the next To teas in at tl.e do, r. To call you from ;our bus) work Forevermore : As you wort ye::r heart must watch. For the doer is an to.- latch In your room. And it may be in hoer u.on;ing 1 edit come. peude I in beer, would, if it had been saved and placed at interest, hare yield- ed him nearly six hundrel dollar. a year, ••r an income of 12 dollars per week ter self-supp(rt. 'Lot we tell you how much a gallon rd whiskey crit,' said a judgeaiter trying • sae. 'One gallon tai whiskey wade two men murderers ; it made two wives widows, and nude eight children or- phans.' •OL' it's a costly thing. -Dr. Ricd- ard Newton. new Orleans Crate nasal Crag ..ItlNe. The Director general of ti. World's Industrial and Cotton Centene•al Expo- sition, to be opened at New Orleans on the first Monday in December, 1884, in aro which is before us Hives interest- ing facts rospectitll the preparations for the event, which promises to be one of the most striking et the present century. Frown the report. for which we are in- debted to R. S. Chilton, C. S. Consul here, we extract the following :— The main building is 1,375 feet in length and r.10i feet in width, affording 1,300,000 square feet of fluor apace, with conyeaient apartments attached for police, tire department, public comfort, • offices, meeting rows fair various nation- al organuytiens. and with a central inuac hall capable of seating 11,000 per- sons. and a machinery hall 1,315 feet in length by 2:0 feet in width. Extensive aocomnt.datl.tus have here been provid- ed fey the d•s4.L►y of factories of all eerie ties in motion. The horticultural pull is said to be the largest conservatory ever erected. It is ti0U feet in length, 194 band in the cen- ter, with glass re of, t. Klass tower 90 feet in heitcbt, with heating apparatus and cold atnrage attachment fey preserving fruit. It is designed to hate an inter- national exhibition of plants and shrub- bery around the sides of -this building under Dover, and an international display of fruits extending throughout the cen- tal spaces of the butluing. Mexico has ooaaented ta adorn the main center wi.h royal palms and natlte plants, and will occupy 200,1100 feet of spares sd))'nining the hall for a garden. The Republics of Central America will adorn 250,000 feet of the garden, and an equal extent will be occupied by floral products t; Florida and Calif,rais. An art. gallery of native marble is to be provided. ao4 every effort will be ,made to snc..mmedate the extensive col- lections of art treesures and antique relics now at the cuulmard ,f the aar,cla- tiou. One t mans l feet of soave in the main building has been designated for an agricnitural hall. s F-,rty acne ..t greens'. have been hurl .3 or grpwl.tit firms, exeerinlental and • WI:Stable gardens, and forty acre pro - 'tided f n hnildinuk Io accommodate lire stock, poultry, cud birds, with a half • If you are ..real taking the large, old- fashioned griping pills try Carter's Little Liver villa and take seine comfort. A man can't stand everything. One pill a dose a ?9gm� Fon TME COMPLEXION.- ler17.171.--DPra, blotches, tan. and all itchtnc tumors of the skit, us+ l'n.I. LAW'S )Iagic Sulphur Seep. m The {;rowl\ or the Orange Tree. The orange tree is the longest lived fruit tree known. It is reputed to have attained the age of three hundred years, and it has been known to have ,luurien- ed and borne fruit for more than a hun- dred ysan. No f.uit tree will grow and produce fruit se well under rough treat- ment. It commences to bear the third or fourth year after budding, and by the fifth year it will produce an abut' last crop, but its yield will increase gradual- ly under favorable circumstances, and as the years per on it will become a very productive tree. The early growth of the orange is quite rapid, and by the tenth year it will have increased more for bit S AND SHOES ITEW 0-003:113_ REMEMBER re th. cal h " tither to be chosen I H ave This shallow argument finds plenty of lei I Tr the acceptance, because it is a great dual than riches and buy lar Du 1 �Ttt easier for most people to le thoughtless- ly coarse than to be studiously gentle and so they conclude that it is a nutter ,1 little moment whether the manners are attractive Hr net. Every uta who u tryirg to lead a good life should also try to lead a winsome •tad courteous Lie. y a n u - gelttleness .4 disposition and graciousness 1 of Dr. E. C. \Vest s - secs and Brain ZZZe� of word and deed, be throws away a Treattne, :. See advertisement elsewhere i Please Call Vs� ++Xaj'J'+ means of growth and an effective weapon. Sold at W ilwu's drug stere. b i Shampooing the head, Pimples, Eruption and skin diseases. use Pref. Low's Sul- u) phur Soap. the Largest Stock, T'ne Latest Stylest The Most Reliable Goods, I And the Lowest Prices, B la d ntng All Nervous Debility cured by the use! Yid efts tilt ! : AM Ansswer TtsletN. 'NOpin- Can any one Drum us a sue of Kidney 'She lingered and suffered along,,'{ 1 or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitten in¢ away all the time for yearn, I will not speedily cure 1 We say they 'The at isats was her no bgy this `And last was cured i , sic the H"1' j i2�aucutl tcuredtan1 i:f amen ere daily re - 'Indeed Bitters nd the papers Inde sayv, mach about. I permanently )mineuding Electric Bitten, will prove. 'How t : thankful How thawktul we should be for that eBright'srat)rinary complaint•luickly cure, Weak d. utcodicina' purify the bleed, They Pregulate the how - .t Uaneblers yii.ery• els. and act directly en the diseased 'Eleven ears our daughter sufferr.i on parts. Every bottle guaranteed. • lied ::f misery. ; sale at :roc. a bottle by J. Wilson. ilj: 'Froin a complication et kidney, liver, A Ktartlbg.YtsseiKy. rheumatic trouble and nervous debility. •Under the care of the best physt- Physicians are often startled te ee- ciana, I markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. 'Who cave her disease van .us names, King's New Discovery for Consumption •Rut no relief. I and all Throe' and Lung diseases isdaily 'And new she is restored to us in geoid curing patients that they have given up health by as simple a remedy as Hop i to die, is startling them to realize their Bitten, that we had shunned for years ! sense of duty, and examine int:: the before using it.'—Tet PAPZ (T i merits of this wonderful diecover7, re - molting in hundreds of .our best pri- rattaer se 4.elt►ag Welt. I Clans wain[( it in their practice. Teel 'My daughters say : bottles free at J. Wilson s Drug Store. 'How much better father u since he pular size $1.0). (4) used Hop Bitten. • H: is getting well after his long set- National Pills act promptly upon the faring from a disease declared incurable. liver, regulate the bowels and as a per - 'And we are so glad that he ussd Tour ii gative are mild and thorough. in Bitters.'— A Ie.DY of t tics: N.'t . m I There are lots 1. f people going around — ' rumbling. and half sic( at the Stomach than in the next fifty years, s, far as Its ct Old lift! breadty and eight are concerned ; but its all the time ; who might be well and age multiplies its fruit stems greatly, An old favorite is the remedy known happy,if they ouly used Dr. &n� and an old tree will sometimes bear as Ur. Fowler's E ptract of tl ild Stew• Stoma,1 Bitten occasionally. It is a several thousand oranges. i berry. Thirty years reliable for cholera 1 A 1„tvtER'.s TE.Ti�tONT. — For a Cough, Cold or any Bronchital affecion. '•Pectora, ' in my opinion, u just the thing. I have used it in my family for Coughs and Colds for the past four yeah with the moat unvaried success, and to- day my opinion of it is that I continue to think still more of that which 1 bean I It was never known t.. fail. t' thinking well of. .'la"e - ii Pain front indigestion, dyspepsia. and Geo. Kegs, Manager Ontario Rank, two hearty eating Is relieved at once by Pickering. taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills Price 2i cents at all drugrista. rat immediately atter thinner 1)•dt t forget — i this. lm. morbus, diarrh.e-a and summer com- plains. teat lenient lured. splendid 'blood purifier. A 1 druggists 50 cents Ouckho s Andes sieve. Are nu troubled with Salt Rheum, � ,'�'11i keenest medical wonder u. the Rough Skin, Pimpies or Canker Sores ;1 world. Warrented to speedily cure if so, go at once to tie.,. Rhymes' Drug Berns, Bruises.CutI beers, Salt Bhutan, Store and get a package _d McGregor & I Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chi{blainst Parkes Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. 1 Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, 'guaranteed to cue in every instance, or money refunded, roc. per box. For sale by J. Wilson. ly. NI1 'fit(I:LE iVATEVEit TO SHOW GOODS. D�v7 TING Caliph's Block, C. neer East street and Square. Qederich, May tit!„ BOOTS&SHOES =lo -c7.7 -2:11.1:1g 'CTT'e aatz p Beg 1. announce to the Public that theyhate evened I:i,'iiilee s in the ab to Stec largmatt in the store lately occupied by Horace well assorted stuck of Spring avid Sumueer (oogonia at chew figures, we are actuation to give the Public the beecede • (wile neck mens wherein sense( anima ver which they have allowed to cont wiii 1.e wi711ittlrt in s/ateel days then(, and fur their use of the light they 'Suitable ale►rlemeut hare hien male i might hare had if they would open their for a natiensl display upon the endorse- mem ndorse- o ceps to it. 1(1en. J. L. Chaml)erlain at d f \ t' r. nuc ti onal and Ma't Jeger nestlly. tine ,f the saddest things I know of u that epitaph which the Virginia father, kering up the remnant left him after t • ravages of war, and settling himself as best he could into the new situation, placed upon a atone he raised as a memo- nal of his old home. On one face of it he inscribed these words: 'Ty the sacred memory of my eldest boy, who fell fight- ing for the stars and stripes.' On the opposite side he wrote, 'To the beefed memory of my youngest boy, who frit fighting for the lost cause. Ati'1 ht'- tween them en the the third face, 'tied only knows which was right '' I pity that man's 'anew and dark perplexity. Bot there is a double question there as to the 'right,' .'1 which he dared net indite. The tttetive in the young omen's minds was .,tae thing, and the justice of the cause wee *nether. God al•'ne knows the heart, and he alone can judge Wren's motives. it is one of the strange facts of life that the beret .'f feelings are some- times enlisted 11, the worst of causes,and the wont of feelings in the best of mimes. Yon cannot always judge the (moral value of an act merely from its surface, nor can ]ua judge it merely from its Motive. But men are responsible ler their mots - QUICK SALES SPILL ?MRS W1LL BE OUR IMO ,•Please call and examine :air go:els b.eferrturrchasing elsewhere. Alf -Remember the place. !Belt emir t.. J. V* aeons Drug Store. "Custom work will it -cove our special attention. --None but the hest ..f material used and tint -cissa workmen employed. :.ar•ItrpairinG neatly d'•tIp©shortest IING & W ED D U F Goderich. March 9. 1882. A.Ieseseg 1e ell maw\lend. In these time' when our nes reapers are flooded with patent medicine 'elver - Reser tete r *• ttsememta, it is gratifying toe know she} If you are suffering with 1- t•. and de- to procure that will certainly cure yeu� eeesett spirits, lees e f *Tiwute. -•were- 11 you are bilious. Mooed Hut '.f enter, debility, disordered blood, nota.( tem°, i' liver inactive, .ir -.antral .debilitated, tenon, headache, err any dtsemee ..f a bd• there -is nothing in the world that will Mum nature, by all mowne practice a out- cure you so rieickly as Electric Bitten. tie of Electric Bitters. 1 ••tl will be sur- The, are i blessing 10 all Mankind, and prised to see the rapid ingor..venteht that l be had for ..nag tifty cents a bottle will fellow ; you will lot, inspired with new ed Jn,urs Wilson. 121 life: strength and activity will return ; 144111 . 1 .e 1 a len•. a a' - i M,mp,n. vent,.,, and the conies co 'lent' .•1 the t:nrtt.1 `?trance tiotnnti'iou of F.duca• . ( i :+seri THE rag Rota.. -Nattenai t taken and ie. eiepenes stens have pert I Pills are a cored 1 lo d purifier. liter gken fns• tie. ••tWork, o.f •depart• re;ulatur, and mild purgative ter all i moat ,f W :snit: s N'.'rk, ander the high pain and misery will cots.. and Bence- f.eth you 'Will rejrmr to the--fe ce- ele- Electric Sitters. $el3 at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. 000 �CREBB fat iv WILD sad IMPROVED LA'%1*i. for sale Meng the line of the l'.l1.er\. W.H.it. In Sant - IOC area•'s Flow lost\I■tea aid Huron t•oost,eA. MICHIGAN. Prices Rom IS per acre acre upwards. Good water. i-. the e.nly instentauw.ua relief t. a Neu- Sark soclimate. chi te.es to aar the ln(,Iaduides and e raleia, Headache, Toothache. etc. Ruh- forilan and hull Icnlan to W.W. JONES. eine a few dr'l' hris'.ly Is all that is mIlilituy$t.. 1 'ItT Ht'RO%. Mich.. Gen. needed. No taking nanse•.nu medicines acme toe Tennessee Lands. Ira17n for weeks, but one minutes applicarl•n retin,t•es all pain atl.l will ,rove the great value of Kram's Fliu.l Lightning. '2u cents per brittle at George Ithyttas: dreg Mr h direction of 11...51 interested in opening New Y,rk, July 18.—The immignti,n to wormer itldPi ndras r positions in the �missieners hare decided that no 10,14 (th Id. The with lakes. 1' ti lel . lice miffed t•. remein in the '7,01417 n , - lags f h 555.1411. m The exp sad mrime , 111 he m1,011 assisted pauper immigrants shall he per- -( h tined with sox t), an „„fe M ro finer •! "e''"gl+t"1` '^'sant Inc 1•nited }ectien ie made by rine member e 4 States d I'In neem tnuriean aeMrtnes, f}eard. pgmpi -mentor* qres r the r Wm. et Heron, Dak., write• mile,MIK IPmmtt p•sltl __-�t-J with orange. (!et .a..111, acv ire , a t TitP eoM,le••e4t,Pps. rfr..nap•ertafien few acute Bronchitis free vitam�7esea, re - ea •n A a/arttlatg .lsewtery• d alar pita pomgg. 11e 10x: that his wife had bees t wit l enarla •d the venter, and tree ribs. tees harp not Ire all twwledtss tried ga =soot orerioube•t �ttM� �Nr Ow Nnn 1 reel and nfty limes of ''edifies, `qts ggw'eed to a motimma Oita en pis of one neat pew ratite, tied steer- b'. wile tri, rtnitaithr isstrodtined. h n w•neee• and it light eau he int hey a :t he, timed M procured aILase. • xs`wd Colds, who► had�w+e j =mod prtdo pore s:me der to ewe of 11h' hew tired and weak i feel. I dot 't believe i will ever get thr.t.gh the Spring itouse�-etlaning 1 Oh es von will if you take a pante or two of yes Carvin • St,m- aoh Bitten to purify your bl..00lnnd tette uje the system. in large bottles r,n cts. Ne household should sae oensidered ci.mplete without a bottle of Dr. last Berens Kidney gyre iq in the clout. it is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly can all forme • f didney dimeaaue. (weld by J Wilson' 2m I( ten .hotthrhe so unfortunate as to Rnrn. s.ald or tyettwd yourelf in any way the pro per thing to keep clean and heal It M Neare- gar L l'arke s parietis ('etre. Iof t ea bav Ingo end br tore you t. MM:nstyN t {'teres i druggist. las the aennlne ren (aiholie Comte. "Wet tt cents. 0. Rhynai. A Weed ./teevery That is daily bringing ley to the bowies of thousands by. saving many of their dear ones frim an early grove. Truly is Dr. King's new Discovery for Consemp- I tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Bay Fever, Loss .d Voice, Tickling is the Threat. Pain in Side and Cbe•t,or- any Mow of the Thrust and Lennie, e pegpi�e woo Oioninteed. Trial flat ties tree at i. Wtl.•tt's Drag Stars Lias lis. U.N. Weems dlss steer CURE seek ffeadaebs and relieve all the t?n ;hie, oriel- drr:t :o • Whose state of the system. sorb a. I), s- wowes, flat..*, lhows•.•r•. Distress after eating, ableo inuccess has bees sho.Ae.�nein curiihPif ng rea:,..rk• SICK Road iehif.yrt (arter'ILhtle Liver Pillsapyrrrerrequ equally valuable la Constipation, aringand one mitin er i VV annoying eompWa . 1 all dirtcdrrs of lits stomach, etimula•• the lin+ sad regulate the towels. [re if 11-7 only ennd HEAD wisp Arh • they would beaimostprit. •"es io LADY *utter from this dMrSSLtg caq'Wat; bat lona semi? tMirgondne adossaleendbees.pa�nd(boss who ones try them s manywill ut hey will went bells Nalw. willies 'hie d la without 37 to do wL•hoat tlst-m. Bol grist all mkt beard ACHE __ is the bane of so awsy Ills that %ere' • elle make our great boast.. Our pills 441.•'i do not. Carter's Little Ute fill. ars very . 0111 end very away to Mk.. One or two pilliiss make does. Thy s w strictly vegetable d parse hat bytheir gentle action pleats she n-attb. . Invials atricats: eve Ira �f1. Sold bydrwweakseverywhere, L CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York O1 . ar ee b. tb PI th di la as fel '• .1 Y, KI ti w 1 u • • RiNCIPA L+ LINE The anottf7JT. allilckklt sod Age ani BEAT nae Ie M. Jose" tlolrta la whims. Toyrts. tsar- etratts�Ml�osrl.Ea.- ::jj! rm. Hsea.. t;al• scut' Nebraska gas, New Mellon, Arizona. ii 'd teas aid Tessa f[� H = .L Ca' CIO pas Saute bee so superior ton Albert lefaarspott■ sed at Past. liulraity reputed as hetet the Cif tine raivetrwl- aye c 8sN shied ocornboll to Railroad la the .rid (.•- as shear. of .rave: KANSAS CITY �r•WILSO�, flat S' FOIi` TRE rot' P'6 UGHS. COLDS. A- P : NCRITIS and all LUK L 'umPEF of PEAITS RSONS the vanced Sur ° CONSM'Iuti• J. W BRAYLE* SPECIAL OFFE ea the followiwg mwnls tad material al the SBB9YILLEB PLOW WOKS �y�Reaf sem. at Itl.SO each. Myer and tieparator.Ia • !mow t wheat oarrwn •led (ler i*ll-sid wins. (baa Alt cone vitiate elate 04.14/14 I' i A Thrones ^'y llot Tickets till I al"1 lar mu Celebrated Lire r" `. . not tr.v-:reg s •Yeaa1e."rin .y;. 1ov.ry.la+W the 1• ft. oaf Y' ler it . dh Coo.... . �.• ' %-- . . ,.utljr ss below ted. at SI per rest. lees Ste.. for as klads of threats lgdves at WI teiee. .hilh wow cher li - •,t• t: ee� Canadian Pew. Ag t, Torono, Out nose B. Joilt5Totr, 'dyke• Agent. Oodereh L AP RIG �'�ve,tre.ter poem •adreoefvetsee,a Roel• aids* to were 10001111 �. thaw anythingotos in this sex. 'wooed hoer fest bgsr to fertile* ogees before the t Lire: At este Iaddress,Ttswn t 00.. A •Iles. Says i)ryden "She knows her mer, eel lobo. Ins mod moor. Oto draw yea to bore Ida b bet it wet Ili