HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-25, Page 44
nut BaL
Sr oa. as their Olive tot
off the butiarel , M
ADA Is despatched to all parts of the sarroaa4
s.tsMri b the earliest malls and traU a.
admlssfon it spec t. hricl Ufa
Mt{ j Whey oewga r In st, st
le....tn. d Is one)or the rachet, newsiest
and Ines reliable oarnals In Ontario
passesehaag. as It does, the fore --going essentials
Is add!' tom to the .hove. a era-cL•,
=tad reside paper it i• therefure •
rattle solrerf tying medium.
--()130 in ad, anew postage pre -paid
tl.Ta, if paid lecture six stoat*
w paid. This rul will be trletlI
Met M ADYERTI$IRo.-- Light cents pe
�e tasetrtio• : throe cents per Ito. or
1 Stradainsertioa. Yearly, rates.
�" oostr.cu at reduced rales.
We have also a dim -clam
. hi oat- eaand and postwar
y�� Mot Mete oat -et and newt facilities
ttet.r•fag out work in Godericb. sr* preps reel
THE HURON 3•01NAL. FRID IT. JULY x5, 1884.
tent. " buycetted" by the pulley which
the 0. T. It, has pursued towards it,
and the unly way in which we can obtain
fur it that fur play which shoe* be ac-
corded ti. ,s to sty work that • oumpete-
tive road may be built to force heck the a.sti.,a. and in favor of
trade which has been heretofore divert- I the Busndary Q
ed. Y ()uteri... Mr. Mottoes vindieeti.s was
Next week we will publiith • letter certain front the first.
from the pee of Mr. Ter. Kydd, which The Glebe gives the following despatch
j will give an ides of the way in which the regarding the deeiaiva :-
people f Goderic'i workedyears•aotoRet LoNeox, July Y2. -At the opening of
in their first railway. It will prove inter- the (tetania ltuuadery ease before the
eating to the ober residents of the town Judicial Committee of the Privy Commit
who took part in the struggle, and may to -day, Hos. 0. Mowat proceeded with
give • "puiuter or two to the men of his amuses'. in reply to Mn.ess(•rth and Robinette, counsel fur Mc -
today, .e hu are anxious for another rail 1
toba. At the conclusion of his address
the J edictal Committee stated they would
present • report to the Queen -in -Council
{r case, but intimated they
mos. R termor rMYM. sfaMaaneia
she levee etea.M5-
The Privy Cowes! have derided us
way campaign.
Mee bagasse in teat line at prices that cannot ,
memausee.-!'hews eaquality
se that caasot M
We are happy to be able to announce
' YRIDAY. JULY 25 u. 1884 that Muskoka has born rpgwltd _Inas
the bribery brigade. ]l►._ DIN. the
A NAPPY FAMILY. Liberal cardidate having been returned
by a tua'onty of 149 Wednesday was s
THOMAS Fenno*, 'l.'. for least Hu- •atives lit Mus -
cola day for the L ,psecv
run, is willing• h, sacrifice every relative koka, tint n •t cold enough for froren London :-
by fretting theru tillers in the public whisky.
"Argument SSeolladel. ludpfa+Ont on
.ervice at gaud salaries. Some years ago __ _ _ question suIt*Mteoi to be in our favor.
he had one of his ons appointed as mull
HE I/Iir� TQU ' Huzza.
ajsrk, a short time back he had a seamed l Capt. Miller met Jlajor Cooke the Jay Although it was decided that the cen-
toa appointed, and now be has filled his
aftertheDuterin s visit. ventiupal aware set down by the arbitra-
eup of joy by haying his brother, Ascher I "Did they all go yesterday, Major," tors'was not a legal award, the Privy
Farrow, appointed collectur of cwtems I asked the valiant Captain. Council, in determining a boundary, ap-
st Ouderich rrv•. Darius Duty, resigned. „
Yes," returned the doughty Major • paean to have adopted the one prop.+ed,
With regard to Mr. Ascher Farrow we i and then, after a pause he added : ".411 and thus to have made level what was
have not •word to any : we have always I but:%1°."f!.. before simply conventional. The victory
looked upon him as a luso .1 fair bust - 16° Th major enjoys his little joke, even is an important one for Ontario, and the
• ties andreputation.
-_ u colleagues int the Ontario
Is the Diets of Mtpday last snowed
• later as oapsiestion, by Mr. D. E.
Cameros, of Lssknow. Th• I.tt.r gives
twbjest for thought to all active liberal
p� workers. Vie oouecide to a con-
siderable extent with the wniw in the
views he pots forth, and hops that he
will fallow up the matter in (stare let-
ters. A mese thorough political educa-
tion of the rank and filo is necessary,
and a system of political discipline is In-
dispensable to the moues of the liberal
party. The following u Mr. Cameron's
on the who
would rucoiumenda boundety practical-
ly the same as that awarded by the Cana
diad arbitrators.
The Ontario Government members re
eeived die following cablegram instil
Sia, -Reformers rely for swum on the news carne that the soundness of their principle. and en arranged between lirulau and the best Gun ..t dodgers :rid schemers for et• et
the adv of them upon the platform aeuller that Awtralu coaled pndu.roi l ing money that It it possible to lint -An,.
and through the press. It therefore (hoes who took any interest to sporting I Frum three card ounce to mneptas, tit
follows cleat the hope of the Liberal par- matters --a large u,ajo rity of Australians I eluding thimble riggers, roulette players.
17 u in the education of the people. Ice- _sped to think .4 or talk .•f littler 'gentlemen' ..f the luras trick, ',Loam
u we do that the hope of the e1seand the race for the championship uteri who were betting • soverriq i aA t..
u the speedy displacement °°t ut d the world was the all •bsurbing topic whether a penny turned up head, or
the present corrupt Government, .rid the 1 in aquatic circles E,ltaally grant was Melds, and 'gentlemen' with monkeys es
accession of the Liberals to }rower, it the dlasppuici rttent when at one time it themselves who .nanaged tu diddle thele
of all nes the urgent and imperative duty was thought the arranged match would victims out of thesr cash with op .arrnt
up all who held these view* w use every fall through, and the little wonder wuu•d ease, in fact the whole fraternity of
ale wt . e,6 pia
water. It risen is the mimeos d the
aw Moeuthmem d la us both silos ms fur a tom
canoe h.m.t•d
suet perpendicular rucks, seal it sod-
guS lulu s beautiful sed
The World's ChamPiQI Carwmaa fertile rally caused tb. Iitss plsiss The
in the Antipodes. little town of PMeith is here .it,mled,
and this was the point obese• as the
ceuree. Asa sheet m
um awe wage, Lsfearh-aa �I "fie" wafaa F,i Reese vett
Moe lemmas. t'M1••s• it canine be surnamed ; mem* se glass,
and without any pero.ptilde esrn..t u
Kites the rower every facility tor brine-
ing tutu play all his powers and .'till.
trtom our own l'utreeWadeat. The vicinity of the river was swarmed
To the people of Sydney, and 'n fact with a bust .•t sharpers of .vay shad,
to the peopple 01 Auatnau, the cult of and variety, amongst whom the "throe
Edward Hanlan has been leaked upon I
card utoute' mon predominated. here
as one of the greatest relents the" ha.
enclwure, fur obey Itad such and trade
occurred duringthe last decade • clutrts of Y shilliniis ( !• �" bad
1 t • match had been
the 'nod curious and multifarious connote
nese bili good He i ° 1 credo of winning it belongs to Mr.
if he la a Lafx-Coo.
j deserves no blame for accepting the • Mowat and h
t1 ^k
snuzirth into h ' ht k
which he
was p,rtc or
i Tun Chatham Answer thus nails Knuth- Government.
p•oliticAl intluence :of his •bA, H. Roe. M.PP. It is a
d t coag the
I lir Tory fi'Jseha•dcomplete set -back for Sir o
brother ; hut we certainly' find fault with Id Lennox; and a prominent member of A Macdonald, whose contempt for fair -
• the nepotism of Thomas Farrow, M.P. the Opposition, died • few days ago.
No public man his a nein to exercise IThe ed announced next mummy that
hi. influences.) that his male relatives the llntario Cabinet was hastily wmmun-
shall all fed at the public crib. Thomas ' ed when the news of Roes death was
Farrows, cording to Hunaur f, trade reeeices, and arrangements made t
several speeches in the House .1 Cots' I pure the constituency when the
mons, extolling t the \,P., in ole d.f them ; election came off. The truth is Messrs.
he stated that the hens laid larger eggsPardee and Hardy were in Muskoka the
under the heni,;n influence .4 the !entire week : Mr. Mowat is in England
National' Polley, and in every
speech Mr. Fraser, in Brockville ;and that
be a,nten.led that easiness lied improv-
mprov- Iter. I Fraoss was the only vull;member of the
d, so that anility and
call' ►1 could be Government in Toronto for several days
more profitably e:uployed now than , after Mr. Roes demise. This is a sample
of the Ards reckless tying."
h h h
( i I ed objute effort to accompli t be seen under the Seuthent (Tess, Deur rInuEaEW u$MTKY
the desired
object. The fact of know- but a cable was received announcing was yepyesruted. The enclosure cou-
pleon the part of the massesofthepeo- that
iia matters political is net sufficiently
resilient by those where privilege it u
to be leaden o1 ;sem ical thought in the
*sentry. This tgnerance arises partly
from lack of tdutat,uu and other circum-
stances and partly from apathy and
indifference. Instead of being considered
the highest duty of citizenship to take
au active interest in the affairs of state
in order that the franchise may be intel-
ligently exercised, we find too often the
would opposite divideethethe
ters into Illustrate
five claassses,
sommeneinv at the lowest:
First, those who cannot read or a rite.
Second, th.oee who can real. but who
take no paper.
Third, those who can reed. nut mho
local paper.
who Can read and
i r paper and perhaps others.
Fifth and last, the educated, reading.
Hanlan had left 'Frisco ri. ro,atr
for Australia and immediate steps were
taken by the sporting fraternity to give•
tamed about 5,000 spectators, many -of
whom did nut come in by the "wicket
gate," but tu our certain knuwledtre bad
him a hearty reception. is hu erre.• • ver the garden wall. As tete
the docks were thronged by the Sydney. ! come
ites eagerly watching t get a sight of ',tune for the race drew uiih, every one
1 was on the alert, every point of vantage
Tit INVINCIBLE LaNrcK, I was occupied. When the twc Mats •p -
or Yankee as he is styled here, and amid pearod in sight closely followed by a
s cheering, excited crowd he was driven � small steamer carrying the umpire and
to his hotel Colony's
anted by • number' press reprraentatides, tunny of the saoc-
of the Cob o s represeptauve cues. tato,rs we1e worked up to a highly en-
o'clockThe following day, 1, th March, at eleven 1Lusuatie pitch ; one man with • tele -
the reception took place and the I scope would persist in yelling out that
tele -
customary lung speeches erre made and , Laycock was ahead, but the filed im-
tuasts drank. Ilare with his acme - "i Ioressiun of the majority was that Iwy-
tomer brevity, in his reply stated that he cock Dad
had come all the war from Canada to �tyy o TAE event. or 3 CUA* t- '
bot their beat snap, and he was teen to' NI hen Helen pulled up to the winning
take uuly the. aaa do so if it was in him. Fur days he I point with the race already won the
ness and euuity, and whose miainterpare• Fourth, those h 1 d who
mewed to be the olserved of all "deer• cheering was out so btarty u when the
talion of cunatitutional law, is beaemin:' I take • leading t } ft' i p 1 th urs, and the daily paras winched his tow acualert came together and she etc
el } mocements as cl soh as some oaf the 1 hands. Frntt the start Hanlan pulled
a Threproverb.
Three yeah age. speaking of the ter- I thinking men, who are well-inf.•-. -. in Leaden organs
w.e shadow the steps of Her f a clan eyes sf we, . b Lytwck e
h ff ' J proportion as the nosey Queen 'Victoria. One paler we great deal of 'wash,' but alightly lesd-
previous to the intr•nluctien of he N.1
P. Yet he is not willing that his sons e,r
his brotier should take part in the1I
general business prosperity, and grow i '
fat upon it, but finds a little govern-
ment job for etch .ef thein, and pushes/
them forward ever the heals of old and
tried civil servants. Ferrero has no faith
in his own uteuicine. and ere hope t seal
the people of East Hurua pass a just I
verdict upon him at the next election.
The Tories who have been passed over
by hint in his el' iris t", fatten his Mood
relatives will remember him in the time
to came, and the Liberals who have
fought hire for year. will not forget that
he has added nepotism of the worst
bread to his other political sins. After �
next election he will I,e at liberty to
Atari a hale , sad test:his N.P. the•ry r
on eers, if he has nut l.efure that time'
climbed upon the party shelf where the I
popular tide will net reach him. There
is one thing sure, and that is that here-
after his cake is dough in Huron.
1 h 1
I Peupi a .•f prominence and note were ata- his litter son (nem the house in which he requirements of the riding, the best :attracts hundreds that might have .,leer the champtuns}nl• • f the eaten -gat
THE HAIL II -A 1- St iIEVE. • ! tinned at vannas places throughout the I had been boarding. Same $91) belong -available talent should be obtained, and ;wise not attended the exhJ.itie•a: A 11 C,mes fur mann yen to come, and It is satisfactory to know that public route, and watched the procession. Lord ing to Johnson, which was in the hands the political questions ..f the day', with pair of large zinc sh ee seine fur feet heat the tow" '=neatest of the British
attention is rapidly turning to the rail• I Randolph Churchill and other well- of the Dresden authorities, has, we special reference to the legislation of the ! in length and filled s n h cork oar other I oolo.ntea -Canada and Australia -may
known Tories were at the windows of understand, been garnisheed by the preceding session ..f Parlumen•, ahuni( tient. buoyant substance was the secret f t e¢ether bear the itutt, "Per reser et
wtj rluestion, and that discussion on the + the ('arlten Club rooms, and were vigor- boarding house -keeper. he liscuaawl. N !;en possible, the serve I „f his suncesafully c:ancinc ••ut Ilea part ! (err tet, ' meet .t their cutors for genets-
is Luing provoked in various1 oust • hissed. The Mantels of Salts- On Saturday morning J.:hna,n was cos ••f the leading men of the party .of his exhibiu.ut. TLewe exiu:,iuuna tens to come. D. 1lr, Mgt
1 S y _ conveyed t,, Chatham gaol by Chief Con. should be ..blamed, but as it is obvious ' �s
try now seamed hats.,. the Tory I pub' a urs. Just in 1'n'thry"suscrpu iteurzed where he was in the me•rnin¢
ow.when the half mile was finished
n o pe.mp a are un ucat are
Chieftain sail : "Nut an acre
of land, ole to the c,rrupt and dishonest intlu- arms her cave hu InoCPmCntt fur the Haan was a half length in the lead,D dh
not a stick o1 pine. nut a pound of mere our unscrupmuns oppenents are e. aftent.�on, a third told what amuseinent I pulling as steadily at .'nS and leadd, th
minerals in that territory will ever he. skilled in using. We have abundant he could be teen at in the evening. after 1 a mile from the start and
had i.e At
lung t Ontario." evidence of this in the least. T.. teem- giving us. the impression that Haitian I ed the leas to a length. At s mile and
d h t ' flu sees the pee- besides Daeint the ability to get over a a quarter the time was 7} min., and
tenet thew u ones w e
Hero u ■ list of the grog cases is per must be enlightened In political ghees of water a little faster than any ' both doing good: d: week. ere Lsyc ock
which, during the last few monies, the affairs and informed as tee the character other man living, had also the happy t on a tines spurt. Hanlan responding
P faculty of '•heftg in two places at one and increasinghislead to two lengths.
"great inisfortuue
tutinual lawyer" has had and u, this T
Ute to hold an opposite e'en tMs best be accomplished f h
e ' of our uh'ic 'nen. How
' To an-
swer this question is tl.e purpose u this
We wjuld recommend the formation
in every constituency in Canada of an
active Liberal Association, c lupoaed .4
representatives from every pulling rub- ardor •.f the woe -.limper. from 1«•tlmg 1 maintained t the end,
division in the constituency. Energetic point to -Moat bl,ud heat, lit which re- in 22 min. 45 sec. It was thought he
1,y several boat tenth`.'
officers should be chosen, and the Am..- �ct�ttrxuon it stands at the present time. i c .old have won
dation once fanned should meet at least Hanlxn was not asleep to the meantime ' Ad he let himself out, Mit a match u to
twice a year. The convening of the and had it widely advertise.} that he ' c his off
interest hti .de Beacas h.
d it is
Association is a very simple 'natter. A w'a'tch give ct his abilities as passible. A tdis lay
circular is issued and mailed by the Sec- v� Cx xtamoN
retary to the different ;selling nob -dice- "1 skill at Manly Beach, ei_ht miles from has taken place to endeavor to arrange •
ions calling a convention on a certain Sydney, unappr. achatde except by . match between x arp xAtttrr�j
day-. The chairmen. on receipt of the steamers and ferries. Al: the b.Ats sere
• circular, call meetings in their respective chartered by him for that day -a general' on the Parmesans river. Beach woold
localities and choose delegates. The helid+ty--and a charge of two shillin¢s i net row for more than £500 (=2.500), and
convention thus constituted will hO 50 ccs.' per head was male. Ii is need- i articles hate been signed at last for this
thoroughly representative in its chafed- less to •ad the ,ehrute' see eoruplete ' amount 'online the somewhat vexed
ter. The Association shunld meet. say. financial success. The exhibition c�en ' question. Hanlan n now in Melbourne
in February ur March for the electtou o1 atste.l of a race between Hattlaa ..uei Le ine exhibitions to the Victorians, t.y
officers, the discussion .•f matters apper- Edwards, e,f :Melbourne, and a general whom he was enthusiastically received.
twining to the welfare of the party, and display of Haitian's skit in'nantpuLrtinv j He was shortly after his arrival present -
the transaction oaf such husiness as may his beat. arse the widely rlrertise.l teat ed by the Canadian residents in Victor;
be necessary ear desirable. A second of *calking em the water. The race ..f ' with an address. it dates : We are
meeting! should be held. say in course was won by Heiden t,v al«wt a naturally- proud that your prowess as an
May of each year, at which shall be ar- length, arxl at the finish I..- c sn,•.:inteut-' .•arsuun has shown the wod1 what a
ranged a series of public meetings to be ed his young °eminent. as is las Halal - C'anadiau .act do, and your personal con -
held throughout the constituency dur- emitter'', by saying it wan one •.1 the duct and hearing. hew fairly and boner-
ing the interval between seedtime and hardest races he had ever r•,we1. The 'able he can do it. We trait that like
harvest. At these meetings,which should feat of Australia in the cricket field, thejDoaia-
vary in number ■ec"ersinm to the siwand waning; ON THE WATER Iion may, threat h yu. *satinets to bold
view from that 01 the British Privy
'Council THE i.,4UTAU.'E CARE,
THC Slaasut Ca,w,
and last and greatest,
Thr ti..rssent for tSe Ab.l.atea .1 the
Irrr.peaslble Meese .f Lead..
LoNIM,a, July '21. - -At the great labor
tlentonstratfuu yesterday a tombstone
was carried in the procession incensed
"To the memory .•f the House of Leeds
-1884." A curious phase of the pro -
cession was its reception in the various
parts of the metropolis in which it tra-
versed. _be the ansttocratic sections the
windows were cloud and the blinds
drawn t..gether closely as though the
hatchmant of death were over each dom.
The bandmasters recognized these pre-
cautions and retortei by playing the
Dead March from Saul or some equally
lugubrious dirge in passing the doleful
rnausions. Jos. Chamberlain, president
of the Board of Trade, and other Min-
isters, witnessed the procession. The
Duk a of Cambridge, Commander -in -Chief,
the Marquis of Hertingtun.and Sir Wm.
Vernon Harcourt viewed the pr,tertion
as it passed the War Office. They were
cheered by members of the procession.
Tut �lda.;ta CANS,
'tile West Aw■y on wt■rdas. awl Nes as
■Ian fawn Expense e. \e:"
On Friday after.«en Chief Constable
Waffle, of Dresden, arrived by train with
a warrant for the arrest of Angus John-
son, the bogus phrenologist, on a charge
of luck -up breaking. In cenvetsati
witk Mr. Wattle, we learned that John-
son is a "tough un," and is well-known
in police circles In Western t Intim.), and
on the other side. He Also Jaye a few
anecdotes of his slippery character in
"jumping" from law -officers, which
showed that Johnson was a fellow who
requited continual watching. The nicht
after Johnson escaped from the Dresden
lock-up, the fellow disguised himself,
went back tote town, andstole away
and the same time." his state n which showed that he was before but
forni chi hal er thanaof the public 1 TUMID; w1T0 HU Orpo!IVNT.
for much longer the ;proverbial I
headed Ihmkey^a number V\ Worshippers"
letters bFu upatts andh allowedfinish Harden Laycock tub get
1 Pe appeared the ,
in one "f the rhes, which ceded the � within a length of him which distance
Haman winning
quarters For some time past HE .ria- Lury's residence m Ar:'n¢ton .crrec was �� • • �••_• -- gaol repeated •.n am,ther general
NAL has been pointing out the necessity guardedby police. A slight commotion stable Waffle. He was fettered to .he they could nut go everywhere, the heat i holiday with like w:cess, and we can A slae,t «Kb Welham MM.for agitation in the matter of the lining- was created there hetero the arrival et constable by hand cuffs the right wrist- available local and other talent should 1 mee,e conclude that Haitian u
severe! thousand do 1 ue better off by tot u • story _u
the pr.,cessier. by a man crying, "Dawn let being on the prisoner, and the left on be brought out and into the ( t
ing in of a competitive line to the 1 . T. with the Peers ?' order was quickly the constable. Constables Yule and Mc• service. addition to the primary
R. and the fact that the question has I, restored, and no disturbance eccurrd Kay were at the station to see Johnson object o hese meetin¢s, the latent
become of general interest penes con- while the procession was passing. The off, and wish Mr. Waffle god -speed. politigl ant of the country would i the course over which the chemp'oalup the last year t -'r.• , it
to aU
I Liberal leaden say that this denuonstra- The Chatham /Guee.r refers t "John- be developed. The plan of arranging race was to be rowel. Iteter- 11 urian great gone. Iia Its younger days this
elusively that the subject iA deemed "f I tion is only the t,rfrrnnfng of what they son, the fellow who used t hold forth those meetings tltr,ngh the Association ' arrived a test was nude to find old gentleman was ..f a wandering dam'
by6 1 ,f C d h Iwill un • moment's reflection, commend allies, and ttavellyd on feet of the
•themarket he and who was wanted Ta LI
and the district an,uud 't. ; e.l for mass meeting and procession at for 'emelt and jail bre•ki ¢ , Dresden,he endorsed to • the' t.. match against hum. Llua Inyc,ck of }ft2J he passed the eu h llerwtek Oe,
there. He was tele by the bendlad that
be could not have a bed for filmed!, trot
would require to sleep with ancthei lode-
er,who was, of course. a stranger to hist.
On retiring to the nem M'A-, the
Glum .wegian found thethis bedf•Ilowwee
before him, and was round asleep Thio,,
people only see tit t.. exert themselves Ia lineman however, was ••f little c•onapoeneS, and
tact deposit was realer A Hanle'', an
s matter. I d here reports having left Kordofan two -tions of modesty and diffidence, and y he was vers himself eat tot amUsr
tion. Ir the middle of the night w wee
One thing has even ac omplial.ed, and ,, 17hile •at Kordofan he was trc- I awatNw. • twttew. nes 1. vrarb 1w�inK themtelt ee forward with rime step forward to hll the Me sah. awakened by his companion graapilllU We,
„ ,.t Therewhich an
Some difficulty was Diet troll in making of the east end •-1 ':league, who diad
final arrangements es to the location •1 over 80 years .4 ole. n' the autumn of
importance the people
e . .. enc intend to de. They have already arrang- on Isar e re • n THE REtT w l'LLLa IN Art A A
n n itself to everybody. They would hear greater part of the u:und. In tete
in VV'irtgham the tight cues bravely un, Manchester, next Saturday, which will was arrested on Thursday, m (icdetleh an official .tamp and ytS
had breRen his leg, and the contest lay Tweed, and put o, g bests
and the men in authority in that :earn be on as big a scale as the etre teo-day in and lodged in jail to await the amv-al of Liberehi of the constituency through ' with oxen Beach and Trickett LV'm.
their convention 1111 the other hand,
e4lrrt untried t 1 t u opportunity his if left to the private energies n e meT
the Dresden dice. Hr Is likely to
Kate an b unity to study up
shed U
London Fre I eras: "Hes a deg*
are leaven; no u n o . »sr M' n•'° The biggest oratorical
guns at D' f the Beach Droved the best man, and ter the
Manchester will l HattoJ the bees of the party the matter is wholly, ham was acknowledq.d the:char'npiun et
the T (i. .t a iii that town. Shouldmst I Bwarrig minister, and the Right Hon. John
phrenology y spelling." - Australia. Beach "lwdutel refused to
the line be turned t•o Winglum, it must Bright. neglected, on the gr.,nnd that what s )
everybody's business is nobody s bun- new em the Nepean Cour.€, chosen by
be carried westwanl t,- tl.dench and newer w Windom. nem Thorou.thly sAal w me
menus wee • n are' Hanlan and Orem"tern .1 the match,
that object ran be ac•.anpashed if our ifrequently deterred front taking the t Elias Laycock, Hanlanfs ••Id opponent
A an July 4o A merchant "env initiative's these matters from consider-
on the Thames course in 1';'+1. when the
months ago, and De,ngolaseventeen days
Overcome wins "as•.rsse wad sgtraU.w at
Ie,r te.sN.f a woad-aeadtas Feat. be
for fear they should be considered as . Beech still persistently refn'ng to row,
alt s sated. a Tnc ett was not in • ht state of health
that is, that the teen who worked in the ; , neatly in the presence of the Mehd,. ullenor object in clew. The tmport■aM , firmly by the tussal, and Kra•tly
years between lliit'and iRsfttofurther the i Thc merchant ultimately escaped from ! L mde.n, .lull of these meetings cannot be overestimet- I e. cmunue in teatime a••v 1•• neer or ho ed he fins¢ oQ his •wilant, sprang Doll
there h.vethcr with an E¢y ptialieuten- I ="2.-Trwhaio, king of edThey would come to be Coked fur- would have boon c rues, red the next of bd,rnd detn•ndrrl to know what sash
Bat tluandLakeHnrunriad,nateteeeum- !ant of Hicks Pasha'" army. Many of i the Naioru, •trended one of Mr. Irving ward t.. by the people al x potent factor best map. Hanlan tensed to have Lay- behaviour meant. The stranger replied,dac•+l tae tel h"3. t!tat prelect, was "c' I Hicks' mein were ir. the hills. The i Bishop's mind reading exhit.itionsyeater- iii their pwlitie d education, and in the
cock'name maerted in the articles in- in an apologetic tone, that he meet bare
ee..fully carriwl It is quite possible (;afhohcs who were in the Mandi'• j hay• and was requested to c,nceal some interval between elections. when mens I stead o1 Beach's or Trickett's and the had the nightmare, fol- he knew nett g
that the men of dotty years ego may b!1 pewee weep sate. The rebels had sur- j "elect and c,rwentnfe hie thoughts uta feelinel and prejudices, are to a certain match was arranged for £200 (410001 •
it, to allow Mr. FArhop an dappu tnnit] ride on the Ne n course the distance alx,ut what he was tieing until be was
saeerr( at for C.,1111111/ 1 vexed with their!mundwd Khartoum, but General (lenient extent psssico and dormant, they would Pea thrown m After • little cneverestia4
•1 k II 1 their leaders 'd finding it while Mindfulde.i. Tawhaiu' he found much more amenable to reason at"out dj miles, the rico to take phaco the two men became quite friendly, sad
again retired to rest. The night peeled
without further incident. let the mom
inr,when he awoke, IMA-- - feted that p
his bedfellow wee mune. He toe$ the
landlady at breakfast of the dtfed± ,
and she then informed him that the thea
with wham he slept was none other thea
the notorious Hare. He shivered midi
horror, hut the dant, er was past, and bit
more then half • century ICA ---tail
how in his youth he lead spent • night
with Han, the •ec.nspliee of Rorke n
the identification was eurrsot, it wee pee-
sibsbly the ease that Here was rainy ttd-
I dupe fapiniona,
D4 trL.y he suttniaus e l as rh• h d ha �'nfluence i. declining. Al- , choose a lame button, and crammed it and argument than in the political enm• j of MAY 2Ivo.
"old hetes, ' but the rising emierau ro I most dell letters are exchanged i.etweeninto his capaeiuw mouth- \tor dish"p
t ed the men of t y must t member Sem Maori was re surprised at the sue Another matter, and an imp,rta/it' n.untryman to miss the race, see Thurs-
I merchant adds the dludtr and the muse �' one, that these Associations might moll- da morning and earl saw w at
that the Huron tract u a hat is to day, cess of the mitrd'•ewJef s foot that he 7 bright 9.
messed its hiding place. a peelers. i We were tee much interested in sur
Lt n t s re I General (nrriun and the Mehdt. The R
because of the men wht carne in , tants of Doneolatare are heel toe the inadvertently swallow e the butts. His tabl] take up is the extenatbm a the -Redfern station, bosrdmv • train ex -
simply hewlce :u,e, ne,srie, to the Nche,. fie circulation of Reform ne tin to be whirled the
tt0 it in its earlier years. That the uM to s th aro:st \ irntrllu, who was to clue- . ten chiefs, in endeavoring to relieve rdu ne t !pectins( ¢ tips- scene
Y 1 their monarch of the article, raised such A great work could be done in ' of the race with all that my
Standbys are taking an interest in the' ed at Kunl•efan by the Mehdi, a safe. an awful din that the p,nliea, rushed in to tuts direction by combined energy. and dispatch which the news per
resent scheme should rs • ¢bN.J and �- ue'1 the disturbance \o aim 'tint
of Just think of the influence of these advertisements and pesters hen Id its to
• ot.nt reaa on fur the pumicing teeth d
•tnteetinits ,f held during each Parte The rai way officials did net
exertion was sufficient t.. els
lotifre tee mentary in every eenstituency reciprocate our desires of stetting off
tNOwd exertion u'n the part of the I1 1 19.Th , obstruction, and as • final nand he elle
Arthur, . u y e pwe n n t.m, thretigheet •he length see brew-1th of sharpon time, for theykept the traits
poen tie horsed the steamer }sited lhmpire I tel with w p,nund .f bread. anti the fIt p
D F . V RRer lark full thief ire mt .rites weer •
men.♦ y
Ito far as we are eencerned, we are go. 1 v-,tne..1cl • sad tra:;edy while seeming , fr ebieaosve Mitten .As force' down to l.uckw•,w, July 1Gfh. head porter ably ser•em•Iwl he a half
tag IA fieeTpte on n• top teem 8araia his stomach. (been of his aonlytes, kept up a con- tering from the nightmare, fix R wastes*
to continue in one advocacy .,f the A wowlthy lumber merchant of St- •nafield Maus. July 16. -D. 1 is Walkerton.
July 21. - A widow lady, uncal bawling of "This way to the haat at all likely that he would dimetel.
oisg.potstive railway pn,teet• and aril! in
lea ,.a,sa of time analyse the c melt lens
beaught about the leasing of the Ituf-
SSl Lite Huron resod to the t:. T. E.
Me been the chief sufferer ip
bp{gs, sad an «emotion of this
by gush it was Neagh% alms*
VOW/ Illninewesting to de
d trig. Under
Mint 5, t Mtane, named John t,V lh., AP^
me“enly jumped everbnarl. lholoittiwn at once lowered a hest, send-
j�sad • ebttlpl. bol dos: 'tauds
e ruse. Of the eaforNsaIe man .
he had 0 sank ease .her
tis water, to t
W wk•
Dowd, of this city, said to hot the strum- named Mr.. Marlin, created a sensation ! mop. eentlefeee r The first 14 miles
eat man in the world, enol who has lifted here Saturday by publicly eggtng the Isms reached in 40 tsinntes, and the
a weittht of 1,441 pseuds, has been st- Rev. W. Smyth, Methodist minister, in whole journey 3.5 miles was eomplotd
I tending the performances of Ls1.
Hanes, "the i.ageetie girl,' at New
York, and claims to haste moved widens!
dittieelty soy arose. .h. held. Mr.
Dowd eye Miss flltset's eve
fs eat/ -,re, tttfltlah
the market place before a Isrte creed. in the unprecedented time u1 1 hour and
Site was brought before the 'savor and 40 min. The bright sed vord•at clap.*
• bench of m•giateetea and fined J*101 to the ontsstry ttsv.r.ed furte sly no-
ab•ed costa Mrs. Mattis we,. a eaaday lieved the tediousness at the
ashen, washer i. the Methal* Ihe. , ON see aadeaf a teak ems
e nd the rlaaselt taw eat d a eandelaus
dor among strangers, so sone siMt hty
narrow neaps in lidinhsrwh.
Mr. Rpiresoo • household la t
owe.eH told his Mesas s.sesl Iii
e0•ktee hos Illtisth birthday thee be
his wile W never Mires