HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-25, Page 3TRE HUR011 .j :e!AL. FRIDAY JULY 25, 1884. 3 Ellztaco, tha OIIICaZt CHAPTER %VM. S e sUon lestVL Ma? LOSS —SOX:tIso teas cal UG—Tis attCOOLsIIS OOXCUL- 1ee1rT—'r=e .lT IXeOallh$T—Tee ctT- Taa IX rVYLIT. With all haste the smuggling lugger was tun slime under the cliffs at the west aide of the promontory, where the coast receded fur nearly a quarter ..1 a mile, and left an omitting which formed a little n ook where 'ousts might land on she'.-• ing channelly teach. It required a meat minute practical knowld w of the spot to enable the vessel to be tak'ela a., near satisfaction, 'we have got round the the heights, bemuse, clue to the per- houlde r the Kirk Hill and tan make p.adiowlar till ill, sod funning as it were bulwerliti lAhssostt ft.r it, great magus of ruck were streets, wave of them under water altogether, '.then with their heads above it. and .•then again rearing their sharp and jagged pinnacles higher than the masthead of large vessels. Between these rocks there were many clear spaces of deep water where in that calm ra,ght the Delight a,uld rule with perfect safety, only in the darkness it intuited au accurate knowledge of the gruuuda to take her there - yet a tagsrnees rendered necessary if th.•sy would escape ohaervattuu. Firma where the cutter lay ,t was indeed a question if they would get emend the pr0000tury armee°, and the captain de- puted to Esteems the important duty of watching the Greyhound, and instantly reporting if she gave any ensu tr auy in- tention to move. In such an event the smuggler had deterruies.' to run fur it and fight it the cutter came up with the •,. Ie .• fortune favored them still, fur atter , slow and silent progress Xmases reported that he could no longer see the cutter as a cliff now intervened between the two vesaele. The capuiu cause aft and glanced in the lugger's wake. 'Oh, yes,' he said, an a tone of great a cheer run to Eyemouth witless& the- fellow h -fellow seeing ti s { Tackle was now let over the stern, by which Dickson fastened his boat, and he and the two men whu rowed came over deck. One or two of the topsails were shaken oat and the lugger sped rapidly acres Haldingham flay, coning ons more to a .tandetill under the heights which tank Eyemouth harbor on the west. All seemed now clear fair the running of the cargo, and shortly after a signal had been made from the top of the rocks Captain Dunal.ian wan u.tuua;sly ac• a number of boats tame silently out of ytsinted with the place, and su ors the the hallos and as silently ran under the man at the helm, but to make the mat- side ,.f the lugger. They were filled etg a► ter at►l1 curer, the Mat which had come with rough, shaggy -looking men, dressed out to rive inf •rmsti•a *hew the cutter in all sorts e.f earmente. !lust of them led the way aa, and lone Lefure the trey were in the garb cf fishermen, but not a hound got creed the pneuout..ry the few had a nondescript leek, which show - my brother would nut ase as tame, and should not eveu know .d mer return to Soutland. Could the beats net see us here, asdshould net even know of our return to Scut/anti. Could the busts ant take us ashore, where we could find a temporary place of oo•eeslesent r 'Of course they could Jump in and Jessup will stow you away in one of his underground places,whefe the devil him- self could hardly find you. !Stay. Jersey will hesitate to trust you without an as- surance id your fidelity from me.' A shaded lamp Mond at the binnacle, said the captain stuupiog towards 11, wrote • few lilts in his pocket book, tore out the leaf and bailed it to Eus- tace. 'Giver him that,' la said, 'and you will be ail right. Stay where he puts you till I can a.mmu,timee with yuuagaia. leap over the side, for you home' a air trent to spare.' As they approached, • boat from the archway empty, and crossed to the other side of the harbor, h.avinag the laden room to pass in. The moment they entered the mouth of the arch they were shrouded in utter darkness, but presently a gleam of rid light, as from a lamp or lantern, streamed upon them, revealing a small doorway through which no beet could pass. Having reached this du..rway the boat came to a staud- ntdl, end with frantic haste, but in per- fect silence, the kegs were handed out and received by several men stationed within. 'Now, sir,' said the man who had charge of the beat, addressing Eustace, `that's where you and your friends hae to gang,and ye had better be quick about it. Meister Jessup is 'aside.' The youth did not need further invite - tient, but at once sprauti through the door, followed by Willy, Joe and Ralph. They found themselves in a lofty passage. with a green rocky floor and a stone wall of the revenue cutter. on etcher side. Two or three dark niuA1- Just as the evening was beginning to lugzer had taken Up a ie.s tion "here a ed they had little professional connection cluster of huge rocks almost c••ncealed with the sea. her from view. t►n thew men and the scene which Of course if thaw on board the cutter immediately followed Eustace looked suspected that she was somewhere in with net a little interest and curiosity. shore they would have little difficulty in Some of them, indeed. were wild deeper - discovering her out, if tnfurmatiuu of ate looking grisly fellows, quite in har- her arrival had not reached them, there mony with the lawless. occupation in was every probability that they would which they engaged, but many were de - go pest withuat gaining a sight ..f their cent looking, good-natured, pleasant prey. The lea" was well within the spoten men, who wrought sway at the shadow I.•f the cliffs—a shai,'w '-f tato- unloading of the cargo in haste certainly teeniest gloom' and the surrounding as ih.se who knew they were doing what masses of rock made it very difficult to was illegal, but not lake criminals, tor detect her hull. Every sail was sof coerce like men who acre conscious of Rola. furled, and her lines taper masts conned one man in particular attracted the est show themselves nose not the black notice of Eustece—a thick•set man. with ie . face of the clitt a bald head and a fat face, with an ex - After all was accomplished, and ever/ pression of sly humor. He came along - light was extinguished. tame smugglers side in a hint by himself, and fastening watched in perfect silence for the eP her to a but which dangled from the pruseb of the cutter, and at the end of bulb, made his way on deck. carter of au hour they caught They again Famed forward wader the guidance of their strange hest, whu led thew through • number embterr'ansan spartmeuts, all tilled or nearly w with smuggled liquors. lis the curlier of one esu .J these dungeons wee a strong square iron frame, surrounded by a kind ee ivach*Deey. and by the direouwn of Jessup they all gut upon the frame,when b• touched • handle and they rues up within a hollow shaft. Slowly but stead- ily they ascended, their course being seen only by the dim light of the lantern, till after they reached what appeared to be a great elevation. Jessup touched a handle again, and they all at once game to a standstill. A sharp click wee heard, and the barrier in front of them .d aside, showing a square apace, through which light leintly came. They stepped from the frame through the square epee, and now found themselves in s Ni furnished ruuum through an smear - window of which the moonlight tl usuted uninterrupted. Eustace at once concluded that they had gained admiwion to this room by a pane in the wall, but here he was mis- taken. The secret mode of acmes emu more ingenious still, for on looking burr he saw the aperture was being closed up by a massive grate, which fell back into it thus concealing at an a very effectual way -iu a way, indeed, such as to baffle the starch of anyone who was unac- quainted with the secret. A atrauger would not lur • mement have supported that behind • fire place so stable was a hollow shaft descending to the subter- ranean chambers beneath. The chamber lute which they had now gut communicated in the usual way with the rest of the mansion, and have Jessup made preparations for their comfort and repose. Here also will we now leave then: sol recount certain matters which took place un the coast on that same night and which will expaain the motions Amp. fgnddedy he started to his elbow, for a light showed Steen in • peculiar fashion, and them west out. That was a signal the meaning of which be knew. It conveyed the intell►geooe to the initi- ated that a loi1er lead arrived ; and Pate WWI well aware that the signal would be already answered from the land at a point which he onsid nut these see. He tar- ried on the crest, but returning to the valley by the path up which he had climbed, he took up a position at a stile on a stone fence, and looked inteutly along the heights to the gest, listening as he looked, as if wanting impatiently for some aerie al. 'Paige* take them,' he muttered. 'if they dinna mune sun. the cargo will be run, and every lug stowed away in the hidia' But .wen as he thus muttered, foot- steps were heard approaching, and pre- sently a group of men were awn nn.v,ug silently forward to the spot he ..coup►ed. 'Ok, there you are,' mid their bider in a quick way. 'Hae the lugger come 1' 'It's a' richt, Mr. Dunbar. She show- ed her lights hall an hour mar, and by this time she has begun tee ran the stuff at Lowden Shore. 'Capital,' cried the other, whu emu the Supervisor of Excise, and whom the intelligence highly slated, as it did also the five or six gaugers who followed him. 'Come ..n, lads,' he said iu a suppressed voice, 'and, Pate, you oume too, and when the stuff as seized you shall have your reward. Quick, lade, before the Greyhound carnes, and snaps the prize out of our teeth.' 'Hut I canna gang wi' ye,' remonstrat- ed the informant. If I was seen by any o' the smugglers, my lite we're' be safe.' 'Well, you'll have to come and wait at the Wick at any rate till we return. 1 cannot give you the reward till I make the seizure ; that is our bargain. And without waiting to bandy more words, the Supervisor with his assistants set off along the valley at a run, and in about a quarter of an beer came breath- less to the little beach, on the dry chan- nel of which day several fisherman's boats. Without ceremony the officer began haul- ing the smallest of these down to the water, and having gut her oars leapt in and rowed out into the bay at as fast • speed ae they could make. 'Canfound it, there's the Greyhound,' said the Supervisor, who was at the helm, and who at the moment aught sight of the cutter sa she came round the point. 'Never mind,' added Dunbar, 'the most of the stuff will be on the beach by this time, and we shall vet a lion's share. Row quick. lads ; now like the'mischief ' ed forms were bearine the kegs iuto the intent r in a recess a nun stood with • lantern. whose light he roused to fall wherevsr it was re.1eired. The person of this man was closely muffed up, and his face was in the shadow, but the mo- ment Eustace was uppusite to him he threw the light of the lantern full upon the faces of the new comers, and started violently when he saw they were strang- ere. 'Who are you, and what want you here he exclaimed. That will explain,' answered Eustace, as he put into his hand a slip of paper clow in, the crouching figure of a man might have been seen stealthily quitting the village of Goldingham, and taking the road which led past Use hamlet of Northfield towards St. Abb's Head. He was a thin, pale -faced man, with a stoop- ing gate and a cunning looking face, and as he came down by the burnside hes looked round in all directions to see that he was not observed. He was inwardly congratulating himself that this emu the case, when et the corner of the mad he was suddenly confronted by a tall, mas- i culine looking woman, leading a cow. This woman had • huge coalacuttle bon - given to him by Captain Donaldson , net on her heed, a man's coat on her said the ca talo, the j The other ran his eye over the penci.- I back and a i[ of stout hobnailed shoes about a q 'Ha, Gilbertson, p ire sight of her corning freely on, with ie17 moment he recognized him. 'This is ; ed lines. I on her fent. her small ails set. hot work, but we 11 do this new lieutete 1 'All right,' he muttered, and at the • ,howl, Pate,' she exclaimed, in a roles She had taken s ko•,1 offing and 'by i 1 h her manner of sailing gave no indication that her c. tunisodar entertained the aligheat suspicion that so rich • prize was near. Had the lugger remained wham she was when Dickson hsiiet her or had ens put to sea :'-ram, she would most certt'nly have ...emu observed, for the had nearly risen • a•.d the Harness steeeel.s Weeds. Iles McArthur, of Hop_illtt. Oat says she couldn't keens home witbej Hgpard's Peetorsl Balsam to mare per veiling throat and lues troubles. _ The saris of worsts are well k but the remedy is not al i i r2 determined. Dr an Waren Powders will destroy them. m Not another Pill shall coo down my throat again, said • citizen, "whets I este get such a prompt and pleasant ours toe my bilious attacks, as Dr.Cerson'sStuim- ach Bitters. It renders the blood pure and cool and makes a Irak apriat medicine. large bottles 50 caeca The well known stre,agtheniaR ,.1$ n ties of Iron, combined with other Weiss and a moot perfect nervine, are bsial, i Cartels Iron Pills, which strengthen dm nerves amid body, and improve the Wad and aompleaiun. 'Why should a roan w hose blow se wares within Sit ke his grandame cut in alabasterlj1 Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and this When • 'Cs Nokegs' sale swes will make at grow the taster. Fur sale by J. moot: was decreasing. But by the step they had taken the presence of the lugger was Has Jessup. plenty rf room r not detected, and the Greyhound pained Tint's just what he hasraa,' replied to their iron sockets the reunion us iron I nearer and speaking in a low tone, 'is on westwsri. the other ; `at least 6e thinks it will be bolts which secured it. there lo a lugger cumin' in mune, think j purposely led us tiff the scent. They watched her keeLly aril wen a gey ticht fit. Non, if ye like to deal 'There—we are safe now,' he observed. I ye 'Yonder she is !' exclaimed one of the with intense satisfaction that at the 1area' 1'11iaAIte maybe the mat- 'If anybody Wants admittance they must_' `„ that I hear t�.' speed with which she was going mho to 1 above.. would soon be out of sight. Suddenly, however, the sail she curial was taken ant and his fine cutter. No land sharks prowling about, I hope." 'Canna my far certain. but there's a fellow iu Coldingham I hae my suspici- ons o', and thocht .nair than mice he wasna.true blue.' 'If I come across -him I'll *top his treacherous tongue, exclaimed Donald- son. 'Fut it's lucky at all events that the gaugers are not at Eyemouth tonight. rime moment one of the amuses urs w u- as masculine as her person, 'where are ye perm' that the last keg had been handed for the nicht ? tiny thing expected. from the boat into the passage. He' No that I ken o', Mrs.Tibbita I— hosrl his companions rushing out and ; I in just gaun fora bit walk tae mysel'.' leaping into the boat, which they propel- .I A walk, Pats 1 This is a strange time led to the other side of the harbor. gas take • walk. It will be dark afore 'Hold that •moment,' aid the duan., at the corner plantain. putting the lantern into the hand of iyer That's very true, �1rs Tibbiq, but Eustace. The latter, of soiree, neck it, esee I hie been un the loom i day,and and the other proceeded with all haste to11 I need tae rax my legs a bit.' the massive door, and wed firm in- • 'I say Pate,' said the woman, coming cwt Why! What's tae T Lady / With face e.v In real ee�.s dens.) "Oh! I'm army w tb that Set .-_.a that continually troubles Ise.- __ •Well• hoe foolish! Whydont 700 me to o. Rhyme' Drug Store and a bottle Fluid Lightning! It cured me in one ea always -keep aboctle In the bow 1/76148. - oats ti cents. tin At thus emeriti of tree year thereehwsid be a bottle of Pectoria in every bodes It is unequalled for Cougmats toe and Hoarseness is pleasant, equally children. Price 25 cents at all drng- riats. et As adtese . Trtbare. Theron P. K.ator,editor of Ft. W Ind., fihotrtte, writes : 'Fur the mat Ave years I have always used Dr. I+;iqg� s New Discovery for coughs of roosnuesea character, as well as tor these of a midlinr type. it never fails to effect a speedy sire, My friends to whunt I have pe- c•,uatneeded it speak of it in satue hid corms. Having been cured by at of every cough I have had for five years, I o•s- eider it the only reliable and sun cense for coughs, colds, etc.' Call at Wilma& Drug Store and get a Free Trial Butch Large size $1.00. (2) They did mw with all tha energies of men whose activities were sharpened by the etpectation of gain ; •but when they got round an outlying cliff and had a full view of the Lowden Shore, they were chagrined beyond measure to find that place a complete solitude. There was no 1 lugger in the gifting, and no boats at the I BOITJERS__& ENGINES beach delivering the cart(,. The ofticere stopped rowing in an instant, and the --- clfoaMs=cs PLANNING MILL a. ESTABLISHED Inti. (r Bachanan,Lawaon i Itobin� . MurArrcitanu or Sash,Doors & Blinds DEALlina 111 ALL w1NDA Or Lumber, Lath, Shinfles and builder's material of every deeertptttts. SC100L FURIITUI E A SPACIAL'''. term) Orders promptly attended to. U rlerich. Aug. 2. 11111. ItliSty i GOBBRICH BOILER WOBLWR Have just receive 1 a large stock of I BRASS & IRON STEAM FITTINGS --rOR— Supervisor burst into a tit of swearing. 'Hang it, we are sold. That felow Pate has either deceived us alttrretlier or men, pointing back to the hese of the �' " find it front r u' fifty keds•'Ye'll let me ken It tis Delight car the (cliffs' which formed the print got St. 'All richt; my hearty, they are )ours i `Aro you Mr. Jessop !� asked Eos- I ' Abh's. in and she wasbrought tis. 'Curse the fellow, he's going to wait there for the night.' muttered Hamad - son. ' Chere's nae doot o that,' observed Dtc . sun. 'Confusion to him. I was in hopes he would go up the firth and allow us to run the cargo at the old place, but from where he lies ho command• a view of both Lowden shore and He Aland cove.' 'A clear view,' responded Dickson, tam& dale than. that. it's .widest his no week the wsad ohne stir thence till erg- NOV 'rich what are we to do T If we stay where we are hill sight a in the morn- ing ; if we go to sea, he'll sight us in a me•ment we put the sky between us and him, and it strikes me from his build his a faster sailer. I would match the Delight against him if she was empty, but with the cargo it might 1* dangerous So what the mischief is to be done r We inaun work round to Eyemouth, as the maister said,' answered Dickson. 'Hem—well, that's our only chance. Can Jessop stow away the stuff at pre - r sent matins believe see, though it mxns be for Lang, for he's expectin' an. o' his sin lug - gees directly.' 'Well. the sooner we creep along the bo better. Yon go ahead in the at till we round the head, and for the life of you keep a in the shadow.' Dickson promised to be particular in at the old puce e I lace. Venture ink's chair appearance. i `Oh, ay, 111 dae that.' A simultaneous look in the direction 'Here's the siller, then,' cried Gilhe son, taking nut a handful of silver. the blunt to Ad rt. 'I am. I don't know, who y.•u are, further than that your nave is Grahame, am- but ihoraldwn couches for your fidelity, u 'So be it. 111 p `Ye ken I may as weel get a sham o followed tho exclamation, and they being what's y;aun as ither folk, Pate.' further inland than the lugger. saw the 'There's nae doot u't, Mrs. Tibbits. I latter moving away close by the foot of .on. (M with you to the boat and I'll I Md thereffor.k Ico trust young. H Yous tne shall There's nae duct u' it. Wee!, ,god nicht. hand you the fifty kegs myself.' you1'11 be sure to let ye ken.' Gilbertson leapt over the side in a have at, but first cf all swear• to me for I away anode the tall woman homeward twinkling, and the captain dived below, where Eustace mw him tossing out the kegs in his boat as fast as he possibly could. Celerity, indeed. seemed to be cellons the order of the occasion. Numernns turn took an oath to this effect. onything sod spunk out she wad think though the men werehere was no noun I ,Now, follow me,' said Jessup, taking neething ..f felhn' me.' and little confusion, but the gsowe.tm . to lantern again from =epU" t,and lead' i The Place was very willowy, but net boat was !ilea it shored tt�, sand p ins the wa forward• quite devoid of habitation, for on one sit, phased round the either of the tdief. In y centre this way Mat cher groat received ,b At •little aut•ncs they sellae to an' touildmahowel eminencestof the atp►inat`Hth~nurth- freight, and the hull of the lugger ruse open doorway in the side of the psa.sge, g in the water as the weight in her hold di- recoiling another passage leading to the ernsky. otThich Pate avoided, is was a l station, the minished. Suddenly, and to the con- 1.11 Into this their guide went, and, , vicinity way by a comparativelyPateasy ascentde sternation of everyone. the look -out gave standing aside, motioned them to paw. histhe information that the cutter was in The passage in which they now were was t" the top of the e•atmnst hill. Here emu sight. The captain, who was below at wider than the other and along one side and• leveln one corneof r near two the acres in extent the moment. rushed on the deck the in- of it a large number of kegs,just landed, stand he heard the report, and Banned p the 1 d As they could not move on cliff stood the remains of an ancient the sea to the westward. The moon had now risen. the darknese had vanished. and the outline of the coast could easily be distinguished, as well as the water and every object upon it. One glance suf fed to show the cutter coming down in full mil. She had just turned the corner of the St. Abb's promontory, but the speedat which she was going she would reach them in about twenty minu- tes or half an hour. form's role that you will not reveal any with her cow, and onward went the pale - thing you may ser or I.ear in this faced man whom she had called Pate. 'Diad, I wad ha given something no tae hae met in mei' her,' he muttered. 'If place As may be supposed,they made no 01•- to this proposal. and each in New Salt Pans and Boilers Built on Shortest Notko. Mall orders for new work dhdfrepstn wi receive prompt attentloe. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, Works near U. T. K. Station. O. Goderich. Feb. ltl. Mi. 1711 autsdtobe Kuon' the heights. They at once divined her i Ttl.•T a tI' Cax ORT purpose, and saw likewise that the cutter I CHOICE CONFECTIONERY matter this important atter and washed over did not discover the presence of the smuggler, for she had now lain to.. at • considerable distance from land. Their only plan, however, was to row out to the Greyhound, and boarding her. follow in pursuit, and the boats head was tarn• d to where the revenue vessel lay. It was a halls and aura still, for the tidy, tholes, wre wady at the ad. had not Zit turmoil need-rosg ere they reached din cutter the logger hal diseppeared rotted The men wrought with an energy unkened by the approach .J danger, the side. The mndgglers Dow soia5Nm- and the remaining part of the cargo was Ir proceeded to tan the Ismer eastward. loos out with the utmost rapidity. Be- • sad kept et the same ileac a steady eye fon the (helmeted had passed Kiddie- oe the utter to weeds if dee dwell die- town point the Inst keg was into the cover them. Ones resod the presses- snots; and the latter ready to slip mond tory they would be elhetsally eteesssi into the harbor. Meanwhile Eases from observation, bait so long as ase and his friends had been Cost 11.g their and She forme' emote beeashy 'And now that we have aseverything glidedderkswm was their only prooeetMt .tederela the elota---- el the saver Pe re'w fewe. mud SW ear way to 1M� was' we liiddlr were i e . without their leader, they paused to wait on him, and saw him begin to turn an iron wheel with a short handle, fixed coos within the deerway they had just •There's nae appearance o her yet, • !chapel, surrounded by the grassy mounds tnwerd■ $ emoutlt, where theyexpected Ecol,. os 114,14114,14a ••,•.i•• •a o,at-,44 fee and quaint old headstones ..t • ¢rare- y et o 1 n•pA,rir. r of Taro. I the lugger to have groes. CANNED FRUITS AND FISH. TOBACCO, �;IGdd RS, lb Domestic and Foreign Fruits. Oysters of the arena Fresh and Smoked Balt Water nit Is ammo A ting assortment of all kinds ef Nom eryider• Served 1s ever, hits lrpdeel !t'E 1'REA HY IN SI.t,li LN. Floral Deegan Wreath:9al .mss Plants a r to Seise a lellemest Pte.. made to --a+'-- . s�--s w s�sssws� w the promontery. Great excitement was RIECBeRANT TTY caused on bard the cutter by the intelli- (ow,t House Einemooder,� isk gent* they brought, and Randolph Gra- i D•,r. a). leen. 11111111a. co has rushed 1m hie cabin to conduct the pursuit. The h sit in which the „m. D. K. ST R AC H Ab cera had come being tired aster-. .'very PRAe7TZCAL 41 stitch of can's was hoisted, and the • fast wiling vessel new thr ngh the water MACHINIST, passed. This doorway had n.• door at- muttered Pate. "My certie, if ne the i to US oo1ennC1n ; eta naval le time 51.1.0. Bulky HayRakes, Plows ai tsehed to it, but presently what appear- nicht, and iE'Saieter Dunbar cornea foie There i. no rival for D.. Fowler's E:- , d to be its threshold roes up and a I Eyemouth w� his men for nsething, he'll tract of Wihl Strawberry. it is the •o.i Agricultural I lemanL solid wall of masonry ascended to the gitr me as tofu' swearin', and 1'11 loss tnowledged champion for the curve of aU i and Machinery GenerUaj roof, closing up the aperture effectual- the miller he promised me for the infer- Summer Complaints. O ly. loners and Ream To ib• ■.45eal er.N.e.n, and all wham 'Sow,' mid Jessup, 'if the I.ieutet+nt yet. The captain kens better than to u may resew.• All WORN THOROUGHLY DM D. K. STRACHAN, inat Simi. But, after ,It's sine emcee! of the cutter and all his crew, with Dun- .how hawse' within Richt o'iand afore its I Pbn,phatine. or Nerve li•too.,, a Ph•o.- GODERICH MACHINE 8I bar •^d all his excisemen to dark. i'll lie d. en and watch • hi t. hate .gement hosed mem Scientific i U.dera,•h. 11•-cb :rho i -EL MOM can Das boot, were on the other side, they He'll show its ficheand if Dickson is on I act., Formulated by ProfessAustin, Prefer/10r Aust, could not either find or force an •.Dir- the loth -out fru the tap n' F.arnehewgh M. D. of Boston, Maim ,cures Fulmnn- f r mho woektw` eMsa ary Consumpta.on, Hick Headache, Ner- for postman. sod we ate' i'll ken the signal as wee! as him." vnu. Attacks. Vettig•. end Neuralgia riots.. a �val j way et as 'Nit by t►st doorway, certainly,' - He advtttlieed to the north wast corner and all wasting disown of the heamse marked Enable*• Rut the passage With- out ewes to lead farther forward.' 1 hating a not • Mdeeine. ret the brylgst, and Intretchei himself on elete1°• step the grem on the verge of oke beetling elle Two ski l farther mod he would have been heeled M destteatlos, M is he ley here with the stoma esee/eews— hie /sells« eyes wsederigf haw cid 'Only to my kitchen,' returned Jediop. - .ave .a Nay see* yeah le sea at the V bat a Nutritsent, hematite it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, N antics, and an etits.lawts. bat ly the lhaspbMie and gentle hemi in mer daily tied. A .i 1. Iriset tis tts•nvinos. All eell k X$1.11 per kettle. isereslt paw rued* asand woes emu, gee ever thosrsht costal eek all twerk is her { y far sea sad. Ymt