HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-18, Page 7Fun and FtncH:
It is said that the Prises u/ Wales
would like to be as editor. What kind
uta saw is be, any way 1 I•:t t he iu
debt s.0 gh already 1
At • uo.ro ball, is lieu of 'thin trans-
ferable' w the ticket, a suttee was post-
ed over the dour, 'N. gentleman admitt-
ed unless he ceases ►triols.'
At • fashionable wedding is . West-
ern city, as the bridal peaesmmen wee
paea�ng up the aisle, the organist streak
up. 'Beware ' she Coding tinea •
'Why are these Hump on your dress
called bugle trimmings r (burg. wast-
ed to Inoue. 'Oh,' Emily replied light
ly, 'becamte pa blows se over !he hull-'
Sunday school teacher (u. the bruit
bey et the class, : 'Johnny, bow aid
Elijah die r Johnny : 'He didn't die.
He was translated from the urs dual
Hebrew '
A sew weeks ago a passenger on (thee
railroad died a fright. Th. brakeman
must haw called • station au that the
passengers ouuld uederstand him.
The Yankee says : 'How de du r -Th.
Italian : 'Hder deuu stand r - The
Frenchman : 'Hoot du you carry your-
self r -The Dutchman : 'stow do you
fare r -The Swede : 'How can you r --
The Pule : 'Art thou gay r -Th. Turk :
'Ila Allah prosper thee (' and the
Quaker : 'How is thee 1' Out in 'esthe-
tic Montana the usual salutation is :
'Hello, cully, how's yen cotuuct 1 Come
in in and give the internal revenue a
boost !'
When • woman starts starts out in
earnest she is nct to be outdone. A
Philadelphian sent a postal -card to his
sister to Canada on which he had
written six hundred and forty-four
words. She answered with seven hun-
dred and fourteen wuros. Nut to be
outdone he crowded in one thoussad and
three, which brought an answer with one
thousand five hundred ani twenty-six
words spelled out in full, and written
n enough to be easily read by por-
n of ordinarily good sight. He thinks
will send her a new spring bonnet and
call it square. He had better send the
bonnet, as he will never be ab!e to get
as n.any words or have the last word
with a woman, even un • postal -card.
It can be dud.
Fashion's Fancies.
Chalk -white lace is again in vogue.
White embroidered mull tie! are re-
Skirts grow fuller ind bustles mere
Sleeves grow fuller and higher in the
White and black lace scarfs aro revived
for neck wear.
The horse -hair cushion is the latest
form of the bustle.
All aorta of combinations of materials
are permitted in ewtume nowadays.
calmed strawberry, or "bloom
is the latest London oolor craze.
Low shore kr outdoor wear and slip-
per. for the house are the rule for this
The moat becotuing finish fur a shirred
white mull bonnet in to line the brim
with black noires.
A few crazy women it Paris are wear-
ing straw hats with square corners. They
are anything hat pretty.
The Fedora front appears on redin-
gotes and ulster* for summer wear as
well as on tea gowns in the princess
farm. i
"Te high -peaked crown and very
bread•brinlmed hat is revived in r,uK
straw for mid -mummer wear.
rap .m of mull are made dressy
with Fedora fronts, Watteau backs, and
a profusion of Valenciennes or Oriential
The embroidery on white neck scarfs
A hews us*fie m Isealbee,
Reeked Hill was a striking
He same of an old ksrwtd
, sub fur ala energy (std sivieKs
All throbbed with stew spiritual
1Je, whole reaehod Oxford while k. was
a studeut is that ancient seat of learn -
ng. tMtudent lite is the reeeptt.e tune
fur the grace which melds the noel' He
responded to the touch of the great re-
vival, and :h ,ugh stigmatiseby his
parents and .ethers who thought his
wane a disgrace te the family muse, he
threw himself luso the great rofurwetiou
as one ,.f the chief ag.uta He was not
yet in ••i are: and he eeught ordination
tit.. t.• less than tai Anginal§ bulge s,
and •.,. tvtuewt. 'He went forth uudsr
a hi,thrr t.-, uulaelun,' and preached in
ptietnr, c..al.eb, sal iu the "pets air with
•eatrsurd,aaiy lamer au I utletiou, and
although 1.v ass r.peete ..7 mobbed, sod
pelted wit.. et,,..e. a...1 .-, - -, and auuuyed
1 y rsttliu.; '1 '':••- •u. of hurt.. and
r aging a to.• ... and at sett L y the tinng
el guts, he n... usher (tightened u..i
much haruie j. Tena of thousands duck-
ed to hoer him. His "wit never tailed"
him, and his "facial exprresion could
carry every emotion of the human
Mart.' His voice was gra of great
fellness and melody. "His hearers
laughed at his irrepressible humor,' but
yielded to "his tender entreaties."
Sheridan said, "I go to hear Rowland
Hill because his ideas come red hot from
his heart.- The rich and the greet ac-
corded to him admiration for his genius,
while the masses tat the people revered
him as an apostle. ' A typical English-
man," mud one of the great reformers of
the last century -look at his profile.
"A nave lady, stout and strong,
straight and soldier like in bearing, a
noble head with iron grayhair theatre
bark, revealing an ample forehead,bushy
eyebrows that could not conceal the
kindly expression of his clear blue eyes,
that had in their glance the latest humor
that was in his soul, a Roman nose finely
arched, full lips, and a mouth that even
when he was in repose almost laughed,
with a chin which spoke a strong will
and good 'trine." Such was one of
whom Lady Huntingdon said, excepting
Whitefield, she had never heard so
powerful a preacher.
Wins IMO ws .I s mea..
ehn.*tar. TheOpals-
the Owed ewtiss eosamittee,
April 91, 1164. are es follows
'•Jobe tellpties Hide?
"John (lupin's Ride" was composed
hy Cowper somewhere about the year
1780 or 1782 and under the following
circum$tatlaes as he told therm himself :
While •.n a built to his friend and ad-
mirer, Lady Austen, he was suffering
one evening from excessive melancholy,
which her ladyship thought to relieve by
relating to him a funny story. It was
a story she remembered from child-
hood and which she had often related
to the little ones gathered at her horse.
"John Gilpin'• Rade" she denominated
her tale, and she went on and told it in
bright, sparkling, narrative style. Its
effect on the fancy of Cowper was en-
chautin.. On the following morn-
ing he appeared at the breakfast
table with a countenance all. smiles,
and he told Lady Austin that he had
been kept awake half the night by
thoughts of her story and his involun•
tary bursts of laughter at the comical
values flashed back upon hiss. And he
furthermore tui t her that he had resolves
to put it int , a 10s11ad, the general c•,n-
structi•,,, of which he had alree.iy nn,
mind. The n.• mil was written and given
to Lad.: Austen. and she insisted up on
GI%u,g It to the pub inter of her fitchew
new5patar. So it found its way t.. the
public ; and afterwards Henderson, the
actor, recited 1t 11, his public readings.
There hare beet, venous surmises as 111
where Lady Au.ren obtained her hero.
Same .,.ave thou;ht he was • real person-
age and hare collated p'roe4 to sustain
the position. while others have believed
hint to have teen entirely fictitious -a
creature of Lady Austen's braln,or, may -
hap, of the poet's own fancy. -{London
'ensignof applique medallt.Els, and howl .eery Abeat
small *tan, crescents, and clover leaf
signs it drawn open work.
, Capotes and Pachon of shirred
} white, gray, and Wes and rose tinted
( mull are becomingly finished with trim-
, ming of velvet, blab sr colored.
Pretty and convenient art the lawn
and muslin gowns in the Mother Hub-
bard shape. that can be used either for
neglige awning wrappers or night
The tithe* LW.
Sir Lynne Ilulwer, the great English
nnrelist, has this beautiful pawge nn
"Our Destiny," er a future life : "It
cannot be that earth is man's only abiding
place. It cannot be that our lite is a
bubble, cast up by the ocean of eternity,
to fleet ■ moment upon its waves, and
sink into nothingness. Else why is it
that the high and glorious aspirations,
which leap like angels from the temple
of our hear*., are forever wandenng
about unsatisfied t Why is it that the
stars which hold their festival around
the midnight throne. ase set above the
grasp of our limited faculties, forever
siockit.g us with their unapproachatle
glob ( And, finally, why is it that
bright forms of beauty are represented
to our view, and then taken from as.
leaving the ten thousand streams of our
affections to flow back in one Alpine tor-
rent upon nor hearts 1 Sorely me or.
born fore higher deceits Uwe that of ea Mo.
Thew ilia realm where the rainbow never
fades ; when the stars will spread 'out
before es like Wanda that dumber on
the ocean; sled when the beautiful beings
which here pass before us like shanows,
will stay in our presence fnterer..,
Hr ,_.•,be L.S$.e U.
Minim -The New Yorkers hate the
letter "r^ as much as the English do the
Finks --I have noticed that in speaking
they are very apt to give the "r" the
• t probably soonunts for their very
Moder tresttnent ref their big Mena.'
"in what way r'
"lammed of putting thew in esIl.,eb.y
keep than in luznrinu.ly furnished
Aes that to do with the lettlr
1, r.
"Why, don't yew see, they drop an Y
from arrest sad 11 betimes •-test.
T.. retain ..r recover health, persons
should be rein Teed from sux:ety concern-
ing dietetic The mind has power over
the body -for a perseo to think he has a
disease will often pi oduce that dismiss.
This we see effezted when the mind is in-
tensely concentrated upon the disease of
another. We have seen a person sea
sick in anticipation of • voyage, before
reaching the vessel. A biihdfolded man
slightly pricked in the arm, has fainted
and died from believing he was bleeding
to death. Therefore, persons to remain
well, should be cheerful and happy : and
sick persons should have there minds di-
verted as .ouch as possible. It is often
by their want of faith that theydie. As
a man thiukrth, so is he. If he wills
not too die. he coin often lire in spite of
disease ; and. if he has little or no at-
tachment to life, he will slip away as eas-
ily as • child will fall asleep. Mea lire
by their minds as wen as by their
bodies. Their bodies iieltl no life of
themselves ; they are only rsesptacles orf
life- tenements for their minds, and the
will has to do in continuing the physical
weepaucy ••1 giving it up.
T. Raabe r,sats.
A lady It Ione beautiful plants are the
delight .4 her life and the envy of all her
acquaintances. revealed the seers* of her
success ler the bs.efit of the readers of
the /freeing P.af the other day. The
soil is, she says, two-thirds gond garden
soil. and the rest is sand. It is kept
light and I..,e* about the route ; they
an.watered as they appear te need it,
and not according to any particular
rule : but the chief reason for their won-
derful growth and bloom is this : "When
any of the leaves wither aad fan, instead
of picking them up and throwing them
away, I make little rolls of them and
tuek them down in the earth and let
them decay ; add this is the onlyferia-
gerI here ever need. This, se added
modestly, atoms to be nature's way.
And t' --t plants that baro the alternates
rim only, grow and rival those that have
the morning sen."
Chicago, July 11. A petition far the
7.u( a ew
oerve or folriWilber
flfotey, editne and proprietor of the
Times. bee bean filed by his nephew, Z.
R. Chapin, the petitioner stats to take
ane of his estateit is usdmsknod that
Mwey's relatives win waste the ap-
peiNme.t of a eoaasr.atosk
signal. 1 use
-- 1 Mathew, railrilsd
! ingot and Junotivaa
• Apply brakes ; stop.
Off brakes ; start.
a • Answer 4, any signal e1
apt train parted.
Successiws d o Haus parted.
u u u Dank up.
Calling attention 4o aig-
sals carried.
--'Cali in flagman.
Engineer's call for signals
0 0,, o u u from seitchtneo,watch-
men and trainman.
0 0 is
- -- ou IRaid
u 0 .I flagman out.
Succussion of o Stock alarm.
Explanation of signs : u short sound ;
- long sound.
As 'Mirrored la the t•olumsa. of ear Out -
stele (. aemporerte..
Lord Cecil and Alfred Mace, sun of
Jetta Mace, the prize fighter, held an
evangelistic service in Montreal un Sun-
On the morninz of July 3, Senator
Shoed received a stroke of paralysis in
the body while talking to Mr. Clamour,
in the latter'* office, opposite the Russel
House, Ottawa. He died next day.
Welland, July 11.-A boy named
Bravin was struck by a falling broom
from a derrick hero on the actuedoct
works yesterday. He was very low this
Whitby, July 11 -Ile lightning of
the henry thunder storm which passed
over this town at 7 .,'clock this evening
struck and killed Henry Sorley, who was
in one of his farm outbuildings, which
were also destroyed.
-� .... -~om
'M11'm. Hall was arrested at Csbourg un
Monday fir cheating three Englishmen
out of $15 each. They wanted to, go
back to England, and he engaged them
to attend to cattle on the way over, but
required • deposit of $15 each to bind
the bargain. With the cash he cleared
out, but the constable nabbed him. He
had no cattle of course, but was just a
confidence man.
'Oh, you dear little angel,' sobbed the
lady, as she kissed her poodle's nose, 'the
wicket man will make you ride In the
baggage -car. Pet.' And, filled with
ansruish, she enteral the o ac 1, sad. sor-
rowful and alto..
1141111111e ft
'She lingered most suffered along, pin-
ing away all the tone f .r yearn
'The doctors d••utr h.•, o.. good 5.
'And at last was curt -4 ny this Hop
Bitten the paper* 'as .o .ouch about.'
'Indeed ' Indeed '
'How thankful we shout., Ise for that
A bea*bterfs wlsery.
'Eleven years our daughter suffered on
a bed of misery.
'From a complication of kidney, liver,
rheumatic trouble and nervous debility.
'Under the care of the hest physi-
cians,'Who gave her disease carious names
'But no relief.
'And now she is restored to us in good
health by as simple a ,remedy as Hop
Bitten, that we had shunned for years
before using it.' --THP Paaigrw.
Yatae► sa Getting Well.
'My daughters say :
'How much better father is since he
used Hop Bitters.'
'H. is getting well after his long suf-
fering from a disease declared ince:able.
'And we an so glad that he used your
Bitten.' -A Lan of Utica, N.Y. m
That we have never been, and
never intend to be undersold
by any legitimate house in the
Trade, either in
Stigars, Teas, Coffeos
General Broceriea, Crockery
:xare at Rock
Bottom Price
Come and See Us
Own He... gewate, Oedelesk.
fraises to Weal Nruala-S.. tar 1 nesse bff
Swale. f/ow. ttesiea toe.. .
enters gramme ea all mow Neer et
(mite 1 *O�~ ■iswasM hila. M1, Mow__Aad drag is
rewired swim the rr•ulatlome of
rifest tis w•.sewn.. bask bel wee. the hoes*
et iia
bete5.51,,. slut be posted L7 mlaates
else in each mall.
hoas*•a.m. to 5i p.m.. deadeye es-
vusewa ruerwa
ri boom admitUM tato the Poo
sees then la • Ie.,T.swseseat of postai
nogrulbwa :
Austria, Haarlem. Deessark. bread.
rumor. Almeria, O.usswy. tilbraltar.
areal 1Britain and Irelas4. Oteeoe. Italy. Luz -
sabers. Malta, Mwtsawro, Netherland. Nor-
way• Persia, l'Silused. Amore. Iteumaria.
Reda. Mi. Piern•, Kerrie. Spam. the canary
Islands, Sweden. Switzerland awl Tarkey.
And ria galled stales:-Har�w�uda, Bahamas.
Cuba. 1.aak 1 mutat uleelea of !R eet. Jetta,
St. Crypt. Janata. Japes• and Peels R5...
fNowfuuu.tlaud is sow IR theN'oetal e'atom,
Ike postal rates masala a. Linters
before', Litte
per { ounce. Postal mote Y .-a•ut. each.
Newspapers 7 *vat. fur 4 ounce.. itc lsIra-
Ow tee S teals.
Fur Aden. Argentine Confederation. Brasil.
British Guinea, Ceylon. Greenland. French
Dolmens iu Asia. Africa. (kat -sada and Amer-
ica, unapt M. Pierre and Mqieuates• Persia.
els Persian Gulf. Portuguese twoedes Is Aela,
Apia. okeai, e.. Trinidad. Spanish (chokes
la A•elea. Oceanic* and America, snoop( Cuba
and Porto Ric,. Straits Settlements in Signs -
Penang and MaMna:-Lettere lac. per
es. Bunke. kr.. le. fur t an. Other regketr•-
tees sec.
West India Islands via Hallam same rate as
AA5. aIla.�ase Newg eatthpwales. Vic-
tergal. aod Queensland :-Lettere 7e., papers
t oasts
Australia. New South Wales, Victoria,
Queensland : Lettere 15e.. imperil lc.
New Zealand. via Paw Francisco Letters
Ile. See•., lepers
"1 am toning up the system," remark-
ed a first tenor, sa he h ped hitnaelt
and trade a wild effort t•.each high C.
(1 o
The subscriber is now Prepared
to furnish all kinds of Field and
Garden Seeds of the
at rates that cannot be beaten in
Call and .•aanliue samples :•r -
fore pureha-inn , I.. tvhr•rr.
East Street Grain I)epot, Op . -. ts•
Town Hall, Goderieh.
March fah. 1881. rep -
Alwuat .eery isdi edetainesabl.lalaue
Mier mineral eumpoeuda Dr. Caaeen's
fiigesaeek Bitten is purely vsyetahle aid
takes the plate of .11 ether p•uryatives.
hi large b.4tkssat Woad. us
Thousands bear witness to the ptat-
lies curative powers of the Gaiter Oak -
glee Inrsuoaayoa, the only remedy that
has peered itself • specific for general
debility, .r 1 .e4kn.-as, impotency.
eta, and all disseses slat arise from swlf-
•buse or overtaxed brain, finally ending
in consumption, inanity and a ptesna-
tun grave Sold by all nrugglsts, or
will be sent free on ttroetpt of $LIN) per
but, or air tens for $5. r.d.lrew F. J.
CngNav, Toledo, Ohio, ode agent for
the Coned States. Send for cin'.tler
and testimonials of t;etuiva cu , c :e.,
Rhynes, (i jdench. Yto
1).. LOS n YLxaa$IT Wows "1 R P. -
An atrrau t.'r, safe mud ole -dual r ,tray
to res,.uve all kinds o1 rt..;,,,.. .14
A tare *avIss Prvseut.
31r. 31. E. Aikens*, Hutchinson, Kett ,
saved his lite ky a ample Trial )i.ttfle .,t
Dr. King's New Discovery, for 1'ou-
sumption, which casted him to pr..nrr
a kap bottle, tlestcotnpletely cured hitt.
when D• stop, chs ,.e of climate an ,
everything else 11.,,1 fai!.d. Aothoo,.
nr:chltim, H,ersu,tw., Norere Coughs,
and all Throat and Lung diseases, it in
guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J.
tt'i4-ns drur store. Large size 51. (1 .
A tesmebable Wepe,
\;n M.sry A. Dailey,oi Tut.L1.anu..:1.,
Pa. ,•:a attis.trtl for six utas,. with Asch•
n•d and !Irn,ehitis, during which - time
the best physic -min oath' girr u•• relief.
Her life was ole.»-ir.•.I ..f, until iu hod
October •hr • r * uar••i a bottle of In.
King's New Disc„vi'ry, when : ,.1
relief was telt, anal hy continuit , . to
for r short time s,,.• oat armpicie,) cur-
ed, ranting in i1 •a.. :10 lbs. in a few
Free Trial Bottle, of *Ho certain cure
of all Throat and Lunt; Doesass at Jas.
Wit..•,,.',. lieu; Store. 1.-' in Bottles
Inns .... aur 7
. ••.e'r..s.•rwI and sufl.re•I *...,ta
.• • ret- ftw' tears. •I e dole-
.. i er to. good ; and at I,rt was
this Hop Betters the riper*
,ay .. much about. Indeed ! indeed '
thankful we should he for that
'.ut4licine. ".
The Ontario Mutua', ; G eaple'a
NISINNOi mwrsa. T, •lee eaa.ee
The only purely Mutual Life Co. in ('.nada.
Total number of Policies In forte. Ik•c. ',let,
15. 5,245, covering assurance to the amount
of 16.572,719.eo.
TOTAL *awls,-11sii,7e6ee
TOTAL tcw/.ti1:. 144,e18.sa
I 1 !*'L1 a, 4143,7e1.ee
The Company's Reserves are hatted on the
"Actuaries Table of Mortality." and four per
tent. Interest -the Highest Standard adopted
by any life company In Canada. and one-half
per rent. higher than the standard used by the
Dominion insurance Department. -
The Increasing popularity and raped growth
of the Company may be seen from the fart
that in ISM the first year of i:a business, She
total a.eeta amounted to only 1e.216. while last
year the reached the handsome total of
ItS11.706.00 WM. HENDRY. Maar'r.
W. S. HUDGINS. General Agent,
Stratford. Ont.
WWAn active and reliable District Agent
wanted for G.derieh and West Huron. Apply
to W. S. Hui. i,s- t:rncral Agent. Stratford.
firMnne% to L•.a,, at Low hates of Interest.
May Thad.
$66•week n1 home•. 13.rooet5t bee. Pay
alwdwtely seer, Xu risk.Capfal ae itllred. Itesdar. if run a ant hws'na, -
in •.rhirh preens. of a Ther ser. yo•'•..•
or old, an bake urea/ par all the .fur. N.er
work, with Mood nteernsiaty. Wear for full
psnknlar, to 11. if*I.t.i'rr it. re... 14orrba•d,
Maine. i55:::-
Has J•.t m.ci,,.., - e �,er ••E .., i, of
rr tIwoJS all( Groom4tst
- -
All aro New and SV -U S • eetnd. which Lr I.
fere at the Loa .,.r P,wible Prices.
t IJat
Hama. Baron. 1 Irl. ('horse, Rorer flour -
made from Maatt.'ha Wiest. alto Halle'
Fine Family Flour. Nat flats, Bran.
Shorts. and all other kinds of feed.
Farmers Produce Tears to karbsye.
Goods delis ered free in any part of the town
and Seaford.
Career V Ietnria and Nelson streets. oppoeite
Fair Grounds, Doderlch,
Mar 8th, tVll. 1943-
Saginaw and Bay City Route.
D. W. MrORgooe. MawvsR.
Will leave (N►URRICH. weather penis
on and atter Jame Oh, IMI. maklaw WI$5*L
.NTw Ta/Pm amino the season, a. follows:
Al 1 o'clock p.m.. for tisginaw. Ray City. Sand
Reath. Tawas and .11 point* nn the west shore.
Including Alpena and Cheboygan.
Returning will lea. a 011111F.RU'If
At 1 p.m.. for Detroit and (1 1-e)au.t. rel�g
both ways at Poet Heron sad pointe os (iL
(lair River.
A Eleven Days' Trip
wlnh the privilege of speeding 24 beers in
novelette. N hoar. is thotrne, and 12 ban la
Saginaw or Hsy City. at the nnp eesnlentrdly
low prier of
$12 FOR THE 8011811 TRIP,
A rice -Cuss QC'Ai►RILI.R RAND always
on heard her nail�
Tar rates .A frsitsbtanil tmuw.e• sad all le•
f wawatlem. apply b
Wee. LER. Assad u OnMerieb.
or C. A. 4111141111J41.
lganaa• , Detroit
aohirleb. May IUs. 1514,
UR !Tian ABA s. CO V. Tul.osye-a---Pwe
fist 11 X Ina. can .er Loewe' e' i red -
taLed 17m.
BAlfll ?tt', 00'1 • of HARTFORD Cess.
R.asb►rh. n tun
takes. in into *lire arma
MeV-ens Idea by 114 WY; t10RT0N.
TheISM.� yjccn•d u 0111P Appraises of the
Tuan y,,.
blowsy le Loai. en nrsi-.Iso seenrtty, rens
7 to t per 5'..d Clear' • meiwle,
Odder'^1. *.sato la MIL
_ -- -_
.re aa.sallt robbed
d t weir rktl,us, lives
a •r.lnty(v4. luppl=eMee=�
J or 1 Desalts ,onus 4
to the usecfthe React
e hl, It posit tray a..•' ,..reuse tai 7 care*
Potence b s ere .) .seers.s, of an) kla
aIMlaal N-, -'Lar.. ase NI4,.ee.r. rhos f
I.,. as • argoa-n.r n' ersr. hese. a. I...o of m-
ertty. lues , aarm•1ry 'u;Vet rl !matted*.
pain In the 1 ask. dies r of s .stun. prema-
' sire old ntre anti ma, other dlw•wer•. that
1. sot w ittw.ui....y wail. motto. and a prema-
ture• .-est .•.
Mend .• n,ulnMw411• teMlmuntals Erre by
mad. 1'. • •ATKi ATN it odd at PI per
hos, of hoses far IN, bl all drurrt.ts, er
will be Beat free nen wail..reurely teak d, os
r -rate of price. by ar1411
F. J. ('dl5Akl', Druggist.
187 $uu..nit !1t.. Toledo. Ohio
.. 1lITSA*.
role Agent for Godertcb
S•tatPeople are always es the leek
f.•ttennrr nn
Peer .or a-ntntp --•d l,, time
,.-4- w,-ylthy : he
uonu1prorr theirInca. oppsitens
Nies remain In Iasi ret). We offer a OM
. chance to cake , •unet 55.4• ., ant mer. we
wen. bee)* and g rIn to not► for or in their
sown 1a Mows. .51,50es . an du the work
peel) from the dr start. 1'I.e business wW
Ina) mor•that. .. c,w cldu•ar) eases lis.
e(ensivruu'ta, ..• ,ln,t tor. Nis 0new•I.oea-
daitca tail, te,..ear m,1x.r4 r.ptelr. You ata
$41•441141. ',stir abide lifter t.. 11, ..,s1. , r uttls
your spare nroMrrt-. - I'e'l 11,1•41.101111441 ad
all : has' Ia , , c, .au. .. p, nee. Addrr nr
_•.• .1• Cie 1•oretie 1'. ?'4' • r-
N't• will pay tbr,, ,t• reward /rr:v t�eee
LI.. -r (Sumg,lwta,t, f.. .p. tam. `etc', ti Nfai!
Indigestion. 5.wts/i1Mee rr 451.14,15... We
-donut carr w•'1 Unit's 5.-, . le Liver Pills.
wheat Ilie iiirr. •4.psete seri. *iv .,.w.rlied with.
*leer an.. gee -... Yrpg. tahtr, mid sever fail to
gut. . ••i. In. • • • Nags, t'Pitted. !_arse Hose.
.-•;,i1,.: .tot.. Few wile by all
•feruc .t.. 1' veer- 0troamterfrifsandlmlta.
epee. 1'1..• ' nine sameterrured owl',- by
JtoHN (• 14 t "i' & (Y1.. "7liw P111 5lake,,,
91 and '-: X no: -1. bon. Tint him 4`1 t. Free
grin. tee, :.. c.• srrt i'r ma: $.v 1 aid reb receipt
of a :1 cent r. At-;..
Versed, a1 ",nate'? t Ifs G *TONIC.
meals: is 'Wlealt'
J. P. FISKER & J0111 1101,
lnavir.. t'nr•lu'red the two- .- hw.r.f Jso.
E. Swart:. formerly owned'' : Redeem Kerr.
aoll.•lt a share of public p:,tonsgo • The)
guarantee sati,!sctien to all. 11451 offer
The Finest R igs
1' f:EAv)X.v HLP: 1•!:1CF„S.
('AI.I. AND PEE I''--O'p„Ite Ba:le)'s
Hotel. (:ntcrtr•h.
OoderieS, Fel.. Iith.:r 1 ..-
I(t:. r:. C. Wi,•T'n NnityR amp BRAIN Tara
3.11,:>T a uuarnnt••rd .p..&- for H) rtcrta, Dos
.lore.. (', nor a;-reser'Iits. Nerrons Neu
Ifcsdarh-, Ne•rso., 1•roatration '.m -id the
use at akuhs,1 or subsea. N'akrfaln,v., to
gal 1)epu',wIrm, fort -alas of the Rraia, result
;net is ination) fit A leading to nets.-ry, decay
and d-ath. Premature t'bt Age. Barren.ss,
Imo. .rf Power ix ri1 Ser se r. In . taunter)es
..red Spermatr,rrhoa...nrwd hy over-exertion
r the drab, elf -abate or over-indelgeaee,
line box will care recent case,. Each buxom
•slos nose moat ler treatment. (55.dollar • lion
or nix Imam for five dollar.: tent by mail age
paid on recrip of price. We eversntee stz
xr•s to -Rrr any sae. With reek ceder pe-
erived by us fur.lr boxes. accontparlyd with
dee dollar.• we will ,end the purchaser our
written guarantee to refund the mosey if the
rreaimetn does not effect a cure. Gunmetal;
loaned only by JAMIE* WILawt, rod. antler
iced agent fori..derl,h, tint. .14 ill (' WEB?
i (v).. sole proprietor., Toronto (int.
il;.vtog been appointed agent of the above
:r,.i hone. bees to solicit the usual public pot -
and will supply ttsrhines on liberal
H., . . t'. t
her:• • • ' ;,•.0 - .
tC.it• . . . • 14 .1 an,. ser .
LIMO► 4r.••. Yat - ,: ,im.'1Ie.1 inn
Ynlr t.. (.. el4n
to+•'•1 ,sstet.nug.,,,, e...M-. -• • IhIt, ealant. ,nilsw',,...
huanr.•hr.s. • r...- ', 150x.51 1. 1 •
earl. 141., a, 1,,, r 51 :Mir a;l dos•
of 1'Ie 4 -:resit site . ►a. .•x asrty,I*. . r
which a I.• Irl; ... .. 1;,•i. that we . an' . err
with Wast'. ,'. . • sp. warm taken nit. tint
hug to. ,Utes • - al..pte kettles. _5 wont :d
cents: ia-)r le. ..sr dollar. O• Nola!
wrappers ..s. bier. Bold by a:l .1, .t,,tgttots,
or en ret :,r est a 140 beeriest of prate. .I.Ili
(', W Mit? t •'• ,t man int
Terexte eltr es. t: w:- digit: ffirsR
Blore . ,.„1„ .. en:,
,1.ry t" Pennine Singer.
I:es,d-n-r: \'p•r..n., -•ter,. near the M. E.
('drur• L•,.,..', ;the
G4.rterfele. Dta 5 w amF7, ittiI•3m
v n,•rWk.- txfol stlade nI • -in.r ry the Is
dorrriuo•. Ikon hWinen now b•
Inn• ,h- ,mblk•. t'.pNn rot awe
• t. are r 01. ]tea, ♦e
r,. ,,. hove and. girl wanted reify
wtrere to work for n•. Now I. the time. as
,aa we-'.. in spore ilmr,nr r•Ive 704
r w
,pre• to the huslne-.. No Mher huntress
,r }sur n.•arI) et. nett. Nu COMP ca,, pall t0
Iasi•••norm,.,,. pet. by noging .1 Mom
ug.lp sow 1 •ii n f�
brtnAdd i
Cures Dizzlateu, Loss of Appetite, Ilsdigezteot, Bilio-ssag,
Dyspepsia, Javfldie(•, Affections of the Liter a.uf ]Ei
Pimples, Biotopes, dialer, Humors, sorsors, Balt' RAewm, ,
1;4- •,p laz, •. !, '1 d,.ae.srs ar,ainq from lnrpt(rr BIoo,
1). .1 ,.,1 4- '!44-41 0l,lr
1 seer an • i � i,r Ill'•r•r'.:,
H&2YA R �]'c
Are pleamat to tekw. Peseta/'s their own
Purgative to a sate. sets. Ise eaRit&
belP')Iee -( weenie in Chubs. er Lnni
11 i nut I, h• •. nr. ), n5 (>•
meed dare helot.- )o
«i .thing eiRhl) .a
lame leave. Mlilnd to'eelkMa
time. air we'll, Ina eta
town fns motet fr.• rick
aew. Capital not 000strerl M it 441:1 I
e.v rryth,ne. litany am asakly I
1.. xahe as mark tie slew. teed NMI
make greet pay Reader. K yaw wane
at athlete yes row oake gf�at par a
time, weer( for jpernettiaro I. B. pant.
a i o. P.Miaw Mai