HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-18, Page 5t 1• a- ly r• re its d- o l er rte :t the ,era all arta be - zee 10 .{ ova itt!e rias T,. •iso Ker- bea farm eon weep sb:e. and ler, these d for ties is the cross ethe bean part math. dumb either *Iasi 'act is Wad sent ester 446, naval Boden red t•• onset nm - t both nta¢a. ticket apttre ; Fuh- e ed t,4 sit the 3 Lake rig shad 'basset. I really permit dories n Lake n ame- nd it is parent quaint-, of frill caught. to cLelan's day last the SIM re11,whe window. n,,nt her to pet ad. The nd soot and the rhe side 1 ashen net. Sb. inte▪ rims ton, in ib.s sad ore Bo► keoribd illestra- • medicinal D. Mr. tty "Ar any with tinted kl smacitMd I chars- ic designs \Vhoist. 'nemesia* es, paint- onstage ✓ esetiese r the flint tion sad t Hall d novas 1.tretiese sae, ri , Wester ropes) a is Poem; Netters. moms ar •wey iM e .A be ltwthss•a M' ides rah AITRON SIGNAL FRI1).ky, JULY 18, 184. fw0.au. The essay trie.4a at Duncan McLsr.w stip beeased to bear that b. At again able to be about, after his is. ndent u H. Y. Attrill's a sew weeks sig.. A keenly contested game of quoits be- tween the married and single ensu of this pleas rooked 1n favor sit the bene• dicta by ono puiet. Jost Morris, teacher, ..f tlenmiller, is speadiag his vacation under the parental root. New "abets have replaced the old timbers of 27 years standing in the cul- vert at the foot of Dmtl..p•s hill. Fred Horton, .4 Dunlop, had the h, which visa tot a very huh: one. tNitlbrd. Mrs. Andrew Beck, after a painful and linverin` illness. died oil Monday. e was touch respected here. Her end s a bright and peaceful one. he Lard's Army did not assault the ..• age un Tuesday, and the •• b•hoyr' think they have scared theca oaf The young men of the Oedersch Methodist Church are holding a --Meekly p.ruyermeetitsg every Monday et•e.iac in the temperance hall, having been invited by a number of persons hero. The d.stings give premise of ouch : (sod. The best story of the week is to. th3 ef- fect that one of the leaders in the assault ..n the Lord's Antsy last week, in fact the young man who ladled out the beer •.n the occasion, wee chased by a quan dom friend of his in a quarrel, anti climbed up • tree. The other st.eei at the foot of the tree, and keit the valiant assailant of the Army on the topmost lore: cher until near daybreak., t'w.userrtbaes tatipswaiss. B,.Mturd, July 14.—Mr. McCarthy, of the Grand Trunk Railway, w4• last bouts in the city aural/ the pest week' shadowing a roan 'tame.] David Young, cm Saturday night last arrested him a in eumpany with a sun, aged lye years, charge of counterfeiting. The prisoners were caught red•bande.l, carrying tools owl metal. The former aompriee two piaster of parts mould., one for turning out Y:o cent and the other M/ cent ants The prisoner, who is about ieU years of age, comae to Brru1enl some thew years alto, sins wht.:b ruse it is 1•otieved he had been continuously iseuume and par- ing bmf money. The counterfeit coats are advira% t. ituitations.wmd have a nue s,ui.dusi rit.v. The ptisourr has before served terms in the penitentiary. A sta- ter of ler, who ke,u .. •!ice its the city, haft for other torts Last • ..k. hibe is be- lieved t,, hs• a been i ,,,iaat.d in the swindle t brother of time counterfeiter ext.otot c1..• fraud. ttgets -. July I1.--11.' . 1•: l.ang'ier was elect.41 for Parliament for bleganue by 31 iota**. The welcome news c emee by cablegram that the cholera is subsiding to France and that there is n.•w more pang: than disease. It is to be hoped the report is reliable, but no neglect of preventive measures should be pertained ..n this continent even though the dancer of au early visitation may be temporarily les- sened. This is pre-eminently a case 10 which prevention :s better than cure. .t Hellas., N. S., telegram says: --- A t ..lent thunder storm swept .over the Province ye: terday, and several houses reported shimmed into splinters in vari- ous parts. At Muises' Point on the Tusket river,Ytlrmuuth county, lightning struck Anselm liouchee's house. Mrs. liouchee, hearing the storm, got out of SMS. bed to see that her children were net frightened, and was passing through the J. Strachan and Jamas Liuklater rep - reissued l.eeburn at the Presbytery hall when a streak of lightning carne meeting held in Goderich lot week. through the red, splitting the ceiling g over her head and striking her on the MIM Came Rye, of Clinton. and Miss back of the neck. Death immediately Emraline Hilliarl, of Goderich, were ensued. 10 another part of the house visiting friends here last week. two cnil.lreu were struck senseless by the Harry Horton. teacher,of Peratnount. electric Nuid. The lightning aliehtly is spooling ding his holidays among friends minimal !Ars. li.uchee'a hair, but left no here. i.-4.1 exchanging grips with many visible mark. ..!.1 cin cies hereabouts. New p..••.t.oea and raspberries herr lent I ne. 1. Ten days ahead of last year.Jas.inton. and & Soil 1•, ria:d McGillivray, M A.. preached . bete, t� Sunday morning. He deliver- ODERICH_ THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. ed It , maiden sermon here three years I Hoo iiia was rushed last week. Mal - corm 'tewart got his entire crop in in about ;2 hours without a drop of rail. while in four and a half days, E. P. Shaw, aided by J. M. Williams, with mower and rake, cut, loaded and pitched fifteen 1. ads off nine acres and a half. the distet ..• t.. the barn and back being 1 of a mil. 'nd each load about a ton and a half. ('i.n our Dunlop cousins beat this feat . ` muscle ? rfl 1 Yl Londasborengh. a Th, Scott Act meeting, held its the : Meth, .list Church here en Monday. was I 0 well ettroiled. The temperance side was i sup: • ed h Rev. T. M. Campbell and iLI Th••. McGillicuddy, and although eppo- siti-'., had been• invited, 10 person sp- pears.: f.a the other siee. R Adams 0 o.centird the chair. Mr. McGillicuddy lecl it a speech describing the prohtbi- 0 (oars• need penal clauses of the Act, and ; swot toed same of the leading ubjecti.)ns • made by the other side. He was repeat I V/ edly applauded, and after speaking fee an 1 hour retired in favi.r of his colleague. I Mr. Campbell endorsed the previous speaker's arguments, and made an el.•- quent plea for the Act. He made an ap- peal on fiscal, social and moral grounds. and his points were received with gener- ous applause. He filled up his hour with an admirable presentation *1 his case. A Tote was taken when about three- fourths of those present stood op in favor of the Act. When the call for '.rest street. nett door to the Past Ofice. those opposed to the Act was made, no •rrs Cheapest House Under the Sun '- 1+. one arose, and amid laughter nertakenin j April 16. loth. by the few anti -Scott .ten preken vote was decided unanimous. It is said that of fifty farmers between Londes- bctroug i and the boundary, onlysen refused to sign the petition in favore,.f the Act. ab''. Q EORGE ACHESON The Premier Dry (look Merchant of tic.lcrich, is Fro\\ SLAUGRTEHING GOODS t. • Come at and Share the Bargains, 5 We are offering the whele of our Stock of--- Spring and S .. A Great Reduction. er Mi�iucrll We have the Finest Variety of Laces in Antique. Oriental. Gupiue sad Spanish in Black and Cream.To our ltow.fausour stock we are constantly aelding, as the detuand in- creases in .lit rent branches, ALL THE LEADING NOVELTIES LACE CURTAINS DRDSS & GOODS IC 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Allowe.l for Cailt un all purcha..... over Gudericb. July 3rd. 1884. A IN ALL IRE LATENT FABRICS ANDDE` IONe. T'B; Nis Ore Variety: F-IERY. Plain. Seri L an•i Muck.Taffeta awl, kid Chives. Parasols, Fancy fuel Plain. .1n excel- lent assortment of White 11.11.1 l'„!.•re,I ]'•runt. 'lanes. Hair Work Done on Short Notice. rirHats Done t Over. 3rSee Our New l:itclieu Cabinet. / n A large Parcel of Goods frhel Nee York w111 be evicted this wee.:. C. H_ G-IRV_ N, The Square, liudt•rieh. COLBORNE BROS. af1 We have now the r et . Stock of Staple and Fancy__ Dry Goods we ever carried, GENERAL and at Prices Lower. than w cc 04 0 R. W. MCKEZ1E 18 NOT GOING COTGF b'USiNES' but lass, 1,e,,formed.. long its it and formed.114.0.• b go.i trade connections ti at be b able sae GIVE BETTER P.L.RC A.I N8 ever. Be sure and see our Prints and Factory Cotton before making your purchases. COLBORNE BROS. "The Signal” has the largest circu- lation in this section of the county, >"' and is therefore the Cheapest Ad- o co w I vertising Medium Get our rates. c41430 .t. ltialsae. ���e�1 �-LTCE S� Thomas Sidi has ret unit.; from Alyn.,ma where he hail disposed of a . Steerage and Intermediate number of horses as usual witch he takes itijLk or=s up for the good of their health. eia Neil Smith is staking preparations to $$23.35.make large shipments of honey from his steersg es sweet establishment. Sugar erne is no- where while the tees work s•• well. D. R J. Rethertotd have started the butchering business here and are pre - to to supply the community regular- }., sod not have them waiting for the -ince -a -week tough supply. The dominies are solacing themselres at present gathering strength for the fresh start next month to brighten up the young ideas who are more inclined to take sweet repos. than work hard in ill ventilated establishments. Mrs. Hasty delivered one of her able and interesting addreseeshere last week nn the Wotnen'• Forage Mission, in the Presbyterian church. A largo number were in attendance and were so enrap• tared that they would gladly go a dis- tance to hear this able lady enlighten them. Richard Miller, formerly ••f 41,dench, erpool has purchased the stock of John Gordon, FTom Quebec LA LivLiV HARDWARE �, . , in , other.profeeaiutt tubell the past. shalt le...,'.tc. d tc 11 • i i- S. a•, i CHEA1- HARDWARE EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cent. Off Cash Sales: R.W. MCKENZ1E'c Goderich Foundry The undersigned. having purchased the Goderich Foundry amu Mault1ne Sham& and haul put the same to good repair. will take contracts for Flouring Mills, Stea,n Engines, Boilers, And other Machinery wanted. $1O SUITS. Sainds of Castings Made to Ord, win ► . p Agricultural Implements on un t REPAi Y ' b R notice. $1-0 , Flouring Mills Changed to the Gradual Reduction or Roller System. i. i . o, , hand, and do al . • ons n Alt Wool Tweed Suits _ R. W. Rl'�ICiMAlf, t:al.•rich, April !1. 12iR1. log• -15 The Chicago Hous z -1.g Mi111=er3r_ t -L=rn.mer Millisaiers • Or0DERICH TO— Liverpool, Londonderry,Glaagow London, Queenstown, Belfast, Bristol, Garda FOR $10.00 J. C. DETLOR & CO'S $10 ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHI�F Li V ERPOOL-Loo DON DERRY-OLAScl Tes SmnarlsT SSA MOt'T$ To A!cla nom ENGLAND. SPSSD, OOM litT AND RAFF•TL EVERT SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. Cabin Rate from Quebec to Liverpool, O. whom he steseeds in the m,.iness, and is and Return, f 110. now prepared to satisfy the public with Sailings f%Om Quebec. cased materials fatrom her figurUsines. Mrt7 t May (k,rd.o,rmfirint (min the bnainess, is re- SARMATIAN �sl •• Moving to his farm ti. set .out the inde- PARISiAX •• SARDINIAN yip Jaae pendent ass'ns state. ('IR('AeltiA Y ,Itli tin Tuesday evening bast a young man ritiYN111tI4 .. p'ttAL' C1 A. fDilttlls Saes etr,l almadish Bib 111.1y1fMb '.'.'.1. 1Ut6 1: SIIITS. named Joint, a a•ve.leen year 44141 sen PAlHfsl o.( John Joint, of Rt. Helens, carne to $ARIittA' r441.01„'' his death in a very distressing mama % s-- The young man went to a neighbor's to 1, 1 N %narrow i hay rash, and while leading t'S the horses ahrouyh the pts th.v sodden- pasesus sr' reonire to lean O estartch ea ly sprang forwent end knocked him Theredere. is 11 o'clock. mstisg sM %low w1 stn broke hie spinal column flo ass if yet letMe1 Quebec. yes ase ism,edistaiy taken to his horn*. in an ose.rnsious stab, whore be lingered for about Meow asieutos, Moo se owl to his ..curls ltlfa►r d oat Wuaweday loot. Mies wf o�yitr+,nii to the. last nodes( place by a - see soaves el agflb.rs and kiselaa $10 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Swift nerd bailie jiver business. 1 now dwtrets my attention to G-CitrM Which 1 will offer lower Haan any heuae In the county. My facilities faoMndling svC+ 1Jeey Competition. 1 pnrchaae direct specialty the fRRefinery inter load lots. 1.Ise make.. urittg Sugar -Cured Hams and Breakfast Bactm. LAARM BOLD BY ITEMTs. HP.ZZ.. Read the STA..+�NDARD ORANULATFI> SUGAR, 12 Rtethe ffixen $11. 1.00.00 12 . COFFEE SUGAR, � BRIGHT YELLOW, 14 Ree for 1.00. Won Side (bort Hour Square. Goderich. C+EO_ GFSnsNFTa MSeetisal. Mses "Written 7 jokes fwd all Iwhrll.Mlee. — I. R. AR OoMrt b. Iter 1211-1222- 111111 SYS, Wags Prescription Drat Store. E EAR AND THROAT. Lim .e.. Kir • .and �lltrwer. 1►R. R YRRNAlt, Fountain of Health. feet•rrr ow the R) e. r Trinity. Iledtoal (•ollege Tiw.anto awA liartivsss to the Sulphur Iron Bitter.. ever yea err n Oo to the Hospital far sick rblMns, . ( );i ' (71 ,ei<< . l i ost C'olllt. �'t r Stocks in Coder: LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. Mi s W son's, - Chicago $oil 1 (:..sterid.. Apra Mew h & B rte >M N nal p 1 ie sick, int ' *ad Astrid •cast la Fluid Lightning. Clinical Assistant Royal London Opbtbalmie Electric Bitter.. lfe•pital. M.nwfelds. end t'entrs 1.oe4ee Theta and Kar Ho.psial, att l'wt•s•n teresaT. Burdock Bitter!. Toenrre. IMeech V11. MI. 11111' I,ondtm purple! Plitt— wanted low The (Agee el ei the Presidents of the R.B. lit `y the tartest. Handselled* asst least hook ever see for ye=s tYaa twW tar g�irroe. The fal te: welllrae teak Iw AttYrhrs imus•'aae' ptsau to aeeau = t. Termstree. Address u e aTT . AT THE - ?ICAL I-3 L41 .1OT t'ABIBTIE' l.F � SWEEDISH TURNIP SEEMS Pure Paris Gredn and London Purple for Potato Pure Hellebore for In eots on Curr Gooseberry and ose Bust '.e 3. BEST INSECT POWDERS FOR VERMIN TRUOZIOII ALL HINDS INSECT POWDER GUNS. FLY-PAPEP, E T,:., F. JORDAN', Chemist and Lim PARIS ��ds i1-1RE EN AN i;t a want It. Anyone ran he- -AND- --- 1-13511-3E1334ORI3_ JAB. WILSON. et your Printing at this Office. $S' Gushes Home Square, (:•stench. THE PEOPLE'S STOR For ('ash 1 will sell all kinds of (lads tit Lowest Prt.•e' Bee Those 10,12x,17, & 2c. Orr NOTICE THOSE OTN(•HAM4- 11, 1? aril 15e. EXAMINE THOSE PRINTS: 5c., 8c., • 9c., lOc., 12� No trouble to show Goode. Iron t purebsao if Ante are not t, W_ S_ RISS -t ..