HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-11, Page 8Aorino 4IVRON SIGNAL }MAY. JULY A1. ;884. 1 Seawl. The tamers to this vicinity are busy working et their hay w h►oh is • poet crop this year. The piowc which was held on laur- 2g Iset in connection with the public was a decided succena at sad Mrs. l:. M. Kilt; left at the hltgtelatug of this *eel fur Summerhill ofd vtcu itis where they will spend their vacation. Ahsropardtata. The death ..f the Tate Mrs. Hogarth has cast a heavy gloom over a largo oircle of friend& A family ..f eight sous and two daughter. and a sorrowing husband to mourn the Ices 0 a faithful wife and atiectionate mother. Her remains were followed to the grave by a large con- course of friends on Thursday last. Rev, J. .4. Turnbull conducted the funeral rites, and at the Prestoyteti..n church, Leeburn on the lith inst., utak • feeling allusion to the. sudden bereavement. Starr Ado Yt>I11111Iw,-Aa iinsense atoisesoe esessalibui at the Ota.e hall u Tbuleisy evening, the 3rd mot., to listen to the discussion en the Scutt Art between speakers selected by the rival ',idem. The frieesia of the Canada Tem- perance Act brdlgbt ltev. T. M. Csml.- belI and Mr. Thea McGiniceddy, of Gedrrich, to champion their calls•, and the Act was opposed by Messrs. 1 iworge Moir, mud 11 H. Collies, .d Exeter. the latter, foe a lark, allowing the elver- wau to intruduw him u "Mr. 11.11." t►wung to the late arrival of the Auti- Sc,tt men, the debate did not begot uu- til 9 o'clock. By that hoar the t.,,ilding was crowded, and as the night was warm and pleasant, soeres of pers ul atuel et the upon windows, and (row the outside listened to the speakers, uecaaiunatly patting in well•tiiesed applause. There was a complete absence of anything Rice a disposition to break up the meeting on the part of anybudy. Mr. Jani.7s John- ston, 0 Wawanosh, filled the chair ably and impartially. Owiug to the length of dee speeches it is iwpussibte ea give en epitome of them. Mr. MoGilheuddy opened the dueunion by • practical speech occupying ..we 40 is nates in de- livery, and was frequently applauded Mr. Moir followed in an atldnsa of Mini Lir length, and although lie manic a vary fair speech, did not seem to reach the sympathies of Inc hearers. Rev. Jnr. Campbell spoke next, and dwelt more fully upon the moral aspect of the ques- tion, and scored some ezcelleet potnl& 1 Mr. Collins, who is a good debater, wound up for his side m a speech in which he essayed to "scorch" his clerical opponent, and said some bright things, without going deeply into the real ques- tion liefore the meeting. Mr. Caunpbed, in his tical reply. nude an impressive ap- peal on beha f of the Act, and at the close et his address was loudly applaud- ed. Upon a vote being caped for, the meeting was found to he at least fuer to one in fever ..f the Act. So greet was the interest manifested in the d scusion, that although the speaking was kept op to l2:1:,, not a person left the building till the v. to was taken. Salttoid. Haying cn Ridgewood Farm lea sighs, lust now. On the hill side men with scythes an laying low the grass, on • the eat. Mr. Attrill has his several uw* ing machines nag by horse power, while •the inpatient mule kicks up .he hay to dry, and a horse rake gathers it in rows for hay cocks. Then the waggons gather it into bares on the I:oderich sine, hav- ing to ford the Maitland. rhe svelte this week has been a busy one myth. A ,eocal under the auspices of the Ieltiss' .lid Society, was held at the resi- duum. of N. 11. Yount. A goodly num- ber embraced the opportunity. of havang a seed tine as well es viae. ng Mr. Yoewg a lurely residence. AU the wheels have closed 'down fur the holiday& )1r. He:, !c. .'n',. Toon was tz•heined on 1•uesday, and the way the scholars answered showed Mit they had been drilled satisfactorily by their teacher. Mr. Taylor and the Rev. Mr. McLean examined them. Gosatriah Township. 3RebicaL Jas. Regan, eh. hes taught iu Unites S. S. No. 6, for the past two years, has Lean re-eugeged for 1880. LtuaTtttsu's nears. - t)u last Fride evening a alight thunder storm osier here, but one Hash of lightning was instantly followed by a clap of thunder. The electric fluid seemed to strike the telegraph wire in fruet et Alex. Taylor's place, and furrowed pisses eut u( tire eonsecetive telegraph posts in its descent to the grwud. It seemed t ., have left the upper wire, and goufed out a piece about two feet lung ou the wave aide 0 four pests, then luiepeal to the neat wire, and darted directjly below the in- sulators of aeouud wire in front of post and run down the pest to the bottom. it ping and tearing out pieces I r..w abet.t I i..oln wide to four or five inches at bot- tom, about etre to one and half niches deep, and split and broke it up pretty badly. Surae pieces were es fine as matches. The Hud followed the graiu of the wood all the way down. Some pose are twisted gri►u, se the gr... is gate a spiral, and on the inside, just in the middle, is a fine groove cut au that one can lay in a small knitting needle. Oise lost hes the upper pies* only cut ont, and that uu the east side. It seeth- ed to have followed the second wire in- stead 1 descending to the earth. It has also broken nue of the glass insulators. WALTeR HicK. OBITUaRy. -There teased away last week one of the oldest settlers in this tract. Hugh Sturdy, at the advanced air 0 84 year& He came to Canada in 1830, and, after spending two years in Toronto, settled upon the homestead 111 Gudetich township, where he has ever since raided. Here, by years of deli• &tin ta 0a. The Pu;' _ d.a:.,is here, closed last Nilo. Friday. Thomas Trimble, of Wells..., •, is there S. 1. ANNIvl.It'A.ti- '!'here wa, a'.a,u a visit to his navy friends. large etteldancu at .the aot.e:erraty of I 'Thomas Bowers, of Algoma, -is rishtin4 the Nile `Sunday School, w:.nuh was cryo- friends here at present. bested on Monday evening by a tea- Rev. Mr., Rios, of the Nile, preached gfMttug and literary entertainu,ent• in the Methodist chur:h last Sunday Swim ezceUeut refreshment/1 were pro- I avenin:' t►i%ed at the Orange hall, after which the The anniversary 0 th.- tattle .1 the aaatpany adjourned to the church to re- j Boyne will be cwlebrato.i by the foflow- tlaitt. the mental tree, Mr. Hethering- sere of King William. hetes on the 12th of r 1 L CASE, Y D., C.M., Y.C.P•>i., 1.d terwt. 1.11.6 L000spW4e R• Hwublessat Dss u e . tel qal- u: hotel JB. WHITELY, Y.D., C.IL, PHY- . dltLA\. S Aueonobese, etc.. M. C.P.S. Ontario. tTMee --TL. deism 1 duors tins of W U.us's Drag ylore, eto stadia. is t /1 R. 1dcDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - VI . IAN. St; ItU1tON, deo.. uradeate of Tee- atm er aIol t*o Uulvenitr. 1.lcrctiale of the Halal t'ul- et Ph eioiara. Loudon. England. to.. Arc., M.C. 1'. A., Ostarlo. Oce and residence Optica baileys Hotel. Hamilton street.turd- 1716-Sin ud- DL McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- LY &v. O&M sad resident* Meese Street. a.o*sd door weal ut victoria Sam, IT$I. HG. MACKID, M. D. PHYSI- • etas. rlergees and Auoesebw, tirades** of Toronto University Oakvopposite facer -us a Cameron's Hssi[. Luckaow. If nut ie *Moe. esquire et the Hank. I702 -y. i1Rt3. SHANNON & HAMILTON, 1J Paysiobas, Surgeons. A000acb*n. Ike. aloe u lir. Shansos's residence, near the gaol Uudertob. U. C. Sge'awl. J. C. HAMIL- TON 1751. L' YE, EAR AND THROAT. jJ D1:. RYifittin \, Lett urer oq the Kee, Far sad Throat. Trinity 5lodlal i'u elie Tomato. ant isurgrw to the Mercer Eye and star Infirmary. tlrulba an. Aurie to the Hospital fee sick chlldreu. lab. l'Itntaal Assisant Royal Leaden Ophthalmia Hospital. Moordelds. and Central London Throat and Ear Hospital. 317 1'r.- K, u ST$EET Toao'.Tu. March 27th. 11(14. 1816- inane and 3naurance. WE ARE LENDING MONEY AT 4 atm Per emu. feaft ti .OYu & USWId. uolerlelt Ayre 17th. ISa4. Ileo 5b00,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO CAMERON HOLT & CAMEROS. Gude • ie►. 17M. ItjONEY TO LIND. - PRIVATE 1.11. foods -as freehold security. =to tau. Swanson. uuderteh. 1HERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS.= i Brut industry, he made himself a cons- -- ✓ Beetle H whtctn as one a the land -marls on the Iluron road, an,l was able and willing to extend a helping hand to many who tome in later. To hits and to the wife whoa he sunred 11 years, were given a large fancily of lens and daughters, among eh we may mention Mrs. Kernighan, .of Cotborne township, Mrs. Johnston of G•.derich, Mrs. Proctor, of Sarnia„ 1oa. Sturdy. now we believe chief o police in Emerson, and two other sons, Samuel and Hugh, who con- tinue to re;.reseut the family on the old place. M. Sturdy was highly respected as a straightt.•rward, upright, downright roan. a warn friend, and a kind neigh- bor.an attac'ied and a steadfast adherent of the Church of Engsnd, he was most faithful in attendance on her services to the very Last, even in the days of failitig Powers and great debility. His iron - like constitution long repelled the en- croachments of age. U nttl last year he never had a days illness. But of late weakness of the heart accompanied by dropalierl symptoms oppressed hint, and rich. •en Tewanay. the Mint'cruday of Sep - after a week of acute sufferi:_g he passed tember. 1w4, at the hour of twelve of the sway on the :10th ult.: and, after appro- priate ppr - prate religious services at the house,' Sheriff. lb. li u:'On was interred int Goderich cemetery; sheriff's Office. Godeerlch. , whither a very large concourse of relat- Jane 13th IONS. tires, friesds and neighbors accompanied his remains. THE Gi•R.MAT i1'1 I (1 ton, superintendent of the school, texu- pied the chair in a very efficient nswwr. A long programme ,•f recitations, dialor rims etc., was rendered, atter which Mr. Thee. McGillicuddy, gave a 14 min- ute chat to the children, who gave him the closest attention. Short address were also trade by Rev. Messrs. Rice, Lcgter and Caswell. Tl,o, Methodist July. Speeches will be delivered by several of the prominent members of the Orange body. Rev. D. McNaughton, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. The same a;eutleman will dispense the Sacra- ment 0 the Lord's Supper here, next Sabbath. The members of the Methodist church choir Lem Coderieh, ni. sabering 2t) eholr, are taking advantage of the gath- voices, sang frequently dor hg the even- l ering here, on the 12th of July, to get up ing, std took k the audien. • by storm. a garden festival un that day. The pro - We never heard them in getter voice. I, are to be applied to furnishing Mr. Halls had theta in readiness fur I music for the choir. every call of the chairman. A. 11. Hen- derson's solos were much enjoyed by all. The singing of the evening was indeed a musical treat. The school appears to be in a prosperous condition. The saniver- eery will not 'non be furgoitten by those who attended it. It has been learned with great regret that the Rev. J. Turner, who was ap- pointed to this circuit of the \Ieth•dtst church, has been stricken down with a severe paralytic stroke. Arrangements have been made by which the pulpit will be supplied. A gentleman resident of this neighhe Paramount. hoed, travelled a few miles towards the sunny south last week. When he re - Dominion day passed off very quetly turned, the people here, came to the coa- in this pec+. Most 0 the inhabitants elusion that it u • good thing for hint sought fur pleasure elsewhere. VIttrrneo. - Miss Jessie Dryden, of Galt, and Mrs. Orissa, of Wroxoter, are visiting at Wm. Murdoch& Ewen A. McKenzie has arrived hone front t►tta- wa, where has been attending the Sie- mal. Budding o very brm..k in this section at the present time. J. Murray is hav- ing brick dwelling erected on Inc premi- er.. J. Martin is also having a house ,*erected, which add very much to the appearance of the plate. else) by pounding a dram moat untaerci- pta,L Exa11trarto'.--inion School fully, and kept it up until a late hour. section No. 14, had a eery successful ex- The general verdict at the tune tr.s. amination on the 4th inst. The pupils that it was the Salvation Army, said that were examined by Messrs. McKenzie, they must have thought they were in McDonald, Anderson and Wilson. Al- Clinton or Goderich, or some out ,oi the though in the busy time of the season, way place, where they would toot 4i-tturb then. was between twentfive and thirty any body with their racket. visitors ,present. Mr. Horton is very successful as a teacher, and should he be ss prospereue in the future as in the past there is no doubt but he will give ample asti•faeton to the section. He will re- • tern to his home in L.eburn this week, we wish you a happy vacation. Harry. that he didn't stay in that climate any longer, for if he had all transformed to the same color, that hu moustache did, Inc nearest and dearest would have :had a difficult task to recognize him. It is reported that the Salvation Army are coming to this village, either this week or t.ezt week. Indeed it was hard to convince people last Saturday night. but what the Army had really come, be- cause about ten o'clock at night, some miscreant amused himself (but nobody Amberlsyt The first rain for one month in the village was on Friday. Hay operations have begun. The crop le for below the a•. erage, !owing to Ike continuer/ dry weather. R. H. Thomas, tatl••r• has removed to Per'ne, where he purposes continuing the uuetn.es. 1' owinion Day was regarded here as a holiday. The picnic held in Illaii s roto, Pine river, under the auspices of tie Good Templar., was a decided suc- yea& Derides the different ledges being web represented, large numbers of the rgspadable s,mniunity were present, %hewing that prohibit:. n u increasing. serving coni the grounds the Ret. M-Y.rlane olive,' upa prayer,whee •aewthers of the Ledges distributed well filen T,skets prepared for the eior• Aft. o Igncht.m %Vtlliant eah was called to the chair, which Bien .,• fill«I very satisfactorily. was furnished by Duncan M -Kay, Ape r, K••tail. and \ir. Findley and 1E6.111 • tt preuole.i -it the organ. The tgegese e. was cheerfhilly given for the lay by N. G. McDonald. agent Lurk- ge,. • ti;,eeohea wo-re delivered by oersted members whi: h were brief and del- Reeitatieens by Mr Richards, et, were greatly se -splendid. After regrssutse woe gone eror, the ',4itnanenitheNatiooel Anthum, *We leer reed •n tel- part in the VI tress& , --hen they vendee' Mai► hrneeward all well pleased with 1 joytwent. lot there le swell a ' M ilia se nil tools for the 1`s 30e.! Aet in the tee Lee born. Win. Roue, of MuskoLa. a t isiung friends hers at present Mina Kirk, of Ayrshire, Sosnt'and, is the guest of Mrs. Win. htraahau. Lee - burn Farm. Rzuolot a. -There will be serv.c•. tit the Presbyterian church at the usual time, 11 am. Rev. Mr. Pritchard will preach. .. imreorttalsrr. -The small bridges and culverts have undergone a thorough re- novation within the last few days. 11u'ito.--The haying has comntuncea in this section. The crop in some laces will be fair, in other planes will be places the aversge,owing to the drought. CON ix►Lacct.. --A resolution 4 condo. lents wan passed at the last meeting ..f Leeturn tsopeance lodge to Bros. Hog- garth in their sad bereavement Peter Stewart bi t a pleasant tris, 10 Paramount recently, and brou_ht cheerful tidings .1 H. Horton, who teaches there Our jolly bacheler 1 e1 the way in hay ing this season, cruelly startling the slumbers of the fan ones by netting his mower in motion at 4 aim. on the 2nd inst. Fatawa.L. The pealing notes oil the bell in the Presbytersn church sent a thea t of sadness through many as they Ctrelthere on Sunday to hear the 11 .sricen of their beloved pastor, )hv. J. A. Turnbull, who had seosgted a nal) to Rt. Marys At the close of the sennet the entire ceagrsgatton sang "Mew be the Ti. that Rinds," and after wards many stettp.d forward to clasp the peracher's by way of farewell. Daring the past three years he had been • faithful guide sad counsellor, and net a cloud had is that tiss arisen, bitterest paster and All here joie in wishing him Mrs. Turnbull weer carseat elft happia mo is their new ham loveable home, built the ol.1 stone house ut tT'i oro y virtue of a Wei: of To w IT : i Fleet Facies. issued out o f Her Majesty's High Court of James Queen's Bench Division. sad to be directed and delivered against the Lands and Tene- ment, of tvl1.I.1A‘l ItOHEItTttON. at the suit of JOHN GREEN & CO. I have seized and taken in execution all the right. title. in serest, and equity of redemption of all and singular that 'retain parcel or tract of land and premises. situate. l)tngan.t being in the Township .f Colborne. in the County o Huron. and Province of Ontario. being cont posed of • part of lot number one. in the firs concession. eastern di virion. of the said Town ship. Thr metes and mounds of the said pane of hand. being as follows. t'onnsencing at the distance of one -lain .dztt-seven bake. un a course due west. from the poet planted be- t ween luta one and t wo. on mouth side of eon cession road, thence south. four degrees twenty minutes• cart lnagneHri two chains nazi. links. thence south, seventy-five dtgrtw. 'Moen minutes. west. one chain. eighty tl'nka then-- north. forty-three degree., forty -ate minutes. west. sixty-nine links, thence north eight degrees. twenty minutes, wear, two chains, thirty links, thence north. fourteen de- gree... east. one -hairy fifteen links, thence south. eighty-two degrees. ten minutes. coat. one chain. thirty-four links. thence south thirty-two degrees. forty minutes, east. one chain. forty links. to the Were of beginning and containing hs admeasurement, three roods and two perches of land. wiieh Lands and 'Tenements Isbell offer for :idle. at my of sic-, in the Court Howie. in- the Town of t,ode (uNEY TO LEND. A LARGE lvl amount of Private nada for Inveetutent u lowest rotates tiros -class Mortgages. Apply wtiAltitiW & PRUUDYUOT. $420,050 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND gY os Yana and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortduges purchased. no t'ummtriott charged. t'oaveyanclug Mees reasonable. N. B.-ftorruwrn w obtain muuel in WIC day if title N salsfactury. DAVISON & JOHN STO\ Barristers. tc.. (Roderick. 1751 clock. noon. ROBERT GIBBONS. Ross McKenzie. the well-known mem- ber 0 the Toronto Lacrosse club, has become buffed at newspaper criticisms of his play, and has publicly announced his intention to retire front attire la- crosse playing Epp" z Cowoa.--Gaarvrt t. ANO l'onrowr- tr... Hy a thorough knowledge of the natu- ral laws which govern the operations of intestine and nutrition, and by • careful application of the ane properties of well - selected Cocoa. Mr. Epps has provided oar breakfast tables with a delicately flat -owed beverage which may save us many heavy doctors bills. it is by the judicious use of such articlesof diet that a constitution nue be gradually built up nntil strong enoughto resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds o.' subtle maladies are floating around to ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shah by keeping ourselves wen fortified with pure blood and a property nourished frame." - r•irit Serra!, Gazette.-- Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold .a1y in Packets cad Tins ,tib. and lb.). by Grocer'.. labelled -- James Ere. & Cu.. Horn ropalhtl' Chemists. London ring." Legal. SE6OER S, BARRISTERS, ueierio 1'. tt&atit.1e. Jot. J. A. MoaToa. E. N. Lewis. EIV7- C. HAYES, :11►LICITIIR ace, 1 t titl-e corner of tae .eluare and West cr.••. O,tertch, over Ilttt,er. Nodulose. money to lead at lowest rates of interest. 1ARROW & PRnUDFI►t►T, BAR lt(+$TERK- Attorneyr& iplivitors, etc Ouelerfult. J. T. Gerruw, W. Piot dfoot. 17S (IASBRI)N . HOLT S CAMERON, '.1 Barrister. itolieiter' In Chancceery.te. :•tirteti.hseed Wiagts ha. U. 43. Ca&w.e► sic' P. Holt. M. 0. d ataerun W. Harare. Wins -ham. 1761. FACTS!! FACTS!! FACTS!! AND DON'T FORGET IT That we have never been, and never intend to be undersold by any legitimate house in the Trade, either in Sugars. Tans, Ceoes Semi -Centennial Exposition RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life aad Aoetdeat laanranos Agent. Rfpresentlag first-class Companies. Alsosdrot for the Can Baa Lit. arca-.( Iracluxt-It Co. Mone) to lend on Mortgage. either In Town of p'arel'ruperty. in any way to suit the borrow sr. Maine--Mu-stairs) Ear's block Uoderich 1884. Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy Agricultural and Horticultnra Products, Implements and Man- ufactures of all kinds. TOMONTO, September loth to 20th Tbe Largest Peter List In the Doctors. Prize 1.I.t4 and i:nIry rural. can be obtala ed tron. Inc secretaries of all Agricultural cieties and M,-hault• Inst date*. or they be met anywher- on upplicetlOa by ►sane L'.•crctan-. at 7 orunto. •• ENTRIES CES KE .•gefl NW. Tr.:+ ti 11.1 int +111 GRANDEST EVENT Of Toronto. Nenu-i •entennial year. An Immense Programme! Off SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS a RUCTION MART 1d)fIeeION aOOMR, IIMMd doer South et TU• elsaaal OSe. Lotted asighe old 411id cis ttiwaltMaon. aea7T VOa Tea HAMILTON LOAN •OCI*TY. Massey Isar at Lors.l Ea* V ilihresf. MOSSY T! r MA4RT mi(14X)011181101T TO a ILL Real Lewd* sag Vz= Aesst April setb. lee. Ie27-11 $00e000 TOL AN AT 0 PER THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUtITS CO'T err prepared to loots money at a per cent.. pay able half yearl7, • TERM$ TO SUIT BORROWERS, on arstcbser farm security. aMAT 10 CAMIiHON. HOLTBt C ROS• Agents for the Tomato GOMM! Truce Co'y. Mears. C•1111ang, HOLT t COSMOS have large • a rrggee $east of private to loam os eretc1 es tum security. Dederick). Oct- 4, lief 1111141 FiN and ariku SiIs. WW1 Prcacnptiel l int is being prepared fir that time. 1'Yrap Rate. mad F 5rll*us so all UM4 ways Tse brat Ilst.e to 51.14 lbs 0111 et Toemsts. WALT FOR 1'1'. 1J J. WITHRiI% , H. J. HiLL, President. Manager sad ! ecratary TORONTO. June lib. Pak 1910.31 C. CRABB The subscriber is now ,prepared to funti-•It all kinds of held and Garde'. Seeds of the REES PRICE BEST VARIETIES at raters that cannot ite beaten iu' Ooderieb. Call and examine sampler be- fore purchasing elsewhere. REES PRICE Town Hall Goderich. Fountain of Health. Sulphur lit Iron Bittbrr. Fluid Lightning. Electric Bitters. Burdock Bitters. London Purple -PURE- GREEN -AND- East Street Grain Depot, Opposite HELEBORE-- JAS. WILSON. 51arch :st4 1881. If01. We are offerin, the whole of our Stock of Spring and S AT er MiiIiiie! A Great Reduction. 'We lave the Finest Variety of Lace. in Antique, Oriental, Lupine and Spani'h in Black and Cream. To our now famous stock wt- are constantly adding, as the demand in- creases n-crease m in different branches, ' 4 ALL THE LEADING NOVELTIES SUCH AS LACE CURTAINS & DRDSS GOODS 15 ALL THE LATENT FA BHP AND DESiON`'. PRINTS, in Great Variety. HOSIERY, Plain, Striped and Black. Silk, Taffeta and laid Gloved. Parasols. Fancy and Plain. An excel- lent assortment of White and Colored Counterpanes. Hair Work Done on Short Notice. ri'Hati Done )ver. S,,e• t1::r New kitchen Cabinet. aarA Large Parcel of Goods from New York non t e op.'nesl this week. Tt.e Sentare, Goderich. The Oldest Established and Cheapest Store in the County of Huron. PRESENT PRICES: ROC1ERl:2tB_ uranwtat Nagar. 12 Its. for 11.00: M tete Ib. Iec. other sugars In proportion. sugars nosh On delivery. TEAS AS CHEAP AS SUGARS. Black Trw at :.k-.. equal toany 30r. Ti'. in On - tario: Finer Meeks •t bee. and 75c. Ureses ' n Tae Yonne Hyena. from Ile_ to ter. Linn - powder Tea. Mr.: the finest imparted. 75)r. lb. General Groceries, Crockery A tett anDR7 iflQOinIC O1 D6_ & Glassware at Bock Bottom Prices. 150 Doz. FRUIT JARS 31:3111T J,1tRI v Come and See Us C. A. NAIRN, oeelt ldotgp liters, agieildh Jess 11414 WEL Prises to close •1 priers to ast*nish. Partory Cotton. yard wide, by piece at ee.: narrower at 5c. A fine lot of nem Brain trees Mks at 71e.. worth 111.25. IIA24DW.A.MIC A wee -erne -tee Most of Scythes, Smiths. Hay works. tepad.s awl amok. all frets the best smelters. PJ►I°J TS J►.lePD OIL -B_ W• hoer tacos bet the heat, and oMl those at gene twice conseseseet. free eiansst =rim wig werrsabd hes A Illtsdar of Wass and BaWers' Hadi wareea r Q - W. MCKENZIE' IS NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS ') but has been so long in it and formed such good trade consectloss that he is ab:e cad w111 GIVE BETTER BARGAINS IN GENERAL HARDWARE! Than others professing to cell at east He it r;ouod that kis house in the future, as its the past, shall be toted as the CHEAP HL:RDWARE EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cent. Off Cash Sales I R. W. MCKENZIE'S Bio ` SUITS. Bio All Wool Tweed Suits FOR $10.00 . J. C. DETLR & CO'S e