HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-11, Page 7rut, HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JULY 11. !Sat.
F1►t Etna Fancy. Farm anb 6araen.
C'arlt le e.y. Laughter means sym-
pathy. '1 b a w , I bnog ouesfurt to the
tmr{wh•• I as tr,..dterteotly trodden on a
barium oral.
They soy t ,r bat wife always us Otte S
other ►shows -,fe, bet the best baby is
always yoga/
'Shunt meager --a dishonest butcher.
SUsw hats show which way the wind
A h•skeman, when the trent snared
at Yana, where the tete primus of
Aris•rr a h'c.tted, the other day, ane
nounce'l to sae p■s..ngers ' Yams !
Mange Aube. ; ton years for mingle -
"Does yes brie within' but a 1,y goods
hen 1" "N.., in.ittm " "This where
will 1 lea Joao Rein' fur • watered sill r'
The prevailiwt fashions fee babies this
apnea wed be fix feet of cluthieg to oil
ineho...f &Ashy. Now by year p na awl
Broom 10.4 .1, 1JY.
1,..ee u laid to be blind. This will
explain why the young lover never sees
the deg till it i• too late to save the Beet
of hie pantaloon..
ueoellie $TyWRIMMu•.
Whether we make* bed the lx►mws
hall, ue neat sprig, by getting out plants
fres runners that have takes rout iu as
old bed, a fair crop of fruit can out be
eapested until 1886. A few scattered
berries may be borne, but aothioK like a
poop, until such plants have been in
their new location for a year. The ouly
way is wkieh it is possible to prepare •
bed Ida will afford • crop .it spring, is
te set ort pot layered plants. At pnwnt
nearly all the nurserymen supply y p
layered plants ; it is true that they oust
swore than plants dust up from the beds
where ti.e.y bare taken rout, but only
enough s t• try f.•r the extra trouble
If ow It.. au .sibliahed bed, be Coll
easily strike the runner. n. pets himself.
The earliest runners will etre die strung -
est plants, but it is uta 1• • late to layer
them early thus w cath. .s .toll puts. two
ur three inches ecru& the t .,., are to be
filled with Lgbt rich inn!. Stroug run -
tiers jot at...U1 to take root ere selected,
and • put .1 soil is set or plunged w the
soil sit the brat, directly under trash
runner, pla"tntf the pot we 1 down, so
that ur vette will be rim a level sith the
Une of the lessons urged by the •dvt- "airtime of the bed. Place the runner,
oases of the potted delivery system to a or rather the young plant M the end of
small city was that the eines should seek it, in the Centra of the pot, a•od hold 11
the man net the man the .office. in place to prevent it being L own about,
Bjerustjorne lijurneen h.a taken the by the use of small hooded p.m', pieces
editorship of an Icelandic 'notably to be of wire bent like a hair pin, or oven by
published at Copenhagen. The tame of syiw well small
d which will upon
the monthly is not announced, but itslender n
win probably be Sjoajnjdijn.jvijan
The red-hot days have never yet been
invested which would deter • woman
from mounting • new sick dram. The
air may fizz and crackle with • burning
heat, hut she will calmly end smilingly
tarry around with her a lead of c stl]
dry goods if only they an mere stylish
than those of her neighbors.
A writer in Nature on the subject of
"Unconscious Bias in Walking" shows some that in e cases it may be rely mark-
ed. Especially in returning home after
a banquet, wher there was a feast ')f
reason mid mutt a Cow of one thing and
•ootber. But it is not called "uu
w con-
meioti•s in trelking" in this country.
It is c« ed "whwith the
ooping it up
Musa raw are always cruel They
strike t! • key and beat time.
A Pi tst.urg jcurnal sats he .•w a pet
make I1•.ytng Sweet Violetaoo the
piano. t .e reptile striking out the nos
en the i.. t- with his tail. This is prob-
ably the at deplorable case of inebriety
es record. t'. hen • man sees snakes of
Ifo pian. -plavt.-g brand, all the temper-
ance reform no-vem.nts that a,uI1 be
organized its s year would not save him.
4 was /MM 1• mew Near.
A certain preteutie$s shopper, atter
WNg1g W clerks of • dry puede More
bey don the forbearance limit, pumpouo-
h ordered a spool ul thread to be sent to
her Masa It wad agreed that she .h"uld
he trade so example of aged s warning to
her kind. Mbe was wrvrt..d and ler
'heights/re iuNaudy interested shortly
atter she arrived at home. A cuisines'
dray, drawn by four ingress, proceeded
slowly up to the door. On the dray,
with bare arm.. , ie a number of labor-
ers. T vto e►adding .w ti WOW
object which ch she could not see. It was
a moot puzzling affair. The neighbors
stared. After a deal of whip -cracking
and .other impre&iveceremonies the dray
was hacked against the curb. There,
repot •ie malady e.ud up, was the identical
sped ..f thread she hog 'ordered.' It
ssem•l to t: anteing all right. With
the aid "f a plank at was finally relied,
barrel fashion safely to the sidewalk.
After a mortal struggle it was finally
'up aided' on the purchaser's doorstep. tii[oe«
The fact that the purchaser came out a AMea liwanics. TrInWaA MM.
Passau Mum.
Postage to Oros Itrtt°ta-le. per 1 minas b
Mmeta Ilogilla" lob sr
osey orders pep le. evy orearee-
mess le l`eaa0• 'agog (Mates. 1' .et�y,�,
Priam [Awad hied, Sowtear.l•aad
Depesu• r.oalved anew tM reeslsloss of
the�Ie,e� ogles mvt•ss' tank Mamma its tonna
ef�e.m. edlSmfsatea
tenses must M Duet
the aZaas M sacb aril.
tours a a.m. to sae pap-. $sadajs ex.
Irunmluw 1•.M•T.WK
adrti1 t Into the Per
1s■�1t Imi,eNw ..•F- t. a re-arrwuer'w°al Y[ portal
u...•�trHr4dsm, Deseret. lo°lasd,
B y$. ►'ase•,. A Osem•a7• Glbrslt.r,
Orwt lwttsf■.54 [nla■d ippon. Italy, Lss-
e■bc.g. Malta, Moate■agro. \al►erlt►w1, *U5 -
way, 14r.ia, l'urtalo.l. Asuree, Roanlanr.
Hu..iw .rt. Pierre. senna. `$pili. °Tura
Miami.. Swede•. naafl&e(t.*d
Aad *14 United States: tlerin I{ahrntas,
Cuba. u.. a tab Cattalos er stn Therm. SI. Joke,
m. Croix. Jamattta. Jap°■. age Porto Rtoo.
b\ceiouudland b now in Elie 'se'.1 Union.
ti1 uta pintal retie "eta sebsfer'el. letters
S orate per { oaaoe. f16sta1 cads 5 cents each.
Sew.tmpers t .vine for 1 oancee. 'lrgtatre-
Fur Aden, Argentine Confederation. nasal.
British Guinea. Ceylon, Greenland. French
(Woolen it, Asia, AMos. Oo.ake •d Atl.cr-
ire, ezcepl tp. i'terre ad Mlquebn, Proofs.
ole IMru(an Gull. )'ort C ke f's 1.51*.
'Meets later and kicked her ,awn pro la A'rics. leoe.nioa.si A ewsW l aha
party into the gutter detracted nothing sad forgo Ritmo. strait. rtettlemewu In ttigas-
i Penang and Malacca: Lettere ter. per
run the scene.
Leessage of Die Leech Coaster.
three up, cuff called the waiter.
The reporter looked curiously to see
a hat the unusual order .0.aul. Tho
waiter brought the customer three scull
cakes and a cup of coffee.
'One brown buck,' cried another wait-
er. Ia a few minute& he brought the
about three weeks, the en er stem costumer a plate of Duck what tales done
that connects the new plant with the custom
old, may be cut, and the putted plana Beef and' and 'ham and' were fw-
h be ready a net out in the new bed. uentl heard, and the orders were filled
bhp .caner August
pants can se get 'rut ithe with beef and beats and ham and eggs.
better, ars
being the beat tibang
the 'Give um a plate ,of beats,' he meld to
plaits aro ready. The bed being well the waster.
prepared, and matured, sot the plant. Boston strawberries,
an rows too feet apart, with eighteen 'One
that tuncg plate of ionary.
inches between them in the row. Give y The old gentleman was startled, but
A iced fe ,0.*I.a.
A few years ago. while welling in the
woods, I elan ted a very curious action
the part of a fiock of crows. I hsd eat
can t., test under a low pine tree.
which nowt i.•ve hidden uta entirely
from any es. which might have 1. -.ked
,d ( t ve and a few miuutss
the pots a thorough watering, and the
ball of earth may be turned without the
least disturbance of the ruota. In a dry
time the plants should be watered, and
all runners that appear upon them aro to
be pinched off, iu order to concentrate
the gruwth in the crown. At the ap-
proach of winter, cover the toed with
straw ; it should lie thinly ever the
them. -
p4u*u and tlicultu between ad without paying hu bill, have a
f American Agriculturist. system of abbrtration and a pecu-
enteide and 0leepaseser... lar nomenclature ler food. Some of
our customers knew this techanaeal form
The circumatanoes attending the re- of ordering so well that they use it them -
cent death of the Dean .t Bangor -al-
beit they ars infinitely distressing -pre-
sent no novel features. The reverend
gentleman, according to the London
Lancet, was a man of considerable in-
tellectual ''power," which u the same
thing as saying that he was constitution-
ally liable to intervals of mental di -
pression. AU highly intellectual men
are exposed to this evil. A pendulum
will always swing just as tar in one di-
rection se it does in the other. Great
power of mind implies also great weak-
ness under certain conditions. The
marvel is not that rest minds ocasien-
ally become deranged, but that they so
often escape derangement. Sleepkes-
nest means not tnerely unrest, but star-
vation of the cerebrum. The brain can•
soon received his favorite dish at a cost
of ten cents, while New York strawberries
would have oust him fifty.
'Cinciuuati quail, have it fat,' was the
next order.
The co..k cut off a large slice of fat
pork and put at on the range.
'All waiters,' said the proprietor, who
&t at the door to see that nu man eecap-
own rim a .• , ..r, to other words. mt
Mtn ah.ut :,0 or 60 crows came eying ta! I nut recsperate,
cawn"t net. Physiologically. ntsper-
and atulated on the branches of a large lawn and rot art- the vamp ming. Sleep
ark trey w'noch--the time being early
is sitnply phyuoiietical rest. The only
spring Lod not yet put forth its lave• cause for regret its these cases s that the
They Loaf u., warp LIMY alighted warts blonder should ever be committed .4 sup -
they all or•'ke into vociferous cawing.,
all Mitoses at twos, and making' • tre-
mendous 'spryer. la the midst .4 this
raw one ..f the birds, a large gloesy ftsl-
low, ..perently one of the oldest of tflew
paints that • stupefying drug which Itis molar was trf2tT •month, showed that
throws the brain into • condition that y
mimics and burlesques sleep can do he had been in the habit of spending
g«'d. It a deceptive t'• give rare stiee newt than hos actual monthly wag i )
in a case of this type. The stupur simply 11 ialte hadorse lair.
other was
Lard. !rant the go mowers* v ° ,asks the danger. Better far let the
t+ the t tn.ost when he percMi and u. it was deterusn.r 1 t.. watch him.
boogie+ irisown ••us {atnent ezk■uat himself than The manager pb►co.I :. i310 till in the
in ieate and solemn sena. Immediate- I eau him. Clnlorel, br,mide, and the
e( the reel began to les
pet% mon drawer late one even'', z. and in
e*the/en:- g •rest .the iow-ns that l.rr.drica a sem- the morningit wog gone, but the clerk
won, ell nto scattered and iondistit►et ' blanee •.f Slee /are au many anarr. in
1 when charged with tt.r Theft denied it.
Sh..rtly after this atter a detective wen'.
to the "ffce V. arrest him when he at
t,nce confee•ed everythint,and the ma...
ger gate him 15 minute. to leave the
city. In his drawer were found, among
other things, a bundle of tote -Inters,
showing that he was outraged 1.. [tarry
seven girls -tea" in Vittoria, (1t1., three
in Pont it, Mich., and two in Ledo*
Mouth. The letters showed that he had
given jewellery to the girl.• and to cue
he had promised money with whish she
was to come and meet,btm. The ma's t•
ger has corresponded with the girls,o fer-
ing to return their letters if they return-
ed him the jewellery. St' far he has te-
oeived in response three rings, a watch,
and the promise sof more t.. follow.
Hence the summary ejectment from the
barber's shop.
A well dressed man hep entered, and,
taking a seat at the table, ordered the
waiter to bring bin, two tnh balls.
'One sleeve -buttons,' cried the waiter,
while the cook softly repeated, 'sleeve -
buttons. -(N. Y. Dial.
os. Hooks. tc., {e. for 1 ea. Giber r'.gtatrs-
tie. fere 10c.
West India l.lada ria Halifax. same mesas
formerly. Prepayment by stamp in ell cases.
Australia. !except New south Wales. vie -
Queensland : -lettere Tc.. papers
t mats. Victoria -
Australia. New south Wales.
Queensland :- Letters ISc., papers tc.
New Zealand, ata Pan Francisco: Letters
Ilc. Sc.. papers
At this se•.r,rt of tale year there should
boa bsttle of Pecteriw an every h"use
It is unequalled fur ('.ugh. Colds and
Hoarseness I. pleasant, .vitally wale for
children. Price 25 cents at all drug -
riots. in
Hae opened outs 1.111 line of
Almost every pill es.Mlasealae el ana 1 11111U11.111111711 CARD.
SUM/ mineral eumpoa/.da Dr. Osrson's
Momr"b ',Miele is purely vegetable sad
takes the ,dace of all other purgatives.
In lance loa(n)er at bU omit rat
Thousands bear wanes. t., $b posi-
tive et:retire powers .,f the (la*AT Olga -
NAM 1Mtwoaatina, the only remedy that
has moved itself • specific for {poses,
debility, wutival atekuws, untadeoeT,
etc., and all dreams that write from self-
abuse or uvertaaud braiu. httwlly ending
111 c•.nsunnpG.w, *11552,117 end a ptetaa-
tulr ,crave M..ld by all nr•tdglsts, or
will be meat free on rgtwipt "1 $1.00 per
bei, or six levies for $5. !address F. J.
Cagan', Toledo, Ohio, sole a;pwt for
the United States. Send fur cue s ar
and testiwo111als of cowrie* cure* (feu
khyu5, (1 dench. Jia
Ila. Low ,. t'Lta as 1sT Worm %vaCr.-
Au agreeshlr. este and effectual remedy
to rrnw% a all kinds of worms, an
A Batt Tsang !San.
Quite a lively scene occurred in a Lon
don, Ont., barber shop recently, when
s dudeish looking young fellow went to
be shaved. The exquisite had not yet
taken his seat when he was accosted by
the manager of a peminent monetary
institution, and ordered t.. leave the
shop and the city at once. It seems that
money has been missed from the till of
the manager s establishment in which the
young fellow was a clerk ; the various
sons. amounting to $156. Suspicion did
not fall on the clerk until his extrava-
gant habits were mentioned to the mana-
ger by • customer. Enquiries at • livery
stable, when the clerk had stated that
Fresh. Cheap. and of the bed brands.
YRITH$M AIM COY. Tenant► -2810611011e
PHOW1 iHa. CO'T. of Lusaew 1101116141-
■ A RT oR ll'taFMK
CO'Y, e[ MuvsouP Oaaa.
Eistablialied lila
Beta takes is the abblr • in��� Oboe at
the rest rates by HORAC If 1108 T•lr
tfe(. atm A M+lsrr et IM'
Mosey se lama se arstcleas sa°arN7. rev
T le • pea Ceet.--Chsrses medusa.
Odder' k Stmt. M. IMl.
A Lite ravesallPeesral_
Mr. M. E. AUieet, Hutchun. •', Kai. ,
saved his life hy • Pimple Trial Beetle of
Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con-
sumption, which caused him to pnrtlre
a largo bottle, that completely cured hitt!,
when Doctors, change of ctittnate anti
everything else had failed. .asthma,
Brurchitis, H.srsunoss, Severe C..ughs,
std all Throat and Lung diseases, it is
tuaranteod to cure. Trial Bottles at J.
Wsteeds drug store. large mire il. if 1
A thoroughly equipped itut. her Shop in •
'section. spiced and l'nn•d %teat. perk. •- . .
of every variety
A call rrapeet fully solicited.
JuHN hlatcTAGU>tI:T.
Godertrh March 19th. 1661. It S.:•n
murmurs, and finally maned altogether, { atich caves.
exactly as a tea:many of human beings, 1 Sbeplerutmes u a malady of the inert
which converses while awaiting the arm- formidable character, but it is not to be
jug of the lecturer, heroines gradomlly by intoxicating the organ anon
mites at last As soon & the new of the 'Suicide, which .attar el the very outset
it -7 -:-
cabbie had cowed, the moderator, tooter, , red derangement and is apt to appear a
his bead abot very animatedly, std add- I trent will w
lag emphasis to his discourse by ewes- lye
heal movements of his wings. which evi-
dently stood to him in the plae, of the
brachial gestures of man. he seas -
ed, and the &adieuoe below, who had re -
Rosined in attentive and rwpseds! sil-
ence during his exordium, broke out
again into • hoarse and confused ootery.
which was doubtless in discussion of
mime argument or suggestion that the
Ione speaker had advanced. Then the
told crow in the tree top again lifted up
Ids voice and gave the band another
teat* of hie beiges, after which another
gabbling talk took place, and then the
whole congregation atom upon their
wings and flew rapidly away. I would
have given • great deal to be able to fol-
low them and 'see what they did, and
learn therelrom what the discussion WW1
all about. That they serious! debated
seam pian of action I hays so doubt, but
whitener it war a (ampsien against mums
obnoxious owls, a atrstegil' ~vainest
upon some farmer's cornfield, or a diem's -
nee of erne abstruse point of crow
ethics or policy, 1 to this day hare no
idea whatever. -The KM.aGst of the
New York Sew
eldest when the mat who is expected or. 1 which the atopen .( the trouble falls.
whatever else he was, of the Oen of t I sae act, is the Logical base "f failnre of
Mos baps to .peak, arid jabbered and nutrition that results from want .f sleep.
emailed away for (aye minute, bobbing t s cnri..w to [tote !'naw,.. sleepless
t to wort pfth. all the
calmenees and foretheugf'yf intsltitcent
sanity to centimes his death. He it not
insane in any technical sense. He has
nae delusion. Hs does not act. or sup-
pose himself to act, under an 'influence.'
He simply wants to die, and, perhaps,
net until after he has rade an attempt
to kill himself will he exhibit any of the
formulated symptoms of mental disease.
-(Scientifc American.
Weeder' .t Me Wheel
Cel ae
Scams one wheel act was considered a
wonderful thing in its time, but at is new
distanced, and instead of raising the
small wheel fenm the floor, the trickier
takes his wrench and unscrews the heed
of his machine, drops the backbone tp
the floor and rides away on one wheel ;
the backbone being returned to
to him again places it in the folks
and rides away. Rex Smith, jest
for fun, rides down the steps of our
National Capitol, and Dan. Canary was
se tbe point of attempting the feat on Ii
one wheel. but was prevented by the po-
lies. One, and perhaps the greatest act
error performed by any fancy rider, is
the one recently done by Canary, causing
kis machine to turn a complete somer-
sault, and he regaining the saddle with-
out touching the Goer. Anot!Ier re•
markable act of Castary's, is to place two
chain upon two sham. balsrmng the
top two on their bask legs, thea placing
the large end small wheeled his machine
se the backs, then mounting and taking
his stat in the saddle, and dismounting
to the (leer. Standing in the saddle
with arra (Addd, and guiding the mesh -
ins with on. foot on the bar, is also a
late addition to the role. We hope in
the near future, to give • complete gat of
movements new used in fancy riding.
The Ontario M atrial
A Remart*bie Escape.
Mr. Mary A. Daile',nf Tunkhanu'w:k,
PA.,* 0. vftil.tr.! Gar six years with Asth
u►r .guar !!r..nchitis, during which time
the hest physicians could give no relief.
Her life was despaired of, until its last
October she procured a bottie "f Dr.
King's New Discovery, when immediate
relief wee telt, and by a.ntinntitlg its use 1 M ria era
for a shell time she wan completely cur- V
-biomed. of energy
are asauall, robbed
Y. theirattn....liven
1,1- domed. t'aoptim
•:.1 health rcpt
D•• chs u.eofthe great
wbicb pogoIvety also perrltaacat y curs tow
�peestes'andue ur) teamed b) eve -trees of any kind )
M (uml Weakness. and I 1 dm. toot fel-
low as a regwener of Self -Abuse, as lues
orgy. es ..f memory. hid%earl
pain "t the lack, daunts,* ‘11111=51C-
1 a Mf nlst
1 urs old &r.-. and many other
lead to 10000ity sir culs.ustpttee sad a prttma-
1 tiR grave.
`4•11 our • trt•ulan with tratimtalets Eggs kl
gust!. '1'bs.In/11141841P111112 is gold M Ela Per
1.m or sit ho.es feub) all dt'a�lar3. sa
will he sant flew lay thong, ..earol7 sesta• e�-
receipt of price. by ride/sing
F. J.1'HENEY. to waist.
la? 94um,nu int.. Toledo, 0110
Geo. It,iTMaa,
Selo Aunt ter e.de•'/J1
,,,-.ode are alma, -.en 1M1rok
S i teeirat fpr uitonhchances to Gime wealthy : e wN de
n:. rnpruv a their outsets* '
Mee remain in poverl). We "Iter • Veit
chance to make nu.eer. We mutt aceta ce
men, boys and g•rh to weak f..r us in these
own 14...alates. Anyone cal. do Ihr work pe'e•
perly from the to' start. :4. burtao.s Mk,
too mut,' 11041, tell ,its..- 44dl160r) wages. Mt.
ten•.,a,.rill fur,.obod tor. cue w1.oeel-
lagr,• fails to make mora) ,upidl). You can
gev ul'• lour who!.• alto. to '1 • ,.nark. sir 0.17
)aur .cane rat.. Veil 1 � rtl.atton sad
all tion t. ne.wa.ars- sent (r.: •.Nomas 14rl5
sox &('o 1'ortlai:d. Slairr,
ed, ,nining sit flesh o0 s. u n e
Free Trial B..ttl-...f this certain cure
of all Throat e,..1 Lung Diseases at Jas.
Wilsnn'. Itruy Store. Large Bottles
$1.00 '4)
Itt•t•se•s asar.*IT, tinee..a.s.
The only purely Mutual Life Co. in Canada.
Total number of Policia in force. Dec. 31st,
tate, 5.241. covering assurance to the amount
of 116,5.2,719.00.
TOTALA&O Tea. gem,Fea..e
101161001TOTAL101161001 E • 11141111.411114.06
•1 etratat - aaedgithee
The company s Reserves are based on the
-ActuariesTabic of Mortality. ase four per
Dent. Interest -tire HigAcat Standar'd adooud
by any lite company in Canada. and one -
per cent. higher than the standard tined by the
Dominion lasurance Department.
The increasingspy be bran fromrat fie fart
f the Company
that In 1670, the first year of its buslnees, the
Wel meets amounted to only pe rib. while Mt
war they reached the handsome total of
701.00, WM. HENDRY. Mania' r.
S. HOD(GINS. General Agent.
Stratford. Ont.
ill/An active and reliable District Agent
wanted for Goderich and West Huron. Apply
to W. S. He�000t1aGeneral eneral Agent, Stratford.
May>eI� to Loan s Low Rates of Interest.
As Art of elreet Talar.
"Yes, sir." he said, much excited ;
"he's a liar, and 1 told him so. '
"That's a rather risky thing to do ; I
wander he didn't kneel you down "
"Oh told, 1 told him through the tele-
phone." -(New York Sun.
Ali people have not learned the art of
leaving the room in appropriate manner.
When you are ready to depart do se at
once, grseefully and po l!tely and with ne
dallying. Do not say'it's about time
I was going," and settle back and talk on
ai.l.04y for another ten i(amutsa Some
people have jest seek . tiresome habit.
They will even rise sad seed sheet the
mom in various attitudes, keeping their
hest warding, and thea by an effort sea
seed in getting as fares t1t. hall, when a
.sea thought strikes them. They then
bright's up visibly and for sett.
Wastes Stinger, saybg netbtes of bm-
portsmee, bet keeping .'utybndy in a
r.dl.5 Hunan stele After the dear is
opined the prslosiaed imeetaking begins
and everybody in g neeel and partieslsr
is Melted le aril. Very likely . gnat
thought strikes she deputies visitors.
whim hie bleed must rid" a void in hear-
ing to the sod. What a relief when the
dew i tilndy 04.54 ! There is so sued
.f bolas efi seively sb.spt ; bet oakum
yes ere reedy to gay p !
mold ort.- Mee T
N.. ; she lingered sad suffered a ••.,g. I
"pining all the time f..r year-. the d.w:-
•'t..rs doing her no cord ; and at lest was
••• .0 1.y this Hop Hitter • thr •titers
'•,y utuch About. Indeed ! in ked '
I,..w th..nl'fnl we should he for that
$66• week at home. $5.00 outfit hes. Pay
absolutety eine. No risk. Catrameet
required- header. it you went
at which penmen of either sex. you.
er Md. .an make great pay all the time the
wort. with absolute certainty. Write (.w (un
001M me to H. HAMM? & Co , Portland.
lr�laww t�-
"i am toning up the system." remark-
ed • first tenor, as he humped himself
and made • wild effort to reach hush C.
We w-fil pay Ito x,...51 rev.. -.t for rn) case
1....-r 1'•es . ,lit.'. 1.) e)agt..a. tic a IirulaaM.
ladig•+tn',n, 1 •.t..: lwto, 1.1 1'talit•rtar re
VaunulcrreI.al \t .•dH�clr..taht•I.tt• i'11,
when the •l;n••t,.at-•re-triruIt' •004,.... 0411116Thry are Lun-►r Vrttrtatk. rr' r • t. r tall t•
Kit tt r: i-ta.1.un. sr •'.o r' . . ave
contaiuruag3w 1'01. •rotr. }c, 1'111.1- ,
Ifrw4(11 - t -. lire •., • of . ul* 1, . .. i -ad lmII , T
Iona•. TIMa 1.r• r : • Ida. rl
WAST � •,1.
Item' ea ti ,.: •t . n• "'et. t''• n!.4, )•tea
• Mal pa• 34'..........l- xis. pe. 11 . on revel.
of•..en •:.'-.. i.
7 -*%air of RI;•e-'!• • I.-1' i'TSCla
The People's Livery
Ha.Jn.t received hos top -leg Work of
Dry (;{)1S tiotellies.
I health is liv*.alto
J. P. FIS :I R & JOHN flOI,
Having purchased the 1.iv(r7 business of Jno.l
E. Swans. formerly owned by Hobert Ken,
solicit a •hare of public patronage. They !
g.tarant.•e lutisfaetien to a11, and offer
The Finest Rigs
('ALI. AND REF. L'S Opposite Beil.T1
Hotel. Godertch.
Osderteh. Feb. 14th. 11IM. 1es3-en
All are New and Well Art.rte4 which 1'r of-
fers at the Lowest Possible I'rtcea.
Hams. ilacvwn Lard. Cheese, Roller Flour
made from Manitoba Wheat. alto Harris'
Flee Faintly Flour. mad Oats. (gran,
shorts• and all otter kinds of feed.
venue. Predate, Taken 1■ Exelimege.
Geode delivered tree le any part of the town
and islll.trd.
Me/Ilse met
'No '
'She lingered and suffered along, pin-
ing away all the time for years,'
'The doctors doing. her no gaud
'And at law was cured nay this Hop
Bitters the papers my so much about.'
'indeed ! Indeed
'How thaakful we should be for that
The edhorial of today is crisp witnuet
Mite appeal, seem without being
ponderous. and comprehensive without
Wag lmlg. Wittdr these limits there
is still roam fog 11e great editor, bot
(mad. of Ulees ha *sweet nagger get his
readers to Mew Dim.--(Ioolaeille Port
.�ge� (��_� 11. iieiihe.,
N If►. `I'. , win algin Them
day siskt, .Md these teen with
Igoe wave B esprit Mills
were killed tear Portage r armful.
Corner Victoria and Nelson streets. opposite
Fair Grounds. GodcMch.
May *111 Itt141. I"12-
Saginaw and Bay City Route.
A tee• M.v's 1111•.ry•
'Eleven Tars oar daughter suffered on
• bed of weer).
'Fromy a eompliestion of kidney, liver,
rheumatic trouble and nervone debility.
'Under the can of the hew physi-
'Who gave her diorites various tames,
'Amt no relief.
'And now she is restored to Its in void
health by as simple a remedy as Hop
Bitters, that ere hall shunned for jean
before sing it. ' -Tis Peamtrr..
Dn. !:. ('. WtaY,. ''wtv►. ♦Mi attain 1M/.av
!.ENT. a guaranteri *peel& for H)leer le. 11;r
entre. Couruleu•naw, Fits %, ra,rah Neuralgia
Heade. he. Nervous Pnadrai 4.r tamed 1 , the
nee of alcohol or :.`hatro. W.I,ets:..... Pn
ta! ik'presslon. SO!' ening of IM Praia. n root
ins( in Insanity and tnad:ng 10 ntkary. decay
and death. Preaa.ure Old Aye, Mellet'nees.
Loos of Power inr!Chersex. lnrol.MtaryLogue
and ttprnnatonhom. caused by ever -e
,f the brain. self-abuse or to er-
tlne box *sill ran- recrra .•act•►. F
tains one nwntL'e'era. n.ent. (n ',iadl•rabox
or six boxes for fir^ dollars ; stet by trail pro
paid on receip' of pr4.e. N e puniest a els
boxes to cure anv. ear. tt'ith eco h order re-
t•eieed hy is for it boar, . not mor&n1ed wRt
five dollars, we will send the par. haarr ra
write n guarantee to refund the Homey if the
treatntent does no. effect a car.. GLarseateS
ted only by J e eV* 1111.111.110 3i cede author
agent for G.:'•-r4•h. 1 nit. 3(1%*N c w
CO.. sole propyl. tors. Toro, Ir (nt.
111 ? -1
Mayfair Mean sop. 55.111 Of �y
machine. hags to .taunt the w nal ►eMlm
roomer. and will Hupp!) machines on
IOCO PO ' .1T ResidencethegenuineSinger,
ear M
Haring til,..,. kJ../(10t ant• ... ,
Welty °t r .. ...iia attar 1 • • I I.,
tests of the :written •• a ••'•aI
(51.0 WC .eau •. .. A. .-, . w- ;, its ••
Mg to forfeit : ea.... t.o.t-o
COW of casaba. ' . - ...te th ,... , , s
hoarseness, bow . 444 cel.. • ' • r
early stages, who.. i - ru.gh,a'tn a. rose
of the throat and a earal'1 • .. •'1
which we only clod . t atm '
with West's (oujb .r.
lag to directions. Wan l.. brill..... :••! 0
Bents: tangy ....:11.-- one e.Oat. .•••tom'
wrappers owl. r...,.... sold Av -t-..
or sent b ex -••.r -.n. -'r. pi a pr...
C. W ESTet-4,',1...l a•t' r1 King .•1r•' Kist.
Termite. G dierI.11 rid rat J:t.�. N'11151• - R Drug
0. tt . MoORZOOR. Murree.
Wnl (rave 00InteICiL weather pantomime.
on sad after Jaw 6th, Imt, onsitag leSMIILT
OMNI A• THUPM darter (1e .saes• es loaows
rosary M Mases Well
'My daughters say •
'How meek better father n sines he
used Roy Bitters.'
opo is well atter his lung set -
'aim from samara deslarsd Wearable.
'And os are se gid that he gleed year
Bunsen' -A List of Thaw N.Y. m
At 1 clerk pm.. for saglsw. Hay City. sand
Tawas ..d all lou 1„1 the west More.
{rs Int Alpenawilleaveg a stn
Inn will Imre AADRRiI;H
('hush, tiolerich.
iuder'rh• tier (3.1.5. 111l1•:m
--- --- --
A wet- elude at 1teme 07 Me
tl ttit. Dem tlndnew p5W 1MI)
fortit.. legally. Cepa* Nt tteM
ed. t.. Mill start yon. lift, WI
► tlaatt, 1..• *and girl meted gar!
Iwarn• ra week ee are Now is We due
tu ��I
aw in .p.''• t• . t . (ve 7151 wiwetl
tae gine be • ,raY "t 1. -r eaartM
par roe start .• •. ell ` .'ae �fall 6
I mete esiela1 * , "�f
,.••1) utas ., I. Err,-dw.srl'nvac
1 'a.l, easily. an.' ' r.. 'y
(:u.. A uruste..A 4 lee
At 1 p.m., for Detroit and ClevelYd.
both ways at Port Huron sad p•lale w
(lair Rover.
A Seven Days' Trip
with the privilege ee speendlaw 1t hewer 1a
(x.vdane. t0 hoorah" Irerret, and ie Man 1w
Itaglnaw or stay ('Ity, se the ,mpre mlentothy
Mw price of
111ZAA Pleise( s QUADMILi.i BAND Wirers
se baud fee
fdeasleea sen a °■d psM
ie. sad .n -
Wt. Inti. Amass M Oede rieb.
ere. A. IMM or
. Da
Oshawa Ma sit WM rte
Carel Dizziness, Lose of Appetit, indigestion, R banises .
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and IC
Pimples, Blotches, Boils, /tumors, Salt Rheum, 1+�
Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure loaf
De rn 'r• 1 '. 1t . , r ; rrrgubu art on o/ the Bonds.
i1r11.1�y -
1--1 H OLJEilA
Anapleasant to gal. Oa•esRa elver M
1Pnrs..tls Is r sato. .res. sad Set
ds.er. yer -t ,,wows is 051 era
e;yr, ` W
Imola.. d MI
tote*. 5 x • • I Ice
ttewm. petit tree. S. r .•t.
sew. set reecho' M•
eveeythla5 les. ' . • gap tiefl
seek* sa saga h as sur , gleeRedo. N'
si twee . et�ek "TWO hit perile011in wee
j'u al