HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-11, Page 6fLh. Pae'! Comes. one souses Wire. 1D,, with the Weds to the sails ••uraty Choi de er rep l .we Rhe • pra.:luu• sem ; Ileaatlful !laes wed/swains.ta l• the ski lint she bas t • ointment le look u than The en are waning their b esithet early Om must mot linger. she mast mot wait; Dor ovals that aro .harp and Iks that are surly Are what mea give whoa meals see late. C C. glorious vuieur the clouds ere luralsg. If she could but leek oyer hills mad tares' het here are the dishes', and kers lathe churn - tag Theme things must always lidd to those T•. world b angst with ibe wise of beauty, 1t sloe would but pause and drink it is ; Hut pleasure. re say.. moat wait foe slaty liytlm Awl work is committed elf. Th. day grows hot and her *Ind grows wens: M Oh. for bier los sell her head. Oat with the birds in the wind es cheery' But she must get Mauer and bake the bread rind'_ The bury teen in the ha) -geld working.if they sow Limsurae• with Idle band. Way Would think her &adcall it shirking. Anil the neverueuld make them understand! They do not know that the heart wiIhia her Hu:,gers fur beauty and things sublime ; They only know that they want their divaer. P.euty o: it. and Just "un time. Aad after the ewrepiag and 4 -burning and an baking. t Besse w cheers Or g. , R '1' E HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY JULY 11. 1 " 4. Tb blessis of abundant aseetspliilll is ea nesdfil for sbt1dree as ter &dolts, Arad eves mere esesssary, .ince tbvey have so little remoras in retrospect. The busy child is gibers y the happy chdd, and the happy child u tb* least trouble emus 01 aha specie& Indeed, we bare oaten de nitbt th&t the tu.xim, 'Be vir- tuous and you'll be hem,' might to the .f case .childt.u, if a,t always to that of gr war persons, he reverted sod made t. read, 'Be happy aria you'll be virtuous.' Certain it u that the unoccupied child is unhappy and often indocile and mis- chjevuu& in nothing du children differ more than ni their ability to amuse them- •eivee. A child with au active imagina- tion own play with eager delight with a tb•nssand tnf.e that children unblessed with that faculty hare no oeUoeprtieu of utaliziif. And we are mistaken if those juveniles are not the hepplest who are compelled by a scarcity of material to invent new and fertile uses for what they do have. Certain jt is that se much tasy be dont for s cbild that be will be dwarfed for Id. by an oversupply t f toys and attention, while if he is thrown in part ou his own resources be will have the joy of inventing and creating amuse - meat for himself. The kindergarten occupations furnish exhaustless material ter the inatr.ctitmn d amusement cnnbined .•f the little folk. Though a regular c,utss of in- Illespeet lea favorite is tha remedy kwoww tris De. Pewter's & tract of Wild Ikraw- ►erq. Tbir:y years hob reliable for oisra merbtm, dim -dues and summer eom- pWss. 2. And Mame dishes are all put by. sae ate and eras. tbuugti hem bead a aching, •traction as to the use of these 'gifts' Till time fur supper and "chores" crews i• certainly desirable. those who cannot nigh. take this course may utilize the kinder- garten 'gifts' in their uurseriea with very great advantage. Thera are titmice giv• ing specific instructions as the employ- ment of each 'gift,' and anymother or nurse who will read them carefully may hate :he mans at hand of keeping the little brains and fingers happily employ• ed. Plato, in 'Th. Law.,' says : 'New • bey is of all wild beasts the most diffi- cult to manage. Furby how much the mote he has the fountain of prudence n.4 yet fitted up, he becomes crafty and keen and the most insolent of wild beasts. On this account it is necessary to bind him, M it were. with [Hairy chain. The habit of industry is one of the best chains with which to bind a boytr and this Laud may be formed from Bel boys at school must look like otters. She says. as alar pourers their frocks and boas. Tor the world is quick to cernur mothers For the least neglect a children's cloth---.. nt Her husband rogues frothe geld of labour : He gives nn praise to his weary wife : Shen done no more than her neighbour' 'Tie the lot of all In country life. But after the.ir.fe awl weary tussle With life t� done and ,fie lies u: rest. The nation's t"0:u a : heat and muscle Her sons and daughters obeli call her blest. Aod t think the sweetest Joys a heaven. And the ear, 4 Id ... r eternal life. Aad the fairest rr.,wa of tell will be gt. en Unto the way worn farmer's wife: A ands Awake menseis- J. Wilson is always alive to his busi- ness, and spars no pains to secure the best o.f every article an his Int.. He has uncured the agency fui the odebratedDr King's New Discovery Tor Cuusumpttom, the wily certain cure known for Con- sumption, Coughs, Colds. Huarsenees Asthma, Hay Fever, Brrucbitia, .or any affection 1t the Throat and Lungs. Sedd on • positive guarantee. Trial bottles free. Regular size 51.00. (3) Ones Ones see aths. As ■rmerare to tinienials will show, there it no more reliable cure ter deaf- pess than Hagyard a Yellow Oil 1t u I croup, also the beet remedy torr ear ache, son , thrust, cup, rheumatism, and for puss and lameness generally. Used iutersally and externally. 2 Yrs Helen Pharvia. No. 331 Dayton St., Chap., Ill., is now in her sixty- eigbtb year, and states that she has suf- fered with COUsrmptiom fur &boot ten years, was treated by 115110 physicwohopeless.of them pronouncing her case hopeless. She had given up all h of ever recur - Bring. Seven battles et Dr. King's New c• Disvory for Consumption completely cured her. Duubtiug vis, please drip her a postal and satin() yourselves. Call at J. Wilen's drugstore and get • free trial bottle. Seeiug u heel believing. Reed the ed muiials in the pamphlet on 1)r. Van Itureu'a Kidney lute, then buy a beta* and relieve yourself of ►11 these distress- ing pails. Y „ur Druggeet can tell you til about it. Sold by J WilsonGedertchi 2m te The use of Pills, rlalts,Ca.r Oil, 6t c. ha and other nauseous, griping Catrtics is usrnrceeeary, as a pleasant substitute is found in Dr. Canon's Bitters. which act as • Cathartic without griping er causing rause. All druggists sell it. 50 cents a bottle. m Pain froindigestion, dyspepsia, and ton hearty eating u relieved at once by taking c.ne .1 Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately after dinner Don't forget this. le. Setter LNr 11. If you an suffering with low and de- pressed spirits, lots . f appetite. general debility, disordered blood, weak consti- tution, beadacho, or any disease of a bil- ious nature, by all means primers a Dot- tie t -ti. of Electric Bitters. You will be sur- prised to see the rapid improvement that will follow ; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return ; pain and misery will cease, and hence- forth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Biiters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. [61 , w,rlahlaa slates sad tpldtwles. the cradle and strengthened through all the growing yeses. Little chores about -- house and garden not above the boy's tli t.. ono h0 is all the better for do- . vat -tout' epidemics, and to inquire cote- K f corning Vie beet means of prevention ; to further him in his willingness to work, and right and duty of government to and tbtse wages may be applied to the r,, incur the Pilo:nay necessary to prosecute purchase ..f little indulgences, which the h are such researches has never been quos- much! morsdhi y prized gladly give. l w he i ut earned tioned. then when accepted as a gift. The universal testimony of physician The reading of suitable boob la anoth- +?•' and surgeons sustains the ststemect that or very- strong chain to hind a boy to the the habitus use of alcohol sir affects the rnctiee of virtue, and a girl as well system as to Invite disease. while it at Th. long days of childhool cannot be the rime time s, weakens the vital .nor- I better spent than, while growing vigor - plies as to dib5inith their recuperative oualy in body, in steriug up the seeds fere.. Wounds which would be considered about which aocumulat►on of various system, tfrequently re insignificant pro! 111 a healthy information may grow. 'The rudiments system, fur puently pane fa al to the of all the sciences may be learned beton Expensive commissions nave'wron avn• estiiuted, to investigate es 1„ the muse of etreng t-- in The ormolu. of wares nay be used of knowledge and in forming !nuclei taeklew's Aralen ssIve. The greatest reediest wonder u. the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cut',Uloers, Swett Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains', Corns, Totter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded. 25e. per box. Fur sale by J. �\'jlst'n. ly. drinker ; and a tritli:og surlfica. operation n his teens. But this de - eon the body which haa beet: saturated the child enter' un the istwisdom acrd taro ..f the ovum alcohol is attended villa ten -fold parent very largely, and upon the facili- vreater risk than when perform upon • ties the child. If hate&& t,f being shut Perk)" ,f abetemiuus habits. How fn- up in a school -room tive hours every queerly do we hear of the death of in- hay, he is made the companion of an in- 'iyidaals from sone tort of diaeue when telligent parent and his mental activities u is well kurwn to the initiated that re- directed toward interesting topics, he oovery would have been nearly certain had the patient hoer a total abstainer. Pnumona,typhuid or bilious fever,ap,- pFdezy,and other diseases,arecharged with being the cause . t death, when strung drink is the real agency. Alcohol pre- pared the victim for the destroyer and invited the attack, and the wasted ener- gies offered but a treble resistance ; and while 01140 disease was named as the muse of death, the doctors knew It was strong drink. may advance far mon rapidly in intel- lectual growth and attainment than his fellows moping through the dull reunti*e of the primary school as It is generally conducted. Hunsee Greel.ys mother told hire stories, recited poetry to him and fed his mind with all the treasures of hes own, thus cultivating in him • taste for vast and various reading, a tests which he retained to the last. A printing press, a tool chest, a scroll saw, pet animals, a set of garden toelt, tltram'. Fluid UURbl.lfa is the only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing a few drops briskly Is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all slain and will prove the greet value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. 25 cents per bottle at George Rhynas' drug store. h leh: how tired and weak I feel. 1 dorl believe i will ever get tkret.gh the Spring house-cleaning 1 Oh yes you will if you take a butte or two of Dr. Canon's Stom- ach Bitters to purify your blood and tone up the systema In large bottles 50 eta. No household should r,e 'considered complete without a beide of Dr. Van Burew's Kidney Cure is in the closet. It is the only remedy that will positirely, per.nanently and promptly cure all forms of kidney diseesee. Sold by J Wilson If you shouldlbe so unfortunate es to Burn. Scald or Wound yourself in any way the pro- per thing to keep clean and heal rt ls M,'Gre- gor s Parkeb t'arbolic Conte. 101501 ..t hal. Ing. and be sure you get. )Iclmgor sc Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Price 13 cents. O. }Mynas. druggist, has the genuine. ftei - --- $4 Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. GPC). 1311-1 4 CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street,kOoderich A good &soon went of ICttehem, Hod i.101111. Moto.. mto. ' sad as. s, Parlor musts am it as bleak t hairs their. cans and wood @ousted). Outboards, Lounges. dot... What -Not*, looking Were N. Ii. - A complete ream 'seat of Corns, and serouds always ea hand Mae Hearses kr lair at reareable rate t. W Picture 'nutting a see t7• -A Fall solicit. d 1711 Club mases. We have .made arrangements to club THIS SIGNAL with city papers at the rates given below :- Signal and Daily World Weekly Globs Mail $3.50 2.25 , 2.25 Advertiser2.25 1300TS AND SHOES NEW GOODS_ REMEMBER Have the Largest Stock, The Latest Stylest - The Most Reliable Goods, And the Lowest Prices, PITY THs roue Dverarrtt .-P.,rerty with perfect health la rather to bechuseu i a�, A^l.�•,e C3.� !•1-YY'1wY'1 ew than riches and dyspepsia. Try the 1.6-.L .ease effect of a dollar at le of For NT t1' OP b HEALTH. For rough condition of the Skiu, Shampooing the bead, Pimples. Eruption and skin diseases, use Pref. Low's Sul- phur Soap. ni All Nervous Debility cured by the use of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. See advertsenleut elsewhere Sold at Wilson's drug store. 2b A Hreat mbeeverp That is daily bringing toy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Less of Voice, Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Side and Chest,or- any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial Bot ties free at Wilson's Drug Store. Largs size 51.00. (6) It is a weli•known fact the, „o epi- are excellent things for boys to occupy denies tipplers are the greatest sir erers. ' themselves with, but their use requires' in the grout p.a4ue which ratted ter Loa- constant oversight from parents, ie. this don in 17.l) v rat .tatetm that scarcely habits of exactness, of neatneo., of Lind- say but tipplers are fatally atteeked. In nes', of thoroughness, and ••f order, may the city of Rottendam, in 1854, out 41 b•, p„rn,ba• ctecupatiou is not intended nine huntlre.l deaths by cholera 05117 tuerely t.. keep a bey or girl from tine • three were total abstainer'',chief. but positively to Inc,u there to vic- ludeetl,it lase, well known that Asiatic tue. The knitting acrd sewror which ch.dera (eaten& first and roust faulty up- our grandmothers did in their childhood, on tipplers that in .,,me cities the grog- the 'samplers' they wrought, we unite shoes are closed as pubic nuicences dur- at now, but in this work they learned tag the oo.ltinuslce of the epidemic. what we are trying t.. tach our children. Yellow fever is equally diserimsuating Handicraft of all wirte is becoming the - iD selecting its victims, paying its ghost- fashion and childish hands are now ly court with terrible fatality to th .'e taught 10 draw, to paint. to model, to JA3t!S EMAIL!., kifICHITECT, ltd who indulge in strong drink. hemmer braes, to embroider, and in this • OMee. ('rshh a Block. King mora et.. Odder Ila. Cartwright, of New Orleans, in airrc.otbb work amusement and prtrit rich Plaasaal specllkatronsdnwnrtrteCt 1853, wrote that when the yellow plague ct,mbine. 4y c •rpetter s• lastere, &pend mason's welt struck that city about tive thousand measured and valued drinker died before a single soler Citi- A Heed Ttrrapteasre evetse n, 00 TO KNIGHT'S ,FOR • SHAVE, NAI RC IT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST OFP.0 ie101y 1• Anomie Ir..SN. Can any olio wring us a case ofdney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure 1 We say they minuet, as thousands of cases already ut peranently cured and who are daily r-- commending Electric Bitten, will prove. Bright's Disease. Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the bkod, regulate the bow- els, and act ,directly ,n the di.eased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by 3. Wilson. [1): Sen war • The heat of summer is especially fatal to drinkers, ani of the large number of people who are overcome by the burn- ing•rays of the sun during heated term, 'comparatively few are perste). of strictly Hacked. temperate habits Last year the news- papers called attention 14. this fact, and repeatedly affirmed that a large proper- -portioa of the numerous victims of sun- , .stroke were drinking men The follow - ting, quoted from a copy of the Cincin- >•sti GateUe, of Lot summer, is • *peei- Men "tN the 500 deaths which occurred in this city from the effect of excessive hat, three-fourths, if not a larger pro- portion. are traceable to the intemper• ate use of intelitating liquors." The sun finished what the liquor began. Thus the Almighty puts the sal of his div pleasure upon this perverted appetite, and oetratre.l nature revertees herself upon these who disregard her wsrninr voice and sin walnut the laws 4.1 their , physical bring. Inver. An Italian itamof-war recently iosited Soria, a seaport on the Straits of flab el -Mandeb, subject to F.qypt, threatened to bombard the *nand *sawed a large sem from the governor. There wage Brest excitement, hut ennfidenee wss n- ater.? by the arriral of a British gun heat A w.d4Na Masse\ All people, ami eapeeially traveller. are liable tea sudden attack of Chalets Mortis's, Coli., i iarrhrea and Dyeentry. Dr. Fnwlse's Willi Strawberry is the meet prompt and reliabis remedy Mown. 2 Why suffer from nervous preslrstiots yam est bray s immolates' ors al dreg dee (1) London Adr. rfier : Pratably at good a temperance lecture as was ever de- livered o-livered was that spoken by Sullivan. the prize tither, to an audience ill New York • SEEDS the other night. He did not soy much. A choice assortment al Fresh t 1eId seeds on hand, for Salt at Rees.nahle i'ri and what he did say was with flushed face, unsteady step. and thick tongue. What he said in words was little, and AT THE was merely that he wan "dead sick." and could not spar What he Nail by his CASH action was this : 'Here i am, the meat %440 Perfect physical specimen of my tact. i am so strong that I can knock anybody ineonsible with one blow. and i am not afraid when in my right condition to stand before any man on earth. But to night a boy could topple me over. 1 cannot stand firma on my legs. I cannot raise my lands. I am drunk. Whiskey has b..wned me, and if snylwwir wants to whip tee all he has rot to do is 1o' pour a few drinks into me and the joh is done. Whiskey can do what no prates- 1 seen pugilist .e. earth can de -it can knock out John L. Sullivan." The well known strengthening proper- ties of Iron. combined with ether tonin' and • mom perfect movie*, are fnand in Carter's iron Pilla, which strengthen the nerves and body. and Improve the blood and complexion. lm A alarms• meeere••e7. Wm. Johnsen, of Huron, Dak., writes time his wife had been troubled efts scute ilronehitis for many years, and that all remedies tried (rave no permanent re- lief, until he precured • tl. of Dr. King's New Disenvery for o,„neemptinn Coughs mina (`.olds, whieh had • rnatneei sleet, and pini need • permanent curs. It is guaranteed to sen all diseases orf Throat, =or Breeches! Taker. The square, Salt Others (weed. Are you troubled wits Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; 1 so, go at once to Geo. Rhymes' Drug Store and get a package sf MIc(lregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It was never known to fail. b A ateratlwd 5. revery. - • - Physicimt s are often startled b: te- narkable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Disc.•very for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, u startling them to realizetheta sense of duty, anti examine into the merits of this wonderful discovery, re- sulting in hundreds of one best Phpai- ciane using it in their practice. Trial betties free at J. Wilson's Drier Store. Rezular size 51.05. 4) National Pills act promptly upon the liver, regulate the bowels and as • per - plait a are mild and thorough. to There are lots if people going around itrumhhng, and half sick at the Stomach all the time ; who might be well and happy, if they only used Dr. Carson's Stoma:h Bitters occasionally: It is a splendid blood purifier. All druggist' 50 cents NO TROUBLE WATEVER TO SHOW GOODS. _ 17 0 w N 1 3 G- Crahb's Bleck, Curter East street and Square. G.derlch, May 8th, 1854. as Ca path, mat{ bane Th •Ina; 81 blow A at 1 Arlo Suomi Chat merle ••1 hen will 1 Til spun nicht flour L. extol then of hi 01 oats' .sial the B edit pub' the wiU M je Tl ince frau slur hem narr dr7 liar "Ol that ed. ab i•at ADO Mete It i bey stn J sola inn' en abs on the ant ore BOOTS&SHOES Bei t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Stew • L in the attire 1,►•ely occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well 4ss,tteu stock of Spring and dfie-benefit. figures, we are determine te elm the Public .1 BileasIug I. all 7lawtalwd. In these tittles when our newspapers are flooded with patent medicine adver- tisements, it is gratifying to know what to immure that will certainly curs It you are bilious, blood out of order, liver inactive, or _eneral debilitated, there is farthing in the world that will cure you s,. uickly as Electric Bitters. They are a Messing to all mankind. and can le had for only fifty cents a bottle of James Wileen. [2:) ces - STORE. THERE IS ('IIEAP Crockery 84 Glassware, Lampe, 8&c. \FULL LINZ OF GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS. Cheap and Good. Give Him a Call ! G. H. OLID THE GROCER, Tidal fuse at J. WIbss's alta 4 QUICK S J S & SEALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR ICT'TO ,Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. ,.'-Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. sdlcCustotu work will tecelve our special attention. zdr•None but thebest '•f material used and first -clams workmen employed. " yr -Repairing neatly dune on the shortest notice tioderich. March 9�15�. DOWNING & W E D D U F arc 0 wl fr .dc )•1 an ra th a1 m lc lot 11 CURE Birk Hesdseht sed niters all the t.mb,es inet- dent ma lobose ole of tbSeyssema sech se Do- tams. Fossa, Drowebms, DMtrwawe' mtge. Paid is the Side. oak. Wale their meet remark able success has besebow• es Wieg SICK lbee she yet caste pUtus LvorPlllsare meg, .ala.a�hi ipa,{l•141l,, ay Ororred a1 disorders of lbs etoiaek, etlmalste the liver .ad regulate the bowels. sus If they .sly .and EA AAe they weed he alert priceless to those who ewer from this debasing compbmt: let holm glory theirpeduesedoe. ward hare, and tees elm suss try Shoe Oil gid ewes Ire pllis rale able Ir a sea sways HimB they u,1� heedwells( b ss withal Vise. i D''eWILS tilt Cfrpvl- CHE Is the baneof se sissy livesthsal'we 5• r -*ere rake our great beast. oar pins car nate others do sot. Carter** i.Inle Lim Pills ere very easel eeil very easy to tab. One r two pills make a loss. Toy we strictly vegetable and do sot getter or purge bet b thew gentle .cul pl.atl she e. .e sthee. Is viae at 13 este: In foe St Sold by draggles sawyerluse,a seat by mem. Tickets 1ls CASTER .YEDICI3E CO., 4:81""1'd nae ..lsme7emre,l NOW York Olt,. ,ea u s. Ores. CIPAL+ LINL Aa• tit potent In Iowa, Semmes. Htmourl.Kea .m. New llest00, Ariaom. yl.. -rat etherizer. yuuaCtiiii' and BEST list to M. J -meet. tenter. Topeka Hee set.. Hansa Gab . est.oy take eel Tessa CHIC Ai. GI. O Rata* and semperter ter teen 5.055. .. Natieseny reputed se erooded the Sent Qshers.T to MI be the hestes Comte b tie ertd fM as einem of water. use KANSAS CITY An es■aeealsao Mees 1■ t; r 1 1 4A1 t-.04 A FOztTHE Com: --_-,Or f dU�S, COLDS. A G r NCIIIT1S and all L RRMPLAINTS.arta flir- t 1 IkFoLIEf PERSONS re a'yieeed:ettgef CONsuMP'T10N• -W- I BRAYL pRAPRIvros• MONTREAL• Mfenastbe shoat !fres 01 ►err. Me.plq ..era, Nr. 'hoe -fat'. (te.111 T I oonialt PIiaCnat. t.Owtit. r Iles Poeta Bent %e rugae Oen Imus Ago, t -b I..A.. 111. o:biewx.. Les Canadian Pass. Ag t, Torowo, Ont SPECIAL OFFERS I"'""'""". Ticks* Agent, Godereh on the fnllowlrig goods sad .material at the SBBRUILLBR PLOD WORKS M Americas 5 ors Healers, at 101.30 each. which Is but half prigs. 1 Ma: aril Hones Power and Aeparstne. In tee but a short tete. sew wheat rangiest and all Ir gosA oder for 4110.* ted more the or third Its value. Several Targe Ilrindalowla at below twat. I New Metros Baggy as tf per era. Mans titan tet print lag fcemillage. em.etr..serallkrodsofthto*1 a0ron VwItr Kellerst half pries. A Act at Iro& eOaistgs pp�r >awe, &a. m111 am elbow a Ass S -g Ilrr ei111esir a pnwi rim An* 111if"‘w74/7141B8r „ Mend sal oasts for peetaia. sad reecho fs.s a oMUy loss , II Pte. star geode ad** wW last yen thea anytblttg ere la this wai.Ali of Naber rm, 1010ted from Or herr. The bbrr'ea�i�f�.�d to fortune epees heart y. werkeisabre r.e- Is nn. At ores address. tk Os.. AtMesta. else. ti 14 4'' Rays Dryden : ' "Rite knows her alas, and wigs yen afield and swear. Can draw you to bar arks a •14, hair." iietit mut he bsaoHtel hak to lienal wish power ; and Itstratilai hwir &tion t 1 1oa rob r LA