The Huron Signal, 1884-7-11, Page 3I•- Mace, WB Ocast OHAPTSR X V. THE HURON FRIDAY' JULY 11. 1884. slalorf skip, and .apeeted every minute to Gad the ruakirm wafters dues over them. Down, down Nat the boat, did• Mg as it were over an almost perpendicu- lar watery slope till • terrible depth meshed to have bees reached. Though hope had utterly failed hat every ewe The two vessels were pew nearing .seb of thews they bsu'z os the side of the other --is fast they had cow as near as bust, which by • miracle beta° to mount they could with @slay, and a dangerous up opsin, said with the seifww of as rush was made to have the boats of the arruw it shot epee inure to the surface, Ourast.lowered. ♦ panic had evident- where, the' half filled with water, it wag ly seised the Frsnab sailors, and they urn --1 forward over the lefty waves seemed determisd to severe in the first 'Harrah, safe vet, meaemates,, shout - instance their own safety. It wee in d Ja3k. 'Handle the ears,my hearties, vain that DwnMat r., Sustace and their and 111 steer for the frigate. I seem her ewe captain remonstrated with them,and light getting to windward. Quick, my regimented that s.ob headlong prectpi- lads, or we'll have a strong pull for it. navy would lead to the very catastrophe 'My God, the oars are gone !' exclaim - they dreaded - that if they persisted in d Eustac, in tones of horrors,and Willy running into such confusion few ..r cone gave utterance to the same appalling would be saved, whereas, by cal,n,,order- truth at Mutest the male instant ly procedure, there would he timo fur 'ryes !' echoed Jack, in hopeless con - getting every soul trena(eried t., the sters•tiun. frigate Ir vain, we say, were the .f- 'Gore♦ --yes, gem,' repeated Eustace. forts to calm and restrain them. the 'Thee heaven protect us fur we are boats were dashed over the side end helpless,' groaned the sailor, as he clasp - filled in • moment, and it was out till d his hands with a gaiters of despair. the first overloaded one put off and 'See,' cried Willy, 'we are driftin' awl .mamped, that anything like prudence free the lichee o' the ship.' or caution was manifested. The work They were drifting, and that fast, for of deL•rksteon was a difficult and den- the sea was still tempestuous, end the genius me, independent 1)1 this panic wind had again increased to • hurricane. of the men, ter the sea still nn very The lights of the frigate grew every min - high, and the darkness was gathering tate more distant and they drifted on and fast, and with the approach of night the on through the long derkneas of the star - wind was again (reshipping into a gale. it les night. was no easy matter to get over the side of the pitching veal into the heats and CHAPTER XVI. through the surging sea to the frigate. The boats of the latter had been gent to' TNT DM= LAND—As CNTZre.TLD SETT - assist in the enlister, and several tsps were made, each more difficult than the ing, .owing to the increasing fin- pisoed less et the storm and the Deepening of the darkness. Between two and three hours had been spent in the work. The French sailors had all left the Cornete, and a large por- tion of the British had been shipped in- to the ark of safety. Captain Dunsmere would not, of course, quit the sinking vessel till the last, but be earnestly urged Eustace to make good his escape. 'My duty keeps me herr,' the urged, 'but you have no such plea. Go, then, may friend. For my sake go, while it is not too late.' 'I will not,' answered Eustacr, reso- lutely. 'I think I can by reu,aiuing were being carried rapidly over the here expedite the tussles, and I will watery waste by the lessening lights of wait with yOe till the hot __we will quit the French vessel which had saved their the rat. The knowledge of the dreadful calam- ity that had overtaken them struck the three uoccupsnts of the boat dumb with dismay. Cast adrift en the stormy sea, without provisions and without the the hope that they had cherished that • means of directing their bet. Even vessel might be in their vicinity, or that 1y He was the fist to give utterance to had land been within reach, they were perchance, land might be near. Within aha thought, but the had by this now hopelessly doomed to death, and in the circle of their viai�on neither ship our time came to the same othersconel* ion. the bitterness of their feelings thought it shore could be discerned, nothing but an ,Mahar say the same'' asked Eustace. might have been as well had they been awful stretch u( solitary d•sd:itaneas. eoltnlpbd with the ship and perished They said nothing at first, but the took 'Laud it is, was tate seatuat. s an- swiftlyand painlessly. Theyhad ower. pat e+caP of despair uu each other's countenance Hurn] ' shouted Wills, waving his ed this fate only to encounter a far worse revealed the sinking% of their hearts. —viz.,death by hunger and starvation. It's a bad business, Joe.' remarked arms wildly in the air in the extravag- ance they sat in silent horror in the boat, Eustace at length, with a smile of tear- "f his joy. tut bitterns". 'But what land ?• task -ed the leas excited which row and fell uD the weld waves Eustace. they had sufficient evidence that they 'I'ncumuu'n bad, was Jo.- s assenting An uninhabited island, may hap ; I rejoinder. done think there's a bit of land in any If we could do anything to help Duca other shape hereabouts.' e Cornet* together.' them windy is the ices, bet it was a feeling due to his love, to his ywtb and to his passionate nature. It was crease- ly g„ liwlf t,+ seek a soul ss his to be d.sied the power of striking one blew in return ler the wr•.ags that had crush- ed and destreyed hem, and it was also a batter refiectien to know that rillaiely had criumpbed over Panties in s world which he had believed to be governed by • being all -wise and good. The nnoruing light which all three so ardently longed for began at Ismail to show itself by a faint streak iu a portion et the sky which they know to be the east. By this ties the storm had great- ly moderated and the wind had fallen oonaiderably. The boat was no longer toad from wave to wave with a velocity which caused them to chug to its sides. but rem sod fell uu the crests with a smoother motion, which indicated that the sea was nnoe more settling into edne aws. On the faint streak 41 light they fixed their eyes ttU it spread further up be sky, and fell like • grey mist upon the water, whose white foam was now seen to shift to and fro in the dim meriting twilight. Steadier and etrenger grew the dawn till the see and sky bonnie fully visible, and the three lonely voy- agers could see each other a faces and ", fearful suspense was that to commune by sight as well se by speech. Naturally enough their eager gaze was which they were now subjected ' Was directed on all aidea ill search of a sail, it land they were bearing down upon, be:, alas, this blessed sight did net meet and was deliverance near ? or was it but their anxious view. No One but them- a cloud banging over a ehureles' sea. selres seemed u. be mut•tnst over that mocking them with a hope which it watery wilderness. Far away was the would cruelly betray ' dull circle .1 the horizon surrounding For full halt an hour all three sat sil- them, and within that circle of which ently watching, the dark lice, which did they were the ceutre nothing coulti M net diminish or decrease in density, but once seemed rather to bulk more on the sight seen but the eternal sea settling more to its rest. What an experience and ''1°e Imre defined in outline, was this fur them of lonely desolation, standing "art more dendedly tram the and how completely it deprived them of nil above the sea below. 'it's land !' exclaimed Willy. joyful - lad eft meas of lee lying os the hori- zon. is yen awuther gale ousting, Jost' &.ked L.tace, bitterly. 'I don't think it,' embed tie sailor, as he still filed • steady, earnest pts ea the distant object that marked with • little more di.tinctseas the has basics a sky and water. 'I wish a squall world elm.,' remark- ed Kuatace, 'tor then it might Mlle ter settlement of the pigsties out of our hands, and give us that release which we have sot the (enrage to tate ! Are you sure, Joe, that yon faintly dark object is not a stern making up r it can't be that,' aneweid Joe. If it lay to windward, 1 might have thought so, but its richt on the lee, end must be NO of two titian.' •What things !' asked Kustace and Willy in a breath. WhJ,' replied Joe, very slowly, 'its either the sterna we have had drifted along there, or—' 'Ay, or—r reposed Sastace. 'Or t1 is land, wait .lee's farther de- liverance. 'Land !' echoed Ensues, starting up, which action he was followed by Willy, and they both looked with wild auger. nese towards the point where lay the ob- ject, whatever it might turn oat tube. nmeW le Load .t ewes they week as- suredly he Ousted away actais tints the said d wafi„w, sad leas the faint shames whish tb. island offered of their exut- emoe being preserved till a vessel might paw and tss.e. them. They were now within two hundred penia of the reef, but the current was ttrowiug stssngee ; trod de ell they would the best was glidiag to the ..,cath, and the isiasd was getting every uraateut lees epos their lea 'Jae, we'll fail,' Dried Etienne in a tum el despair. '1t is an uncommon stiff Job,' returned Joe, as be labored with might mg maw to work the beat to windward. 'Inch keep us , yonder's • mem,' cried Willy, pointinv to one of the little eminences on the island. The ethers hxokd in the direction in- dicated, and ren enough they descried $ human fora standing on • ledge of rock au the verge of the island. He had de- scried theta likewise, and was wildly selves,' said the youth, 'It would lessen Never mind, its better than the open sem stuns. These lights grew every the herrer of the situation, but we can't. • Densmore know it was useless to inset la Ws can't scot send the boat in any par• sea, if we can only reach it, and sure minute smaller and more distant, till enough it is rising on us. If I had a glass further, and batt after boat were din- the twinkled like faint, far-off atars,and patched while the frienes nobly remain- y ticular direction ;and if we saw the 1 could make i; out easily.' ed on the poet of duty. Willy Somer. ; at last were lost to view altogether. land en the starboard Of larboard either But as they had no glass they were They were alone in the black midnight we cuu!d make no effort to reach it. I Toned to sit still and wait till the boat waving something their attention. shouting, but the vested his shouts To TT villa kept by the aide of Eustace all the time, resolved also not to quit the ver darkneas—a gloomy sky above, and a Here we must sit snit look at each other + drifted nearer. As it dial so the land 011 he went, sad Jack Murdoch .t•rmy, Ix.undlese ocean around them. and drift about, the spurt of the wind ! gradually assumed a ret iro distinct ap- The were numbed with cold, arenchd and tide. ij i t rose here stuck by them both.Eustace would y ,maybe the ship will come in caOca" Rugged pea up much rather have had it otherwise, bit, with water and the boat was half filled something wltitYt;teatoed like Densmore with himself, he knew it with the same. Though they sat close March and there, ands usobserved Willy. who would and flashed s their base. was useless 1.• ur,fe their usow eparture, together, they could not seach other's on no account let hope die out in his . ahead,' though he knee '•ether than anyone how faces, so dense was the gloom, anconverse—untilbosom. J� d fur 'There's breakers sinking his head &head,' oba dubious rued aii- imnunent the danger was heconiing. He many minutes they did not attempt to Not a lett likely,' exclaimedJ•oe,'they nor. had just been down below, and found converse—until the lights of the ship would conclude we had foundered, and lye it s•,' sa►d EusLue. 'Unless the that the water from the leaks had fear- could no lunger be seen. when Jackwater is all the more shallow this little Murdoch suddenly exclaimed : have rove off un the other tack hours fully increasedspeedily great indeed as to rVerycurious. ain't it, meanms:es ' boat wili get through them. If we cause the vessel to sink. Duos- 'Hell, meesmates, here we are afloat site os.re knew that this was so by the steadi- on whet I take to be our last cruise. 13y We three had made it up to leave the ; could only drift among them before it new with which the Cornete now lay in daylight we'll be lar enough out of stgbt service together ;in the first opportunity ! got dark.' the water. The sea was rougher than Id the ship, and that is the only port and here we are out of it, the. jest not That womake much difference .met we have tut no oars,' remarked nt ever, yet she did not pitch and tees as for us in these outlandish waters. in the fashion we thought uf.' before—a very signitnnt sign to him 'There is no land near w, then 1' said '11 the wont comes to the wont, said I, Joe. L►ustace mournfully. Eustace, gloomily, `we can easily put sn 1 'True, but it will enable us to get out, that she was fest filling. At length the I and haul the boat ashore at the first pos- ixats returned for thetime, afld 'Not as I know es,' returned Jack, end to our misery.• r sible moment, I say, Joe, that is an it - they were all filled but two, 'Then it was 'net for hundreds of miles. '8y going to Davy Jones in • jiffy bred, Then, God help us, we are lost 1• I why, y., M we coo ; but none of w found that these two would scarcely con -`Of course it u, sit. there ain't noth- tstoo those that were left One of them R}Oened the Tenth- 1 will nuke up our mind• to do that as sur. • very small boat ; they °thee was a 'We may come scrum some othei ship,' i long se body and soul holt together. inv else in the way o' land here.' Its not in nature to go to death. but to ' And suppose we drift past It.' andsi :.Dun gig. The letter was fitted fiat, .wed y h hsps let death come, and keep out of its 'That's just what I have been thinking Dunmore, toEeox, vidled and Jack .lone remained to be provided for. At or way, though we can't give it •wide for the last fives minutes—it is getting bit likely,' said Jack birth.' molt; to windward for ua' this moment the cry was rsised that the h Cornets afore it out l Though hour after in his hand to attract He night also be sound of the surf pre - front being heard. O0*TIN CTD. Remits seats. The magnet power over pain that H•gyard's Yellow Oil possesses outrivsl. DANIEL GORDON , the marvels of ancient times. It acts in a natural 'Danner to subdue inflamma- tion • cures Rheumatism,Croup, Deaf - M sl A •...IrmaWhoa the boot liras so _ pmiiur i L Whomever Meed Wei mad homers sperms. we whom the is debilited taloa re dcap 1 =well tat It km bass dissovermd that a mole eairried worms who was be have did at Wheeling. V., bat Moths/ was barged sues. Her bo.b „d L prom crated and his life is dsepsired of. The sills of worts are weft k40w.; but the remedy is act always so well determined. Dr. Freemsa s Were Powders will destroy thea.. Foathill Xiirsonos. 326 �Q1t]QB- THE LARGEST IN THE 00/11101 • SALESMEN WANTED Te bests work at once on FaU Beteg [head; inislsyuteat et axed salaries to all wulirt a 1 week. hlC red we0se oat have Pleasant T� the Year Regi. Good agents ere eerdle r tram gte u WS PS month and impasses. .iTerms and outfit tree. Address: STONE A WRLLIN(3TON, loin -3a'- Terwa$s. 6eA. CABINETMAKER nem, Sore Threat, and painful w- lase juries. 2 slat Wwa4Mr Adv ire. New that summer and warm weather has come, the great problem is "How te keep owl and healthy l' To aid our friends in solving the problem we give the following rules : Take a sponge bath every interim; Lodiirn llud.orta.or, Has on hand now the Laee;RN? ITSs't<sI First - Class Furniture in the County. and as 1 now purchase for caeb, will net he undersold by any one. I otTer Tapestry Carpet Lounges. from oras upwards. WbsLuota, good. from 52.41 up. with salt water, or vinegar end wale,. Sew Back Chairs. from rote. up. and every- thing else in the mune proportion, This cleanses the body and cools the skin without causing chill. AT THE () L I) STAND Wear ►light }lancet nett to the skin Between the Poet Office lk Dank of Moatres Do absorb perspiration. t�ODERZQ33_ Berta breakfast with fruit. Very lit- Oct. l/th. i olds tle oatmeal should 1. eaten as it heats the blood. Potatoes and wheat bread are also heating. Brown bread, crack ers and milk are all cooling and health- ful. Carry au umbrella or panned to pru- the head from theses). De not wear tight fitting clothes. Ito not drink anything stronger than soda or lemonade. Beer is cooling at first, but one feels warm if mere than one glass is taken at a time , 0atweal water make. a delightful drink. Eat plenty of frsit and very little meat. Do not get in a tenipsr. It nukes one distressingly warm on a June day. Go no an excursion whenever you can. W hen you feel warns do net rub your face vigorously with a i:andkerehief. Mop it gently. Wahl a ■tante And read this. You may be troubled with erns. and it hot 0 present they may take oat in the near future. There- fore we want to tell you what to nee in ordeteto make a perfect cure, and espe- cially what to avoid. Of course like the majority of people you willgwant to use the best that s to be had. That is Put- am's Painless Corn Extractor. Sure, safe, painless. Avoid, then, the article "just as good" or the something else "a good deal better.' You will regret using anything else than Putnam's, for it don't burn, and you can't tell what the others will do until you try. Don't lire to be sorry when you can so .asly prevent it. Polson .t Co., props. Willy, who was loathe to en- tertain the idea that there was nv 1 than. 'That ain't • i y,' . 'Tics gale drove the OJoe was right. 'That will be dreadful,' said Eustace, of her course all yesterday. and these hour passed, and the interminable circle beginning to search about in the bottom waters into which we have got aro out o of water remained unbroken. they kept 1 of the Mat. His hand came upon a the track o' ships ' their places ithe beatoping each m"- bee -board, and with desperate energy he 'But Dalt nor the Cornets may has 1 nest would bnog what the last hail dent• began to feu it from Its fastening. , h been driven before the wind,' observed ed them—the sight 441 a said Hua*eri Joe end Willy both saw the object he Willy. 'There was that ship that ts'en I and thirst had now assailed them. They 1 had in view, and simultaneously went to the others on board—else mann has been had tasted nothing since early on the his assistance. By the oombiod torsed oot o' her course tae, and who previous day and the terrible labor they strength of the three the board was kens but there's dirrens o' them.' had since undergone made sustenance all wrenched from its place, and Jos, thrust - 'One craft will los enough if we can the more necessary. But no food was ing it over the lee side, began to work it some acre•m her,' rejoined Joe, 'sad if within their reach --none. Neither had energetically. Fustace seconded his en - she's bound for Etgland all the better. they • drop of water they could drink dearors et the helm, and soon they had But 1 say, masse, would we not feel a and the terrible tattle between want air,1 the satisfaction of teeing that the boat little more comfortable if we bailed out nature but begun.was to some extent unser their control, 'Now, Willy,' shouted Eustace, 'we I. had to.gai icor how or and was being hayi nota moment to lose. The veal is going down, and if we don't gat clear off we will ge down will go down lith her.' 'By the lewd Harry. she's settling for the plug.,' [oared Jaek Murdoch. 'in- te the twat, both of you, and I'll fellow in a twinkling.' Cornets was settling to go down. 'Quick, Densmore !' exclaimed Kos - tom. 'You go in there, std I, with Willy and Jack, will take the small beat. As ha spoke he took Dokal w firmly by the shoulders sad perked him into the boat beside the rest, vetting at the same moment the rope by which it was fastened to the ship. By the shifting light of the one lantern which hung over the yellow sides of the sinking Cornets. they mw the boat with its fall load lurch off on • ways and vanish in the darkness as If theme bad swallowed It Wheeler -s These rbe+aasee. LA. THS REMARKABLE EFFICACY of Wheeler's !<lisir of Phosphates and Cal i ala is rasa debility and all used up coniota whether from work.d Joe, worr,ord and depraved habits, is�tY4 to Lw .wtagto14 the balance of supplyil`UlG' sad waste of serums enemay by the dire.: nutrition of the serous system. No matter what may Ire the esus of exhaustion of the vital forces, there is no specific medication for It. nutrition of the waited tissues by food ele- ments being the only royal rued to recovery. f3.ODFCRIC8 11111 PI_.4KING MILL F-8TABLISHF.D 1Pao. Buchanan,LaTsou Robinson NA\t•vAtT111&Rea of Sash, Doors & 13/inds DCAL[RA 1T/ ALL KINDS OV Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's material of every deseripUes. SCANS FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. SWAB Orden promptly attended to. Goderich. Aug. 4. 1593. lgel•Ly GODERICH BOILER WORD liave Just received a large stack of BRASS & IRON STEAM FITTINGS .4 1-On- BOdER3 & ENGINES New Salt Pans and Boiler Built on Shortest Notice. Mail orders for new work andlrspairs reg rs•celre prompt attention. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, Works near G. T. It. Station. Uoderich. Feb. Ta. 1151. 1741 'Why should a man whose blooi a w• rm within Sit ke hu grandsire cut in alebast er Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin. When "CntearraBasegweatwill make g.ruw the faster. For sale by J. Wil- son 2m If you are tired taking the larp.ald- fashioned griping pills try Carter's UMW Liver pills and take some comfort.ill a lean can't stand everything. p dogs. m. Fon TNT ComrLaXION.—For pimples, hlotchee, tan. and all itching tumors of the skin, use Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap n► the wale: Ay, it b now i made to move slightly tv To this work Jos at once proceeded, i when would it terminate 1 The grave windward in a hoe with the island they typo It sourer fail• to effect • speedy and Willy helped him, the water in the was by their side any moment when they were approaching. cure. My friends to whom i have re- boot was ecce rednoed to •few inches commended it s,esak of it in same high might take up 'heir mind to descend in- The eland. ell tar aa they ceuW judge, roosts. Haying been cured by It of swoop All through the icons of that long, to it ; but how could they resolve lo was small, sterile and desolate. It look- I c ugh 1 hate iced (or five yeah, 1 c'n- dark night Stance tat in the stern in chores. hope, ayes orotic suffering fur the d like little more than •mass of splint- oder it the only reliahl• .Z11 attd aro cure disking in tad and bitter thoughts. To esrtainty of • Fopelwm dooan. it was I and rock shot up from the bottom of for 000gha, a� l••gsf . p 11ree I,�1`& the all appearances he and Cilias were de- • p"ss Store stifled never to meet again, on A. Zellers Trimmer. Therm P. Keetor,editor of Ft. Woyne Ind., Gaxtt., write.: 'For the •.e five years i have always used Dr. Kong's New Discovery for coughs of most severe character, as well as tor those ..f • milder THAT last' CAS ear CHOICE CONYECTIONERI CANNED FRUITS AND FISH, TOI3„'1 CCO, CIG4RS, 4 Domestic and ForeiI�grn. Frults. Oysters of the Best Bras Fresh and *meted t Water Fish seas A full.ssertment of all kinds o[ Oysters Se..ud a every aelte ts.ewte ICE CREAMS IN SF..419011/. basal Basila•, Wreaths. Crosses. Moab, rte.. mete t,. Delo. IMwerae so a s reread** a .rho -- AT BINGIL6.M � R1361T A.TJR.ILN T meat }louse Square. G Dec. a tsar. D. K. STRACHA PRbC'TIQJ.L MACIIINIS g eepe on hand a .apply of metered repairing e1 Monera and Roa able that at any moment s vessel I the sea, over which n , vegetation lad I Lange else `Ll1n. (!) r- Quick as thought, Costae* leapt into earth and Will abs, on the weir] threshold of � might come in sight to effect the deliver- grown, and whim surface pram It the only remaining boat y sersmtt to perish ancte and with this possibility, how- ti. premise either of .halter or (nod. elass in behind him, end Jaek, vetting life, while his Mart was full of love and I ever faint, heroes than, bow should they Yes in (heir desperate circumstances it the rose with his collas, made a spring his soul buoyant with keys, was a aro ever forget it t How, indeed 7 Lite in formed• desirable object to Hach. and the ranee mesweit and alighted in tic. „permute. In visa of it, he, is the young hearts Ism its ietenaert vitality, 1 they strained every nerve to turn the stern sheets .ager of his heart, cursed the sinful pride t and the leve of it is not to be extiorstiisb- i boat towards its rengb and sari d by the severest :sufferings.shores. Eustace bad a wsteh, but it had , in this eliort the prospect of emcees stopped—They therefore knew not the I was not very assuring. The wind had and enmity of bis father, which had A hop wave hors theta at once him the ship's side but had not cental them brought all the evils epee him, and a ams w bask, the] wild gust of fury passed over hie awl y peri ~' L.ilms b.sauae he would now perish u • victim saw the swimgia hinters maks ..weep power d retaliatius. Ott, i hoer but by the position of the sus, i sow died away and the see gigs wall lel osenwsrds, and tics bugs bell . the how hie aha pro I dial .sem strulglieg tbroigit Nu l lee, but s current was setting along the Oenetepletpd towards the bows Tha how hie rood.p.sahetsab nature otsatd y mei• stasis, they lodged it to be se hour or front of the island, red the current meat instant they tills the nowt whirred sad tamed at tains domed t►eotpltert se noon whom Joh. stood .p in the tbreet ns.d a sassy them pact, snd ices hie wrarlp •reel „allies its woes wit► /word, • ere and sash d t l d .verism who hod itjer.d best end rood /unholy 1.t leeward. more into the open sera As they drew, woes iestdeath mew the gAmp* hie purer sylas these feel- The Mehra aMewlly deer ter attendee naso the could. of ter sitar, they maw whin n death* MmttMlml d — the hist This was mho • MSMndnhi. .sad /bet shay was SU" meps.ss►ias the t+aMd to Bair iareh. lbay itsw tots i. ter alearm iwwMmmMe w wbbb el ter t* w t the also. dkoeeteoe. 01 t maw Mier they look it be * labs south olds d the i.latd, std if they alt To tee RafiMM TreKsm.m. aha art ween N me/ seaman. WOO of holo Wel Teo pleee , efts do& ~lea Ph•+phatine, or Neve lom, a Phos- p�hatt�e p Element based ellen Scientific �i.ts, Formulated by Proles/sue Anstin, U. of Boston, Masa., cares PulnNon- ary Oo sumptim, Sick Headache, Nor vows Attacks, Vert*. and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the harem I system. Pbo.phatine is not • Medeeine. beta Ifetrim wt, b..at.e it nn Vegetable ow Mistimed Preis.___ ,_ Sulky Hay Rakes, Piows Agricultural ImpI and Machinery All WORK THOROUGHLY D. K. STRACHAP GODERICH MACHINE I lloderlch. March Vila. 1511. Nei the Iso pr ams. a linooties, and no Stimulants, tit simpi u Vle Pboephatie and (Jartn1pefl c .mt■ in our daily fond. A w+ig bottle is sufeiomt to enwviaee. All Dever phis Ma is. 11.00 per beats. Lowmmi & 0o soag•rr1 for the om Dnsoint, M l. roses direst Rest Toronto