HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-11, Page 22 TOB HURON SIGNAL FRIAY. JULY ale 1884.( Odle a. (sesta Ofiha-r 111111111•• Aim style is like 6 4111110-140,11116111, hapi.R •fid wifwll ►d bash 4A ear se Yoea be .d Ftries= eflslatly tat reale iips•• Amiss as. Thea Mals swirls ells cls rtlittle dramatis asides, 681601 illaaser, epigrams, saline, died, dia. maxt.is, anxiaoms, stagged d and redectiva ; or, as be pile it. 'mixing a little Vbilusephy with ibe se.satioaal element. In our phoer ,dunes, before they were exhauste the /ado used to go out after • heavy reiatall, tea look dean the rivulets noel as.o.g the erodes of the Irwesteue Welders, fcr abiepes--Lits of gold that had been un- pversd. The works of our deed nove- list are strewn with chisp•a. Let ea pick tap a few front amour/ the pages as epesi- s•.. ut his ore, gathering at madam as they glitter here and there. witbeut especial arrangement as to the .tse,ahsp, tot value 'Life is an intermittent fever.'—Clois- ter and Hearth. Our foibles are our nutrias,'—Gri11ith Banat. 'Self-daceptiuu will probably sead a/ the first blast of the archangel's tremor* but what human heart will put with a till then ( Tiro circuunstanees under whiot, a human being could not excuse er delude ur justify himself himself have never yet occurred in the huge annals of .rima'—lt is Never Two Late to Beaty is p ousts, •anile is its sword.' (Sowed torthrive, Bp of est .r oat& If you te well till they nt are —White Lis 'Good things have to be engraved on ; or 10 years old. Spread ashes, mat- ohe memory ; bad ones stick there of ore, or salt broadcast. Step cultivating in August, weeds or no weeds. This allows the trees to open for winter. The Utica Herald tells of a dairyman who troubled with the smell .1 garlic or wild onions in the milk. To obviate this he put the cows in the stable at about 3 u clock each afternoon, and fed them on hay and gave grain as usual. The result was as he anticipated. A rest of three hours allowed allowed all the scent to pose off in other secretions, though previously it flavored both milk and butter. It is argued by the Coverdale Sentia.l "that the time will soon come when wines of certain vineyards will be sold under the name of the vineyards, they will be so demanded by the con- sumers, who will have outlived the prac- tice of buying wines named by the dealers and unwuarantsed as to the place where grown. If ever we are to make cabinet ur fatuous wines this will have to be se." The farmer can better afford to raise potatoes ter 25 cents per bushel than to Soles obese Tbesdemb Haps near distils, W. T,, de -i. M. - The Saowgsdmie yesd, sad tt. be Abe West els lite es.timent, will yield aa sammease seep. Arkansas f esatisbes the largest Mreent- age of farmers, •,1, and Maassahtsetts the mealiest, 9 per sant. work- ersgreeted number et agricultural ers 432,204, Wyoming the measliest, 1,1139. Georgia melon -growers bad leaned • pool and established agonies in 949 Nurthw•rn cities, lamppost[ a popula- tion of 5,000,000. Not • earlud of melons will lave Atlanta until • market has boon found for tt. Salt is used freely by some nursery- men in pear nurseries fee the purpose of counteracting blight. Iron filmes and copperas in solution have bees used for the sera* purpose. If theme remedies do not t,revent the disease they at least cor- rect • disposition to blight. 11„7 .,.Y."! The Island of Guernsey c.ntaias 10,- 000 acres of tellable land, and supporta • population of 30,000, of whom a goodly number d.wbtles *brain a living from the sea. The largest farm on the island contains nifty acres. The people are de- scribed as being the most contented, best fed, and happiest in all Europe. Pref. Beal, of the Pennsylvania/ Agri- cultural College, says : "If you have money to fool away, seed down your young orchard to clever and timothy or OV><11.1111i1TAST011. dna nee eel sad New Is s. At. - whit au yea $nibs too mot health- fttl d all tie Buser seeder asked • ,..porter of an .Meaty phyte the ether wissvale& disc atop he.ail prompt- ly. 'It is alethia e ing, healthful and very n�Jf�a What name would yea r 'But then are tansy who de not know how to mous, and who aro not able te: pay for a teacher,' laid the reporter.' 11 'That is • nemeses, my friend,' said the physician. '.tnyooe living to this city can learu bow with an outlay of fifty ovate fora bathing wit. I'm @peak- ing more pertieularly of the wotwn sod girls. Moet boys know how. and if they do nut they ought to be ashamed- But girls d.. nut as a rule, although I would wager that nine out of every ten would like to Now, the free baths are very nice and clean and patronised ty a good clam .1 woman. The water is from three and a half to four feet high, the place is hark • beech. fur among their A Term lipeni...m The firm of Oraod Z Walsh, drug - Vets, of retortion.. say Dr. F.wlar's Wild Strawberry is nos of ISWA Ku Standard Medicines for trssser *Mete. 2 themselves. --I bid.-- 'Beware of jealuu*ycursed jealousy ' It is the sultan ..f all the passions and the Tartar chief of all the cremes. Other passions effect the character ; this changes and, if good, always reverses it' Mind that, reverses ; turns honest men to snakes and doves to vultures. Hor- rible, unatur•! mixture of love with hate. You poison the whole mental constitu- tion ; you bandage the judgment ; you crash the sense of right and wrong ; you steel the hovels of compassion ; you madden the brain ; you corrupt the heart ; you damn the soul.' ---It is Never Lime e to Mend. 'The sacred principle ai justice was as strong in Mrs. Wohngton as in the rest .of her sex ; she had not one grain of it.' --reg 1%'ottington. 'Happy the man who, has two chain - cables — merit and women.' --Cloister and Hearth. 'Memory sometimes acts like an .old of flint gun ; 1t hangs tire, yet ends by go- ing '—Pet ynurj►elf in hia Place. All men of that day are dust : they grow wheat for $1. Two hundred bushels are gold -dust who died with honor.'— per acre is not a $3large average yield. Christie Johnstone. This would give 0 per acre. Fifteen 'Off the state Jams `ruin was a char - bushels is an average yield of an acre of atter ; his eccentricities were three—a wheat. The potato crop will require a humorist, a glutton, amu an honest man— little more labor, but with the late Im- truts that often caused astonishment and proved machinery the cert of cultivating and harvesting an acre of potatoes has been very much reduced. ridicule, especially the last. I et W offi ngton. 'The land!ord poured theta' the rob- ber -band in the Black Forest Inns `out nest brandy, blood's forerunner in every age.' --Cloister and H earth. 'What is populanty I Ask Aristides and Lamartine ; the breath cf a mob smells of its source, and it is gone before the sou can set un it.'—Christie John• atone. Vet= 'We aro going to weigh goose feathers —to cnticise criticism ' -Peg Wofling- ing malaria to • great extent as It Is borne through by the winds. better t own sex woman should not mind awk- wardness, and there are always goad awtmmere present te learn from. 'The way to go about i Well, in the first plater, there is the bathing suit, which should be made of some light cotton material. One piece combining blouse and trousers are all that is re- quired. The garment should have short sleeves, and be cut rather low in the neck. A broad band attached to a rope a yard long is also necessary, to fasten about the body. First—the swimming scholar must learn the motion thorough- ly ; observe the movements of an expert swimmer, then prastioe in your room, until you have them perfectly. The I taking it I was completely prostrated. movements should be done very slowly. 1 )►Iter. MARY STUART. at first. Learn the band movement by folding the hands palm to palm bring-; ing them up to the chest, parting the 1 water with them, still closed, then turn- I ing their palms outward and pushing ' the water back. If this movement is practised several times before going into the water swimming will come much easier. 'Two going together may be of great service in mg one n another. Strap the ban centre of the body, so as the rope will come in the centre of the back ; then let one hold the rope as a support while the other learns the motions. A dozen lessons should be suf icint ; but it is very reeessary to watch • good swtmmmer. The stroke should be long and rte•dy, made with a slew, even movement. 'Do not attempt diving without a teacher, as it is injurious if not done pr.. rly. 'If you bathe n!t.'n, put a little soft raw cotton iti each ear. Salt water going frequently into the ear injures the ear drum. Do not bathe directly after a hearty meal. You may eat as soon after a bath as you feel the desire. Never go beyond year depth, or where there is a streng under current Even the best of swimmers is gone it he is taken with a cramp You may stay in the water until your finger tips begin to wrinkle, then go out immediately. Wet the head first, then the whole body at one plunge,'otherwise chills may ensue. Pour a bucket of fresh water over the hair, after ooming out, so as to remove the salt, which hurts the hair. Then if you aren't healthier and stronger I don't know what will make you so. —I N. Y. Journal. sew use reassigns .ssigns weakened ay M- ese. Nearle . Nearly aM*Ios.. Great eat German Invigorator is the only spam& foe impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides, no atter how es- Waleshattered the system may be from es - ale of anykind, the Great German Remedy wil restore the lost functions and secure health and happiness. isa 111.00 per box, six holes for $5.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of price, postage d, by F J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole went lur United States. Cir- culars and testimonials sent fres Sold by Geo. Boyne., sole agent for (lode - rich 3m Malaria is frequently carried through lung distances by the winds : therefore it is well to ascertain whether there 1* any malariabreeding marsh or other pestilential locality in the direction of the prevailing winds. These may to some extent be counteracted by having to pass through a timbered country, as timber has the property ..f absorbing or destroy - ton. 'Where there's a heart there's a Ru- bioen.'—Cloister and Hearth. 'Happy the man whose wife taketh her fling before wedlock, and who trip - path up the altar steps instead of down 'em.' --Cloister and Hearth. 'Ab, it is hard to resist the voice, and look, and clinging of a rnan'■ own flesh and blood. Children are so strong upon their knees ; their dear faces, bright copies of their own, are just the height of our hearts then.'—Foul Play. 'Growth is the nature of habit, not of one sort or another, but or all, oven of an unnatural habit. Gin grows on a man, charity grows on a man, blood grows on a man.'—It is Never Too Late to Mean. • •814 -1. -hot- a WMIh'I weekrse e.' He—'Then you are invincible.'' -Clois- ter and Hearth. The Scotch are icebergs, with volca- noes underneath ; thaw the Scotch ice, which is very cold, and you shall get to the Scotch fire. warmer then any sun of Idly nr Spain.' --Christie Johnstone. 'It was an age in which artist. sought out and level one another. Should this Lae statement stagger a painter or writer of our day, It me remind him that even Christians loved one another at first starting.' --Cloister and Hearth. —George W. Smith in the Argonaut. nem.rti•bse neweratios Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, of Buffalo, N. Y., was given up to die by her physicians Ten years ago neither India, Australia nor the Argentine Republic had sent • cargo of wheat to Europe. This year the amount of exportatable wheat from India is estimated at 50,000,000 bushels, from Australia at 25,000,000, and from the Argentine Rupublic at 10,000,000 bushels, a total of 85,000,000 bushels. In each of these ceuutries the opening up of the country by maned' is stisoto lstiug wheat production to a remarkable extent The most severe clauses of the New York ball against oleomargarine aro copied verbatim from the ,Missouri law, which has been declared constitutional by United States Courts. The New York bill provides 93,000 and a special law for ,-Jlkoanfuriement ; establishes fines from $100 to WO for making or selling but- ter or cheese from any substance except milk ; that every box to held butter or cheese must be stamped with its own weight in plain letters not lees than one- qua.ter inch high. M. Jonas de Gelieu, a pastor • Neuf- chatel, Switzerland, in • work translated into English long ago, under the title of "The Bee-Preverser ; or, Practical Directions for Preserving and Renewing Hives," affirms "that when two ur three distinct hives are united in autumn they are found to °on.ume together scarcely more hon.y'dunng the winter than each of them would have consumed singly if I•ft separate." in proof of this singular result the author Bets forth a variety of There in no one article in the lino of medicines that gives so large a return fur the mawmawas a good 'porous strength• mine pimplier, such as Carters Smart Weed set Belladonna Backache Plast- ` tel • DON'T READ THIS 1 McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO, lleas/•etsre all 'tad. sf Marhiset7 Ode of Ube lest testily. Ates Bolt Cutting, Wool and Oylinder nuns —THEIR LARDI NE WaasmoTom, D. C.. May 15th, 1880. (laiiTLu lgM—Having been a sufferer nt for • long time from nervous prostration and general debility, I was advised to H , B I have ta ter ever since, and think ken one bot- tle, an 1 have been rapidly getting bet - medicine I ever used. I am mow gaining ��� try . p eitem d I hea it the ho best strength and appetite, which was all DdlCSINle OIL MH I. Ter m.$. be ate hes. r.. Oa.aet be be•testflur seise lad' sality. HUGH -DUNLOP ashionable Tailor WEST STREET, Has the Finest Assortment of Summer Goods to' Choose From. IF you WANT , 8 Nobby Suit at a Reasonable Price, gone, and I was in despair until I tried your Bitters. I am now well, able to go about and du my own work. Before as incurable with ('onsumption. it experiment.. all of which led uniformly proved "ATM' Complaint and was cured to the same sonelu•ion. He show poet - with Burdock Blood Bitten. 2 tively that of upward of thirty gives six had their pnpulati..n thcs doubled, and Th. Act for the Kupreasi.m of Noxious consumed no more previsions during Weeds provides that It shall be the duty winder than a single hive, and that. so of e..ry owner of 1.n], nr .occupant far from the lees suffering and diminu- thereof, if the own, r to net a resident ti rho doubled hires generally sent within the local cgt*llty +herein the forth the earliest and heat swarms. The ass's maw"1 i o cut down or de- translator of M. tlrlieu's work stats etdey a 1 the Csua.l• 1hi■t1ee, "x -eye that he practiced an Scotland most of the airy, odd .bets, r-.•_ w«•,1 and berdo.ck plans recommended in the orginal publ- gruwt-.g on his land, a•ol all Aglow 10noxi- cat' with the mine effect. sus weeds growing on lie buift to which this Act may he estennle.t by by law of -- -- - - the municipality, so often in each end every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their Beed : (2) To mut out and born all the black knot found op. ,ladles Brayley, Hamilton. rays "I read the testitnenials for McGregois Speedy Cure and found I had net to go to New ork. Pbfladel- phia, Louisiana or Texas to find living wit - ;tenors of its value. we have plenty of persons right here to peeve its merits. 1 got • bottle and it helped me tight away. i was as bra with Bilious Fever and Indigestion as 1 think tan! one could be. I have taken three botues and am nearly well and can eat any kind of food witbout it hurting me. i may say I am tetter than 1 ever expected to be. Fre trial a bottles at (1. Rhyme'. d mentioned •bore about the 1 ('ALL ON d, plum and cherry trees nn his Ians, often each and every year as it shall •p pear on such trees ; and (1! to cut down ... and burn an plash, nectarine or other th...n TKO TZAR Rot' I . National trees on his d infected with the dim-' poll. are • good blond purifier. liver ease known as the yellows and to destroy nod regetatnr, amaid mimeo., for all all thy fruit of tress 50 infected swar.n.. m creat Fasanty. Th• scales of Cholera infantoon and Summer 1'••mplaints among children is truly alarming. The mo .t reliable euro is tit F' wl,•r's Wild Strawberry. Every h .t t l• g uarauteed to el ee satisfaction. 2 A RAxtai's Tewnwotrv. — For • Couch, (`..lo ..r any Bronchus! •fteriott. "Pectora," inmy opinion, et just the thing. 1 Imre it in my family for Omagh. and Colds for the peat fear yeses with the mom 'inverted saeeess, and to- ray epiwiew of it ie that i aunties* fie think still seems of that which i het,•n wall d. OM Kara. Ilemager Ontaario Hank, 16e111"...t0 at A dd.,<Thta ea fres sea, neogala MI \..t another Pill shall go down my throat Noun, said a Citizen, "obs i con get arch a urompt and pls.eMMre for my halioui attacks, tis Dr.i11111..'s Btom- aeh Bittern it renders thea blood bore and cool wird ,teaks • apiendie spring medicine. Inde bottles 60 cent*. � � TWl t w�bamt%eM .1.0.0 "Gelid t'm pit Nesrsleie el bet 4..eareeze1 se 411 +n` ChM A Befislo telegram says : The Marquis of Bibber.. is here and making prepara- tions to attempt to swim Nieg►m rapids in the same place where Webb lost his life. 'the Marquis intends making several attempts before trying the whirl- pool. First he will send on an oblong coffin shape box, air tight, and covered with waz of the consistency of flesh ; if this wax is tern when the box is recover- ed he will desist. If the wax is intact he will mske soundings for depth .f water. The final experiment tea) be made with an India rubber dummy with inflated bladders for lungs. Should these bladders burst the danger of asphyxia will be apparent. If the result of thew preliminary experiments ismtis- factory then the Marquis will give him- self .p to the water. Biboere is a navi- gator of prominence in England and will undoubtedly do as he says. Worms often cause serious ilines& The cure is Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. It destroys and expels worms effectu- ally. Ir. the history of medicines no preps ration has received such universal cum- mendatiou for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent curve it effects in kid ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson. 2m A RtwAtb—(1f oue dozeu "TEASER - RV" to any one sending the best four lune rhyme on ' TxaaxssY, the remarkable little gem fur the Teeth and Bat... Ask your druggest/or address. Thousands say e•. T. W. Adkins, Girard, Kan., writes 'I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to my ctiostomen, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers.' Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will posi- tively euro Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels No family can afford to be without them They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. ;old at 50 cts. • bottle oy ,l. Wilson. [3] CIGARS. CIGARS. well newsreel. A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will produce t ease of Liver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will cost yon nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will he well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious- ness. Jaundice, Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money retunc'ed Price only fifty cents per, bottle. For sale by J. Wilson. [51 Cr•.SGALIR*. -A name well known in onnection with the Hair Renewer,whicb restores grey hair to its nate* l color by a few weeks use. Sold at 10 cents per bottle by James Wilson. 2te IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN • A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on h1111.1 (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) These ser acrid The best blood purifier system re- gulator ever placed within the reach' of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ten. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousnee Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refundea. Sold at fifty rents a bottle by J. Wilson. [4] GEORGE RICTNAs, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUA211 e f The Canadian Pacific Railway CO. LAND . E0aULATIONS. The Company offer lands within the Railway (telt along the mala Ilse, sod 1. 6estbe Manitoba. at prices ranging (rein $2_50 PER ACRE upwards. with conditions requiring cultivation. A rebate for cultivation of from Sr.e3 to $3.1e per •use M Drloa pate far the os lead. slowed om rtata co.dlrlosa The Company alp �6otuoeadtdoes et sr eidaiirattea. THE RESER ED SECTIONS along the Main Line. i.e.. the odd numbered Sections within •.t mUe of the Railway are sow offered for tale on • ivantagruus terms. to parties prepared to undertake Omar tea.ne.Ie . cul- tivation. R. W. McKENZIE (BION OF THE PADLOCH_) —TR HEADQUARTERS FOR— STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE IVith Barbs Either Four or Six Inches .4part. FTJOF Spades, Shovels and Gardening Tools. —ALSO A FI'I.I. sTtK 1( OF— GENERAL HARDWARE! •PIQOZ�L Vl1_.T710 IN Paints, Oils, Glass and Painters' Materials. SHEFFIELD OUTLERY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: -- Purchasers may pay one-sixth in cash. and the balance in live annual iwtalme ta. wife 10. tweet at SIX I'SR CENT. per annum. pa) able in advance. Parties poeticising withoLt tambours of cultivation. w111 receive • heed of Ce.te lace at time of perchers. if payment is made in full. Paymemte may be made in LAND URA\T BONDS which will be seemed at ten per Mat- u�nset on tbeir par value sad accrued tneterrt. }hese bonds can be obtained on se - m the Bank of )l rest, Montreal : or at ss •f its asteacles. 30R P*10ES sad CONDITIONS Ole rA 1-F. sod ala Intormatios with respect to the ltar- tinea of Lands. apply to JOHN H. 11eTAri1SH. Lad Commimaltmer, WIsmtpeg- ib ardor tt tufted CHARLICS DRINKW ATM. secretary.Id/ha R. W. MCKENZIE'S H. r „40 P J: p Li m M • IP o 0 01 • m H U r Cl• 838n1OYJfNrw Apt Desigus in Wall P aper Now o the time, 11 you wane owe or two nice rooms at hams. to roe = resew. MOS HMR Re bene over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Design nesettful colon. sad at Wee, Ian ohne very wield When* seMe4,�0.11 sad sea• re slim aOe best "shoe fa Iowa. sod meat bewail The L%tt Sprig Bazaa, P4ms aid A T 1317T