HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-4, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL MAY. JULY 4, 1884. akresarassi- thing about it, and s crimper few nee I ot.foded to is bruit paced. The penes W. 0. Butes has jest returned from • appointed to get slihn.r' to the oetitbS jVSl7t w)eurn awuus the hills . has., not put is ea appMtaa*. 1 ' ' f 71Iwk k• I ar is to M debt edea d b. twee quiek- v. ly The Re W 8herstt delivered • lecture eta the lioutt Act is the Mediu- ' diet church west of here us Monday S. S. Atistva.-•raat•. -The anniversary evening last t., • large •udieao. Pert 1. of the Nils Suuday School, aill be held ref the Scott Act was read. The lecture i ea Monday nett, 7th July. Tea will be was f•ttl of eneouragssn ut to Temper- ttelTed from 4 to i p. w. , in the hall, I mice worker. There's a hard haute to bbd after which so edition...mutt to the , ho ("tight in this part of the county 11 church will he made, where sddremes' 2 will be delivered by Rev& J. Turner, J. T. Legier, Jas. Caswell, L 0. Ries anal 'fps. Mcfdhcuddy. Recitations, die - M hatches, etc., will alsu be presented. A big torr. out is anticipated. NUS. atoida md hat typ hal fury for cuss Mae leaf We are glad to learn that I). Morns has recovered front his nieent illness. Haying has comineneed in thismictton. neon:. -The mutual picnic under the auspices of the Sunth Hill school came off on Petunia/ brat et Point Farm and Ark 8mith of this place is suffering from a sonde attack of indionsastiett. Mini Richardson. ef Toronto, is HIV guest of Mrs. H. Hayden. ENTliftlaLsS : -Will you please allow um to ourract the statement made in your Last Moue, that it was owing to D. D. Wilson'a temperance pen:implies that the Licensed Victuallers resolved to chante him double pricea Now, I claim that it was for the use of intemperate language airtime hotelkeepers and the statement 'hot lie made, that he knew that iinly for the drinking usages we could not give those cheap rates, and be for one would be to pay double. He to a man doing a huge business, has from thirteen to twenty teams on the road dependent on hotels for accommo- dation, ;old has also had a lower rste than other traveller& Now, in all the year* that he has been in business in Huron has he not made an immense sum threugh the drinking customsjust to take him on his own statement, and if he is stating his honest convictions he ought to be ready and willing to pay the extra price and not bebeholding to others for a low ram nor want to wait until the Scott Act comes in force before being willing to pay the right price. And further, he has given the public to understand that he will use his time, influence and nioney to hurt the hotel trade and further the Scott Act, and I claim on these grounds that the Association was right in passing the neolution, and any hetelkeeper that fails in charging him what he says is the right price takes no interest in defeitd- ing himself. Eloping you will insert this, I am, Alen. McIaronn, Prop. Albion Hotel, Currie. Nits I•lu la o'ttaltnt. Hew lie veer same 1F it 1 dent tf••r• However, I woad have willingly tabes him oat and have Siem a Biel at if he had boss gentleman emoted to saoept myr shaking, but what ram du with • toward Later in the 4.y William O'Brien pas his aerate& al tie iaoidewt He said, "The armple fad is that Say Pohl* namesake was th,ak. 1 mama that 1 allowed his tamale to irritant tete before I naked his 000dition, bet when that was pointed out to me 1 treated his vapourinp and his challenge with sikut contempt. Everybody is aware that Pat is simply an eccentric old 'blstheeskite,' and nobody juin& what be says." Oar eugineer paid • visit to the fered city last week. and took a jaunt to see the red coats under cauvas. He was a sort of ambasseder from the fair ones of the section to scone tif the troops, and his kind offices were much appreciated by the "boid tinier boys." Ooo Goose. -Mr. Tobin, of Lands- downe Farm, has a venerable goose 24 years dd. The vr:ly °last of time has boon • split foot. She is raisitz a brood of eight goslings. John Wiggins has returned from ci top friends re Emits lien. Revawa c•,.trt was held bare .m T tlet7 wsek,when a large number •.f were disposed of, and • number e Leal over, as Glare was n it tune to se them. On account of the al.s.uce •.f Rev Mr. 1, E•I,tvr• E p• • : I ,notice in your Hough it the Conference held at Cint.,n on Sabbath last his pulpit was filled in the morning by Eli Husband, of Fund• wich, and by Rev Mr. Muir, of the rime place, in the eventual. tioa Legal. SE •0211$ • LEWIS, BABSRII*T U, C. tints t, Ja lle.taaa. K. N. Sesame lige: r. 1,) C. HACK SOLICITOR au, entea, sake ever nature enskatere. Lto 011111X of toe mimeo and West maw ta at west rates of law:eat CI ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BA It H1STIERS. Attorneys, delloitera. ass A Big Mime in lieneeste. On Saturday uterine; -at 1:30 • fire broke mit in the frame building occupied by E. Dunford, inerghent and T. IlicCulloch. bidets and sheen, Brussels. The flames spread rapidly, cuttiug off ell chances tif sewing enything. The nest budding to catch was a huge frame stable belonging to the Ceetral Hotel. It was soon hurtled down. The Central Huta neat. tonight fire in the upper storey. George Busker's tee, storey brick build- ing. used as • grocery below snit dwell- ing above, was soon one mass of anginas. The Tecumaeh House, a four storey, mansard roof, towered brick buddies, stables and sheds, owned aud occupied by Mr. F. Frey, bolus the next but ding to the south, also took fins, and in spite Mans ens , letter from 10. D. mama. Lao.. ttie teak. wheskaas. 1151. do. Mee- iThat tanneriy occupied by Dr. Hutchinson) Dungannou. Night office Mar tin's 'sena 1101 - Loans ants insurance. • `t OUESI0H AUCTION MART WE AIiIE L/IN11t'O MONEY AT 0 Ida rats «n SIPrivate s L instil._ usdeiI . •peil lith. INA. ISM 'COMMISSION R00fl*S, .s Ireoewed bar Moak e/ Tun Sari& taps Land $ouplt and Yule( on fJlmwetee.a. asoOT WOO Tau HAMILTON LOAN SOCIETY. M.seh Leat rd Leaved /tate if Merest MONEY TIlI_ RQQ, St •„ tZW?YO IVT tt„ • • Real .tate sad MOO TO LOAN. APPLY TO MONEY TO LEND. - PRIVATE MONEY TO LEND. - A LARGE' MIL saionat er Private treads tor insomnia's* si lowest rates ea arsidetarooTHerlsomera APO: 1120,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND1 NV ea Yarn and Tewen=rt:eat lowest in - ETON Hartinters. &e.. Oedeettli. nal R RADCLIMC, FIRE, MARINE, East of Wilowee Drug Stern me stairs. lAtt R. licDONAGH, M.D. PHYSIC- kJ- las. 14U ROWAN, to.. Oredoste at Sir onto University. Licertato the Royal Cal - Wilmot Physicians, Loadon. Kv- 11. C. P. rt. ontario. ulnas and residence Opposite lialloy's Hotel. Hamilton street. 1 i od- .-1-1R. NcLICAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- LY ()KOS. coroner &c. Office end residence of ail efforts to save thenowere complete- Bruce Street. strand door wait of Victoria • ly burned to the zround A part of the j id 1751. furniture and stock was saved. The fol- 1 . ciaa. *orison and Accouche . Graduat• lowing are the losers : F. Frey, luse outer Tomato University. 010ceopporsite Calmer Life aad Ambient Insomnia Agent. RfliflearaUng nrebulase Companies. Allows, reetheeossout• Lora arm* lissoaorica Co. idensivo isail ea Mortgage. either in Town cm Farm Property. litany way to suit the borrow Oilloe--Ino-otairal Kay's block Godericla 1E4.600 ; George Balker, logs on building 02,300, on stack of groceries 111,000 ; in- sured for $2,200. Thos. McCulloch, boots and shoes, lima on stock and tools, $14300 ; ott furniture, sec-. 8200 in- sunoice on stock, $300. A. Mickus, loss en building and damage to Central Ho- tel, $2,100 ; insured. T. O'Neill, dam- age by removal of stock and furniture i out of Central Hotel, $700; insured. E. Itutiford, stock of clothes, etc., total loss /4,000 , insured for $600. issue of J tow 2Ist, a letter from Archi- bald Nclutost., proprietor of the Albion Hotel. Gornto in which he asserts that "the Licensed Victuallers of Huion- re- solved to chanty me double rates becawe I "used intemperate language toward the that I knew that only for the drinking yearly exauoination of the pupils i•f nie those low razes, and Cat I would be Union 8. 8. No. 6, Goderich township, willing to pay double.- Also that I took place on Friday. June 20th, under have had lower rates than others. In re - the directiou till the teacher, Mr. Regan. ply I may my that I never used the Ian - sib! assisted by Ilugh Davidson, B.A.. guage att:ibuted to me by Mr. NIcIn- an Messrs. Hentlersoo and Grant, teachers of the neightioring sections. The games began at the climeof the ex- amination, such as foot -races, jumping, skipping. Messrs. C. J. S. .Naftel and J McCiusky, presided over the games. ea tosh, hence the resolution of the Licensed Victuallers of Huron is based on false premises. I have said,and now say again, that I am quite willing to pay increased rates provitled the present rates are not remunerative, but I never A prize was also given for • or best draw. said that I knew that but for the drink - tug in 3rd, 4th and :id' ies, and for ing usages the hotelkeepers could not give ine those low rates. On the con- trary, I believe that present rates or charges do remunerate the hotelkeepers, the pupils themselves. These prizes oa similar accommodation is obtained for were awarded to Annie McBrien, 1 000., similar charges in Nova Scotia and New and Wm. Edward, cam. The prizes were presented in a very pleasant man- ner to the victors by the Rev. Dr. l're. Mr. Regan has gained the confidence of his pupils, and devotes all his energiea towards making them proficient in their stodios. The evening being warm, the picnic waa:continued until late. Mr. and Mnr Caldwell left on Wed - A large number of our young folks took in the celebration in Goderich the Ist. The scholars of the school intend hay- igriLitrawberry social at the school this • yi.eirimivietA Rev. Al" s removal en Varna, his future station, Tuesday last. A very large eon ion turned out to hear his farewelir:eitantuon on Sunday last. reading in the 2nd. (set, olopp000 of. fered a prise to the best ;or!, and the best boy in the school, to lie decided by Brunswick where the Scott Act ui in force. Further, I have never asked for any reduction of rates for my men and teams, nor do I know of having paid leas than others for similar accommodations. Further, I have no desire to injure the hotelkeepers, but I believe that were the sale of intoxicating liquors not permitted in the hotels it would be for the beet in- terests ef the hotelkeepers, both. moral- ly and financially, as well as for all business men and for the whole com- Trusting you will insert the aboit, I am, yours truly, ileaforth June 26, 1884. Preetenstrestimases Seat Act. Intoxicating licioors can be 6.2.1 ,ioly by druggists or other vendors !it:towel by the Government, aril theii number must not exceed one in a township or 'IRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Paysicians. Surgeons. Aceouchers, are. °ince at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the gaol Goderich. G. C. Shannon. J. C. vow 1751. A 13uUalo telegram says : The Marquis of Bibbero u here and snaking prepara- tions to attempt to swim Niagara rapids in the same ,lace whore Webb lost his life. 1 he Marquis intends making sererrl attempts before trying the whirl- pool. First he will send ou an oblong coffin shape box, air tight, and covered with wax of the consistency of flesh ; if this wax is torts when the box is recover- ed he will desist. If the wax u intact he will make soundings fur depth of water. The final experiment will be made with an India rubber dummy with inflated bladder* fur lungs. Should these bladder* burst the danger of asphyxia will be apparent. If the result of these preliminary experiments is sane - factory thea the Marquis will give ltitu- n-If up to the water. Biboero is s navi- gator of prominence in England and will undoubtedlydo as he says. Kiss Annie McGowan. who formerly parish, two in a town, and one for soory taught in the junior division of the four thousand inhabitants in a city. school here has been ougaged as GUMMI- Wine can be sold only for sacrainenti! or te Richard Miller, who resigned purposes, on certificate of clergynion. stating that the wine is required for that The bridge, being no longer consider. Pu91)011e. ed safe, was clos.W up laat Wednesday. For metheinal purposes intoxicatino and will not be re -opened until the tiew liquors can only be sold 0:1 certitiate structure is completed Teams have to from a medical nian. ford the river below the dam. For art, trade, manufactures, etc a • very interesting base ball match was ""Iticrat• tw" justices "1 the peace and the affirmation of the applicant are required ; and when selling for any of the above purpoeet the druggist must tile centficate and affirmation and inister name of the purclaser avid quantity In who:deals quantities not 1060 than ten and in the case of beer not leas than eight gallons can be sold at a time, and then only to druggists or other licensed vendors, ior to persons who will take it oat of the county, or beyrind the limita To begin work at once on Fall gales. Steady of any other counties where the Sc.•tt Act empioyment at fixed alas -1m to all willing to is in force. Work.' Sin sod siestas Ilan have It passed in any county, its towns. villages, and all divisions or menicipali Nasal wart the year Rant tiee. etcept ars included. Goal agents are earning front $40 to "VS month sn•I expenses New York, Jure 29 -A cable wascial 8.-r"rils and "till tree. Ada?"' here on Saturday afternoon last, the Dengsnoon and Auburn The game passed off nicely, the of feeling prevailing all through. the end of the ninth innings the more stood, Dungannon 41, Auburn Mk The Gramoemen and Yount: Rritons ted their new hall on &medley of last week, and held a very el soiree in tne evenin,g. Tea nerved in the temperance hall, and teas prepared by the lanchester it was a credit to them. The mg was given in the new hall, nty Master Perkins presiding. The knowing rev. gentlemen delivered inter- ' Sieueg addressee : Hillvard and Caswell, et Auburn, Gray, of Clinton, Carrie, of Dungannon. Rey. A. E. Smith, by re - :guest, rendered a sole in hie usual greet la The choir of the Methodist church herl good music at ttlterrhill /luring , chase Bill in the House of Commons duo mazim evening. A social RA4 held Iset ing the early hours of yesterday morning - sit nest week. made a speech in which he savagely at- _ tacked the ltangsmen. Hs was repeat. edly interrupted by Sir Patrick O'Brien, M.P. far King's comity. who finally wee him the lie direct. Both of the O'Brien@ wh?, by the way, ars not relatives, lest OCIE Apra wilt las. THE TORONTO GENERAL TftelfTli Calf ars prepered to loan moos" at II par coat.. pay able WI yearly. os TERMS TO SUIT BORROWEss, Apply to CAMERON. HOLT & CAMERON, on first-closs farm security Aaron; ka• Gas Toronto General Trusts CO. alio a large amount of private toads te loam on firstelaso farm security. Gsderich. Oct. 4. ma lout iiraliA 1 R nrit lit Semi -Centennial Exposition, 1884. Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy, London Purple! Agricultural and Horticultnral Products, Implements and Man- pARis SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. COUSTY Or HICROSI 11, virtue Of • Writ of Pier' Facies, Waned out of Her Ifideety's High Court of Justice. Queeti*• Renck Division. ead to be directed and deUverod airdnin the Lands and Tene- ment, of WILL AM itunKitTsoS. at tbe suit of JOHN GREEN it CO. I have mixed and taken in execution all the right. title, in- terest. and equity of redemption of all and singular that certain parcel or tract of law, Huron. and Province of Ontario. being •em- 1:1,1.4S Coc0A.--GRATKYUI. ASO COMISIRT- 1st.. - -By a thorough knowledge of the natu- ral laws which grovern the operations of intention and nutrition. and by a careful application of the tine properties of well - selected Cocoa. Mr. Epps has provided our beverage which tuay Save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by tho judicious ube of such articles of diet that • constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to result every tendency to disease. Iltokreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there 14 a weak poinL We may escape many • fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified witb pure blood and • properly nourished frame. -01141 S ereke (Sazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only ln Pintkets and Tins tilb. and by Grocers. labelled - J ics Kers.. St CO.. Homeopathic Chemists. London Enr. 1110/1111. In Forest. on the ttah of June, the wife of la Windsor. on tVedne•ilay. Joly 2nd. lat. William A. Walitcr. ears and The funeral will t•'.e from the resi- o'clock p.m. Frierols and sc.itia..ntaneel arc respectfully invited to attend. umserteittsartiese ooeinhOst: July 3. ISM. Wbest.ille4111V hnith. .. 11 00 whim. tripringi is boob • 1 to Po• tatoes * busk n 90 0 Mt posed of a part of lot ntunber out.. in the first concession. eastern division. cif the said Town- ship. The metes and bounds of the said parc•el of land. being as follows. l'ommencing at the distance of one ehain sixty-seven links, on a course due west. from the poet planted he- tet...In lots one and two. oti south side of con- cession road. thence Smith. four degreen. twenty minutes. cart Miairneticl taro chains nine links. tnenc-e south. seventy-five degrees. fifteen minutes, west. one chain. eighty links. thence north. forty-three degree.. fortY•dve minutes. west. sirty-nine links. thence north. eight degrees. twenty minutes, west. two chains. thirty links, thence north. fourteen de- grees. east. one chain. fifteen links. thence south. eighty-two degrees. ten minutes. east. one chain. thirty-four links thence south. thirty-two degreto. forty minutes, east. one chain. forty links. **the place of beginning. and containing by admessurcment. three roods and two perches of land. which Lands and Tenements 'Hail offer for Sale. at say of- fice, in the Court Honer. in the Tserrn of (lode - rich, oa Tt•ICADAV. the THIRTIETH day of rep - tender. Roil. at the hour of twelve of the cloek. noon. Fountain of Health. Sulphur Az Iron Bitters. Fluid Lightning. Burdcck Bitters. Electric Bitters. To O aTO, . GREEN September lOtic. to 'Othl AND_ The Large./ Mae List to ire a.sat.l.a. ; HELEBORE_ Prete Lists and Entry Foran can be obtain - cd from for i;er:retaics' of all tea, or JAS. WILSON. be sent Mechanics' lnstttutee, tar they will be sent anywbero on application by post.es d to the Secretary. at Toronto. ENTRIES CLIME •l alt T VIM. 9 51 115 le I 06 se 5 up • 0 72 to 0 15 as 0 It 1 OS 1 71 Sheriff. Co. Huron. Jane 1th. MI. 1915-13t rlYE, EAlt AND THROAT. JI Lecturer on the Kra. Ear and %roat':-Trinity Modie,a1 College. Tavato. an•I summon to the - Mercer F:ye and fair infirmary. Ocoslist and Aurist to the Hospital for s.ca eitaklren. late Hospital. aloorSelrls, and Central London Merril 27th. Dal The Ontario Mutual LIFE ASSU3ANCE CO. NEADNFICE, - WATERLOO, ONT. 1 Thin Witt. ma Tat GRANDEST EVENT Of Toronto's 8emil'entenatal year. An Immense Programme I SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS is tieing prepared for that time Cheap Sates nod Excursion. en nit Rail- way.. Tbe heel Hese to 11.11 the 4 Ity of IrOFt President. Nlanngor and Secretary .1une Mtn. 1301. 19193t !tcw Adverthiessailla itis Weeks Meek - Hard were- W. 4451454 and lisounor 1Ire.d.l. EL Wilda., FACTS!! FACTS!! FACTS!! AND DON'T FORGET IT That we have never been, and , never intend to be undersold by any legitimate house in the Trade, either in Sugars, Teas, Coffees °treat:dere' Wee reteiddit throe deem w • The People's tolumn. MUSIC - MISS SKIMMINGS 18 III. prepared to take a limited number of D up.'s. for instruction in instrumental music. e•- sui and Organ) during the midsummer ra- ta. Practice tree. Ood 'rich. July ith. IBM NOTICE- THE PUBLIC ARE KIM - 1.1 cautioned aisliest giving credit te anv person on ni) Denali. mass asi a Intim order from me, as I will sist hereafter held naiad reopousible fee any debts conteacted la any other way. KIIM.4 ACARD. 11111 -it !CAVING - THE PUBLIC ARZ f hereby informed Goat Milligan * sea. ',at e sit-ned ced their room+. in Capt. Date site the bulk of Montrail. and are nI11611 orders le carnet. and ral her was in he bra style. Tornio reasonable. Po • your orders. I 1.30.0 0411) WANTED -200 ro 300 comet • of wood. for which cash will be p•id on '•' • ery. tpply to NORTH AMERICA -CHEMICAL CO. Ooderich. May Mth. I9113 -it IIASTUNAGE -THE SUBSCRIBER L prerred to pasture stock at the Falls Reserve. here are nearly a thousand acres of good pasture Lanai Price for yearlings 75c p -r month year olds and upwards. 111 per month. apply to SAMUEL PLArr. God.- rtch. 1316 -it .I.' Roller* and Iron Harrows. will be sold cheap at the Godericb Foundry. The Beatty It and all repa`rs for the stone can also mad to H. SKEOMILL R. Field and Gark Sks. The subscribes is seesr prepared to furnish all kinds of Field end Garden Seals of the BEST VARIETIES at rates that cannot be Lessen in Cal I ale' t• xam ne samples be- fore purchasing elsewhere. The only marl; M.it nal Life Co. in ( armada. Total nundper of Hoiden?* in force, Dec. 31.1. ISA 5.241. ertv !ring assurance to the amount TOTAL llthall.TOLOO TOTAL n carat' E. riteihnlitAlle The Company's Reserves are based on the "A. !iinries Table of Mortality." anti four per eent. interest the Hiutiest Standard adopted by ny life coMpsny in Canada. and one-balf Der eent. Is4rher than the standard used by the 1 /oni in ion Insurance I ie part meat. The increasing popularity and rapd growth of the Company may he seen frcas His fact ti.st an 1970. the first year of Ile bushman, the to:al assets antoontesf to only mi.tis. while last jeer thew reached the handenne total of WM. HENDRY. maneirer. v. S. HODGINs. General Agent. st rat ford. Ont. May gr. ME 1511-.1m Fouthill C. CRABB 328 .A.01:112CE3_ THE LARGEST IN THED0111111101. SALESMEN WANTED 1144 - REES PRICE, East Street Grain Depot, Opposite Town Hall, Galeria. Margit Wk. 193te • general Groceries, Crockery 91: ;like at Rock Bottom PriCe3. 150 Doi. iliCIT ARS Come and See Us C. A. NAIRN court House Square. Godatita. Joan THE RED, WHITE ANp43LUE GEORGE ACHESON, The Premier Dry Goods Merchant of Goderich, now SLAIIGITERINg OOHS. The Ola'est Established and Cheapest Store in the County of Huron. PRESENT PRICES: Grannlateit Roger. 12 lbs. for flan tbe ilk Ilk. Other sugars in proportion Sugars cosh on delirery. Durin the debate on the 'Frau- TONE & WELLINGTON says • Tomato. Oat. Oe Friday last, Hugh McCrostie large bank barn (60 x 40 raised, timber went together nicely, the day fine, and no person was hurt. n. /ilk school enamination which ended. The Pas var• eall."111.11 li'l been in demi earnest, for he immediately EL different orb *, ami umeherl,_ "f I retired t• the river terrace in the roar of sitisel, and Altos. .014 '""•Ithe Romero( Parliament, expecting that Th. ezeigeeaSee trail biniklfIll !• • his namesake stead follow William • by o room' se recitations, disk- 11 Rom. however, did not deign to at - given by the scholora. lacTAGGART 11 le-TiOalt *TRUST. Ilas opened not • fall lino of TEAS AS CHEAP AS SUGARS. Come at Once a ad Share the 13argains. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Allowed for Caeh on all purchase,. over SI 00. Codorlich. July NC Mi. Black Tea st equal to an) Mie lea la On- tario . Finer Blacks at Sec. tied 75e. Orem Trail Young Hysmt. from Mc. to fee. (Dia - powder Tea, 35r.: the anis* teenaged. 3e. lb. t very Ilse Japan Sifting at fee. lb. D 04:200r0113. Prints to clops at prices to astanlok. Factory ("ottani, yard wide, by piece at do . narrower at be. A flea lot ed Oros Groin Dress Silks at their tempers, and each challesiged the Fresh Cheap. and of the best founds of the Ilmme and esttie their differences in the good old style of sir Leeks PIADTTFt. OIL Aer.-Peeple le this 'Wait, to empress their views as tend. and Sir Patrick bag ever Moo, bele *the matter today Sir lilts main thing that angers nie seissit dis nom IS that MEATS $1O SUITS. Bio All Wool Tweed Suits FOR $10.00 J. C. DETLOR & CO' X10 8IIIT8 A well -selected stock of firrythee, nnaltits. Ray reeks. Spades and Shovels. an &ewe the best .A.2gri OILS. We keep MOM bat the bent and mil them M saa. gr..- se eanitistilasst from mineral aeids. A geed supply of Oleos mad ledliese• Mew eer• es hand. Oeserkib Weak , maim 0. CrilmA3333 Owliettab. June ob. Ills. NEWS ABOUT HOME. Ale faith boll priest it." TOWN TONSIL Ask tor the "Solid Comfort" or "Olivetto" Gledorieb cigar. Per bsegmlas in hardware go to John A. =sly. This is • graulne clearing sale. The fashions are now at their among the most faahloaably of the towis aro those 'rho pat - reales /6E11 Pridhaan. poocilar tailors. Csahlts A miti= Of tbia A00001000 Fruit Preserv- ing and Liquid will preserve ra of rrullsoetther with or without auger for years. No seal to keep the fruit air tight. JAI. hantlx. Alma. W. L. Herein has no time to discuss the uterus or demerits ot the Meow Act. fie is kept busy amittying the wants of the piddle nig la& nag is giving the best value la kooks la tialerisk. Them who Maly physiognomy in the abstiow et the Mal. like • good plater see photos turaed out by 111:eLves. this St=Lartist. *lire every ha - Dm clear and The adeekatiaa =prows/ over lireialtftil mgre; in rather perfecting tne art. Call at -herr Rantivan.- A variety or oil cooking stoves, which 1 will guarantee. The Victory. with ita extension top: the Dietz Tubular Hot Blast ; also the summer Queen. Price•from 01.50 up to El& Your different kinds of coal Saunders & see are making an eztoesive move a the oU shade business. They carry a stook of shades. rollers, timarls asd fri . of the aka design and color. Houses f with shade* on one hour's notice. Call and see samples. The cheapeat house under the sun. Schools were closed en Thursday last. Mrs. Black left fur Toronto on Mon- day last. Cherie. Mc)lanus ts spending his holi- days at home. Jlets Nellie Vonderlip has recovered kid- *rich. Oil. IMAM( EDWARD SHARMAN, PI tiRICKLATER AND PLASTERER, a EAST STREET, lo still ready to do any work in his lins at moderate prices. fr Lisa, Bricks. Firebricks. and other Building Malarial kept on hand for Sole. Auctioneering Ti u W. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR ., - Ele tbe County or Huron. males attended :it any part of this County. Address orders to '1.01IN KNOX, GENERAL ACC- !, TIONEER arid Land Valuator. Goderich. , Init. Having had conidderabio experience in u the auctionsering trade. he ht in • position to discharge with thorough satisfaction all erfa- ,_ miaow a mtrosted to him. Order's left at a Mart in's Hotel. or sent by mall to my address* ooterich P. to. carefully attended to. JOHN For Sale or to Let. It flange house Neleonet. mar- ..1: time UMW on is offer- .e,,uppoides at. Patrick's ward whom. mums. it bas eight . -.1 tor ads at nmetistattlis 8 All i inside. The property .. oared at a bargain. Apply to tLe °weer il VOR SALE trIt TO RENT -THAT ..1: vessaw property. knows& the Milburn Examen Wit4. atm:seem occupied by Mr. t Fred Hales. is oi ter wile Or to rent. ( The boOdosorilinallail on the gravel roads be- tween aid Port Alrt.,, sod tioda hosines& rich and and dose a sang i Sept. tfuniV Porweeelea ea 1st of or smear 1 Terms irorpartigolare ed. reasonable. WARMS FOR SALE -LOTS 8 AND I two beautiful tonne adjoining. in ad !nacres: about 21 ssUes trout Lake Marla watered. A. ; wen Loaders. Oat urges. It -is Mutated ea St vlit's%isa- ' eallat to the stivarsieremen win kw qui MaabLinelltille.ree.meggir snail= to , '1.10t1SE FOR SALIA OR TO WT - ./LK At modlwee ' heves ea Ilidissestea Is os mis or tor mat. a wed la sal the sad orcluird is comfortable Yew tars apply to It. ATION, LIARS' FOR SiLLZ-THE WESTER - Oohs Ise .a.• Ly f !acres. acres or of the town- = Of 16011101We. • y acme cleared, re - tun frame barn, well good , aloe well fenced. about tour treat Umtata& Terms nosy. For nines _ miety to K. CAMPION. , ea .the promise& 1117-110 SITOMC TO RENT OR sELL-11Z. kJ DIN road. House ea corner et good gravel !L_Msttoe. inw=ds=ifilltere Asti. With Isere brad. . toed ft. T. HAI' N Etill=0.111117. 4111111 le 4,zHEPPARDT0N FARIS TO RENT nms the Terms easy Apply ea • Moor Rost township amiss th Nandi tau Mrs. Capt Montgomery is taking a immure trip east. The Misses Crane have returned frcm eir Chicago visit. The Albion has a number tif visitors inn the sunay south. Miss Sarah Sharman has gore to spend r holidays In London. Mrs. lroy W. Satage, of Buffalo, is ting relatives in town. John and Wm. ?denim, of SLanitoba, visiting their old hoine. Will Roberts has been engaged la y's Express messenger. Albert Gooding has gone W visit his awl- Will in Michigan. Master Ed. Logan, of Saginaw, is at Mrs. Polley and the Misses Polley are icating at Eugenia, Grey Co. The Miami Angie and Kate Dancey ye taken a trip up to Port Arthur. Mrs. Rutherford and Miss Bone, are e guests of Mrs. Wilson, Maple street. Allan Embury, principol of the public hool, is spending his vacatioe at Belle- ille. Mrs. T. Robinson, East street, is re- vertng from her very severe attaik of Insult A branch of the Catholic Mutual Ilene - <dent Acsociation has been formed at vis, of New Orleans. are guests at the Wok P west trip Lug tetos prehibitur The wth on the rue sable on I a series being in o The H a▪ way tod is thought live 24 no The La ing in the 500 ticke A number be presen A Flow while troll hooked a This is tit this mesa the catch. The 84 recent runs and they were manner h rich poop] Among Point Fs club has Tilt mann G. Rumn Trowbrid boring cli showers t den part, Mcleein Miss Mc make the beautiful are wadi being stol This is th we under pilferers will be pi of the We The "I an excels July 23n held day. Co McAlpin ford Krp day, mal visitorse out of ou The Id Salt ford, once hall to Ginter upon the at the v the bre& era. Hi in denim. to give t Army held in Tha William Mr. Hoi Miss F. obtaine the pep In addlit Miss '61 A ow roaoluti who hai seine st oration it may promise he a not on! of inte! tam sin courags comma retirerr in Phil she hai was mi slie • ha of the some s po• rtato isapkii in esti erudite Din will b ern 0 nionsi think in I July and t' will r le Awe Tom Grahame, of Chioaeo, is making holiday visit at the home of s parents, in street. Mrs. I'oole, of Brantford. sister cf J. . Vanatter returned to her home on turday last. Fred McDonald, who has been attend - ng Trinity Cuticle, is apendiag his holl- Mrs. William Seymour 3nd chiliiron, f Detroit, are the guests of John 8. IDIeDougall Esq. See the new advertieement K W. McKenzie, the hardware inan, who will nut be undersold. Mies Oliver left for Owen Sound on Ellatunley, where she intends spending part of her vacation. A greof number of our citizens av tiled themselves of visiting the Queen City, daring the semicentennial. Dr. Ittnidall. of Oshawa. and late of Edinburgh spent Dominion Day in Goderich. I'mfore leaving for Port Arthur. prohibition are awaking of holding e mammoth temperance picnic in Godench next nomth William F. Dickson, of St. Louis, mon of Gaoler Dickson. is in town spending his vacation. He will likely remain two or three weeks. Tbe late Joseph Barry, fattier of Geo, Berry, andmisker, was the And white add bore in the city of Toronto, when it was surnamed little York. Mrs. P. F. V7alker. one of our beet known residents, digit kat week hi the United Mates. She had been 'offering, from ill -heath fix enemy pun 'Fbe Saslow exereiree 8t Patrick's ward sidiesd, were rind. pleasant by spei- Mikes, tweak and eluting by the ohlid res. A member of visitors wore pres- Mr. Walltee, of Aare Craig,. solid hie Casediali bettor, Victor, the pieeemer es the 011sbes Elefirletillitt ea ItsTashInharfirkiefcrebtr en