HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-4, Page 44 THE HURON itd'NAL. FRIDAY= JULY 4, 1884. THE HURON SIGNAL h� new hat~YA :1= «th�B M am.YM ODOO�tWsa8�1C. ONTARIO. reintrt►i,t�MdssMH�aeettWw m.lb: i si iia atm slier e It has • Iar.w stews getelbe mama. imed nom ierietisesutga • • the shave • sad aretide r It is therefore n ~ asrtrwafs alaunt eat. OONTIMPO3A*T OPINION. Ithe mynas .r ass areae. -Wase and eshaverne-Pmeall M Meerd, • --a.15 1a advance postage prepaid tmresg. hsn;$L15. If paid before Msi I Deaths ass se Day. Tb rel will be nicely getsgT M Aeyea*tune. Wight low e ter taut tMpaln ; three coati.s per iaW is Os u$at radioedrtsi.early Woe have arse • area -team y�fMMrepaopStS4 e eat eh are prepared tt aemew that � 1 oflNet Pelee* that be 1 if -Terms FRIDAY, Jt;LY 4TH, 1884 u.grntw aIle DAMN nes. Lcwdon Alwtwer :-We learn, uo the sellable authority] of oar esteemed con- temporary the Tomato Mail, that 11 a wa atteading the Refer= pietas at frrtb York escaped with his wale& std purse, he is greatly to be cuegrate-. luted.'' Now you cent stet wiry with • man who, writes like that, ma you 1 No, indeed. We grow to like Mister Grildn mese and more every day. He is foa- mier than a monkey is • tees. But he's • fearful air. rax EQUALIZATiOY TROUBLE. II 1, Aspect.' meetirg of the Huron county Meech has been going on since Tuesday bat, the Members having bean called to obow cause before Judge Toms why the arose' of the township of Osborne against Ra assessment of $44 an sere be net enataind. Csburne and Tuckersmith are each assessed at $44 an sere, and the former town•hp has appealed against 4 NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A caters among 7e. t*kin' *ow ♦■ tath hell treat It" TOWN TOOL Ask for the "!toad C..uteet- el "0U e1I. oederich near. 1 . gaesad 1. 5I,g •KWo Cal .t bMl ..1*p4heilsa m gl studio cost TerMN la wild ov.r to HAW bet asnsagell the swells who e/ot't .smss. Wesare better idhass.. the A d the Aserwn rrdt pg row ..e ,std wtU �r.��a fga no[r /holt elt►er wttA w wlWet aur eortert rot OJITARlu. Toronto Years (Ind, :--The lbth last., Ms been fixed by the Privy Cuenca as the day for hearing arguments w the heendary questiu.. The .oumtry is to be eongrstulated that the vexed question is at length to be decisively settled. There coin be little doubt about the re- sult. The tendency of judicial belies u always to confirm the decision of arbitra- tors, unless there are exceedingly strong reasons fro hating it aside. The award having been given in geed faith, will no *MU be sustained. res aocxnAts! atr♦a�ii. teem No need keep the fruit air tight. Jen lama♦ed•t �s queens Act qu•s is bola 'tebssd wlr vlwr in the county jest now. and the tad ws takes such ase picture. 1. nee of the taws. A. lsspeetion of bis is invited. alt la all 1)osialea day was • seems* is h, and every ons encored 11.m. is z it should be. and mitre: asterbays-ap who kis wines and�liquuoors from W. L Hery erten. They are always pleated. Juin Raclin so. -A variety of oil cooking stoves, which 1 will guarantee. Tau Vlotem with is extension toe: the Dieu Tabular Hot Sleet : also the rammer Quests Prices tram el -Seep to 11 rear dtlfereat kinds of coal oil is stook. G. N. Dauns We rear t to Mar that Arthur Oscar .eller, • member d the Oodwieh Com- pany, heti ea severe ea sttask of measles that he wee left behind to the hospital (Gorge Asheece, of the " Red, White and Blue" store, is 'asking • dimmest of bene on the duller, 3a all cask purviews. He in .iso skating oat his peewit steak to make room fur mare importation► J. L J.hastoe, teemerly of Sees - miller's plow works, Godsends, and his bride Isft last Saturday Gr their new home is Pure Arthur. We wish them a happy and prosperous ;voyage through Ids. sc ion evered entaber stack dtse•sos•Ws osses, fruite J not t Are. prreerrT- Tor,nto Globe :-The governments of tact kettles. coal Mt Stover -any kind -made sayers succeed on shortest notice. All Ontario and lfanito.ha hare, as announc- keepers, u lowest Urfa` prices lieuee- ed in our special cable despatches of ( set boors ander the San. buying at the cheap - Saturday, secured the assignment of the 136 of July for the hearing of the Mrs. G. Struthers, Huron road, is at that figureou the ground that it is un- I Boundary question. Their success in Te.swater. tiscnnng so early • day r moot grsti yang I James Reid returned from Buffalo .•n equal and figure, when contrasted with es: ell who desire that thu burning ynos i Dominion Day. many of the other townships. The case tion ohoull he settled as ..on as possible came un for hearing on Tuesday, and was adjourned to Wednesday, when evi- dence was taken. Thus far Mr. Moo Mumble, deputy -reeve of Clinton, Mr. Graham, reeve of Stanley, and Mr. Mc- Millan, reeve of Hullett, have been ex- amined, and from the testimony addec- ad it would appear that Usborne 1'as jest cause for complaint. If the evidence obtained to the present u borne out by the witnesses to follow, it is quite possi- ble the fullowioz changes will be made Nava Scotian., Manitobans, etc., as is the various townships in their next I such, and to hind the whole into a home- Mrs. Miller. and sen. of Stratfurl, are sating for equalization purposes :- Igeneous party actuated by a caiman !the guests of James 5liller, Maple St. are from $28 to $31 patriotism and governed by common' Ninety canlidates are writing in town political principles. Sir John governs `tor entrance to Cwderich High School. through the people. By his moderate ; awn - Messrs. G. Grua, G. N. Dave and course in parliament, he has won the Currie Bros. now rejoice in stylish awn• sympathy of the French Canadians as no in other Outario leader ever did before it J. M. *shepherd purchased iii hand - will le said we know that Sir John Mac- I some invalid's tuggy in London last don•ld has long commanded the French week. Canadian, vote. That is true enough, The regular monthlymeeting of the bat he commanded it through the influ- School ni, h eld tingn Monday voce of • few individual leaden whom he rebased ; but Mr. Blake will command eveniee- Mrs. H. S. Holmes and children, of Thedford, are the guests ..f Conductor Holmes. Scmow rig Pett . -Plena are likely tobe•shortwsphu theserr otd[q me try this year. An ea sri•teed froth raiser sasoasM fur the tellers ia this way : The grans are all made an wild steak ; eke grotto gnaw meek fester thaw the wild west, sad hence the mop* r .uurisMust w Dot wseieot to whoa the Erato to bier fruit two years In eso- emssie.. We notice in the list of suooe=tul can- didates in the repeat semination• of the Ontario College of Pharmacy the us=e of H. McLean, son d Dr. clean. We cuogrstslate Hairy on the result of his same John Gentles, of Kiaestdi.e, met with a betty lo= last week by the death of his true stallion, " Cunqueriog Hero." The animal. which had been perchaod this ,prior by Mr. Gentles at • wet mid to be about $1700, was t.nly sick a few days. Stomas Vieroa,..--The unusual hot weather of the past two weeks has brought our summer visitors Dearly • month earlier than last year. Already families from Texas, Detroit,London and elsewhere have arrived at The Point Farm. Sots, - -The $e•terth Lept wtu► says :- "A vender of a epasbitastiw penholder and inkstand vicurabed neatly every basing= mat iw town the ether day r selling to them for one dollar sad • KW what mould be get in almuet gay ordinary stationer's atom ter ens dollar. It is &s- tealthier wast as inflow** • geed dela of "cheek" and an .m1y tomos poems*. This naw men sold 75 of his inkataads in the town of Oodes-ich." The sale of French cows rod horses at Grand's. Toronto, lest week, was largely attended, and the bidding very spirited Forty hy,rees were sold at good prices, and 78 French a)ws and calves, the property tf Mr. H. Y. Attrill, of Gods - etch. baggage master at the Grand Trunk, The town canna will meet this even- Mr. J. J. Brown, of the Inland Rev- the pleasure of meeting an old friend ins at 8 o'clock. sons Department, aceonnpanied by Mrs., and fellow-seldior-Mr. Henry Cook. Mrs. Radcliffe hos returned from a Brown, left by train on Thursday, new major and adjutant of the 33rd -en visit to Buffalo. I for Hamilton, on "three weeks' holiday Monday last fax the first time in nearly Mies Vine Hale will Have for Mi:- trip. During Mr. Brown's abs»nee. Mr- 30 years. Mr. Fitzpatrick and Mr. chill, Da.. next week. Sponse, of Seaforth, will perform the du- Cook first joined 2nd battalion, 60th ties of the Goderich office. Rifles, in 1847 together. They came G. E. E. Wads, of , .pont a few A Local newspaper reporter, says an Canada the game year went home in days in town last week. exchange, is generally supposed to b. 18047, and to the Cape of Good Hops in George Bannon, of Brantford, was the everywhere, see everything and catch 1851. Hero they retained until 1856, when Mr. Fitzpatrick returned to Eng• land on his way to the Crimes, while Mr. Gook served through the Indian mutiny and in China. They subsequently both came to Canada, and Mr. Cook now re- sides at Goderich, and is major and ad- jutant of the 33rd. The old soldiers, oho had not seen each other since their too p at Abilene. eau, nese, separation at the Cape in 1865, messed day of this week. She had been ill for together "n W,dneaday, and spent a several weeks before her decease,during which time her mother, Mrs. Wet. Knechtel, of this place, waited upon het. -[Brussels Post. THE STALLION RA/'L-The dates .'f the races between Batley's "Rao Cloud" and Whitley's "General Gar- field," have been put forward on account of the Lucknow games. The first race will cone off at Seaforth, on Thursday, the 4th of Sept., and the return race will JLD TIMMS AT WORK. TM rswN"M few •. w$J L55. --thew ssada he ihreagedlM tliellerapth Toth* W of TM Hama ethanal. Dias nett, -I tsml esseedingiy i 51 s.i leen able ter tlr (=y all - b toe nil- aeal of > to joie r in an abrins usstbat railroad to We w r..slvd to "tisk to ►t, until we exhaust merry argument we ow think of in its favor t.• ewer. the seams of ear release, -a selteme, whish we have already foreshadowed -arid uo "meet of ponding, mooring, nor ear cam, will drive us from oar purpose, of attempting to achieve. what nor '•city fathershave been battering their brains sgsistat for the last neer or live years, end as all the puWte know, have not yet been able to arrive at a single outside - sloe un the subieet. I am sorry that I cannot at pressen moist bar. W. wits particulars as to the dangers atteudutx the entrance into the (l.orgtan Bay (and their Datum u Iogiva) but I shall show you what I did in 1836, the Isar before the rebellion, upon the same subject. 1a tbm year named, a govsr.ms.t ear - mom named Rankin, having finished the stogy of the village and township of 111,_and haring, I presume, taken alaa as part of his pay, seat two long letters to the T..ronto Colonist news- paper ir the days of Hugh Barbie, pressing on the government what he called the superior claims of Seuresn as a harbor of refuge, to any other on this side of the lake ; and, u De one monad inclined w reply to him, I resolved to try it myself, but, before doing so, as Capt. Murray Macgregor will yet remem- ber, I spent many hours with his broth- er-in-law Capt. David Hay, Capt. John Allium, of the steamboat, sad himself ; took notes of all the objections to, and difficulties of entrances into the Georgian Bay, and its harbors, that they could give me, and then attacked Mr. Rankin. I de net remember whether he wrote a third tines or not, but out cense "Owes Sound," followed immedistsly by "Not- tawasaga," and last of all tame "Sarnia." I had then four oppsments on my hands, all in the same paper, at the same time. The latter, however, fairly astounded me fer • time, by assenting point-blank, that there was no such pleas as "Gode- rich" to be found on any map or chart .f Lake Harem --+.d he was right. But, as we then did really have a steamboat and two schooners, whilst they had neither, I did not acme off much second -hest, even with Sarnia. And new, sir, I take the liberty to urge upon you, and your totem, the Star, as a matter of duty due to your support- ers, yourselves, and the good town •.f Goderich, to tett to our sailors and fisherman, say : -- Murray Macgregor, Frank Trench, Thomas Dewey. James Pants, James Clark, and, though Inst, not by any mesas the least, Hugh Bain. You will thus get informed by each of than. of points of danger which the others may, for the time, have overlook- .� d, work them up as • %Auk ; and, from f fife ars and was one of the most that Hayden, f Ashfield - Chu Girvm time to time, but at very abort tnter- Tes Careout- Plc/Ili'. The picnic at Bingham's grove, on W.due.day nest, the 9th int., under the • of St. Peters' coach, promises to be one of the most secoeeaful yet held. Excellent workior committees have been selected, and so pains will be spared to make the ca=nton • most enjoyable one to all who attend. One of the features of the day will be .umpetitioo for the handsome silk flag. Diluter will be served from 12 o cleek to 2 p.m. An excellent quad- rille band will be in attendance, sled the Oedema will be kept in constant .se. Admission to grounds 10 eta ; dinner tickets, 26 pts. Everybody who wants • good day's diversion should attend. Tem Two V HrsaaNa. -Th. London Advertiser has the tattooing on an hug - dent of the late camp in the Forest city : -"Mr. Thos. Fitzpatrick, eight in the interests of the right. It bed heed feared that the case could not be reached until August or later. It is to be hoped that the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council having had the matter entrusted to them will proceed with the ease from day to day until the whole of the arguments have been heard. ME TRUE t'ANADIAX PARTY. Ottawa Free fres :-Tse Liberal perty guest of H. Hale last week every item afloat, simply because it s leu et today is essentially the Canadian party. The Mutual Marriage Aid fraud, did profession. But he vont .1,, it and we It aims by the spirt of conciliation and ' not gull many in Goderich. I would be much obliged to those who hunonble compromise to wipe out' Chnten Presbyterian S. S. picot= will would furnish us with the facts of any Anglo - Canadians, French - Canadians, be held at Goderich on July 18th. occurrences coming under their notice. We regret to haws to announce the death of Mrs. Rubt. Nott, wife of Robt. N:,tt, tailor, formerly of Goderich,which k lace Yb t Ks on Mon Mc(illop from 33 to 38 Morrie from. 30 to 32 Mullett from 38 to 44) Howick from 31 to 33 Turnberry from. 29 to 31 E. Wswanush from 28 to 31 W. Wawaneah from33 to 37 Ashfield from 30 to 33 Colborne from 37 to 37 Goderich from •. 36 to 37 Stanley from.... ...... 40 to 40 Tuckersmith from 44 to 44 Uaberne from Stephen from Hay from 44 to 44 30 to 34 31 to 36 THE Clieltos Net' Em declines to con- tt through the people themselves, whose provincial righta he guarantees and whose sympathies he wins by reason of his towering ability and honorable political course. WHAT THE >IIMTINoa DO. The Reform demonstrations give the tinue the disc4sien as to the relative financial condition of Godetich and Clin- ton, on the plea that the weather u tax. warm. Any excuse is better than none at all, but the reason advanced by the Wetr Ern is • poor one. The truth is that the position it attempted to hold was untenable -instead of the weather getting tau warm, tae subject gut too hot not m......"iiia.._--. _ to the Clinton c,litor-and he retired demonstrations. Enthusiasm is a very 1 agreed with him. front the contest sith as much grace as good thing in its way, no doubt, but I Mrs. B A. Doyle, wife ,•f Judge be could command. As we have remark- there are other things for peoplw_•Z0 live Doyle, returnee from Buffalo last week, ad before, "Brag is a good dog,�but tor besides shouting and gesticulating at I much improved iD health. a political picnic. Those speeches carry I The sugar w�a b up to fever hest. Holdfast is a better. 'Thu interminable meet conviction which read best. The i George aunt is shoveling it ant this blather of the Year Era about its little, than who makes his audience laugh, or .week at 12 pounds fur • 1ul:ar. muddy one -hone town is enough t, cheer, or get excited, does not always i We frost that Mr. A. McD. Allen, turn one's stomach. The centre of the carry most weir ht with thinling people. who is travelling for the benefit of his Sir John Maod.onald can work up ,tore I health, may return fully restored. universe isn't much of •place after all. i thusiosm to the ultimo inch than any E. N. Lewis, barrister of Goderich. has been a;.pointed a Notary Public fur Ontario. Mrs. Jessup has gone to visit her eon* Reformers ret the country districts an 1 and daughters At Chicago, Sa .nary, and opportunity of seeing their leader face tot Cheboygan. face. but for all practical purposes Mr. J Smith, engineer, is the guest of his Bile u right when he says that the mother Mrr. N'. •Smith, Esat St. on the press is the beat medium between politi- cians and people. The newspaper+ Mita Wilkinson has been rusticating a spread the speeches broadcast and poo 'few days,the guest of Mrs. John Hunter, pie in all parts of -.the country reed them I Huron road and are influenced by them. It lechery - ed against the Reformers that there is Albert Gooding is on • visit to friends t their political in town. He looks as if the Nurth•west et other coat in our public life, but his The picnic of school !section No. 1. Tux Hawick Enterprise is after its' speeches have nothing like the food for Goderich township, fallen was, a l at Friday. at township council with a shat stick be- t 'ought contained in those delivered by p Mr. Blake. -(Telegram. I ul affair. canes the members won't agree to build Hugh Sturdy, a Goderich township a town hall to hold their meetings in, pioneer, and father of our former night - instead of dodging from one hotel to ♦ Le•el-�eNed Mnat.a. watchman, died:a few days ago aged 84 another when meetings bare to be held. 1 W. H. Kerr, of the Brussels Poot, who Yee"' 11 the members of the Howiek council recently visited Goderich, in company The Detroit bicycler' expect to arrive with his wife, gives Iso impressions of at Goderich about noon on Thursday, timasot do without hotels to hold their the comity town. thusly, in the last issue July 17th. and will remain here over meetings in now, what will become .f a the Pad :-- night. them if the Scott Act strikes the town- Having occasion to go to Goderich we ship f They must he a wet lot, anyhow. Tux Court of Appaltl having sustained the decision of the lower court disquali- fying Fauquier, the writ has been issued for a new eleetNM to the Assembly. IQoaniwtion on the pith July, and elec- tion lect tion on the 23rd. A bail season for frozen whiskey. Totoxro u celebrating its semi -cen- tennial, and is as proud as • little boy strutting shout with hi. first pair of ksiekerbockers. couple of pleasant hours reviewing old times. •' ,,.or��.� GATHERING: or P1olmuaa.--A most in- teresting gathering took plans last week at the Point Farm, the occasion being to celebrate the settlement of the township of; Colborne by a number of the old pioneers. Their lumbers were largely increased by re• icaeutative settlers front the adjoining too. nships of Wawanosb, A.btield, Hullett, and the town d Goderich. Well chosen remarks were take glace un the Goderich track, on made by M. Hutchison. of the Biu Mill, Tuesday, the 9th of Sept. sad J. J. Wright. the host, which were C. W. Williams, gr., died un Sunday ably responded to by Wm. Young. John in Clinton. He had resided in Huron Morris acrd Juhu Bleu, of Colborne for y )e highly cultivated leen in the county, lot Wawayowh'•�H Snellof Hallett, and Inds, publish their opinions in your speak=; French and other languages with fluency.His father was • coffee planter and large slave holder to Jamaica, and the emancipation of the slaves ruin- ed him and sent the family to this coun- try. A number of yeah ago Mr. Williams taught school in Goderich, and there aro quite a number who, remember him as one of the kindest and most painstaking of instructors, OBITUARY. -It is with feelings of sor- row, that we write of the death .f W. A. Walker, druggists' assistant, son d Robe. Walker, which took plate at Windsor, on Wednesday. The com- plaint was inflammation (.1 the bowels. The deceased was a must exemplary hDung man, and gave promise of a life of onor and usefulness. He was • class student of centemp.mary affairs, and possessed a fund of political information uncommon in u.. young a man. He had not reached his 22nd birthday. His funeral will take place at 2 p.m. today. FIRE -A lire broke out in one of the bed rooms of the buildingoccupied by Geo. Old as a grocery ott Saturday night about 9 o'clock. Mrs. Old was the first to discover it, and by that time the flames had inade ameliorable headway. A number of mea directed by the mayor subdued the flames with pails of water, and the engine was not started. At one The reporters of the Lindsay paper" time it was feared that the block would obscured our ticket and took our seat in are trying to refdtm the town council by have crone. The affair is supposed to the passenger car of the morning accom- not reporting proceedings later than tea has, been caused by a lamp exploding. modation, and after a tiresome wait of o'clock. The loss was about $400, half of which was on wearing apparel, etc. The in- surance company has objected to paying the Lies on the clothes, holding that it was not covered by the policy. but may yet see its way clear to do so, as the question is in doubt. Elijah Martin, of Goderich. litany suul 1 papers, and, I venture to gay, thmt if stirring stories were told by the above t such information is honestly and feeeibly named gentlemen of the hardships and brought under the notice of the oecial adventures that wore doily endured toy i management of the Pacific Railroad their wives and themselves half acentury ilii Company, Goderich shall have the om- ega, with nothing but the I,Ilmitire 1 any. But, sir, to ensure soccs , the bush; no roads, schools ..r churches. 'the 1 eaten' must be made at ones ; for if struggle tar life was one eurttutuat battle the company lay out much msooy at any for existence, but with all their ditlicul• ..cher place, we need scarcely hope that ties they often looted hack at the plea- they would willingly %batdtm it sure they experienced in .laking a cr.wk- The railroad company Navin gof their ed place atraigl t and a mush place own acrd sent an engineer party to smooth, and today they felt proud .1 the makea preliminary survey from Tees - appearance of the Iarrutitul county water t.. Wingham ; surely, our M.P. which they had a hand in bringing into ;and )1. PP. could indues the company to cultivation. After three rousing cheers send sn engineer to look .t our harbor for the Queen,the happy party separated, all being delighted with a most pleasant and lung remembered day. half an hour we followed Horace (tree- ley's advice and went west. We found Goderich in the gams place it occupied when we last visited it, with very little noticeable difference except that the change in the season had materially im- proved the apear.nse of everything. Goderlsh as a summer resort can't be beaten, and the only wonder is that the town authorities do nut put forth some effort for the accommodation and coon. Ion a visit * friends here. he is kept fort of visitor. On the day to which busy R upon hermany Dr. Sloane, accompanied by Chas. Hamilton, and • party from Blyth, has Rune up the lake for a euuple of weeks' fishing. Jack Platt, the bicycler, is rather sore hem his fall on Dominion D9r It a • wonder that terrible "header was not are serious. Mrs. D. Ferguson, of Detroit, is now we refer some 1,700 excursionists, from London townahip,principally,were there. ridwith oho exam tion of • small swing • p sod s rough fishing boat nothing etas Literary 'Seim could he secured for Inc entertainment of the visitors. Whets are all the plea- sure boat 1 Why could net $ few tables and a dozen more benches be arranged on the psi. I Aro all the vendun of b=on de, rine MIMEO, okc., too proud to Kt up a stand to the visiting friends and :he good to their own pocket 1 The at - i traction .of the park, with the harbor and broad ellen of waters cannot be e1 - led id. and the Cwurt Howse square, with its .bade trees, flower beds, and gravel walks is .i pleasant and tasty resort. but Canadian Meiln..l o lhsatine for Jnly. USA-- Price pia ) e .r : !I r..r six mouth.: Se , osis per ■umber. I .•r w:e ski all toot-' seance The twentieth volnn.e of this maga- zine opens with thew tllostrated articles --one nn Holy Russia. one on lady Bras- ssy s Adventures in the Swath Sena. and poo on the Life and Labors of C. H. ryeon, 1)r. Sutherland contributes a tr nus paper on the University Ileacs tion, and Prof. Coleman. Ph. D., a charm- ing sketch A travel in Norwa)uA nction among the Lowly is followed by an article by I)r Carman on the Higher Life, sir.guiswly appropriate to the inau• stion of the new Methodist church. teoligitgwa intelligence about the n- ewt enefsre.ess and the international ftlsaMined convention u very full. Sew ie a good limo to subscribe only tier the rest d the year. graphic and touching stogy y of tiny WHIM Wss RM, ream WALK TR - -- :AtKrR- -- tar Walkerton y•.nng hales (la Paisley and heck, a defence c.: S•terd•y hest. They aa, leaded with baskets of $ large M=tmoek, spent ire frPaisley. then walked at 10:311. quaintanoes. Deputy District Grand \taster Rat- cliffe, of (lodench, was in Rommel* last week on business connected with St. John's Ledge, A. F. & A. M. Mn. Robe. Copeland, of Ladino.. has been in town during the weak, the guest of Mrs. (leo- Berry, West street. Th. steamer Ocontr.. brought a large number of seiwrner tourists last Thurs- day, over 20 of whom aro now located at the Park Hones and the Point Farm. s. M. Polley's "Elsie Groff" won 3 beats not of 4, in tie named els ..bstitwt- ed race, at Belleville last Friday. The hest time was 3 27f. and the first prise • little courtesy tan the part of the rest- $200. door' of the c,ninty town would he as Will Moor., of Lueknuw, has been grant an attraction as anything. The spending a few days in town taking in Leman hand came with the excursion on "lirlovely rxsnery in his drives •r►oted Friday and rendered num choice melee- Mr. Stones • spieendi.l teamis very ,..e5. slams oaf mosaic. Iticyomf seems to be all admired. the rage here, and it is no wonder se the The handsome picture of the C. P. R prem. are pert.ctly level and fres from steamer Athehmmcs, byCl, now on stones lodeuich is deser•inl •d the' Chem, '•Wheolaman'. Paradise.- What the view ret Rhyne. drug store, is intended futon prospects of this burgh may be fora premium at the Catholic phonic, on •lune will tergal. Tho Mesar" Mcg' Wednesday neat, the lath suet Io (iillie+tldy, .1 Toe Swim., with w time hewn ' A (coon Ptsarrnus a Pli - G «.. B. Rob- son hag takes s splendid plate of Rev. Joh- Moteree, who conducted the R 6 institute here last week. The saltiest looks as asters! se life, and wears that sepressure of fang that he has wires he we put ut some pleasant hours, spoke very en.oersginRly "f it, bot the bee sass me. do not appear to Dare to do Waimea, as •ceryry new seem to take ed- rmetage of the a,lemne of the two worthy mapeaaata of public monomers, Teta sheet to bring net him Heart "pti1M. &mom owl Mar. Copies are for male at the gallery. a:.Mdea Weskits'. On the 26th Julie, 1834, the above wedding was celebrated at the residence of Mr. Joseph Williams by a sumptuous entertainment, given ny their daughters, Mrs. Williauie and Mrs. J. Patens, to their beloved parents, John and Mary Moody, and a nuaerurs party of rela- tives and m44 friends. This sprightly ample, though their combined *gee number a apace exceeding one hundred and fifty-six years ! (and blessed be the God of heaven, the Creator arid preserver of all things), both 'tiro' most excellent health. I have great pleasure in gayiug that in their early days they were guid- ed by industry, economy and strict moderation and regularity ,n all things. And before this little it.tandsil partner was nineteen years of age she could ex- egete the required duties of a farm house e qual to anyone, and superior to moat ! in all the various duties of household requirements. Nor are the daughters behind in housekespiug qualities. Hor- ace Horton, Esq., mayor of G.,dench, during the evening panted • very high encomium upon the kind and respecta- ble character which both Mr. and Mrs. M. had borne, in both 'town and neigh- borhood, ever since he had the plea- sure .f knowi,.,r them l'hi, was follow- ed by • strong cheer. Amongst the company was Sheriff Gibbon,, and May. Gibbons, (iodench ; Horace Horton, Esq., mayor, and Mrs. Hotton ; C. Seager, Esq., and Mrs. Seager ; John Davidson, Seq. ; Mr. W. Ice, and Mrs. Ice ; Mr Jas. and Mrs. Williams, and family of 3; Mr. G. H. and Mn. Par- son ; Met J. Varese: and family of 3; Mrs Col. Boss ; Miss S•egmtller and Mrs. Robertson ; Mr. W. 8 Once ; Mrs. Shaw ; Mr. and Mrs. Mimrh..use, of Gnderioh ; Mr. and Mrs. John Musti- ly, junr., and family ..f 3, Port Frank ; Won. Sutton, Esq. Sheriff:of Bruce Co., Mar. Sutton and Miss Settee, Walker- ton ; seee,al ether, unknown to the writer. The edibles were rich in Loth appearance and taste. and also in abnod anti The presents were numerous end neatly. Atter spending a very pleas- ant evening, the greets, after wishing Mr. sad Mrs. M. many happy ',Morns, to their homes. y inwtrtinr the forewuins n the next isms d your valnable part, yrs wi11 greatly oblige your old reined, W.S. Gederish, July 1st. 1884. SINarLaR iLn feat. -Last week, sera the Clinton New Aro. Peter Grant, a former Clintunian,(of hayfork celebrity) passed through town on Ina way to Gode- rich. where his brother-in-law, Henry Spence. was lying dangerously ill. Some time ago Mr. Stens struck the back of his hand on a waggon tire, making • small bruise and breaking the akin. Soon after erysipelas set in, and could not be checked until nearly the whale arm was eaten ap. it had been decideoi to amputate it last week t my. his life, but he was .o low that it amid not be dune. We learn since, however, that he shows signs of recovering. Mr. Grant its legated in Cleveland, in the steel tool business, and his old friends here will be g lad to learn that he is en the high rued to prosperity. The following remarks from the Clin- ton N.wErs are timely and to the point, and we commend them to the serious at- tention .4 any who may he ir. the habit of offending in the way winded. it gays : "A good many temperance peo- ple, particularly from the reentry, are in the hatut of dncing their horses into ho- tel stables .rid sheds, and leaving them then .nail the web 1. go hems. This la quite right. they a ntnnb.r never think et paling the hotelkeeper ger the nee of his shed. and this is not right. it is a eenrenience to a farmer t.. have • place where he ean securely leave hie convey sees while an town, and he should be willing t• ray engin hing for LM a.eommae dation N.otelkeepers have jeep semen for eespla'in,r on this seen, and the temp ranse re give them ns little ee h gro.wd f..r ewnlllsits► as pos- sible " see the easy trrade by which the rat could aseend to the level, and, perhaps take a drive over the line we semen to Winghain. That of itself, would be an immense step towards our seroma Bat, sir, if an engineer should be iad.oed to anne ter such a purpose, 1 bag of you to let no half-hearted or lttkeworm friend •pprusc:i him, for, it is a well known fact, that a lukewarm friend i. much more dangerous to any cause then an open anemv. As I have elsewhere said, and Mr. Woodcock repeats the state- ment, and we can both °tail, to have had some successful experience in such work -the agitatien must be ceras leas it mut be kept before the public by con- stant work, and hard work toe, until everybody will begin to talk "beet the railroad. You, sir, and your estem mast, as it were, week by week keep it up in some shape or other ; and to aid you in this good work, I would beg of our business men of every discus' nation, to publish over their mases whatever may oocar to them on the subject, whether it may be attach er 11- tla it would show that they take an interest in the =attar, and would cause the papers to be searched weekly by every one to see if there was anything new about the railroad. And to show you the necessity of each secures. I my mention that only yesterday 1 met with two of our public men who each tepees both the town papers, yet neither of them bad noticed or heard of the letters whish appeared in both until I mentioned them ; but, beth gsstlemea al was expressed their determisdio• to hunt up their papers (now a week oho) to see the • bsginniinse of the m reign. if • course tit marimba gilstise s Kept no. we shall soon have er=a the dad laborer talking "railroad" to kis neighbor, and cheering his wile sad family by the prospect of better times and steady werk. You may thee, sir. call a maga meeting to raised the tows council to submit • bonus by-law to the ratepayers to .id the aompsly is the construction of the road ; and, you w+111 get every man it, town to sepper% ro- ot i mast again impress nn 700 the neceasttj �of keeping the subje't len' staidly before the public. ?Roams Emit Oedeeich, 27th Je.e, 1884. The stomata Acs. Ding, .,tiling nese Terwte ea lake Owens, was towed to Tea a rale eat el her suers, to avoid 1M beida ties • eelesteer rifle range. At Waverly. Tons, Wilmot Larkins had been •nnoyi.g Wm. - Owens wahine iseistealierie whoa kis - Saturday Latinos illogimpall 4 heakerthiel searOwens' Owe store, Matt best it bad presented him by Mm. Owego. .muse std wit► • •hstges. ia,Nml tl A. bet rstereed weak • xaetateart when OiramahM and kfi1M bt•. STM Mew - Ws fairy ria{emad a varait et hem