HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-4, Page 3llstce, the Outcast CHAPTER XV. INS WSW Tet OD•tUIT$-110•Thelt SOD RD QOtlalflo$a LDIIFT. Return we now to the Corneae un its way to England, under the charms of Captain Drainers, and baviug uu board Eustace and Willy liommerviU.. The potation el Eustac. at Willy was now imuseasely chanted for the hotter. The 'servile degrauatiou to which they had been subjected was at a.. end, and tray were not only treated with respect and consideration, but Eustac. and Densmore being old friends, s free end hippy interoouree wee maintained be - twine these two, .hkh, together with the prospect of s speedy stunt to Se-t- Wd, wade 11111dtees as pleasant Y eels heard ale MOW they had hers dher. But at times hotb Eustace and Willy WW1) gloomy and melancholy enough. THS HURON ji (AL, FRIDAY JULY 4, 1884. lie mean it,' exclaimed the youth. la Ike* 110111111 outcast I will du the dads of an Went. It is nut my ewe chews. DenattltwfS, yam mart under• stand my feelings, for pee bane not bees made to suffer as I hare dose. My whale nature bas holm outraged, my libe is dmtwyeti, ay manhood degrad- e d, my heart wusuderd in as deepest, holiest affection. Think ye I Jell tame - 1y submit to this ! No- -a thousand times tie. 'The very worms when trud epee tura, and the devil that has been rural within me will manifest itself.' 'Look y., Eustaee, said Dunaway., 'the inaction you are subject to on board the Corneae is really worse fur you thea the work you had to du in the Hueter, for there you had not time, as you have bens, to br,ui over your bad usage. trim by deal I wish sutuetlurig exciting possible, wring to the violent pitching wstsld 11111111 up. The Cornets is net in of the went. A e.mmunication to this • Rood Mate to show much tight, but for effect havias ltd gent above, the men your sake 1 wish we would come across 1 at the pumps we .ordered to strain I>• g0 ship. A good stiff fight every nerve to reduce the water in the Meld oesspy your mind, and that's the hold. They wrought with a 'sitl- lhtng you want to put you right. wrought as strong mea do who feel that Just then the chief officer under Duna- their life depends un their efforts -and inure tame lustily into the cabin were relieved every .iwrter of an hour. On board the Hector their hard and cur- ' 1 fear, sir, a storm is approaching,' Eustace having volunteered to go below scant work, if toilsome and galling, and the said. 'I seldom saw a dirtier sky to and superintend operations there, was at leant this bloused effect, that it kept I windward, and--' standing with his party eagerly watch - their mind free) brooding over the un- known fate of Lilies. With the leisure they n enjoyed in the Cornet• carte frequent opportunities for sad torturing reflection, and many an Lour of bitter • ,grow they endured. It was many weeks now since the night they were dragged from their peaceful home s Woodhaven, and were compelled to lave the distracted Lilies alone upon the beach. What had become of her 1 What had she suffered 1 What priva- tions, rivytions, indignities, and hardships might she not have undergone. She was left without • friend and almost without money. The little ash which was in the house could not long serve to supply her wants, and she had no means of procur- ing more. She waa, therefore,destitute, helpless, and desolate. Hew the loving heart of Willy was wrung as he thought of her in this condition ; but if the broth- er's heart was so agonized, who shall imagine the grief and woe of Eustace T We knuw how great and absorbing was his lore for Lilias-hnw he had preferred her to all earthly good --how he would unhesitatingly make every sacrifice to shield her from harut-yet new he had think of her poverty and want, per- nce of sickness and despair, without • protector in the wide, wide world, and she a poor, weak, timid woman, all un- used to the celd blasts of a cruel adver- sity. It was often more than this strong man's heart could endure to pursue his thoughts in regard to her, and more than once he:rtsitn broke down, and trru•ned and sobbed in the vehemence of his emo- tion. At times like these Willy strove to comfort him with suggestions which yielded himself but little consolation. He endeavored to encourage the hope that Lilies would have sought and found their uncle John, the only relative they had -their mother's brother, whom they had not heard of for many years. but who was supposed to be a well -ti. -du farmer in one of :the border counts vehement's, O.gtsia Densmore sent ..u• .f the raven to salmi their fears, and severe these therm was no Immediate danger. Is • few minutes be retuned with • atu.twoare white and ghastly. The abip had sprung • leak, and the water was raising fast to the bold. If it meld not be stopped and pumped the vessel mist euro sink. This terrible news soon flew throve*► the ship, and a universal effort was made to avert the threatened catastrophe. The pumps were at once fully manned and vigorously wrought, and two carpe*-' tors, with • party of mutants. were sett down to discover and stop the leak. In this then were unsur :essful. The depth of water in the hold was so great that it would require them to dive to examine the bottom, and this was un - If Lilies had succeeded in di.c)verin ID)Lea. The most inter' smarty now prwteled lest ib. *trauma should mut observe them in the gathering twilight, or be wield* to approach to render them astastanos. Sown, however, they W the satiafastten of seeing their signal answered, and the stranger, unfurling her sails and hoisting her .date, berg duwu upon them. 'By Jove, she's • Yeesoh frigate,' .:- *tainted Dunmore; and this fact became at the same meweut apparent to the prisoners, for they set up wild shout. of exultation. ell,' added Dun.m.re, philosophi- cally, 'better a French prt..n than a watery grave. 'Nay, Monsieur need not contemplate such a fate,' observed the original cap- tain of the Cornets, who stood at his elbow,and with whom hieitttetcourr had always been courteous and polite. 'The change of position is not the fate of war, but the result of a storm, and rely upon it, Monsieur, my goal oacers, will not be wanting to show you are the guests, not the prisoners of Franca Yoe have dealt kindly by at, and though we are national enemies, we need not be private foes.' He held .out his band as he spoke, and Densmore warmly shook it, as did Eustace aloe, whom the French captain 'A storm,' cried Densmore gaily.' ing the result. At the end of an hour highly admired for his bravery inaction, 'Well, that may be a very good .ubsti- the water had not diminished, but rath- even though that bravery coat him tete for a tight. Come on deck, Gra- or increased, which showed that the leak the loss of his ship. haste, and let us see 1.. making a?i sees.' was a frightful one, and not to he easily 'These are the sentiments a brave 1 he two friends left ilio cabin together I overzuae, even in favorable clrcunlMan- I and honorable gentleman,'ed our d went above. The afternoon was cea On discovering that, despite the i here, 'Vim say truly our P�s pt • to • close, and night was pre- efforts being put forth, the water was ' tremity destroys all national antagouism, paring to descend upon the wide waste ; gaining on [Gem rather than otherwise, !and if your approaching friend shore w of waters. The whole aky was quiet and Eustace, unhesitatingly threw utf his j from the sea, it will be to the honor of **retie except in the uorth-west, where upper garments, and leapt int., the black I France if we are not treated as prisoner masses of black, angry -looking clouds abyss. He was • practical swimmer and „f war. were tossing themselves about, and evi- diver, and with perfect coolness made dently drifting, or rather rushing to- his way round the hold, r.aing to the Waris them on the wings of a tempest. surfaces when in want of breath and diving again the moment he was recruit- ed. He came upon it at length -a great E shattered rent in the side, result of a s shot durinr the contest with the Hector. Ieot pitching of the ship had 1 t ex - ao As yet the air around the ship was still, but aa experienced eye detected that within the region of these clouds • fear- ful war of element* was being waged. They re dark lurid and wildly coo TO TO at COSTINCaD. usedLaatwasr. As soon as a child begins to lisp its ret broken sentences its education again ist your raatality get away with heutd begin. Habits are formed which breakfast. To bat a duad-bat beats will exist to a greater or leas degree everything. Ta, to !' and she shut the hroughout life. Such being the caw, door in his face. The tramp started sorrowfully down the street, wondering, no doubt, where and how he could get a breakfast that would stay with 1 .-jTexas Siftings.' a Tamm p Osewrsse. (Oetin.ed.= 'Twin pat setae air weed over three utterer IL is your yard,' said a seedy -looking heap wonderful ard u yseerw is aiNe iw to an Aortia aveses-lady. is deveitlged whir► s m ended m No 'Yes,' said the lady el the house. operations that no diesels er i l hear 'I would like to moth it in t..r you,' eau possibly essienor resist itepower,sstd said ha yea ►t u Harmless for the meet Gail wearies meekest invalid er ustslless skald to sem '-Patient. Alamo& Saadi es-w.arly � " SW years, and given up by Ph of Bright', aid other kidney liver oumplainta, severe eeeehs nailed ounauwpuoe, have bre eused- Women gene nearly crag ! From agony of neuralgia, revealment, w.ketulnese and verieua diseases peculiar so women. People drawn out of shape from exerts elating pangs of Rheumatism. Intlaulmatory and chronic, er suffer - Mg fruit) scrofula ! Erysipelas ' Salt rheum,blood po►wa►nu,dyspepma, ittdittertieo, and in fact alums/ all did eases frail Nature u heir to Have been cured by Hop Bittetss,prorf lay good lady, fur this sumptuous repast. of which cut be found in every neigh - Now lot me give you this advice : Never borheod in the known world. m again let your sympath fat away with .�Igh should eaten whom blood u warm your discretion. I'm to !" and y within walked tuajestitally. the (runt Sit ke hisgrand.ire est is alabaster fel, gate- Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin. Thr trstnp had gone but •short dna Whes ••C11NiALmtgnmt awgn a wiI maim Diner when he became deadly sick. g.ruw the faster. For mate by J. Wil - He seated himself on a curbstone, and a few momenta later, having two or three violent spasmodic contractions .f t stomach, he lest his ill-gotten breakfast. Indeed his stomach would have followed suit had it not been thoroughly dovetail- ed'to his diaphragm. He believed that he was poisoned. and he became much alarmed. A. soon as be regained strength enough to get to his feet, he slowly re- traced his steps and found the hely standing in the front door. Has on head now the LINGUIST *Tatra si 'My husband eased* to carry it in,' she replied. 'Well,' said the tramp, 1 will carry it fa and pde it up nim at yea will give me my breakfast.' At this utter the lady consented, and the tramp went to mirk After he had serried in a oouple .f armsful the body stepped to the door and found him sitting on the pile with his elbows on his knees and ha► taco buried is his bands. 'What is the matter 1' .aid she. •Oh, lady,' said he, looking up, 'i am so weak, for I have had nothing to eat Ws day before yesterday,' and he again covered his face with his hands. This seemed to ruu.s the lady'. ay . p.Jy and .he went in and aunt return- ed with an .xeellent breakfast. After h. had .wept everything from the board, he arose and said : 'Thanks, ANIEL GORDON, CABINETBANER - Lt�W a Uudeflaker, 'Madam,' he said in piteous tun•s,'my breakfast did not stay on nay stomach. believe I'm poisoned.' That's not to be wondered at,' said • I suspected your little game hav First - Class Furniture la the County. and u 1 now uurrhase for cask, will not be undersold my any one. . 1 offer Tapestry carpet Losnava.from KM ing, tern aught once before in the saute °pwanta. Whatauta, Ruud' trout $=-SO ap- way, so Iprepared m self for it byd.twn Uow hack ('hairs, from e p up. and every- thing else bathe +mote proportion. your coffee with tartar emetic. Now, A T THF. ()LI) STAN D let me give you a little advice : Never we the cunrerratiun of the older members famed --opening here and then into rife brought away the splintered umbers and I „f the f ori should be Y1: carefully glean; • speedily closing again -rolling one there existed an al:erture o1 fearful i tet, lent the l the ones hear snot tear:; over the ether into fantastic shapes, acid magnitude, which c..0'.1 u,.t lr ssibly ' uugrawinatical expressions and slant, fast approaching towards the vessel, be repaired in the present condition of 1 which, sad to say, are s•. rife among our blotting out the blue sky as they carte, the vessel I young prop's of the present day. The adrTanta with whom children .pend so and extending themselves on eitlerhand Without a word Eustace ascended t • much o1 their unix. shoal•! be chosen till it was plain these would overshadow the deck ; and with a grave yet calm ex -with reference to this matter. A mother the whole horizon and envelope them Premien of countenance, told Dunamere I should feel it ber duty to point out auy in a night of gloom. wkat the state of things were. ! mistakes made by them, and insist upon 'God God, this is serious,' •jacu'ated their language being correct. respectful, Eustace *toed bythe bulwarks and and devoid of daag at all rima. It u gazed at the sight in wonder and awe. the Captain• 'What hat Is. to be done t I exceedingly difficult to break children Never had he seen such a sublimely 'I don t see that anything more can "f habits ono. forme], and are in this direction will save touch trouble and wrathful sky. or such a lurid color, or fury of motion, in en assemblage of clouds. It was so strange to stand there in the midst of • perfect calls and see a tempest raging in the heavens. But sown the signs ..f its coming were pre- sented to his notice in the swell that began to show itself on the surface of the sea and in the shadow that the advancing clouds last upon its bosom in the distance. The great deep, as if con- scious .•f the storm that wit about to bunt, began to stir uneasily to and fn, not in ripples or wavelets, but in a long undulating swell, as if moved by an in- fluence from afar. Presently short curly waves were sent to windward, and fitful puffs ..f wind passed throught the rig- ging, making the ropes quiver and the be done than what is doino.' returned Eustace. 'If the water gains on the pampa our chance of escape is a small One.. The captain ordered the steward to be sent for, and instructed him to serve out an extra quantity of grog to the men at the pumps. He also went and urged ; them to renewed and if possible increas- ed effort, telling them plainly that on their tabors their own lives and the lives a Good These. When is the hest time to take a blood purifier i Whenever the blood is foul and humors appear, or when the system I is debilited take Burdock Blend Bit- ! tete. 2 t — Between the Poor ()Mice & Beak of Montrea Oct. 18th. I!Cli 1113- C}OIDRRICH PLA_ /NG MILL ESTABLISHED 18:x. Buchanan, Lawson Robinson kat NI. ti 'Tl HEMS OF Sash, Doors & Blinds 1 Fog Till Cotrtexto:e-For pimples, uaalxns tr au. arsine or , blotches, tan, and all itching tumors of the skin, use Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Lis i tt1187', Lath, Shingles annoyance. One way to cultivate the , Soap. use of language, and at the same time to - 'morn of the occupations and companions I An Italian nun -of -wit re.;ently v sited .,t her chillren, u for the mother to en- I Seethe,a seaport on the Straits of Bab courage the daily narration of what they el -Mandeb, eubjoct to Egypt, threatened have seen, heard, and enjoyed. and the to bombard the place and exacted a large telling of their tittle experiences. The sum from the governor. There was study of pictures, moreover, in which great excitement, but confidence was re - every child delights, may be used as a store( by tate arrival of a British gun - great provocation of language. Children host. arrays lore to lent at picture., and car. The well known atrenkthentt,g propel - almost always be induced to talk about ties of Iron, combined with other tonics them. This study teaches theta obser- of every soul on board depended. •ation, and bow to describe accurately what they a .. Vhen stones aro read No further ergine was needei- Browe to children they -Amlot be ubGYed to re - tit and buttder's material of every- description. S SCHOOL FURIITU11E A SIICIILTT. Or.tle Orders promptly attended to. Ooderich. Aug. 1881 Meaty and a roost perfect nervine, are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, and Improve the blood were knitted, and lips pressed. and tit. produce them, using, as far as possible, and complexion. lm 'veins on the arms stood out like cords. ' the language of the book. The memory At this seamen of Ina year there should and the water poured tram the scupper* is strengthened in this way, a habit of he a lx tree ..f Pectoris in every house attention is harmed, and the power of it u unequalled for Coughs Colds and in tult streams. At the end of another I ezprew.on increased. if such plans as Hoarseness is pleasant, equally safe for hour Eustaee went down and examined I these aro symmetrically carried out, they children. Price Y5 tents at all drug• the hold. To his silent dismay the water will prove a wonderful help to tae ea wast!. m 11; spars marc listlessly about. Not an had reached more than an inch higher thurourh ed `chaos ..f a child. The Net another Pill shall so .town mi. Atm. and under his protection she would, inch of canvas was mow nut to be aught ).ea h n them j constant, careful teaching and kind aug- be safe. But there was the awful "IF" tructlon, then, was by the quickly swelling breeze, for every a to contemplate here. It was at the haat y.1 was close -reefed, and all the poles d and ' f h 1 creeping o I rectiong of parents will accomplish a throat again, said a citizen. "when I can pace. It was but a question of hours ; work which can never be performed by I get such tu atrompt and pleas* nn nt are forr for, let them do their but, they mast study.. In a ter years nuc oar y ohne ach Bitters. It rendes the blend pure only a peradventure and net a probable ba Th arse f the vessel had tall k He came up again and training will allow itee!f in a rally cam- d 1 l k t t din sping h tar i. were re. a r• u inevitably sink. an c•x, an. makes a r .en th d if, as was more likely, been altered, though h as goingnand of language, and an easy, graceful' h- bled faceth z ss captain 1 me..licine)► Loge bottles 50 ce one either, an s • 11.t n a er , rug she w in ►s troubled a anxi r Lilian had not found uncle John, then, aearlyin the face of the wind, and th. power of conversation- -[Standard. road appalling truth. algin, what had become of ber T The water i. not lees The ravages ..f Cholera Infantum and , %Pectora, to my tutor', is thing. I herr used it in my -- - -�----- I A BAsasa'nj Ttvrnsotiv. expected storm was coming from the .1 see what it is you have to commune sheat Fatality. ; Gough, Cold or any Bronchia nt.. — Por 1 affecion. u just the, amily for four years , and to - c• rnt ince h 1 bet,an A torturing question this, to which no starboard quarter. But the captain cats,' he said. answer could be heelyet which ever re- stood near the helmsman, with his speak- b tgreater.' tanner (omplalnts among childrenf G h d C 4h. f r t l e past u truly alarming. The neat reliable can 'ug . an o s u t burred and with ever incre•aing agony. ing trumpet in his hand, ready to give 'It is wi'h the stoat uncarted success u Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry. Every Captain Densmore did his hest to all.vi- the order to veer, should the violence .1 'Then heaven help us s.'l fur there is bottle gsasnteed to give satisfaction. 2 day my opinion of it is that I ate his friend's ruflering by leading hie the hurricane rdlNrr it Necessary. no view of other help.' to think still more of that whic thar.kmg well mind away from its glee hear oontempla- The storm clouds had now risen Lo- tions and bitter reflections Eustace words the zenith, and their edges stream - noticed this endeavor and was grateful ed like smoke from the vehemence of the - for it, but sometimes in the depth and tempest before which they were driven. .littt'Irnes of ho pain he would tufa" And now under the black vault of the to take in brighter hopes, or entertain sky white patches of water began to flash milder feelings regarding the tyranny to and gleam showing where the wind had which he had bra subjected et th and smitten it with fury and Suddenly a loud azc!amattun escaped the lips of Captain Densmore. in rune Ding his anxious eye for perhaps the hundredth time over the sea, he caught sight of a large vessel et no great distance from them. That he had not seen it till then was not wonderful, for a ship's hull was not easily discerned ataxy the _ .4. GOOD vas FGAR ROC rD. --Natinnal Gin. KEPI., Manager ()nta'in Bank, Pills aro a good blood purifier, liver; Pickering. regulator, and mild purgative for all I Price 25 cents at all druggists. m **mons. m I it has teen discovered that a youngI Wbee/er'. TIsmsr ras.paates. ed. married woman who was supposed to I1I \ t' K S 1 N. li M O T H It K B A hi D have died at Wheeling. . , last Mondayf N.1114 b''''it'e'r Foliar of I'hnephatr. and ('all - g• mfa of guar calor In malntaiuln• .treryth. was buried alive. Her husband u pros- I preventing dna-mfa or poor blood. giddiness emend and his life u despaired of. sad ng if 50rnmrnon to delicatecmufl- % trim dnrtng the period of lactation. fietnlf orf worm* are well kr..rwn rompooe•A ..t food elements. It pronate. the m the n On one occasion u they sat together in foam. The crested wares were visibly , The signs ,1 health n<the molter, sad tie devmimeo" t of cowering billows, and tete ship in .Imes - the cabin, and after Dunmore had been raising themselves, and changing the tion was, Ake the Cornet*, ailing under but the remind] Is not always s.. well the cbl1.� massae the ,'wnr.r nt depraved determined D h trying to exculpate the Admiralty in re- watery plain into a belling region of bre poles. But in the now settling sea powders will destroy them. m Illants so often injudteinudr premeritw.l• she became a mon conspicuous object, lohn Duriedp • coal -bled negroand An tdlsor'. THMte r. Freeman's W•rrm hahit. w .ch mar result from the we of mini - Bard to his seizure, Eastern thus bunt snew-capped eminences. The gusts of forth with indignant vehemence-- wind that rushed aloft likewise grew 'i won't exonerate the Government, stronger ani more frequent, and the for 1 look upon it a, the prime author of long undulating dopes on which the ship the wrong 1 have endured. Without its slowly or and fell were becoming fur - power andsanction Randolph would have rowed on the surface. I gladness of eneipected hope filled every been powerless to harm me, but, using Morning came et length, but it did I bosom. A simultaneous shot burst forth t as an entrine, he was able to have me not bring with it a orseaticn of the I fro,n French and British. and prepare- .iron as a crimintnal and used as a I storm. As the grey light stole acnes ! tions were at onee made to hoist signals felon. f will never forget it. I will I the sea, it revealed as magnificent a„f distress to the stranger. At this never forgive it. Henceforth I can yield apecteele u ze the eye could gaopen i juneenre the French sailors quitted:the it no respect, and will not scruple to de- Mountaneous billows, .now created end i pumps in a body, and crowded the bol - ever shifting, neared themselves in all works, with eager shoats and vehement directions, and from their summits the spray flew like clouds of smoke, till it nam caught up and lost in the black bosons of the sky. In the centre of this majestic tarbuleeee the Cornet* was drier about- - the sport of wind and sea -the only living thing to be described in the wilderness of raging water. By noon the wind had moderated • and 1 will take my revenge for it on the little, and as the thunder 4 its roaring bink seas. By heavens, the Government lessened, the shouts and shrieks of the will yet feel that my enforced aegaint- GODERICH BOILER VORIS end Dun.mo•e noticed her with a joy I Amite Jefferson, ahandsome white Theron P. Keator,editor of F • ' V :yne equal to hia surprise merrier! Almost instantly woman, were arrid a St. Louis ” Ind., li,rvlte, writes : 'For the t....t five j Have just received a Large stock of BRASS & IRON STEAM FITTINGS —ron— son,RR3 & ENGINES Row Salt Pans and Boilers Built on Shortest Notice, ]fail orders for new work aedfrepalie wt 'cosi. prompt attention, CHRYSTAL A BLACK, `Yorks near O. T. R. Station. t)odertcb. Feb. 2S. um. lip Nauted to be Kilownil! TH \T rut' CAN 135T CHOICE CONFECTIONERT, CANNED FRUITS AND FISH. TOILI CCO, CIGdd RS, 4e Domestic and roeeif�fts. ( ere of the Best Brand►- Fresh and Smoked , It Nater Flab in season A full a.eortment of all kinds of Vets. Oyster. nerved In .:veer %slI legwlrwd. 1('E I'KE.4 HS IN Sb' -1.'4 N. !vessel Da.tesoti Wreathe, (nes... aeNlsnr. et.•_ made to order. !flowering ?lasts a Temptable* to ureses. - -1T_— ea the presence of the vessel became known iuuday last• immrli*teiy after the . hr s i have always used lh. Mini's New ceremony the bride p D y erfor (ria h of n•• I h purchased a new suit - isc -e ry . comehe o most seven to the masses on deck, and the wild of clothes for the gre.om. i character, as well as for theme of s milder I Tae Troth anal ••laity Eist. type- It never fails iso effect a speedy e want Proof. Hurn- cure• My friends to whom i have re- fraud it if ;it suits me to do so. Myro wrongs, Densmore, hare made m� reck- less, if not desperate. The devil in my nature has been roused, and in my out- cast eseditioa i will ready to what inm other eiresetaeees i should never havesa contemplated. Look, ye, Dsmore, if when i return i find this day evil fate u hh.fallea Lahr, every tie el kindred and errantry will then have bees severed, arum with national duty will be tamed into • weapon of rat•liatioa' iOs 'Hush. shw,' said his frim, 'yds new say what yeaM silt tarps.' Few& prisoners below desk startled these is the other parte of the shinwas. Por some time it weaw•idaewd tb•t those were named by m tenor .f th. storm', to* s they warted lewder it their heath, pm gesticulations Eustace sprang among them, and speaking in their own Ian- ttmge, urged upon them the necessity of continuing to keep the water under, .Ise E. BINGHAM'S, RE8TAUR &NT 'oust Honer Square. (io•iericltjOts. .7 laic. ID, I.. t!S! 1m e D. K. STRACHAN, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Keeps Keeps on hand a supply of ate.ial for attar repairing of tioare meays pe ph. commended it speak of it to name hagh lowersand Realleii terms. Harm been cured h it .f every Latta .n mare plentiful than d •lbors, sad ' it u only by the greatest care that Irony I Omagh i have had for five year,, i cos- ecs kept at cenviction point that they I ander it the only reliable and ours cure j Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows and are n.�t R,obo. Proof is wanted, and that for coughs, colds, etc. Call at Wilson's I �ricultural Implements we can *apply in connection with the i Drur Store and ret a Fri* Trial Bottle. and Machinery Generally. claims of Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- Large size $1.00. re trsctor as • sure, nate, and pateletr rem- All WORN THOROUGHLY 1,8NE. .dy for corns. Ask any druggist wPr T. ate 5.Ieas rrwi...r.a, a.e all wages he thinks of it Ask any perwm who sr may ease's, uu roof ou want, Then buy a btttle,test I Ph'sphatitr.. •or Nene 1',wxt, a Phn.- I GODERICH MACHINE SHOO Ammon,. tiederteh. Match Nth, ;fdL I -k, fav tie war iii slam lysed of l 1 a O ,wrtam aw.h w..itt l' raarc.arofwl..alrtnY.Maa/i'" pie ,t,e.w/. $seal w IIt pyt yes ig4 1 way of maklgptere lnnrtey ten a hen rip fon .ser t t bee M any earl 1 eapttal ry sheat. re's will .fart fou. YP ' work all t Itis alis. er to abler items nab, work 1s sal tenon; aigprei ie th yrs( and .is.. Yen Oga malty ears f :. I to *every reenter 'IbM en to ti -wt' may teen iI 10•410.86. slg.e nest. w t ►wIM smiler to ail uta. ane ate wap wilt resa}} vii ten pay elms h. 4'well' ata. r.t�w l5.. iMt.a.lewa , ,, /'a�rrtrwwme will ,wwrote by Ihe.m lr .. . P wh.1. ld.ae I ate 4sisr .iy Y ntfwie•s('o Ti 1e� h used itTeta will Rive arra all the I ! D. K. STRACHAN, it, anbecome a missionary for Putnam's phate Immon,. harerl upon Sctenttfi. the Corneae would sink ere the stranger pu nks, Oe„, B:tnetor. Tads, Formulated by Professor Austin I could come to their aid. He spoke, I - M. D. of Welton, Maas.. curve Pulmon- however, to men who were ether Geo A R.waan-(N nne dospu "Taa.en- cry Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- esiited to understand hint, o: who did at; to say inc aAaatnT, s.rnding ' thethe bestrcahourtarkluteahle i eonselAl ttackwadings, Vertidisg'• andofthNeueralgia ehyrn. on •std eases human not believe his word, and they refused little gem for the Teeth and Pat:. Ask system. Phe.phatine is soot a Medicine. Tim VegetableI Pniems t WOW** STOW understood the danger renter, and .:wh ' What's the trotter i in rail d bot ly the I'besphatic and Gartt'ic Monsanto List 1'y. resumed the work which the others lead List coal-Int11 rain ow frond in our daily food. A t:i. ie hetet. --"K-el;. how ' *hi dont pen an sewed, not, however, till Some preaOUS 100. Rhyne tired ass est . Acute of t. sof Boost M c,Mvi.e . All ggtwta ..este had beim last, dens/ which rant uthtni,yrt it m* In no ivelanu. mill it. pI (10 per -len{* inwpwtr A t etwaT, trip a bIfIS hew.. It ash (� stile agents for the Dominion, sera IS e.ati �• to r.torn to th. pumps The British your ruggest or address. bene a Not nt, hpeatise it containa no meta If Poetics, o Stimulants. Mit •implf exhausted though th* men were, they It/ titre f*i. ea.. ►. tb N f Ant the water in the venal had risen several Mir 63 inmost Street least Toronto