HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-4, Page 2i. l A Wn+s8 .MISTAKE. IRtta, Ilappeel prided beweN an being d the best of hetlaekeepela She 411181osie of those rapid Imemewives who Orem, as stem et dust as • bunter might ' ell• deg. No fly ewer dared to buss with - iia ber debety walla Ne cat .purred on Clint beset► -arose, Planta were tabooed .41taasea their hares would fall. Canary girds were ruthlessly included test they sight scatter seed. Sunshine was ex- cluded as an arch enemy. 'It brtag. Shies and fades the carpets,' said Mrs. of 4 • ti • aHop000d. As for Mr. Hupgeod and (the erlildten, they lived mostly in the '1 esa't have the buys' muddy bouts trate/%[ over the carpets, and the girle t sewlleg in the patter,' said Mrs Hop - good. 'As for Repg•od, I dont care where be sit.. One place is as good s another, where he is ouucerned. 1 The Hopguod faintly also took their Imelda in the kitchen. 'Fre got • diuing-rnom as nice u any - s, mad said Mrs. Hopwood, 'with a Ileal instead oak sideboard, with a, aid silver, polished till it's better than a •looking -glom, But where's the use of turning things all up-sidedown last fur anis own family I Common crockery - ware and good bone -handled knives are just as good for every day nae.' • 'Mamma,' said Elsie Hopwood, a . cherry-cheeked girl of sixteen. '1 should like to .it in the parlor sometimes. Mrs. Hesford and daughter use theirs every eveaing,and it looks so pretty and pleas- ant in there.' 'Stuff and nunsenae !' said lin. flop - goad, sharply. 'I keep house myself, after my own fashion. and give others heave to do the sante.' 'But, magnet,' replied Elsie, 'I was thinking hew i should like to invite all the girls here some evening, and have tea, and afterward some little games. I've been asked out se many times with - 1 out ever responding, and really 1 am get- ting shamed to go.' 'Then you had better stay at home,' .said Mrs Hopgotd. polishing vigorously -away at the stem of her silver cud-re- eeiver. 'I think 1 we myself with all ,the young felt in town capering on my Brussels carpet, and cake erurnba iniad melted cram daubed over every - Elsie made no answer, but her ceun- t i•e tawce quickly (ell. 'I wish mamma was like any one else,' Alm said to herself, the ten obscuring bee eyes. 'i wish she was like Kate ett's mother, who lets her have daNpany every Thured•y evening. John plates wants me to marry him. If 1 mar - r ied him mI could have a house of my •wq, and do just as I pleased.' t 'Mother,' said Mr. Hopgood, a week {or two afterward, with a troubled farm : t'Is it true that our Elsie is tont walking Anemia. with John Elton i He is s worthless, dissipated fellow, and no fit 'associate fur any girl.' 'Mercy on us ! f don't know,' said Hopwood, with a perturbed face. 'I *be was with Kate Prickett or tCities Memfurt. I'm a ,fret del too lbw with picking up and housekeeping 'to run at a giddy girl's heels the whole imBut I em going to commence ing te-morrow, and then I'll warrant !171 give her enough to do to keep her ,out of mischief.' 'Mother,' said Iaa•e Hopgoud,gravoly, 'sometimes I think that if we made Ilene a little inore attractive to our ilr3dren —' 'Ob, nonsense !' quickly interrupted ihie wife. 'I suppose you'd like us to *dire tableaux, like stirs. Momfort ; or a is lantern, like the Micktords. Our ren have not been brought up in way.' 1111r. Hopgood not no more. Mrs , to use her own expression, was the thick of house-cleaning' the next , with the carpets rolled into haps, floors *palmed with wap -suds, and lead geZ rep with a pocket hand- , when the door suddenly lill• iedkit ears oaf my pan of soap suds and Its!' she cried sharply. 'Oh, it is ,isit. Ally t' Tee, mother, if one,' mail Alexander, WeWest son, who hn,l just gone into as junior partner to his father. 4 nstr, do Imre off washing a minute and tbMsd to me. Ryerson', in town rely pohsm, you know --only for one day, I have asked '.tint to dinner.' Z. dinner !' almost screamed Mrs , dropping her brush in emo- tion ; 'Alexander Hopwood. are sassy t Of c nurse 1 can't hero him dinner : look at the confusion this is in.' 'Oh, he won't mind that, tneother ; Ry- is a thoroughly good fellow Just bon sit down to anything with the of us.' -.4 shall do notions( of the sort, Alex. ,' said Mn Hnpgood, rather , impressing her bps, 'you are that I de not approve of year in- estapaay ret say time, still leis at • period as this, if you have bees b ask him, you may get nut aware the best way you eon.' efefither--' treat say mere d'- -.dike at the shiest,' said Mrs Hupgsed, tbMl� Mg away witb4►e larva. Altana/0r wets tut doming tie deer. •W.U,' gsoth Alexander to himself, Of I east ask • brimmed to diener at home, there is at least the •Rermtive of invit- ing him to the hotel. l never did such a thin* before, but I deal we how des I can sassy!,' So Alexander Hopgood entertained Mr. Ryerson at the hotel, and gave an unlimited order ter feed champagne and dessert. And the upshot of it all was that Alexander Ropgood was brought in at 11 o'clock at night by two of the wait- ers, hopelessly intoxicated. 'Don't be 'f-f-fraid, mother,' stuttered he, brandishing an empty bottle, as he became dimly conscious of her white, scared face tending over him. Go on. with your washing ! it's • deal Jolliet at the hotel than it is at home.13Freedou forever ! Ho.-o.ory „ 'Oh, what shall 1 do f sobbed Mr& Hupgood, when the waiters were once out of the house and the Holl of the cab wheels had dad away. 'To think—only think that any sen of mine should stoop to disgrace himself thus !' 'Its your own fault,' said Benny, the second son. 'l'ou'd not let Ally bring his friend here to dinner.' 'Hold your tongue,' sharply retorted Mrs. Hopwood. wincing beneath the prick of home truth. 'Call Elsie I need her help.' 'Oh, mother,' piped Fanny,the young- er girl. running down stairs in haste, 'Elsie ain't here.' 'Net here 4' 'No, mother ; she hasn't been to bed at all --and there's a note on the table directed to you.' 'Open it, mother,' said Isaac Hop - geed. 'Thu ;s a sad night fur ear household. My God ' has our home become so dis- tasteful to our children that they fly from it, like rats from a falling house 1' The note was short enough, as it read: 'Gear Mother: 1 am tired of living in the kitchen. 1 have run away w ith John Elton. and before you see me again I shall hare en- terer! upon a new future. Ire. Hopwood broke into hysterical 'ebbing. Mr. Hopwood read the hur- riedly scrawled paper, with a face cold and set like steel. 'Run away with John Elton,' he re- peated slowly. 'l'uor Elsie ! t_beo God hell, her ; for he is as greet a villain and sseundrel as ever lived, and she hs seal- ed her own doom. Mother ! mother ! this come. of your housekeeping.' 'It wasn't sty fault, Isaac,' subbed Mn. Hopgood, rucking herself backward and forward in a chair into which ahs had dropped. 'It was your faith,' retorted the hus- band, almost savagely. 'You made the very name of home a mockery to your children, and set your soul inside • scrubbing -pail ; and now you are reap the bitter harvest, my dear.' of nurse poor Alexander Hopwood was unable to lift his throbbing head off his pillow nett day.and his mother never left him until afternoon. When at last she came down stairs, the parlor blinds were thrown wide open, a flood of sunshine atreamtng_ in, the table neatly act in the dining -room, and flowers on the table, and new books, games and puzzles scattered around. Mrs. Hologorel gazed ermine her with a bewildered air. She hardly knew her • own home. 'This is the way we must live hence- • forth, mother,' said her husband, cheer- , ily. 'Let in the light and sunshine ; teach Iten and Fanny that home is some- thing more than an empty name, and try, in so far as we can. to retrieve the errt;rs of our past life.' Mrs. Hopgood mutely bowed her head. 'I will try, husband,' she answered. Ne/eru Nagle. The magical power over pain that Hagyard's Yellow (til possesses entrivals the marvels of ancient times. It acts in a natural manner to subdue intlamma- tie.w ; surae HEte•mattatr, ('roup Deaf- ness, Sore Throat, and painful in- juries. 2 Tt in mitt by a well-known Illinois edu- cator that "the avenge Western farmer toile hard, early and late, often dspriv- iu� hittetelf of needed rent and deep --ter w hat r To rain' corn. For what 1 To fetal hoogs. For what 1 To get money with which to buy more land. For what 1 To raise more corn. For what 1 To feed noire hags For what 1 Te buy more land. And what does he want with niers land i Why, he wishes to raise inure corn—to feed more hogs - to hey more land—to raise more corn—to feed more hogs—and in this circle he mown. until (Tod klntighty atope his hoggi.I3 proceeding. If you are tired taking the large, dd- fashinnerl griping pills try Carters Little Liver pills and take some comfort. A mart can't stand everything. One pill a dose. ret. ,tom 11 arms often cause venous illness The cure Is Dr Low's Worm Syrup. It destn•ys and expels worms effect u - a1►;. The edityrial of today is crisp s o ..• at Mane flippant, strong without being potation/us. and comprehensive without tieing insg. It ithin these limits there is still room for the great editor but outside of them hes cannot longer get his readers to (elbow him.—llotwsville Poet April 24 EMinesi Kis purify the blood, regs- lst.lis-m ek, lice, and bowels. es e THN !HURON SIGNAL FRIAY. JULY 4, 1884. MOW tab • Melt ,e ele..e. they.tve • vinous way el takes the medal ler the sans with which it is conduct- s/. :` we will say is after ppiitbaa a beg geese trout ha6erRy id, K a dwon sense, as the Mall may be, ba tins a baited hook sad line about fee feet long to their foot, and ea mashing the water tures them in. The birds of emirs* swim oat, sad the Asherman lights his pipe and sits down. In a few minutes • deb seas the bait and seises it, giving the gunge a good bull. The bird starts for shore at full tisk, frightened half to death, drag- ging the hah upon the bank, when it is unhooked. The has being rebated, the feathered fisherma is agaq sent out to try its lucky A deck of geode clan Make quite • haul in the course of $ day, the human fishermen having only to take off the gown and bait the hooks, the pulling in and hooking being done by Ow birds. In Washington Territory, in the gnat salmon neer, pigs have been !wen to chase fish, diving for them under water, and they are said to pick up deal amnion in ten feet of water by diving.—I New York Kun. A Flom $psatee. The firm of Ormand & Walsh. drug - elite. of Peterboro. my Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry is one of their best Standard Medicines for Summar COM - plainta. 2 Well Rewarded. A hberal reward will be paid to any party who will produce t ease t4 Inver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitters will not speedily curr. Bring them along, it will coat you nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious- ness, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene rat debility are quickly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money refunded Price only fifty cents per, bottle. For ale by J. Wilson. [5) Com:attar. - A name well known in onnection with the Hair Renewer,whwh restores grey hair to is natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at GO cents per bottle by James Wilson. 2m Tare ser tie,/d Farre. The best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ten. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousnes Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild atiinulant, will always find Electric Bitten the best and only certain cure known. They "et surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. [4] Sew rias ten Meets• weakened tug flit. caw. da•elley meas aai.lp..lean The Great German IorigerMor is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgstfehmes, pain in the beck or aides, no matter bow shattered the system may be trona ra- cemes ul saykind, the Gamma Gssa Remedy wirestore the hint feaetioss and secure health and happiness. 31.00 p.ir box, .Ix boxes for X5.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of pries, postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole rgsnt for United States. Cir- culars and tuetiutusiala sent fres. Sold by Geo. Baynes, sole agent for God.- rich 3m : There is no one article in the line of ylediciues that gives at, large a returu for the money as a gutd'x,rous strength- ening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plast- ers. to WAaalreurolt, D.C.. May 15th, 1886. (icrrt.at/nt—Haring been a sufferer for a lung time from nervous prostrtitat mud general debility, I was advised to try Hop Bitters. I have taken one bot- tle, and I have been rapidly getting bet- ter ever sane, and I think it the best medicine I ever used. I am now gaining strength and appetite, which was alt gone, and I was in despair until I tried your Bitters. I ani now well, able to tfo about anti du my own work. Before taking it I was completely prostrated. MLS. MARY STC'aRT. . James Brsyley, Hamilton. nays : "1 read the testimonials for Mc(lregors Speedy Cure and found 1 had not to go to New 'York. Philadel- phia. Louisiana or Texas to find living wit- nesses of its value. we have plenty at persons right here to prove Be merits. I got a bottle and it helped me richt away. 1 was as had with Bilious Fever and Indigestion as 1 think any rens could be. 1 have taken three bottles and am nearly well and can eat any kiud of food without It hurting Inc. I may say 1 am better than 1 ever expected to be. Free trial bottles et t:, Rhyna.. :m lr the history of medicines no preps ration has received such univerml cum- , mendatiou for the alleviation it affords, and the permaneut cure it effects in kid nap diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney Cure. Its action in these distreestng complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson. 2m T he..a d, M7 be. T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kan., writes: 'I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to my c stomers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers.' Electric Bitten are the purest and best medirne known and will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels Nu family can afford to be without them Thev will save ttundreds of dollars in Idoctors bills every year. ;old at 50cts. a bottle oy J. Wilson. 13] BOOTS AND SHOES PTE" Goons_ REMEMBER Have the Largest Stock, The Latest Stylest The Most Reliable Goods, And the Lowest Prices, Please Call dr. Thxarra.i=e_ NO _TROUBLE WATEVER TO SHt )1\- (;t n IDS _ D0 N N Cnbb's Block, Corner Vast street and Square. Goderich, May 86, 1884. BOOTS.&SHOES =o dr, Wed.clup Beg to announce to the Public that they hate opened husinesa in the above Store in the store hNely occupied by H••race Newton. Having purchased a large and well asstorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determine to giro the Public the benefit. QUICK SALES & SIELL PROFITS MILL BE OUR ICTTO AP-Pleaae call and examine our goads before purchasing elsewhere. Jai Remember the place. next door to .1. Wilson's Drug Store, AI -Custom work will receive our special attention. .We•None but the beet o1 material used and first -clam workmen employed. NI -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice Goderich, March 9 18142. DOWNING & W E D D U F DON'T READ THIS I McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO, Manufacture all krods tt1 Machinery Oils of the best quality. Alo It Cutting, Wool and Cylinder Oils. --twmrw — LARDINE 1i.•O1KIIQ>D OIL Hill an cannel 1. beaus ter pries sad aarnlr• ab dais r all Mese. GREAT REDUCTION IN 14110E8. Haynes retired tram the Liquor b•daee . 1 mow dates say tr.L GROCERIES Which 1 will Maw Moser than asp heseo is the eeusr. lee le lutdes tar rrlrmg lkaty Oxsepelitioa 1 purchase direct from the Itdsery la ear bad Imo 1 ales make • epecLlty of owing Sugar -Cured Hants and Breakfast Bacon. LJRD BOLD BT TI PAIL_ Read the following aotarhme STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR, ll !ha for 111.00. COFFEE SUGAR, 124th foe 1.00. BRIGHT YELLOW, 14 the for 1.00. Nest 1ltds ('curt Hous Beware, tiederieb. HUGH DUNLOP, • Fashionable Tailor, WEST STREET, Else dee Finest Assortment of Summer Gotxli ta' Choate Froin. IF TOC WANT A Nobby Suit ata Reasonable Price, ('AL1. ON H u G -H D -G NLOP_ CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN _ A full line of all the Leading; Patent lledicint•s always kept on hand (Physicians Prescripttiotis a Soecialty.) GEORGE RHYNAS, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE; The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. LAND r-LEGI- ULATION s. The Company offer lands within the Itailwa) Itc11 aline the main lite. end in Boothe Manitoba, at prices ranging from $2_50 PER ACRE upwards, with conditions requiring cultitatiea. A rebate for cultivation of from e1.531.:1•3a per ane, sceordiag to price paid for the land, allowed on certain conditions. The Company also oder Lead, without conditions of settlement or cult iration. THE RESERVED SECTIONS along the Main Lite i.e., the odd numbered Seadons within owe mile a the Railway, are sow offereda for le no •jrutaneeas terms, to parties prepared to utttdertake their Immediate cal- tivatiou. TERMS OF iJPAYMENT:-- Purchasers ma, pay one-sixth in cash. and the talent" -in lift anaual fadalmeata, with m• terest at SIX Plat CENT. per annum. payable in advance. Parties purchasing without conditions of coltit&Mon. w 311 receive a Deed of Conveyance at time of purchase, if payment is made in full. Payments may be trade in LAND GRANT IWJNlr. , which will be acp eeed al ten per cent. premium on their par value and accrued ineterst. These hoods can be obtained oa ap- plication at the Bank of Montreal,streal : or at any of its saeactrs. FOR PRICKS and CONDITION le $A LE sod all information with respect to the pur- chase of lands. apply to JOHN 11. M AV1$tf land (ontmissloner, Winnipeg. By order ef the Board CHAitLK$ liltINKWATKH, Secretary. Itt7it 31ISOddO---: Jlt101.0VA 3NtiO81OO 1.11 s H d M m m H O a � H 1-p O 0 V 1)1 LJ 0 OP a 0 CP j3 a • mIrO w r11.4 Ari Desi�us io Wall P aper. Now is the time 3t you wish one or two nice room. at home, to ewe am e Butler's repaper He ha. neer 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautiful colon, and at prices lent thea very womb later'. - r• ids. Call and Pee the io err tEe Anel venae if tows. wind 0,11.t he sold The Lalesi Spriog Bazaar Palms and Fashions, A T TI U TZ.ER'N •