HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-7-4, Page 11
wHO' r
new £.l _IFaminse This
card el Then he ee& MIL
Houma for liar -1: BtsmMM.
weavlag-Metig . s tae.
Fa Bale or to Root- . Alien.
ShoogWrIig Oeods-t#SS. Acheson.
II lbs Ware Muter fee Si -Geo. Grant.
�NICHOLSO11'tt,, L D.tl;' BU Rt1I OS
ed.re. West
Stsees tys dew below Issit twig nMwt
She People's Column.
1 hereby tender my :hanks to the taea/aen
u: the dr* brigade. and others. who by easeful
ind ancient work presented the fire and uwat-
er fent doing more serious damage
eget oa Saturday ereuisg.O 1tU1C OLD.
Goderich, July 2 1*1. 1t
borsht Informed that Milligan ! lien.
hawse/peeled out their room*, in (apt. Das-
ceJso Hamer building. w-est•et., nearly epee•
site the beak a Montreal. and are prepared
to dll all orders in carpet. and other weaving
n the best attic. 7'ornu4 rrs.o.ubl . Seed
along your orders.
% '(N)D WANTED -200 Tu 300 eosins
1V of wood. for whicha cKash h in be skiIon
.t••livery. 'pj{y to
CH K M iCAL `l'• If4S-St
t.oderich. May Mb. Isar.
LL part the Falb
d acres
o gopasture land.nearlyhere are Mice for yea arlings 75c
of good W
per month : "year olds and uewerds�l per
month. Apply to :;AMI'L 1LAT•r,Uete-
in !toilers and Iron harrows. will be sold
cheap at the Ooderlch Foundry. The Beatty
Reaper and all repair, for the saute ran also
be procured from the Ogden, I oieMnd ores
applloatioa by taatt to H. SKE4iMIIL'I H,
((.odericb. Ont.
1* still ready to do any work 1n his line at
moderate prices.
. Limb Bricks. Firebricks, and other Building
Material kept on hand for rale.
(:oderioh. March Ohl', 1181. 1 4ui
e the Comity Iluron. rales attended
main part of the County. Address olalebn to knowledge ..f the work to be done and
Gdericb t • O• their willingness W dm it. The old ay
JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC- ing, "Two many evoke spoil dm lens ,"
TIOSeint and Land Valuator. Uoderich. should be bine m mind in future cum-
ttwt. Meths* had t-onsidereble expetienee In mittee aelecti•,ns, and a less number and
the trade. he b in a position to better material should be ch,»en. With
discharge satisfaction ail rom-
a little forethought on the part of th
management there is no reason why th
annual games at Ooderich should net b
the chief feature in Huron ..n the 1st •
For Sale or to Let. July. Shortly before eleven o'clock
ttse ICTCLI tufts
SHE Tt'u 02 was ria TIKEwt►taa
were un attractive feature of the day. 1 did not come off at the time appvl W were exhibited in the Harbor Park, and
b t bout flr• •et,ok ewe taams era were viewed by an immense amveunie wen p•mfau riarsst.r flieee- rsi imam
Thu there utile ecu bn.ught out h,• u a of .en, ole. The Hien uo charge did thaw
contestants, and as tine course was atoned gotten up -cue trete Il iderich townaIupF 1news tasa•wae.
A BIG, BIG t�EI,EBR�-�TRAL- the ''•
nem, n hue alas „( the race was ;and the ether from Colborne. At tint work well, and sense of the pieces were cad. MC}�;,y, o1 S. forth, led tor a it seemed a if the superior weight of really superb. A foolish fellow *eat his
Lang while. nut near the cl. w .1 the rue the Colborne men wield carry the day, fist through the rilbatted at.
lust iii was Frank enameller has been
McCollungh urerha.,ic•I hint. At the but the staying poWen of the G.derich rising, and doetnoyep it. The park display,
to teach Zurich school in place
3OW the Natal Day !Y $ iagieniag of the Let I , i.. a .t k Platt township team proved teu much for their • ed to be the heel plane (.•c the daplay, c
Henderson, re.i n"'1•duties to so
oak a trenzend,•'I' .:,ort, and Jew uppenents, and they succeeded in appro- and the thousands of spectators were {
in (}oderiOlh well satisfied with the tirewr,rks. The Methodist 1'enferenee at (lin
Amid u[ McKay and �i.•Cul .•u:;h li e a Fasting the victor's laurels.
stsesk of blue lightning, Lu: he woman 'The following u the Hine, WWEET WINE ' _lined on \\'edneeday, last week. t)wsEj
- up with a header owing to a solidi Ansa esse. Afterthe eleseof the dramatic entertain- :Swed was se►eetim as the place fes t
twist of the wheel. Cu* and Colonies mein and the fireworks celebration the neat annual meeting
rsa at`(; nAllaw
ruiners hied thrall to the station where J. D. Ronald, of Itrwssels. ha maws.
had dropped out, and it looked a if tat.dut• for um lit. W. F. the s sec' rain was waiting es. rnnve
Platt was done for, t•.,. But to the a- d '� 1 p- 1 7 ed from New Brunswick,and has seamed-
of all, Jack got up, shook off Stonewall, IOft 4 in. ; 'bd. A. Currie, them to Win"' between Godarich sed al in selling two of his fine at .aa in
seine •.f the road dust, mounted his 8ft. 4 ut.
Stone -
machine, drew ahead of McKay, and i Standing high jun,l-1st. W. F tttwre-
made the lealer, Johnny McCullough, o wail, .ft 1 ihigh orjump-1s rete, 4Currie,
mend his pace to the close. Platt's 5ft 5 in ; 2nd. W. F. St.enewalt aft 3 in. ward on their several ways conscious of
pluck gannet hen second place, amid ' y must be four other books pocket lying
much applause. { Three 'dandier jumps -1st. W. F the fact that a long -drawn out Mehra- around somewhere.
Pl Stonewall, 31ft 9 in , `2nd. A. Currie, tion, be it never so pleasant, is a wean- Dr. Rutledge, nen of Andrew Eti�
The local race, two miles, had pec- ! 2$f'. 6 in rarer to the deeh, shier all is said slid
deafly only two contestants. Platt and !. ledge, of Hayfield, u established tit
h. Platt led the wayie good
Hop, step and jump -tali P. StcIf.ret- de:,r. Mousim, N. W. T., and considering the
M le, and{won the gold medal the hand-
aid, 42ft 10 in ; 2nd. N. Deep', 41ft. �' sparely settled state of the country is
y { lU ia. 8. 8. INSTITUTE.pa
man who had previously taken the hand- 1 -1 t A Currie scouring a good practice.
Mao weMYar W • dame crowd - Weu-
ttaslessed r:•mes The Mae last la-
esweae Mote\ - er•asa11e Iatertata�eas
Fireworks Display.
The het of July in Guderich opened
aiupicinusly, with fair weather and a
cle•ir sky, and gave evidence that a ane
day was in stere for the participants in
and spectators of the sports. The pee
pieo the town bestirred themselves
early, and long before the hour appoint-
ed for the opening of the preemie of the
day's doings crowds of visitors began to
come in from outside points. A number
of athletes from Brumes had come in un
the late train the evening before and
proved tc. be objects of interest to our
local spirts.
for the holding of the games were not
made in the most methodic manner, and
on that account one or two hitches oc- tiers in remarkably seen time. as fresh ; Currie
curred during the day.One of these Hurdle race --let W. F. Stonewall,
a a dais, while bine cumpMip n looked `2nd. O. Currie.
hitches was occasioned by the fact that pumped. He will Ie in tint -class forte 1
the cuntmittee had selected the market- t. next season. 1 hour goes -you -please -1st. Angus
y I Melt ev Dd tS m. Misers
Mitchell, and when the toot of the loco-
motive gave indication that the train wee
fairly under way, the remittent* who had
gone to see the vlaitoraotf wended home
engines. They will 14 shipped at wean
A picket book advertised as found
last week in Clinton was applied ler
tire ladies, of that teen, so that thaw'
some silver cup. Runnmgo .mg olanlp st A. t \Cita Mc5lilian, daughter of Juhn Me-
119ft 3 in ; _rid. 1 McD.ona d, t9ft 2 in. A eery street. -tilt Merle. •r seniles• led
The green racy, br.Gq;h• •out six Millen, reeve of Hallett, left last week!
Vaulting with puce -1st. W. F. Stone- by lies. J. wel:wew.
''colts," but the race narr.•weel down to .0 a trite to the wld country for lbs
wall, o9ft 34 to ; •ind N. Deegan. --- ,
three after the tint lap, Keith licj.ean, ! nntit of her health. Her father Mee
\'restliuyt-.1. J. Dalton. The meeting* held nil Thuinie ago.
of Gederich, and two Seeforth wheel- ( ) oowtuaniod her a far as New York.
rerr we're.
re of list week were full of interne
men. McLean, who led from the start, l0U yards -1st. Win. faint. "rad.
had it all his own way, and rode a pretty
race. "Pickles." as tl.e boys familiarly
palled him, came in the easiest of win -
Andy Currie.
200 yards -let. W. Yates. 2nd. A.
place on Montreal street for the holding
of the ring games. There is no sward
there and the soil u composed of gravel
and stones. The athletes very properly
objected to jumping and sainting with
spiked shoes on the ground ,elected, and man on the bicycle. He was ripe f.
at one time it seemed as if the nog games fancy ricine, but no competitors could
fer the day would net be engaged in. he found, and the exhibition did not
owing to the good offices of a number conte .tf.
of persona who had the interest of the THE HIGHLAND DAN,'INt:
games at heart $ portion of the court- ( which was announced to come off after
house square was roped off, and the the bicycle races, seemed to fie consider -
events proceeded in their reveler order. ed an event of importance by the mord
THE 4'0HI1177LE MEN that surged to the market square. Hen
this year, with a half-dozen notable ea- ropes :ad been drawn to form two sides
oeptiions,were not up to the marl. Then rata triaugle, with a fence and buildings
were a number .4 young fellows prancing on the other side, and close against the
around with bailees en, who did nothing market bsildine the 'lancing platform
but "shrew shape" during the day. Com-
mittee -men should be selected for their
to ;Bible students and Sunday School
workers. Rev. .1 McEwen, the able
and ener:etic secretary .of the S. S.
Assoeia:io of Canada, followed up his
lecture of 'cdnesday by some very prac-
tical work in the Way of elucidating the{ On Monday Dr. Buchanan, of Zs i il.
o )7.rI and the )Pori. for the teacher. Ott was uncorking a large bottle of aani*ell%s
The hurdle race pn.t.• 1 t.. be an easy • Thursday he, timer t:p the question of and en removing the cork a large Nr'
thing for \icCull.. 'i, his • •I opponent ' Twier enema the e.1 t:ra-1st. "The . ea^ers T ext i;..nk-,' and tits' of the liquid flew in his WO. Had
' 1 \Va;eoL, `2::d R. Lintel.. started with the statement that Deaf to it out S.eeu for his presence of mind fit
Platt, being the coli' one who feli••wed u16Lo•.
the leader to the end. McCullough. for I personal piety conies Bible knowledge. might have resulted fatally. Asitiebsase
s li hder ut, is a coo(' "all•r.nnd" lid Lillie
-12 G, lel years -Agnes bn, He dwelt upon the cempoeittnn of the :t lair of very sore eyes.
g I nod Lillie Dodds. Busk, dia'idiug.it into its 66 hooks, gilt- The other ereninz, while at pesatieer
100 yams -10 to 12 yeses -Jeanie Intl the number of writers used as from the members of the F'resbytetian shad
che,ir presented one of their nsmbeir
Mies 91. ROSS, with a very handsome mel
o1 French China, as a wedding gift elle
carries to her new home in Geodes tag
geed wishes of her many friends in CliB-
.A new officer has been added to tbs.
Salvation Army forces in Sesforth, is
the peewee of Lieutenant Renton, the
Hallelujah School Teacher from Barrie.
He is said to be a very good speaker.
missal, esgeAed to him. order left ar
Jl.,rtls's Neftel. or sent by .o.a'.i to niy address,
t:..tench P.O..eare(ulq attended to. JOHN
.;\Ox Camila .tuctiooerr. 1e. -ts
number of the con:uittee-tnen and others
wait to the station tr. welcome the
visitors. 11u the arrival of tee train a
Inc new [nate bears o• Nelson-st. ..car r.r cos„ou wee forwtnl, healed by the
,e for sale n eaon bl terda. It a grit axaroltTu RAND,
, d for sale on reasonable forma. It has cigtit
srt(e bed -mesas. braid" ninon- mmHg; melte el ;eh proceeded al..u2 East street t,. th
library. kitchen, pastries. eloerte. cellars. Sc. avre.whorw a number of lively airs wa
All tharottmRly
do bed lnakle. Tire property sl
s offered ata bargain. Apply to tl.e ..en.r
Y. sMKATH. Uoderieh Out. 1150-2ni
1r' valuable property. know as the Milburn
Itzelan a Hotel. at present ocetipted by Mr.
Fred Herbs. b offered fur sale or w rent.
The hotel la situated on the Kral 51 made be-
tween Ooderioh sad fort Albert. and Uode-
o•ch aad Mlsth, and does a coag business.
j'oaassdoe es 1st or +-pt. or soarer if requir-
ed. Tinerraaonable. For particular- Xpply
to A. ALLEN. Dunlop P. 0. �i
��..d�ppr,,, township ofOoderich.
two besalitallffarroitd/Dining. tort
ad ZS teres; ahem 11‘11111•4 tenni Ii
Lake Hares ; w water«d. A. M. 81 11.
Leading. Oat.
hoose. containing elft 1 reams, together
with a quarter -sere garde.' jtasit with trait
trees. it is situated on tit. Ilavil'setasM.oes-
realest to the square, and will bee mated en
reasoable term*. For particulars are �s
D. HOLMES. corner of Eat vintens
Herne. lai7•lt
A commodious house on 1
street. containing six Mad two ram•
tries is on sale or for rent. Thera le agsped
marden and orchard is ew*.ct1 . aad the
hose tw soufortahle and oonvenleat. For
partieuiars apply to K. B. w• AT80N.
Craigie, 2nd Alice Reid.
50yards-8to 10 years -Alice Addi-
son. 2nd Alice. Sau:tdt.rs.
o0yards-e, to 8 years -Italie hi Ellice,
2nd Grace Green.
Egg race -Mary Sallow".
36 to 40. He divided the time covered
by the sacred history into eras narked
by rime prominent character from Adam
to Christ, and helpe.i tee wind to grasp
the division 1ty unit : a simple line on
the blaeithoatd to ii.ustrate the 4.000
yards, and initials' of the ItiL1e worthies
100 yards -12 to 16 years -Oe. o. Price, to mark off' the epochs. His address was
2nd. Ed. Cez, summed up in the outline :
100 yards -10 to 1'2 veers -With THE dune.
Munro, `tad. Howard Cul.
50 yard. -t} to 10 years -Claud Munro, i onstruct ion.
had been erected. The crowd was pack- end. Cordon Coetta.
ed so densely that the ropes gave way 30 dards- 4l to Syears-Albert Reid,
ani the multitude at once surged to the 2nd. Benson Cox.
platform. Thn,u2h some hitch on the
part of the committee there was no piper et. y• LE i A• :'.
The celebrated horse cue between
Christopher Dale, of Huliett, and Mr.
Coitiough a former hotel ken r tel
Winthrop, came off again at Strat etc
Monday and Tuesday last week.
(leciaialt this time wee given agOON
Dele,with costs amounting in all to abos4
He pressed upon his hearers the import- During the severe thunder storm a
,ice of rerietrurf heeding that whatever Wednesday last wee: the lightning
• A venni teaching was worth review struck an elm tri is a field bel•ongirtg M
present,and it was decided that an cram- Huron anti. ell
petition would be held, but that Master Race -Open to all meuiben of any recog-
Alex McIntyre, of Luckncw, would give nized club in the two nannies, or meta- (ivw_ w glimpse of the lemon in ad- clone "ere
were !}mg,
s'' exhibition of Highland fling and ben of the C. W . A. - Three codes, three can.:,. "1 le longer you look at any -
sword dance, which he did. Miss Ise. t» start -A silver cup. $30-5 entries- thitig ilio wore you Mee in it, and the
McIntyre was also present, but in the won by J. McCulloch, tins 11:37 ; m..reyou see in it the len (er, you will
absence of music it was thought beat not second, J. Piste, time 11:45. look et it." The Bible hada human
to ask her to lane the platform. Next Local Club Race- Two miles, and f^ur a well a a divine side. The word of
year, it is to be hoped, better arrange to start -First prise, gold medal, filo.
God was the warp of the garment, but It
menta fur music will be made, and next Second pry silver medal $10-4 en -
time a dancing plat,(or•tn is erected let it
be placed to the ini e of an open apace
where a rii.g can be roped around it nn
e all sides, instead of hiding it away in a
s corner of • back lot. a was done on ilii s
elven. The bond was under the loader- occasion
ship of Janie' Rem and kept up cantina- . H(LDREN x t:A11a.
.•w strains during the day. Amongst r lames Addison is a veteran in spurts,
THE .'4Yr1TITOI+• IN THE nlxa OAHEs. I and has a knack of pushing through
juvenile races with despatch and satis-
faction. He and his staff opened the
ball at 11 sharp.
in;; He also advocated r.r. r /./-coot, or Mr. Gregor McGregor ^ under erd thitat
ewes and three lambs. Mr. McGrexo
is likely to recover damages from tis
insaranoe c.ot:1pany.
The numerous friends and actieaintml
gala. of the 'ate Cut.rtant L. VanZipsssl
will regret to learn that the old gentle
came v, us with tee individuality ...... man passed away on Tuesday last ems$
tries -won by J. Platt, time 7 :48; se- teen to whom it was tint spoken. 1)n He had reached the advanced age of i
cond, J. 31cCulloch. Fnday, the work of the afternoon years, two mouths end sixteen days -
Green Race -Open to anyone never sa.si..n was based en the t„ llowing out- Dassed the promised ante t.f toss. De
haring won a prize-O;.e mile. and three line : ceased was one of the early piettswe a
t.. start -Prize, silver model, $10-8 en- , rets+ENTATION 07 T:IE v,ar.D. the "Huron Tract" as it was cabal i
tries -won by K. McLean. time, 3:45. + the early days.
Hurdle Race -Open to all -One mile, ' Ie 1OJ' A meeting was held is Imo'
and three to start -Prize, silver cup, ; Teaching.
on Tuesday of last week to aeptsill
$10-3 entries -won by J. McCulloch. ' Teachinnv. and elect ollicers for the Scott Aar eat
Fancy Riding Prize silver cap $10- I paien. Mr. Kerr, of the Peat, weeds*
Tile distinction between these. snout � let Vin President, N. It WiLal
were \V. F. Stonewall, A. Currie, George
Currie mud .l. Ballantyne of Brussels, N.
Doupe. of Kit kton, Lintum,of Wroaeter,
Macdonald. of BayEe1d and others.
"Stonewall' was • faeorite with all, and
when he gave the exhibition standing
high jump of 5ft 1 in., brought loud ap-
plause fto:u the gathering by his ease
and grace in accomplishing the feat.
Illacdonald's hop, step and jump of 42 ft
10 ui., was another feat that was loudly not up to the mark of last year, and _ was
app auded, and so Map were the running Coderich felt the absence of Perry, Me- audit he f farce
of " .o Niaeliceddy kips
long jumps .4 Andy Currie and McDun- Pbiliips, Ross and Best. On the whole, 6 1rendered
d r d. Miss
,: to Inc •
old -the former going 19 ft 3 in., and the' the sides were well matched, and the i h Ladelineauor ..f female el:uaetrr.
latter 19 ft 2 in. in vaulting "Stone- playing of the "colts' who tank the and Mia Georgie IL:Sim le was par -
wall ' raised himself gracefully over the ( places of the quartette (d Huron players Cost M her eorgiarticneM :t, king w n acrd
bar, at 9 ft 31 in., with Deeps a g••.od named Miction was cm4wbte. graceful movements. Mr. Crow un.
of Barrie, in the charmer, e l :lir b[artt
THE LA;Rtheit MA7t'H
The lacrosse match netted a caul bit
of nate money to the boys, and although
the patience of the spectators was tried
once or twice, the game proved to he
very interesting, even if not played in
first crass form. The Seafonh team was
•i ' various
"THE wRA!I.lL1tR,., ' j model of imparting knowledge was ad- 2nd Vice President, H. bmale,Secreterl
dramatic brouvht out hy the conductor,who and C. Rigger*, Treasurer. A cwnmitM
a locaI amateur ramatic com•any. lave Wheel' up Isis teaching hy a nu.nber u((,if mansgsiaeruent consisting of the to
their tinV hal!
t performance In is aria !n excellent illustrations, which we have
Presidents', D. Roes, Mr. Malcom, IN
the evening. and from the manner is ; not space to repeat. He dwelt particu-
which they presented the pieces, it is to I Iarly on the "Teaching," and''said that
be hopedthat another treat of a Minder
the verb '`toe teach" as contrasted with
kind will be afforded the people of ;;ode the veru "to tele' appeared as many as
rich at no distant day. The comedy of 40 timers in the original (.reek of the
"Atcht ' was ozceedingpy well placed, new Testament. The Saviour was ad-
.eesnmi. Tbia Sate ernes wee well tam- t eansatru 118 FORTH.
Itested. and was mach appreciated by the I S1cl.ennan
spectat ors. The athletes were a gentle-
manly and well-conducted lot of young
tellies, and those who, witnessed their
feats ..f agility, and strength ..f muscle
will be pleased to see them attend on
f t occasions
IN Nacres. of the a eteety IAM aures of
block " F," Is else 7th .wtteusion of the town-
shipof Colborne. Thirty acres cleared. re-
mainder well timhered. goad frame barn.
Mood water, mice orchard. well fenced. about
four miles free Ooderleb. Terms vas For
further particulars appy to K. ('AMPiON.I
Ilerri.ter. Uoderich. or to AltTHUH HAI' H•
Kat\', on the prevalent. 1147-20,
►J IAOoo.•oroer
at good gravel road. Holier
II stones, In tend repair. more 10.14. with
etnre tees weed sited. Mable and 1 were land. l
I'. 1) and mese, wired
Term. rosy. Applyto,
it 7. HAYNRoa. $beppardton. Itm
►J OR HE1.1.. a1 sem. Marren cleared nad
tele of stump,: all well fenced; two wells ; i
rad Mira oriel rased cud other boldines, Ise
,list( triek cottage *ya*0, with oe!Iar full
ober of : • splendid wehard . large creek
rums serene the lm Toter easy ATpty on
peemiees. Int IR lake tore Read, township
ea�,•ib�erhe. it. T. HAYNES, taeppaotton.
march 11th. 1M4. (ISL
vt BALs -(la Cea. U. 7s sores cleat-
. .d. L. .0 A nrod erebard
Sedlltg hese fleet tr * ,seek teasing
.er.. tfe let ",! elf tlr Sbee Terms
eta Apelr to T. tart f:s. 8h•ppardten
u urn. .
THE WR*STLISu H.2T.'11 Hee. 14harman Norrie
was next announced, and J. J. Mitten, W. C Meed refereemeA. Bay. Smith
and R. S.
of Ashfield,• sturdy -limbed young Irish• C.
rr» tees; W. y and
HUM, entered the ring to face the music Ve i firm captainmp forethe Barco, McKay, the
against all earners. Dalton is a bread- ;
shouldered, heavily- built, but active hone team were guided by A. Seager.
looking young fell..w, and his appearance I The ball was faced for the first game
caused considerable attention en the part at a quarter after four, and for half -an -
of the spectator& An annoucenent was I hour it was shinney all over the field.
made that Mr. Dalton would wrestle any , The players got winded, and a broken
man whoc would enter the ring 1,n the slick of Beatties was a good vacua* f•cr
conditions net forth in the hill, bot a no "time' to be called, end a breathing spell
.one seemed anxious to join issue with! of 15 minutes was allowed the perspiring
the Ashined "Jap,"the-event wadeclar. athletes The hall nets then faced again,
ed off, and an arrangement was matte by land m 6 minutes, the Seaforth crowd on
the ground nested with joy a J. Baith
the committee by which esDaint was in. the Hamna' fb¢
demsified for be expense. incurred in I sent the rmbbsrthtrtwRh M
Ming present on the occasion. An ad- • The second Pose ess short, and e s
• jemrnment was Rett made to North se all around. in about a minute
street where half after it left the centre of the
THE FOOT aA. es the ball slipped through the node -
dressed as Mater (Teacher; 40 times,
and the work "dtsetples," followers or
learners of the Teacher, appeared 125
time He dosed his last session (Fri-
day evontng, by a masterly address tel
the fellowitig outlet*, which he described
m the natural older of teaching, after
T. Nairn Moos Mayduke. an ol.! w'nool Eo1;l:•b g'ntle laying it donee t"E"Faie that "Yea can kn.cl'«} inerosib e, and at the nasi
D. 0.,ca0,cmn point Wright tach a lace what he does not know
t3. Hayes rncerpeimt R. NcIkwa*1d n1t1I1-,•one of the olden time" brought person 11 was thought he was killed. Hewetatq
J. endue n t Defence t• J. Beattie down the beton by his :asaumptiun u( only by beginning with what he cites t is pretty lard to kill an Itiahtset, s
T. Me0nire t t F. teeattle the choleric mood on almost every Dees I kn'tw' Joe revived and is now doing trip.
T. Orahane centre J. J. Beattie
Contact, Duugald Douglas. a young
tis w
A. Henchman , i 21 Stewart sion, and his rem -lime to make amends{
• V1a1Lee Field • J. Stewart
almost immediately afterward. Mr. i Imptwi„tt, hail resided with Thos Oruro rt[ li
6s 1.. for the past
Buyers, and C. R. Couper was oilmen
Canraasers were abet spp.nnt•d to MI
up subacripti(•ns towards the campwif
Joseph Fox who was working at 11
"Big Mill," i4.aforth, met with an eel
dent ..n the 23rd inst. which might Inn
proved fatal. It seems he was tomb
up sortie flooring from the beans until
Death and did not knew that the bine
were b.cdly decayed. They gave sn
and Joseph was precipitated a diatom
of 14 feet,lightitit( mg his head- He w
E Campsite i 1 O. Heart
Sandford hl portrayed the leve making
.1 Robb
were earriod en. Will Yatea. (lnd.neh, rich goal, ane again the sieaforth boys
Brmnab, asd 0.o. 8b.naa. I had their little yell.
A. Cwrne, The Hurons brace.l up during the
in the eh, wen ow principal oompYYtors third game, and after some stebbotn
in the 100 and 200 yard, mews h d ashes, ' play. Kllerco eerteped the s,.bee• tbrosgb Irish h The h
Isbr►wed to advantage in bro4h dashes, the Beavers nave 22 minutes after it las9N beer", act, by Mr Cnomptnn
Lakin firth in each instance. Tn the its live! roll. The be►ys (rose e( the nptntic style-�"Obadiah'-nese r.rsdte of teacher in the high sekkeil
Remosnition , ia(! p year or eco lead e
• 7 ACo-option,
Inrdling cf the time of the Georges, who C tion, I was well-known to many of nor eitit>r
atter various amours finally sesttl.td down I v "Peg was drowned on `Sunday Lest. A 1
weeks ago Mr. Douglas went to Bre
1 ' ford to work at his trade a • did
willing to "earn an hen.s,t panl" be I maker, and a despatch from gist a
exposing confidential matters, was well
Habits, ... !rives the following larti.alan o/
melancholy death : '•He, it eo„mp
to be a respectable heal of a house. "Lar-
kins," the cockney valet who wag :.'ways
Conviction, •
taken by Mr. H. Vidal. In the farce , Character
tour newsmen', ', +rent Sim
noddy. the spnony man I i tri"
d ablyed M G. and pleasing style and many teachers D „seen e. mph, en, wren ,wi
Mr. Sandford represented ' 1"- .r Pilh- with
h h •d to .erfeo- I He made point after point in hiis clear ►•►,tri t . \\ Ilke. iiwut f..r a hi
tion, an was sustainen Mies ..
Nteilicking in the character of "Mn, for the drat tune caught a tut alimi.se, ac'.•ae the toter. and he ats. at
Ptllicoddy, ' and Mise Sophie Williams .1 the .saibilities of their erre t„ go Actws, but when about hall
as Mrs. O'Scuttle The latter young j Mr. AtcEwmt's tint will not seen
t» over he wait awl drowned. Hie
fentatten. He made many friends dor- I en, found ateeit hal+ an h after
ing his Gr, brief only here, met the mo• i1e1ng extinct D ••►v:a, was only
tion to retprn to Onderich at an early I city w ,Itort t ui-. •.:n,{ wu• very
day war a hearty a, it was unanirwow. reapecte•!.-- Hu w.. alwut 23
We believe that the Sunday School work acne and was • nahce of :St► •t.a
teed n ly natural to "Sarah the shop- 1 of the town will get a new impulse in the I only neon in thin e..u.try a tine
inti too much time from business owing sniff emcee e•- hare by the a e, eine , ,tents, *nil ht 'Ma .:note meaner
1t his attachment to his pretty wde. lfr. (Ment snit clear hewelee secretery of the I •4ahle di.p•ssitims tittle
Is. 14. Association. Hes just the man fronds du!sni bu short
foe wnrk of that kind.
lady has a vivacious manner, and clear
enunciation• and her representation of
the character entrusted to her was ap-
preciated by the audience 00 mote than
one occasion. Mrs. Sandford was ex -
Kiri. who thought "Pillieoddv' was ins. •onward march bone the Un,tttute tenet- i- wet a a cry sbe.iy. oxempliry
hl 1 ' I
Foot made an excellent anei.mt muiser
in his "Capt. O'Scuttle,' bra• was Int
natural in the rah "brogue. • hoe -
Miss Hilton. who has occupied tine
dMH. 1 tlad-
_ Y
borne race, Stonewall and the fun 1••Raa y
/pfT}fE lliiltpN' HOrI'ija 14tatnrth didn't yell- rich iq the extreme, and his response to fl eif.veh re of ktiently, for the past two
Carries lied it all to themselves. Quite about nix n eielk► the recall, "The Little Hird.• was arts- I years, intends severing her atenecti..n
The 4th game began
and those Milieus for their tea had set splitting. The pieces were planed with with the school at the ()tenon; (d the
long to wait, ea In 9 mfwmtee the boll wane etsstry, deep eurtam and .other mid-.emeer holekap Miss Hilton has
went tb/s igh the Goderieh Sags. And agsmsaries. snit this, together with the acleptedl a situation in an edueatfonsl
w Rvatsswtck
a needier esateredin the goo-as-you-pleaes,
but A. McKay and Wm. Watson finish-
ed at the front. Little Jack Watson
took the steam net of hie bigger esti•
�stil+'ta a twists wooed the sgtslrs,tetdt
Listen sssoatd. There sire so wines
su the rage, and that .rest did
the fistafeeth boys of the f xwerss. nerved iestttution in St- John, lie
ThThe empire, es& esteem nave g^" d egg dm "Wranglers" had enetid.ner. in a.bieh sue prefers to her present
eatidsMRim ow the whole, sad the Vs" theewmlree ease believed the psbpia asatatt of it being ,o mesh
wee awry wen en its melts "veld folly appreciate their Aorta blas.
viciulty. We undereta•i1M
parents are dead and hs 1M
st i l l in the ..IJ neatly,
neer .'.tali•. a in thll -
broth•...•.. , n etlrl�iey n
•tri, 01 aeafurth, 104•4111
suit) i news rte Rttaday
very wrote ehssk. DA
ing Mr. Denali MIt
, west to
One, stn d !rat of tae !a� et
scorer her :tees;
bane Ikttrlt
vies ow Teeeday.