HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-27, Page 10B!1laM. THB WORLD OTIliM A ptcuu will be held un Saturday, t hly kb, m connection with the public a [t s011eui her1e. ome friends of Mr. said Mn lis M. Billy Madden writes from Pressure Kitty, front the to nityy Xt Clistsaton, `paid Is Bey N. J., that Cbarls. Mitchell, whoI fibs a visit at the be moi mf ibis beers Sullivan w. Jape 1U at Madisonweek. Square garden, is in the beet of cut,- We aglad to least) that Mrs. R. D. doom, are CaCalmar"msrhos "1'41 fully r.aovor•d nun The gallery began to Break during s getting her arm broken. ' service in the Methodist churl& et Augis- F - sea on Nuaday. A panic .weed, and Oaib4ttld. scores ..f peruse& jumped from the high windows. Many wen trampled and HYYL!ILa1_ -()11 the 18t1t inst., E. severely Injured IMIeriseed 1■ Ow 4 edema of wee Oat. stile e..we seers&.. Maw and Miss M. A Patton, were min- tId in wedlock by Rev. J. A. Tuntbull, l at the residence of the bride's brother. i W. Stewart, of Goderich. was gr..unu- man, and Mise H. Patton br►deswatd. il The bride was made the re:ipieut of many handsome presents. A large num• bar of friends jouted in the wedding fes- tivities in the evening. it has been discovered that a young 'parried woman Who was suppeeed to Tuve died at Wheeling, V., last Monday was buried alive. Her huabaid is pros- trated old hu life is despaired of. John Dunode, a coal -black negro, and Aunts Jeffersoi., a handsome white woman, were married at St. Louis an llueday last. Immediately after the . a0IIl01p. heremuny the bride purchased a new suit g&.ibea for the groom.. W. L. C.s.aiba, of Hyde Parks 1/115 The editorial of today is crisp without bete last week eu joying the lake berthas , seine dipp ent, strong 'robust, being -sad the suciuty of some of our b.IIsa. ponderous. and comprehensive without The mad is Leong Improved between being lung. Within these 1 'ta there ji1 here and (iudench. Ile work is scud t. us still room fur the great editor, but tt- be pr...(ressing rather slowly on the sub outside of them he tetnuut longer get hu near Saltfo.rd, and the temporary read is reader to follow him. -(Louisville Post m risky one t..r souse riga A lantern April .4 should have been hung out during the , dark nights where the repairs are being , made. [ED. • 1 Dungan um W. Lnckard and wife and two daught- ers, of Flesherton, Co. (trey, are visiting at Win. Mallough's and several other friends here. Our base loll club are to play is match with the M tnchester boys next Saturday. Our hoys will need to practice pretty faithfully if they expect to acc niplieh much. We are sorry to leant that Thos. Tre- l.a .n. el 4'r.ilt.f.onl, is Ir.atratwl by severe Illness. BHRVIID liIM RIGHT. Tee as,Mer of ■.ase tiMveta, tiege4 be • tree r Indl/aea Vincennes, 1 nd. , June 34. 1' ost.rday Oliver Cepheid. who butchered Mullso liherkiu, while in jail told °dicer Runs* that he would like to are the girl, and he was 4ran(cd the privilege. N hew he eu tiered the roost where she was 'rug he laughed at her. 1 Nbeer Runar tusk hits out of the mous and asked hart what he! thought about It. "1 would hke to no. ish her," said Canfield, with a hendlsh gran, and thea he burst out Iaughtnngg. Canfield's crime is the most tisodish I ever r*.urdsd here. He took his victim in his arms and sh••u at her five times, two of the bullets lodging in her brain. She has been r,rscloue but once since she wee shut. Canfield was taken from jail by a masked mob at 1 o'clock this morning and ham god. There was rep op - posit to the mob except that the sheriff refused to deliver the keys of the jail. In consequence to this, the mob had to break the jail doors This occu- pied at lomat 40 uuuutea Ceutield was Lound cowering im his oell and made an attempt at prayer. .He was hastened out to the street, where several hundred of the best citizens of the place were waiting to see what would he done. It was µreposed that be be hanged near the )ail, but the brute requested that he Ise :ioverner Robinson, of Massachusetts, 6at►ged In sight of the houie where he at a recent meeting of the State Medical shot his aw•ethemrt. He was ranged to SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS. Suciety gave his sentiments un the • WlegeePh polo within a stone's throw 1J wutnan .luation. He said : "If a worsen from the house. can curo one IF any member of ms fatuity, The Iearea11.u1 ea rotten. God bless her for doing so ! %t hy, who objects to a woman joining a fellow ►,If The fourth International Sabbath m woman wants te be a fellow with other School a.nventiun has just concluded follows let her do it." at Louisville, Kentucky. Tbo various Ins wife .of Mr. Spurgeon, the famous reports that have reached us show that a London tweedier, furnishes an apt illus -tine euthwiesm and a most excellent (ration oldie work a feeble wotnatt may3 spirit prevailed. There is no weakening de. hhe lav long been an invalid, but, in Cie high estimate in which this great by ;nearing photograph frames and toymovement le held by the wase of Chris - other means, she has established a "Look tion pae.ple. Canada was well represent - fund, from which she supplies poor ed at the convention. Mr. S. H. Blake, minister of various denominations. Last v/ii., presided at the opening meeting, year she thus gave away over 7 .0.IU was untiring in his efforts to make the Thomas Davidson, ,,f W'awanush, alio books. and in the put six year nearly gatherings interesting and profitable. was nearly killed by a runaway team. is 42,000. Rev. John McEwen, secretary of the rapidly iinpruvi:ng 111 health. "The Great Political Superstiiio n. ' is Sabbath Scheel Association of Canada, the title of the erticle by Herbert Sparer- to,pk an active part in the proceedinso. Vest Wi Sz3aplh. •r. to appear es the July Pepalar Montle Mr. McLean, of Toronto. also contrihut- - ly, concluding his currant series. In ed to the succeae .1 the convention. One The picnic under the auspices of Si, this article Mr. Spencer maintains that . soh.• •.vas present thus describes the int - "in a 1».pularly governed nation, the ( pressh•is produced by the meetings of Thom wea a large number of pe *Ui- ttusIO by heat iu New York Thas day. The mercury was tilt' to the shade. 3 iebtcal. 1 ' E CASE, M.D., C.M., M.C.P.&, . Ont. I'h eiciau. surgeon. Aooltorba rL Or. (J co item formers eoc*ptsd b 1J' ltutchiaseul Dungannon. Irht tMlloe - uu's hotel. Loans anti insurance. u Vir AU ALZNDIhO HONEY AT a till'! ter ewe. IPrtvau leads. attauk'Ii & LEWD'. tlelesteb, ANS 17th, IOM. ulr TO LOAN. APPLY TO M0 •tilt. OirOM 1.T&CAMER ON.1Gds 1 B. WHITELY, M D., C. PRY- • 8IUTAN, Nurgww. Auctmlei.sr, oto„ Ontario. OOk'e Th. Square, 1 *ere East qa Wilson's true Stun, up stats. MID ('1 R McDONAGH, M.D. PHYSIC- Vt. IAN. NURU EON, kc., °rodents of Tor- onto l'olv.rsity. l.luecltat• of the Royal ('.1- Irg. of Pb•lelaaa. London. Ku c.. ac.. lll. 1'. P. M.. Ontario. °oo. raesidesoe OppodM Balser's Hotel. Ham►iltoe17 i, (3.• erick UR. McLEAN, PHYSICI.LN, SUR- OEON. Coroner &c. Office and residence Yruu. Street. second door west of ototla ,Street. 1751. 11G. MACKID, M. D. PHYSI- Sagami. clan. Sagami and Acoomcber. Uradaate u( Tomato Uulcentity . Oaks opposite Cavort -on & Cameron '• Hank, Ltickaow. if sot in oaks. enquire at the Hank. 17fY-7. ' i lltS. SHANNON B IllA*ILTON, IJ Payoioians. surgesms, ao. canoe at Dr. elhannua a near the maul Uodertuh. U. C. rluaxsolt, . C. Haat- 1751. MOIST TO LUID - PRIVATC ewes +. sshelll asevMy. Amoto is n-daIs . MONEY TO LEND. --A LARGE ameoat * Petiole renderer Iavastarwt U tweet rates to Ont•stas Aloriemess. Apply to (JARROW It PRO('UYOOT. , JO,osu PRIVATE F1'NDS Ti.) LEND on Faro sad Tows Property at lowest In- terest. Mortgages purchased, no Commleal.a cbarned, Conveyancing Fees res.uaable. K. IL -Harrowers as obtsla money 1n ear dal lf title is satisfactory.- DAVISON MTO 4 HarrUtr . Gatwick.a J 51 RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . 4.1fe tad Aocideat laearesco Agent. Represent lag Ont-case('ompeales- Aleo agent for the Cav►i'A Live drove Iasl'Iuxc'I CU. Money to lewd on Mortgage, either In Tows as trans Property, la as way to suit the barrow j)g, aloe-tett-stains• Kar's block Oederleb Z'loi3 CARE AT Augustine 1t. C. church in Hickittg- b,tum's grove, on Wednutalay last was largely attended, notwithrtanclini the inclement state mf the weather iu the inortbing. 'Film afternoon. however, turned mut line, and :. pleasurable time was spent. The chief event of the day Was the rote for the "popularity pipe' between Messrs. Schmidt, of % ingIi itn, and Whitely, of Lucknmw, which result- wore brought back last night by a delet- ed in favor of the formes by about Lt:3. Sive. When she arrived at the depot The vote realized $100. Altogether the , McKelvte was in waiting with a revoI:er receipts of the picnic ann,tinted to a:.,ut land a 1x,ttle of vitriol. He intended to $500. kill Dunham and disfigure his wife. Mrs. Dunham was also present, and attacked her sister with an umbrella when she same in sight. A reconciliation was effected between the parties, however. government is simply a committee of I earnest Christian worker from many management, ' having nu intrinsic auth••r• I •'f••is• and representing many benches ity, and that the doctrine of such a holy of the Evangelical church. The interest being the source of individual rights u el the tneettngs was cumulative till the absurd. `end of the series. The last service was Nes. fork, June 24. -Mrs. JIcK. vie, elle never to the forgtten, re-enacting the "`ansa of the closing ..f Garden City, who eloped a fewclosingnight at Turon• apo with her brother-in-law, Dunham. to three years o; o. These earnest work - els toy:. to their homes inspired with new zeal and tarrying with them afire of enthusiasm which might well set the whole continent in • dame. One cannot but feel that this murk is one of the great Moral uov.wents of the age. One of its noblest features is Its generous and fraternal diameter. It is only by inqui- ry that oue can find -and not always then -the religious denomination of any Temperance does not find favor with speaker not previ;,usly known, so entire - some .1 the managers mf public schemata ly are sectarian differences ignnretl. The in England. and children have been dis- influence in the near future of the ddi- missed for wearin.t the blue ribbon. Mr. gent instruction of the trillions of youth Mundell*, the Minister of Education, of the world in the Word of God is Auburn. WMrs. Jas. Gibson and Mrs. P. Wallace ye returned from Maryville, Mich., • where they had been at the deathbed of their aged lather, Robert Wallace, who died on the I lth inst. After two the' illness he i,aasei peacefully away. De- ceased was in the asst year of his age. He was a native of Fifeshire, Scotland, be came to Canada over forty years ago, and settled in the township of Beverly, where he lined for eight years, he then eame G, Wawanoah, in tblsoounty,where he resided until one year ago, when he went to lin with his daughter in Michi- gan. He was touch respected by a lar:te circle of friends. Many will hear of his death with regret, who were emaciated with him in the pioneer life in the early settlement of this part of the county of Huron. Lee =a, Tris &'oTT A. -r. --Canvassers in favor of the Scott Act get 45 signatures in this ward last week for it. It is estimated that the ward will give a considerable tajority ler the Act. Miss E. Black and Miss Cassady. of Ooderieh, visited friends here during the week. LITERARY E TEkt•trHa'ar. ()with; 10 the heavy ram, the entertainment in the Presbyterian church was postponed on Monday evening for a week. Next Monday a splendid programme will be offered. A few days ago one of our townsmen visited the pretty Swiss village, and on pertains iia seat of lemming neticel a pig; taking put in the recess amusements of the pupils. He concluded that the "1•atned pigs" of the side-shows trust have had rich • training. A correepnb- dent last year reported a calf as having hof in an appearance in the school of is section. Ws wonder if any more quadrupeds in this part of Canada have .been emulating ,'Mary a little lamb. - Lochiieh. Fill wheat in this section is far from being a go oil crop it is true that there majetity of the delegates aro found to undnnbtediy Foe the greatest event of T.. - me several tine fields to be fouwd, lest be in favor of Cleveland. It is said Mor- 'unto s senor centennial year. they aro tierce, the large majority teeing ' Mem. Carlisle Bayard 'and Dnnheiner - ('n'ary or Ho*orf t Hy virtue of a Writ of m waT: i Fieri Paris,. issued out of Her Majority's Htgb Court of Justice, Queen's Hench Division. sad to le directed ani delivered against the Lands and Tear - awing of N'ILLIAItf IttJHEIt'NUN. at the suit of JOHN GREEN & CO. 1 have seised and token in execution all the right, title. in- terest. and equity of redemption of all and singular that certain panel or tract of lard and prenasal', situate. lying and being in the Township st Colborne. in the County of Huron. and Prov Mee of Ontario. being com- puted of a part of lot number one. in the first concession. eastern division, of tbesad Town- ship. The melts and bounds of the said parcel of land. twinges follows. Commencing at the distance of one chain sixty-seven links. on a course due weer, from the post planted be- tween lots one and two, on south side of toe - cession road, thence south. (our degrees, twenty minute*. art .bnanetkl two chains nine links, thence south. seventy -fire degrees. fifteen minutes. west. ooe ebsim, eighty links. thence north. forty-three degree.. forty -ITC' minutes. west. sixty-nine links. thence north. eight degrees. twenty minutes, wret, two chains. thirty links, thence north. fourteen de- gree*. east, one chats. fifteen links, thence south. eujhly-two degrees. ten minutes, cast. one chain, thirty-four (inks. thence south. thirty-two degrees. forty tuinutes, east. one chain. torte links, tis the piaci. of beginning. and containing by adrnessurvment, three roods and two perches of land. which Lands and Tenements 1 shall offer for Sale. at my of- fice, in the ('our House. in the Town or (lode - rick, oa TuKsu.ty. the TItiwrirru day. of Sep- tember. Ptet1. at the hour of twelve of the clock. noon. then did, what might he expected from the representative of a Liberal govern- ment, whose sympathy with the temper- ance cause is well known. He re-tnstat- situply incalculable, and is an omen of itp ghtest augury for the Christian civil - tag ion of the ea .ming age. -Presbyterian. ed the children, instructed them to wear t.rem Iede.trlal lair sed itemi.t relee- their blue -ribbons, he rebuked the ran- ictal Esp.ua.. ager severely, and prohibited any fur- This being the fiftieth, or semi-cen- ther interference with ,children wearing tennial year of the Incorporation .of To - the precious little badge of freedom. ronto as a city, the Industrial Exhibi- Au official circular announces the tion Association of that city have deter - following changes in the Management of mined on making their next Annual Fair the Grand Trunk Railway : W. J. Spic. and Exposition, which is to be held from er becomes general manager of the lines the 10th to the 20th of September next, west of Detroit and tt. Clair rivers ; of such a magnitude as will eclipse any James Stephenson, general passenger of iia predecessors. t In account of the agent, succeeds him, and is in turn suc- large number of applications already re- ceeded by Vin. Edgar. at present assis- tant general passenger agent at Toronto. No appointment has yet been made in the place of Mr. Edgar, and possibly no appointment will be made to abolish the office at Toronto. In 1881 Louis Saloshin, an Atlanta printer, inclosed $1 in a letter sent t.. R. M. Boardman, who was running a lottery ceired from intending exhibitor. it has been decided to enlarge several of the buildings, and an immense programme of special attractions of a novel character is being p.repare•l for the pension. The Governor-General and the Marchioness of Landsdowne are to open the Exhibi- tion nu the 10th of September Amonv the attracteine already anuonnce.1 are All Iaternati••nal 1 ircwcns Deinonsrra- scheme in Louisville, Lut week the' mire a Colley Show and Field Trials by l`ettor was returned to him from the dead i the dogs, which will be .1 gnat interest letter office. Stamped across the face of t., the farmers : Balloon Ascensions, an the envelope was the wor.l 'Fraudulent.' Written upon its back. in Po &toaster General (lreshom's handwriting, were Me words : "Voting man, the advice of a postotfice official is, if you earn your money keep it. Inclosed was the dol. lar. New York, June 23. - The Iff'orf'a Washington special &aye it is rspottsl that Tammany Hall has called a meetin; of prominent Democrats in Nee York this week for the purpose of consultation rsgardinz the Presidential nomination movement. It is supposed to le the in- auguration of opposition te Cleveland. it is alleged to be incited by the desire to justify the rebellion against unit rule in the New York delegation, if the Electric Railway, &c. The manager, Mr. Hill, is to visit New York and .ether i,l.t ea next month in search of other special attractions of the latest and newt interesting character. Special .lays have been set apart as the Fanners' Day, the School Children s Day. the Societies' Day. &c. The prize lists. c.litan,ing full particular of the great Fair, have tom) issued, atnt ran he obtained - t: e Secretaries of all A tricultura! t-er and Mechannica' Institutes in the Province, er they will be sent to sq who will drop a rift card t.. the so:rl . tary at Toronto. See advertisement in another column. A full pmgramnte of all the special attractions will ins publish- ed about the muddle of Agusf. ' This will ROBERT GIBBONS, Sherif[ (u. Huron. Sheriff's Olnce, (:oderich. June 13th, *144. i 19411131 1,1YE, EAR AND THROAT. 1.1 DR. RYERSl!A, L.R.C.P., LtLr.l•.0. a'.. Lecturer on the E e, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medial College. Toronto, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear Infirmary, Oculist and Aurist to the Hospital for sick children, late Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Moorllrlda, and Central London Throat and Far IfospitaL 317 Cut'acu serlttt&T. Tunroc ro. March 371&, 1184. 1818. C. CRABB USUIALIA!R --Ams,•-• Semi -Centennial liposition, 1884. Of Live Stuck, Poultry, Dairy, Agricultural and Horticultnral Products, Implements and Man- ufactures of all kinds. TOI:ONTO, September 10th to 'title Ter Lanett retie List le /err ti•aslal.e. Legal. r L IAUER t LEWIS, DARRI$TERti, k7 Uedench. C. teams*. Ja. J. A. Monroe. IL K. Larose. 1107 1) C..41A YRS, tiOLIoITOR• ilea , iv wise Dormer et use swear* and West Mega, tiadertoi, es er Latee's ray w lend at Iowan raise et Int. Prise Lists and Entry Forms Can be obtain- ed from the Secretaries of all Agricultural So- cieties and Stech►niu' Institutes, or they will be sent anywhere on application by postcard to the Secretary. at Tor.sto. ETTRIEn CLIME AILI*T wo'r.'d. The Oldest Established and Cheapest Store in the County of Huron. PRESENT PRICES : GROCERIE8- Granulated Sugar. 12 the. for 01 le; by the Ib. 10c. O)theraugars in proportion. Sugars cash on delivery-. TEAS AS CHEAP AS SUGARS. Hlsrk Tis at _+-., ryual to any an-. Tea in On- tario; Einer tracks n• e,-, awl 75c. Green Teas --Yonne II son. from 'Lie, to 4).. Gun- powder Tea. lir.; the finest imported. 75c. Ib. A very tine Japan Sifting at rte. Ih. DRT C3 -001708 - Prints to c:.ie at prices to astonish. Factory ('&gain. yang wide. by niece at 'e.; narrower el 5c. A tine lot or tans Grain Dress Silks at worth 41.25. IiARDWARE- t wcll-seleeted stock .f Our hcs. Smiths, flay Forks. Spades and Skintels, all from the hest makers. PAIN rr8 AND OILS - we keep none but the be.t, and sell them at sane price a cummuaest. Vinegar a spew .alt 5. and erarrosted ran fr mineral a. id,. A good enpply 1.1 (class and BaltlsasRdtiwr ware on hard. C_ CRAB -4aferh-h. June 28th.18114. 16194m emuiderahly bosom th. average. Spring ! hare been invited to attend the confer once son. registrar mf North Wellington. are 1 t . be investigated by John Winchester, I one of the most singular cases which inspector .1 shr,evalties. The investiga- tion wi,1 np•u at the town of Arthur on I July 3. The affairs o1 the office of John Ander- grain is suffering to some extent on a - c(wnt of the extended period of dry hot weather, there having been nm ram worth m•ntinnaog llama; the past fear or five weeks, although several tine showers hare passed in the immediate vicinity. D G.:Bellwith, out tailor. ie kept , n the lump, s, to speak ; orders are pour- ing ut from all kluree1111111, and lie will soon either have to get a staff of avast ants, or turn away customer. There is very little talk or agrtatien \aonterniog the `.41 Art in this district u ye.. We have rel hotel here, and, therefore. s• • comparatively little dank lei or drunkenness There are however Reny wino tneot is ,.1 the Act. and when petting day roues along. we expect t. gine a g...wl m.jo•ntr for it, and threw in nor inftuene. in the interest ..4 temper- ance and morality. At the 7.on, D, -trot. on Saturday, Harry Rowell commenced a tramp that, j if he comp los task, will not i.e ter minat.d ft rtflf t• great He has tinder- satin to walk a n.•Ie eseh hoar for 1,003 h uta eocee..I hie first one between 1 sad : •.•eiusk te 11 minute.. has come to the observation of the brei medical fraternity of Leominster. Mas., is that of a young man named Arthur Sih h f h k bee t ver, w n as or a past wee It slowly hut surely bleeding n. death. The efforts .1 the physician hare thus tar proved unavailing, and so greet is the I..as .1 blood that the recovery et the un- fortunate ynung man is despaired of. 1 About a week ago Mr. Silver went to a fdentist 4. hare five teeth extracted. He was placed under the influenced gas,snd the drain' proceeded, but it is asserted 1 only one tooth was extracted, though i why the operation should have stopped there is the question the frteeds of Mr. Silver vainly ask immediately after the dental operation profuse bleeding set in, and the .Imolai was unable to stop it. • The doctor positively states that he per- formed the operation in a pmper man- OHM. rte', and devise that the present trouble Is Wlscomtia.onPH a,asermlsa.JialAIb. was brought abeat by the extraction of Jek• tt Black. third son .f Mr . M. Meal. the tooth. An examination of Silver's sr••t fs'- mouth sktews a lame grandular est and a (issr excavation in the gem. From b ,th of throe wonted. the bleeding is profane. The affair hem aimed beat excitement. ROWS COCoi. Gn ATgr• I. Avn ('owroRT- tore. -"By a tbnrottgb knowledge of the natu- ral laws which govern the operations of 1lgestnoa and nuTritton. and toyT a careful appb.atfoe of tit- fine protein -1101i of well- rle, ted I aoa. Mr F.ppe has provided Our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may .ave us many heart' doctoni bilks. It isthe jnM.s di4it.. asrof h arttele.of diel that • constitution may be gradually ha111 up nntil strung enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around no ready to attack wherever there is a weak point we may anew many ♦ fatal shah ivy keeping ourselves well fortified with ppaeri*s blood and a properly nourished frame.- COP 4rrr.••e (Mingle. (lade simply with &mitiaa'r water re milk. Mold onlyin as keta e. wi Tins silksilkaril IA 1. by lrocers, lehelled -- lance Err e a Co.. l lomreopat hie Chemist&, 1.oedoe Raw. - l At Hetet Deg Caso.(cio. lee Astra Chip, es the Nth April last. Henry ibebsrt Hyatt - rata. sand 01 years eldest sea of Heart C. 1..Kreitman of prig Iso ntrtete PM ke1MM0 .y able. araelaref sad late or Oederte►. CeeetF of Hares. Oetwrb, CaaaOs. 1884_ Saginaw and Bay City Route. THE STEAMER OCONTO G. W. Me0RH(N)R, Marren. Will leave (O►hEat1(il, weather permlttimr. on and after Jnne 501, LIN, making OeRI&LT ItO111 rt Taus dormer the arson, as follow.: EVERY THURSDAY At 1 u'rlock p.m.. for Ralenaw, Bay City, Read !Meeh, Taws, awl ail points on the west short, including Alpena and ('&molJ'ram'nr Hetarnlne will Mev& (N)DRRI('H EVERY SUNDAY At 1 p.m., for Detroit and Cleveland. males both ways at Port Huron and pawls on RI ('lair Hirer. • .A. Eleven Days' Trip with the privilege ret speeding II horn la CNtelead. 10 boars la Detroit. aid It hours la llag twa a r stay City. at the s•prepedenteelly pros o 112 FOR THB ROU/ID TRIP, INCLUDING MEALS AND BERTHA. A PIM -Clew Q('ADRiLLR RAND always sem bawd for I tuned Par rates of freight ad pee es. end 611 hi- feriwattew. apply to WYi. LMR Asset at Gedeeteh. er r. A, t7AauIRUT, Maas sr. 15.4a44 OMsrlsh, Meoteak. i00 ,,, IIIb 1111. w1L1 OK TIM GRANDEST EVENT of Torunto+Semi1'eatenntal year. riARRIW & PROUDIfOO1', BAR r itIITE&t*. Atseeneys. 4slkiNaee, ale 0od.rick. J. T. °arrow, W. Proadfoot. 173 C MERON, HJLT & CAM*RON, Barrletera. Ildldters Is Pommy, aa. :',)deme► end W In fgliaaa. Y. C. ClmeIwa, n I'. Holt. M. 0. Cameros. Uodarieh. W. !(apart► Wlagham. Iris. An Immense Programme ! UI SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS being prepared for that time. chap Ma/es and Lseeral.e. es ■l1 Mal ways. Tbr best time es •1.11 the 4Ity • Tentage. WAIT B'OR IT - J. J. WITHROW, H. J. HILL. President. Mana:;ar and Secretary TORONTO. June *i b. 1114. 1716-31 C IODERICH AUCTION MART art. COMMISSION ROOMS, Sirrist-oad doer Neat k et Tax dams At. Ore. Lund Kos pilt owl w'Iu I us. Cwaastaeon, motor Peg TNS HAMILTON LOAN SOCIETY. Nortek leaf at Larva chic d interest X0NrY ADVANCED ON 000114 RENT To THE MART FUR NA L -t. s. PULLOCB, Real Keats and Pinaartalh. Apert Qaderie April lab. heli. 11e7 -1y $14k-V 1O --LOAD( AT 6 PER t1ENI'. THE TORONTO GENERAL reiChfl$ CO'S are prepared to lase muoey ate per cent., pay- able hill yearly. os TERMS Ti) SUIT BORROWERS, on first-class taro security. Apply to l AMKRON, HOLT a CAMERON, Barristers, Ooderictt, Ai cuts for the Toronto General Trusts Co'y. Mears. l'Aneaux, Hut.T a ('ansaoa have also a large amount of private funds to lase on gra clan farm security. tioderict . Oct. 5, tea. 191141 1. r • The Ontario Mutual LIFE ASSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE, -WATERLOO, ONT. BOU MIION aarenaT. ewe eee.M, The only pure) Mutual Life Co. la C aesia Total number Policies in force Dee, IgD. 5,'241. covering assurance to the MOON .1 $11.572.719.40. TOTAL AMetETn. • 110111.710LAS TOTAL RiYE*TE. tietM.W.ee at cru S. - 0d3.TN.e• ^ The Company's C.nnpan s Reserves are based on the "Actuaries Table of Mortality.- and four per cent. interest -the Ifipl.eaf Standard adopted by ant 141. company in Canada. and use-hhaallf Per rent. higher than the standard need by the Dominion fuaranee Itepartrment. The increasing pupularlty and rapt growth of the ('od1pany may be ores from the fact that in 19:0• for first year of Ire baguette IDe total asset• aouunted to only 51410, while last rear they reached the handsome total a v. s. HOMAN* General Artist. Manager. strattord. Ont. V1rAn nct-ire and reliable District Agent wanted for Goderich and west Huron. Apply to W. S. Humors. GMwnl Agent. Stratford td MoneyT to Loan at Low Yates of Interest May3Ymd. ltiW. 11443m Field quid Ga►llmi Smis. FACTS The subscriber is now prepared to furnish all kinds of Field and Carden Seeds of the BEST VARIETIES at rates that cannot be i.t•at,n in Golerich. Call and examine samples be- fore purchasing elsew'L.•re. REES PRICE, East Street (:rain Depot. Opposite - Town Hall, Golerieh March Mb. 1111. lli JOHN IacTA&GARP. ONTOMI* *TMEET. Has opened out a full line of GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Fresh, Cheap, and of the hest hs -twit. FLOUR 8z MEAL_ MEATS A tbore nipped Butcher &Ilop in ':-on section. and Cured Meat. pork. et., of every y A troll rScttully solicited. JOHN MacTAGGART. tielowe Waren IMA. 1884. 190.5-3m P011111111. iirsenes. 3 8 t7RB 8_ THE LARGEST IR THE DOMINION. SALESMEN WANTED FACTS!! FACTS!! AND DON'T FORGET IT That we have never been, and never intend to be undersold by any legitimate house in the \_ Trade, either in Sllrs, Teas, Coil'ees General Groceries, Crockery Glassware at Rock Bottom Pricaa, 950 Doi, FRULT JARS JVBT A.1,1 R I171137. Come and See Us C. A. NAIRN ('our Hover Square. Ooder obi Jun. 19th. 1114. Wilson's Prescription Drs Stare. Fountain of Health. Sulphur & Iron Bittern. Fluid Lightning. Electric Bitters. Burdock Bitters. London PurRiel To begin work at once on Fall :wee. Moony PURE .mploymrnt ai fix..s salaries to all willing to I IDA R I S work. MMT nand WOOLS can have Pleasant Wort the Year Ronal. GREE N Good agents are earning tram tit0 to j..1 p• moath and enemas. -AND- er Twins and outfit free. Address: HE3I.a.19BOR33_ STONE & WELLINGTON, IttMJin Tomato. Oat. JAS. WILSON. Bio SUITS., Bio All Wool Tweed Suits FOR $10.00 J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. $lo SUITS. F $10