HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-27, Page 9PRIt HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, J UIth :7, 1S•�•
Fun ana Fancy.
Dirks kik upuu the engagement ring
ae a very pwumuwg aiur-
Tar&lieu is said t.. bear «luau' -.n all
dams, from Vie fact that it hard.: pres-
ses on the rob and presses hardly esu the
A complalntog Ch in hie suit
for divorce, decLrw that his wife bas
Mite everything hot for him in kis mar -
did life except his tea and oulss.
111MIwwy aro aristocratic. They tench
.s his use
k' 1 n statiuli and to
a /sere w
stop them They an eminently social,
tee, beia't held together by many tie.
What 1. wanted in this country, said
the bride, as she examined the .redding
presents, s silver service reform Tlat
set is plated.
When I die, said Mrs. Fiahwhecker, 1
want iu be Iwried iu gooal, old -fashion -
64 style, and not burned to settee in cone
of these creameries you hear of.
If it were not ter the monuments, and
the ioeeripsltuma on them, fain. would be
worth little more 10 a nun, or his pos-
terity, than an outlawed note.
My dear wife, this titan and 1 were in•
separable friends at aull•ge. When este
bad no money he always used the pock-
et -book of the other ; is it not so, Mr.
- ifll•r 1 Yee, just se ; and 1 remota
very well I was always the other.
The Indians who sell hay to the gov-
ernment out West have been detected
piecing large rocks in the tales- That
...urns. of teaching the Indians to read, so
that they can study the daily papers and
become pentad in the tricks of white far-
A artein poetess is said to "nuke
good jellies as well as good poetry.' It
is suggested to the funny num of the
Norristown Herald that she also make a
new departure-:. e., send her jellies to
newspaper offices and rem her poems.
Jellies discount poetry as "inside mat
ter' every time.
At s dinner party the little son of the
host and hostess was allowed to come
I, down to dessert. Having had what his
mother considered a sufficiency of fruit,
he was told he must nut have any Inure,
when, to the .urprw of every mw of the
guest. !Ie exclaimed : " If you don't
give some more 1'11 tell !" whennpou he
was suddenly and swiftly removed frees
the noun, hot he had just time to con-
vulse the company by exclaiming - "My
new trousers are made out of mai old
bed -roe curtains i
C1.AaatcAt +) Jona%ALlan.-Rho will
say, after rending the following from the
Tilsunburg Liberal, that Canadian jour-
nalism is nut making rapid strides -in
what direction he will not venture an
opinion. The La.. eel thus refers to the
editor of its esteemed contemporary
" The mugwump who wields the shears
for the 10 -emits -a line whiskey sheet or
better known as the sugar -beet rag, up
street, is a c o.nglomerwti..n of conceit,
whiskey. and cheek, and is so thin-
skinned that the small amount of per-
verted brains which he possesses show
Fashion's Fancies.
Gathered spencer waists aro again' in
Men's drew is lees nems+''ear's this
season, and s„ are their wanner%
Los falls all around dressy, broad -
brimmed carriage hats are again in
Spencers ..f black banned tare are
worn with black silk or colored silk
Children's steikings are dark sr blaca
when white or the palest* tinted
dresses are worn.
Velveteen and pupliu combine well for
se.snl) .ituple walkiuc suits, but admit
nu akin Inge or putting'.
Mushroom and gray shades in al the
variations possible are the rival colon for
dresses for street wear.
The beautiful fashion of .rearing tow-
ers in the Lair is revived in Pars, but
thus for evening only, of course.
Demurest has brought out sews of the
liveliest and wast practical drew models
ler young purls seen this summer.
Fan ecrap-bags and scrap -bags of color-
ed silk lir fins woolens covered with lace
are among hu eeltold decorative fan-
Dog collars and bracelets to' motels,
both broad whenever the neck is long
enough to droit of a broad collar, is the
accepted style.
Lacs overgarments, lace drawee and
lace confections of all kinds are trimmed
with kuots, fiuts,bows,loopa and cascades
of satin velvet ribbon.
India silks and P urates should not be
made up with pleated skirts the full -puff-
ed and shored skirt bring preferable in
all soft clinging fabrics.
Bustles are the bother of the better
half .1 human nature this summer, the
sen method of keeping thous in place
not having yet been discovered.
The style of putting a casing at the
b..tt of a puffed Sarah or veiling over-
skirt, and running a nape therein, is as
popular as it is pretty, sensible and effec-
The moat elegant of all luxurious
demi-toilet costumes for summer is of
pals buff pongee, embroidered in tigun•
dots, lir sprays in the *auto color with
The stamine canvas of Paris and Lon-
don is known here as Bison canvas, and
it is almost ea much in demand for sea-
side and mountain weer hen as over
Floras Ot Iiisdorn.
1 their .aivors ty, and with persiesent
eturt and that tnawtry d ubtoh ween
True greatness overrides yueeti rl
capable. it is an available mai efficient
mer. w justice snspeods the seal.. I mutt"eny. Tie Korea. tilseley classPt' 1 pf gradwlt'a 114%ve INA beep th,• least
When then se an iutell►guut demised learned or muted art our day. Make
antnue the paesuts fur tbur..uth work ie I your room a Inoue, srreege your cabinet,
school, es shah see better results tbau set up your books, gather arouno you
we du arum. your cumiwtties, let at ate your ssuctuary,
N hen a boy bsgine to dislike house, in which you dull Curet and wuverse
and to seek to e.•'ape from It, be has with the •w les Alid noble and wood, and
very often reach' that first mdwt'nn you can. Ile lonely. Yuu will elan de.
on the way 'to, t ..• t .d. ' sire or I • .. t. Illy impure. trashy, lecher•
I know it is esti pert of prudence to one lilrretea of the day. N'itkto. the
speak siyghtutaly of thaw that .,flora heavers. and the earth, aged ttor..sing
admin ; but that prudence is but craft, the se•'il matin the aristocracy of iietvil.'tri,
'bet cowuunds au unfaithful si saes- you will have it. taste or time for the
The oil thing worth luvuig, in bis grovelling impurities, or sordid schemer
7 and i.erf•.nuanres for the dune motel or
tory, as in life. is truth ; and we do play l,.•u.e.
wrong to ourselves. and to our posterity, I pity the young man who is without
if we do not strive .!rays t.. render .pluam.tauee among the other sex. Spare
simple justice. Ino grana to put ,ate ex ',ore female
&home mothers who never Ines their frieudehipa bet wren you and the tenop•
'Dorcas Society' ui:wliugs, utak• shook- fade's .•f the ",tevtl mud lois angel.' 1
inig blunders in the management of their nut inclined to fever early attachments
own children. Their own vineyards ars and euetagemenus ; for the society of a
often badly kept, and yield sour grapes, pure girl, earning after evening has
Opinion deceives is n,ure than things. saved "'any a young seen fr perdition
So comes our seism to Ice more certain Put y, artaulf rla•t into the circle of elan.
than our reason. Men diger inure aboutChriu.an church is .,wpm as you come
into a town. Its weekly meetings and
anisI sth•rin s will anchor you frim
drifting away from your mother's bible,
and from the faith of your childhood
One of utv church memitre said to ate
lately. 'When i wept to. Beaten, a poor
hou,elyu clerk, the bila:r-elainaid rang
people of Pr. ki;L'. church anted nue
from drift in.; 1. .1e4ituciiws.'-
'Ilearen's blessing rest nW' "Tomes
Mint's ('hnstiott As.uciatiouI !" They
harm given a bright amul soul -cheering
ereltng house to thousands who were
under the stress of loneliness, of roil
tem [Ant ions.
'iie ctnful how you join "clubs;" too
nsi:y of them are: traiuing-schools dist
will usit:aes you into forbidden things.
(fetter to remain "green, and be vir-
tuous, the:. to get early ripe in .i.'.
true of this reform. The antiquated 'Filially, remember, my young;
methods now in vsgtt. of using letters that what you earn during the day g••es
fur show, there they mean nothing, and into your pocket, but what you do donna:
are useful only to burden the mind of the eveuin' bourn and on the S•bbrt,l
1 the student, must give way. zoo into your character.
Art now -a -days, is wrongly subser-
circui,stanlse than about 'natter. The
corruptions of our minds miaguile the
result of our reason. We put a fallacy,
by a false argument, upon out seder-
The best anchorage of children os the
set of life is a bright and ha1.t'y house.
It pays tenfold mots than it costa tau
keep a goad fire in an open fire place ; in
a word, to m•ke everything as light and
warm and attractive as possible A
cheerful Mme is a great "meal:. of
`race" to children.
The spelling reform m,,t'ee wearily esu.
ever and anon gaining • little. Re -
Iforms usually 'neve slowly till the •h -
•ructions are removed. then they rush
in, amazing their opponents with the
rapidity of their !notion Thin will be
Trent to two train objects, bread -gotten,;
for the artist, and display for those who
employ him. The wealth, thought in
the hands of the few, is earned by the
labor of the many ; the proceeds of this
wealth, therefore, should be so used by
its p eyes ors as to benefit the producers
In no tither pose way can the t feel •f
Ni. houorhot t should tie -crestal.- '
d•tmplete with..rt a bottle 1•t Dr. s
Burin's Ki.: rev e'ure is in the el ,.
it is the only retuttly that will pelta:. !•
per.n:ulrtitly anal !.r•.i:••'i!,' .•,fres all
(.f kidney diseases sold toy J v •au
tberr.a real Itepnblic be realized. \e latch Ward a. hal.
Poplin is again in favor, Worth and A failure to relieve or cure summer
Dusuzeau having made many hand.ose A physician who, after yea' of study, compfaints eau never be truthfully at.-
oostumee of this 1rabric, which is now, has gained a compete'( knuwledge of plied to Da, Fowlers -Ih"Rtraet .•f Wild
brought out in a lighter and more drap- 1' Tsioinlcy' patbulo1y, and therapeutics. Straw( erry, "�il dealers sell it. Y.
able fun' than formerly. is not held criminally responsible if a
ran dies under his treatment ; he has
Spanish, Oriental, French. English and prepared himself as well as be can, and
Irish laces in old and new designs and has acted to the best of his judgment.
stitches are used to ewes, not only as Similarly the legiah►tor whose measures
trimmings and inishings. but as entire produce evil instead of good, notwith-
overgarments and costumes for ladies, standing the extensive and methodic
misses and children. inquiries which helped him t.. decide,
The preferred style for white lawn can not be held t.. hive committed more
dresses te a round skirt with tucks and than an error sf reasoning. Contrari-
sear through his shallow pate. The no overskirt, • tucked blouse or full wise. the legislator who s wholly, or in
.sr dude is an ogject of pity. The hot Mother Hubbard waist belted and a big • great measure, uninformed concerning
weather and thoughts of the Scott Act
being put in fere. in this county so, bean
upon hia weak mind that he 1s in as
much trouble and is as nestles* as a bob
tailed cur in the dial days." Very good!
Next '
}tousehola }tints.
ewer I.ut pickles to a jar that has had
Roasted seise to one of the iwsost pwow-
eefwl disinfectant.
Beeswax and salt will make rusty flat-
irons as smooth as glass.
Wild mint scattered about the house
will rid it of rats and mice.
Save your cold tea ; it is excellent for
cleaning grained wood.
A little sweet oil and beeswax rubbed
on mahogany polishes it up beautifully.
Sandpaper will whiten ivory knife
handles that ntay have become
with um or age
The unelessant odor left in the breath
after eating •.stuns is eutir•ly removed
by a cop of strong coffee.
Flowers kept in • warm room should
be watered with tepid water. Very told
water is apt to freeze the root.
Cream cures sunburn on some com-
plexions, lemon juice is best on others
and cold water suits still 'then test.
Paint spots may be removed from any
kind of clothing by saturating with equal
parts of turpentine and spirits of am-
1f you wish to pour boiling hot liquid
into a glass jar or tumbler it can be safe-
ly done by putting • spoon in the dish
before you pour.
bow and ends in the back for sash drag- these masses tof facts wlilch lir mustcry. This style is pretty and popular examine before his opinion on a proposed
for all kinds of plain colored wash -goads law can be of any value. and who, never -
dresses. theles. helps to paw that law, can nu
llrllead«l velvet galizn gr.ndine, Aro- more be absolved if misery and mortality
coaled and ewl,roideted China silks, and can belt, than the jnu each is druggist
brocaded crapes in the tui1 evening tints Cala be absolved when doth is caused by
,.f roe, blue, lilac, cream. and chalki the medicine he ignorantly prescribes -
white are ela,rately trimmed with white 1 (Herbert Spencer, Popular Science
),monthly June)
ivory that has become yellow may be
restored to its sal whittmess by
bleaching in bynoxide of hydrogen /be
ivory should be exposed to a strong ewe -
light under a glass covering.
A dish or vase of fresh water should
be kept in every room when there is •
fin, especially an open fire. The water
�wbsorhe the gas arising from the coal and
other impurities in the air.
Valenciennes and Mobiles laces, and
worn at June day weddings, receptions(
and dinner.
Ctw:.al.ese. - A name well known in
nnnection with the Hair Henewer,which
estures grey hair to its natural color by
a few week. use. told at 60 cents per
battle by James Wilson. gra
i - - e tallboys. Malta, Montenegro. Netherland. Nor-
Dr. Thee, L Cuyley hassled : Music way. Penia• Portugal. Azores. itounania.
is one of the most thoroughly useful of I traBriweden Swtt:trui di andoTurkey
leveeing recreations, it it is only the esu- And via ('rented Agates: Bermuda Debars&
I ' t f a violin w banjo or a dune tuba, Dani,h l'oloetesof St, Thorwas. St. rot.
Destroy the
troy the children,.
Powders, they
lir they may des -
es Freeman's Wurni
all kinds of
Fo: nettle rash, "itching plies., rine.
worn eruptions, and all skin 'pleases,
use Prof. Low's `sulphur Soap. art
Almoui every pill r.utaiasealtaiel at -u
other mineral vuwlp'mcd. Lir, Osteoses
Stomach Bitters is purely rett•tebis sad
takes the plea u1 all ..iL..r. i o ,atria•
Ib large b.+ttleeat iO.st,i au
Thou.ands bear Vannes t.. the Peel -
tire eeratite powers of the t:a1.? 01111. -
ICAO Irvin eIATua, the ',lily remedy that
IMO proved itself a specific for general
debility, seminal w:wkurss, impotence,
este., and all diseases that arise front self-
abnw or overtaxed bruin, Mi.1ly ending
to consumption, ,'wrung and u preua-
furo grave Sold by urngtnsta,
will be soul frar'ut trruipt of $1.410 I•'t
la.x, lir six la.itw leer 163, :d,iress F. J.
l'a&xn, Tod«lo, *Ilio, «tie *_rut for
the I'euti.l States. Seed for city tl:,r
and test teammate .4 ce'uime cures t t.
Rhynas, (;,stool. Ink
Dr. Low.* 1'LLAat\r 1' ..w &%icor -•
An agreeable, safe at.,t • ,I. r'ua! remedy
to rew.•vr alt kinds of w, . m
1 lire ltataset,Ire✓wl.
�L. M. E. Alls..n, Hutrhum..•u, Katt ,
sated his life by a aims•.• 'trial IL.ttle ..i
Dr. King's New ihecn-cry, for Con-
sumption, which caused' low to procure
a huge bottle, that couiphtelyeutr.I I ,
when Doctors, cha'iee art diteuete suis
everythini o!ea 1.41 f,ulwl \,1luaa. -
1SSC RANCI.. (11:1+.
YKIT1$B ABA. CUT. Tum.uT& gststhS s
PtI(KNIX 17111. C(Y1',ef li.afow koilaadl-
IWaMrtr'd 1711.
■AItTFuut1) 1748, l'O'Y, of 11 Aso rum. (teas.
Established tole
MIAs 'elm 1a the alartears. class OScs al
lbs luwrst rotes by UOItACE 11011TCK,
The wagewslgoost 10 also Apportion of lbs
CAN ADA PER- l.0 -\X urn 8A Y*NG$ tar- et
Mese, te las ea first t Ir sorority. rem
7 to 1 per Chet. Charges noodle ts.
Girder' -A dept- IS IIS,
are a 1 robbed
.' Mulero loos.of floss k
prolonged. happiness
end health restored
to the six ofehearsal
to hi. 1. alas 1 .•1) a,..l p. renalrot y 'LUMP -
=pe1mey 1tal N•t.a
.ed b; .•e' ,'•.'•- of .u) k'
aeenWa,.I,s-. ad all .i:�rit..s ibat td-
k,w .n ,' •... oro.. ..1 :44' h- \ 1 us' , u. 14a441 of ea-
• no. Lw, :n. n.ury, mil. twat largo udr,
lama In 1110 Li..: til.tinree of 5 ism' , prema-
ture 01.1 .5,'. /41441 n.., ty other di.•e.o.'a that
1. r't to oo.00i• • ..r . • '.'' ntptiut: 0101 a prema-
ture Icer. e.
Send for .tr. Mar, with t„liu:yeti.10 free by
'ital. The 111If.ON •Tel r- old at !1 per
Ion or sit looses for I5. by air Ar'W1rl'tr. er
mil! 1a• 464.1,1 free try moil. s. tort 1) se ekd, ea
rut -sip t of pricy. b. add n•wing
Ir. J. lilt NEY. UrwQtbt.
1x7 Summit St.. Te kt10 OM!
Gro. lime
Sole ,tassel for Goderirh
Bn.rcluti.. il.utrscute•, L=rcan levegita,
null all Throat and Lung lieesass, Itis
guaranteed t.. cure. Trial Llottle• M
W ila.u's drum attire, tar.ts.1
'r ♦ Beftaiiftaals
Mr. Maty A. Dailey,d Tnaki.ann.wk.
l'a.,was sublated ha Mx 7eare with Asth-
:pct and lkonebitis, dune"( which time
the treat physician* ct.uld- give no relief.
Uri life uas deep.its,d '.f, until in Inst
/k1.•liee -'t• ,.t.•••nre'.I r rutile of Dr.
l�itc: m
No.. tet.. ove.,,, when in.Ine,liac
reit,f •.•t 1 -11, wt'•". bt e.'nt matte ate tune
G•, setas.' 1 dine ,►c wa..,.smlpk;tiey. cot
I od, tt-'dlm.:ti� tit dent( :+). 1lw iu a few
Fel.' ':'i I 4 iiottl•-•t of this etatain cure
.f :.11 Throat and ' Ieuns Dioceses at Jai.
\t ileon ', i (rug (Store. large B,•ttles
.$1.00 •4)
reelast sate,.
Postage to Great Britain -5c. per 1 ounce by
each route. Registration fee. Sc.
Money orders granted on all money order of-
fices in Canada. I'nit.. t States. Great Britain.
Prince Edward bland- Newfoundland and In-
i)epssits received under the regulations of
the lost omee savings: bank between the hours
of 8 a.m. and 630 p -u..
Registered letters must be posted 15 nein ate%
before the, .•base of each mail.
(Mice hours 8 a.m. to 6�0 p.m.. Sundays ex-
/FOREIGN rrl1T Ani;.
Canada hating been admitted into the Pus-
tal Union there is t rearrangement of pedal
rates. I. follow s
For Atisiria. liet¢ium, Denmark. Iceland.
Meese felteee. Egypt, 1 ranee. lwria. Germany. Gibraltar.
Great Britain and Ireland. Greece, Italy. Lux -
If *be Is a Igoe., Wei tet Trot Iger •.i.
Sig. Brignoli was telling the other day
that ',ice while h, was singing in a coo
object, tt.e n
nen for • charitable lent, p
donna was suddenly attacked with sing -
em's sore throat, and it became necessary 1
that some tine should ap••logite to the
audience The manager declared that
he was suffering from nervousness, and
could not do it, and he beggf'd Brignoli
to mak* the •tplttration. The tenor,
going forward said :
"Ladies and gentlemen. I regret to any
sat Alm*. N-- esa a beetle horse die
Peals of laughter greeted this announe-
ment, and the tenor looked puzzled,
thinking the audience had misunderstood
him. He advanced once more and with
thundering *no haste card out :
"I say at Mea. N---- see a beetle
horse die evening."
Another mar of laughter, amid which
• voice in the galls'', cried out :
"Then, if Asia • horse, why not tet
bet out r
Then the mistake was plain to him.tnd
Brigwoli laughed as heartily as any one.
A slightly damp eleth rubbed over a
dusty carpet brightens it wonderfully,
and gathers all the dust. This is an ex-
cellent way to cleanse the floor of an in.
valid's roam, where noise and dust are
Steel knives which are not in general
use may le kept from rusting if they
w dipped in a strong solution ..f soda --
ane part water to four of soda ; then wipe
dry, roll in flannel and keep in a dry
Stale bums may he mule to taste as
nicely as when fresh if they are dipped
for a moment or so in cold water and
then put in a hot oven fast hes or tan
minntes. They will turn reit as light
and resp as ween first baked.
Flowers may he kept very fresh ooy'r
night if they are excluded entirely frown
the sir. To do this,wet them thoroughly
pet in a damp b..a, and cover with wet
raw cotton t'r wet n•wepep.r, then Place
il, • cool spot.
When ono hes had a fever, and the
hair 's falling of, take • teacup of sag&•
steep it in a quart of soft water, strain It
oft into a tight bottle. Sponge the head
With the tea frequently, wetting the roots
d the lair.
W ow,en ornament their dram behind
because they like to have nice things
said &Mout them when their hacks are
1 '. + + • fat. (•roix, Jarasles. Japan. and lorto .k•ao.
In our nwn room. l'ut aside a dollar (Newfoundland la now in thrll'u.tal Uuk,n.
often ...it of your salary for the best but the postal rates ressain as before'. Lett. re
lia'tal cants cent. eta, h
1►h: how tired acid weak i fes'- 1 don't
believe I will ever get through the Spring
house-cleaning 1 Oh yes you will if you
take a lotto or two of Dr. Carson's Stom-
ach Bitten to purify your blond and tone
up the system. in large bottles r0 cts.
Prof. Low's Sulphur Sap is highly
recommended for the cure of Eruption,
Chafes, Chapped Hinds, Pimple., Tan,
kc. 1 m
5 cents per 1 onnce. ,
public conceria, and for tickets to the art Newton rs 2 tests for I ounces. Registra-
tion fee 3 cents.
For Aden. Argentine Confederation. Brazil.
British Guinea. Ceylon. Greenland. t'r••ns'h
l'ulonies in Asia. Afrka, uceaniea and Awee-
ice. ev,a-pt Wit. Pierre sad Miquelon. P.-r.,a.
pia I'.•rsiwn Gulf. f Port u c.•se Colonies in Asia,
Trinidad. Spanish Colonies
n a'rl a.Oreeli and
in A'iica, 'treelike a'oA Amo /•s, except t'nla
and Porto Rico. units Setaetneats in Signe-
pore. I'enarg and Mata.,•a :- - Lett.' r'• 1•t.. per
j oz- Hooke. Sc.. ie. for 1 oz. Other n t:stta-
tion fees MQ.."
West India Islands ria Halifax. games rat.• 110
formerly. Prepayment by stamp in nil t-.•r•a.
Au -tragi.; text -vie New !Moth 'Wales. Vi'-
toriat. anal Queenslan•! : Letters ;.-, papers
l rents.
Australla. New $ua.h (Vales, Victoria,
Queensland :- Letters i:.-.. tomer. 1 .
New Zealand, via van Frame.. •'ed Lettere
ltc. 1,'., parrs
galleries. The cows ate crowing richer
every year in such treasure houses .11
beauty and iuspirwtiuu.
Aa fur the whose uwtter of recrestiona,
I will give you one wholesome rule.
Every amusement or recreation which
makes the body healthier, the wind
stron;er. and the heart purer ia ,i -tilt.
Let the others alone. Whatever you
think of wit! a twinge of c.usctenc•, or
an ugly taste in your mem.'ry,next rn-
ieg,never do. It isthe neit morning's whip
of scorpions which spoils the sensualist s
revelries. 11 is a good rule never to
speed au evening in such a 'manner that
you cannot pray with • clear c macience
when vou go to bed. The best antidote
to all dangerous p'aes anal pleasures, is
to find good and safe one,. An attrsc•
tive home stands first anmun% thele. As
long as a young than is tethered then he
may lire in happy ignorance of many
things which a pore heart should never t
know should never wish to know, I
Veined is the youth who does not know
far, meth.
No matter how p:sin and cheap your
barbing quarters, make them !wow -
l.ke, attractive, beautiful • adorn them,
suspend the pictu'i, Zang the curtain,
let your friends' photograph smile on
you, let bis autograph 'represent him to
you. luxe upon the face of you r anoth-
er, though in miniature, and let her
strong. loving character often elaborate
itself before you. Let the forgot -m••
tots, anti the remember me s '.f staters,
and the hook of father w love be thought
over, pondered, and thus live in mem-
ory, in imagination it. the xnnpany of 1
the hone circle, and tl gh far away it
will appear a reality. Hut these are not
all the attractions and companions which
you may gather around you. 1f you
have not been able to secure • nlwary d
your nwn, find stew to your vi'lage e r
town library and borrow, .or borrow from
a fiend, and you may make friends with
Shakespeare, and Macaulay, and Dick-
ens. and with diem study history and
human nature es deeel.ped is
national and individual chariot
You may travel with Taylor or Stank ,
or CIO ore with Quintillions or LIvlegat,..)
You may reside at foreign courts with
the r preeentatives of nations, or walk
the heavens with Newton air Dick. 1 k
you mayd1K down into thy. earth and
*eiders its hidden treasures with Hitch
cock and Mhen. Von cannot be lonely
In such society, and you cannot but be
elevated by each associations.
'Rome of the beet edeoeted mon of
this and former ages have made the
college to whish I have jest referred
Dr. Low's Worm elyrup has ren.uved
tape warm. from 15 to :10 feet in length.
it alao destroys all kinds of worms. •
Saireeve. f rrise preel nre
is a never fa' cause of kIiseas••. At
thio *reshot of the yNj neuralgia. tooth-
ache, and a hoot of oin.ilar diseases are
rampant. The Treat question, then, is
o find the gi'ickest, surest, awl moat
economical remedy. Pulwn's Nervoline
exactly lila these re,luirennents. it is
prompt, eflisiewt, and most eoutomieal,
for it sicced' iu power every known re-
medy, and is as cheap as interior articles.
A 10 emit sample bottle will give crew
person a chancy to test tt. Lade bot-
tles only 25 cent... Both at .1. Wils(n'.
Three ere setae reef..
The boat blood purifier and system re.
enlator over placed within the leach of
suffering humanity, trulyis Electric Bit-
ten, inactivity et the ver. BOO -manes
Jaundiee, (1onatipatiott, Weak Kidneys,
r any
tiesee of
he urinary organs, or
rwhoeveri requires tan appetiser, uric or
wild stimulant. will always find Electric
Bitters the hest and only certain cum
known. They eel surely and quickly,
every bottle guaranteed to give entire
satisfactioe ow money ref ended. Sold at
fifty sets a bottle Iry J. Wilson. (d)
Ohl .he nee
.Nu ; elalt ltn4••• -o +u.. .,1a.to1
"ionise all tl,r ti.:.• :a
'1,.es etas,. talo . '•I .::.1 at
'•, oriel e . tine Hoop 1S ;t lip 1Itr papers
t:e-11 a1 iart. 1udied
••l' --r thankful we slr'iuld Ise for that 1
i r ,-,it.
tit.. tt.,t.
Lilt win
;attp.le are 'dwarves t he look
out fur chancre to income,
1hr,t ranongs.and it. time bet
oialth) ; those who do
_,,i,o uyprute their topiaries
(flee remain in poverty. %1-r olrrr • area
ebony.. to evoke. more'. \ae oast' men. woe
men, boys and g; rt. to work for us in thew
own ka•aht:es. Any our ren do the work pro-
perly from, the nowt .tart. The hu+iuers will
pay • that. pen furor, or.liear; au1Fe..
ppnoise ou,nt furni,brd M+. Pio ui'e
dame, tulle to ..akr money ray:idly. Yom tan
grrete your whop- tin., 1.. etc work. re only
you^ stare moments. Full t '' resat km and
all that is nrcr,asry .•nt f:. -e. .% t !:t ,. S'TI%
cant d' Co horitatot. ?tau n -
$500a00 �► , :Werra.
%i- wi.i pa) the aline rye an! :or an) rsae
1.1aer 4'tmwplafnt. 1t*'-It.t aut. Irk k L1 • .:.e,
tudtKr.ta'•t.. 1',.".upation or 1 wt i•' . • w•
tanuut rare st it h Wet CA Y, y;cp M 4 ' - S •IIb,
wl..r.tor doectionreestria .:• •,• L•u, sett*.
Theo are pyamO �'egrtabic. sial ,.,', r tett to
ti'.•..,tbJa.t:on. hutlite 11t o'Hx►ilr,l•yrall
•r,:pt Is
i .:.; .,.. �.t, 1;' ware of rbnatet to Ne mine! :Muta-
t: 11., ';enulne weenie, ureal a •y by
Jtli \ • ‘v1.1.41* t 1'U., "The '1'411 Yakets,
a nes.'' �: King int. East. Toronto, tot. 1 roe
'ro-•1't..•• loge tent by tea: pr. paid tot :re .1p*
,•int sump.
r.. male a1 WlLmeVa Oft t: &Teti
I I3ealth is 'dealt.
•1Y Yue W 1e1�o no's Livery
Having toirchaseot I Lee ).e'er' hu -an'e'w of .inn.
E. Swari..:..rne sty owr.d ' ' 1'-o r -rt I:, or.
s'tlpoit n .her•• of public porn• •'hen 1" - t
gt.nruntn• .at ••:..•lien to all, it 'd •'•1•'1'
The Finest 7") is r4
.'.T I1F.t-t'A'tl.E 11"'''i
('Aral. .\XI) ME!': t',-tipereit-e 11.1;'1 •'.
lintel. Gn•t.'rkh.
Goderieh, Vets. It+h. 1r."t . ' !tn
Dr. Low s Worm Syrup will remove
worms and canoe quicker than any other
medicine. m
• week at home. SAMS outfit free. Pay
•Mnlntely 0110'. Ne risk. Capital not
required reader, if you want business
at which penins of either ors. young
or old. can make great pay all he tinge thea
work. with abaolnrr certainty. Write for fall
particulars to H. HAL -LETT k r..., Iorilerd.
]lata,. 1'9n -
st� Nlt��;7,4 tvt40. 0011
11t:. P. ('. WraT& Nansvle ion }MAIN Tess!
II Wee. a guaratitecd specific for Hysteria, labs
(hats-, 4.1111,1110,01444- 1 its. Nee%eel A.•ura
II.•,uts Ae, 1'ervous Pru.tration . ait.cA by
uae't alcohol or. tobacco. Wakefulneie. Neth
nal Depression. softening of the Brats. result
i.g iu iioanity- and leading to /Money, de
and dea.h. 1'r,mature (1141 Age. Barr. no
loo-" 0t Poore in rho -rot I. Int uleuts()
and .. prrwrhm... rn,rdby over-. %rrlM
u; •t h.- brain, cif -t :,r•,• e r o''r-inelutgence.
One box •x111 cure rre,r.t VAMP. h.aeh b05 eon
mien owe oteotlea treatment. (Mae dollar box
or six bozos for fit dollars; omit by mail pre
paid Olt recciP' o! price. 1\ r guarantee six
loxes 10 care any vast. \t silt mach order re -
reit tot ►:r us for six boxes. octnmpatied wfb
tit ...lunar., we will genet the pnrrhaaer Star
we..N•n r:•m'ranlee to refund the money if the
treatment duet. not erect a cur'•. U arantte.
is'utd only tilt J-1I11i%%.IWIt61WPSN dwi/1tt].r
lard agent for Godcri' h, Out. JOHN l' WE$T
k (iii.. sole prunricturs. Toronto Ont.
Iles just re ....veil hie trpring Stock se
000 I'OI2LIT
17 .5 •?.'r.•S,.•-i erwwdesie to Ps super
le,. . .t• 111 ..'..ire. ere ,.;N -L t1.Warred• of
le• • '' )ne hp.. „a.yobtl*ttd alts .v ones
Oar +o. mead 011..a.•e 1 )m,r11, to 4IIIht-
Mor rfei lh. (Immo '4 osith ew for an.
as •'rusth .•stde. of.' Haran' Influenza
h,..•--, ,••.., D . i t' it': , • .' *•tyre in ito
el..- i;.-. w pi w• "w„ . a•. t a:i'Urota.'e.
0: ana. attire' .s, ..r •;.t a+ labia, for
w hitt see aptly claim n net, .net ave r.11, 1 cure
with •t,J.:oo'•.'t k m' rt)w' •ake'f aerord
tont t,. t Beet: -.I . •a,aa.,. 1 tl 3t sod .'4
.tint.: Cm.1te loat)s'. tem A Ilan. Bohai.,
watts r- oily .a blue. t,t :'' e.t Arurgi 1.,
or . 6, •t�ms a •. ••'ret; r. jollity;C•, '.t - t.'- :....lti e.. z::.rs• reel Iios1
. • aa reat s: J .t. ''et ."4i% ! 1 rug
Stew ...i'cre'h lAtr
I)R 690(IS 311(1(11IiONri6t
Adore ` ew and Well Selected. which he .4
ern et the Lowell Partible IYtess.
Ilam.. Rarnn, iwr,i tit's,. Roller Their
made from M•nitnla Wheat. also Harris'
Fine ►tamely Floor, sad flat.. Ryan.
'*lesson.. and ■11 other klni• of feed.
.srr pees ire/.►, Tame le rs,eetye.
(Mn.ids delivered free In nay part .f the torn
and Malt ford.
R. PROr'DIft)(Yr,
Corse: Victoria ani Nelson.' streets epee she
Farr Goss.* GodeHc►-
tital flab, iMa. 1111E
Ina' ;n5 been appointed agent of the above
machine. begs to solicit the 'mail puller pat-
ronage. and will supply machines on liberal
Try the Genuine Singer,
Residence : Victoria street. near ;he M. E.
Church. Golerich.
G oderieb . Lee. 13. 1883. 1921.5M
A week .lade at home by the is
duslriota. Best business new be
fore the public. Capita not need
ed. We will start you. sten. wo
+ w amen. boys and girl wanted very
where to work for us. Now is the time. You
con work In spare time. or rive your whole
tone to the tinniness. No other budbeas will
p.• you nearly so well. No one can hit to
make enormous {sty. by engaging at once
ly 'stet and terms free. Mosey)" made
raw. easily. and honorably. Address Teta
A.tustA. \ta!ee
Clic.$:J-ti.'ys, I,'..scfAPlwtite, IAdigest/6n,I1ilioasness,
j!«s'lefa ' T:iuw1iec. 4fte: i nos cf (Ae Lirer and Kibler,
.n •11:slarirs, Eudf RIv''rq, S,:rrfifla,
'tr.; (Ti... ►: 1''07,1 I,apwrr•. I3food,
v. r .l••' ••r' Rowels.
v t L a �"
Are plot•••&bs
t to take. Coattail, ?WIT 1111121 i
Purgative- le a safe. Imre, and wilkaoear-
eserorse .f wooer in CM1dne se AI
_ .- . ,..x.. 51
Rmot. 11fe 1s 'ewerpin). Mj
s.twethi•g ss ) red cent
.1,1,1 date briers )on
Ilrn,l•ave it„,t, d to e.Uynal
t tale, (las a week Ice jou sw
ttoowe.x., rhe fres. \+r reek. .wttlefurwW►
!IPA'. ',.,1',,1,.'0. r'••.1
ems . •' •- ttiw! :elan' ere mskn't 17,111 118
L.4.e- nuke as totio h RR teen, nod 1 ors
girls make great pa) Ibasler, if ywe wee
beaiws.s at which ' nes • ,n w.wl'rpW ill
the t use. write for r• rale, • to ii.
Mee. I'M tlae