HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-27, Page 86
l. -he 1) matt s ILorner.
Tits Pelee We Brandi.
'Wire omits a glass r doss sae .. sblat.
That that to .sally the prima .t a drink t
•'/ire cents • glean,' 1 Alar you any ;
'.Why that laws vary much to pay. -
Oh, ao, it/deed, tis. very small sant
Teems trawrtaguver'twill darer sad numbi
Aad if that were all that you ga.e away.
( It wouldn't be Very teach to par.
The prim of a drinl f lei boat derails
Who has lest his mute's mil last his pride.
lies a grovelling heap of
Netter removed frost the beam today.
The price ut a drink 1 Lin that *se tell.
Who tamps tonight in s murderers toll
Aced feels within him the ares of hall ;
/tenor and t irtus. love and truth.
All the glory and pride of youth.
itoaor of a auhoud. the wreath of tame.
Hos endeavor. and Cobh alto
TMssare the interim -a thrown. swat.
As tiee price N • dr' n. trent day .0 day.
The price of a drtak 1 U yon want to knot.
What sews are a DIMS legal for it. Ku
Through the wr•t.:hcd lemmatises over there.
Where dingy b•in.lows mud brukeu stairs,
Where fool d,ssw, like a vsntptrerrawls
With uatettrt.hea wings der the mouldy
Thera Poverty dwells with her hungry bread(
Wild-eyed as demons tet lack of food
There Shame. li. a .orner e•rau. lops low .
There Violence dmfs its cruel blow
Aad iuuwrnt ones are thus scourged.
Ts pay the price of ¬ he•r's thirst.
"no e cent's glassoh. it that were .11,
The saeridee would inelcrv: be entail:
Bat the ununey s worth is the leis amount
We pay . and whoever will keep a.•ceunt.l
Will Irani the terrible waste and blight
That follows tl.. ruinous appetite.
"Fite cont* u glans r lion any one thine
That in really the prier of a drink f
Sink 1Nh.
.l dati. it crash.
' (wan a orf ul rash.
Hut . tie pur.ur abate, upset her.
'Chicago Telegram
.t slip. a rip.
SI, nut tier lip.
Hie 1Lr r.. • ;! d, batter.
1Ilichatond Baton.
.\ wild•..... tried•
The ',States were .nide.
They proved to he a fetter.
Waterloo ()beer v er.
No inure. he':1 soar.
The risk Ali o -es..
Itet•au.e her in. won't 1e t her.
Itl'ashin:;toa HatchcL
1 he i -trate. T.er:.'t mares,
she non- rala:es.
Tea distant friend by letter.
Iltose'. Toothpi. �.
She sobs and sighs.
NISI tearful crie-.
For there her lot • last oat her.
New she Rail.. t. Made.
Various the..ri. Lav* been advanced
to account for the formation of raindrops,
but the most satisfactory explanation is
thee immersed by professor ( ).borne Rey-
ue1d.. The minute wsrtic'os us which
duulds are coutposed are in, ring down-
ward in consequence of the .ttratiun of
gravity ; but by reason of the r•esi.tasce
which the air offers to theirs descent,
they are only lu•.vini'v-ery slowly, Since,
however, the resistance offered to the
passage of large drops is much atnallaj in
proportion to their weight than that
offered to small drops, it follows that the
large drops will descend faster than t
smaller cues, and will overtake thele,
coming into collision with any which are
in the direct line of their ascent. When
two drops collide they unite 11. forth a
larger drop, which will descend with in-
creased volocity, sweeping up all smaller
drops in its pat's, and thus Increlsing in
size until it emerges frenn the cloud.
since many clouds are several miles in
tluc►nese, it is easy to see that a particle
descending from the upper part of the
cloud may ',tooled a raindrop of cousid-
erablesize before r, emerges from the
Mud. In their passage from the cloud to
the earth, the larger raindrops will over-
take the smell "nee Ina precisely similar
way. At the sante time the size of the
drops may be slightly increased by the
toedensatien "f water from t he air
through which they aro falling, or may
no slightly diminished hy partial evapo-
ration from the surface of the drops.
A falling rain-drep descends with a
velocity which increases until the acceler-
ation is balanced by the reautanee of the
air, afterw
whichdrop descends with
uniforms velocity. It is, of corse, well
known that large clouds may exist with-
out any ram falling from them. in some
oases waist is actually ftetmerd, but erapsrr-
ato and is again converted int.. vapor
before it can reach the ground ; in many
cases the non -formation of rain is H Ali- 1
bly due to the feet that under certain
unknown Atmospheric or other condi-
tions the partrtles farming the clouds do
not suite when the coils
of gerdegital change, remi
est importance It play
the disintegration ..f r/
AgsaNat. Umpire 11d Ise.
An old favontm is the remedy kuuwa
as 1». Fowler's Eytra:t u1 W 11� Straw-
berry. Thirty years reliable for cholera
userbue, dsaretoss and minima euttt•
The word is from the Arsine Al K.ul,
sail uriaiaally denoted the Lair -dye used
by ladies on their eyebrows. In its pure
ferns it was brit obtained by distillation
(nota wile hence Galled "spirit ..( wine"
by Arabu.m alchemists, seven ..r eight
hundred years .g...
1t was the bowie of the secret fluids
with which temalchemists di/waived vari-
ous subsume:es mu their search for the
elixir of iiii.uortality and the philoso-
pher's stone.
It lung :ununued torbe used tuatuly ut
the arts and SC1•0011111. It preserves what-
ever is immersed in it.
It extracts, and holds in soluti , the
acts..+ principles of pleats, oils, militia,
duo., balsams and amber. It gives us
the •'spirit lamp," with its great heat,
little light and to uuele Through its
Avenel, we have the wouderful aunsthe-
tics, ether, uhlerufunn and hydrate of
The consinen alcohol, produced by dis-
tllatswe, us the Mew ui nature with thin
which has, frust tune immemorial, re-
sulted front the fermentation of juice of
the grape ; but while the former can
give to ah..dute alcohol, the (atter can
give in, at the utmost, only about twelve
per cent. lis both cases it is derived
(nun the sugar of the plant, or from its
starch, the elements of starch and sugar
being the same.
Says Shakespeare, "I would as soon
trust An Irishman with my aqua vine bot-
tle." This aqua vit,e, was doubtless the
first of disttllwd alcoholic beverage,. it
was obtained from grain : probably bar-
ley') about 12t0 A.D., by the monks of
Ireland, the secret havine erohahly
come from China through the Moura of
Whiskey is only a corruption of the
Irish words for water of life. Dunne
the last twu h'udred years distilled
liquors have leten made fruui almost
every vegetable substanee. ArrAe •the
whiskey of Indo is distilled from palm
juice and other juices.
Ottumwa aka/led is not the unly one ..f
ita c1us. There are Inany. The ti:.t
contains "IIB poetioll of Cart' ,n abd three
of hydrogen. The second '.oar conuia. n
alcohol contains two of carbon and five
of hydrogen. The utters follow in regu-
lar series, each differing from the ene
immediately preceding by loving one
Inure p,eomen "f •.:abort and two more of
hydrogen. ,':..uth's Companion.
.another asf.l Part .f • Star.
A ',arty .1 merchant travellers in a
passenger coach were talking over their
travelling experience and the danger of
accident., and finally the question arose
as t., rise safest part of the car. Failing
too settle the yuestiun among themselves,
they called upas the conductor, and ene
of theiu said to him : "Conductor, we
have been discussing the matter 4,1 the
safest part of the car, and want to know
year opinion. " "Want to know the saf-
est, eh replied the c,r_duct..r. "Yes,
that's it." ••\fell," replied theo,nduct-
or, Lemming a chew e.f tobacco, and
looking disappointed ',mouse he didn't
get a cigar, "I've been on the road for
fifteen years, and I have hien turned
over embankments, hustles up in tun-
nels, dumped off bridges, telescoped in
collisiotu, blown off the track ay
cyclones, run into open switches, and
had other pleasant incidental tivertise-
ments of kindred nature, and 1 should
say, gentlemen, the safest part of the ear
was that part which happened to La in,
the shop for repairs at the time of the
.w■ In Mate.
The wife of Mr. J. Kennedy, dealer in
drugs in Dixie. was cured of a chronic
cough by Hagyanl s Pectoral Balsam.
The Joest throat and lung (realer
known. 2.
A l'esulietahle Maerearr.
New York Booker ---No, dear, I cannot
take you to Saratoga this year.
His wife-- You can't, indeed . 1 should
like to know why.
'1 c.n't afford it.'
'The idea ' Why, the Suupersins are
going to Newport just the Same as usual,
and Simpersin has failed tea,.'
'Exalctly, my dear, and f haven't.' .
'Why, I have to stay at home and pay
my debts.'
-"Why! Whate the mat ter r
Lady 4With face env eloped in r,11 of hew
elethst "Oh! I'm arty with that Sriralg,s
that continually troubles me "
'•Well. how foolish ! Wh - Lion t yon i;o
to It. Ilhynas' DrugStore an'lge' a host!, of
Fluid Lightning f tl rural me in one minute.
1 atways keep a bottle is the humor, 11 u:,ly
comae tia•cents. '2111
KY" to any one sending the beat fear line
rhyme en ' 1aiuttr,Rv," the remerkable
ittle gens for the Teeth and Pat:;., Aad
your druggest ..r address..
d. Asan agent
to o1 the :rest-
A !as.ge part in
.ck. and the for •
mation of soils. milia. the smaller pant-
elm into streams and rivers• and is, in 1
fact, one of the most important of the
serious demudml,; agents. Indeed, sines
rain is the ultimate source of all our'
T. be Nei'; ul Pretrssl.a, and all whom
11 away react•.
l'h••.phatiue, of Nave i''.tm. a l'hn.
plate Element haled open Scientific/
Facts, Fornlulated by Pref,•as,r Austin,
M. D. of Motel, glass., cones Pulmon-
ary Con.umptt" s, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
laid w•
an. astin'r diseases of the human
brooks, rivers, etc.. tt way be sod to IM' system. 1'hnsphatine is not a '•Ietlecine.
the principal agent of gaologleal change Inv n Nntrinnent, because it contains no
on the -earth s surface, The atnomnt of mineral TolOpiates
the rainfall varies ver considerably in
y y egtmpticll, and no Stimulants, but sirup')
different continuo and in different parts
of the same country, dependiug ou ecu
is grat'hl,;.d p,oaihun the conformation on of
the sur:.tze ..t the ground. the proxlmot,
of large lakes auvi the se., etc. The
hearieet anneal (all oi sun occurs is the
A WW. AwakeWaggled-
J. Wilson is always alive to his beg -
nese, and spares nu pains to secure the
beat of orrery article III his line. He has
secured the agency Inc thecrlebrat.dDr
King's New Dueuvery Inc Consumption,
the only certai,i cure known ter Con-
sumption. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness
lathe**, Hay Fever.. Bronchitis, ter any
affection at the Throat and Lungs. Sold
uu a positive guarantee. Trial battles
free. Regular size $1.09. (3)
Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and
too hearty sating is relieved at .once hy
taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills
immediately after dinner Don't forget
this. lm.
Cue ser tttsd.eea.
As numerous testimonials will lllkew,
there it no route reliable euro for deaf -
noes than Hsgyard's Yellow CHL It is
a1w the best remedy for air ache, sore
threw, croup, rheumatism, and for pains
and lameness generally. Used internally
and externally. 2
sine r ,.l- .aa OasSeme.
Nva tleisu I'har%iz, No. 331 Dayton
tit., Chicago, Ill., Is now in her sixty-
eighth pear, and states that she has suf-
fered with C"usuwption fur about te0
years, was treated by nine physiciaus,a9
of them pronouncial( iter case hopeless.
She had given up all hope of ever roe... -
ering. Seven bottles of Dr. Kings New
Disenvery for Consumption completely
cured her. Doubting ones, please drop
her a postal and satisfy yourselves. I'all
et J. Wilson's drug stere and get a free
trial bottle. (1
Seeing is believing head the testi
*wort she Ip, menials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
TC�tra iee suffering with law and dr_ Homo's Kidney Cure, then buy a Luton
pressed spirits, hiss .1 appetite. general and roilover _)eurwelf of all thetse dwtress-
dobility, disunion -al blued. week coition- ing paitia Your DrugRvst can tell ch
twee', headache, or any disease ..f a 1,11. ;roll about it. Sold byJ \1'tlson(iwiencpe�
loos nature, by all insane procure a bot- I 2o,
tle of Electric Bitters. You will he sur- j The use of fills, SeltoCastor Oil, .(c.
prised to see the rapid improvement that sand other nauseous, griping Cathartics
will follow ; you will 1.e inspired with new I is unnecessary, .a a pleasant .ubstttute
life; strength and activity wiil return , is found in Dr. Carson's Bitten. which
pain and misery will cease. and hence- act as a Cathartic without griping or
forth you will rejoice in the _praise of causing nausea- All druggists sell it
Electric Biters. S..1d at fifty cents a 50 cents a bottle.
bottle by J. Wilson. i61
Rarklea's Arnica halve.
The greatest tue•lical wonder o. the
world. Warranted to speedily cure
Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcrre, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sures, Cencrrs, Piles, Chilblaunl
Coats, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in
every instance, er money refunded 'lac.
per box. For sale In .1. Wilson. ly.
C'1ae animas.
We have made arrangements to club
Tux SIGNAL with city papers at the rates
given below :-
Signal and Daily World - . $3.50
" Weekly (:lobe ......, 2.2:0
Mail .. ... 2.25
Advertiser... _.25
PITY TIill POOR Dl'iratTn.. -Poverty
krait'. Plaid Lightning with perfect health. is rather to bechuseu
Is the -only instautaneteus relief no Neu -1 than riches and dyspepsia. Try the
ralgsa, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- i ma is effect .,f a dollar bottle of FOUNTAIN
mug a few drops briskly is all that is GF HEALTH.
needed. Ne taking nauseous medicinesFor rough conditions of the Skin,
for weeks, but one minute a application ! Sl,amp wing the head, Pimlelea. Eruption
removes all pain and will prove, the great ;and akin diseases, ban Prot. Luw's Sul -
value of Krauu•. Fluid Ll,tlsttiing. 25 phur Stop. m
cents per bottle at Cheerer Rhynaa drug
store. h All Nervous Debility carted by the use
of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain
Treatment, See advertiseeleut elsewhere
1 1.
•-••tel o=v!Sold at 11'ilsou's drug stere.
i (2b
. f ell. ;e4r .r. '
'Js. Answer la mated.
,_, !;► �'an any nue .,ring us a case ..f Kidney
'!t.!,,.t'•_,k- or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters
will root speedily cure I. We say they
} Route.
cannot, as thousands of cases already
Sa�law alld Bay city ROUte permanently Effectreo and s.1.•. aro daily re
a i c"nuuending Electric Bitten, will Cruor.
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weal; Back. 1
TIIE TE +.utas 4..r any urinary complaint .quickly cured.
O C ONTO They purify- the bland, regulate the low. -1
els. and act directly en the diseased
G. W. ilcGItEGUll. 11AITalt, parts. Every bottle g•aarantreei. Fur
Will olive G1/D1:RICIL weather permit:inc. sale at 50e. a bottle by J. \filsen. (1J:
on and atter Juno 5th, kids, making W IIAM%
ROI 11 Tinge during the season, an .follows : '.0 theism Cared.
EVERYITH U RSDAYJ Aro y'•n troubled wltd ,alt Rheum,
At l o'clock pow., for Saginaw. nay city. tland Rough Skin, Pimples ..r Canker Sores :
Reach, Tawas and all nutrition the west shore, 1 if so, go at once to (:eo. Rhymes' Drug
including Alpena and che•bu}yg�eann Store and
Returning will leave GUDERICH gat a package .t blcl:req"r .d
Iaii Carbolic
b�rb cents.EVERY SUNDAY wasMrnowfail.
At 1 p.m., for Detr., t and ( Ietetand, calling
both ways at Port Huron and points on tit.
Clair River.
For rates of freig:et and pana,rr, scd all in-
formation. apply 10
A ntartlla Msieve.y,
Physicians are uftrti startled i
WN. LEE. Agent at Goderich. niarkaWe discoveries. The fact that Dr
or S'. 5. 4.111.311111010U11. King's New Discovery for Consumtptien
Manager. Detroit. and all Throat and Lung diseases isdaiiy
(loderieh. May 2Iiis lit. LC"' .curing patients that they have given up
to die, is startling them te, realize their
sense of duty, and examine int,. the
__ merits of this wonderful disc"very, t..
I suiting in hundreds of our best Pia.n1-
cians using it in their practice. Trial
bottles free at J. 11 ils,n s Drat Stora.
Regular size $1.110. 4)
00 TO �.
17t.l- 1 c
National Pills act promptly upon the
.over. regulate the towels and as a pur-
gative arc mild afttl-tflonig h. -Alt .
There are 1„ts4.f people g'.in;.: around
grutub.Luy, and half sick at the stomach
all the time : tele, ini,lt ter se!! and
happy. If they euly used Dr. C'arsun a
btoinai, Littera eccasionaliy. It is a
splendid blood purifier. All druggists
50 cents
A su...laa to all dank/ad.
la tLeae times skew: our newspaper.
j \\(ES SMAILI. ARCHITECT. etc, me flooded with patent medicine adver-
t., utth, . t'rabi,' f:le.'k, K,.:g,e ,n at.. Coder ttarmett., it is gratifying t•• knew what
rie:e. !'tato {s . au,l . i.ti .. u,wisdruwn correct
to procure that will certainly cure you!
Ir t'aroenter'.r• 14..erer'slaad mason's work
measured and valued. If gnu are bilious, blood Gut of order,
- dicer inarti.e, or teneral debilitadeol,
th:•re Is a"thin; in the world that will
yon lin quickly as Eteetr' !otters.
They are a blessing to all man rod, and
can be had for only fifty cents ■ nettle
of Janes Wilson.
A choice aa..'rtdrrut at Frreh Field Seeds
eu hand, f..r Bode at Ueaa•mable Prices
Crockery &
ll, the n ono huffy and (:auric Elements 14A 1)S' ^s
found in oar daily f 'el. .\ sinvto ti .tip W V
is arittiriont t.. c..nt ivies. .111 Ihugguta
sell it. !t 0) per bottle. bowmen &
Co., sole a,rnts for the Dominion, A 1''1'L1. LiNE OF
55 Front Street t:s.t Toronto
gene ofreamscr•r the mina regret'
of the AtlaldhNettle oceans and
Fnrwtnn's fernm Pnwden deatray and ;GROCERIES
nn the west ciente of the Rnttsh isles, I remove warms without injury to /adult or I A s i )
CA, and New'.caland. in all thew lit-
India, Norway. North aiel Knuth Aneeri. l infant '
ter districts the west w.e..d Wase ever a I Aa F.1sar's Tribute.
1 large tract .1 •.ocean And becemeo heavily Thenen P Keater,e.liter .d Ft. \\'iyne /1 L
chanted with moisture, winch it depsits Inc I:,crl1., writes, : 'Fur the pert lice `/ 11
when forced upw.trds by the action of `fears 1 have always owed Dr. King's New
the mountains an the oasts. Th...lrteat l)Isoeny+ry for coughs of most severe
districts en the w,.rld aro the deaeu recharecter, as well as Inc those of s milder
irons of Africa sand Asha The Amount I type. it never fabs to effect a speedy
of ram which falls un rn.gle •'sewers s. eere. My frietwds to wh,un 1 have re
is eomrtrues enormous, .specially .n the r,opmerrded it speak of it in memo high
trupicm. L. lite 1"181! Talere oma "1 the tonna. Having been enrol by tt ,d every
nes( Ms' falls n m rectord u * fall of ti :16 onegh 1 hate had for tire years, i eon.
grebes to 14 hours, in Menesoothahir., I miler it the only reliable and sure cors
Jaly 141h, IEI'., lin t I,tober 25t Inc ha, «.lda, eta Gall at WIlean 'e
11i$8, at tiubraltar, there was • fall of asd get i Tres Trial Bottle.
eap and Good.
Give Him aCall !I
The Square, - ()odeeich
i AtjIAM4rtARp
�•'•i Rhe,,.
t 4'1CA.
1.0e TflE CUBE OF
'UCBs• Coy^- 1100:
Pnkf'HiT1s and all LUKE
Hie aduanccdstaro
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich
A goal assortment of Kit. hes, liedro.,.. limas Ituum end Parlor Ywraltw, such as
Mc. Chairs ihatr, .au. sad wou.i pealed% t'onboard., lied -Meads, Mattresses.. Wyh..gym.
1.oungw, Sofas. What -Sulo I.uut..es t;:s.-.r..
N. H. -.t complete asses Anent oft udus ued ttlruuds,alwsi. on bead also Hrary i for hlr
at r•asot.ablr rale .
Picture Franient • specially.-- A tall *elicited
a' 'Ya -�. •- �r i''
' W lY _ I}i ��jj, � . - •CIN �': 11
Il a Altr.t:'rG •ow�1 r r^... t+� �'_.it��j 1 ..'U%t ',, !i
J r., r .rairin.n.% • 1e,
Doing the Creat Central Line, ano::3 to trarelere, by reason of its unrivated gse-
araphicai position, the shOrt.et anJ beat route between the East. Northeast am/
Southeast, and the West. No'thwe.t and Southwest.
It is Literally and strictly true. Y.at its oonneettlone are all of tote prinolpal lines
of road between the Atlantic and the Peelle.
Sy its main line and branches et root:rem Chicago, Joliet. Peoria, Ottawa.
.a inns, Caneaeo, Mol.ne and Roca Island, in Melons t Davenport. Museattne,
Washington, K.oauk, Knoav,lse. Oskaloosa, Fairn.r 1, Dee Molnee, West Liberty.
Iowa City, Atlantic. Avoca, Audubon. Hartan, Outhrle Center and OouneNl SIuSa.
In Iowa i Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In M1MOurl, and Leaven.
worth and Atchison in Kansas, and the hundreds of Ones, oilman and towns
Intermediate. The
As it is familiarly called, offers to travelers all Owe advantages and opwfarts
moment to a smooth track, eats bridges, Union Depots at all OWaneoting points.
Fast Empress Trams, composed of COMMODIOUS. WELL VENTILATED. WILL
latent desirimed and hand.on,Wt PLIC[ SLEIPING CARS. and DINING OASIS
that are acknowledged by prsas ani: people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY
ROAD IN THE COUNTRY. and in wh'oh superior meals are served to travelers at
the row rate of SEVENTY -13%& LENTS EACH.
THREE TRAINS seen way between CHICACO and the Mt$SOURI NIVEL
TWO TRAINS each way between CHICACO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL.t
via the famous
A New and Direct Line, tole aen.ca and Kankakee, has reosntly been opened,
between Newport News, Richmond, C.nctnnett, Ind.anapolle and La Fayette,
end Council Bluffs, St. Pau!, Minneapolis and intermediate psints.
All Through P gers carried on Fast Emprmet. Trains.
For more detailed Informatgnsee Maps and Folders, which may be n j 15
well as Tickets, at 311 pri not pal Thews dEDMS bathe United States and CaNININInSFAI
Vloe-Pres't t Cen'I Manasor, Ce••1 T'k't L' AVS'
Elrk Ilesdarh• and rehe+e all tl:. t'o:.;,;h,p,.
d -a t :e a 5.110.• Mate of the systwn, such s. Dfr
raes., Names, Drowsiness, Dates. aft.-, a:.'.E.
Pa n in the 14.4e. 4e. Wh:1e 15. r mast r:amarkr
able austeas 1s.. t. --a shown :u ..:: nz
: aassylag Wl•t; Whilei a atavReadartrryet Carteralttue Lien rare egtRy
loess to at. J.w•ln,
%t. hl >
sew. Topeka. Dna
ens, Pal r.. tt.,-
all disorders of the stom.eh, etisealate the litre, Aad roof
sad r date the bowels. hits if they eel). cuzsd
pew., In Iowa,
Nebraska. N le•our! ti • a
es., sew N,,1-,,, Arlr..
1 taae wml Tet►.
lien, City weeld Ise almost pne.lrn to th o.ewtte
acid' -r fame this Mattering complaint; het fen tit.
ytidd will a tint.' )i� a
them ntads
shoe Is se many ways that they sem not be willing
Soda without them. hut.R.r all salt head
is. t'.e ban. of . r many lives that h 1.w here on 1 K A N S ,A S C I T,Y
tike our great ham.. Our ptLh c.-• w5.
mime do nut
Carter's Lath. L1,.r r!^e are ver .I auk
ter? easy to e*k.. One or tern poli. t .... door. 0
They ss - .trictly vegetabie and d.. p. t p. or
porn.. but b their gentle outrun 1 lase who
see them l'aslate atssmita : live furgt. gold, ..moth
by druggists everywhere, or went by mail
New York sty.
ll, re•nu.N••4 to
Ie tn. hest
IWIn mail ped
'".• stet.•e le.• pasapertor (Jr .%Men
I..., t(Inrr•p,n. sad .t. rant.
WMioastty reputed as
nlibiery Geed
• rick is rit ,nn
CenbrerM 1.' esu t
West clog...sin
tn. t'. R. sad
ed Use tr111
tsar • rmv. ss. s
1. a..ry. t.aeaa
.. efewt
tefyrrl: s-1 .n
Mena 14N. • n1
req,Me. p,, era.
.•, .., .,.. e., i. ;,,
T. l POTTER.sot tvu, ltter�
tlr tiroPr...,.1 w ... f',. ,,• t -
LW. '...-,e •'t t.tr,_ .. 111.
Canadian Pass. Ag t,
SPECIAL OFFERS In"' R. Jon.*rnir•
Mr fro. fnlnw reg donde and material a Ih.
Torono, Ont
Tick.' ARont, findereh
Wend sit rine* ter postage.
end receive ve tree. a sinal lT het
N Arwwrivap a ern fl. tattlers. .t t►Y.SO each, I r minds which will be _e.e
which is but half price. o more, money rich
1 5.,, 5 ll Horses Power and A•Mretor. In then anything elm In tine world. AII.
SW Mn a short thew, trees what carriers and , se=' none o ravers In
1 5,, w rk..
all Is geed outer few aide.* AM more than , to terrine. opens ddret the wrKker
eatstoirdit..ilea 11) .atm. Afcionsadds.,.., atce
germ l laps Grindstones at below coat, h Malas.
i NO., rberrew Buggy .t is per rent. lee.
Tbroureniati two
�hraas Se.. (er all kinds of threat- Rays Dryden
w (`wttte Reims at half pries. 1 "Me knows her sous, gird
A I« of Hat Ire.. and sweat
QPelMC► gars,
. with aan, mho?! Can draw you to
MMr*e, IRat it Hat•, vsair
eresr*Ael moss I seek pnSi seri
AwU» C. J. .11(1.11.84,8�!•d A- •�-
_zee ow ,IlsnL'.•