HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-27, Page 7d A on le ih .m d - he h - x u, ge ie he a- Ii- th it- 1) - he aa M - de to et as iso ur sty w- ho ,m m- d- ty. a1- ue 1' ,w. ID, ful he be .t �«I 'P7 ith dog /Ur te- ds. the ret, tar ,he me .rid er. ty, at - M. In- ly. ere Ul. lain 'V. _r- tt. to pt. I Ic▪ e Lt. on of id- m - re. at of w, l is er- ble on - of ad dr ✓ ■• IR 1e �t. tie n- ti. id L004.1413 OR&'I'ORY. Mow N Was aa.s MMM/ b, baa chow eM COMB MNMer. irem tie New York Tribune, Jas. i-., MM. Prouesd then in upon the arcus of the great debate, like a trick mule is a circus, or • spavined nightmare upon the track •d • beautiful dream— Lama of II - halls Then was • vision of taleM- taehea, eye-bn.ws and hair piled toe each other in arches ; • large brandishing of arum, s pose and stridulous war- whoop Md much as though • picture of the Deerfield tuasseem bad stepped out fres the panes of our early history. Logan took the At/wriest) senate by its large, esp•cious ear. And their he urnt for his mother tongue,. He smote .t right and left, hip and thish, and shooed no mercy Swinging the great broad -axe of his 1. gie high in air, he torted it ere it fell, and with the hammer side struck the language of sixty millions of people fairly in the lass snit stashed it beyond reeognsti•on. Under bis stroke the floor of the American senate was spattered with the remnants of • ones proud voca- bulary, and messengers doorkeepers and pates were covered from head t.. bait with the spray. In the fearful tis• hours which followed the first rr d his oration all the parts of s Mee routed and put to flight. here worn orphaned adjectives aid widowed nouns; bachelor verbs driven to polygamy and polygamous verbs left lonely ; conjunct - 10011 diseavmrsd, prepositions scattered, adverbs disheveled and distorted, and syntax lung into wild disorder. It was a vest day for Logan. He set his teeth into the language as the untamed tiger of the jungle takes between his mouth and paw the wearing apparel of the way- farer, and the ripping of it was heard through ell the forest depth:. It rever- berated to the end of the capitol and sluggish representatives lifted up their eyes and listened to the roar with terrific awe. Some started for the scene, but upon being told tie cause of the distur- bance in the brief communication, ''Logan's up," turned back with full ss- asrance that they could hear from that sed of the capitol all that was worth bearing. So through two hours Logan swung his beautiful arosatrer the heads of the senate like the booms of a govern- ment drrnck, while his chin churned the language like s pile -drover in a heavy' sea. and the balled reporters anode wild pluo.te. with their pencils t.. gather up, his regurgitations for the punter. Ah Logan is a great nun --a statesman V ben he throws his intellect into • question, whether it is of lnanee,er trelf- g..verninent, lir sticking to the ship, something has got to come. And you .nay always knew where to find him --to wit, where he has always been, drawing lay from the government in some capac- ity. He lacks only I fteen ur twenty things of being an orator. He hu lungs. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR JUNE W. BRETHOUR & CO., H ,+ BRAN"TFORD We are offering Special Bargains in the following departments, hoeing half regular prices :— DRESS GOODS. ALL WOOL, CREAM NUN'S VEILING .. .. fur 12be. ALL WOOL, BLACK NUN'S VEILING .. ..for I2;c. COLORED DRESS GOODS, in great variety, .. .. from 1'!!.'. PARASOLS. PARASOLS, 'ACE TRIMMED. LINED, - - St'N'SHADEl3. PLAIN AND LINO,.. .. .. .. .. .. .. PRINTS;--MUSLI-NS A� T -L► SATEENS 1V.• have a 4hoiet! AsMrfllnelit of these Goods, Beautiful in PAWN and Los illi Pa. KID GLOVES, LISLE GLOVIIS. 2 BUTTON GLOVES, NEW SHADES. .. .. .. .. gee. worth 21.00 3 BUTTON GLOVES, NEW SHADES, '. 50c. worth 21.00 BLACK AND COLORED SILK GLOVi S.A L LENGTHS, JERSEY YAKS EMBROIDERIES AND LAWNS. We have Just Received a Consignment of Very Handsome Euitroidcries, Choice in Pattern. and Cheapest Goods of the kind offered. Samples Sent on Application. II- W_ RR=TIIO'LTR dt# CO Brantford, June 12, 1884. BRANTFORD. from Al 00 . froiu 7..1v. 4,11141., Post Albert. HARBOR WORK. —A. C. started the improvement wi -9 MRS. SALKELD Ream e . piees.we .a ano•.uacise that ler Stock of Spring and Summer Millinery Is sow owaplete, and cwnpri.til all th• Latest Novelties in Hats, Flowers, Feathers and all kinds of Fancy Goods. Prices Low and !York Guaranteed to Please. A ('ALL S(ILICiTED. Goderich. April le. Ita1. MRS. W. SALKELD UW -l. $u. eesser to Mn'iJessie W Mesa. MILLINERY ! MILLINERY 1 We Lave muck pleasure in •esooneing to the I.a1i. s of (iederidi and i, forty, that Our Stock of _Spring and _Summer Millinery IS NOW COMPLETE. AND COMPRISES A VARIETY ter Beautifully Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, Comprisin`a11_thy Now. est Shapes. All are Cordially Invited to Examin• our Goods. loathers, Flowers and_Trinuning Goods "THE TORONTO HOUSE." S%Yest side of square nest door to 11.n_teuu". 1.1111t store. � Wbs1.. April es. anal. Jas. Slluhiers & Sou' G ODERICH_ ■ m a. u) Es 0 th the harbor pier. CC CC a Hawkins has 0 ss� In connection (� a Ft.•xl x.:. - Almost every dayhparties amml ' this fr• m , a .i,. to., ri cis si t t lis pson ere and throw their hooks for the sportive her- ring and cautious boss. They often de- part apparently well satisfied with their day's sport. Hato. —The rain shower on Tuesday evening revived the flagging growth in the meadows and grain fields, and fresh tined up the fast wilting leaves en the trees- The ground is extremely dry, however, mai would take in • great deal more rain. Caora — Meadows are good and early fall and spring crops fair, but unless frequent showers some grain of all sorts sown late will be a failure. Farmer ori begining to see tint early sowing whether in spring or fall is • necessity If they wish to have good crops. Stave FACTORY.— Mr. M•haffy's stave factory has been in full blast for some time, daily teaming out a large number of steems. When the season s stave cut- ting is over, attention will be given to barrel heading and shingles The factory r a great benefit to the plass as it em- ploys a large number of sea. Doi short DAT.—We sigma to ha re a large crowd hero on the First, and hope to be able to entertain them satisfactor- ily. it will be seen by the large posters that the grounds are free to all, and every one, or payment of • small entrance fes is allowed to compete in all . t the games in which persona of no particular age are required to take part. Of course there is no exception nmde in favor of residents of this or any other place. All are welcome. An Italia+ man-of-war meetly visited Sseyl•, a seaport os the Straits of Bab e1 -Mandeb, subject to Egypt, threatened to bombard the place and exacted a targe sum (nm the governor. There was great excitement, but confidence was re- • 'tome by the arrival of • British gun- boat. M. Scuri, the world-renowned single - wheel rider, is now making a tear Of Italy on the machine, and when com- pleted will visit the United states. The meet (S,curious thing about (kora is that in his youth he lost the use of his legs Et an at the titre o seven he was obliged to be carried by his nurse, and cold only get along by crawling en hands 'Ad imam His father happily thought of • lea which proved an effectual cure. A chaff tricycle wee obtained, and the boy was brought amend to Its able to nee it, and from that time his health timidity improved. it was not long before the toy trlsyele was exchanged for • bicycle. Bat 1w surgeons could boast of such s cure es this-- acripple into an athlete— in s eompantively short apses of tome. - I M rr rsr of American Sports, . v Pi Uro m v West Street. next door to the Post Odes. 'The Cheapest Hoose Vader the Mus.' April re. 11181. 1Itsb IZvC=sea 'teetame and intermediate RATES_ - Dry Goods we ever carried, and at Prices Lower than Is now complete. and will t fond :u cu arae i'-. L atpst Styles and the Best FinishedKW",f the Mw COLBORNE BROS. Moderate Prices. A Call Solicited. -- 'y MISS ate_ .i.... We have now the Largest THE SQt'.l,RE. • • i:: f.lt'ff, Stock of Staple and Fancy , The Chicago House, Steerage, $23.35. C 0DFRICE1 --TO--- Liverpool, Londonderry,Glaa�o w London, Queenstown, Belllat, Bristol, Cardiff. AI�I�AN LINE ROTAL MAIL STEAMSHIPft 11.r sew NarOMs ever. Be sure and see our Prints and Factory Cotton before making your purchases. COLBORNE BROS. epi r -g Millir�.er r- Sux xx er Millirs.ersr_ One o f the Most Complete .S tvc-ks int Goderich. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. 1i36 Wilkiasoa's, Chicago Houk. Goderich. April 1G.1�'1. 1� AT THE MEDICAL HALL. ever t'AttiE1'lI Ue- SWEEDISH TURNIP SEEDS. Pare Paris Green and Luton Purple for Potato Bugg. Going Outof Business Pure gHosleebbeorrryanInsoce on Currant Bushes. ear y, BEST INSECT POWDKINDS OF ERS FoR TI TRUCTION OF ALL Ohl at COSI ! INSECT POWDER GUNS,\ FLY -PAPER, ETC., ETC Selling . F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, L1V ZRPOOL-LONDONDERRY-(3LAS►rlOil Tea Sconces. Sas ROUTS TO aso Fane ENGLAND. SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY 1'NBURPASSED. EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. Oabin Rate from Quebec bo Liverpool, 260 From Quebec to Liverpool and Return, $110. ►�els,ssrso l.■. Jose Ill MIL i• I • l:.01 ::.:•. ax e• IM s: Rraft. cr1s••p out Nes •�:::::::::�::«Ila Sailings from Quebec. SARMATiAN PARISIAN SARDINIAN PORi.(Y N ppPPR��L tl*AARI pAi41K* a� asse- POL l* ,• P ♦ /� leave tetee d eon- P11611611111116ea Theredaylk.ht Amin M ra wee �yes an}yww»►r M As. los oast =Is77otats at lowest sea tram Itwdawd ere. Oerwisay. Mwe,�se u! 1; 1rt\ May All persons indebte i to me err requested to setae up at once and earn expences. p-Cuurt tholes Square, Goderich. 1947- JOHN A. NAFTEL THE PEOPLE'S STORE. /ss 7 {chats and all I.forwagaw. apply to II. A R R?110 loiter Agent, ede MMM, lbw IW. *tato Jaws flti. III. lisp Hardware Emporium, Goderich. For Cash I will sell all kinds of Goods at Lowest Prices. See Those 10, 12 ,17, It 20c. Dress Goode. Goderich Foundry. The undersigaed, having purchased the Ooderlek Poseadry ata Machias Shgs. and \avlag pat the same la good repair. will take coatroom ter AG v �ti� tires tw4eeear�s�s. Alt Iso t*srwtsa ifmasee A �o A11IsIn1lisewt K. t►�easA q�aa� a n•tiiTT Oa.. Get your Printing x*. • -.1"1-Offic L. i.f. . Flouring Mills, Steam Engines, Boilers, And other M•rblserr wanted. All Lands of Castings Made to Order. • Floorilll Mills Glowed to tbs 'Meal bled* or Roller System. Will keep Agricultural Implements as Mod, and do all RYPAIRS on short notice. J. B. RUNCIMAN. R. W. RUNCIMAN. Ooderteb. April M. 1181. Iooly REC=ITE?= !P --A •tW FOULE SERENE ---ALL WOOL, 25 Inches Wide, at 25 Cents—.SPECIAL VALUE. TO MOTHERS OF FAMILIES 1 I offer a few pieces of DRESS (.(X)DS, irritable for Wrapper* and Children's Dresses, es, at 10c_, 121e.. 15c., 20c. per yard. Oodvlch. Mare\ l tb. *04. MIN` DON'T READ THIS 1 McCOLL EROS. & Co., TORONTO, �. lriwwtmar, all kiwis of Machinery OIIs of the best imenty. Ake -.--- NOTICE THOSE (iINGHAMS--11, 12e awl 15c. EXAMINE THOSE PRINTS: 5c., 8c. 9c., • lOc., 124o. No trouble to show Goods. Don't purchase if above are not facts. Bolt Cutting, Wool and Oylinilse 011. .nine -- LARDINE RL CITE IIQz OZL i M lttpliQt l o(e std ..us • M tinea tip pa 1.10000. W- H_ RIDDI Y, The People's Store, Goderich. R. W. McKENZIE (BION OF THF PADLOCK) 6,4, —1S HFADQCARTERt. Mit— STEEL BARB FENCE With Barbs Either Four or Six Inches .1party =rVLL LINES OFr l Spades, Shovels and Gardening Tools, ALIO A Fl"I.L STOCK OP— GENERAL HARDWARE •?�CZ�L V�LV>D ZN Pai*ts, Oils, Glass and Painters' Materia - SH 2FFIFLD CUTLERY_ R. W. MCKENZI l+:y