HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-27, Page 6THE HURON ii NALL FRIDAY JUNE 27, 1884. F'' -THI HURON SIGNAL 1 every h Morales. by c DDT docs. u Maar O/os. beet\ 11 of tett demand OODERICH, ONTARIO. And le despatched to all parts of the surv.sad * mewls, by the eerliet malls and reales. >b admissire 1t has • larger cireiiS ata tins •ay other newspaper is Ibis part of . csutry, d is one of the roe est, aewsleol y sad mos reliableouroals in Ontario pe liesehig ea it does. the fore-golateentWU sad being le. a addition to the above, • Minta. badly mad flreeide paper it i. therefore • moot d.atrable (advertising .twits... Tisane. Ili SO le advance, postage pre -pod ' hi publishers ; $1.76, If paid before six MOO bs t)N-/p if nut w paid. This rel will be triatly softwood. WATrat or AIVUUT11117e.- Eight cents pe las for first insertion, three cents per lice for sae bsubsequent l.srnion. Vearly, half -►early and quarterly ooatracts at reduced rates. jos r* semis. -Wye ha%e also•first-class •ebblatt department In consortium, and powwow lag the most complete out at and beet facilities fir turning out work in tioderich,are prepared Is do bsalsees in that line at pricestlut cannot s beaten, sad of • quality that cannot be asp. &- Tomas Cask .' '• -� ,flIDAY, JUNE 97Th, 1l$4 TINY SEEM TV CLAM 'Pr RNITI'RE, FIYTI'RES - BOTH 1' license aid base of Amerian !Moto. Peri Colborne, county Welland . beet steed la town ; ne Salvation Army here : Scott Ars de- tested here by ecu three years aag�o; craw_ for sellas goinginto other businiw r: Lpretax for livery in connration with house. s RR, Pert Pother..• We publish the olove advertisement (which appeared in a T. rent.. daily on Saturday' free o1 charge, because of the honest npisi..n expressed therein. A hotel roan in Port Colborne wants to tell out, and gives, an one of the reasons why • good trade should be dune. that then is "no Salvation army Imre." Evidently the Port Colborne hotel ratan thought the presence of the Salvation army in town would be inimical to his chances of selling or renting his hostelry to advantage, hence he makes special megtien of the fact that there is "no Salvation army hero.' We commend the candid statement of thus honest liquor vendor to those pharisaically dis- posal persons who ignore the work of the revivalists, for "praise from Sir Hubert is praise, indeed." The opinion of the Port Colbnrue man is the opinion of his brethren of the craft all slung the line. Why, even in G.al.»ch where we have wenn of the hest men in the business, Burne une will occasionally for- get himself, and show animus to the "army" and its sympathisers. Only ern Tuesday last a roan 10 sympathy with the movement, and who had drives a couple of officers of the Lord's army h the station, was au`ht in a shower, and drove his vehicle into • hotel shed for shelter. The urbane proprietor immedi- ately rushed out and ordered the vehicle out of the shed, saying that he "didn't keep his sheds for such people." The "anuy" "sympathiser took out his rig, and suffered for conscience sake. The "army" sympathiser should net have done se. The hotel and its sheds are for the public accommodation, and he should have availed himself of his privileges, and stayed where he was until the rain storm abated. Hotels are licensed under the Crooks Act to accom- modate the public, and any hotel man failing to comply with the provisions, and making invidious distinctions as between travellers, is liable to bave his license suspended. Th. license inspector should look int. the matter, and see that the offence be not repented. Til sin? T ACT The current ts which limonites- , Meppss- , .its of the I Act employ in Ontario A most tttetl•nt.000tnbutiott to the would be temperauM rldature of the Dattipruu has boon t►aMtries of lotto» from Nov Solna a: d New Brunswick by the Moto oumntiistuoer. These letters have been written in a very iwpartial spirit, and no endeavor appears to have been wade , by the writer to either a:teapot* or sot down aught In malice. The closing let- ter (appeared au the (dobe of Mi nday, and we reproduce it for the benefit ail our readers. It abuuld be caroully rad. and kept for reference It is not the letter of a teetuller, or of a temper- ance laitizar it is the opinion of a MO sent to get at the truth of a great experiment, and it goes no uncertain sound. The writer says - The substance u( soy observations con- cerning the workings of the Scutt Act in Provinces is. first, that the East Imo a temperance sentiinent vastly strong- er than the West ; mound, that the Innes dti�e people are unifonnl) metro sober and orderly, am!, third. that the Scott Act l.roni.otes the sure and steady growth tot ni..rallty, order, and sobriety in the solutnunity. It is absurd to argue that the neon Act should be denounced as • farce acid a failure in cases where it has • failed absolutely to suppress the tr•oie in liquor. It is most unjust to expect the Scutt Act to scc,mpluh what no law in the history .•f the world everaccomplish- ed-the absolute observance of its pro- visions. There will be law -breakers under the Scott Act just as there aro ; law -breakers uuder every other statute f designed to promote the public well- ' being : but if the law punishes and re- plats the punishment until the violator of the statute is compelled to j old obi- i dience or retreat beyond the limits of respectatility and decent citizenship, it Ihas LAR.:r[Y btheHARGED 1Tx DUTY AawLUTILT errancy wino= is Nova Scotia. I may also ohsety that dung the whole period al my visit to the East I did sot see an intoxicated in- dividual except is lit. John, N. B., and Halifax and Windsor, N. 8. Siaptulasl enough on toy tint suit to $t. John 1 failed to .*e any drunkenness as related in the fourth letter of this swiss, but on my return t.. that city from Fredericton co route to Digby, N. tl., I saw say nim- bler of intoxicated individuals, both ten the .treet,in the ssl.00us, and is at least, ,no .1 the most respectable hotels. I wake nu •p,logy for arty failure w ob- merre this condition of thins un the oc- casion of soy Mint visit. My observa- tions on my return were conducted on almost exactly identical lines in the mime tomtit's, but the drunkenness which 1 failed to detect on my first survey was obtrusively •poarent on my second. The general observations 1 have ventured as to the large measure of restricta.ns im- posed upon the traffic by the Scott Act will nut be disputed, I fancy, by anmant familiar with the facts ..r disposed im- partially to consider all the enema - stances of the ase. The impirtatiolu of spirits from foreign countries have largely decreased. _ It is true the Inland Asserts returns show an increase in the consumption a Canadian -manufactured spirits, nut this is pxplaiued by the fact that Canadian liquors are displacing those of foreign manufacture. On the ..then hand the prolonged suspension of the Scott Act, pending the deliverance of legal deci- sions, and the possible larger consump- tion of intoxicants in adjoining license counties, may have helped to incomes the consumption. There can be no question but that the Act Sas MATERIALLY Dar'UAHED to suciety. Sackville furnishes a good illustration .•f this view of the case. 1 Bar -room drinking, the social feature of I the traffic, has been wholly suppressed, land tnereby the most potent agency in 1 the manufacture of drunkare's reuwved, for after all the great curse and danger of the li.tunr traffic is the soc'al treating of the public barroom. The places in tiaci;ville whets li.}uet. can be obtained are so utterly degraded in luck, ebar•c- ter, and meth .d that the younr men of the cunimunity will not visit there, and their very existence serves more than } anything else to make drinking repulsive and to confirm the people in their allegiance to prohibitory legislation. In Sackville, then, it is only a few of the I mors degroded products of the license system who connive at the violation of the law. in Kings, in Fredericton, in Digby. in every constituency where the interference of the law has not disabled the Act, the same results are the out- , corse .1 its operation. In Neva Scotia the Act succeeded a local law equally 1 stringent and of largely identical char - actor. The change permitted the alert liquor interest to initiate a contest in the Coons, and throughout rhe whole period I of its operations in that Province this • contest has been continued and the effect .d the law 'ERIO(SLT W5AKESED in consequence,. Than, ten, tits old Nova Scotia law provided • clerk of licenses to conduct prosecutions while the Scutt Act was absolutely without en- • f..rcing rna. hinery. Despite all these 1. disadvantage, however, statistics show a decrease. I admit that with the excep- t Pun of Fredericton and Sackville I found little difficulty in obtaining liquor at any point on my route. and it is arrued that if 1. a straneer, could obtain lugaor thus ' easily a native could obtain it much more easily. This contention I utterly _ deny. The fact that 1 was a stranger, Tea number ,f cases of thieving that that 1 registered "Toronto," and that I fl war probably ignorant and unconcerned has occurred in (:od*rich recently is as to what the prevailing honor law most startling. In some instances the might be, was the very certificate "f depredators have ountind themselvss 10 safety the average landlord wanted. it articles of comparatively trivial vapor, is confidently assumed by the hotel -keep- er in such cases that the guest is sot at but although they have thus shown that they do not despise the small things, yet have they had nefarious transections with articles ..f bulk and value. "From an anchor to a needie," has been often used by way of cump.srw.n, but Gods - rich thieves have, during the past week, run the gamut from a geranium plant to a bale of carpet, with ogee, butter, hang, underclothing, and other things too numerous to mention, sandwiched be- all likely to play the part .1 an informer, or to be used as a witness against him. At the Sackville "dive" my visit v. which 1 noted in a previous letter, the one thing that enabled me to procure liquor was my assurance to the landlady that i was a stranger. Then too. 1 was as a general thing taken for • commer- cial man, representing an Ontario House, although I certainly did not seek to give color to this widely accepted fiction. It is well-known that the commensal man ie • favored hotel guest everywhere, not tween. There has boon nothing too light or only locum he u a steady and frequent too heavyfor the the thieves thus far, but a sitar, but bseau . his patronage brings .then cwturo, and is worth haring. we bops the experience of the Sing Sing Therefore, the chief ambition of the convict will bs,$bdr portion ere long : average hotel-visnagor is to do the "mom- „ e.,haeupp„aed - What are y.w in for, my said • poor man f' i troprnerctal, ..re, withsp the "meneonneewith g°&1 Pl►ilanthrc Pint too • cnminal. trunks' tworaas d w powerful persuader with "For stealing a sawmill. irascibly re- ' the landlords. and enabled me to procure plied the convict, Vibe: was sick and tired liqunr with c..ap.rative save. where pro- of such questions. "For stealing a saw- telly eery many a.uld not have obtain - mill ' gracious'. and they aught you ed it at all TNaaTRAN.:aa stealing a sawmill, did they •" remarked ,tend. • morn better thane of oMain- tbe gullible Phil*nthropist. "N.. they , nig liquor where proi.iLitor- legislation didn't," snapped .out the culprit, •'1 grit , rs in force than the rustles, who may in • sway with the saw mill all right . but moment '•f inadvertence reveal the fact to some ono interested in the work of seat nivht I went lock to get the dam suppressing the trade. or may possibly as the mill was no use without the don: I oboe his legs,- stumble out on the and it was then i got nabbed." 1f the street, and give the "whole thing away.- local authorities keep watch.sat the nam, , er put the Isar -tender t.. the trouble of they may catch the three "keeping him eke*. until he "sobers of 1 wou'd al*. hate it borne in mind that during my visit to the Maritime i'r.ronres almost the whole of my time ' was spent .n hotels, asp that with bat one or awn inceptions 1 suited only the chef towns of the Provinces, and there- fore saw the liquor traffic only in its stvcngholds The groat bulk of the toe idm..ny 1 found agreed in the admission that in the rural seeding dnnktng had almost ahs.dutely csss•d. The charac- ter el the hotel ane..mmodation in these Provine.s has not bees degraded ray rhe ton of the Soot Act. and in the.. u+a be 4 an counties in which no Hexoses have horn issued for years, as 1 good and ss cheep public aoenmmodation is provided as will tie found in any sae non of (enures The prn.psrity 'd the towns has not been adversely alfoetwd. Reap est.te has not dasrawd in salla sad there ,s no contention that the burden ret to:ati si lean hem mods the loin of ireswe revenue. Tint following item, which is gong the eponds, may prove interesting t.. th.o.mi d our readers who foolishly took stuck in the marriage aid aseaiatitn when it wad so lordly hoo.mel in Huron by i . Isreeted parties • couple .1 years ario :- J. M. Webber and W. R. Webber, of alis Mutual Marnage Aid Aw.ciatio n, of Hamilton, were arrested there Saturday morning on a telegram from Brighton, sating that s warrant had Men issued theta against thew ;anion for misde ssemene, ad that • constable Was ,n the wap/ to *secure it. Thee arras. grows 401111 of the praeentiow .of those men sa otfissse of the Association for obtaining sonny firm pnitey holders nailer bile fitenret. .beerier "Tax Rums Tal.' has already p end into history. The man frame Manse had sew admirers at Chicago who were vie' with esthusism emir his caa- didataea, and the mere niwtios of hie name wan tmfitoisut to evoke from them rapturous shoda. Se loud, lung mad loose was this yell that it seemed b, para- lyse all opposition. It finally became part sad parcel ..f the convention : As the chief Blaine organ, the New York Truss of course has the boat descrip- tion, or rather series of desoriptteu of it We will give them hero in the oder of their appearance in the Tr.bwar'a columns : A "tornado"; • "middens:plo- sion"; a "rear fully as deep aid deafen- ing as Niagara," under the fierce at which the "air quivered, the gas light trembled, and the walls fairly shook"; a "match in a powder magazine'; a "whirling cyclone"; and finally, • shrill TIl as of thosnands of wild animals went through hall It was the soul of Blaine abroad among the people. the (rade no strong drink in the province of New Brunswick. I have frequently made the assert:on that there is a much stronger temperance sentiment in the Eastern Provinces than in Quebec and Ontario, and if the Dominion Blue Hooks be trustworthy this sentiment has very appreciablyreduced consumption of liquor in the e e East as compared with the West. The following table gives the consumption per head of the population for the year 1883 :-- t;ALLONs eMilit'MED PER HEAD. Spirits. Beer. Wine. Ontario 1.075 4.500 .039 Quebec 1.380 1.9' .304 New Brunswick.932 790 .068 NuTa Scotia.579 .629 .01.r3 These figures not only indicate that prohibitory agitation and prohibitory legislation are not without effect upon the drinking habits of the people, but they alto hear .it ntv assertion that Nova Scotia is considerably in advance of New Brunswick iu her prohibitory faith and practise. That the liquor con- sumption of New Brunswick is slightly in excess of that of Nova Scotia is legit- imately ascribable, in my opinion, to the fact that the former Province has had a more limited experience of the workings of local prohibition. A %muse of Reform meetings will be held in East Huron shortly. The idea is a good one, and we fail to' see why other constituencies do not also adopt it. THE regular annual meeting ..f the Conservative Association of West Huron was held at Smith's Hill on Tuesday last. The business done was of a routine character. THE Lt.ndun Frr. I'rr,u on Moody gave what is palpably one of the most unfair reports of a public debate ever Dnnted. The day for such u.nesided and false a report of a public meeting Is past, and the Free Prom will find that such a mode of journalism is damaging to its reputation and general influence. The report was an insult to the intelli- gence of the people of St. Thomas. 1'Hs fact thaat Hon. David Milts was recently baptized by immersion on join- ing the Baptist church at Palmyra, is a subject for attempted wit on the part of some of those Tory editors who continu- ally sneer at "Christian statesmen." Mr. Mills has the courage of his con- victions, religious as well u political,and is to be honored for putting his belief regarding baptism by immersion into Practice. Tu Tiwan&. Mai is i• have its hands full if it esdettalme be he a oon- sistent defender of bribe's. O• llsturday last the name of L N. C. Titus, of Brighton. was formally struck off the rull of solicitors at Osgoads hall in open court Titus was charged with obtaining money from • client to bribe • jury. Of course the Mail will at once proceed to show that the lure was *unposed of a number of base, bold, black-kearad men who enticed the lawyer from the path of rectitude to such an extent that he was led into the attempt to bribe them Mister Griffin will please grapple with the ase. COUNTY CURRENCY. glossa i emdan /sesslef le'stw - w see sews faehanets, Bean have been seem la difbre d localities in the southern portion of (hey township, Rev. J. L. Kerr, of Mt. Brydge., or- salpied the pal 't el the Methodist Church, poorest., last Sunday week, morning and evening. Not ountent with accident insurance, cue for the aged and sick, agrarian pro- tection, taxation of banking speculation, and a number of similar urgently push- ed measures, Prince Bismarck has uuw gone a long step further, announcing his belief in the French dogma of the right .1 laborers unable to find employ- ment to demand work from the Gov- ernment He slightly blunted the keen- ness of the expression by averted that his belief was grounded on • principle embodied in the old Prussian laws as well as in the doctrines of Christianity, bat his declaration was broad and em- phatic : "The man who can find no work hasa right to say, Give me w,wk ! and the state is bound ti procure him work." "Give the laborer the right to demand labor, as lung as be is well ; assure him nursing when he is sick ; manna him sus- tenance when be is old." -[New York Nation. The Canadian premier has for some years been • believer in the doctrine sot forth above. He put it into prac- tice on at least .one notable occasion, by setting the discontented men out of work at Ottawa to pull dandelions day after day on the lawn of the Parliament gronnds. Sir John A. Macdonak's dandelion brigade will match anything Bismarck can produce. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. The nay lap at Ma feetbre■ weer htherw.e--tl7seed os. arrerd. THE Pit-usn TO 6E xl'rPWEI.. and J &8. O. BI AI N E. erateeass le -.sed er alb 11011Y1111111100- 11.00011 oasADa1...-ae.xeh an _Mends. Dr. Wm. J. Yung, of Winrbam, has been appointed assistant surgeon of the 33rd Huron Battalion, vice Dr. Goma- lock, soh.. has resigned. A sooting will be held in W ingham hall un the evening of the 411* July, fur the purpose of foaming • game preserva- tion aaatwtation. We understand that Reeve Forsyth. of Morris, has placed the Gardner's hill difiisulty in the hands of a legal gentle- man, and will not allow it to be settled by arbitration. It is the intention a the Lammed Victualler s Association to ouwmeuw the publication of a paper whish will be de- voted to their interests during the owo- tag temperance struggle. While away last week, Rev. J. Ken- ner, of Clinton, was presented with a handsome gold watch in recognition of his services as treasurer of the superan- nuated fund of the late B. C. Church. Last week George Armdrong, of Brus- sels, exchanged 320 acres at -Littleton. Man., with Mr. Cameron, ail 5th con., for a hundred acre farm, Mr. Cameron talks of removing to the west Early Saturday morning a fire broke out in the saw mill and shingle factory of Joseph Leech, Bluevale, and entirely consumed the property. The origin of the fire is unknown. Luss, $2,500. No insurance. The township of 1 "sborne has appealed to the county judge against its equalized assessment, the county council having refused to decrease ('sburne or increase other municipalities in the county ; the matter Bowes up fur hearing at an early day. Wesley Baer, of Colborne, wears • hat made entirely from newspapers, fourteen of which were used in making it, in dry weather it is as desirable a form of head- gear as poo could wish for, but if he gets the politics mimed he must look out for headaches. Mr. Thus. R. Miller, teacher, Porter's Hill, put his arm out of joint on Monday morning, while getting out of • waggon at Clinton ; he remarked that "it often acted that way'' stating that it often came out of joint and got tack in place itself ; assistance was necessary Monday morning to replace it. There wore three bank barns raised within the last two weeks on the 16th con. .4 Grey, cm the farms of W.Straith, Chas. O'Connor and Jas. Cutkill, re- Cties Observer : The democracy will spsctively, and there are yet two barns supply four plumes fur the Knight from besides esversl additions to buildings to Maine, and they will bo placed at the- 4 no raised oar the same line. How is this four rimers of his political hearse. e'HAtIOR TIM LOe'ATiON. for one nun. fAs Frank Lebond, Brussels, wife and Hamilton Speetalor : Since the hang- ing of Phipps at Sandwich the newspapers of Detroit have discovered that the exe- cution was a shame and an outrage. They even go s, far as to say hard things about the hangman. Very well, gentlemen, nest time s Detrniter cummitt murder, let him do it in Detroit, and you may then Mslobber him at your leisure. and seed him to Congress afterwards. WHO TATA THE PIPER. Toronto News: The news that George Stephen, the Canadian Pacific railway magnate, has had a magnificent $4,000 piano built for him: in New fork is cal- culated to interest the ratepayers, whose burdens were increased $5 • head all round, air $25 for the average family, to put money in the pockets of the mono- polists. It is very easy for people w pot up million dollar mansions aid buy four thousand dolls? pianos with the r.s orgies of the country at their command. WEARY AND HYATY LADEN. (,Aird).. Tribune : Canada has just borrowed $21,000,000 inure, and given her bonds therefor too the amount of $25,000,000 at 3i per cent interest. The lean was taken in London at 91} per cent, which makes it equivalent t. a 4 per cent loan. Canada is already heavily loaded down with debt, but the policy of the Tunes in power is to pile on mon. F.*tenty to pay or repudiate, and the to:eaters of the present to en- joy. THS TRCE PLATPORM. Winnipeg SUR : Whatever Reform and Tory principles may be in Eastern Cawida, two principles should be adopt- ed by the pimple .of the Northwest : First, that Manitoba and the Provinces yet to M crested be endowed with fall provincial powers ; and, secondly, that the public mrviw here he manned by re• potable oBciate, and that, so far as may be consistent with the efficiency e4 the service, they may be taken from the Northwest. WHAT THs OLD ROORTRR DOE'. Ottawa Fre /'yea : The member for East Huron, Thomas Farrow, who re - j Ermined in the city several weeks after the session closed, has succeeded in get- ting his son appointed to • position in the post office derartment Mr. Farrow is the gentleman who was mach an adher- ent of the N. P that he persisted that the infiuenw of that policy )pd such • sslntary effect ..n the country that it not only made the hone lay, but nude the W'E must not believe All the rumors 1 we hear ,n either side daring the Scott 1 Aet campaign The f 'amnia Peeebulerne, has been forced tom•kethe following dis- claimer . "Infermati'•n has reached us that an anti -!Tecta Act campaigner lies been sesert.ng that The (ann'4, Pr,d,1,. Orion is raked .inong the opponent* of the immature. it is not necessary to tell our readers that this is manifestly un- true, but for the sake of theee who aro mated, it is lust as well to put the mat• ter beymsd all possibility .4 mistake, that this Mensal is not only iso hearty sympathy with effort to make the Matt Ad a success whera*►set milted, bat la prepared 14. advocate total prohibition of the Italie in intosinting lligmo» daughter were returning from Meaforth . n 10th inst., a holt attaching the shafts to the bugiry broke which let the shafts down against the horse's heels, causing hint to run away. The buggy was upset but none of the occupants were seriously hurt. J. H. McHardy returned to Lucknow on Thursday of last week from an exten- sive trip to California, British C. luwbia, and other places, whither he had gone for the benefit .,f his health. Mr. Mc - Hardy. though feeling considerable bet- ter in health, does not speak very highly of California as a place to live m. At the annual electing of the (tots», Medical Aseoci tion in Hamilton last week Dr. Hutchinson, of Brussels real • paper on Hodgkin's disease, and sh,w- ed a girl aged 10, 'offering from the dis- ease, who was exhibited after the meet- ing to the members. Tim doctor was elected une of the corresponding secre- taries .1 the Association. A young man Donohoe, (son of widuw Lt..noh..e o1 Gode»ch township) called upon a medical man of Clinton fireplace his right arm, one day Lot week, it be- ing dislocated at the shoulder. How it biome dislocated hediel not knows' M had lc ane to bed with it all right, and found next morning when trying to pull on his pants that he could not do en, the arm having by some means boon thrown out of place during his sleep,-_ - - - As Mn. Hays and son, sesompanied by Mrs. Sandy Nesting, of R..xborougln, were driving from Mr. Hay's residence t.. Seaforth, urn Monday of this week, the horses became unmanageable. tie of than being:hitched up for the brat time, and ran away. Hays' sin was thrown out reeeiving • severe concussion, Mrs Hays forcibly held tn the path as long as hope remained, then made • leap for dear life and narrowly escaped with trifling injuries. Not nowith Mrs. Noel - int: she received a briken leg and bruis- ed hand. Leat Wednesday morning, June 18th, the bun of Charles L. Smith, north side of Varna, was struck by lightning, nor ping aboard on .one end, then entene, • beam, which it split, themes down as upright post, splitting it and scattering the fragments all •bnut the building : then passing down t.. the stable beneath tearing the buckles ..f the harness and killing Immo fowls. The horses wore ap- parently unhurt, but Mi. Smith found mem using than afterwards that .one of eggs oon.idenbly larger than they other I thein must have received a severe shack, wise would bs. In the light of the air . as he is now quite deaf although former- oumsanone mentioned it is not dimcult I ly as attentive to orders as possible. a mss why Mr Farrow was eachst a nmai soppoeter of the National Policy it I The British Gevernrnont hoard last would be interesting to know if Mr. Far• 1 from (hen. Gonion direct on April 12. row, jr., ha. P••••4 hi. qualifyingxa em- 1 The Sandwich hon hu been ar ii atie.n, The chief examiner will h. •M. 1 n .d to give this is(owatinn. rt asin Buffalo suffering from delirium t remera The men who preferred to write the songs of • people to making its laws should have attended the funeral "f Hen- ry C. Wnrk the, other day and changed his mind. The author of Marching then' ' Kin0dom Coming, Orandf•th or's Clock, end • doer other *ones as fassilisr as household worla, .as &Artie," to his (MVO withnut • single dewier upomn • his eaten, saes • simple errs which hell mother orentriboted. &nil without mow or sing, after • femoral attended only by • few kinsfolk. But then he did met keen the taste of lige.mr and noose aced Mesas. Moreover he wan a prior man. Mr. Moody says his revival eampaigw in England has boon very sotxe.dnl. About four hundred meetings have been held in eleven distract&. Thirteen dif- ferent meetings wen held every week Tire number of converts reaches into thousands, among them being several pnmouwevd skeptics. Motto was made at Oogoode hall nn Tuesday to admit to tail the prwneer 1 Angst', now in gaol os tba charge of merrier in the tower/tip of Pinch. Ag- eat1, ,t will le reesesbered, chimed that M killed his victim tsaatiaing her to he a ghost. Judgment swerved ♦ wirers • Manse ;J use 21. --The Not bastion omwmittoe appointed by ohm R. puhiiusa National oonvention, pruoee& tu4Blaine s iv -edemas this morning. when they were rewired by Mrs Blaine. large crowd had surrounded the hum and the day being lid, the oommiru and guests repaired to the shady portio of the tirounds, where • esmn-own was fonaed, and all present stood wi u uwvered mead& Blaine was the escorted to the lawn, where be min within an arc a the semi-c,rde. the Henderson made the presentation a dress. Maine road his reply as follows: "Mr. Chairman and gentlemen nI t National commit en, - 1 received not wit out deep sensibility your ettieul Mitt of the action of the National cunventie already brought to my know!ed through the public press. i apprecu wore profoundly than I can express t humor which is implied in the memo tiou for the Presidency by the Repuh cau party of the nation,ne&king thaw the authoritative voice of duty accred ed delegates. To be selected as the cm didate by rich an assemblage, from t list "f ewineet statesmen whose nem wore presented, tills me with embers mint. I can only express my gratita for the signal honor, and my desire prove worthy art the great trust moos in we. In accepting the nomination, 1 mow du, I am impressed -1 am i oppressed --with the souse of the labc •aid responsibility which attach to r position. The burden is lightened, ho ever, by the host of earnest men w support my candidacy, many of who add, as doss your honorable oo Motes, the cheer of pereenal frier ship to pledgee of political fest More fennel aeeeptance will natal ly he expected, and will in el sesaon be eotnmunicated. It usay, he ever, not be inappropriate at this ti to may that 1 have already made care study ..t the pnnciples announced by I National Convention, and that in whole and in detail they have my haat est sympathy and meet my ungualif approval. Apart from your ot& errand, gentlemen, 1 am extremely hat to welcome you all to my house. W many of you I have already shared duties of public service, and hare end• at most cordial friendship. I trust y. journey from all points of the gredt 1 public has ben agree•ble,and that dor your stay in Maitre you will fool that l are not among strangers, but with Rion Invoking the blessing of Gnd upon gnat rause which w* jointly repro e At ns turn to the future without f. and with manly hearts.'I The ■ tree ser renes The following is from the London 1 Pros :- Tho thirty-third battalion occupy extreme east of t. line and have co forward in good style under th* comma of Lt. Col. Ross, pr rincial tremor The staff include. Lt. Major Murr Adjutant Cook, Surgeon Holmes, Ass ant Surgeon Young, Paymaster Jord Quartermaster Beck. The band is der the leadership of Prof. White Ths officers of the several cwupaaies as follows .--� No. 1 Company, Goderich-Capt. 111 ler, Lt. Rees No. 2 company, Wingham-Capt. Elliott, Lt. Ainsley. No. 3 company, S!eaforth-Capt sou. Lt. Wilson. No. 4 company. (Tinton -Capt. F rester, Int Young. No. 5 tympany, Brussels -Las. R. dick and Sinclair. No. 7 company, Exeter -Capt. Epic No. 8 company - Capt. Keine, L Keine and Dane. No. !t company, Dungannon -Os Mallorgh, Lt. Vernon The 33rd is one of the veteran rs meats having been organized on the 1• September, 1866, under command of Cad. Roes, who has retained the posit ever sine Prier to that time some the companies had possessed an indiv ual oriranizeti , and the G.derich co ponies were at the front daring the 1 than raid, sod also were under arms home for a time. Major Cook, the acting adjutant this tatialior, is indeed a veterans A and has seen most active service at apparent (cons a knowledge of the. nuns outs medals he poweases for bosore service end bravery. He was fur a en eiderahis time in the service in one the rife soaps of the regular army, a held the rank of Sergeant Major soh he commenced his cownection with 39r and was subacgNntly promoted to majosity. He nad the honor of bei Captain of No. rine company of the ( tarso battalion which went to Red Sit unser enmmsnd of Colonel (now Omar We.Iseley--• fact which the latter oat doss sot forget, as he rendered p service upon the expedition. In 1 meaner he is gentlemanly and unseen ing,and is highly popular with his beef or officers and tM men. Seruesnt lfalleugh, of the Duneans company, is • grey baited veteran, wl has seen many wears of service. 1 proudly brats of baying been a Mier Man in the rebellion of 1837, and al eniaeod upon • gunboat on Lake Her in 1866 darn.' the excitement ncomit ed by the Fenian raid. He joined d battalion when it was organised, e has been ort npno eveeryry ,ora•ioa . which the corps has asaanbled. Can any art hope to repress in worm 1 that passion for personal &dermas iwhich ersry blast of wathelics.in seer to fan into a Career flare I How can i disabuse • young girl of the intents which leads her to think that her &ppm lance is a theme of inexhaustible inters to m'nkind st large 1 What moth demurs compels her to tarn end tarn, &n oncoming rennet of ex►itvitiewa, rsol y objectless, end with no inisginak rational *int b t ik. ea unhappy whit wind in. swoops through the street gnthering up et oseh atop froth .ration. fresh ....mi i...tiims '4 odor and materia in fanny if not in bet per 14. i brat not ren►) nn the sand, bat of j) lbhin Ism it diiscipli es to trel►ing� -i' Ward Howe.