HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-27, Page 5Enlace, e Oatcast CHAPTER XIV. ALUM WWI= TUI KWL,OLIAlaYIVTIK UV aasootres Asylums. If Ralph Bloxam had been • preload or a cautious man, he would net in pre- sent circumatanees have threwit down the gauntlet of defiance to Ruidulph Grahame. He might hate reelected that he was still in the letter's power, and even more in his power than ever. For in long as Randolph commanded die Falcon he exercised mamma despotic authority Orel' those in the vessel, and if private feeling tor malice pommel.' him to oppress any of the atm, he h.Laouit- opportunity te stratify it is) almost any extent. for against the cruelty of * aspinciuus or revengeful othair caltnnion , adieu below he was missed by the officer on deck. Aml Uk eil prebability hs would, if Randolph had not lima him- self Cal the watch, and supenutended sums operatioo where he totted it cam- vontiont to call ha Ralph. 'Send Blume here,be said. 'He is a meting fellow, awl will being up that tackle in no time.' •tilosmin is in his hammock, sir,' re- plied the man addressed, in a hesitating t..••tt. •I I his hammock. Is he unwell r "0 –no sir, nut exactly unwell, but–' 'But whet! Why is he not at las duty' 'He–he's drunk, sir.' 'Drunk r shuutel itandulph. • Why did the purser serve him out too ntuch grog 1' 'I served him out with the usual quan- tity, sire replied the purser, speakinr now in his own defence. 'Then hew the deuce did horn drunk Did any of the 'nee give him their een had in these d eye sham" en Fee rea_ she r This was also universally denied dress. Now. inest clearly Ralph, oy what he said in the cabin, and bit by bit the truth 'came out–as veve Ran- , Randolph inteudei that it should–that delph motiv• enough to, use 'tamest Join Ralph had gone to the stores and &n - He had plainly awl emphatically declar- ail the puwer of which he was pesseesed. I stracted a bottle uf brandy. In a mem , I tone Itanao,lph ordered him to be laid in ed that as soon e. they got to pert nal irons' and in a few hours after, Ralph would immetliately premed to reveal a j feund himself lyaer. bound neck and secret which would ruin Itandeolph for hdel on the hard flour of the black hole. life, stud cut him out ef a prinoely estate. There he lay all night, and in the ) Was not this supplying 'waive enough / tic the bitterest and most dead!) hostili- i ty, and would a litte ha was br"ught no deck, 'hem ye preparation hod already been made for not lcuttuing taught Ralph to conceal this intention of his punishment. gun was run reward, and !letting * 1110' his instead of bohlly interim/ a t Rut ' a lay before ii, toy/which the culprit might Kelpie Blexain was not a prudent or La be bound. The boatswain s mate steed calculatina man. Ile was tem teammate near with the cat in hts hand. and the in his nature for that, and so vehement ship s c otupany was mustered to witness was his rage &garnet Itandelph and his the proceedings. Italph no sootier saw these ominous preparation, than he scowled fearfully on Randolph, Who fixed on hitu a look of mingled triumph and revenge. . 'Raleh Illomern,' said Randalph, •yuu have been guilty of the aouble criuse of theft and drunkenness. What have you Randolph himself was net tery pru- to say for yourself t. with a spiumedic effort. 'Ley lain in dent -at least his vengeful an I vindict- ;Nothing,' answered itaiph, doggedly intim ut a bate.: ilele, and feed him en The smile was that -1 a nein Who bit le, 178 mature was no stronaly developed •Wels, these cranes are of a very seri- bread arid water. Let 00 one speak to 1 longer anything to, fear, for now he that it hurried him to • course of action I ous cheracter, anti the rules of the air- him or go near him. Quick. do you I counted himself secure from the injury in which he did not guard himself suffi- , %ice rosette that they should be severely hear ; which Italph had the power to indict. ciently frors the risk of exposure, " was OlUlthvi.i. I sentence you to receive . •Ah, you want to sltut my mouth now, '4 In a feu minutes the boat had passed proved by the mortification he hal Just 1 ferthwftli three dozen lashes.' but my turn will conie-111 murder you. 1 through the creeks i.f the reef, and experienced on board tioe Hector. Put1 touched at the edge of the Island. •Whet !' reared Ralph, 'do you dare if I should hang for it the next minute. if he was not as prudent as a leas brutal i ,:, orerme to be goggt,d ?• ' You won't always have your men about I F.alph, ehe was still bound, was lifted nature would have been. he ceuld calcu- i 'Ha! tuutinous language. I." mtswain to protect you.' I ashore and seated upon a ledge of rock. late pretty clearly, and he come te the give him four dezen. How teeny mere wild words of errathI R0 1 arts cut the curds that tied him, and 1 resolution that ti ill-use Ralph dente: . .A3., ay, yer hon„,..- Ralph !would have uttered we now , threw the knife at his feet, saying it the rest of the royale would prove no : . Matonetas,' reared it tlph. •And not, far his roaring was cut short by h&j ' iniaht be .,f some use to him. Then material benefit to himself. By Ralph's . what made it mutinous t Yau know well a dozen powerful men pulling him away I they re-entered the bust, and rowed dogged. stubborn air, he perfectly under- enoitaith that I ain't a sailor as belongs to forward, whore hoary iroas were festee- ' away, leaving the culprit without water stood that neither threata, nor entreating wh.o. you elf, the "r%lee,. ted ,in him, and he was carried down 6, 1 and without provision& Ralph altered iiromises. nor bribes would turn him ,Lash hint to the gun, cried Ran- ' the lowest pars of the ship. and shut up no further word. but .at in gloomy ail - from his purpose. One thing only would , duil,b. /masa .y tiseveral strong erne' in utter darkness. being left alene with ence, eyeing the beat as she Crossed the save hini, and that wee Ralph being ' seized Ralph, anti he was dragged to the ais alseillklebitsk end furicus thoughts. 1 reef and ran in ended! the Falcon's site. effectually end for ever got ritl ef. He ,He saw the boat raised and fastened in &pet of punishment Randolph, shaking with raee and fear, aet himself, therefore, not to torture or 'Hinds off.' shouted the gamekeeeits place. Then the Falcon tilled ander. retired to his cabin. and in its privacy bore away, and at her side was a row of faces gazing fixedly upon him, ti:1 his and theirs grew indistinct in the dis- tance, and at length melted frtoin view. Then, and not till then did Ralph realize e mother on &cement of tneir treachery. that he felt some small relief te confront 'the youth in the cabin and trtuinphantly declare the nature and extent of the re- venge he meant to take. Be' we repeat, this was net prudent, and this he ulti- mately discovered. further ertea while the net of tbe Mhos 'Don't you think, sir, we bed better Oreveres lease sae we're being adutioistered. The @tenting 1 get away from it as seen es peemable,001,04 We. is– -lung bog llogno pain probatily subsided at dui fourth or SS•fifth blow, and the rest protium" a sect - nation of dull agony. The boatswain deemed by Ralph's ato- tionlesenees that he was extuaustesi if not et-weasel/bus, aria leeked to the doctor, who stepped fewaril and felt his pules The latter did net order the punishtnent to cease, bet the man brought down the cat snore lightly, and in this manner the full number was infhated. Whets the lam hlow fell Ralph lay up- on the gnu as still as if he had been in a dead faint, and made no sign or minion while they were loosing the cord that Sound him. When an the (*sunnily were untied, he was lifted down and laid upon the deck, when, to the general amazement of all, he leapt tu his feet and sprinaing upon Rendolph. clutched him by the throat. Si sudden was the action that for a moment every one was petrified, and ere they had lorminuce of mind euough to it.- 'That cat's hair up there betokens a pis and the sly is begiuniue to hews a dirty Look to winaleards.' 'And so we shall almost iinetedaatelye mid Randolph, slowly. It won't t.i.. lung fur a boat to go to the island anal return ' lib wid is tiontellung. Hatt mammy, hab friend Hue run fur him og life, drun for him character. Hungry fowl wake slimy Men can't smoke and 111.11•110 111411le time. 'Do you maul to land, sir 1' No throw way dirty water before yuu 'No; but I mean to leave Ralph 'hab clean. 'ft Old fire stick no hard to catch. Blexam here, as • punishment for what he did yesterday.' Reberts started. 'Leave hiut here, sir–hore, un that bit of barren ruck 1 He will die of starvation.' 'Poor, Ulan,. Randolph impatiently re- named. 'He has the power to finish himself whenever he cheeses. Coin., t: we niat not delay. Get the boat over the sitle, .401 put two mon in her. Yon will go with them and land the prison- er.' It was suou known in the ship that Ralph was to be loft on the island, ad the hurrible totem of do punishment totem, Randolph was lying on the desk fined every mind with hurria. But in Italphs ferocims grip, and was at. Randolph knew bettor than to allow the thoughts of the men to dwell upon it, ready black in the face. A minute un tWO 1.1 such a grip and Randelpha life and no sooner was the boat over the side crushed out of wculd have been f him. But, of reuse, the instant their surprise permitted, the sailors rushed to the help of their °their, an41 Ralph MIA literally choked off him, cursing furious- ly at u a being allowed to murder him eutriaht. laandolph lay for some mo- ments gasping fer breath, surrounded by the astomethed sailers, arta ministered to by the doctor, who gave hint a few drops front • phial which had a wonderful re- storative effect. •I I: do fur hiat ye: Hang lain, Fli do fur hint yet,' foamed Ralph ; 'and if you knew all you weu!dn't wooder at me clenched tist at him and shouted, 'Blast , you are perhaps not done with nub Who du you think I am ? I ant his uncle You and he get me pressei and his own Yet• The day may come when we shall brother tau, that he might get the estate. nitwit again, and won't I take it out of He's tho llackesthearted villain that ever way with hini,' roared Randolph, then Ralph was brought from below and made acquainted with his fate. Finger neber say, 'Look here ;' him say, ' 'Coward–scree:Orel -blackguard,' he 'Look dere. When cackresch gib dance he no ax roared as he glared in the mocking and triumphant face of Randolph. 'I knew f"I' Big blanket Ruske man sleep late. what you mean by that. You helm to Fellow fashion break monkey neck. got rid of me. You knew I would ruin Goat say him hab wool, sheep say bins you if to tar I get to Eng1and, and this is One tie( kthis0 no like 10see neder tier carry loug hag. Pitmen christen him own pichantnny first. Rein never fall at one man door. Shoo alone know it* se/eking hab hole. Rock stone et ribber bootie ne lutow sun llot. ii•veu year _m 'tough to wash speckle off Guinea bun bask. Spider and fly can't make bargain. John Crow tink him pickaninny white. When yie !eye uo see, mot (meads) can't talk. Cunt cline ;calling names) in skin. Cunning better den strong Ebry day a fishing day, but ebry slay no for catch fish. you –everythina you have done to roe.' Rend Aph, smiled in centemptuous ex- ultation, and withdrew from the side. ill-use Italia', but to plan les destructien, 'I ain't a sailor. I tell you; yeulhave no strove to get over the effects of Ralph a and if he coula accompli,:this with I , right to lry a hand on me. choking gra/op, and indulged in thoughts crto,ity sto ninea the mere would his 'Must °ley tirders ! said the busa- e dish heart be eatistied. His active ' las to his future course. By the attempt tie ' . swain. made on his life, by the threats he had nouch till it was able to devise a Oen for ! expressed when that attempt was baffled . seam' brain did nut reo, are te cogitate 'Strip him, men. and tie him firm.. Ralph made a desperate resistance. Ralph had forfeited his life, according to hiseutterisaiudih,opehl is I ess desolation and hie Id. tiendish purptse. He spread out , His savage nature was roused to thayst- . tin. w h., selin 'he hard before him a chart for that partien of ' i• us at, and he put foirth his great strength the articles of war, and Randolph was and ravedwith alt the futry ofat the ocean in which theywerenot sure if he would exceed the limits of ' rue: and haul his finger with a grim snide 4m , his power if he hung him at the yard- luau' • "W giki.'" with fenotoue energy. They had great a little speck which represented a desert- ! and "wk. .arni. As it would at least now be per in managing him, ed island. It was known to be a here, 1 'featly safe for him t. put into execution , they had him laid on the gun, and ere desolate 1, rocky island tof but a few , his previous plan of leaviiig him on the , his legs and arms could be tied, he burst• from their he:d, and made another dee, miles in estent which could afford no I ie struggle on the deck . d rt island, and this would serve his subsistence to a living thing, and on ' purpose just as well or even better, for subs ! All this while Randolph looked on Owith exultant satisfaction. The cruel, On consulting the chart wee accounts was uninhabited, sad for 1 It subjected Reash to • lingering torture monde', even for years, unvisited. It cowardly , brutal soul of the monster e. . i -a starvation was only when a storm or contrary wind he found that they must now be in the enjoyed with keen relish Um spectecle drove a ship to its neighborhood that vicinity of the lane_ of his enemy s impotent rage --n&, Next meriting when he ascended to human eye ever lighted on it, and this gloated t'ver it as only such a debased was a circumstance of such rare occur- the deck the brie was stationary, the sot ranee that vary few navigators had ever been in sight ot it. Randolph's diaboli- cal purpose was to leave Italph in this military place to die of ettrvation. Here s __ _ and mockery broadened on his lips,again lcaniorigin. About the center there was at once revenge and security–a ure i voc was Ralph brought to the gun and ex• int, and t 'way of disposing of int, 1 were several peaks aad treats. but ethos him at the same till*. What Randolph talM1114 )/k is, while °is" or four of tha wise the surface was tolerably level„antil had now to think of was a pretext for san°18 /81 el" ihillh 11114 111 inal° grailually descended to the waseee nip, strength and crushing weight kept him where for so indicting on him this terrible punish- me distance onward on ugly there till the ropes were passed round ment. That aloe he was not long In dire his arms and lees. ,„la reef showed its projections here and covering. Ralph's chief failing he knew all'i ha was wsa— there aiming the blue water. The water secure beyond all power .4 further re- , to be a craving for strong drink. All twit was stow in peaceful traneuility tey- sistance. His jacket and shirt were that lie had to do therefore, was to put torn from off hint and his back laid bare. the meana 44 intoxicat.on in his power, In the position in which he now lay he when he was very sure Ralph would give could see only Randolph, who, the him the eppertunity he desired. This further to gratify his brutal soul and in - plot being laid, the amnia of the Falcon mia considerably changed, so as in a few crease the torture of his victim, stepped forward and steed in front of the gun days to come within sight of the teland, full in Ftalph's view. as she lay motionless within a hundred and, with great stealth and cuniiing,Ren- delph laid his snare for the unsuspecting 1 'By all the fiends but you'll repent 1 yards of the reef, a peaition winch, in a 1 'You look like a poet,' lausrhal the , gamekeeper. 'this yet,' he growled. •Itynur time 's storm. would have been within the very funay editor as the handsonsely dreamed By a deep celculated raildneas tif dis- i now, but A will be mine somej day, fine ; aws ti 1111 . The ea , ro, mo - f d th TI bl k ba d lat Y"°51ater entirld. 1 The bny smiled and lemon fumbling iti ciplioe Randolph sought to matte himself I don't think Ill spare you.' , ed island had a wieri interest DS they his pocket. popular with the crew, so that the act he' Randolph lifted his hand. and the ' geeed upon it. heine the only break in ii 'Maybe you write song*, too 1' suggeit. Meditated mieht not evoke • mutinous first lash was given. That • Yell 01 the water for hundreds of utiles in all, ed the newspaper man. . . 'Yes, sometimes,' was the answer. merit. Of Ralph himself he took no agony it brought from Ralph, and he notice, bin he secretly eontrived to place brandy in his way, and the old hab hain. the way yen are takiner to murder me. •inr with hitn,' exclai ttt inv Randolph, with a wave of his hand Ralph 'mash- ed his teeth, and looked up to behold the malignant tace of his persecutor bent over the bulwarks. He shook his John Crew mbar make lieuso till rain come. Lizard miser pieta core, but ban hab plenty. Ebery ting you hear an't good b. talk. Put me dew!" eddy, me a cracked plate. Today for me, tomorrow for you. Sleep hab no mama. When man no dens climb hill, IBM neber truw away him stick. When man say him no mind, den him mind. When hand full, hint hab plenty ems- nenv• Yeti shake ma** hand, you bo eliake him heart. True truth) longer dan rope. When fowl drink water hina lif up les heal and say: 'Tank God, tank God,' but man drink water no say noting. When fish come out of sea an' tell 3 ou alligatur hab lobo, believe hint When man no dont grow lain raiber should cues long SULU. Stranger nu knew where de deep water it the pass. De rope you pulling no de rope I cut - t ne. If any one hate you him gib you bas- ket for carry water,but if you cleber you put plaintam leaf m hint Hut needle burn thread. Good me do, tank you me get. :Mean- ing, he gets nothing more than thank you.' If cockroash eber ma drunk, him no walk past fowl yard. Play wif puppy, he lick your mauf. Better, stick to de debit you know. Greedy, greedy, choke puppy - Easy, easy. catch monkey. o Too much sit down broke trousers. Every sick no for toll doctor. Oben rain wet your brudder don' laff –same rain can wet you. and treacheroms nature could gloat, and wait:aim as a lake, and the desert island over and anon, as Ralph's flashing eyes ought hts the fiendish gleam et the lay in its dismal etlitude and black deso- lation under them lee. It was a low latter brightened, and the/mil...if malice lying piece of rusrged rock. apparently of ing with the rusrged surface of the reef, would. when renderea angry with the , near you. tempest, lash itself in foam and fury,and • ("meet__ Well, 1 will stop it. I iii. R. Magnate-- And let him have his with • roar of wrath &pima the inm , 'sugar at 10 cents ? b000m of its present love, and then God Grocer–No, I will charge you 15 eta help the vessel that rot between them. : --(Philadelphia Call And sa thought the:crew of the Falconl teasesen !Mr,. T') BS COWIN( Ns) W bat t lassolng let f Why should you go lin:mine around when Putnam. Painless Corn Extractor will remove your corns in a few days. I will give &Meat instant relief and a guaranteed cure in the end. Be sure you got the eenuirie Putnam... Corn, Ex; fieh when he takes it from the brookamt tractor, made by Polson C latUr. , a demon miles Of water have run througg it.. for niany substitutes aro being it without sticking. offered. and it is always better to get the God bless all women ! To their soft beet. Safe, sure, painleso hand+ and pitying hearts we art all come at last. Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust. When a strong brain is weighed with a true heart, it seems to me lie, ba'ancing a bubble !against a wedge of gold. I find the Kama thine in this world ie not as much where we stand, so in what direstion we an moving. If •the sane of the sidiodeles ie eilis'of an impressible nature, ilt is weer well ; but if that is all there is in a inan he had better hate been an ape and stood at the head of his profession at once. Travelets cloenge their genies*, not their character& Why cant someleely give us a lon thinga which everybody think • Intl 00 - Feely saga, and another list of t mem that everybody says and nobedy thinks (Coatinued. 1 i'llarTalt sfoisiiiirful toted mysterious Curative ?WOW deVII1Opell TANA is se vaned in its operations etat uo &seam or health ceu posmaly valet or remit its poweroand 751 11 ruled,. for the most, frail woman, weakeet invalid or stsualset tenni to yaw "Palmate "Almost geed or neatly dying' For years, zed given up by physimans of Bright's and other kidney diseases, liver oureplaints, severe coughs called consumption, have been cured. Weaken gene nearly crazy ' From &gooey el neuralgia, nervuusimes, wakefulness and venous Jimmie peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from excru- ciating pangs of Rheumatism Indannuatory and chronic, er suffer- ing from scrofula ' eadit!slYtfairsitrih“*111:14:b1U0d linWentaXa171P•Pata, nil in &et shiewst all di. Nature it boa to Have been cured by Hop Bitters,pruot of which cut be foun,1 in every neigh- borhood in the knewit world. us AO. 'Why should amen whose blue& ta warm within Sit ke grandame cut in alabaster 111 Or bat his hair grew rusty, scant and thin. When "Cleittamee east ea Itit. g. row the faster. Far sI. by J. Wil. son 2m DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER beadifI Undertaker, •plitsrlimis et lir. alliver Weetirll Okalleletre• You may set it down as a truth winch admits of a few exceptions. that these who ask your opinion really want your pmeet Memory is a net. the' finds it full of 141.4 On h•nd now IL-. ILARCEAT ATOM of First - Class Furniture t he Como y. ft -id tis I now purchase for cash. • not he tinders:Ad by any one. I offer Tapestry Carpet Intimres. from flA.50 upwards. Whatnot". from 1.1.50 up. flaw Park (hairs. from rk. up. and every- thing else in the moue proportion. Al' F li E 0 I) STAND Between the Post Offire & Bank of Montreal 0 -0731E1 -11073. - Oita "ode fthiS. 1111A. Mukha, It Mehl Railroad Magnate–See here, sir! this won't do You sell me that supr at 10 cents a pound, and I have just found out that you have been charging iny son 15 cents for the same brand. Grocer–But you see. air, your son in the next insane ohm hy, while you road. • toile away. and I have bona afraid that if I dul net sell to you at a low price yew would prefer to buy at 'mime vrecery nearer home. 11 R Megnat•– I can't help that. You have no right to discriminate against 1 my son in that Islay just Itecause he lives writhed se furiously as to make the gun shake. The second elkitod the same manifestations. directiens. There it lay in its utter alt , 'Have ynn got one for me I I think I have.' nide, the home of no living thing,seldoom 'Yes, vatted by human presence, seldom seen I ge it sung by long or abort metre r passion far drink coming upon hen to by human eye. Randolph stood on the , By this time the young man had fishod rim snide: ovuothenidecexecimeedently, ,which he threw down. all its foree, he stole what it wiameanthe I 'D —yoga I'li murder you,' he hel• 1 euarteraleck, gaming with a should steal, and lay in his hammeck 1 lowed, his oyes almost buretIng from 1 at its sterile and Ravage desolation. The' 'Neither, my friend ; it is sting by the 1 , ' !' drunk, with the empty bottle by his side their sockets with him agony. Fp went eight of a yielded him a strange pleasurepg meter to °Goyim, him a the crim1 e of theft and Randolph's hand again, and down came . for it was to he made the instrument of 1 It was • gas hill for ten dollars. , 0-01DERIC11:1 PL A 1V ING MILL E,TAB.ttIE1, it. Buchanan•Lawsoni Robinson itt:Int Sash, Doors & Blmds DI/ALP:RP IN 5I.1. KINDS OV Lumber, Lath, Shingles and material of every description. SCSOCL FUllailll–RE A SPECIA1.71. sweat linters promptly attended to. Gotlerich. Aug.:. WS& isatety GODERICH BOILER \VORIS If ive,iio revel vel a large stock of BRASS & IRON STEAM FITTINGS BOILERS & ENGINES Now Salt Pans and Bolin Built on Shortest Notice. Mal orders for new worii and' repaint vrt receive prompt attention. CHRYSTAL At BLACK, Wall1111111Mr U. T. it. Station. 41101111110h. Feb. 1881. 17117 Waged to be BON TII‘i CHOICE CONFECTIONER! CANNED FRUITS AND FISH, TOBACCO, C IG.1 RS, 41 AL. --.1.—_ drunkenness. Ralph was no greet the next lash. This time Ralph did not 1 his cruel reveng*. seem merlasienee• 1 favorite in the ship. His fury at being resat ee newly, nor writhe se onovuleiee. 'Rather an ugly neighbor that tit a : There ts rant neglect with moot mottle pressed had made him savage. taciturn. ly, but he bit his Ilea till the Irileed earn*, erOrle, air,' Observed the chief mate. , to maintain a regular action of the how rtod ran hut aye ammo the deo( hoe of cock Blond Ritter' enre eonstipation. 2. and imenciehlm'and though he aid his gee mat sweat drops burst upon his 1 Randolph shrugged hie shoulders, and !els. which muses murk dame. Burdock share of work it was with eallesines. Isein, and rolled down his disto • whi kis *OW gained him little friondeitip swing Sovietheiess they had to en hint planing& anti Mpg fees He now shut his *yes that he and water meshwork might no longer see the mookieg tams of ; 'Beet to give it a wide berth in pie lkaseleipb, and hy • t 1 - ceetwate_ __ • remeadoes effort when it rim on the Ime.' ern hie rejoile I ff tau ahreddllhe so unfortunate as to Barn. tymeM oe tinoni reereelt In say way Ibe pre per Oleg to Item clean and heal it le MelfIre gar & Parkes Carbone Coral.. Inslist hay and =sorra wormier * parte. es mos. Lynes. 0 I h eamewn so arteare. That preparation is undactivered which can surpaas Dr. Fowler's Extract 4i1 Wald Strawberry as • cure for Cholera Merbus. Dysentery and Summer CoMplanite. 2. There is none article in the hole a medicines that gives so large • return fee the money as • geed ...mous strength- ening plaster, ouch as Carter • Smart Wee 1 and Belladonna larckscae Plast- ers. 01 At this season sof tile year there should he a brittle of Pectorix on every heuse It is enamelled for Cough. (olds and Heareeneas is plessant. mally safe for children. Price 25 cents at all drug - oa(s. m I /onies• ic and Foreign Yrultsi Fresh and gmoked 411 Water Irish In quagga A full assortment of all kinds of Nuts. Illyoloro *wird Is seen 'Kyle Ilegolang 1.YR ruE.43071‘. sr..4.44)N. Wrmiths. t•ruivica. Bengal* pie . made to order. irkwertna neut. 41 linict•bile4 su Scam. 0 Mery of the Beet Bram% E. BINGE/11ES Rms-r TJ cool! t MVPS. StrellrO, liaeleriChAle pe.• IMO. 1911-3Wo. A ittreo• �,.,.,r�,.,.,rThat is daily bringing my to the helms of thousands by saving many of their dear onmw from an early grave Indy is I Dr. King. new Dia/severe fer Consump- . 1 t ion, Couiths, Colds. Asthma, Bronchi' o•, Hay Favor, Lam 4.1 Voice, Tiekling in the Threat. Pain in Ride and Cheet,or- de.1 any mom oaf the Throat and iwieai peseta v• eerie Gosranned. Trial o iel rim ilwi free oda. Wilwe's Druz Atone tarp D. K. STRACHAN 1311..A.CTICofela MACHINIST, Iteept On lisovl a vtip;41V moectal ter a mpa.f,m, of lowers and Reaper Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows an Ag ri c ul tu ra 1 Implements and Machinery Generally. ALL WORK THOROUGHLY DOI D. K. STRACHAN, GODERICH MACHINE SHC noderic.h. \larch 2711.. 1.4ussais! GO for 11,v wafting rams Owl 11 for etiolate.. tree We will ma yam a royal. valuable hes of ror"I• that sill pet vie In way nf oinking more tosawy 10 a few 111117%, you et er thought pomp* at j titimme, repeal remotree we will start too. IL; work ell th• tone tor Is mare time shill work is net venally adapted roman nod nat. Vacs con many sus LiNkorevery aeresiem. That all who, antel. way test flow boalson. arc inage OMNI 4.41 taahr ; t• ail wh• are tasetZti r_ win red 10 par ter she YelllipartIonisra. etweinses, "11177:: win lac ow•440 by qr.wbmi.- IOW*. lo tee worka heal sera noes arts /I