The Huron Signal, 1884-6-27, Page 4TED sOOTT ACT. OewMeedtal '-Irreales Mewed by the Br•w- i ere and Ktltlrre to te/ese.vs to flair Da.laree. ar A ug clu11 lot why Pio) sty hal The Brewers, Wine and Tett Me,.kalat•' Protective AssucaatIon, which Messrs. Swum 0 Keefe, F. Meaning, Re# Davies, Geo, S. Michie, T. B. Taylor, A. L Millard, J. M. Lot- tridNe, end James S. Millett compose the Provincial Executive Committee, have issued the following contidental bM • circular, which the adtocat.s of the tioott Act hare got hold of and are mak- " tag use : — ▪ "1a view of the serious nature of the attack now being metre all along the lute by the prohibitionists, the brewers and wine and spirit merchant* in this section have deemed it necessary to form • Do- minion Protective Assuctatiet. Already Shirty -two ceanttes in Ontario, have hem Nalseted, in all of which they ',repeat' hieing • vote un the Scott Act between M and the let of November. If they gamy even a bare majority uf the comi- ties of t tnteno, they are to a i•• anion to >ieratd front the (:overeruent td ('stare w iuMlmeet of their pledge, '•that if the .Maury pronounced in favor .1 the pnn Attle of prohibition, it would be Yrsut- ed At the present time the whole of Prince (Edward Island, two-thirds of N Soo 1h' d of New Ba loo the eta Odt (w. acs (tb W' w i ) ant lap wh Pe ant Sur day Val 011 he sot Gies do Me: /ow for i lies twigis sr$ eat tb the 1 ray, sttae•p� t 1t3fff at on Iw on he of eve yD v oft - Wing He h t' aeries when a blu Be will Clint[ in 503' that» 75 ova tia, and tt trwo-s Brunswick have been carried for the boott Act, and if a majority of the coun- ties of this Province also go, prohibition. without compensation, is the altematite. In view of the grave character of the po- sition, we have started this organiztiou with the hope that every man iutereeed in the business will unite to defend his trade against the fanatical onslaught in- augurated. Arrangements have been made with Mr. E. King Dodds, and an ethcseot staff, to c.uteat every inch at territory, and educate the public mind to apopereiate the great injury that will be Greek gals- "Then are not thirteen of done to the country by the passage of such unjust laws. To see -nspluh this us for dinner t'• inquired his cousin, purpose a large amount of money is Count Bismarck -Bohlen, counting t e al Every• brewer here bas sub- coven 0112 day at Rheims. ••Ni. ; that's one thousand dollars, the ds• right, f•or the rniituter has an objection tillers ten thousand dollars, and all the to that. Another time, when the" other Matches of the trade have bora were really thirteen of us at tahle, I drew the attention of Bucher, who sat beside me, to the fact. But he bade ins not to say anything about it, as it would put the chief into low spirits- On the 14th of October, 1870, General Royer me( the Chancellor at Versailles to nego- trta • tiate en behalf of Benno*. But Bis- marck dues not mem to have arranged LJeeseed TMnallest. anything definitely with him on that day. He asked in the bureau what day A amnion of the Licetued t ictudters of the month it was. "ahs 14th, your at the Casty of Horon,was bold at Clio- Ezo.11ency." "ahs 14th ! That was ton, on Thkrsday of last week. There Hetehktrrh and Jena. No business should Per - were about eighty hetet keeper and be ,ncluded on that day Per• I' other mesbers of the Assrrciatien pros- tape it occurred to hire, too, that this ant. TiN feeling was unanimously in 14th of October was a Friday. In 1852 favor of eppwiig the passage of the Scutt Ire arouse from Blsnkenburg to his wife Act to the bitter err[, and the advisabi• "I had' but ns gelid at l.etzlingen this me asago. It was a lity of ''boyo tting" all three who might t Friday '1' And hehad nt a same year he writes sign petitions, or take auy active pert in to her from Nelle : "1 kept cogitatingflsTar,of the Aar, was ctmsiderwd, bot''" all durin.i the journey yesterday understand, better ceatade prevailed, whether, after all, it were not Friday. and the •sneer of the boeeting was decid- edly . '1.04.440 any such aggrawaere mos- It was a •lir...elosh.,. at any rate." In sere.. It was dbceda-d to furnt au or• proof of which fan goes on to mention a nn •tre,n fee the puniest of carryingseries of small discomforts expetienced THE HURON sIaNAL. FRIDAY' JUNE 21, 1884. Atter derutieltsl'esrviees, the aseettng broke up at an early hour.- (Kitosrduns Reporter. T. the trollies .1 time Itaesatter- Deaa Sia, —�: �a tai b•.e reported that at a oonvoafise of btrtelkeep•rs and others opposed to the &not Aet, it was agreed t•. charms tee double rates tor my mea aad teams at hotels, I have received • large number of lettere from all uvea the aunty, offering to tweet& *mont- laudation for my men .ad horse.- I take the method of tb.uking all thuse generous friends for their kind oder. I would hate answered sootier, but being absent in New York, I was not aware that 1 had become su offensit• to the hutelkeele.rs,and as i have lust returned, and have nut yet own my men, 1 have nut dentinitely decided what my course in the future tiny be. I may have to stall myself of there generous offers. lit the meantime, I may .ay that I have too •bjectiou to pay higher rates 1.. hotel - keepers, if present rates are net remu- nerative, but 1 cannot sacrifice my right as a citizen to /morose Inv judginent tit respect t.. what I tnsy regard to be for the public interest, for the sake of ub- tattung cheaper accommodation for my nom and teams in connection wittt my business. 1 am, yours, &e. D. I). \\'tuoe. Seatorth, June 19th, 1881. Prince lutea arih'. aapersilelea.. After the battle of (Involute° there was some speculatiun one day et dinner as to what would be the result of a com- plete cuquest of France. and the Chan- cellor concluded an exposition of his views ou the subject with the words, "[tut we should not speak of the bear- skin before we have shot our bear I ain't! that I am snlwntttisus iu thew matters." Perhaps something crossed his nand about the {trudge of the old equally liberal. Mr. Dodds, will in $ few days, call upon you for your co- operation, and we do hope that every ef- fort will be made by y..0 to assist him in the carrying out of the object which ie of such suet importance to our inter- Owed s. Terse towad- ♦I all sanious, whoa the system is fol awl Ike dig.stire powers feeble, ur the iver and kidneys inactive, Burduck Blood bitten are impaired. 2. out sero ,...,t,, ouch as at inn infested with ort tf.r wishes cf the mating. The new ,•,gnniration has been „died '.Toe bugs, infamous coffee, Jew peddlers, True Temperance and Anti -beset Act "■..roe 'princesses' from the Rievnpras.,' AN.•uati..n,•• ai.d the follnwinR gen tle. and an obtruin re pricy -councillor Men were nP1•ointtd officers. vis : Wm. ((.Ar;mirrttA) who travelled in the same Clegg, Win¢hani, president ; G. E. Jack- coupe. When the title of "Count" was Cerin, Eguw.nd t ilk, rice -president ; L about to be oder d to him, he hesitated Thorne, ;sesf.•rth. rrcretary ; N. Rub. for a king time whether ur not he should n on, Climes., treasurer. Matiagingeem- acceptit ;,for he knew that a number of mitten --John Dinsley, %Ingham ; Fred families which had acquired Frqy, Brussels : B. Ccs, Guderich the title had become extinct In a com- parativelyJohn Farmer, Exeter ; Jas. 111eaore, Clio- short space of time. "The ton, and the otticers. The object of this can not afford it,", he remarked, when mentioning the mutter. On the now erre ciatiif, off crone, to oppoos evening of the 3:;d tit Novem5er, 1870passageIles passage off the the `meet Ad m thisa.un• as we were sitting at tea at Versailles. he ty, its members are composed uf satire, began to speak about his death, and energetic mei, eh.. will spare neither time nor mousy to acnrmplish their tib stated definitely the age to which it was emu Pict, and if the beet Act committee that he should attain, and the ! lout t wish to succesafufly meet theta stiff cis- year in which it was appointed that he • if 1 eumvent their rfli.rta,tl.ey must needs he should der. "I know it." he insisted, Bret up and doing. Already this new s.octet when 1 remonstrated with him on the nand has arranged for the t•nl.leeatien of a subject ; "it is a mystic number." poop) paper . me three ••r (our thousand copier. Seven years later, at 1'amn, he repeated •,ut the coun•y, ant' this remarkable circumstance, but added, the gtatuituusly threugh ps.perJ of which will lie circulated each week the same assurance to the narrator of more is so drawl kn▪ allyy ea It urea° ;•boats bo Ql ly tutor 0 'that Cli oda oubt day, peri ore illinv he ea The lot for ith n whit 'tank h had renew h ''clerk et( for 41 ovine* New, this ATero 1, re 1 pia wb other active means are 1•etng taken to in. ("'d, ln'wever, only knews. -(Moritz in Ha r s Magazine for July. Bosch, • fluence the public n:::.d in thea facer. Pre.rstatlas ret t • ole. On Thursday rv.t.it,g week, about eighty of the many trrue;s and admirer of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Davey, gath- ered at the parsonage and gave them an agreeable surprise. The c,sit•'rs were cordially weleoined *viii senor hail the bonus at their gap:sal Nearly every appointment on the circuit was reply- rented. All seemed eager to do honer to the tester and his esteemed wife, who have labored among ns fur the last three years, girit:;; the ret:nest satisfaction After supper Mee. -Stals tour- Ilia slaws -i and disclosed the 'object of the gather- - ing. Mr. Temple, o1 Berrie. read an address, end Mr. 1hoteettun. t.f Bethtl, we behalf of the citr'tit presented Mr. Davey with a purse of $;d'. Mr. Stur ggeooton on b -half l ..f the 111. Ir. presented Mn- L)Ai-uy wan a siltci hell knife and fork 1.1 ca•:y loess ii.: 1t•ee. and fimah, Mr. Y' ung having prey uosiy read t!te follows:a address: "L).•ar Mrs Davey—Bef.,:e y. 'pasture we take the pl.asine it. prest•nt- you wish this token a. an express.•.1i of our appreciation tet ye• :r Murine.. Y.•u hive been untiring in seer offvete to M- iran,* the cause of (loll. We fell ourvelTeo *venially indebted to you in Berrie. In the Hnnday.cha.•l and in the choir se • shall mita you very much. in you the ehoir shall loose a leader whrmi place it will be hard to till. Your lively sl'ints and kindly nature will ensure you friend, wherever you m.y go, but n.tne eMyrnter lean in Rervie. We beg yois to uee•pt the as it me(hentn (ries your /friends in Berrie. Mr Davey replied very fee:ingly to theme osptwai..ns .if geed will. Messrs. Thom perm, Stewart. SI urg-•..n, Ohm, Cuyler and liuhha made short ap.eehes in which they expressed l:trly regrets on the remo. al of Mi and Mi. jib And.rann, of Dun:ann..n. when Balled r•e by the c baimmn, mid that the ahnrch at /)engem,. n, had tasted with Mr. Nei to aro R. rt• Crrrui• •ntettata•and Agra lLoy With greatest rabic- i efireeBJan ego, and that h. weal i Ybe opidal cd this The waits fur Cumh.t4aad have been towed fur the 26th • •I Jame pati $rd of July, and fur Megantie, Qom.. ter 30th of June and 10th of July. The well kttuwn etrongtkeuing presser - ties of Iron, combined with •atter tunics and a moot perfect nervine, are Towed in Carter's Iron Pi1L, which strengthen the nerves and body, and impru% a the hood and complexion. 1s Trellis sr Brea/ Bretton. Great orators hare not scrupled to use the arts cf the actor to produce their ef- fects. L.rd Brougham, while protesting against the rejection of the Reform Bill by the House of L.rds,cri.d nut : "I im- plore you open my knees ' ' kneeling be - fere them on the ••wool- sack ," un which the Lord Chancellor sits when presiding in the House r f L•rda. Sheridan, hart ing finished his (annals speech in the trial of Warren Hastings, sank beck appar- ently fainting in the arms of his friends. h:•lisnmjjurlce, at the end of a , 6, upon tit. atreciti.i which might be ex- p,•cttd iFeM the Trench in cast of an he. nasi"n, drew forth an *pommies two- rel:eel dagger, and, exclaiming, "Thu is the weapon which will be pointed at your thin:.ts and mine dashed it on the floor with a tragic gesture. Shortly afterward Lord ('aunts, speaking against Burke who oat suspected of hating amassed his wealth dishonestly •,exclaimed • "And this is the weeper which is motel with fatal effect against you and me drag - gine out, with Bark''s gesture, a tite- p and note- 4s every one locked to ere Mot dash it 011 the Suer, he quietly folded it and put it in his p ecket. One of the Most noted criminal lawyers now in this a .ottri. whits pleading the cause ..1 his cartit... invariably s'•nverceme by his inns t. ttc • and wr• i.s that his voice fails, he chokes. sols. aril is forced to sit down to reeuver himself. '•f should tbiak, Mr. D—," said J,td,re M --- to kis, lately, "that the jury would tllder.taail your lids drama by this time. ' "Al, your boner forgets, .std 0--. his eyes te:nk'e, "that it is al- wYs a new jury ltelure whom I }day. Prince l:ismarck has a pre'foun.l c n- tewpt net nnly for such tricks of '•ratory. but Lor oratory itself. "1t tie but the gleam th•tt hid. truth," he said lately : "your el..luent fellow s like a woman who has •t naturally Ane figure and whn *crews It Into stays and toter+ it with tate!-.. finery. • W beeee't. Tares rear aetea. Rd. NURSING MOTHERS AND Wheeler's Kuser of i'hospbates and l'alt says of great value tut mslntae.ing strengtb. presenting aeurmla or poor blood. giddlness lead prwtranea w common lo delicate mastl- tuttens during the period of lactation. Being composed of food elements- it promttes the health of the emitter. and the development of the child without the e'antt.r of depraved tabus which at result from the use of stim- ulants so often injudiciously prescribed - a MaN11a. Dlseeteey. Wm. Johnson, of Huron, Lek., writes that his wife had been trtubled with acute Bronchitis fur many years, and that ali remedies tried irate no permanent re- lief, until he precured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery fur Consumptiun, Coughs and Colds, which had a niftiest effect, and prtduced a permanent cure. it is guaranteed t.. cure all diseases of Throat, Lungs ur Bnottchial Tubes, Trial bottles free at .1. Wilson's drug store. Large size $1.00. (5) sew Lire rbr Fuselies. Weakened by Ole ease. eehallty sad Mrlptlen. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the (treat German Remedy will restero the 'est functions and secure health and happiness. $1.00 per hex, six boxes few 85-00. Sold`by all druggists. Sent en receipt 'ef price, postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole rgent for United States, Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. Gold by Geo. Rnynas, Kele agent fur Gude- rich 3m : Well rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid t.. any p$rty who will produce t ease of Liver, Kidney or Stninach complaint that Elec- tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will oat yon nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious- ness, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene- ral debility are - kly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed •r money retuntted Price only tifty cents ler nettle. For sale by J. \\'il«.n. i51 May [take from neral« ptwsandsawe when yam two buy a kaeranteed cutis M Wilsons drug store (1) A Batman's Termer/4r. -- For Cough, Cold or any Brenchicst affeeien. "Pectora,- in my opinion, s last the thing. I have used it tit uty faintly foe (sough. sad Colds fur the past lour years with the roust uuasne.i sucees , cud to- day my opinion of it ie that i continue to think still more of that which 1 bq,an tkiaking well ul. Gan Karr, Manager Ontario Barrer, Pickering. Prig 25 Dents at all drugvista. w W-Astixt:Tue, D.C., May 15th, 1884. l:g\TLEMLY--Having been a sufferer for a long time from nervous prostration and general debility, 1 was advised to try Hop Hitters. I have taken one bot- tle, anti- 1 have been rapidly getting bet- ter ever one., and i think it the best medicine I ever used. 1 act now gaining strength and ammo, which was all gone, and I was In despair until I trted your Bitters- I am cow well, able to go about and do my own work. Before taking it I WAS completely prostrated auto, M.tav Srr'AIT. - James Item ley. Biamtlton. says • "1 read the GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. il+vttig retired from the Limier beelaesse, I .ow devote may attention to G- 0-0 ICRIES wane 1 will edit lower Wm awf brain la the ~tote. Illy facilities for handling 'tJ"GA1' 1).h Cossp shier , 1 plot most from the Redaery la ..r load lob- • 1 e/so make • M specialty of wiring Sugar -Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon. LJRD tisOLID BY T2i21 PAIL_ woad Ina folbwthti �g quulatloas : STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR, 11 !to for $1.00. COFFEE $IT(IAR, t2 ttta for 1.00. BRIGHT YELLOW, 14 ttla for 1.00. West Bide Court house Square. Goderieb. 0-=O_ HUGH DUNLOP Fashionable Tailor __ WEST STREET, testimonials tar Mctiregor s epeedy lure and t� �•�aw:,..'o found 1 had not to go to New fork mussel- tuient fIt 'Suitt1bK•s vtsFrom. pixie. Louisiana ur Texas to And firing wlt- mosrs of its value. we have plenty of persons • Ir you' WAI1T right here to prove its merits. 1 got a bottle and itloo helped Fever richt nd Indigestion ' w� w had k A Nobby Suit at a Reasoaable Price with Bilious Firer and ladeshoo M I think any one could he. 1 have taken three bottles and an. nearly wetl and can ear auy klad of food without It hurting ate. 1 may say 1 am CALL UN better than I ever expected to be. Fre trial bottles at 0. Rhymes'. ro+ Not another Pill shall t•o down my threat again, said a citizen, "when I can get such a lerotnpt and pleasant euro for my bilious attacks, 'as Dr. Carson's Stom- ach Bitters. It renders the blood pure and cool and nukes a splendid spring medicine. Large beetles 50 cents. National Pills purify the blood, regu- late stomach, herr and bowels. m Ir. the history of medicines no preps ration has received •such universal cum- rnendatiou for the alleviation is affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kid nay diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kiuney Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson. :len , HIIGH D 1U NLOP_ CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSOR'FMF.\T IN TOWN A full line of all the I.'auling Patent .iodieint. always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a Soecialty.) F Thea.and. Stay se. T. W. Aitkins, (trd, Kan., writes : GEORGE 3 .A '1 never hesitate er itate to recommend your Electric Bitten to my c st..mers, they rive entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers.' Electric Bitten are the purest and best medirne known anti will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver complaint. Purify the blood and rezulate the bowels The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. No family can afford to he without them They will save hundreds of dollars in duct..r•s bills every year. :old at 50 cts. a bottle by J. Wilson. f3l LAND E C+U LA. T I O N f>•.i BLAKE'S BLOCK. THE SWARM MONTREAL "LYMAN" BBRB WIRE FENCING. First frits ,.! inn• Prose.», is' show for quality of the Wire - FOUR -POINT BARB WIRE FENCING SMOOTH TWISTED WIRE. LIMAN NUCITNONN WIRE. Washburn E Moen GLIDDEN PATLIT T*o-Pnt Wire Feueil JOHN A. NAFTEL's Cheep Hardware Emporium. ROOTS AND SHOES NEW G- 00 D8_ REMEMBER '1 • Have the Largest Stock, The Latest Stylest The Most Reliable Goods, And the Lowest Prices, Please Cal]. ISZ 3i2mram.i so T1t(II'RLE \\'ATEVER TO SNOW C(iOD8 The company 1 pony oRer lands within the Railway HAI stung the main IIs•, and in iiewtwia—i Manitoba, at prices ranging trunk $2_150 PER ACRE. upwards. with conditions re•tniring cult ivat imi. A rebate for cultt%attun of from $1.111 to w,:.5e per arse, according to price paid for the land. allowed on eertatn conditions. The (un.p ace also oiler Lauds without conditions of settlement ur cultivation. THE RESER i EIS SECTIONS along the Main Line, i.r., the odd numbers•.: Sections within one mile of the itailway. aretew offered for sale on • tvantaittwus terms, to parties prepared to t:aaertake their immediate eel- tisatiuo. E_ DCS w NING- Crabb's Block, Corner Fait street and loluare. Goulerich, May Sth, 1884. TERMS OF PAYMENT: -- Purchasers may pay one-sixth in coati. and for t.alanee in ate annual instalments, with is, terest at SIX NCR ('I') r, per annum[. payable in advance. Parties purchasing withoct cordttiaent.of cutlitailou, will nceire a Deed of Coaveyaaceat time of purchase, it payment to mads in full. Payments may be nude in LAND GRANT BONDS. w!deli wi l he accepted at ten per cent. premium en their pair value- and ateruee iceterst. "helm. bonds tea be obtained on ap- plication at the Hank of Montreal, Montreal: ora env of lea affen.-ws- FOR PRICKS ani l'ONlIITluw Or MALE and all int..nni•tt a] with respect to the pur- chase of Lands, apply to JOHN II. McT A [-ISH, Lend ('ou mwioner, Winnipeg. By order of the Board CHAItLES PRINKt\-ATeR. secretary. 191-3m 31ISOddO---: AIO.OV4 0 0 co p aIP 14 "0o 0 m 0 c, • pi 0xH V `;.- hi- 0- fp as z Ls1 Q 0 rt A- -44 rn &sHoEs Art bills Beg t. announce t.. the I'e.i i:,' that they hate opened bu.ine*s in the alrne Steer Now Is the limo ity on wish one or teen Mee rotate at borne. to see Pallet's room paper in the More Leery occupied by Horace .iewte•n. Having purchased a large anti n N Ile bas over well asserted stock of Spring and Kmm11,l r (:..reds at close figures, we are determine 1., sive the Puhlie the benefit. 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR MOTTO �•"'it'll enlnn. a red at trice -stem than very mat inferior »,•ed.. ('•:l sad tee them are the twat valve in tow r.. ltd moat t•etotd IMP" Please call and examine •rets goods 1'ef•�repnrehaairg elsewhere. 11,a�11 cc SIIpill(P R� marfrIc,ellri'u.tom work will reeelve our special attention. Thc ullcCi I11 l/�ll1lllll rii1 �''S 91111 19hihn. 1. 1 1 lu loo rh ho o' '"' `" " require no DOWNING & WEDDUF other p urahve They aro safe and s." (Ioderieh, mirth 9 IRA?. to num.: e all varieties of worm! 01P -Remember the place. next door to .1. Wibe.n's Drug Store. sm-Nene Ant the heel of maternal used and tirst-da.. workmen employed. t , - -- 11r tang neatly e n n e s rteat n tuns Freeman a W Powders 1 (41 :.,,. $1 00 alb., •��.,.. 4 -gr 13 i 'I' I .1111VIS e r