The Huron Signal, 1884-6-20, Page 88
CLINTON'S PHII'PBN $IONS. ewess to be an ingredient is the bargain
Oude►ich can furnish • enflicient gnats-
. lay to pickle the whole "Lem Land."
A Uirg.114 The C Wm tans oar ohm tip ewlNltg Ms
ewrn'i u. A. L. r. e. e. lhswa se be sale.
To the Editor of Theemu...
Dna* Sie,-In the year 18411, when
Its railroad manta broke out to England,
and when (:.mute liedsou a Birming-
ham bagman- forsook the mercruuie
business, and Yate fres whute time to ratl-
e.y speculation, toade a large fortune,
and was w -in known as the "Itsilway i
Moot," Mr.Jnatio.tiwyuno- then a Q.C.
cony --bellow at that utae to London,
(Eng.), oeuoeived the idea of a rulrosd
from Toronto w G..derlck, and wrote to
Mr.Liam, the then clerk at the p soe,fur
certain inlormstiun, in the collection of
which I did all tit my power te remit •
him. Mr. Germs sone ascuted tie
■upport of IIrre/..i1A. Had ri idJour,eed,
a newspaper then just established for
th• general advocacy of railroads, and
through its support a company ..i ster3k-
holders was drawn to{ether ; and from
the uewsp.pers and letters sent out t•. to
we felt sure of a railroad ale:oat at ones.
But, to my utter astmniabweut, I oars
taormng reed in a T.•r oto newspaper,
that Frederick Widder, E..1., commis-
sioner of the Canada t'..mpany, had
•arced for England the day inhere, to
oppose, Mr. Gwynn• • railroad scheme.
1 at onus made this known in town,
tithed a meeting in the old "British,"
(where Doi ald Strachan s residence now
Cando), then kept by la•oc Rattenbury,
(the founder ..f Clinton, hat a big meet-
ing, resolved to send Mr. Lizars to Eng-
lutd to coast Mr. Gwynn., and there
and thou, got about five hundred dol-
lars subscribed towards his expenses,
which sum ex -sheriff 51..therwell of
Perth, tltsu wily a "(:r"lerich merch-
ant," having bees appointed tour tres-
aar.r,!.oll.cted the nett day ; and in two
days thereafter our delegate was ..n Isla
to E•Iruti wi.Power suer to draw on
Yours, Ac..
Truisms Krim.
Oodersch, Jute 14th, 1884.
Mr. Horton, of tbti Exchange hotel,
has purchased the ane formerly ranted
by W. Burke. -
is- Anin•tin•.
Coke, don. -By error ma previous
aus uticetnent in the relearns of Txa
Swam., the day fur the holding at the
R. C. /:church picnic at St. Augustine
was used to be on the 27th. It should
have been announced that the picuic will
be held in Hickusgb.tham's grove, con.
8, West 1lawuuush, near the church, unn
Wednesday, June25th. The mu mites
Made ade every arrangement tending
toward the success of the picnic, and an
enjoyable holiday may be looked fur at
St. Augustine.
Inspector Malloch of Clinton, u in-
spectingachyols in Morns this week.
Verey's palurawa was exhibited here
on Monday and Tuesday evening, to
crowded houses, and was all it claims to
A. Taylor and W. D. Lamb are can-
vassers for Hullett and Messrs A. W.
Sloan. W. Pullock, J. A. Taylor, R. A.
Wrightou canvasers for No 1 division of
A mass meeting of people who were
in favor -,4 the Scott Aet was held in
Sunshine June 15th. Canvassers were
appointed and means taken to raisenecessacampaign.the necessary funds for the campaign.
An open debate, Scott Act versus
Auto-Soott Act,u t.. be held in Sunshine
on Wednesday evening. The sante sub -
y a ' jest was diseessed by the wembera of
oar treasurer for such further sums as the Itlyth temperance ledge last Friday
he might *noon,. VI, hood, 'enterer,
eveawe. but decision was not given as tt
not counted ray elf slur llO 1:OIltlnj.fl
vote, t o was too late.
ow which meth( uc.ur ; for, draft after
draft arrived te ou::1 the Link om Mr.
Motherwell, SIM gutsy iD all to over
fourteen hundre .1..1 era ; which sum 1
feel prima to ..y wa.coact iced within the
limits of Unclench- - Int lkitauns road
being then its souther,. h uuaary. 11
in needless to say tb.t th... n h the inlin-
oro* of the Canada t..00poo our old
Last Tuesday, our townsman, Mr. E.
Shaw, wez.t to Go"derich, and received
the necessary 'vipers required fur enlist-
ing it. Rite utarried forces. And on
11- d VI R J A T r b ll
e new ay, a ev. . u u u,
mad tit a six tan 11,1S : .o.r, need I pastor of thou Presbyterian Church, rati-
)pert the same, by joining him 111 mer•
• add, that not nue cunt u••: we hour siege to Miss Patton, of Uarbraid.
time w,(. spent by a ..n;;le t,'ltntunite In Many friends wish the happy couple a
this early attempt b. ,:..les „al 1. b.uefit happy future. and a few of those who
the whole "Ilion tact. -,teak a part m the spirit rappers two
You will thus wee, sir, the reason oyears age reinind E 'nerd that he is
my ,relance to undertake another, the second of eight of whom their predic-
struggle with the Canada Comps, in' tons are correct.
1802, and that, too, on a somewhat de-
pleted pocket ; but of this, and the part FL.-A farewell to Rev. J. A.
taken o1 (Mit time, sad ever tem Turnbull. .A., LL. B., will be held in
by our neighbours in Clinton, I (.ball the Presbyteriachurch here nn Mon -
speak more fully in my next. In the day e�euinj. Tnhe entertainment pro-
mtantitee, I beg to offer a few rennrks vlded s attractive, consisting of rt'att-
on the E. -,'s moth .d icy last letter. To ing+,, recitations. etc., by local and ,.cher
Bevin with : there is not one muni . p talent ,and addresses by popular speakers.
i jestificattun of his urnjustIl tide attach
The church choir will sing some o.[ their
ion a number of business men with whom best mush. The meeting[ will begin at
he had I:o earthly conu.cth s : neither 8 o'clock-. Admission 25c. in aid of tion
church fund. This will be the last
of his unjournalisti. reports of current meeting addressed here by Rev. Mr.
events ; nor does he allude t , the only Turnbull, as pastor, of Leebunt church.
question 1 asked him, as to the sheriffs TaiereeAN. la Liu n•at. -The lecture
As Mirrored la sal Cdmnr oet emir Oath
de Ceam/aer.
The writs fur Cumberland have been
issued fur the 26th ..f June and 3rd of
July, and for Meptaotic, Que., for 30th
of June and 10th of July.
The foduwingj touching telegiaw was
received by Blaine after his nowivation,
front the widow of the ammoniated
President Garfield : -- Our household
joins in one great thanksgiving. From
the quiet of our house we send oar
most earuest wish that through the ter-
bulent mouths to tellew,aud in the day of
vactury you may be guarded and kept.
Lucarna R. G•anaLs.
A COSTLY Ciu•a -The Elor. Erpreas
says : Last week Mr. James Brea, who
has been engaged in the butchering busi-
ness in this village for some time pert
was on his way to Toronto, when a
stranger Rave him a cigar to woke. He
Soon became drowsy and lost oons:iuus-
nem. 1Vhan he came to he was minus
$350. Bruce returned bolus and was
forced to give up business un account el
the loss of his capital.
Bowy•aviu.F. June 17. --The Reform
demonstration in Smith Ontario was a
great success. The procession from the
station to the grove was miles in length.
A band and 150 mounted young mien
headed it. There must have been over
5,000 on the vrounda The speakers were
Messrs. Anglin, Pardee, Blake and Pat-
terson. Mr. Blake spoke for over an
hour, denllteg with provincial rights, the
tariff, etc. He said nothing new, and
did nut touch on the independence ques-
tion. The attendance was large and
A man and his wife named Briacrr, the
latter carrying an infant, were arrested
at Montreal in a stat. of intex[catiun
Sunday evening. t1henarraigned Mon -
v morning the couple mid they
visits to Clinton ' Ent breaks out in his
fiat -reiterated parrot -note of "the cruni-
'bling town of t:oderich." Sc., etc., sic.
He is sorry that I took up the natter so
stirring appeal fol the advancement of
seriously. So air, ate must folks suet-" temhersace principles. John Linklater,
when they find that they have committed who occupied the chair, also amides brief
a blander. address. A .quartette rendered surae
But, sir, to come down to business, tem oerance esloctiuns ; Suter McManus
will the (Vele Erol dare to amort that the sang ( a solo with sweetness, and a tem -
Clinton with
on Friday evening last by Rev. T. J.
Sabin, under the auspices of the I. O.
O. T.. was well attended. He made a
Dunton imports have ever e( w rat.
erance recitatiuc ass well rendered by
la 50 per cent ni those of Gtderich ' or, H H. Clutton. Readings were given by
that.ita exports, have ever been within SIl Williams and J. G. Clutton. Can-
t/ per cent(i
of the oderich exports, rafters, we understand, will be out dur-
then in its worst year. i shall certainly ing the week to ask the question will
for an answer to the gttestion, and you sign for submitting the Scutt Act 1
(f I am wrong let it be known. The There are 120 votes in this ward.
frit accuses Tut:SinaaL and .*or of
pandering to the railway mania of the
people of 0oleri..h, but, 1f ever a news- i[CBS110D'
paper pandered to any community as
' the Bra does to the business mea of
Clinker, on its county town craze, it is
more then i ant yet aware of. And. it
t is so evidently done for the purpose of
drawing grist to its eau mill, in the
4 shape of large advertisements, that I
really wonder how the people can stand
The Seatorth N•on of last week con•
tuned the following batch of accidents. -
A son of Ttm.•thy Ryan, of this town -
*hip. met with an accident on the lOth
test., by which he cut his knee with an
ale. He was taken to the office of .one
of the Seaforth surgeons and had the
wound dressed, and we understand Ile is
'so much taffy and pay for it, too. now doing well.
It moat haus gene sadly against the ... Duty, a son of Mrs. Duff:. •,f
the 1lth con. of this township, got his
right wrist cut severely on the (netting
f the 9th inst., by the accidental fa:! of
's grain to put the following in print,
the middle of last month, "Sorge ball ou Saturday evening
y injured a tang's silk, by apatteriii
ad on." Bail playtrt in Clinton must
rate tun for the bore, and as for the
fitness, they' Meet just grin and
it. -From this tact I rather suspect
if the June meeting had been held
Clinton the councillors would not have
the pleasant strolls in the evenings
their days labors were over, and
which they an evidently seemed to enjoy
ra much. But, se are further told
!"that et -deputy reeve Cooper anti party,
of Clinton, did the circular town last
nday enjoying 1: very much " No
ubt they enjoyed the change even for
day, but Mr. Center had some weeks' •
penance of the beauties of l:clench
ore this, and wu,:!d mo doubt again .
illinvly spend three weeks annually in I
he same pleasant plane.
Th. /tin. thinks i ought t.. thank
im for the hint he gave me, and. nut-
ithatending the monitos•ss of the form
n which ha pot it, 1 do most eine.'rely `
'tank him. for. 1 really seem to feel as If
had reeeived a new lease of an already
nnewhat •sten led life ; and, tf the'
'elm* of the weather' is at all platen.
s for the nest inertly or *too, 1 shalt
rims, the Kr of the depth of my
atitude for the favor he has done MO.
Now, air, it is certain. that. as Wing-
Itfss eoneluded an arrangement with
Toronto, Grey & Bruce ratlriad crm-
yr fee an extension of their line to
phaco. and have actually a.mmenc.d
en it, the day is not far i ts-
whest we shall see a farther extern -
em the south side of the Maitland ;
lily near to Marnoch, Wn0field.
.r, and on the north of
lef,nees'tls, /beret to the very spot on
i ngeeld treat, where' Mrs Meront
1, tarried the liret enol of the Batiste
she iHerres Belle*, in 1MMRa, and,
1 tbalee. by the beak of the lake, nn
.it easy Frame to the harbor. under
shouoe, where an aowwt ,
NO be obtained far the 9leeeetinn of
is. stations, elevators, Sc., t
all axe. A Seeforth doctor sewed up she
wound, which was a pretty deep .one,
and we learn that he is nut d.uing wed.
He will be oho work f..r some time,
f to Tuesday last as M. Murdie ..f the
7th con , wait driving home. the daps
which attach the shafts to the buggy
bmke,which frightened his hone slaking
it runaway. Mr. Murdi. held r•tt to the
reins for a time dragging him along the
aground wh,di dislocated his shoulder.
He is recovering.
We learn that Thos. E. Hays. Esq.
Inlet with a rare accident on the evening
of the tlth inst. It seems that while
cuttin,; down some brush alongside of
the fence, he twisted his right knee,
thereby displacing the inner cartilage of
the knee joint, which remained in a halt
bent p"si•inn until the surgeon arrived
His pain was very severe if he attempt -
mi to straighten the leg nut. We learn
that the accident is a ra.e .me,
and Mr. Hays hopes it may be still rarer
in the future. Hats Improvin4. but will
be laid up for aererat days.
YHk?r fbrele of Mobbed.
Quebec..lune la --Last night Father
('hiniquy, the reformed l'athollc priest.
while delivering • sermon in the Little
French Protestant chapel. in tat. John
stteet,eaid something that ,lid not seem
to please the French-Canalisn portion of
the congr^Iation, and the speaker was
hissed. At another time ha directed
his remarks again.t R ingot Catholic
doctrine and practtoee. and a few atones
were thrown. breaking a couple of win-
dows and lamps in the sacred edifice
The service came to a clew without
further interruption. hut when 110 rev.
father male hu appearance to enter his
hack he was assailed with olerssre shouts
std epithets. An attempt was made t..
dere him hack into the chapel, but he
managed to gen into his carriage and was
driven sway. his departure being greeted
by a shower .A miwles, none of whleh,
London, Jane 18. -Tho Indian Oov •
ernmeut has sent Mr. Townsend, an ex-
pert is the owl business, to Canada, with
authority to purchase a complete plant
for petroleum boring. He ie alas in-
structed to gather any ideas and .utur-
inatiou he can as to the best method of
developing the new oil districts of Sibi.
Covent ur Hcuwr • Hy virtue al a Writ of
To WIT : i Pled Tsetse, Iaseed out
of Iter Hgieetyls� Highl.'ourt el Justice.
Queers Bench Division. sad b bo dirwaed
anti delivered spinet the lands end Tene-
ments rN WILLIAM ROBERTSON. at the
suit of JOHN GREEN k CO. 1 haws seised
sad taken In execution all tae right, 1111e. lo-
tereat, and equity of redemption of all sad
singular that certain parcel or teats of laud
and premises, situate, lyiug and beteg in the
Township of Colborne. in the County of
Huron. and Prov now of ()alert°. being uoas-
p••aed of a part of tot number one. in the Ont
concession, eastern division. of the said Town-
ship. The metes and bounds of the wild parcel
of land. being as follows. Commencing at tbs
distance of one chain .ixl -set en links. .n a
course due west. from the post pleated he-
tn•en lots one and two, on suuth side of con-
cession rad. thence south. four degrees.
tweet) minutes. east tutagnellcl two chains
sine links. thence south. seventy-dyede
fifteen minutes. west, one chain. eighty links.
thence north. forty-three degree., forty -Ave
minutes. west. sixty-nine links, thence north.
eight degrees. twenty minutes, wool. two
chains, thirty links. thence north. fourteen de-
tersive. east. one chats. fifteen links, thence
south. eighty-two degrees. ten minute*. east,
one chain, thirty-four links. thence south.
thirty-two degrees, forty minutes. east. one
chain. forts links, to the place of beginning.
and containing by sdmiesuretneat. three
rads and two perches of land. which land.
and Tenements 1 than offer for Sale. at mTT o(-
Oce. in the Court House. in the Town of God.-
rich. on'AV. floe Tu1KTigrx day of $rp.
tentber. 188i. at the hour of twelve of the
clock. noon.
Sheriff, Co.Ituron.
Sheritrs Office. oderich..,
June 17th, tint. t 19461*
from Halifax, N. S., six weeks ago, with
t2 as their store, and they had just
arrived in the city, making 858 miles
by road, which they tramped all the
way. living by begging, and sleeping
where they could get shelter. The
infant was bunt by the wayside atter the
days walk of twelve miles. The couple
started next morning as if nothing had
happened, and trampe(i tire utiles befute
camping. They stated they were pro-
ceeding to Prescott, Ontario, and got off
with a lecture from the bench to behave
better in the tuture.
The Government action against Chas.
Bradlaugh for sitting and toting in the
Huusc of Commoons on the night of
February 11, began on Friday and was
cuntinued Saturday. Mr. Bradlaugh
cr.nducts his own case, and has thus far
proved himself fully a month f..r the At-
torney -General. Lord Chief Justice
Coleridge, the presiding judge, obvioua-
lv leans towards the defendant. Mr.
Bradlaugh won an important point in
the decision by the court that his act in
administering the oath to himself was
not contrary to any knuwn statute. He
lost a point, however, in failing to con-
vince the court that the Speaker had
acted illegally in refusing 1.) administer
the oath without having Brsdlaugh's re-
ligious unbelief proved. The court de-
cided that this question must he reserved
for the decision of the jury-.:;
Irr Cream Jokes. PM, sat
t was
It is a very cold day when ice-cream
gets left.
As ice -cresol weather approaches the
discreet young man becomes colder in
his approaches.
The Boston Root informs young men
that no girl who is really in love ever
calls for a third duh .of ice-cream.
A Dobbs Ferry girl who was to have
been married next month has postponed
the nuptials until after the ice-cream
An exchinge says that ice -creast
stakes girls freckle and toe in. If that
u SO our girls will have the complexion
Of a leopard, and will walk heels tint
before the summer is halt over. • •
When a girl IS in real .towmrl1ht lore,
clear up t.. her eyebrows, she loser. her
appetite so that she can't tell hydrant
lauds are just tete sante t.. her as the
f tlo di,\t ice create at a .qu.irter a ;bolt,
pollorsty poll must feed it t. her .mitt A
} al" :.
Th yirl ..f .discretion dw
on t even
I hitt at a fondness for .ce-crtaml until
hauled into •lie matrimonial net. Then
she makes every wane day trot for hits
if hs d*maie' a .pr..par sense of his
duty to support the pas"r, struggling
wooer from wide water and cold snit
she's int her fellow well honked and
Fret 4 ( 0 ttA. 1)n►Tirut. A'tn t'oMIORT-
Ixli. •'147 . thorough kn0Wlydge of the netm-
eai laws which got ern the operations of
1igestlon •,d nutrition. and by a careful
application of the fine properties .d well -
«Id tint Co. re. ]Ir. Epp. Inas prow ided our
breakfast taller aith • delicately flavoand
beverage which may sate uo many heavy
do. -tor, hills. I0 i. by the j,ul.riou. tic' of
such art 1. le, of :act that w 4.010111f114101, ilial
Le gradually hu;:t op nodi .smug e .g h to
resist every trn,lem-y to di..-*.-. Han.lre-d.
.f uthtb maWdiew arc floating snood no
ready gra attack wherever there i+ a week
point. We ma) re -ape many ( fatal .haft by
keeping oured%es well fortified with pure
blood and a properly nourished frame." I'i rid
Srrri -r IJo:rtlr. Made simply with boiling
water or milk. sold only In Packets and
Tins ,Illi. i.,..1 ih.4. by Grocers. labeller
J AMU+ Kees k l'u.. Homeopathic Chemists.
London Eng."
■ feess.
At the residence of the bridri father. o•
eredneelay, 1)th Inst.. Ly the Rev. J. .(.
Turnbull. IS .t.. 1.1.11. Hobert Mellen ot
!Selfish t olumhia. 10 Emma. daughter of Mr.
James Addison. of iiudert.h.
At the r..idcn,e of tb• bride'. mother. es
Wedneela'. It.h ins(.. hi the Ret. J. .t.
Tnrnbnll, R.A.. I.I.K. ►:rlwand Shaw. of las,
burn. to Maggie 11non. of l:arhnld.
DOM. tb
In (:al.'nch. on the 17th eel.. Catherine
Eenneiy, beloved wife of Mr. Jame.
den. ag.d 55 ream
alederieb Markets
Aou[arrw. Jane IA 1961.
Wheat Laing hose. •l ro 091 M
Weal. tSpriael P hash. 100 0 190
Flour. 1' barrel.. .. .... 119 OR b •
Gat s.who•h .............. fM w uN
Peals. It nota. • 0 w 0 rt
Harley. a hash .... •......... • tt 400 le
Potato,. is hiss N. 14+ . .
iia.. v Inn ......n........ . w 1 f ti
Holter,f a. e.... 11 w 0 11
fax r• des. ($m, • • ....... • 13 • 0 H
( .?o., e.i •11 " •19
smelt _a ewtw •• • • 1
Been. ewt ...+.. e
ow east.. •. e•«•. n•M.M " I
Hides ......,...s...:,'••hors... r
Under two orders made by the High (court
of Justice. Chancery IHvuion. made in the
above action, dated the 3014, November, 1883.
and the Ind September, 1*12. then- will he
sold by Public Auction. the following valu-
ably properties,at the several times and places
hereinafter uwntiont'd.byJ and with the appro-
bation of Sutherland Maleunoun. Esquire, one
of the masters at Golerich. of the supreme
Court of Judicature fur Ontario, sit:
1st. .1t the Grand Union ilotel, in the vil-
lage of Clinton. on
7 .u-sd,n(, the :311i .Gey ...1../tri,.. 1:.,: 1,
at 2 o'clock. p.m., lots number Ilan,' 70, in the
Maitland concession of the Township of (lode-
rich. Containing 1111 acres of laud, more or
leer. in our lot. e
2nd. At the same time and plat,. let
number 2.i in the 11th concession of said
Township of Goderich. containing 9) acres.
snore or fess.
3rd. At floe erne time and place, village
lots numuer Iii and 172. on the south side of
1 the ricer. Teeswater. and fronting on (lar-
inda street. in the village of Teeswater. in the
C'ounty of Bruce.
nth. At Martin's Hotel. in the village of
Dungannon. on
irr•loes-ley, fJir :Jtti dory yr Jru,., lS Z4,
at 2 o'clock. p.mlf.. the west haot lot number
7..n the 5th concession, gartern Division. of
the Townships( Ashteld7containing 100acres,
more or leas
Sib. At Mcandrett'. Hovel, in the village of
Itelgtave. un
Thursday, the, day elf Julie, 1,+.i4,
at 1 o'clock. p.m.. the property in the said vil
lage. occupied by Mr. Scardrett as a Hotel.
comprising village lot numb&+ 1. on the Mor-
ris side in the said village. end the Lind oc-
c spied lig the stables opposite. fornn ng part of
lot 12. to the Nth conrrwsionof the township of
Wawenosh.and which may be described as hol-
lows, ('otnmencingat a point ua nunherly lim-
it of the gravel road, between Illy *hand %', tog.
haw. distant 10 rods southern- dtact ion from
the north-east corner of said lot. thence west-
erly parallel with the concession road 8 rots.
thence southerly parallel with the said gravel
road W feet. thence easterly parallel with the
said concession road, to the said gravel root
9 rods. thence northerly along said gravel
road 62 feet, to the place of beginning.
0h. At the same Gave and place. the pro-
perty adjoining 10 floe southerly, upon the
said stables. known formerly as the McCart-
ney Hotel, and described as a par of the said
farm lot number I2 in floe Nth coneewion of
the said township of Wawanuah, cumin. -a ypg
on the northerly limit of the said gravel read.
at the south casierly corner .t the panel last-
ly above drarnbed, thence ...titherly along the
said gravel toad ICI feet, more or leas. to the
parcel containing the :el rods owned by our
%\'illiant T'homlwtrt, thence Westerly parallel
with the said concession road 8 ends. theme
northerly Pit feet. more 0- less. to the south-
w.•at comm of the ,mid•el lastly ab.. a de-
n -ribs.). thence easterly parallel ru the said
concession road .8 reds. t., to., said gravel road
sad place of beginning.
I'.(Ht El. 1.
This mimeo y is I!. mare from Hulniesville,
and about i mihm frau t'lintuu. .11a,ut t•1
acres are cleared and almost trey (rein unmpe.
and the brinier is fair.) timbered with. hard-
wood . .tuber.
Tao headings th.•r fin (onsist of a It story
!tour .Is':,-ltss.g hooter 381Jh a Crane torn lie
' tbrvuch the prem..,. and a gvu4 well adjoins
the hnu+e.
Thin' .. also • gro•.l hearing orchard con.
Meting of about Is1 t' -,it trees.
I .(Ia'ta. 2.
This property Ts shots 11 mil,+from Helmet.
vi11e, a1d 3 miles. from Pointon. abut to acres
ars cleared, and abort 1e acnes in hush. Soil
part clay and part sand) loam. the buildings
thereon ,cosset of a frame dwelling bourse 2145
211, with a mita II kII,hen attached- a frame born
:•x39, with • part stone foundation. and alean
to I2nSo. all in fair reppar.r.
A'never-fallltg sprittit .tri -aro flows through
the laird. and there is also a good well clone to
the bots•, and a small orchard of about 24
lysis trees in good bearing. The ten,•oson the
land are to fair repair.
These lots are tacant. but are eligible for
elthrr 4itsar.h-n ..r pirate n-sideace purpnsos
in the ilcn ing gills Meier of Teetiwaler.
1'A lit • EI, 1.
Thi. property 1..ituate •bout 11 maesfrom
the 1'uwn of, and about 2 nines from
the Village or Uuugannon. (bout 51) acres
are elear..l.:tt acre. are ttmher d chlrfly with
hen,.." -k. maple and beech. and •tout 5 •cies
of slash. cine soil i, for the most port a sandy
There ,. a 1! story franpe dwelling Iodise In
fair repair. and ■ frame barn MUM. nearly
new and in god repair oa the premises A
. nail creek flows through the land. and there
1• alai. a good well on the prenil.e..
I'AlH'E1, i.
Thi, 'onnpniws a tai.ublc• eoontry IMwel the enjoy Meal M a gond Madness,
bring the only licensed Hotel In the t ill....
The Hotel building is of tebrk. 1 wo stories
high. well finished. nearly new and in ggro.".ttdr1
repair. The aectonmradat von both in the Ilolel
and the actompanying *tablet le ample for
the transaction of w tgoed bn.tnew.
TTi• i.roprny is ip >• the main street in the was formerly used a Hotel. and routs
be mode arailab r for any ontlnan hualnom
Purpose. or occupied as a resid?nose by rho
expenditure of • small steno ,n retain.
The title no all tile•+. parcel. 1.
They are at present seder Mss Mit a
expire in the present year, and the
Ors of mai Owe will be telly stat 11K
There will las a reserved hid m upset mese
upon each parrvl. Tim pan -home will he re-
quired to pay M pry 4-070. of hie pun -hoar
money to the Vendor **bettors. ma the day
of sale earl the Wane into ('omit within ono
reaalb theenifter with•./ when the
ptneha,er shall ne entitled to a rvwtreyaisre
free from ell enenmhratir••e. e5,eps the said
Is other r•eptet*. 4he rrrtdhl•ma of nae
shall be the standing renditions. of the (Chen-
errs Ui v ielew of the lith Cour. of J owner.
for Inrth.r gwrtienlarwe apply in Maniere.
t Cameron. Goo 9 l'ansernn. 4t.9lelteww, fiats
rich . 1N.atrs Marlin t- li Dena, 41nlleiert
jlamltten. and to the Vewdor'o Phelle11eew
ell hat OMerbk. the Ugh day et Nay.
P. MALaiMNo11,
oA>R>iow A llotflD Ikatflet � aaw'9a.
a • ,. sSkMask
.:1.11-14 a .rabic lit:U, sn' part clay. and ppivest
rawly learn, several
Loans anb insurance.
KS Wper mai. Private fe 1 1 ' Oodsrlcb. '
MEAGER it IMA C. gig Auto. Jars J. A. llusrrus.
Godeneb, April, E N. Lawn 1Mr.
4E800,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO
OP CAMERON HOLT kCA711414014. shoal
ash. 1790.
Nada - oa freehold security. =to
thee. Bwa..e., Ooderleh.
amount of Private Fvada for Investment
it lowest rates on Mt-elessMerttta,tes. Apply
toG.IItROtt t PRO('U9'00T.
RP on Parte and Town Property et lowest In-
Wiles corner of sten .Wears and Weal
NSW. G,rierlck. ow or Butler '• bookstore.
messy wand at lowest rates of taterast.
RISTEIte, Attorneys
Oederlab. J. T. Darrow. W. Pre het. 170
Barristers, Solicitors la FMsnoery, ka
)detrich sad W hipfham. 111. 01 osmerea, (t
o� P. Hot. 111. 0. larnoroa, (ioiettea. W. it
llaoara Wtssbam. 17111.
terse!. worn/time purchased. s. Commutation
i moo
Torneeend deer South of Tun &toast OMes
charred. l'oaveyanclug Fre. reaoiisble.
\. B Burrowersosn obtain tstene7 In uneday
If We le istWsesery.-DAVISON k J011A
BTON Molasses. he.. 0oderich. Ifll
. We sad eefdeat Insurance Agent.
R-preenitt.g •emorim a l'onpan in..( Iso agent
for the ('*masa ya Sr" k 1 \auk•\t g Co.
Money to lead ea Mortgage, either In Town of
Yana Property. In any way to suit the burrow
•r. Office-imestalrst Kar's block (loderieb
nrvs-y-twilit • springs doer
►1.t• L CASE, M.D., C.M., M.C. P.S.,
ant. Physician. Surgeon. Acawacl%eer,
din. Mee --(That former) occupied by Dr.
Hutehiasenl Dungannon. -Night Lidice Mar-
tin's beset. 1931-
r B. WHITELY, M.D., C.M., PHY-
e/ . iill'IAX, Yurxeoe. Accoucheur, .tc., M.
l'.P.S.. Ueisrto. thane -The Square, 2 doors
E.M of Wil..onb Urug Store, up stain. 19101
1. . IAN. SURGEON. kc.. Graduate of Tor-
oronto University: I.1antiate of the Royal Col -
1 ege of i'hreic;rns, London. Knighted, kc.. kc..
Y. 1'. P. tt., Ontario. °Mce and reaideoce
Opposite alley's lintel, Hamilton street. liod-
ench IftSim
01110N. Coserer - cr. /Mice and residence
Bruce Street. se sr, door west of Victoria
!(trees. 1751.
. ciao. Burgeon sad Arconeber. Graduate
of Toronto University. Office opposite 'Weser
ren k Cameron's Hank. Lucknow. If not in
•Mee. enquire at the Bank. 17.5-y.
l Pnysictw. Surgeons. Acrouchere. kc.
office at Dr. Shannon s residence, near the
gaol G(derich. G. C. Suarsux. J. C. HAMIL-
TON 1:51,
J -
. RFEt:.vo:,,
Lecturer on the Eye. Ear and Throat. Trinity
Medical College. Toronto. and Burg. -un to the.
Mercer Eye and bar Infirmary. Oculist and
Auris to the Hospital for sick children. late
Clinical _Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic
Hospital. Moorfields, and C'entr'al London
Throat and Ear Hospital. 3I1 Cut -Keit 4TKrIrr.
March VOL 1644. 1896
0.0 TO
Goin Bought and Sold OM Coasmunert,
aaa]T not Tal
Money Leaf at Lowest Rate o/ imanef.
Real Estate and rinencial Agent
April Wits. 1901. 11b7 -1r
$50,001.1 CUNT.
■re prepared to loan money at t per cent„ pay-
able bait yearly. en
en Ontrlas, farm security.
Apply to
Barristers. (ioderick.
Agents for the Toronto General Trust.. Co'y.
Messrs. t'a1S11u.'l. HOLT k C•ueftou bare
also a larje amount of private funds to loan
on first-class farm security.
Oodericb. Oct. I. 1883. 191141
The Ontario Mutual
111111t•t *LPOO T. 10110111.0100h.
The only pnret Mutual 1.1te Cs. in t'aneda.
Total number of Policies is tone, Dec. Stat,
MIL 5,211. cuveriag aroma to the amount
of *Ak.572,719.W.
TtATAL AfNLT►.- 9103i.7ea M
TOTAL itaaEes'r.oral were
Irl R8'LCu. 1111113.7011.00
The Company's Reserves are based on tie
"ActuariesTable of Mortally." anti roar per
met. interest - the Highest standard slop eel
by any life corngrny in Canaria. and one-half
oar cent. higher than the standard used by the
Uuntinion'satire/we Department.
The increasing popularity end raped growth
of the Company may be seen trcm tM fact
4 tug in ISM. the erst Jean of L. burnoose • tee
total awns aewuoted to only 98,21•. while last
year they reached for hattdeome total of
7� OS00. al It 11. HENDRY. Manager.
F W. r+. HUM:iss. GenerAgent.
itratford- Ont.
afrAn active and reliable IMprict Agent
wanted for (,odertcb aid West Huron. Apgly
.t \ Ii ort i In:
to W. S. Honks. General Agent. Stratford.
r:ones to Loan a: low Rates of interest.
let .1n
(R.EI R.Ot3E_) FACTS ! !
A 4 Gallon Can and 4 Gallons FACTS ! !
Wean man afacteselifaTinIsaac t is twit I
of Oil for *1.25.
and also the patent
Milk Cans with Skimmers.
Goderich, April 19th 1084. 1Xr1-
That we have never been, and
never intend to be undersold
byany legitimate house in the
rade, either in Sugars, Teas, o eos
St,e -Age and intermeaiste
Steerage, $23.35.1
G- O D E R I C ' General Groceries, Crockery
- , It
Liverpool, Londot
nderry.Glaassggow Glassware at Rock
Loudon, Queenstown, Belfast,
Bristol, Cardiff.
Bottom Prices.
ALLAN LINE `�l 11 ,
Tx s SnokraT $KA ROTE To Ass rum
E N_ O L A N.: --- ---
Cabin Rate Prom Quebec to
Liverpool, $60.
From Quebec to Liverpool
and Return, $110.
Sailings from Quebec.
SARMAATIAN lith hlay
('IKeAaeIAIf ' - Anne
HARMATIAN (*4645690.) sarin.. * A "
I IRCAby81AS - 19th
POLVNF31A1 19th ••
I'ERI".IAN Mt;, •
b'•seengers rewrite to lean? Oederlch on
Thursdays.• at i2 o'rlrrk. making direct can-
oe lion with steamers at (Jur'(kr.
If you err sending for your friends. you can
obtain Prepaid Parearre Tickets •1 lowest rates
at this (MI,? avallab . from England. Ireland
Scotland. trance. Germany. Sweden an:
Tor '1 tike's and all bnfnrmat'on. apply to
Tielet Agent.
eric 5.
O. 0011.0111. Nay NIL iNt.
Come and See Us
Ceaet .Mar aq tare. God.rlek
its Fraction Drsi Store.
Fountain of Health.
Sulphur & Iron Bitters.
Fluid Lightning.
Burdock Bitters.
Electric Bitters.
London Purple]
- Pt' RE
810 SUITS. $1O.
All Wool Tweed Suits
FOR $10.00
�1 n arrrmSa.