HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-20, Page 7NI 'NM iffilillify tfiijtl v tfi rllh $l>iltON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JUNE '10, 1&4 • ,, Fun lino Fancy. A deserted waste --The old raa.1 a begat of sprang - " Keep . f the gam„ A well -pod barber -The man wbo shaves notes. It's • pretty dilloalt thing fora high- school girl to think et emsettliag to gay when •lio goes to write a oonsp..i UO., bat .s soon as she gets out of school, and whi:.• un Lite way b..se, Ohs can ss, a whole iewspap.r full without thinking. N. 1 long ago as advocate of female suffrage was eked : "How would you like to have year wife rosuing for uQia against you r mad the rel•iv was : " Nothing would suit me better. The family couldn't ask fur a softer thing than that.,' "Oh, yea," said Mrs` Parveuu, talk- ing about anomia at Mrs. Suddeurich.s' reception, " I jest dote on them sympa- thy concerts, sad my husband assists en our prescribing for the whole sones. Ain 1 them Beethoven npatdies real ale- pat." le- gaL.o The aceordtua heads the list of non- detiahle aced• going into Mexico. and there are three times lie many accordions s. guitar* in that country. Yet there are thaw who wonder at the revolutions and un.etttd condition of affairs in the land of the Mouteeumas. Fashion's Fancies. Buttons remain small and round. Bangles are net as muck worn as form- erly. Polonaises are more fashionable than oyer-akirta. Black satin and silk dress skirts hare beaded fronts. Ficbu. of black lace are woni over black Wk gown Muslin-de-Isiue will be rrviveu as a drew fabnc this summer. Violeta and pansies aro the favorite Sowers fur corsage buyueta Crepe tams many of the new bonnet*. The colon are pretty and dainty. Rrigir plaid will hs popularly worn for tr.velliti dune: the e . mn•er mouths. Linen c•.1lsn and culla ►sol pale tai se and p ::ok Lt is aro fashionable for to-'r'l- iag sem. Beaded shoulder canes mad wish hitch shoulder* will be much worn Lover black dreesea. The newest idea in tailor trade slits is that .1a jacket and vett, with plaited chemisette of Linen. Galloon or linked rings of silk cord in white, ecru, brown, blue ..r gray. •.r dark colon mined with gilt, are used for tntomin.c the thinnest nuns' veiling. Plastrons of lane, either white or Ilk black, have lung ends, whinh ere draped over the hips likepanniers and caught up un the tack drapery with flat bows. The utnhrels is supposed t.. match the suit this year, and sunk, ottonten. grog grain and old-f•.hioned changeable silks appear ii all the new calors. The new lace scarfs are three cards In length. They are tied in a large bow 11n the front .of tis. neck and the ends hang unrconined below the waist.'grexaR.'"_.-= A .!rest deal of exquisite embroidery is executed upon handkerchiefs, shit t are small, sheer, the edges cut in irregu- lar scallop., and colored most daintily. Jetted net plastrons in heart s:i•pe, e pointed or square, in a soft puff, ate made with a simply -trimmed dress of black silk, 'torah or satin. &orbs of alisooin. Fast well, least well. A wise book fondles los Are. Coen the union sud flee the doctor. Let the doubuug ouuk mast his fish. Diplomacy Beth soder the dish-o.,rer. The lean buyer maketb the fat seller. Discretion is the proper sauce for cheese. All stew is alike to the hungry don- key. A bad dinner is often redeemed hy a good Mad. Wise counsel cometh not from an empty stomach. Rare beef and well -cooked fish betray • wise cook. True economy in the household has beaver for its banker. Peace Indetb itself under the lid of the welI uunaged pot. All shoull profit by the aid of the cook --except the apothecary. Neither the nibbler nor the glutton knows the value of the feast. -(The Caterer. A Teasg Man • elIaea:e. Ale;( .beet this time in a young man's brief but eventual caner, or as stein thereafter as may be, he disc:users that he has been laboring under an erroneous impression. He has bean act- ing for some years in the ornate capacity of a clerk, and life t i him has been one unending round. Every Saturday night he has drawn out his weekly stipend,and tacked it casually away in hu vest pocket until such time as he shall get out among the horn Let us not forget that this weekly emolument was st the beginning of the young man's clerkly aver ex- tremely condensed, and indeed even now it is not in the wildest sense excessive, but yet, such as it was, the young man has grappled it momentarily each week, and presently dissipated it to the winds. Because, you see, the amount was small. He is a young man of .pint, and must Tire, you know. He is acquainted with roe bora. and the boys know his, anal ;,• u * ►.lied fellow, and they tell bion . with a merry slap on the beck, whereupon hca Isnlhs merrily in return, and consider,. f be compliment worth the sale tr.tor 31I around. We might have *mewled seal. aster with beer, but the ye.tlni mats we are discussing of is not a wil.l'y dissipated party. He is of • doss f.o:n4 in eeely town, who see life only 0,r. «gh the .ot,dly reckless medium of corers end ice -create and a horse and buggy for the girls. The weekly indem- nity they receive as clerks they consider all to.o .na!I issu;,ply even those moder- ate wants. As for savior any pertion of it-l.t1d ' S., it ioee-goes rapidly, *.,..w+ away. evaporates, and as eke the eau: .1 a \foo:+ lay en rises alike on the jun: and tiojtist. its rays fall upon never a cent of the wale. drawn by the clerk so gaily o:1 the Saturday night before. Not the tiro ideutial solitary red cent. . time stoed« on, each week a happy repao•luctioii of the week some past. Weekly esus m.ay tome. and weekly wares may ::o. anti the clerk -well, it seems t.. the :ler.. as though things were likely 14o g,• on forever. But. death- beloved and brethren tel ho order of worldly wisdom : There c .meth a time when a nusiness opening is proffered the erstwhile ,reedy 'fork. Somebody who knows be is hon- e st thourh possibly a trifle heelless, acne. to hint with • gilded programme that oilers fame and wealth. Whew ' but h • the clerk's breath grows shun at the glut:nus prospect. Will he tusk* the venture as a business partner 1 Well he would like t.• remark : And--er-how much--- ? Oh, .only a couple of thou- sands will he required to float the specu- lation upon the very top wave of unadul- terated success. As we remarked be fore, it is right at this point that the young man receives • dawnirg impress- ion that he has been at fault. Hereto- fore he has looked upon $2.000 as an in• deheite sort of s sum with which be had nothing to do in any capacity, and in- deed he has thought right. hut it loots even more indefinite and vague and past finding out. now. t'pw► the suggestion of a frien•1 he gores to old Moneybags, • bald-headed and precise man of wealth, but whu has a kindly heart and has al ways known the young man's family. And t" him the young man sets forth the intrinsic beauty of the bwineee scheme. and confidently winds up with a request for aid. Moneybags looks at him in a searching .i rt of way that makes the young man uneasy. and says : 'Two thousand dollars is quite a sum, young man. You hare neon a clerk for Eve or six years ; hew much have you saved op towards this amount 1 No doubt i an help yen make up the bal- e/Ma This is the place, 0 brother, this ie the identical, critical spot wherein the young man momma With merti6atios oh, hew profound, doth be confess that owing to the unayoideble confusion inci- dent to going to press he has neglected to lay by • cent. He goes not from the awful presence of the man .1 wealth with humbled crest, and be repairs to his home. And out in the old familiar woodshed of his boyhood days he hutteth his head five or six times against the wall, and sitting down upon the well- known saw back, be museth somewhat thee 'i am an am -an idiot. 1 have work- ed rare years sad a half en weekly pay of from 11.3 to 812. I have had no real emends on that money, not even to pay my board. irakily might 1 have salted own one-half of each week's pay, fore- going the empty pleasure* that have drawn from sae every copper. in that ease i would now have stoney is my pocket. and beyond that a reputation for Waimea wisdom that would give me credit with the hanks. 1 am 211 years old, and i haven't a cent i will now proofed in Mitt my head r: more times against the aide of Unlashed. and then i will go nett and he a sin forever diet.' And lot ea hope. deer realer, that he will keep this wise resolve. (Rockland Courier tM.stt. The favorite flowers for bonnet trim- mings are red and white cloot'er.cowslipe, white and purple heath, mustard and cress and hanging tulips or daffodils. A great many bonnets in coloured straw are simply trammed with velvet. an( a metal dagger, with ornamented handle. The brim is lined with silk. 1 Dark green cloth remains the ta hiesi- able material for riding habits. The pestilioa barques are plainer and mere seven than tobbeey have been yet They are mangle breasted and *minted in frost, with very short aides, and • fiat bisque behind. The edges are finished with a braid piping, or with stitching. The staadiug sonar is very high and the sleeves have no cuff. The skirt is scant and so short that it merely touches the neer when the wearer stands. Tb. troumers may be long and plain, or in knickerbocker fashion. Ince dresses of every deocription will be more than ever in vogue the co mmtng summer. For those who fancy the style will he Mother Hubbard dresses, all of black Weever sursh, either in black or in gray coloured foundations. These dreams. in white or black lace, it is salol, are not to be amide of piece lame, bot of that about eight or ten inches deep. laid row upon mw, knitted or slightly gather- ed, as is preferred. Beside the Hubbard dream will be those of lace ruffled skirts and pointed bodices of silk. veiled with net of a pattern snatching the design of the lace ruffles, and oriental met and lace will lead is popularity. Round waists will be in high favor in these. and belts and lone ends of satin ribbon will add a gnash' and pretty finish. - Oh! bow tired and weak 1 fee'. I doc't believe i will ever pleat through the Spring Bowe -,leaning 1 Obea you will if you take • butte or two of Dr. Carson's Stom- ach Bitters to purify your Mond anti tone Lep the system. In large bottlea tO Ms. Victoria County Council is moving to d have the bonuses granted In railways re- turned Destroy the worms or they may dee- troy the children,. Use Freeman's Worm Powders, they expel all kinds .of WORM!. m Thee are Wed Faso. The beet blood purifier and systems re gulat+er ever placed within the reach of %florist humanity, truly is Electric Be- reft. inactivity of the Liver. Riiineenes •laulndiee, Constipation, Weak Keineya, or any disease of the urinary omens, or whoever regimes an appetiser, to.nie or rr►malatat, will always find i[lectric Bitten the heat and only certain .ire knows. They set .why and quietly, bothnt . gearae.d to give satin ;� � or wended �teirl at atlas wain, 'et Ctt,QAl nig -A name well known in owweeliott with the Bair Renewertwhieh restores grey hair to is. natural ...oleo by a few Imola ase. Sold at 10 meta per bale by James Wilson. Its A BRITISH SNOB. M•el tine olio Leek* er r'.ttl s. '1 doss' leek that biases ion l.il,' said OW Made Pete, as he st•anl ..it Its.- a'oroer and saw the tueu.hrr..A 11....1,.14/ wedi- a.l ...essay passing by. IAou't like shat hu.iusms ' •sued a tryst .oder. I dost Leel all duns .i..rtus er n.erlin here '' e 1t lay '' ry ate herr In the uttereat of hash h . ,. , science.' 'pat . al. you knows 'bout It Ver esn't furl as, a ._Ir.' lir oissetl/t. toyer au' punkt' j+ 'ergot h. r ter 'Alai ..v le Masi, Ing Ile. pe lls. Wee Lemma Thud taasaetan Rsdwee alai, fare w Mews.. air Rtes. sem* Theta.. Then ars gentlemen by 'suture and then are smuts by nature, who by moos of sn.me res.sundin•• title,fascy they have • right to orrrnd. everyone else. On. of Lha latter c1.•., who hails from the British lakes, towed tbrouth tins easy a few .lays ago. He called at one of the railway offices in this city and enquired 'Who is the mus highest in authority here --ba r Mt. -' 'Tell hien I want to Dee hien-ba' 'He is not in town.' 'Who acts during hie abeenee -ha 1' 'Mr. --, his secretary.' 'Tell him I want t.. see bim-ha-' 'You'll find bite upstairs en the first flat Turn to the - 'Youttg man, I ons she it,iug upstairs. He must come to see me. I as Major Defiers! Sir John C. McNeill, K. C. B.' The secretary case down and area shown a letter from the general manager 01 the road, asking that attention should be shown to hi. cou:foort. Accordingly • telegram was sent forward asking that the necessary attention should be shown him. He went forward to a lake port where he gut on bard a steamer, and walking up to the purser said. 'I wash the rooms for Sir Juhu C Mo - Neill, K. C. B., at once.' 'You will have to wait your turn. There are forty or fifty ladies and gen- tlemen here before you, but I will get them as soon as I can ' But I won't wait, 1 war.t my rousnu at webs. Do you know who l am ! I am Major (:amoral Sir John C. McNeill, K. C. it., himself. eI am sorry, sir, but you will have to take your turn.' 'Young man, 1'11 have you dismissed.' The matter was referred to an import- ant official who happened to be in port at the time• and the K.C.B. sent a very insolent message by the porter. The lit- ter noon returned with a reply from the official in these terms :- 'I don't are a - it you are Major General Sir John C. K. C. B. Yon will have to take your turn with the rat, and the best thing you can do is t., fall into line.' It is needless to ray that the Major Genre! K. C. B. wilted and fell into line. while the Toronto official, when he nit ulned,gave his secretary a wigging tor comint gtittcall. - t runt to airy •t wwbn elegram. t'easwew ,Meme ea the Seat* Art. Tise contest over the adoption of the Scott Act u being wt_ed with great vigt.r in several c,suntiee ih Ontario. It is not a little singular, however, that the speakers on both 'idea should he arguing the old question of :he hearing of drink upon ho,natt happiness. That is eurel a dead issue. The 'those of aloohulic !Moors which all teuipierance Iegislati. n is intended to check, is admitted, by none more readily than by the drunkard los roe meanents,to lie a curse. Mr. E. King Drddi a attempt to show that there is more crime in Maine than in Il- linois is altogether beside the nark, un- less he is also prepared to prove that the comparative lightness of crime in the latter is due te whiskev-drinking, r bile its greater prevalence in the former u traceable to the prohibitory Is w. Mr. Dodds will hardly try this, ret it is ts,o only test by which the pri•.on etatisaer so often dragged into temperance discus- sions cam he mads of value. Much at - attention is of course, paid by )1r. Dodds and Isis opponents to the woreimg of the Scott Act in the c'unties where it is in force. Dodds says that it blues n •t prohibit, on the contrary that it estab- lishes free trade in whiskey. If this he true, it is ressnnahle to ask why the liquor dealer*, who complain so natter -Iv of the protection of high license fess, op- pose it. On the other hand. the temper: ante advocates maintain that the Act weeks well wh rt has been ad.pted, sad point to the fact that attempts t•. re it have always resulted unsuboeas- ally. The truth appears too he that the Scott Act, like any oth •r law, works well whom it is wen supported by public opinion If, for instance, it were passed by a snap rete in a hard-dnnking cwn- sseity, it would inevitably fail. for it is not the law, hut its support by the strength of public sentiment that tells. We have seen during the lent few years oldie unhappy history of Ireland how powerless, even when bezked by the re- sources of an empire, is the law againt murder in districts where the moral vis- ion of the majority has been itnpp+,►ired. Temperance legislation. t be eieelivet meet be approved not merely by a toe jority of the people, hut by such a ma- Jority as shall be able t compel general respeet for it. Of the beneficence «f pro- hibition then is no question ; it lansah- ee the worst enemy of the race ; hut be- fore an attempt is made to pass it, whether in Ontario or Manitoba, its ad- vocates should make sun that public sentiment can not only pass it bot en- force its general observance, .otherwise In rry mrighteous ay be done to a rightus 11.2111e.}Winnipeg San. See Identity R tahltnbee. Little Nell -'We've pilot a new •apolar in our school.' Papa - What is her namer Little Nell --'Her ramex Minnie.' Papa --'Ret her other name r Little Nell -'1 don't know. 1 forgot to ask her.' Papa Is she a good scholar r Little Nell- 'No ; she missed the first question. The weather raked how many pounds make a ton, and she said 1.$01).' 'Ah ! i see. She a the daugh- ter Mr, Blank, the oral dealer.' Prof. Low'. Sulphur Soap is highly recommended for the cure of Eruption. Chafes, Chopped Hands, Pimples, ran, tis In, Dr. Lire's Wows Syrup hss removed tape worms from 15 t.. 30 feet in length. it oleo destroys all kinds of wortaa m Jeered hes Debet., etf Paris. deelaree thee tlae maintenance or rwptrre of Mande mations with England ia et stake, For aetile rash, baking piled, ring. worms weptsdwts, and all akin dutusee, ees Peet. urea'. Rnlplser Soap. s -eseese asses. PteCegr to (heat Hritao--6e. Iter+enaee by each route. Registration (se S.•- Money orders granted cm all mo.eyof- aces,n ('.,sada. I'nit. 1 *atm GreetHrilain, Prince Kdward island. New(uundlauei and h, - dia. liepueiia received under the regulation. of the punt ...ace aavIng. bank bet wren the hours of $ am and 62e p. n.. Registered letters must ks. plated LS negates before the sloe, tet each trail. Oaka taunt Sado. to 6M p.m.. 8saidays ex- cepted. roast a* ImisTAoa. Canada Lavine been admitted into the Por tai cat,s there la a rearrangement of peetal rates. as (allows : Fur Austria Belgium. Denmark. Iceland. 1130 pt. f'reaur, Algeria. (lermaas% Gibraltar, Great Hritaln and Ireland, Greece. Italy. Lux- eaberg Malta Montenegro. Netherland. Nor - e.). Persia, Portugal. Azores, itou atua Rued*. kit. Pierre, Mereta, Neale. the Canary !elands Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. Aad via felted States: Iiermuda, Bahartsas, Cake. Danish Colonies at tit. Thomas- St. John. St. Crolx, Jamaica. Japan, and Porto Rico. (Newfoundland is now in theiP,,ste' Union. bet the postal rates remain as before.. Letters teemNewspapersperi mince. Postal cards 2 cente rs.•b. 2 meats for 1 ounces. Registra• tion fee S cents. Fur Aden, Argentine Confeds nation, Brazil, British Guinea, Ceylon. Greenland. French (Wontee in Ada, Africa Oceania.* and Amer- ica except Mt. Pierre and Miquelon. Persia ria Persian Gulf. Poet ugueee Colonies in Alibi. AMP. (beanies, Trinidad Spanish Co' Ludes In Arica Oceania& and Aoeriq except cubs anper d Ma.' Rico. Straits Se(tlensenta in Signo- r tea• nook.�te.. lcand .alacca for for 1 ea. Letters fees lir. West India Islands ala Halifax, lime rate as formerly. Prepayment b7 stamp in all Australia rexcep( New mouth Wales. \ i.- toriat, and Queensland : Letters -c., papers 1 cents. Australia, New Mouth Wales. Victor:a. QueenslaNew Zeand. via fa+An Francisco: --Letters llc. Se., papers Alaso•t .•rry pill contains stlesmel two ether Mineral o.anpr.s.da. Dr. Carson's /Stomach I:,:ter.. w purely repetvhle stet lake. the I•Loa of all other p,8' atel.s. it. Iasie bottle* at 50 mut. es Thousands bear educes t.. Ibis da- tive curative powers of the GaxAT (iaa- Mac Invlo.owaTtte, the wily remedy that has prueed steel( a specific for general debility, seunsisl weakness, impotency, etc., and all diasaaee that arise from sslf- abur or oeertaaed brain, finally ending w etesumption, insanity mid a p I.ume- ture emelt Sold by all urumgists, or will be sent free on receipt of !1.11) per (sox, or six Iaszes for Jam. Address F. J. Cnasei, Toledo, ')bio, sole agent for the United titatea Send for eir•:1 air and testimonials of genuine curie lie., Rhyne, G.,derich. 3s Ds. Low's YLaaaacT WORM SYR( r. - An agrreah r, safe and edectu•1 remedy Iia regfroor art -kinds of worms, w 1 Lift *eetyllFresees. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutthn:son, Kau , saved his life by a anomie Trial Bottle .of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con- sumption, which caused hint t.. ancon a largo bottle. thatcnnplrtely cured lam, whet' Doctors, Glia u.0 of climate rapt everything elite had failtvt. .\5th•,•, t -- - Br.nsitltle, H.,nelirs., Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, at is guaranteed to cure. Trial B111tles at J. 11'i'a.n's drux store. Large air.' t<1. (1). 1 Ni1,IlAh 1 CARP. bltl rlrlt Ark;. CWT. TuatuaTo ratahllabe ISE PH(YNI N INS. I'tYY. of Loupes £fol) -- laraWished Inek ■ARTT()KD IN l'O'Y. of Hmorrows Coy ' Make ta'Catalans/eel k Wts yDbore first Blass Mos at the lowest rates M HORAI'i: IIORTCN. TheMla as A prainn of the CANADA PTiN, LOAN awn SAVINGS CO. et Tesenro. Mese, le leas en Sreletlete secrrtty, eels T te $ per Coat -,Changes sederate, HOKAI'h HORTON. Getter' : h !teat 1e. 100t . Theorem. 71i,.. ., li'''.•.:‘,..,m1,/„.:71i,.. ,irtht& .It ,e ,�J ••.ir,l.t.tns,llcm �s,,.m hero ha slot brat► restored .., +Le moo( theory.* GERMAN INVIGORATOR! whiB! i .,'.era) gad permanent ) cureata- peeers) o au., -d b) rxt•eno . 111 any Mad,/ m %.ire' Nell; ms. t Stesod MI d•era•r• that fel- •s% as • ssquss , r of self -.(bels.. a.; lomat en• ".n. hes e4 onetime m.lsmaid leash ade, pelt t , the back. (Ileum's of r'aion. prema- ture' ol•' are. a•,d saan7 other diseases that lel 1.,naaaity or r,.nnesption and • prena- t'I C grave. &s-nd for sirsulars with testtnwalals tree by nat1. The 1%1Ie.e5.ITe/R f• pad at el ase Lux. er six b..at a for $6 by all druggists. or wtl he sent free my mall, ee•rurely scaled. ea receipt u( prier, by addressing F. J. CIIENEY. Drssggist, le summit !+t., Toledo, 0100 Ggo. Itn►YA•, tide Age rat for Goderlch A Resssrbable escape. Mrs \Lary A. Dailey,of TunLI .o nock, P:.,was atliitteod for six year* wish Asth- ma gild Bronchitis, (luting which time the hest physicians could gine no relief. Icer life ,rite chop tired of until in last Octotser .1.,. pr••c'tr•.l a hottle of Dr. Kinn• Netr Diu•...tot. whro i. taetii'ttc Folic( was telt, , ...1 •y .^I.tlttuill, it.; ilii• for a ellovt time .1•- •ca+ completely enr- ol, gaining 111 t!r.h is() 111. in a trw .u"ut:.. Free Trio: L..tt1w ,.f t:eis certain core of all Th r..et and Lung Diseases at Jaa 54 i!son'a I►rug Store. L•rte R•'ttlrs Dr. Low'. Worm Syrup will rent. •!'• g:.00 (4) worm= and cause quicker than any ot! .-, sitamg, "MrT medicine. ni '•No ; she linger•.ol 1114 oath -.i along, "pi uint: all the time for rears. the doe - Mose yen Tbeagbr about G. N hy suffer a single moment, when you can get immediate relief from all inter- nal and external pains by the use .1 Pol. son's Nerviline, the great pain curt.. Nerrilinehas never been known to fail in a sin(:r ase ; it cannot fail, for it is a cons,.... ion o1 the most powerfal pain sub,ln•,•: remedies known. Try a 10 ct. ssnirle t.,ttle of Nerviline. You will find Nerviline a sure cure for neuralgia, tes.thache, headache. Buy and try. Lane bottle 25 eta., by all druggusts. Sample bottles only at -fames Wil. son's. R= =R $t, ease and Intermediate Steerage, $25.3E. O.ODERICH -T.1- - Liverpool, Londonderry,Gl1aegqow London, Queenstown, Belfast. Bristol, Cardiff•. ALLAN LINE ter ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHi;''t LIVERPOOL- 5.GN18 )N DERRY -DLA . 0% Tait SHoKTIS SSA Rot'Tit To ARO Fa.uY ENGLAND. SPEED, COMFORT'.AND SAFETY L'Nfil'RP.\SSED. EVERY SATURDAY FROM! QUEBEC. Cabin Rate from Quebec to Liverpool, $60. From Quebec to Liverpool and Return, 8110. Sailings /rntn. Quebec. 8A RM ATIAN PARIMIAN 21tb •• SA RR DIN`` 11 ...............-s... 31st " ('11RCA'S ,,.., ... 7th Jun POLYPI, 11.11 " PARiSIAN soh MAHMATIA_I( IOUsrrJ 2Ah ' HARDiNIA...».....,........•M t% July CiR('ASSIAN 12th . POLY NRSIAN 11th " PRRI'TIAN tslb •- Pasee.grrs reontrw to leave (ioderieh no Thursdays. at It o'clock. making direct en- ne mite with steamers at Quebec. If )en are sending for your friend., you ran obtain Prepaid Passage Tleke,• at lowest RIM .t this °Moe, aeadable from England. Irelan•1 Moot Ian&, France. I:ermer,,. ' widen .n I Norway. For 7 kk.tm and all information. apply to R. ARMSTRONG Ticket Agent Goderleh. Goderleb. May 1tmh. ltlet. 17th May $66• week at home. SLIM n outfit free. Pay ahanletel7 sure. lie rink. Capital not required. Header, It yoe want hosine.s at which p.rwsm a either net. young er old. ran make areal pay -:I she time the work, with absolute certainty. Write for 1nn particulars to H. Hauser de Co.. Portland, Malmo. 11611. R. PROUDFOOT lima Jest r.teired his Spring Rtock of Der (Jos awl Welles. All are New bad Well Nstee•ted, which he f - fon at the Lowed Pesaibie Prima. SLAM Hess flacon MLard. (lees►• Roller uen H.rv11k' mfJ �M/e. from Manitoba whose. Glen Pier. Family Flour. and .sats. Rena, aborta. and ■11 ether kind. M feet Pesemee. Predawn. Thew la [:.bens-. Obeds Aellr.twl ?mein aur part of th« teem God fleatV.r4. R. PRt)p'hlhN►T, ()Maw Vletarla sad Nebulae streets, oeeetar* Fair IJrelad., Oedo.rteh. Map title. iMI. ins "ton doing her no g••rl ; and at last eau ...ret! 1,y this Hop Batters the papers say all 111Uch ats.nt Lala,• ! indeed "how thankful we •Irotld be for that "medicine ". Tho People's Livery y Ntr I m"opte are alwaysea tbt 05 for '-lair',. to tsc.Irea.e.. then eernings.and it. time be • e mine wealthy : those who do n mprove their opportoa Gies remain in poverty. We offer • area reams to nuke moue%. We want men, wo- men. boys and girls to work for us in their own Loa alllies. Anyone can do the work pro- perly trent the first sort. The business will pS) mors ihaa „•n limes ordkaary wagm. lTa- ppeeueier uutltt furni-h.•d fere. No one wboea- drgr. (ail* to make money rapidly. You as weenie your whole tune to the work. or only yusr .fare moments,. Fur information ani a•1 thnt n, er..ary erns iter•. Address IRsw t'u'tar.d. !ta rr- $;00.00•ewacl We ail Ivy the above iron .! ` - e.. ;ase Lit e•• t'turmpota,r:t. Dysprpe.a. r ti.adaehe, Indigestieu, l eINAyittion ter t 1111.1•14 LIMN we Bann..+. urs x• itis West's Vest tc'..:• Liver Ma. when Olt dtt.-,. Is aarestriat!, iso implied with. Ther; t -s' pixel Vegetable..td sever tall to iris.- . , ata•••`• . Roger .'aa:e,t. Urge Beam row me. re sils. St cet.tr. For MN by all lir,_ •'• were of coantereeits amid helts- Owe,. '1'C.yresuine sanwfa. surae only by JOHN 5 WtST Q CO.. "'The pill Makers, blurt It lime to. Fist. Toronto. Ont. Free trial p's. ►age sent by nu: prepaid on receipt rat • S sent stamp. r.r wale at WIL,t41i'a SKIM *TORR. Health is 'Wealth: J. P. FISHSR k JOIN ;i; OI, Hatehm • ::o,- o' ".c 1.1%•-.y hu•Iness of Jnes. K. Heart. t."' -.any owned by Robert Kerr. w•HM' a aha tet nuhtk patronage. Ki.•ms', •e +s,'.•.11Iion co all, and ..i • .,C4 77':27.A13t �: j✓ 13 .. r. �Fa• 'a. /tar., + , It..!..v-. e:, . . , •.'..Itrh.• t. dm f,,ester''' ; plIll Alit/ a +tTW V �t1�M.�t `s�N r( ►• .u• tlfi .ter re- ivi ,}ceis.st o yeetM to t•;•, w', •ir ` .see (In.- . t'.1a • t F ��,,%tett•M� y;•.lM threer „t " tre tµti'7td(i.t4t ionAei zzjT'ilyro•taresei Itertitils016 i $1CCC PO'e.T Hat if g the nta.et cnrtldegr,- ... .1- • inte•r Wray tot re•s:1., :a•:w. earl alt.•r I. .•..•o.14 of tats.^ tet the i.r.., complicated a•..t .re"rte us * t..• meld Gbit. w, rayl us. :.w•...a tel:i'• u•l taK:•, i.rlt Alter Ttassena-f1iu:lar. iter au, ca.• , .ougb.. eOda. sure 1h,-... influen:•a hoer+. 11e141. b. • • .1.,1... .1 n sbhq.urm' ,n it* tee.•.•, w . • ; .ng trnsgh. 111111 nil 4111..1,4,1 of .lot ',,relit and .0 .qqs. "5•11/1 /111 hill*. fur wh.. • we only :hams reheat. N,at ns eau% cure who West', lsas4:1 tt nip. sorb n sakes. accord Ins 1.» dtrevat••tsa vnq't.• hu • 1-.,. a and Mo cetd: i ism, -toren ,m • ok,lw,r. 1:• auiaa wr.o•t..•n oils •a his••. r. 1.1 i.. as dru -gion, or* tit 1yrexpresso'r'-s• .,'I .•. ;•,,.•,-. Jot( Y.: 4. W F-T4'l.'A►., el ane x3 JCif. : ,ss- Cl Fast. Turret*. Ott, Held ei JAM. WILSON 8 Drug gyne (iedcrkh iel:,- )Lir. F. 4. W g's-r's Nn ave A.ct. Dame 'IMaae vr►wT. a gtuorautrett epevitle• for Hysteria. Dia sine•. 1',.,., ui, nue. tits. Nerrdos Neurshla lit anisette. Nen OW. Prostration caused by use of alcohol or tobacco, Wsketulneta, Men Lal Depression. Softening of the Brain, result fog In In.anitti and 'rad'ng to misery, deco; anal .loath. P'reputnre Old Aar. Itarrroness Lona of Power le .it net sex. Invbluntsry Losse and Spernarorrhtrn. tarred by over-exe t/a of the brain, ,.elf -.Mese or over-indulgeaot One hoz .will cure r. cent cases. F..ch bolero talus one mateth'. treatment. One dollar• bot or .'x boxer for fire dollars : sent by mall pr ppwaffd em reeeip of pi :re. We guarantee i it beset, so, i see any dee. With each order n cis:11,4 M s... for six boxes. arcompanled eft Ave dein.,. ear will send the purchaser ea earl io.. :rsen.u',-e in refund the money 1f to Ire .tnic.t.r .leer, not effect a Cure. G..arat.4 teettel only M JAfnbt WILSON,Pole L.eA niton. forfoderich, (Int. JOHN (' W M: CO.. tole pronrietors. Toronto Ont. GENUINE !SINGEli SEYJ!% MACHINE. CHAS. 1'RETTl Ha% mg been s.ppniatevp egret c • the apt ma. Moe. beg+. to *046.it the epeual pubife p ronege. amid will Fame:.,earl rte oft Ube terms. Try the GenuinE Ite.idenre : V,,torsa .:r,•,,, near the lldii ('boreb. tal.•riek. GoderleI . lieu. 13. tela3. A week 'aide a: hoose by the do .'Hoo. test Dimness now fore the tmhlie. Capita Set ■ IA. We will start you. lee++ men, boys and girl wanted ei where to work for in. Now Is the (base. e ran work In *mire time. or vire year lel sante to the loudness No other bowl par you newly so wells he ort ten make ersorm,n' pay. by engaging at 1'o.ely motet and teres fele. Moot] fast• easil end honoraul T 1. 1 Address Co.. Augusta. Maine 111 !101 k sae BLOOD BITE Cures Di:rutest, Loss of Appetite, Ids'e$tlm., filiousnd; (Dyspepsia, Jauar1i'e, AJcet i,. s' f Me Lir!". and XJ3tei Pimples, I:lot cls:+, Boils, , I i umrfrs, !Salt Mean, &'r06114 Erryp-Gu, and o!1 d;,a'ases or a:nJ from impure � 11180#1r., ,rel fir -1 .S •,m,: ••JI. (,i i.7e ,�s ,.r (4114111 n, 11,e BRr'.'. f sd�1a3G77t"4PO7t i.ri41. elk H. 111 .. wnINVJNI d�3-10 KAGYAR p- " YELLOW ;CURE S..RHEUMATIS FR,EERAWS WORN POWDE1 Are pleasant so tams roosts Psrgatioe is a safe. res., sad Ase•bwyer lir warn. i. Children MA •n,l Aare hop, + xn me•bine 'n . I lr+i.lea.. ,,,hiii aw t. lee • week is' row. V. ,."Ifll tr.., N• Ht. I are an r w. I rtal set re. i. irrd. q •• r ,os es eryshiee. Many are wsesl'+ Lail I. /oak, ss muwb se mon.,,,I, Met make great Oar ReaAer, ia.'itees at *look res sen task Om t.wse write herr parties idiom iff re. Marton 'tat '" e