The Huron Signal, 1884-6-20, Page 6J 6 THE HU twit tutinms, rtuDAYi U111.15w,100L mita Iie Pvet3 Corner. Sao .1 Witaana. Mr Memo et weasea What ar. timid Tie right to labor. lamla . ud pray. The right ta weep wills time trust weep. The MEW kr areas resale ethers dem. Tbo rent to dry the caritas 1505.The natal te qs4011 the rising Naar. TM to atamth tits brow of ors, Aod whisper usatifort to despair. TM tight to watch the part.ag t",-eath. 'Te smooth &ad cheer the hod of death, TM Hight, rhea cartel) hopes all taii. To bolsi to Oat *So soil. Theo "iglu the waaderer to reclaim. •ad hue the lost front eta and shame. -r1*.o. rigid to o..vaiturt sad to Mem flit w gdow .34 *10 fallterivis. Tbo right tbs. little one, to guige. Is Mamie faith to hiss who diad ; WItli earnest love and .104.14 praise st To Moms ud cheer Gird. ) 4141Ar 44 dill. TM right the intellset to train. Aad gulee the aoul to noble alai ; Teach it io rise abut. e earth's tos a. Ana wins AA WO) to bee. tidy 3.1)s. The right to live for tisc.c am love. Tee nett to die thels 1.ve to prot • . \ 1%0 right le brighten liontes _With pleasant smiles a34 'I tunes. ire them thy raghte I Th. n use them weft Their holy indurate 00' out ltd. If Mese are thine. why ask for nion. Thou hart 501041*. to mower tor. Am Qom thy rights Teat. murmur not 'net woman • mission te thy laricove Oto God has lot ea : Lite • duty done. tio r..1', III brit% en. o0 11 THE CON DU C ro R to tura and smile at the boys through he wiodow, ead throw • kiss at theta, lissause he didn t want them to think he would go Lack entirely en old friends ; but when he got in the baggage oar and sat lowso 5 chair, he looked hke • oleo that had lust every friend. Al the neat station • woman with • little girl was cross to the child, and jerked it along by the anu, and he snatched the little one from the mother, and tenderly lifted a ou the car, and the mother looked indignant, aud she got on the car and pushed the little one aloog the aisle, end set it down in the seat as though she would like to break its bones, and the conductor tooked at her as though if she were a man, he wtsuld everlastingly wipe the plattorm with her. He got on the car in the rear of the smoker, that tone. because his old friends, the dimmers, were so thought - I less nf ha feelings. He did not realize that they were unaware 44 hie sorrow. Every kindly expression from the pass- engers seemed to him like an uufealing remark, and he would have given a month • salary to be at home, or any- where that everybody felt as bad as he dni At the next station he got a dispatch, and his hand shook like a leaf, arid he dare not look at at out doors, but he i 'Ike Remota Mae Hoye mid mil 1 ad*. image Elm. Illairmal OM age. An eld favorite is the remedy Weems as Dr. Fowler% Ifejltreet of Wild &raw - berry. Thir.y years reliable fur Castaillea inerlaue, diarrheas and summer suss - plain& 2. went in the smokerd and ,at ••wii n (rent ot the dreamier., and opened the thspatch, glanced at it and put his head on hia hand. aud leaned his elbow on the window. The boys looked at I , ani one said not thinking that anything had occurred • n• J.4 co"1"" r had 't'-'1114Y1r14"ff Enure than the usual order to hold the lett n few days on account •;f areLtiess at track for aio•ther to pass, 'Hello, the old boom, illit one day he appeared on his nisi' has gut the discharge. oh. I have been expecting it since he collected that twenty cents from the tramp last week, and knocked it down" . Then they laughed, and 1;fi, 4.f the boys touched the conductor On the shoulder sod raid, • Never inineLoht boy, us fellows e 1.• see you through. 'We will got a sample case for you '-,to was nu re like an &pond to hi* Heavenly W,.' Father t•• watch over the tab). ot henie. The conductor reached the dispatch Four 4' 're sitteig i.e.:redder inover to the travelling man and said : two mats, all load friend* a the eon= 'Read it,' and the friend read, 'Your ductor, and as Le oink their thousand. baby is dead. Cum* back en mile tickets to pinch, one said : i;IV e your train t44 your head brake - 'Old man, you sere up late last night, man.' Beware of tne wOle cup ;' and lie lauolo 11 was signed by the division superin- 1 edand the conducter triol t.. smile, hut tendent. The four pairs of eyes that he couldn't read the dispatch, had cousin them, and Another drummer wh•• luo' travelled fur throats choked up so it was a min- ! we before anybody could speak, and then one of the boys went and sat down by the conductor, who was crying like a • Wil. aware Itewnstria- J. Wilma is always alive to his busi- ness, &ad spares im pains to scours the bast of every &mole in bra line. He has secured the agency for the oslebratedDr King's New Dteocivery for Consumption, the only certain cure known tor Con- sumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis., sir any affection :4 the Thrust and Lungs. Sold on • [martini guarantee. Trial bottles tree. Regular sae $1.00. (3) Pain (new indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating is relieved at came by taking une of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately alter dinaer Don't forget this. lin. toga bookie- tole, and ths brakemen, who Lid real Iltt hiin tor pant knew the conducterr's mind wss se ay at the beilaide ••1 his sick baby. With punch in hand, aril his heart In his throat, the conductor entered the smoking cir, and said Tickets,- in a voice ii.,t at all like ila mud! sound. It Com Oar Roalbass. As nuateintie testiasontals will show. there ii tio mote reliable sure for deal - nem than fiegyard's Yellow Ott It is ale.. the best remedy fug ear &eke, sure Hama, ortrop, rheumatism, and for pains and lameness generally. Feed istorually sod esternally. I -. Was osiesseseas Oloadsomt. Mrs. Helen Pharvis, No. 331 Dayton St., Chicago, HI., is now in her sixty- eighth year, and states that she has suf- fered with Coseumption fur about too years, waa treated by nine physiciaosoill of them pronounciag her cies hopeless. She had given up all hope of over recov- ering. Seven bottles et Dr. King's New Discovery for Con•uorption completely cured her. Doubtruir ones, please drop her & postal and satisfy yourselves. Call at J. Wilseas drug &tore and get a free trial bottle. (1) Seeing is believing. Read the testi menials in the jamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bottle iand relieve yourself of all those distress- ing pains. Your Druggest cati tell you all about it. Sold by J Wilson Goderichj 2itt The am olf Pills, tialts.Castor Oil, &c. and other nauseous, griping Cathartios is 'unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute is found in Dr. Canon's Bitters, which act as a Cathartic without griping or causing nausea. All druggists sell it 50 cents • bottle. hewer Wm lb. If you are suffering with low and de- pressed spirits, 1•••• • f appetite, general debility, disordered bkeal, weak consti- tution, betulache, ••r any disease of a bil- ious nature, by sill amens proem% a bot- tle of Electric Bitten. You will be sur- prised to see the rapid iniproveaumt that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return; pain anti misery will cease, and hence- forth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents • bottle by J. Wilson. 161 Stockholm's Andes Salve. The greatest medical wonder u. the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilb1ains1 Corns, Totter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded. 25c. per box. For sale by J. Wilson. ly. kraal's 11.11 Llorkralast Is the only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing a few drops briskly is All that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kraut's Fluid Lightning. 25 cents per bottle at George Ithynasdrug st••re. with the conductor for years. and loved him as a brother, thinking he was a little off, paid: '0 boys, wait till he goes i sough the child. and witid train and collects a few cast. fares, anti '1 *1.1 friend, all a us have babies at he will briohten up. Thin I will tell hcoue, and not one of us would have him the last story an•I they all laughed joked you had we known •.1 your sorrow. at their old friend, and he punched the Forgive us, old pard !' last of their tickets and input on with a The conductor said it was all right,and forced smile, a tear drop rolled he knew they pitied him, but it had al - down Ins rk cheek, the by. thought most broke his heart to have them talk so, and he went in the baggage car to prepare to leave the train at the next station. he had a cinder in his eye. The laat drurniner dapped lihn on the arm and said. 'Coine back soon to your own chickabiddy; and as he went out As he :eft the train, four large -hearted of the car a laugh arose, and he st•.od drummers. who looked as though they, on the pOittorte & minute bemuse he • too, lutd been bereaved, shook hands felt faint, and then entered the other car. He knew almost every passenger, and en any other day he would have been proud to have them speak t•• him as they did, and chaff and Ad, nut that day every word seemed to be it bul- let. He was j•resent in body, but his nund wile far away, and when h. put a check a the band of a lady's turban hat. in- stead of putting it on the window, and she blushed and the passengers lauolied, they thought he did it for • joke, but it was because he tli•1 net know what he was doing, his mind being with the rock baby at home. He hurried along, and a lady with a littio three year tad girl WOA neiCost child just the age of his sick one. The mother had thought it would please the conductor to let the child hand the ticket to kift.sRa th. 14tle one had the tickets is ite fat heed, Sad was shrinking back behind the mamma, trying to must- er up courage to hand the ticket t•• the big conductor, who had t.ften held her in his lap when she was on the train when he would laugh so heartily that the child would be surprised, and he would tell her of his little laby at home. The child peeked around mamma's shoulder, and saw the conductor before ; Itio saw her, and he looked so changed and sad that the little one e•pene: her *yes in wonder, and handed up t ticket carefully, rs though he would bite, and when he saw her he almost fainted. and when she said, 'Where's osir baby,' the thought his heart would jump out • t bie brenst. The tears ran down his face. and he whispered, She may be liying sow ! and as he went out on the plat- form at a station he felt that it would be a mercy if the train wen1.1 run ever him. He went in the ter and hnished hts ; work, and returned to the smoker and sat down in the end seat. Then he g••t ! Dervires and went in the baggage car. passing the large hearted iltutumers,whe ware full of fun and 'ranted him to la, and they said .C•one, old boy, out down hen and ; hate • smoke,' but he said in a hooky swim that he hada t time. and as he • - went eat the door be braced up enough I tenderly with the cooductor and bad* hint good bye, and then went in the car and agreed that they couldn't be too careful about their levity, and their thoughts wore all the afteruoon with the stricken conductor and his dead baby %• ..41* Weed im Fall A fader* to relieve ••r cure summer cerupfaints eau never be truthfully ap- plied te Dr. F;•wler s Eitract of Wild Strawberry. All dealers sell it. 2. 18841. Saginaw and Bay City Route, THE ST EA NI 1101 O00]110 G. W. M,cGREGOlt. MasTICK. Will lease GOli Mil. weather permitting. on and after June 5h, 1884. making WEEKLY WWI 1111 TP?* du,,ag the reason, as follows • EVERY 1HURSDAY t'IubRatco. We have made arrangements to club Tits SIGNAL with city papers at the rates given below :- Signal and Daily World ......... •113.50 " tVeekly 2.25 " Advertiser . 225 PITY THE POOR IlhaPEPTIC. -Poverty with perfect health is rather to be chosen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the ntat ic effect of a dollar bottle of FOCNTAIN OF HEALTH. For rough cunditi•ms ut the Skin, Shampooing the head, Pimples, Eruption and skin diseases. tele Pruf. Low's Sul- phur Soap. 40 All Nervous Debility cured by the use of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere I, Sold at Wilson's drug store. 2b At I o'clock p.m_ for Sal w. *157 (117. Sand ' Beach. Tawaa and all poi lion the west shore. including Alpena and Ch Returning will leers GO ICU ...amt... sad Prosabit. Putsiam's Painiem Cern Extractor, the grata reuie•ly for corns, is aosolutely safe and polities*, does its w••rk promptly, without in the least interfering with the oundort of patients, and it absolutely alone aa* safe painless remedy for corns. 1..b. not be imp met upon by dangerous counterfeits. l'se enly Putnam's Corn Extractor. Beware of lase substitutes Sold everywhere by druggists and deal- ers in medicine. Take only Piitnain's Painless It street*. - f' dem & , propos.. K legator'. Ne hotoehold should no oonsidere•1 complete al hout a bottle of Dr. Van Buren. Kidney 'ore is it, the closet. It is the only remedy that will pointively, permanently and jwomptly cure all forma of kidney diseases. Sold by J Wilson 20) The well known etrengthening proper - tie. of Iron. cembined with ..ther holies and a noot perfect nervine. are found in Carters Iron PiuIa, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and complexion. Im A 11 . e Tesorwosy. - For a Couvh. Cola ••r any !trenchers! affecion. "Pectnna.- itt Inv opinion, is just the thing. I have used it in my family for Cough. ami Colas for the past four years with the moot dimwits' success, an•I to- day my opinion of it is that 1 contisue to think still more of that which I be -an thitking well of Keen, Manager tintarie Hank. Pickering. Price 2.1 orate at all drumrista. m 'Why should auras wham blood is war in within fait ke hts grandam) est in alabaster? Or let his hair crow ratty, scant and thin. Whets "Ova stoma aux Ewan willmske g. row the faster. For 1111.10 hy J 110•1 2m Why on Werfrom nervous prostration. when yon cant buy a roarasiteed ours at d rug store (1 EVERY SUNDAY - Extensive Premises and Sp!endid New Stock. 13.Alartir CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Ooderich A good asaorooriat el Eitchea. Hed-ruoui. Dialog Homo and Parlor Furniture, each as Mos. Cheire thairosne arid woad *catcall, Cupboards. Hed,iieada, Hattreaser. wash -mama Lumbers. dohis. What- Note, Looking Glames. 14. ti. - A oomplete moot -meal of Coding arsi Muroada always on hard also Bearasa for blr at remosablo rate . Muss. Framalsa • abocalty.- A call sollatedi. 'Aim *natter Wasted. ! Can any one oring us a ease ••f Kidney I or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure We say they cannet, as thousands ••f cases already permanently cured and why; are daily re ; commending Electric Bitters, will prove. I Bright's Disease, Diabetes, %Veal Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the bhoel, regulate tiie hea- 1 els, and act directly ••n the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1]: Sall likarma Cared. I Are you troubled wain Salt Rheum, I Rough Skin, Pimples er Canker Sore.; ifI se, go at oace to Geo. Rhynaa' Drug ; Store and get a package if McGregor & ; Parkes Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 coats. It was never known to fall. b A MaelltiaMIDIseoterp. At I p.m., for Detroit and I leveland. telling both ways at Port Iluron and dminto on St. Clair River. For rates of freight and paasage. id all in- fortnation. apply to WIL 1.01. Agent atO. rich. or 4. A. 4111A0MERLIIii. Manager. Goderich. May Mb. 1014. Detroit. KNIGHT'S WOR SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST or P.0 Physician's are often startled markable diacoveries. The fact that ; King's New Discovery ter Creisumprioti o -- i and all Throat and Luieo diseases is daily 1 curing patients that they have ei.on up to die, is startling them t•• realize their sense of (luty, and examine into the erits .1 this wonderful discovery, te- a ting in hundreds .4 our best P111.i- cian using it in their potence. Trial botifb free at J. Wilson s Drub, Store. ulat size 61.00. 4) • WHO 01 UOIMPOUAINTID WITH THZ OICIGHAPHY 00 THIS COUNTRY. INN: sae DV IDLAWHISSO THIS ASAP. THAT THE CHICACO, ROCK ISLAND at, PACIFIC R'Y, Doing the Crest Contra! Ln.., afforne to teaveters, by reason of Its unrivaled goo- grapnical position, too shortest and boat routa between the east. Northam: ant Southeast, and the *eat, ION thre ft and gtouthweet. tt 4 itterally and strictly true. mat Ms connections are ati of trus principal imam of road between trio /Miami* and this Paesfic. ty Its main line and branches it reaches Chinas*. Joliet. Foorla, Ottawa. La Sall*. Oantioso, Norm. and ROCk island. in Illinois ; Davenport. Museatine, Washington, Keokuk, Knoirdte. tosiaokores. Fairhet 1, Des Moines, Want 11.105511. Sawa City, musette, Avoca, Audubon. Harlan. awhile Center and Council In Omni g Carotin. Trenton, Cameron and 'Canoes City. in Missouri. one Leaven- worth and Atchison in Kansa*, and the hundreds of ratifier Waage, and "'WM, Intertmedtatei. The "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," As it Is familiarly collod, °Reim to traveling all the advantsges and csonorthets incident to a smoOth track. ash bridges. Unlon Depots at all (mem/atlas points. Fast gamma Train*, composed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED. WELL /MATED. FINELY UPNOLST-tRED -001 111.110A01- DAY 001.CHLII ; a line al tal MOST MACNIFICINT MORTON RECLINING 014A1111 OARS r built PULLMAN'S latest desaignod and handsomest ruing st.rapous CARS. and 01101110 GAM that ars acknowledged by prom anO; people to be the FINEST OMR UP01111 Allay ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and ln euserlOn rnIblitli are ellaved to warmers at noe met rate of SEVENTY -II% 1 LENTS EACH. TWINE 11A:113 goon war, netweren 014$0400 and the MISSOURI INVER. TWO TRAINS mon way between 0*4I0*00 and asiNNIAPOLLS and $T. PAUL. via MO famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A Wow and Direct Lbw, via Sow& and Kankakee, has mammy boon Ortmlod. Nowa. ItIchmond. Cincinnati. Indianapolis and La Fayette, and Councal w.. Paul. Minneepoilts anti intermediate pitrifitat Ail Through Passengers carried ors Fast Express Trains. For more detailed Information. NM Maps and Fouhem. which May IN, nbtained, as man as Ticket*, at all principal TickM 001055 40 the United States and Canad.a, 01 01 R. R. CARLE, E. ST. JOHN, lows -Pres*: e. Can't Manager, Can.' Pma'r As% CHICAGO. Natiuna Pills act pr•onptly upon the liver, regu the liotrels and as a pur- gative are m and thorough_ in There are lota f people pine around sick at the Stomach ght be well and Dr. Carson's . It is • druggists grumbling, and all the tune ; arty. happy, 1 they deity Stomach Bitters splendi•I baled pun 50 cents 1 Siesslag to all lbusk101. Iii these times when our newspapers . . 1.11F . '4 NI %ILL t PCIHTECT Ike. are flooded with patent medicine &dyer- kiedis, natinents, it is grattfying to know what • 4 Olive. (•1,41)'4filo. k, I: ingat .oll ild.. rich. Plana awl arweilli-sitiutivitr.iwn tn procure that will certainly cure y,00, ly Carpenter's' lastererMand mascot% If you are hilious, blood eut of tuesaared and valued. ED iiver inactive, nr enetal debilitated" there is nothing in the world that will cure you It quickly :us Electric Bitters. Tloy are • blessing o• all mankind, and , can be had for (wily tifty cents a bottle af James Wilson. (21 A choice assort Went of Fresh Field Seeds "- - on hand. for Sole at ReasiemithIc Prices AT TIIE CASE ST 0 RE. THERE IS CHEAP Crockery & Glassware, Lamps, 850. A 1.17LI, LINE OF GROCERIES AN D CANNED GOODS. Cheap and Good. Give Him a Call! G. H. OLD THE OROCER, The Strome, ()oierich Jas./. e 4 Pat 3.4.4 • " ()It THE cliRS C"(11S• COLDS. AS illItoRCEITTle.; A -4 c°4PLAINT3 And for*. ' RLIEF of: PERSONS . the ad ,aneed star 0 co NsumpTioN. - O.-- 1Wel . BRAYLE'' Prt OP R IETO It • M ONTREAL- URE Sick ileadaehu and Cohere all the troubles met eon --is a b.l.oaa nate of 111. 075105. melt as Lea. sinem. Nano.. Drowsier's. Distress after eazieg, ra n* 110 414. Willie their soot murk - Wu meccas Las bees shows in cur ng SICK Illeadaehr.yet t'arter' a little Liver ; I a ar, orally aalnalge en Coemelpagpi, mem and p1110,111180( Ike annoy itig tomplatat, while sks y correct all doorders of the stomachsit alive the liver sod regulate the bowels. tree .1 only cared EA Anil. they Weed II...aliment mi./eters lo tb,se who mower this &uremia( complaint: but form. 'este I y their 'oedema dem aot esd here, and theses elm once try them will Sad thew little pills %ala- s* in ee assay ways that they will not be willtag to de without them. But after all eiek bead CH Is the bane or oe inasy limo that bet, elsere we make our great boat.. Oar pills care it wild.) moms do not. oter's Little Liver Tilts am 1-0r7 MCI std -po et very easy to take. 01,. 4.0 and two pli:f1 duo% Too wo strictly purge. but by their tie action ...I whet sae thew. Is stalest di yenta: ire 1., r. gem Thiamin , by druggists everywkareoest mat by mail. Thesis . tat CARTER MEDICINE CO., Celebrated Liar at el NO* York Oltaide °Meal,. ciams. Uwe/ .‘„ had puha. 43 Iowa IeLnasia.411rours, Isa- .tile1::0, Anz.aea. Ulna ant 'fens. sduitTIDIT. 44C*LL1.a' 134 HEST Ilse to ktaltisaa. ka. sea. Ind:as ion. 0*3 eiritorillort 10 br IA* 1111.141,44 Railroad la tfw Wort -1 for •:1 deem of travel Raffle lios intirrlor f o A.bert Le.. )1Innespit it Jowl st. raeL Naitovr... rnpuged si Aibtrreetreat Car U•• KANSAS CITY 111 eninnexl lama Made In i patir! ,ewser, Inforli.s1inn sinnit it it, .1( • Tr? H• and yea will CM tray...leg • .szurymesa/ ot a Wo ...teens T POTTIER. Ft0"El;41. :_thisELL. 111 PM Owl! c,•1 Irv., pr. 4.111rawn.111. tab SPECIAL OFFERS on the fol:no In, comb and material at the BEEIMILLER PLOW WORKS _ which la but hall price. 40 A merinaa ore ?Snufflers. at 12:4 eoeb. I 1 Matwell Rome Power and generator. in use but a short time. ein.W wheat carriers and all in good order for 1111.11111 not more than me third Its value. Several Large (Arterioles's at below coot. I Ne. Mato. Baggy at M per cent. leas than oat prteet. Coutdireat. Meet Ke.. for all Livid:sof t haat. lag aiseblitem. Sumo rxitti4 K al via at ball rote*. A IM nf Itsr Irsa. Stoves sod Putleyr=o, Ite., with at* anany o, &Mao; at ymir ewe prices iTo he sold toe calk or appro•51 ',Met Apply le C. J. HUMBER reddry.1 cloilorlob, Jam IOU. Wk. GIP Canadian Pass. Ag t, • Torone, Ont B. Jon marks, Ticke• Agent, Goilerch A P and receive frne.acostly box f Roads which will help Tea Rend *it rent/. Me poetess. to abr. money rich* way than anything riga in this world. Alt of either sox, suc,eorl (mon ern hour Tlio broodysall 10 105155. open§ heft* the workers. aheolate- it sum. At oni,e addreas.Tatt a R to.. Animas. Maim. Rays Dryden • "She knows her maw, GM1Slsm yogi rant and swear. Can draw you to her with a sine* hair." Rot it mnat he beautiful hair to have such power; and beautiful hair cum bus eneorod by Mle UM or rIMALMIll HAM Mantras. Sold at Sects. by J. Willie*. 2m