HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-20, Page 3Eastace, the Outcast
• roartneors Ilesatvest-stiwrece DS.
unmet) eau iusetioorn:paraersu
--on WAAL MR VA.L00.11.
Just A the guard, with their prisoner,
had gained the door of the state -room, a
stranger spleen/on the threshold -A
young, tail, finely -formed man, with a
full eye nod • frank, epee etenitenasee.
This was Captain Dunmore, the late
commander of the Valient, who had just
come from aboard the and *A
AR& no officer of proper null( on dock to
receive him, he found his spay beton
When the guard perceived him they
drew beck to allow him to enter ; and as
he did eo his eyes fell upon their prison-
er. Be baist on Emetics • !ipid, unin-
111MMIWI NUN*, mail was passing leeward
to greet Captain Brentwood, when seine -
thing in the features 4f the prisoner ar-
rested his attention, and he turned on
him another swift glance of inquiry.
By this time Eustaoe was abet steadily
regarding him, and • bitter etude passed
over his silent face.
'Good gracious, Zeman anthem '
ejaculates' Captain Dunmore, thunder-
struck by the apparitiou.
'Even so, Dunmore,' was the ealei re-
Tab u null 431014AL J uju. u, Low*.
place and his tiewardly nature wa3 over-
whelmed by leer of tote misequeuees.
Breatwood saw bis oussfasitua. miit
mamboed hies only the more that he
had greatly deatived him
'What have you to say in answer to
this l' he sternly demanded
'Beene be answers 1 °Aim to supple-
ment Duneatere's Amnion by • bode-
ment of additional facts,wiid Euataos,
in a tons of cold, iudignant restraint.
"That is," he added, as mos more he
bit'riy mailed, "if Capt Brentwood will
per.oit one a his Amen to *peek in the
present °pommy."
"By limeade, Omhasue, this is 'snuffer -
able !' exiaiined Densmore. 'My blood
boils with indignation at the thought of
the indiouities that have been put upon
you. Why did you not denounce the
atrocious dejd. and demand the treat-
ment of a gentleman T
'I tried to do so, bat wee Ineensel a
heathen' returned Bilatille. 1 persist-
ed, and was overpowered by force.
What more could I do/ What was my
power agaimit dealtd Captain Brent-
wood in his own ship? It is to you.
Dunsinore, that I owe my relines. For-
tunotely, as yet I have suffered no irre-
parable injury, but had you been only a
few minutes later in arriving my man-
hood would have been degraded sod dis-
honored beyond all possibility .4 re-
paration. Ione to b. lashed, Densmore
-Imbed like a felon ..r • slave -because
any spirit would net submit to the inso-
lence and vindictive brutality of the
infamous liar and scoundrel who dared
to sully the fair tiaule of my saieted
mother. Pardon this vehemence. 1
would restrain myself if I could, for the
meanness and falsehood which have
brought the injury upon ine are so foul
that I can only lose my Alf respect by
showing anything but silent contempt
towards their perpetrator. But when I
reflect that alone he would have been
Powerless against me, that he has been
able to bring official power to bear
against me, and has succeeded in making
me the victim of s tyranny which is a
disgrace alike to the government, tl,e
navel eervice, and its officers --when I
reflect on this my inelignation becomes
'In heaven's name how cern' y. u here,
and in such • garb r
'And • prisoner too,' added Eustacs,
with another bitter smile -Oh prisoner
who has just been 'sentenced to receive
fifty lashes.. V. meet 10 strange circurn-
'Maces, de we not, George 7'
'I am utterly bewildered,' said Dens-
more. What does it mean 1'
1 refer you to Captain Brentweeml
for the esplanation; returned Eustace,
Densmore turned mechanically to the
Manunander of the Hector, who was look-
ing on in silent surpriae.
'For heaven's sake, explain this to me,
Brentwood. Why do I find my friend
that I shall eagerly nuke nil the Pogue -
amok tbal. is possible, and till the ship
reaches pert you *All receive the treat-
ment of • 'mammon sad au amid. I
shall also wet lad to report your heron
and natreped conduct in this day's en-
gagement because it is clearly apparent
to e, A Ineutesant Bougbton and many
mom m th. omen', that 0,:„. „ornery ono Day ..wu condommition.' He heated the
mainly dee to year esertionn Whet. Made of • table knife in the URN of the
lamb, and applied is to the seal till the
lie oh tautly in -
'Mies is • Nile larger, that is. ll: he
mottered. 'I eon open and re ean the
peek.* gmbiag it look as if it Ad sorer
been toodisL Med 1 Mall do it, too.
I have a rd MIL I h... • right to
know what 1.&.J' 1 atu earryitig be
headquarters about Oad, it will
be pretty business if I mu the bearer of
ever mere mew require as a reparation or
the wrung you bows sedition I shall be
mast ready to do; and now, will you
give me your head in token of—•
'One word, Captain Brontwood,• inter-
rupted Buenos. 'There is another in
thm ship who shared the wroue-my
brother-in-law. He must also be restor-
ed to liberty.'
a matter of course, ' re-
was was softened. • g
sorted it under the fold of the paper, and
separated the adhering potion without
any difficulty. The rest moment he
held the open despatch in his hand, and
was eagerly running kis eye over the
The firstnd apriucipal subject was, of
'course, the entrapment and capture of
'He shall, as
plied the penitent commander, and again the Cornet* with its prue. the Falcon,
Then came the passage whoh Randolph
bold out his hand.'
But from this Eustace drew back. sought.
1 send the Faloen to Portsmouth un-
der the charms of Li.04. ame. Cer-
tain circumstances hare (recurred which
render it desirable that this udicer should
net continue in the Hector, or that he
should even remain in His Majesty's
navy. These circumstances it would not
be pleasant for myself nor advantageous
to the service to make the subject of a
court mann", and 1 will esteem it a
favor if, having confidence in my honor,
searcyou entertain my advice without more
I cannot forgive you myself.' exclaimed Alto the command of a revenue cattense
Dungeon e. 'Your absurd worship of this seems doe only means of getting out .. ,, ., ,
'He is right, Brentwood, and for that au,ogest that Lieut. Grahame is appoint-
hing inquiry. I would humbly
furtable for life.'
Would you 7 retsa..ufyrn.nmedifoRatyhoeluir'whaa:w7y7o0u0- eab. a lliliertalcer,
discipline has led you into this cursed of a difficulty which must otherwise pro-
coucaluldlY. not itoiutarerid litt144 On hank now the LAIISHIAT ITIltriL, ell
position. If it roads you a lesson you duce unpleasant 'mei cause unpopular re -
would wake me right enough till the
had wrest need to learn, so much the vitiations. governor died and Bengarry came into First - Class Furniture
better for you and those you commar.d. .so then,' said Randolph, as with a
your hands. Then I guess 1 might whia. in the (,gillogi tf:ditztlenoltd• ryrcanhaser onf:r calk
But I menet advise Grahame eagle' you bitter smile he refolded the despatch tle on my thumb, and be lauolie.1 at for : offer Tapestry Carpet Lounges, from esoe
hi. hand. He must for ever shrink with .Rmin„„„o recommends me 10 oe goat.
i oaay simplicity: upwards. Whatnots. good. from r-.50 stp.
utter loathing front the mai. who would lend, and transferred A the revenue ,No, on my honor, not: protested now Beek chaos. front mot.. op. and every.
thing elite to the mine woe -room,
have subjected him to the lash. In fact, service. He says nuthiug to fasten a i
Randolph earnestly. AT Ti -IE OLI) STANT)
'Nu, Captain Brentwood,' he firmly said,
'I Forgive .11 that posit, except on's
thing - the sentence you pronounced
against me, and which would have been
carried out but for the fortunate arrival
of my friend, Densmore, whom I have to
thank for saving rue from worse than
&meth. That was a piece .4 injustice en-
tirely your own. Yuu would have in-
flicted on ins an irreparable degradation,
and I cannot take the hand of the man
`011, trent as, Dow, will yes r
•Yuu--eertaisily we will.'
That is mall because yen emit help
leeseelves. My turn umetednottleiwousd
as the game A turned iiito balk re
salad mask* e partner.'
'Come, mate, Ralph,' said Randolph,
iminestimely, for he did not like tits
glance of the other's eye, or the tone of
his voice. 'Come, auer, you would net
fur the sake of manse bring injury ou all
emoorned. You would nut damage yo.,
own neon and her sou. Yuu could not
have the heart to do (hot.'
'You didn't think so when you lured
me to the hands of the press gang.'
'That was a mistake - I admit.'
'It was a monstrous base act of trench -
sty,' said Ralph. briuging down his huge
hand with • heavy thud upon the Able.
'It's no use trying to All it by any
smooth name. Yuu cannot gull um any
nitire my fiendish gentleman. It was
done once because I had no idea you mid
your 'Dottier had such black hearts, lout
my eyes have been cpened, and you'll
not catch me winking again. So don't
comfort yourself with the hope.
'Be it so,' returned Randolph. 'I'll
not affect to appeal to you feeling on the
score of relationship. But there is
another consideration to which I expect
you will respond -tint of interest It
will be for your interest not to betray
the secret of which you are possessed
I'll ruaketit highly worth year while to
keep it. In short, I'll make you cum -
444- Goods.
Chicken 2 Ib Tins,
Pigs Feet " "
Corn Beef " "
Tongue " "
Mackerel (in Toinatoe sauce,)
Salmon (extra iluality,)
Sardines (French),
Peaches (American),
Tomatoes, 3 fire tine,
Green Peas (French),
Green Beate, "
Green Corn (American),
French Mashroons,
Potted Chichen, Hani & Tonpale
Mustard and Ginger in 1 th Jars
Square, Godench, Jan. 23, 1864.
who would have destroyed iny manhood DANIEL GORDON
and relative, Eustaes Grahame, in this
'Uncontrollable .^ echoed Dunsmors
ignominious position r 'I am amazed you have been so patient.
'Your friend and relative !' repeated
Had it beea Inc I should have done
Brentwood with increased astonishment.
desperate arid tragisal.
'Y, my warmest anm
d oat intimate wri'ulet111Cnutig g°°d1"11" tweed into the
friend and cousin. Why A he here ‘-'''
position and made to do the duties of a
dressed A a com seaman, in the
common sailoro-you who aro by birth,
hands of . a guard, and under such a gen-
education and talent fitted for en* of the
teen 1' highest positions in the bind. Brent -
Captain Brentwood turned very red,
and began to have some misgivings that 'Joel, I blush fur your blindness and
wrong-heacied devotion to thscipline. I
ho:hed been drawn int.a some serious er-
don't know another captain iu His
row. Majesty's navy who would have been
•Dunsmore; he slowly returned. 'your
!matte the tool of such a villain.'
questions c$U5. ane for the first time to
suspect that a mistake may have been 'I will not 'tend here to have such ep-
committed. u Eisamoo Grahame he in. ithets applied to me,' shouted Randolph,
deed your friend and rerative—• as with an oath he strode towards the
if h. Its r interrupted Densmore with dere.-
* haughty and :Atonished air. Do ynu 'Stay, sir,' said Captain Brentwood,
douOt me, Captain Brentwcod r in a tone of stern command. 'I cannot
'No. Of course I cameo doubt you, I permit you to leave the stateroom at pre -
and because I cention I sin all the more ' sent. This affair coneerns too nearly my
convinced OW seine grievious mistake honor arid your charaeter. It must be
tO; has happened. Guard release polio probed to the bottom, and the truth
fully declared in your hearing. Prcceed,
Mr. Graham*. Yon have. you toy, some
explanations to ofler.•
for ever.'
• prisoper, and let everyone go on deck
with the exception of Lieutenant Saugh-
ton and Lieutenant Grahame.'
This omen was obeyed, and the crowd
whish filled the staterompwithdrew,with
an expreesion of eager curiosity arid ex-
citement depicted ..n their features.
Captain Brentwood stepped ferward
and with his own hand closed the doer.
'Now for mutual explanations, sod a
true understanding of matters,' he ob-
served. 'Eustace Grahame, whom you
find one cf the seamen of the Hector,
• was pressed just as we were on the eye
'• fr of sailing from Leith Roads—'
'Primal ejsculated
'Patience, if you peen'. Prom& at
the instance of Lieutenant Grahame.***
represented to um that he was his ille-
gitimate brother, who was insolent, ob-
;roe— sliest*, sell -willed and dissipated, and
who had contracted an infamous mar -
"•"'y riage. I was esker" as a favor by Lieut. -
his continued presence in the ship can- charge of any kind upon we. I can .Your honor?' echoed Ralph, with a
1 theref. re give the impression that the mocking laugh.
net be comfortable either to himself or'But there,' he added,
you. Here A what I preoee. thee circumstances he alludes to are produe- 'let me tell you what I came down hers
me charge of your French Prim f`' take I tive of a mutual unpleasantness; and, to do. 111 have my revenge as sure as
to England and Grahame an.I his brother I egad. lit smooth the diflizulty asking to my mime A Ralph Bloxam. Though
motels eon oo with no.' Ite Ir.o•forooll• 11° e''""1"1"1 "f e you cot.i.1 give a million of money to
keep the secret, I. would not do it. So
you and Nell may look out. Once we
get to England, the proud owner of Ben -
This W IPA a suggestion who.% coptain revenue cutter 14 fa, t ta, ii• sneered at,
Breutwood at once agreed to, and Eus. and my father will never know the par-
tace was shown by Saughten to his ..wn Oculars. Eostace would tell hire, of
cabin, where • suit of plain clothes be-
longing to Densmore were supplied bun.
'My explanations refer to the cause of
Randolph's hostility,' answered Emmett
'The primary cause of all I hare suffered
is my brother's incapable displeasure at
my marriage, wbich teak place against
his opprobation. I united myself to a
girl whose only fault oven in my father's
eyes was that she was of humble birth.
Her poverty would have been no object-
ion if she had belonged to a good family
but inasmuch as she was obscure cod
moving in a low teenier), it mattered
suit that she was good and beautiful, and
pure as the noblest in the land, or that I
loved her with all the ardor and devotion
of my soul. H. commanded me to
abandon her and marry a lady of his own
choosing, I solused Med married her to
whom I was betrothed. This was • step
much to the satisfaction of my step-
mother, whose secret purpose was to get
the estate settled on her own son
Influenced by his own false rtows, but
also instigated, 1 ham no doubt, by his
wife, he commanded me to quit his
presence forever, and never come under
his roof .gain. In short 1 was made an
outcast, and turned adrift on the world
penniless. My wife's brother was a
'Will you refuse my hand also, Mr.
Grahame ?' asked the first lieutenant.
'No, I shall grasp it with pleasure:
replied Eustace, as he cordially shook
the extended hand of Saughton. 'You
treated nie as well as was consistent with
your duty, and I could see that you
looked upon me as one wronged '
nant Grahame to serve his family be.
bringing him under the discipline of the
*4 naval service, and on this understanding
e• 1 sanctioned his seizure and shipment.
Till today he has behaved in an exem-
plary manner. but he so far forgot him-
- o self as to strike Lieutenant Grahame,
OS this was a crime which I could
not •bly overlook, I sentenced him
Between the Irest °Moe k Dank of Moults*
Oct. 191h. ISS3. 1913-
course, if he got the chance.. hot he garry will know who was his father -in- Buchanan,Lawsonitobinsen
won't, fur it shall he my care to keep law, and what a high-born (' wife he NIANCIAcTURIal•
haa. After that, my young cuh, your
theni separate. Ha ' the way is opening
up rarely out ef this confounded mesa. chance of the estate will le a small one,
iSash,Doors 13
If I can only keep everything right till and the young fellow ••ou left aboard the
is ine-which will be in a few Et tor will see day about you. Now
Bengarry ro ec
years at most -then all need for schem- Aniit's my mind, and you can sleep on
ing will be over. Who" ! I feel relies- the thsught ot it.'
ed by the perusal of this. despatch. and saying which Ralph lauohed &nether
may —' j mocking laugh, and strode from the
leaving Rondolph to bis bitter
'You do me no more j • , but He 'topped short in Lis soliloquy, for cabin,
let us say no mere ..n what had far better on nisino his hesol, his eyes fell upon an i m000tatoon.
be forgotten, if that were possible.' apparition on the other side of the table ' 'to Kt .VN TIN 7 ta,,
• *— • 4 IF -an apparition as unwelcome and as i
toun ;
Before night fell Randolph had quitted mired.
the Hector and gone aboard the Falcon, Thts was Ralph the gamekeeper.
whose crew had up to this time beeu He was dressed in sailor's gab, and I
din,to him AA ....N.11111 well be rien. Semis is Aisle.
prisoners In thehold,
resulted in the Falcon being (raptured bY countenance, and Randolph had no dith- ' They *peak air Tbeaseeives.
however, been releasee, and the French the expression of triumphant satisfaction that I have mad Poison's Nerviiine for
rheumatism, and have found it a %.:d.,_ Nevi Salt Pans and Boilen
sailors who had been put aboard were which it wore. able remedy for all internal pain. and
transferred -prisoners now themselves -
the ctommander was oonaioeraoly more ereatom.
having been killed in the tight, which beaten, but the light shone full upon his I
The wife of 3Ir. J. Kennedy, dealer in
drugs in Dixie, was cured et a chronic
cough loy Hagyard a Pectoral Balsam.
The best throat and luno healer
known. 2.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles
and builders material of every dewriptioe.
dirAtt Orders promptly attended to.
Aug. 11. 1333. 19011-ly
Mire Just received a large stork et
the French f rigate. They had now, culty in recognizing 4, or n isbaerving PzTON, Feb 17. -This is to certify
On Shortest Notice.
would greatiy recommend it to the pub -
The youth started to his feet and ut-
tered an exclamation of angry aotonish- lic. -N. T. Eleusozr. Nati orders for new work andfrepaire
to their own ship, which was to be mann- reeeiverotnpt attention.
1.3.9ne COUNTY, JIM. O. -We aro not
ed by the crew of the Valiant and taken moot
in the titbit of puffin.; patent inrincines,
to an English port under the charge of This action causal the mune of intense
but we cannot withhold our testimony as Works near 0.T. It. Station.
Captain Densmore. satisfaction to deepen in Ralph's sinister ;
I to the great value of Nerviline as a re- uoderi,h. reb. 28. um. ITIN
We shall not follow the Cornete just face, and his moll grey eyes twinkled to I amity for pain. We hare pleasure in
yet, but rather overtake the Falcon, the Imp light. recommending it as* never failing rem- !
J. ALLA, Bee. D1LLION, 1 ' I
which had departed on her homeward I 'W hat ! didn't ye expect to see no r Y,
.dard'n-iaRnEyvo. tHh.
P. A. Churchill states :-Thais seems I.
voyage the previous evening, and was he observed. 'Had yuu forgot that it
now of co-unie quite out of sight. The was the Falcon you had me shipped to r to he no end to the success of Nerviline. ; THAT FOC CAM oar
feelings of her temporary commander- yourself. My turn is coming now, and I send you a few testimonials, and can
them 1 Thoughts uf his exposure, tuorti- 'could make me a partner.
fication, defeat, diagram and baffled ven- •Curie you, ye,. I have forgot all
geance all rushed through his soul like a about you,' growled Randolph, in a say.
tenipeat of wrath and fury, and now he age tone of anger.
stoodlon the brink of the precipice of
ruin. Danger threatened him on all
I h Crahame-who can depict as the game is turned into my hand, you semi you plenty mere if of use to you.
to the punishment he has named. That salmon fisher, and to earn a liveldu
Domestic and rent Fruits.
Al this season of tne year there should
be a bottle of Pectoria in every house.
It is unequalled for Coughs Colds and
Have 7-'0 sneered 'How i olibmildrieren".°41PirsicePle"ft25 noet'neritsuaaltlYslail fderuf'gff-
convenient. And dont you feel it awful I two i„
1 t G. have rnt turn up at poor
is ors explanation. Captain Densmore.' for her and myself I joined him in his
impatiently, 'you will pardon me for say- contentinen mn y
tkat it A a most miserable explsna- day Randolph dared to enter our cottage
tion of as monstrous • wrong as ever was and insult my wife. I returned at the
inflicted by one gentleman upon another. moment and dashed him to tOe ground.
nen stanels Lieutenant Grahame, and For this he swore revenge and you know
in his face I give him the lie direct. His how he succeeded. Our cottage was
statement is the Asset slander lips ever entered in the dead of night, and I and
tittered. The motion of Bootee* Gra- my twotlastoin-law wore dragged naked
I._ the bost. My wife was left without a
'Then, Brentwood,' cried Densmore, occepatien, and we dwelt in peace and
• . ids. One
Brentwood pushed matters to the ex- .tuilonb°1;.,etasahhiaktneIthhaill1 goln.oeutowitghnii sdlotan.rkts,70.).0r
GRNTL*I%-HaTing been a sufferer
I for a tong time from nervous prostration
trim)� against him hie eerier in the naval been popped off by the Freitch bullets . ,
profession was at an end. True, the '1 wish you had gone to the deuce to and general debility. 1 was advieed to
Captain had intimated that, for his (.wn any way,' roared the oouth, in a tone of It try Hop Bitters. I have taken one bot -
1 tle, and I have been rapidly getting bet.
redit he would not send a donate(' fury. ter ever since, and I think it the best
report of his conduct to the Admiralty,
but he gave him to understand that he
would represent enough te hinder his
proinotion, and probably prevent him
from being appointed to another war
vowel. It was near midni,ght, as he sat
• th Falcon brood-
ing over the perils of his situation. and
sides, and it would require all his cunn-
ing sad calculation to avert it. If
Wosnietrros, D.C..
May 15th, 1886.
alone in the cabin of•
'Of course you do, but I haven t. I
medicine I ever used. I am now Raining
have lived to pay you for your treseilery 1 strength and appetite. which was ali
-yon and your shAfin of a mother, that one, and I ins in deepen. until I tried
hasn't no mon natural feelin' than s yourtBittetradd I am now wenlik. tin,' letedtof.sgers
-sant waso s‘mpympolwetwni;rrr .
kangaroo. Ain't it delightful now to I
think that we are on our way to England,, , MRa. MARY STUART..
and that we are going there together ?
Suppose we journey in company t.. Ben -
fortifying himself to tam and calculate garry, and hace a real joyful family
them by an occasional glass of brandy. meeting
On the table before him, ander the oil *CANA ye here, Ralph, said Randolph.
lamp which swung f rein the roof, and 1 forcing • laugh. it witan.t just the
close to the bottle of which he tilled his handsome thing to do t.' have you
glans, lay a sealed packet. This packet i premed.'
Ca sin Brentwood•sdespatch, 1 'Had my sister end her son not the
eters of the Beet BMA
Fresh and Smoked • It Water FM In IMMO
A fall as•orarnent of ell kinds cit Nuts.
oysters Served In viers *we seantre
IcE (TEA MS IN SE.414011f.
Floral Design& Wreaths. crimes. HOlago•I
Oa0 none to order.
Irbeeregenk Mean a Agetabete la NOM
E.- - -
Com t House Square. Goderleklia
Dec. 20. 19/13. leinten.
Keeps on hand • supply of material toe
repairing of
Ladillili Ith that. es v elkwedtbar In rol 1 f hot lowers and Reuel
clot/sat -"Olt! rin emir with thst NitU;illftli '
tbilit continually troubles me '
to O. Rhroas' lime dtoen awl' get a haute al Bulky Hs, y Bakes, Plows a
_____-Well. how foolish ' Whe don t you go
Fluid Lightning! It cured me In one minute. 1 AfAricultural Imements
fetwige keep • bottle in the bottee. li only
sows yi omits 1m
an Machinery nerallj
A Raw erte - Of .me dorm "notate- ALL WORK THOROUGHLY DO
Sr" to ;any one sensling.the hest four line
rhyme on • ilieneneT, the remorkable
and Randolph debated within himself A heart to damage me' reto Ralph. •
little gem for the Teeth and Pot!. AA
to the desirability of opening lit, so that 'Was then any feeling shown by either : your aruggest or address.
he might know how far it compromised of you when you plotted my capture r
d d reahl anti unjustly. But you won t
In Muses Tribute.
him. It was, of (mune, very dishonor- 'Well, I sm willing to allow that w.el
Theron P Ketitorediew of Ft. Wove*
Ind an:.lte writes ' 'For the pest live
flestIeviels. *arch Vth. 11111149
ter Hie wor:eles
tor ssew. we I'd11.0
lemma royal. valuable lox •
was my mothers sister, and u•
the first and lawful wife of Mr. protector, and Ood only knows how it able to opens sealed packet,
UUUUGrahame, of Rangarry, whose eldest ens has fared with her. This. Dunmore, is ofooloas we knowores not troubled with bear a grudge against as for that. Our ' yam., 1 h„, &lour, lined pc. Kings Nan
plo goods that will pat TOT:
and heir my Mend Eustace is He and the truth, which 1 would have repent- scruples of delicacy his chief point of gime as your's ton.; Discovery for ;neighs a most ears'ne ;way of malting more reessey las Psets'.
Ansiderstion was whether he rinild open ' 1 should rather fancy not, was , , 5. well as tor th.es .11 matter ; Yes ever th:740 1•71:11Aiki giarrtz.7,
1, . It never fails to effect a speedy
it without the set being detected. H. l Ralph's rejoinder, eery daiinararaly mi. type
. ears, Me friends to whom I hal'. re -
lifted it, and OTIO• MOT, examined the tend. emetaieneled it speak of it in •Anin high
seal. It was plain, navies neither crud, 'Still, wo wows only CoYing • Om* of tome. Having been cured by it .4 every
motto, not ornament of any kind. and I selidefenoe. My Molitor and •I thirst not Atigh1 haveiatifor. iiseeswyrosrsur. I eisoossr;
Ranalolpli took from lAs pocket one very I trust you. Perhaps we were wrens. I svell:r,ttllsm
2 ha , eo:sds:vetellabl eands
at wawa,.
similar to it, and laid it over the impress- I don say we were, but will naR's• lir be Deng ffton and est a Free Trial %Ado
1 too 00 Um Ness. I it sew.' Lamp sin *1 an
work sit i .
1 were educated Aesthete, and • higher
mature dnes not exist, a Dobler heart
ow not beat h. human boom:
Captain Brentwood tamed s look of
stern inquiry cm Randolph, who all the
while had stand meowed with rsair sod
mortitteation. In the very anis .1 hie
triumph defeat and ezpreen had taken
ed to Captain Brentwood had I known
hew crossly he had hem imposed on '
'Good God.' groaned the disabased
septa's, 'what a pima ef frightful injes-
tios I hay. kat my power to indict.
Mr. Gotham*, words nonce esprees my
regret, my sorrow, at the shocking treat-
ment you have received. I need At esy
° oteoo.. t •
• time or In sears timer
work IS MO versa& adapted to beL,,A,
peens and old. Tea Cala many e
1059 well evening. That IIIWI
Ay goo the tosalates. we mallet _ )
*ate; so all whew, mat vp
ArSI in pay ter the trelL4.
ewe. win be made by= """
A. ., 4
USW le do work. e
fte=1.11=1 ''"'i
sere. Nal
.o • • '""o•to