HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-20, Page 2cit
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Masa ae sten Tee Newt mover t
The angst morseling. tending &bust
,assn Wali that the prese.N..nattth has de-
..1.pe+ appeared yesterday au the fit.
Lads Pe to Scheel Libra', bulletin.
This is the result of vutintf fur the beat
t o .l.. The hbrarian, F. M. Cruoda,
whe deserves the huour of having breath-
ed the breath of life into the public
ached library. if he did not create the
form of it, same time .gra in order to
find out just what the public votes look-
ed upon se the best novel and novels,
asked a number of ladies and gentlemen
e1 ext.uded reading sod ackaowl.dged
teeth to prepare lute of what they r. -
eluded as :
1, The best ten (novels
1 The next best ten novels.
2. The beat ten uutelettes or minor
The luta collated stow the fullmvisle
rrslsk, the number ut votes obtained by
MA novel hoeing opposite :
Best ten novels—Vanity Fair, Tback-
.envy, 34; Les Miserable., Hug
Nswoanes, Thacksry, 27; omo a,
• Lewes, 26; Henry Esmond, Thackersy,
25; Adam Bede, Lewes, 23; David Cop-
t `, ppe�rfield, Dtekens, 23; Ivanhoe, Scott, 23;
1Nfiddlemarch, Lewes, 20; Don Quixote,
• (Cervantes, 18; Mill on the Floes. Lewes,
16; Scarlet letter', Hawthorn, 18.
Be000d Beat Ten Novels--VamityFeir,
nachos), 17; Middlemarch, Lewes, 14;
Newournes, Thackeray, 12; Adam Bed.,
j Lewes, 11; Felix Holt, Lewes, 11; Mar-
_, i We Fawn, Hawthorn, 11; Pendennis,
Tback.rsy, 11. The above semen hold
undisputed rank in the second best ten.
Fur the other three places there are ten
j ! candidates in the same number of votes;
I Censu.ht, Duderant. 9; David Copper -
field, Dickens, 9; Hypatin, Kingsley, 9;
Ivanhoe, Scott, 9; Jan. Eyre, Broute,
9; John Hainaut, Craik, 9; least Days of
Pompeii, BuIwer, 9; Mill on the Fleicar as,
Lewes, 9; Romula, Lewes, 9;
Wakefield, Goldsmith, 9.
Best Ten Novelettes—One Summer,
Howard, 13; Marjory Dew Aldrich, 12;
Louisiana, 'Unmet, 8; Undine, Fougee,
B; (,`racket on the Hearth. Dickens, 7;
Little Women, Alcott, 7; Luck of Rear-
ing Camp. Harte, 6; Chance A.quaiut-
ance, Howells, 5; Colonel's (Miers Cloak,
No Name Series, 5; Daisy Mier, Jetties,
E; International Episode, James, 5;
Janet's Repentance, Lewes, 5; Madame
Dolphin., estate, 5 ; Pieciel.,Santilie, 5;
LL and His Friends Brown; Silas Mar-
ine, Lewes, 5; Tom Browns School Days
at .Rugby, Hughes. 5; Confessions ••f a
Frivolous Girl, Grant, 4; Fair Barbarian,
Burnett, 4; Reveries of • Bachelor, Mit-
ebell, 4; Starling, Macleod, 4; Alice in
Wonderland, Dudgeon, 3; Autocrat of
the Breakfast Table, Holmes, 3; Eliza-
beth, Thackeray, 3; Lady of the Aroo-
stook, Howells, 3; Petite Fadette, Dude -
vent, 3; Story of Avis, Phelps. 3; Sun
Maid, Grant, 3: Their Wedding Journey,
Howells, 3; Through On. Adminutes-
tiou, Burnett, 3. Total, 1504.—[St.Louu
The • flreaha.
Lemonade is one of the beat are info'
Ariake fur any persue, whether in hsakh
es ant. it is savable to all esetssaok die -
eons, is saosllent in takaess- i• atlases
of jeuudies, gravel, liver somplatets, I0-
8swtuation of the bowels and fevers It
u • specific apart versa end skin mai-
Lemon juice ie the best anti
scorbutic remedy known. It not only
curs lIlia disease, but prevsats it. Mat-
lorstlkase • daily use of tt for this pur-
pose. • The hands and nailare re ept
cleaa, white, soft and supple by
lyttss'd the lemon instead of soap. It
ala prevents chilblains. lemon is used
in intermittent fever, mixed with strong,
hot, black coffee, without sugar. Neu-
reigia may be cured by rubbing the parts
affected with • tut lemon. It is valua-
ble also to sure warts and to destroy
.lawdrufeen the bead by rubbin„ the
roots of the hair with it. In fact Its
uses are manifold, and the more we em
ploy it externally the betterwe shall find
ourselves. Rub your hands, head and
sums with lemon. had drink 'omuoaae
in preference to all other liquids. The
abuts is said to have been an old physi-
hys -
cians advice to his patients. appeared iy
the way, au article recently apW"
the London Lwotret, the highest authori-
ty, on the uses d the lemon, from which
we extract the following receipt, inter-
esting to consumptives and enfeebled
person.. It certainly is "not bad to
take," bsides possessing the nettative vir-
tue that "it will do no harm, if it dues no
good,'and the chanc4s are for more or
lees benefit : Put a dozen lemons into
cold water and slowly brines to • boil ;
boil slowly until the lemons are soft, but
not toe soft ; then squeeze until the juiee
u extracted ; add sugar to your taste,
and drink. In this way use one dozen
lemons a day. If they cause pain or
loosest the bowels too much, lessen the
quantity and use only fire go- six a da;
until you better, and then begin again
again with a dozen • day. After using
five ur six dozen, the patient will begin
to gain flesh and enjoy food. Hold on
to the lemons, and use them very freely
for aeverat weeks more. A free use of
lemon juice and sugar will always relieve
a tough. Most people feel poorly in the
sprint, but if they would eat a lemon
before breakfast every day for a week,
with or without sugar, as they like --they
would End it better than any medicine.
Lemon juice used according to the above
recital* will sometimes cure consump-
t 1
The steamship Lebens, of the O.P.R.
liar, has made the fastest trip us reseed
bowies Pict Arthur and Owen Sound.
Her time was 36 house, or two hours
lees than the advertised time arriving in
'l ased
lamesi, haw
vl l
bad set te tem te ew
l.,ulelaes Timm ty t,,Kseas
rights of fu v ss. have
tight he to U Hawse u nevem. 1 gel • bottled
aa helped eve richt away. 1 was as Wk
will hiking /ever sd
Owen So.utld at 8:30 o'clo�i Monday ss could hs. l ►eve aka tics twang
mod witheat 11 !triage•••- may ss7 1 gar
Apple orchards in New York ars being better thea 1 scp.ctin mil* F trine
bantam st O. Ithynae. liu
ant .earls wid cad cos w say lied tee
savaged by the fire worm.
Fresnun's Worm Powders destroy and
remove worms without injury to adult ur
Wain ga
The restaurant of the 1'niva depot at
St. Paul was burned Tuesday night to-
gether with a quantity of baggage and
several Palace ears. Twenty employes
escaped in their night clothes.
1f you should'be so unfortunate as to Burs.
Scald or Wound yesrself la amy way the pee-
per thing to keep clean and Ileal It is McGre-
gor k Parke -s Carbolic Comte. Insist on ha, -
g. and Wears you t, McGregor & 1'arke's
carbolic Grata Price TS cams. O. Ithynaa.
druggist. fres the genuine. tar
Then is no one article in the line of
medicines that gives so large a return
fur the money as • good vigorous strength-
ening plaster, such as Carter's Smart
Weed and Belladonna Backache Plast-
ers. In
A area. Memovery
That is daily Cringing ;oy to the homes
of thousands by gating many of their
dear ones from an early grave. Truly is
Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump-
tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hay Fever, Liss of Voice, Tickling to
the Throat. Pain in Side and Chest,or-
aty disease of the Tbniat and Lungs, •
positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial But
tles free at J. Wilson's Drug Store. Large
rix $1.00. (t;)
Nut another
n, said a cations. Y
u down my
throat again, when I can
get such a prompt gad pleasant cure for
my !adieus attacks, lassons Stom-
ach Bitters. It readers pure
and cowl and wake" a splendid awing
medicine. Lie bottles 60 rests.
A Well-MiNeaed lair.
Along with my brother, who was .cx:-
lating matter for a work he was about
to publish, I vested the interesting town
.( Hezhatn—interesting at least for him,
for it was • fine field for historical re-
search—although for my part, I found
little to admire besides its ancient church.
The circumstances which more than any-
thing else secured the town • lasting
place in my memory was our taking •
lodging with an extraordinary pair --an
old Iran and woman, husband and wife,
who lived by themselves, without child
or @errant, subsisting on the letting of
their parlor and ted -Homs.
When we knocked at the dour for
admittance they answered it together ; if
we rang the bell the husband and wife
invariably appeared side by side ; all
oar requests and demands were received
17 beth, and executed with the utmost
meet) and exactness. The first night,
arriving late by the coach from New-
castle, and merely requiring • hoed fire
and our to, we were puzzled to under-
sand the reason of this double attend-
ance ; and i remember my brother
irreverently wondering whether we were
always to be waited upon by these Sia-
mese twin..
On ringing the bell to retire for the
night both appeared as usual—the wife
carrying the bedroom candlestick, the
husband at the door. '1 gave her direct-
ions about breakfast far the fo,llRwing
moruine, when the husband from the
door quickly answered for her
'Depend upon it she is datnh,' whisper
ed my heather.
But this was not the case though she
trsrely made oar of the faculty of speech.
hey both attended me into my bed-
; when the old Indy, seeing ine
wit •some surprise towards her
hust.and laid : 'There s no, offence meant tion.
ma'am, for any husband anntn will. me Oen anad pain in to the Ipsr tempered acid or
into the chamber --hes atone hind.' brick dn•t design In the urine. a sequence of
'Poor man!' I exclaimed. 'Bot why, mala•ennilstioen and • common souse of neo -
then, deet he not sit still Why does ra,+syfa and rhenm•tlame. Ily .e•curintt the
sierfe, eonver.fon of food into healthy blood
Ise it.accompanyis. you everywhere
' to gunman the constructive work of tea
'It's no use, meson, your apish ing to *armee
th me eawe heevre In laloca s
toy uld woman, 1t�sd the husband ; 'ah- ret, rre stlmenta
s n't hear you—skier's yaite deaf. ----__. --
I was sat.n1519 I, Hero was c'.inloem a martHeg geseeverr.
W ..lohnstorn, of Huron, Dak. , writes
that his wife had been troubled with
acute Bronchitis for many years, and that
ali remedies tried rare no permanent re-
lief, until he precured a bottle of Dr.
1 amnion to setesee.
That preparation is undiscovered which
can surpass Dr. Fowler's Extract of N'ald
Strawberry as acurefor Cholera Morbus,
Dysentery and Summer Complaints. 2.
National Pills purify the blood, regu-
late stomach, liver and bowels. in
In the history of medicines no preps
ration has received such universal oom-
mendatiou for the alleviation it affords,
and the permanent our. it effects in kid
trey diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kiuney
Cure. Its action in these distreeslog
complaints is simply wonderful. Sold
by J. Wiliest). 2m
Having retired fns. the Liquor be.1..m. 1 haw demos my .gamin le
sWltoh 1 wW offer lower them say hers • as lbs seamy. My facilities kw h•nitlag
soli -.ems
Defy Omspeetlioa. 1 purchase direct from
' Roamer, is car lead Isis. I also make a
Sugar -Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon.
LJRD BOLD MY T MM P.41.11.-..
Read the fetbw yaotat/uas
COFFEE SUGAR, 12}IM for 1.00.
Tb.asaads nay se.
T. W. Adkins, Girard, Kan., writes :
'I never hesitate to recommend your
Electric Bitters to my costumers, they
give enure satisfaction and are rapid
sellers.' Electric Bitters are the purest
and best medicine -known anti will posi-
tively caro Kidney and Liver complaints
Purify the blood and regulate the bowels
No familycan afford to 1* without them
They wil gave hundreds of dollars in
doctors hills every year. ;old at 50 cts.
1 a bottle by J. WI in. f 3]
New Life for Vuartle•s Wraaened ay N- 1
ease. pewits, and pl.aipe/Ma.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, 00 matter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the (creat (:ermau
Remedy will restore the lost functions
and secure health and happiness. $1.00
per box, six boxes for 85.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt of price,
postage paid, by F. J. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rgent Iur United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Rnynaa, sole agent for G.d.-
The Old millers M the Prem.
'Here's a communication in thecorres-
pondent's column unsigned,' shouted the
foreman tJ the editor down through the
speaking; tube, 'shall I attach m7 signa-
ture to it.
'Certainly,' the editor shouted back,
'attach Volta& to it.'
Veritas already has a communication
on the tariff.'
'Then sign it Many Citizens
'Many Citizens is signed to a latter
here on the necessity for watering the
streets in dry weather.'
'Let Pre Bone Publico be rsponsible
for it. then.'
'I'ro Banco Publico already has a letter
headed Is the Jury System a Failure.
The editor's handsome face flushes
with vexation, as he shouts
'Sign it Observer.'
'Observer writes already on 'The Evils
of Corner Loafing.'
'Then, sign it One who Knows.
'1 Ins who Knows has s third of &column
n the 'Injustice of Double Taxation.'
An an;ty light glitters in ins editor's
'Has Constant header anything in the
paper "' he shouts.
'Yes, hs has a communication on 'Edi-
torial Inconsistency.' Anon has • letter
n •Pure Milk,' Justice A abort commun-
ication on the 'Inequality of Betterment
Assessments,' and Growler has a letter
on 'The Water Contract.'
'Then attach sti asterisk to it, said the
editor, anti with a gloomy face lie return-
ed to his desk and resumed his article on
"The Dark Horse in the Presidential
C'ltair.'—Summerville Journal.
Crest iral1geaer.
There is great neglect with most people
to maintain a regular action of the bow-
els. which causes much diaeie. Burdock
Illl+oll Batters cure constipation. 2.
Wheelers lessee VfsaptiMes. Id.
1iLF..S we hare evidence or errors In nutri-
tion. as In Bright's disease from over stimula-
tion arresting repair and hastening degener-
ationdiabetes from functional liver derange-
gati.at ! CHOW a pair be ...effete MOW
Ilan steel wile wcr•- i,,.tcwl one flesh ;
for he saw with IV! eyes anal she heard
with his eon' 1t . o• braidtfitl to Inc
afterward to watch •!o- old inns awl
woman in their ineei.aial.ldna,•. Their ne swift King's New Discovery for Cnnaemptnm,
sympathy with each other was
as electricity, and ne:ado their del cit m- Co.uitha ar.;l Colds. which had s magical
tions as naught effect, and produced a permanent cure.
R is .••••'•tneeed to cure all diseases of
• I Thrust. L';"•:. or L'r,,ttchal Tubs.
steed the Tree Resad. Trial bathes free at .1. Wilson's drug
At all seasons, when the systema is foul • store. Late. sin 81.00. r3,
and the digestive powers feeble. or the
liver and kidneys inactive, flnr,b.ck Ts the 114.11 111111 Pr+rev.tes, gad all wino
Bled Bitten are towered. 2. 1
it snap eeseea.
What M the Ise of Crying.
Now it is net implied that people lite -
telly cry. bet they wain.' if they trod
For inetateme. yen have the most 'gainful
ewes that mortal ever satrred (non.
Ws 1 y' -w need not ha•.e themfuer a
he,ltle of Potnam's I'.inle.s ('sero Ettrac
tot will remove theni in a few keys with.
out ,b. Imre pan. This is a much moor.
.ss•,t.;. proesdnre than 'nskin>t • flies
weer them Thets(eo use i'ntnam•s
Cron Es 'motor, sod yew will laugh and
.yew est.
Vgge mm's worwe Poetises rw.inire nn
j1 tr pwrosllva. They acs taf•tand an
Plt•'e Lohatine, or Nerve r'sin. a Phoe-
Loh.rtr- L:etncnt 1•tsed upon Scientitie
Far: e. F••: -melted by I'rofeseor Austin,
M. 1/. of Ihwt•m, \La.., cures Pulrnon-
are ,t'..n►•tt.Iptt•.n, Sick Hee'lache, Ner-
vous .1ttn, I s, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all waairl diseases of the human
system. Ph.,•pl.'ttne is not a Mederims.
1,n a Nntti'u,lM. Invites* It consoles no
Ve:etande • r I ineral Poirwia, 1 Ipuh•s,
N ►mulles, and no Mtimnlanta, het setup'
ly the Phosphatic and Qarttir elements
tonna In n•tr daily fond .1 singlet h..tlh.
is sn*leinnt to eeenvince .111 Drngtn.ts
sell it. $1 00 per bottle. T,nweee R
C• , aide agents f:.rthe Menton,
3m :
wonderful and mysterious curative power
is developed which is so varied in its
operations that no disease or ill health
can possibly exist or resist its power,and
yet it is
Harmless for the most frail woman,
weakest invalid or smallest child to use.
-' lltneet dead or
•'nearly dying'
For years, god given up by physicians
of Bright's and other kidney diseases,
liver complaints, severe coughs called
consumption, hare been cured.
Women gene nearly crazy '
Front ag..ny of neuralgia, nervousness,
Well Rewarded. wakefulness and carious diseases peculiar
A liberal reward will to raid to any et* women.
party who will produce t case of Liver, 1 People drawn out of shape from excru-
Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elm- 1 ciating pangs of Rheumatism.
tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring! Inflammatory and chronic. er suffer -
them along, it will cost you nothing forling from scrofula'
the medicine if it fats to cure, and you ' Erysipelas
will be well rewarded for your trout—del Salt rheum,bl'ed poiwuing,dyspepsu,
besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious- indyrestien, and in fact almost all da
nem, Jaundice. r •tstipation. and gene- j eases frail
mal debility nae quickly cured. Saurian- t Nature is heir to
tion guaranteed er money retun.'ed,Have been cured by Hop Bitters,proof
Price only fifty cents per bottle. Fon of which c\n be found in every neigh -
tale by J. Wilson. i7•] borheod in the known world. w
14 Mb for 1.00.
\t'est Nide court Hoerr lessees Oorterieb.
3-=_ C+R.ANT:
Has the Finest Assortment of Gloms for Fall 1Vear to Choose From.
A. Nobby Suit at a Reasonable Price,
First Prise at last Previte -lel Show for quality of the Wire.
H-CrGH Z7 u -NI OP
A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hal
(Physicians Pr'eEcriptions a Specialty.)
'Washburn 84 Moen
T\wPoIul Wirt (akin
JOHN A. NAFTEL'S Cheap Hardware Emporium.
1 Have the Largest Stock,
The Latest Stylest
The Most Reliable Goods,
And the Lowest Prices,
Please Call 1=1.e_
13 V7-N111TG-,
Crabb's Kock, Co rner East street and Stature.
(i.idench, May 8th. if•€1.
The Canadian Pacific Railway CI
The Company offer Lands within the Railway Belt along the mann line, and to toot
Manitoba. at prices ranging flow
$2_80 PER ACRE
upwards. with copditions requiring cniti%ation.
A rebate for edltivation of from 61.111. P.'t.:s per .ere. accordI.g to price paid tot
land, allowed on certain conditions. The 1'ump•t,) .esu offer Lands without conditie
settlement or cultivation.
along the ]lain Line, i.e., the odd numbered Felt ions within one mile of the Railway, se
offered for sale on •lnantaatceus terms, to Pattie. prepared to undertake their lmmeduu
tiration. e
Purchasers may pay oat -sixth in te+h, sod the taunt, in eve annual iaataimeaa. wit
Wrest at 81X P5.11 t'EN T. per annum. pis' able in advance.
Parties purchasing withon,t roadie ions of .eltitation, will receive a Deed of Cesveyei
time of mambo's, if payment 1. made in fall.
Payments may be tale in LANI. OItANT BON Int which will be mewed at to
cent. premium on their par value and accrued ie.elered. These hoods un be obtained s
plioattom s• the Bank of Montreal. Montreal ; er at any et Its sgeacles.
FOR PRICKS and CONiDITIONtt OF `DALE. and all information with respect to the
chase of lands, apply to JOIiN H. McTAVIIH. Land commissioner, Winnipeg. By or
the Board, CHARLES Olt INK WATICB,Secretary.
Z'10W1Z�r1 i We d_C5.-Liep
Beg I. announce to the Public that they have olened business in the above Moir t•
is the store lseely occupied by Horace Weirton. Haring purehaeed a Targe and
well assorted Web of Spring anal Mummer Goods at chose figures, we are determine
too etre the Public the benefit.
a• -Please call and examine nor geode before purchasing elsewhere.
1erletewmher the place, next door t0 J. Wilenn's Drug Rtota.
iso-cnstnm work will receive err s4Mi01 attention.
Tey'Nnrle het the hest of materiel need and Snit•clasn anodise employed.
lerR.ps'ring neatly deux on the shortest notice
(ledorieb. Ilt:tleh d► 18Ot DOWN I NCS & W ED DU F
3111111OddO---: A8010VA
'1310H 3Na09100
h1 " 0
'1M w
; o.
Art Desigus ill Wall Pape
Nevis fir.11fe. er yea wish ewes ton ales reams at home, to nee Butler's rfw,m
He *5. over
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Desig
Beautifsl eiders. and at gritty *i Inferior geed*. Call sad re. t h.
are ben Iwo i,oe end muse
The 11est Spring a.zaai' Paleris and Fashil