HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-13, Page 8w
gee,-,;{-*ssv.o.:, -
OOI1?11ftMATION HBRV1O998.;spiritually and temporally of our holy
__ faith in the deerse of louden. The is
A Harp meaner meanie our Dag/WINS! ail" van.4 awl and great adwtomtrutive
stir meads er slab ,o IIalsh. ability etecti you have shows in yowl
truly apust lie anew, the brilliant talents
and extensive learning which have die -
The Right Rev. Dr. Walsh, B.ahuu of tiuguished yuu as a preacher and writer,
London, ear u stored the sacrament of end the heroic dlsiutel wteduses and ass-
cuuhrwrtte.i at tie 1'otrrs R. C. church
uu Friday last. He was assisted by Rev.
1)r. Kilroy, of Stretford. Kev.Chalicellur
tempt for the things of thus world which
have uniformly narked your career, have
all coutbiteed to render your chancier
Tierney, of Linda's, cad Revs. Fre. l beloved ani revered by all who know
Watters, of G elersc4, 1►'Cunnor, of i yuu,aud by twee were than your laithful
Wawanwh. O'Shea, of $.atorth, Baubat, p rple of this omission.
of Ingersoll, gird L•tz of liudench Kneeling et the feet of your lurdehip,
FJty•twu caudelates had been prepared, we, with the full confidence of children
sod the large number ..f gills, robed w in a good father, bei :u inform yuu,
white aim with lung veils, was a toryI (knowtug it will help to lift the crier
pretty aught. off your shoulders of our spiritual wel-
The choir of M. Peter's, under tie' fare. We are s united and singularly
conduct of Miss Cooke, the lir:,auat sang blessed cuugregstwn. Our noble pnest,
la Salle's mass in a very tine wautier, i Father Watten,and his zealous assistant,
leather Lutz, behave with St. ('hrysos-
tom, who ear, ''When Christ Domes to
judge the living and the dead the pastor
must give an account. as It were by
name, for every individual confided to
rr his care." Acting on this belief they
tint s.,loby Moss4t Rourke, second Mrs. labor unceasingly for our spiritual g
Mwthouse ; "Qui toll's peccats•' by Mrs. Our little ones hare the priceless bleas-
Moorhosae. In the Credo the lulu ing of a sound Catholic education from
"Visibiliu.n omniew ' was sung by Mr. the saintly nuns, whose angelic elasuple
Griffin ; "Et incarnates est' by Mn. will,wo trust, be seen in their lives and
Moo' house ; "Et iu spiritum' by Miss follow them thr. ugh life as a shield
Reidy. At the offertory Min Reidy sang against the snares and deceits of asinful,
the hying', "Ave Maria,• sad at the anti-Christian world.
Elevation ssne and played "Ave verum."
The series in "Sanctus' were sung by
Miss O'Rourke, and In the "Aguus Dei'
a h Miss McLennan During continua -
and was suly /muted by llos Reedy, of
Stratford, the celebrated Canadian tan-
catrioe, sod by Mrr M•.,rhouso, a local
ailtger ut sweet voice and much power.
In the 1lL.ria solo, "t.au.i.utus to was
sang b Mr. Griffin ; "(;rate.* triune,"
In conclusion we most earnestly be-
seech Almighty God, who hath given to
your lordship such rare gifts,so to direct
and govern all your undertakings that
then the hying:, ''Ceme Holy Ghost," was they may invariably conduce to the glory
mine by the choir, Miss Nellie 'Tighe of God and the advancement of los holy
singing the solo. reli tion. That your fervid eloeuence
T I may long resound through your majestic
was an able and effective one. After cathedral, which is a living monument of
stating the pleasure it gave him to ad- your great zeal, is the united prayer of
minister the sacraumut to the candidates Your Gederich popple, who now crave
in Gotlerich and to invoke the Divine your+kb,vlessing,
en u,n the congregation, he ex. , SiXel on behalf of the congregation.
plained the significance of the sacrament B. L. Doyle, J. S. DCDieugfall,
of confirmation in a moat thorough ratan- E. Campton, P. O'Dea,
ner, and referred at some length t. the Jas. Doyle, J. L Casaady,
work and death of the saviour, olio had 13. McCormack, Patrick Cern,ll,
died then. ,11 ., I.•. hrLCvr.l ur film might D. Curry.
live and enjoy eternal life hereafter. 111. lordihip replied to the addresses
The right rev. speaker also took occasion
to inveigh against the moral and relig-
ious eow,trdicr that l.re%Ailed to so great
an extent nowadays. and reminded all
within sound of hie voice that Christ WI
said he would before the judgment seat
of God deny those she hal previously
denied Him before teen. The stere
tact of being Morn and leered in the
Roman Catholic church w,.uld not save
anyour uultes he showed by his walk
and life that he believed in the atone-
ing blood of Jams, and the Sa-
viour had said en this point, "Net every-
one who saith, Levi, Lord ' shall eater
into the kingdom of Leaven." W. must Thus far $174;bat•e1beeu subecnbed,inde-
live up to ovr faith .•r our faith will no: pendent of the grant of $125 from the
save us. Ha asked thou who were pre- town comtcil, and as a number of other
sent and who had in past years been con- subscriptions are expected, it is believed
firmed in the faith, how hit i they kept that some $500 in purses will be offered
their confirmation tows and exhorted f••r competition at the games.
thane to remain firm t.. their last , Mr. John Stobie was chosen pFerma-
plsdges. To those who were now about' Hent chairman, and Mr. Jas. 51it.chell
to receive the sa ratueut Le would say it , was app.,inted secretary.
was not abide necessary t . begin well, The following; cnrnmtttees were •p -
but they must cuutinue .a well -doing. pointed on Wednesday evening :
Printing - Messrs. VanEvery, Nairn
and Robert Reynolds.
Band -Meseta. W. Mitchell, Belcher
-ound pure literature would prove a and J. Robinson.
source of strength to them. ily these Fireworks -Arch. Dickson. Horace
and other methods the wild, the flesh Herten. H. Clucas and Capt. Danny.
and the devil would be overcome by all (General Committee en Sports -John
who wished to follow in the way that Scobie, Capt Daneey, Ed. Ku.eell, Thos.
Christ had trod. g McBride, 1Vns.Venstone, Neil Campbell,
After confirmation two little girt., H. Clucas, Geo. Stiven, Jas. Rebinsen,
Joie Shennen and Flerrie Traunch, D. C. McKay, F. McPhillips, R. Van -
presented the bishop with a bouquet id stone. Robert Givens, John Curry, Fred
lowers, in which a $2.5 gold piece was 1'ridhans lames Addison E.J.Duncan
•enclosed, and aca.rupanied the presenta-
tion with the following address, which
was read by Miss Shannon in a highly
creditable manner :
-eon,. Elsairsaacia. Erns Owe*. -(lwarwt: s, aha Cwsr.sr
nae- Hy • therms* kuuwle.ige of the nets -
,sl la we wkbk guvera the ovlershoes el
Mrs. Doetry. of Haste, pica a lying tInostau.a et 'mihe mics.
ise Vrv,prrteea• tante
visit W her friends bete. I w•iketed Coma. Mr. Epps leas provided our
Mr. Uraham. of Culburue, ba. (eased brsakts.t babies with a d.liostey flavoured
612,:tiks"ing es- the shop which belonged to the late Mn. ' teviertle wWek roe u. ma•y haar1
duotun bilin 11 d the )wlicww 5545 of
,,. ..chortle eeof diet t t a ooe.utuUon mal
M bra MaUy bahon
t ap until strong eau to
=Matt, lealeeoy to dinner. Hundreds
of 'able maladies are floating around us
ready to attack wherever there is • weak
li pt. W r may escape many s fatal shah bl
/aR ourseltas well furtltied with
Wood aid • oeotrarlf auurl•hrd fnmse.' Yr/1
8r►rgrl Uusdta---dads M..pll wit► buSIin�i{p
water ori utllk, er►IA Yn 1'ar•kel" :trill
Ties itlb aid Ib 1, by Urw ars. Inh• Ilnt
Jenne Errs ft Co., Homeopathic Chsut.is,
London Kee.`
Verey's panorama gave two eahibi-
tiona iu the Orange hall. The hall was
well tilled each evening, and the audi-
ence appeared to be highly pleased.
Rev. Jam Caswell, of this village, is
billed fur Mies Craig, while Rev. J.
Turuer, of the latter place, u billed for
A baseball club was organiasd here
last week by some of our leading young
teen. This is a step in the right direc-
Quite a tturuber of our residents at-
tended the Forester's picnic at Auburn.
They report an exceedingly pleasant
Rev. D. McNaughton, M. A., of
North Keppel, neer Owen Sound, ',ecu -
pied the pulpit of the Presbyterian
church, lest Sunday. On Wednesday
evening, he deliveted his lecture on the
Relation of Music to Public Worship,
and on Friday evening he will give s
lecture un Temporatsce. Mr. McN. is
the author of a very spicy little book on
in a feeling and appropriate manner. and
stated that his visits to Godeneh were al-
ways looked forward to by hint with
feelings of pleasure.
A farmer's wife on the 12th con.
sheared 18 sheep one day last week, be-
sides attendmr to the housework. The
actual time occupied in shearing was on-
ly three hours. We doubt if any et the
"sterner see" can beat that.
Tho court of revision held its first
sitting on Monday the 26th May, 11484.
The following canoe were disposed '.t : -
The assessment of J. Butler, lot 3 E.D.,
was sustained ; M. Morrison's 8. W. pt.
lot 1. con. 13 E. D. reduced $5O; Walter
Bunting's W�} 8, oen. 2 E. D., reduced
$200; C. O'Connor's reduced $230; H.
Reid was entered on the roll as owner
of E pt 1 and W pt 2, con. 5 E. D., G.
Westbrook as owner 1V 11, ton. 4
G. Hall as owner S El 9, non. 9 E.D.;
D. McLean es tenant for pt Si lot 3,
con. 11 E.D., at $200 The assessment
roll having been amended accordingly
was accepted by the court. 7 ur-.ionf, thr .4th J.nt of Jetta., /Me,
DOMINION DAY GAMES. The members of council being all pre- at 2 o'clock. p.m.. luta number Al and :n, intim
sent. The minutes of last muetin'• were Maitland eunarwlee of the Township of Gode' tR a .r-• t n e ,r.a,t..
Ttlie t Glens' r'.masa111ee Deride 1 poo read and signed. Cemmuuieations were rich. sontain,ng 190 acres of land. more or Lecturer on the E r. Ear ar,d Throat Tr.n:ty
SP fres, w nor Wt. Medical l'dlrge. 'i orontu- and surgeon to the
tleldlee • knead ttrtebntl.a. received from Thos. Buruby and others 2nd• At the same time and pat r. tet Metier Bye ant Far Inflrnu,ry, oculist had
and Matthew 5luckelt",n In respect to number Zl In the 11th concession of said I Aeries to the Hospital for sse-C .'eildrru. late
On the evening of Wednesday last the wire fences and from Seager a% Lewis,
Township of Uodcrich. cuutalnuug eD acres. Hoclispital.
. Mou ret kuyal d('.London U hIA.ndon
11 Hospital. Jluurflrl.ts, and Central I.undon
citizens' committee met at the town hall barrister, Goderich, on behalf of R. srd. At the setae time and pace. rittsre Threat and Fir Hospital.xs7 CHUnt'11 Srsa r.
lois comber Ht and 172, on the south gide o< TusoxTu-
the nit er. 'Fri -scaler. and fronting on ( lar• perch 2 th. 15.41, itu•
inda street in the village of Teeseater. in the
County of Bruce.
Ith. At Martini Hotel, ;n the v:ilage Of
Dun*snnon. on
11'e•l.seadoo, HA. .!,al. tits '.1 J. tee, 1830,
at 2 o'clock. p.m.. the west half of lot number
: in the 5th ,orweo,ion. Eastern Invision. of
the Townshipo( Ashfield. containing muacrea
05010 or lest
Mb At Scandrctl'r lintel, in the vallate of
Belgrave. on 1884
t i o'clock,
the 551. .r t,; slime, d v4, Saginata and Bay City Boats" Wilson's Prescription Drop Ster.
at 1 ticircle, p.ru„ the property tt the acid vil-
lage. occupied hy Mr. )4candrett as a Motel.
comprising village ler number I. on the Mor-
ris side, in the sad village. and the land oc THE 'STii.AMEM _ `Fountain of Health.
12.l by the "tables esasonof heton¢partof I O /'rO
lot I2. in the eAh co' -s .pp mut the township of l i
N'awanusb,and which may be described as fel- V -
lows. t •oma.encingat a point on northerly line G. W. McOREOOIt, MANIKIN. 1.1gIllnln, is
it of the gravel road. between Ill)-tb and Wing-
haat distant 10 rods southerlydirection from
the north-east corner of said Id. thence west-
erly parallel with the concession rued ti rods.
thence southerly parallel with the said gravel
road 62 fere thence easterly parallel with the
said concession road. to the said gravel read
a rods. thence norther') along said gravel
road 62 feet. to the plate of beginning. Cheboygan.
6th. Al the same time and place. the pro- Returning will leave GODERIt'H
Loans ant) insurance.
0 that per •set ell'Aukit fit LrM ltl,
OoderIeh. April 17tk. ten t#
`•:,00,000 TO LORA. APPLY TO
funds -on freehold security, .. to
ties. Seaman. liolerkh. UJaies.
1 amount of Private IfunC. for u., es. went
,t 1.0 est retes use erat-elar Mortgagee. A PPI/
on Farm and Town Property at 5 .weer in-
terest. Mortimer* purrtrasrd. no Cemu,i45bs
charged. Conveyaneing Fixe rrasuuatM.
N. K harrowers tau obtain moue) fu our day
If title it sadetnct.r7.-Det VISA" 054 t JOHN
9TON B•rrdMers. fie., Ooderlck. 1751
l'sdee and by rlrtus of • tower of Sale coo -
tabbed In • variant mortgage detail the Inch
day of December. A.D. AMID, which will he pro-
duced at the Was of sale, and made by one
(eorg. t'urk, so the Vender, there,rul be sold
by Pelee -Auction, ea
.Whores', the 14tA of Jetta, 4.1). 17044,
at two o'clock In the afternoon. at P'ollock's
Heel, in the V of IIayteld• la the Coun-
ty of Huron by N' IemH errlauu.AnctIourrr.
the follows valuable village property.name-
:-Fart of number Yid. In the Vllage of
Bayfield, in the County of Huron,std particu-
larly described aa follows : Commencing at •
poet 92 links from the weer oornw t of said
Lot number 21t, frontier on Main street.
thence easterly X feet in frontage. thence
northerly la a straight line to the rear of said
lot. theuce westerly ]l feet, throne suutlsefy
to the piece of be.inuing.
There is situated upon the rid land • watt
two-story frame home and • frame stable.
The above property would Crake • desirable
residence. and is well situated.
TERMS :-Ten per coot rash at the tam•• of
sale. and the balance in one mouth.
For further particulars apply to Cameron.
Holt & l'anrerou. Barristers. /loderieb. John
Keeue. hoe.. Hayfield. or to the Auetio's ere
Dated�k'51 May. A.D.
Vendor's Solicitors.
Mayfield. Auctioneer. 1M5 -2t
Under two orders made by the H Court
of Justice, Chancery Division, a in the
above action. dated the 90th November. lad•.
and the Ind September. 1410, there will be
sold by l'uWic .%uction. the following tslu-
able properties.at the rrver•al tunes sad plats
hereinafter ruentioned,bv and with the appro-
bation of Sutherland Malooinson, Esquire. one
of the ousters at Uolerich. of the Supreme
Court of Judicature for Ontario, vtr:
let. At the Grand Union hotel, in the ril-
Iagc of Clinton. on
1\ . Life and Acrldent insurance Agent.
It -present Ina dratclamCompanies. Also agent
fur the C•w.soA Live Seek Isatlaaxca CO.
Money to lend on Mortgage. either in Town o.
Perm Property, la u way to sail the burrow
er. unice.iso-4110Rev's block uederbh
3 tet)ical.
R CASE, M.D., C.M.. M, l'.
L . Om. Physician. Surgeon. Aex:uuobeer
Aw. Ouse .That formerly' occupied by In.
llreehhse.l (Dungannon. Night udke- Mae
bb's Isaiah Het -
i B. WHITELY, M.D., C.M., I'HY-
'1 dICIAN. Summit. actoucheur. etc.. M.
t.*'.*. Oatarke Uooe- •Teel Square. 2 doors
It•w is 11•ilesa's Dreg ['[tore. up stairs. 5At31
l'.:rLAUI (. Jsa_ E. N. Lawnnet. J. A. Mo
leT. iAN. SCROKON. dr., Graduate of Tor.
Wpq�astt:PhMOW talcs. London. Englandy. LicertMte of the . kip, Kc',
IG C. P. Ontario. Odic' and residence
Ommette Hotel. Ilsm:;tun street, t,ud-
erlck 1: t 0dni
Usti+ comer of the square and w..g
shoe t) , bile►, or or Butler's buukat.q
meow to lead at lew.m rases of Interns.
C7 ItleTK O Atttoreme 'em. 'tee
(ioderit•h. J. 1'. Gamow. \sV. Pruudtest,
!'IAlfifeK ►N , H JLT & CAMERON
ki lbrr1ters, t(ulioItun in ('lraeery, fila
)dent: and %tnglatu. M. C ('
d P. 1I. It. M. G. Cameron. Goderlol►•• ' I
I+ . W itiate/ au. 11R.
i Awn
WTSeewaJ Jour Hush of Tug hIu•, MOIL
Lend Beaded Dud Sold on ('ostraiasioa.
-. - Angler holt Tat
Neve Leal of Lowest Metre/ /•reread,
Real Fatale and PlwaacW Agee
April Dn. slag.
$50.UU11 .`yF LOAN AT a PER
THE TORUNTU GE:NthtAt. eitt'tsTel to'y
are pre red to loan money at 6 per teat. My
able habit year!), on
on first-class farm security.
Apply to
Barristers, tluderich•
agents for the Toronto Uenerai Trusts Coy.
DR. Me -LEA's', ,PH YS1CI AN, SUR -1 Mee'rs ('.Valu,.�r Lr CAl1RW,x have
OKON. C,,ru•.,•r ke. Once and residence i also a laryrgi_ee 5050.55)1 o funds to loan
Brox Steer:. r • .a•i door west of victoria I M ire-cIsn. fern" sec urlty-
Street. Rsi. Ga lerich. Oct. 4. (5)3.
. clan, Surgeon and Acconcher. Oradua:e The /1.. j a e.e O m1tee _,
of Toronto University, 012Iceoppo site rano' t� u �/j,� �j j y ( j
rent Cameron's Bank. Luckuuw. 1
sate. enquire at the Bank.
taut u.
HAMILTON, ll ;sklla SHANNON urr�s. an Lir.. act_ BEAD OFFICE. - WATERLOO, ONT.
office at i r. Shannon's rwidencr, tear the
gaol Ooderich. G. C. SHANNON. J. C- Hsieh,
LR. RYE1.Sd)`•,
and after receiving the report of the Gialram, Pert Albert. Sealed tenders
eanvasaing committee, decided upon wereopened from fe Hamtlto,n e.1 923e,
boldine a celebration en Dominion day. and T. F. Henderson at $245, for build-
ing I'richard's bridge. Mr. Hamilton''
tender was accepted on his giving securi-
ty for the fulfilment of contract. Mov-
ed by McMurchy, seconded by Whitley,
that .5. Wilkie, 1'. Shields, Neil Mc-
Donald and D. McDonald der their
statute labor under J. I{ickner, Lath•
muster. Mr. Mallough was instructed
to purchase ten scrapers for the use of
the township, two tar each of the five
read divisions. Moved by Clare, se-
conded by Mallough, that John Whitley
have the hill and bridge at Millar's mill
S. L 3 and 4, con. 4 E.D. , repaired so
as W be tit for travel. The amount to
be expended not to exmed 9100; also,
that D. McMurchy have the mad on 12
and 13 can. between 12 anis 13andli and
7 repaired. The amount not to ezeeed
$75. Moved by Whitley, seconded by
MCMurch that the clerk be instructed
to notify D. Girvin, War 11 can. 2 E.D., perty adjoining to the southerly. upon the
and T. Polly E3 11, con. 2, nut to pro- mid stables, known formerly tee the )feCart-
aey Hotel. and de•cribtd Ls • part of the said
coed in building wire fence apposite farm lot number 12 in the nth concession of At 1 p.m.. for Detroit and Cleveland. calling
P. Farr, D. O. Cameron, Charles Nairn, `their respective lots until such time as the said township of Wawanosh. commenatag Ihniat T Kil�al fort Huron and pu:nca on at.
E. \'anErery, R. Reynolds, R. S. Wil- the council is satisfied that it is needed at the northerly limit of the mid gravel reed
at the south-easterly toner of the parcel Iasi- For rates of freight and paha•• an.l all in.
hams, Arch. Dickson, D. C. Strachan, to prevent the accumulation of snow. ly above deserlbed. thence southerly' along the forrustios, appy to HFaLFaBORFi_
Harry Kay, Thos. 11laodermott, W. L The followingaccounts were eafdgn rel road m feet. more er les'c to the W M. LEP. A s•.nt ter e, dere• h.
Horton, StanleyHays, C.C. Roes, Daviel PMS I potaintng the 9e. rod' owned by one or e, A• TOAllsetue. WILSON. 7 B. Hamilton 3,000 ft. planking and et- with am, Thompson. concession
thence d A road parallel Manager. Irl •n;r, JAS. ♦ ♦ ILSON.
Curry, Lewis Elliott, Horace Horten, gra round of timber on abutment ..n wltn tee said concetsion r,sd x rids, theta
Alex Chrystal and A. Straiton. Mutdo,ch'e bridge i( t ; P. Yl'hitb wire northerly rte (ser, more er less, to the south- Gederich, May 991h, 19.1. 191.1
Several new features will be introduc- K y•west coater et the said unreel lastly above de-
fence 8.3io; J. Murdoch, do $11.8:►; *r•r16ed. thtncr ca*terly paraliel to she a lel '� f30 TO
ed into the sports this year, and the James Mullin, do $11.;0; 1). Alton, do 'c'r'ce*.iun road s red' w tee said gravel road R P RO U D FOO l
and place of beginniag.
committee feel confident of making the 913.20; E. Hays, underdnin on D. L, PARc'F:L 1.
day in Goderich on the 1st of July a eon. 6 $3; Wm. Kirkley, part on table This property is 1; milt. from 1iolmegriue, Has Mat remit ed cis rprin; Stw k of G.N.DAVIS,
$' .25: D. 11feKinnon, "art fur n iris and about 3 mile" from ('lintuu. Als,nt ries
moat attractive one. , g 1 ,
r pa urea air . learn+' an -1 alma, fie ,,,,•e et amps.
Qf4T fL ori on bcamdar lime between Ash- and the h•Iwn a i, gain timbered with haul
l 11 ! \ AN:. nett IRK
7 wood rimler. t , V V`� \ 1��� I�I�X,���tll`` t//
- field and Kinloss, 99.64; J. McGee, wire
The ilio inl tletreo.l c insist of • 1! "tory I, l i ITEV I COAL OIL
fence, $36.60; J. Dalton, do $7.80; Mrs. s>ene dw,•!hn nun.' ltz1. a fame Irrn SDs ' t
A wealthy landowner here had seven T. O'Neil, 911.40; I). McKenzie, repair- :'s• and a etch a it es. w,❑ pen clay, and pa rt
pigs impounded which he found on his ingculvert, I. R., $5; DennisSullivan, cantly Lpam, serene nrvrr-falling flow All are New and Well Selected. uhf. h he of
through rhe preuu«y end a good well adjoin• (RED ROSE_)
proper y. The pound -keeper and the aeleear, gyp. Ikea an 1 Margaret lie the Louse. fen ►[ the Lowest Possible Prieto'.
le pounder were a little surprised to There melee a g:.,d bearing oeel i con- *5•*o
1 (:UIre, charity, 910; R- Jew 01. us,cil testing of about i.i,frui' Irnee. Havers, Radon. Inrd. (Eerie, Rolle- Ploer --
- I A4 Gallon Can and 4 Gallons
learn afterwards that the swine were done on D. L con. li, $50. The aouucil
'PARCEL i made from 51•nitota Wheat. also Harris' of Oil for 8125.
owned by the latter. The joke is too adIourned to meet again at same plass This property f* shout 1' miles front Holmes- Pine Family finch tion teat. Bran. I
good to keep quiet. un iaturda ,the 5th da of July.
rii;e, anA Y miles fr,m L eaten. about 40 nein Shores, and all other kind, of !nail. yt a are trranufaetnMhg a TiTE n Roller that will
7 7are cleared and t safe aerca n,. in Ti..bushbei moil 000$ b S
R. Il. Morris has donned the red Mat, Joey CWgt, clerk- pan slay and pert sanely ham. a build:nrnppc Carmen rrMatre Takes In a.uhaa,at.
thereon ceest,t of a frame dwelling house SUx Goode delivered Tree in any to of the town
and will go into camp with the troops en with aemall kneeenattarhed, afram barn and Sal ds&
Tmar,La. nut. -- - howl, with a lean store.• fnuudatiou, and clean
Apple orchards in New York are MSX to iezei. all in fair rept:;.
Zseflt111>lJd, ravaged by the tire worm. A °carr -faille; swine stream flown through
3 to laird. aetr, stain e a aloe* mod wets cites te
The resl.tnrent ofthe Union de 4 ' at 1.1e 1 e.. and n mall .rohant of about 70
CRnr•, --Farmers are badly engaged St. Paul wsa bnnseel Tnesdgv night tea rruti to a in pea-! G•aring. The tene'os the
in getting to their mot crops. The re. •end
a'r u, tate n• U.
neat nits have improved the crops won-
irether with A quantity of beglage and i'AItCF.L..
several palaco cars Twenty rmpluyes T .r.r t,rt, an .'uaat. bus[ arc eligfblr ter
tierfully. The fall wheat, Maim* places, several in their nicht clothes. ettr.e-r;psnbn or pntate rrsileace p urpo•ta
appears to be making fart progress 4e
t t,•C thr't Aix t ilh a of Treswater.
Tho ate•mslsigt Alberta, of the C. P. R. i'-IItCF.t. 4.
R. E. Brown conducted service in the line, has made the fastest tri en record This pro►x•rir',situate!.hole 11 miles from
p tine Town of (.oirrieh. and *bout 2 miles from
between fart Arthur and Owen Sond. *ter": viilsg•- o/ Irm,rannn:,, Ahout 01 •cite
the absence of Rev- J. A. Turnbull, and ger lame was art hours, or two boon ter- o 1 -arol ltaorts en Umhw red chiefly with
gave an impressive discourse en "pray_ 1" •mh. k. uet;dd hied flee. h and al*,w .5 see;
loess than the advertised time, arriving in of slag.. The "oil Iw aur the rp,cpat {,ter sandy
- Daily prayer, termination of conscience,
\ regular attendance upon : elygiuus ordi-
Dances. confession, and tl.e reeding of
Tinel Rev. ANI' Utak FATHtn : -�l-e
aro told that when our blessed Lord was
on earth He loved to gather little chil-
dren around Him, and evinced for them
a special affection. And when some,
who uudento'.d not the .weetrom of
His sacred heart, wished to prevent the
little ones approaching, He said, "Suffer
the little children to come unto Me ani
forbid them nut," You, niy lord, are
His representative to us ; you are ambo•
ed with His spirit, therefore, are we en-
couraged to gather around yon here
today, not only to salute you with pro-
found reverence as the Lord's anointed,
a legitimate auoceas,r of the apostles,
a prince of holy church ; but also to wel-
come you as sur own beloved buhnp, our
Ged♦ppeintsd pastor and guide ; to
thank you, as beet we can, through
where sacred ministry the Holy Ghost,
the Divine pareelete, has entered our
Maim today, str.tsgthening us by His
seven -fold gift for the battle of life, and
'fad us still more firmly to our holy
h. But whilst you are thus engaged
throughout the diocese, consecrating
spiritual temples to God, you are labor-
ing to raise • material temple also to the
honor of His holy name. Will our
lerdship kindly permit us to contribute
COT little mite towards this noble and
holy undertaking ! And as our dear
Lord noted with apscial approbation the
humble offering of the poor wide', in
the gospel, we trust He will not spurn
man, which we by your lordship to ac
cepl in Hu name and for His make. and
for the dwelling place which you shall
have prepared for Him ..n earth, may Ile
receive you into the "h.,use not made
by hands," the mansions mf His beauti-
ful heaven. So pray we, who aro proud
to call ourselves,
Velar lerddup'a
Iltv•,Ty:, LITTLE CHILeri-x.
Messrs l'*nsiinn, Il'1H'a enol Carrell
next went ferwanl, and the former read
the following address :
'J11w Right Rerervlsd Jahn Wafah, 1).1).,
Bishop of London.
MAY it PLRAaR lint• LoRu+stir,
Tom conte to visit us in the discharge of
your Heavenly mission in this beautiful
month of Jane, and oar lovely town has
put on its garb of beauty se if to join
with its, your devoted and loyal people,
in paying yen that tnhute of profound
reaped to which thedietingoiahsd anther
of "T nn ghta on the Sacred Heart' is so
eminently sedition.
The same divine •°thorny, my lord,
"(i.• t.aeh all nations," w Rent t. were hespitahly (entertained by the Illyth
Patrick to deer Ireland, the bene of ear friend*. Rev Mr ;Repine will leedare
fathers, from whom we mosived tae iso- at the temperance hall this irreales
habit. faith, hu Rant row' lordship ander the R.spicw .vt th. Inde, end*
• -••biy hare you filled crier ex rewlings and reeidatieas wW ttilo jr
seta 1" jibe gtrewth gfyrnt Silver ooll•stisa.
Mfl.N5 KrWT. 111114115491161911.
The only purely Mutual Life C.. in (Asada,
Total number of Policies to force Die. ma.
ltte7 5.211. covering assurance to the amens
of 66,5:2.:19.D0.
TOTAL A.RETa. • 4111411,746.10
TOTAL WOsMBS& t;eteead.40
at RPM'S, 4143.ref.es
TL.' Companya Reserves are based an the
"Actuante Ta of Mortality. -and tear
cent. interest -the lIigAral Standard
hy any Itfe company' in Cased*. and
iter Dear. bleier than the standard used by tee
Dominion Issunnoe Department.
The increasing popularity and rapid growth
of the company may be seen from the fact
that in fru. the ant year of its business, the
total assets amunnted to only Walt while km
ear they reached the hand•,nie total et
•Rd 60. WM. HENItItY. Manager.
W S. HODG154 . General Agent,
': rat fond. Ont.
U'An soave and reliance District Agent
wsated for tioden.-h ao.l Wiest Huron. App17�
to W. e.. Horn-,ne, Gement Agent. dtrstlord. T
frMone to t•oan at Low Pates of Inter.- '.
May y1• nil. l9ai. ltlsl A:.
Sulphur d!: Iron Bitters
Will leave OODERICH. weather permitting. I Electric Bittern.
on and after June St h. 1504. maktng es EESLIi
Mal lib TROT% during the season. as foll.,w. Burnlo,Ck Bitter.:,
EVERY THURSDAY' London Purple'
At 1 o'clock p.m., fob w. Hay City, Sand
Basch, Ta was and ala ate on the Wert akure.
including Alpena Chebo
Presbyterian church en Sunday last in
Preparation l /wen `it.und *5 8:30 c, cloak Monday 1' There is a It story frame .1 welling hone b
reW on service. for the communion morning. felt npa,r. apti1 nern *48.60, "II Sunday next will Abe held in the _ e___ ____ _ newa...lmq. tat repair nn rhes p-, mar,ews
I'rasbyttrian church ..n Saturday facer seen creek flows through the land. and there
A well known and highly esteemed At E:mt*v,..w, Tnrelar. Juni 745.1. Ms. *le i"'! "• good well on the nn•in{nes.
`iwpbrll. infant daughter of Henry and PARCEL 5.
bachelor of this place drove a couple ret C%reetlaa Adams. aged 11 month* and 11 days. I I ig .omprl*e. w ,alabte .ountry' Hotel
• pt.miw�mia rhe enjoymrtcr of a goon basins.,
young ladle. to Gederieh on Sunday to �� gag the only Hrenoed Hntel to tht Ulla•g.t'
attend the Army meetings. owing to Th.. 11de1 bnllding is of Irick, two uoriew
the darkness at the Chao of the night high, well finished, nearlo new sod In gond
repair. The a.•,omm.tilat ion hoth hi the Pfotel
meeting he failed to find hiseena,erts,and end the accompanying stable* Is anode for
the ladies were forced to walk kerne at the tnon met Ion of a good 'mene45,
eleven p ret.J • . A_ a This i roperty' Is upon the main street in the
vinare. NOM fornwr y Mica a Hotel, and could
Joseph Kyo, one of the pioneer regi- 1...1be made available for any ordinary hs.inese
.lents of Tuckenntith, spent last week • p°rpo"c, or .aenplerl m • r-eeldenee by tw
visiting relatives in this vicinity. The "ca" �� expenditure of • .mall .nm in minuet.
Ththew7Ttitle to all thew paretic is perfect.
old gentleman enjoyed our lake breeze*, SPECIAL OFFERS They •re et present under Iia•* hut ail lesseeTsureRAeot. The district meotin1 rim re in the present year. and the portien-
at Blyth on Monday eau .ttended by on tile in
e followg goad* avid material at the .ba�tys,of tack Mean *111 be fully stated at nu.
B". Williams and A. H. Clutton, "4 SBBENILLBB PLOD JORKS upon
will he a reserved old nes upset pr,,,,
Minors M. McMannus and Ella Horton, each parcel. The purchaser will M re,
glared to pay 10 par .ear. of hie porehaeli
ea delrirates from our lodge. They re- M Arrrr:elan hove tlrsApen. at *Lyn wrh• mese% to the Vendor. `b8Mitors, on tee day
port a pleasant eathering, and may that which is but half prin. o,f deme. and the balance Into t'o'rt within erns
1 Maxwell Hrwvie Power and Met.*. In mogul -thereafter wlthwtt interest. when the
the vat -tees hedge. r'epreeented are going ltwe pun•ha,er shall ne entitled to a conveyance
forward in the matter of the Scott AM. rase hilt • sMMhe
te, sew wheat earn ars and h.•,• fr...., ell ..,..bno. esre T
•hl la good seder fav $I10.se not soth
nic an 1.s.e* m the said
Tetr.peranee workers at the meeting owe third its rake.Is other nwtrtita this oendMlnsna M anis
apnke well of the work ..t the lnrei'a �rera) I�etw Orindstowes at helos coat, *hail M the •ra(edine�rdeedltlrwus of the (law_
Army net the Salvation Army at Clinton than ,"c,ag ane. w Rualrr at f pea rent. Ir as
eery 1NrINOn of the t�111•Agri of 'mein.
and Seaforth, as the Weed the I Complier�Rlrtesad..farallkind.althresh- r'or rurlher p..Atrepars. apply tr, lNeeasn,
Y T (`a*t "-r, Hent t'am.rnn. . leltdws. (4ade
{n( warhs.
of i 11 (: T The nett district meeting ,aw (acne K•Ivw at hall pvtnm rich . timers. Merlin t' hltnrw,, Hollelt.wa
wi11 he held at S.afneth. The delegate. A ire et Har free. odes i ria : and in the 1 .aline. t(o11r1tees,
Stereo had Rerw (4.1ib`ech.
.�( s Pullers Mara Ike.. with leant' other 1sdic
Dated at lidwlwrtr►. 1►w INA day e/ Mar.
1690.12:711:171:h at
Appy to
r l,ft5 res
)rAigi t' gdMa. � t 91 n
004111141.11. Jew Ilk. NM. 111 1M►. treatersaelPd.ss
and also thepatentR PROf'DFu. op, Milk Cans with 3 t
Caron. -- - Pier ()relines.
Nelson streets. eppoyite Milk (duo
^' Pier Oravnds, l;afree•tch.
May w. ISM.
XX- I Uoderiob, April 16th lath.
$1O SUITS. $1O
All Wooi Tweed Suits
FOR $10.00
$10 SUITS. $10
area raarenass or
Pure Paris Green and London Purple for Potato B s.
Pure HelloofgQboreer iter Z not Qn Ourrlsnt
Q-ireb- LlJlrnd o.e 23ufi11h.M.
F. JORDAN, Chemist d Din