HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-13, Page 7µ.,• • Fashion's ' ncies. Draperies grow tenet sad wears elabor- ate. H.Ik.trope shads well beta hyth elms 1 rat Maron. Ould lane and Alpine rues trim the Fedora l.uuuet• Imoeurr and diminutive sellers aro. alike Irshiuueble. Pal. beige Harte end oofi.e sod milk tole.* are revived. Lengthwise forks are seen on late ta- t ertsd . est mugs. Cepdvn and round hats divide the run 1 faabl.Ilable favor. Oray French aerators is immensely I order for spring suits. Ottomans play an important part in young girls spring dresses. newer ruches are pretty decorations of bipeh-necked ev g toilets. Boned-enlwn "Terry" turbans are in the lags of new spring hats. Rueeet-brawn is preferable to gray her brides' travelling dresses. Slippers, gaiters, biota and shoes of all kinds are still pointed At the use. New cotton prints for dresses show the fine India silk designs of butt year. ' Flowers aro once niers worn in the hair. They form a small moth to go around the crows of the head hick ar od the slander filaments 4 an aigrette spring upward in the centime. Bleck Spanish lace is used as • trans- m:mit Over white surae The Rev. )<. Pasha Heed, in utas ut his wenn, gives same i tesestsss tof..s- utatiou on this s.bjest. Sometimes, be says, m the varieties of la.gbter we mottos- -end we lege that ws du nut Mt.0 uutieo- the Iseg\ of mere ulaliv- uity, like that uekvoIoat specimen Sir Walter Scutt describer in the persue .d the sanctimonious emugglsr. Thomas Turnbull. Of this courting old repro- bate, with the Bliss I.1 Toes 1 urnpenny, we are told in the novel of •Healgauut- let,' Moon the uorelon of hie trexarding a jest with young Allan Fairford, 'Hers he emitted a chuckling grunt which Iset• ,d fur two vibratiots of the pendulum exactly. end was the only approach to- wards laughter in which odd Turup.euuy, as he was micknamod, was etre known to militias' Sir writer has descrihed another Laugh, a type of the aw...•rolent order, emitted front the guileless •reature DonnO.. t'SMWIK..11- -'it is tree, he sever laughed, or joined in the laugh which his nwn a.ialplcity afforded -nay, it is said he ismer laughed but once le his life. and .•u i list memorable (a -:salon his landlady mucarnsd, partly through .ur- pmes at the event, and pertly front terror at the hideous grimaces which attend tills unusual cacbiOneason.' Most of these instances fishing cioarly to the, order of drollery ; and su also when Sir Georg• L.rpent tells up, while at Water- loo, he was standing with the cage and unmovable Duke, as his aide -de camp, a cannon -ball struck close to their teet and tore up the earth. the Duke rubbed his The changeable silk dress Roods are ro hands, exclaiming to him. 'It is getting very low in price that every lady should very 'untrusting, sir 1 it is getting very essanimat.ng It u the sublime uncn- have one *, tr immnoun wear or to for F.o. acluusnt*. and indifference to personal curia i.. trimmed witk oriental erg danger which constitutes the droll iucon- corial lees t L"a�' •, gruity hen. But we haves 'meter illus- reatM of sinal( treses are lien In elation in the Irishman who, when asked (fink, white and yellow, and Perfect ami• if any Particular motive had induoed him tattoos of fine kris are mingled with theses- + ^ sefilitf�l4 A little capon of yellow straw is faced with ruse -colored silk and wreathed with small pink roses, which trim it quite ela- borately. The ties, of medium wide pink ribbon, are arranged in a firm bow nnder the chiu.'lr .,I•r«ihssrsa rntlre wreaths for bonnets are again worn, but it trust be rememheret: that only the face .4 a pretty maiden. or at least one that is eomely and unwrinkled, Can bear about it a wreath .If dowers A worn or elderly face can wear shaded loaves, bat buds or hl.r.aoms, ne. "rrei and Mack are likely t.. succeed to the pusitiuw so long held by black and white, and many toilets at .once elegant and becoming are seen in these odors. The complexion .f the wearer must de- cide the amrlent and shade 4 gray that is to be used. Simpered poplin is mailing great headway, but will not attain the height of popularity until nett Fall, as they are more suitable fir winter than summer costumes. Those in slate colors are lovely, and when combined with non- pareil velveteen .f the hest quality will form • very durable and beautiful cos- tume. to enlist ir. the Blot Regiment in prefer- ence to any other, replied, because he then accepted as sovereign. (Front canted to he near to his brother, who "Queer Oame," by Mn. S. B. Hetrick, wee in the 1L'fnd. 'How will you he in St. Nicholas for Jona tried r said the judge to another Irish- man. 'FST nobody at ail. pleze your worship.' was the reply. These are the lower instances of absurdity. but it is clear that it is the sans principle which c inpels laughter in these insistences as that which governs irony or satire, in the shaft of wit or in the play of humor. But this Mane kind of drollery is sometimes one of the defective Mats it - meets of kumor, for, as we have already shown. then is • detective power in ridi- rtlle which in an astonishing manner re- veals the weakest side. 'It is notice- able,' said Coleridge, 'that an eggshell may he made to look exceedingly like an egg.' Rut ridicule amidst applauding laughter smashes the thio eggshells of conceit it is in the way that ridicule has .ery often been made to sone the interests of truth. We have oftsa seen this in smart conversation, m adroit re - CI. in sparkling niinhle words mond the table. Then is an anecdote told of Dr. Emmons, one of the ablest New England divines : he met a physician, a prefownd pantheist, by the hoLatie of a sick parishioner. It was no place for a The beautiful Corah silks are quite in- dispute, nor did it seem at all likely expensive. and seen in all the delicate that one could arias ; but smite casually, ooloried grounds with flowers and figured and in the course of conversation, the design& A lovely lemon ground with dark ted carnatiors would he extnmbly becoming to a brunette. while all types of beauty can tied a satisfactory and be- coming pattern. FHF HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JUNE 13. 1864 Mamma A Meer Bess do net mushy want seers than ass gossa lei hast, they will. sat W. e more that •.ne unless the swans has ` nwn au large as to emed {M hive ...id they are going t.. tetrad $ cu4•.y, ..r "swans," as it is called ; ire ahurh ewe each heady will seed a ..rerriga As sown as it is clear to the wiseacres that it will be n.oeseery to send off ■ swarm, the bees gr. t... •rk tae make $ gtaesa A worker Rugg.... or i1 titer• happens to be sone 1u the hire, a worker peg, is selected near the edge of the comb. Two oats next duan to the one in which this macs"( is, are cleared out, and the di riding walls are cut down, so that three ordinary Dells are turned ants. one. The food which the worker worm hes Leen feeding ern is removal, and the little creature is applied with a new kind ..f fuud-a royal jelly. Change of food, a larger nam, and a different pianism, tits queen's poll haugs down instead o.1 beim( horizontal, --these three changes of treatment turn the bee that is de. el - opine frum • worker into a queen. She is different in her outer shape. different in alurest ell her organs, and different in every singls instinct. There is no- thing .les in all nature that sante to me more wonderful than this. For fear that one queen may not cans out all right the provident little creatures usually start ton or three queen-oeUs at meas. It is curious to watch tae Ent out. She muvrs queen as she comes up and down the combs, looking fur other queen alb, and if she tiotb .one, she fells'up n it in the greatest excitement, and stings her rival to death. Some- times, by accident, two new gavotte:mite out at the same time ; then it is wonder- ful to see the Ives. They clear a space and bring the two rival queers tueether, and stand back to watch the fight. And it is a royal fight indeed : a tight to the death, for they never give tip till one ..r the other is fatally stung. The victor is .e nage,•s and r.depe.de.rt, The Orangemen have taken ground against independence. They are bound to uphold British rule, and if they ars true to their principles they cannot take part in the agitation to separate Canada from the Itrittsh Crown. The Grand Secretary exhorted his brethren to stand manfully side by side and support no party. no creed, n•. government, that will not pledge itself to uphold the fun - dements' principles of the British Coln ;senates than to maimthem out of set- etitutM.. The 1 haniernsen hare a wide.ncr, 'l never go to ehierch,' said a field of usefulness en Ireland in stemming c.„lntry tndesntan t.. his clergymen, the programs .4 sedition and rebellion. she was expostulating with his perish - but as good retinae ..f Canada, which i„net concerning his invariable ab.enoe- country they Neve ends their home, and I .1 newer go t.o church. 1 always ap►nd which will be theltome of their children, the best part .4 Sunday in going over my they should lay aside all prejudioe and , m.,.,,anM ' 'Ah ! you will find, sir,' lend their aid to Wanking Canada• nation 1 said the clergeman, the Day .•f Jndt- ,nent will be spent in exactly the same manner.' The iuseanees of the retort, c,urte,nms er •1,90.urot!ta u, sometimes give the cler_vman the worst of it. A etc etch di- vine took one of his parishwonera to task for his non-attendance at kirk : ibe men said, '1 dinm like lane serm.ms ' The parson, with some wrath. replied. '1..1 n, yell dee, and ge to a place where yee'll not have the peroses of hearing rang nr abort sertunns.' 'That m•r hu.' said 'John, 'hut it won't be for lack (d IIL sons.' physician inquired -'How old are you then, Dr. Emmons 1' `Sixty,' merited the doctor ; how old are you, air' 'Ah " said the physican, 'I have you there ! 1 am as old as tate creation, doctur.' 'In- deed'' 'Yes,' said the physician. 'cer- tainly, I was at the beginning of things ; i was in the garden with Adam and Eve.' 'Ah " said Emmons, 'i always hent that there was a third party in the garden with them ; I never knew before it wee you " 'A nem,' said gmaint old Thetas Fuller, 'is (7o l'e image carved in ebony.' To which Dr. Johason add- ed, 'And the slavehelder is the devil's image carved in ivory.' In fret, the whole history of the literature of laugh- ter, alike in its inferior and superior chapters. shows how esooh easier at often seems to laugh bed thing. out of eount- worthy ••f the empire of which it is at present a prism. At the meeting of the Grand Ledge K was resolved that as the maintenance .4 Hellish connection is an important fundamental principle of Cana- dian ()rwng.istn, the doctrine of ind.•- pendence should be condemned. All that is fleet -entry to say in answer to this is that if England is willing u. let Can- ada go, the Orangemen will hare no ground f..r objecting. -Toronto Tele - gm. A Tewrh of Dstnee. The Cheyenne Wan tells that a hie man and a smaller one going into • store late at night Raked t.. look at rent. clothing. Mr. Harrington himself wait e4 upon the .tenon and was showing them various lines .4 goods when the door leading to his residence in the rent of the store opened and in calve on the tun. baby daughter .4 the Harrington family. The little owe eame in hurrying to escappe her mother, and fell .ever a box. Mr. Hartington left the customers and went to the rescue of the baby. After the little one was quieted and placed ma the Moor he resumed hie beti- mes, but in a minute she fell over another box and apparently hort herself. He loft the easterner and retain looked after the child. At this the man turned to his companion and said : "let's go out of here. 1 ain't looking for a Hire gay." The r:mprietor heard the remark sod wee nit slow to respond. Ho said Litt he had lived 62 years and dome 20 years' balminess, and had had 10,000 esstemera. Mut he had never had but two Harrin,t..n babies, and this was the early .n. left He could got ahem with- out the wanner, and the sale M a suit of idealism t.. him, but he enuldn't get along with,,nt the Harri.gton baby, and he didn't gyre how aeon the rust.mers "skipped " The ran, who was looking ■ t the prepristor with • mild astonish- ment at hat, when the story was finish . d hod his handkerchief out, was wiping his eyes, ad wasting hie hand out to Mr. Harrhmgtem oxo aimed, "Partnere, One bless the baby ' He rouldn•t do ten meek, and it Is needless to .ay flier parted as (rived& ■e/lway Mtg.aM- new a sum a Castries fr AlarbaL W11ty Veep Wart. "Papa, .bat d.. prefeaso:...1 tees walk for I' "For lucre, any son Oh, yes , wawa yea San J idle hies .rs � coif" •o ne; 1 areal) th -y we* money. "lan" a man a walk tilled his Olt' 1" '•Y.. 1 Whets re." "T1, that s why they ca 1 it gait - mosey. .. t it 1' Preset moistness a dignified %lance, while the small ley watched the eat mate a hundred Die a minute (rum the pitcher of milk .n the breakfast table. Appearance. *eines se0Nve. Font pickpocket -'flay, Bill, eel's yer chance.' Sea ,ud pealpock et - -' W here 1' 'Ser that rich lady with her purse it. her hand : She's gettin' into a crowd, tau" 'No nae snatchiu' her purse.' ' Why ain't there r 'There ain't nothing in it.' 'H••w do you ku..w r '1 just seed hexa -corrin' Buten a mil'- oery store. Postage ffiasaa. Postage to Great Britain -ie. per 1 ounce by each route. Reglad rat Ion foe, Sc. Money omen granted on all mosey order of - flag In Canada. ('nate states. Great Hntaia. Prince Edward Island. Newfoundland and Its. dia. Deposita received tinder the regulations, of the Peel office savings' bank between t be hours of II a.m. sad 6;30 p.m. Registered Isttrrs must be posted IS minutes before the ,lege nt each mail. ((mat boars t a.m. to 4 p.m.. S.nada) s ex- cepted. While it is true that many who at One time indulged in ardent spirits have ab- stained later in life, it is not hollowed that theta is soy real cure for the thirst created by alcoholism. But a person who claims to have cured himself gives a 0)- medy that there would be no harm in try- ing. We produce it in the rescued per- s.a.'s wurda. "I was one of those tl.for- tunates given to strong drink. When I left it off I felt a horrid want of ...tee- thing i must hare or- go distracted. I could neither eat, work, nor sleep. Ex- plaining my affliction to a man of much education and experience, he advised me toetakeadecoctionef ground quaasia,ahalf ounce steeped in a pint of vinegar, and to put about • small teaspoonful of it in a little water, and to drink it down every time the Iigwor thirst fame on is. vio- lently. I found it satisfied the cravings, and It also nee a feeling d stimulus and strength. 1 continued this cure, and persevered tdl the thirst was conquered. For two years I have net tasted liquor, and I have no desire for it. Lately, to try my strength, I have handled and smelt whiskey, but I have no temptation to take it.. I give this fur the considera- tion of the unfortunate, several of whom(. I knew hove recovered by means which I no longer require." - [Demorest's Monthly for Jute. roRr:a0'i l"ieTAor. Canada having been admitted Into the Pos- tal urtal Union there 1. a re-arrangrmrut of )w..tal rates. as follows : Fur -tmstria. lirbtium, Denmark, Iceland. Egypt. Fraser. Algeria, Germany. Gibraltar. Great Urate,. and Ireland. (liner.-. Italy. I.ux- enb•rg. Malta, Montenegro. Netherland. Nor- way. Penia, Portugal. Azores, Roumania. Ituasia, St. Pierre, serria, Spain. the Canary I.laad.. Sweden. Switzerland and Turkey. And via l'nIIM states: ltertnwia. Ilal.ai.,aa. Cuba. Banish C'ulonles of St. Thomas, St. John. St. Croix. Jamaica. Japan, and Porto Rim. (Newfoundland is now in the !Postal Union. but the postal rata•• rennin as before). Letters S cent. per ounce. Postal cards 2 cents aaa•h. Newspapers 2 cents for 1 ounces. Registra- tion fee S remit For Aden. Argentine Confederation. Brasil. British Guinea. Ceylon, Greenland. French Colonies in Asia. Africa, Ocesaier and Amer- ica. except St. Pierre and Miquelon. Penia, ria Pending (cult. Portuguese Colonies in Asia. Afria.Oceanica. Trinidad. Spanish l'olonie.. In Arica. Oceanic* and America. except Cute and Porto Rieo. Straits Settlements in SFgas- poreWsaag and Malacca : - Lettere Io . per 1 oz. Hosts. kc.. tr. furl et. Other registra- tion teas lee. Went India Islands via Halifax, same rates* formerly. 1'relaytness by stamp in all neaes. Australia. trxcept New Swath Wates Vic- torial. and Queensland : - Letter, ;.., papers 1 cents. Australia. New South wales, Victoria. Quetasland Letters 15c., napes le. New Zealand. els t'an Francisco:- Letters Ile. Sr.. preen Ag4daters Tribute. Theron P. Keator,editoor of Ft. Wayne Ind., Gasefee, writes : 'For the put five years I have always used Dr. King's New Disooveiy for ameba of most severe character, as well as tor those of a milder type. It never fails to effect a speedy cure. My friends to whom I have re- commended it .peak of it in same high terms. Haring been cured by tt of every cough I hate had for five years, I ew- stder it the only reliable and sure sure forcolds, etc.' Call at Wilson's Drug and get a Free Trial Bottle. Largs mins $L00. (2) ones WI4s..t Argument. He was a young lawyer, and was de- livering his maiden speech. Like most young lawyers, he was fiend, rhetorical, scattering and weary. For four weary hours he talked at the court and the jury, until everybody felt like lynching him. When ho got through, his opponent, a grizzled old professional, arose, looked sweetly at the judge, and said : "Your honor, I will follow the exam- ple ..f my young friend wit. has just finished, and submit the ease without airy inmost." Then he mat down, and the alenee was large and oppressive. One pull ..f be!l-coed signifies 'stop.' Two pelts means 'go ahead.' Three pulls means 'tack up.' hoe whistle signifies 'down brake"! Two whistles signifies 'off -brakes.' Three whistles means 'back u;..' Continued whistles indimte 'danger.' Short rapier whistles, 'a emttle alsrta' A sweeping parting of the hands on a level with the eyes means `go ahead.' A al. sly sweeping meeting of the hands over the heal signifies 'back slowly. A downward .lotion of the hands,with %tended hands, signifies 'stop. • A hsckrning motion with one hand indicates 'hack.' A red flag tarried on • IoocomMive .u- nifies 'an engine following.' A real flag raised at a station means ,stop A lantern swung at right envies scenes the track mama 'stop.' A lantern raised and lower,d vertical ly is a signal to 'start ' A lantern muss in a emr•ole signifies 'tack the train.' Tre.ea.ds Say ie. LAT, Aitkins,,G irard, Kan., writes: 4 sever hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to my cstoomers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers' Electric Bitten are the purest and hest medicine known anti will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels No family can afford to he without them They will save hundreds of dollar in doctor's hills every year. weld at SOcts. a bottle by J. Wilr.n. (3] At this eeeWin of tate year there should bee betel. of Pieter** in every home. it is ntseg.alied ler Coughs Colds and Hrareeness is pleasant, equally safe few ehildren. Prior illi nate at all drag- met& sa Almost every pill contemn ea mmell ate ether mineral oosrpourAls. IPV. Carson's Stomach flatters is pugs'• veytotuble and tales the polos of all .other purgatives. 1w lanae bottles at 60 omit. es • Thousand, bear witness to the p sa- tire ct:rative powers of the Oa*►T OEs - ■AR INvIuoaaroa, the only remedy that has preyed itself a specific for general debility, se tai weakness, ins o.tencv, Mc., and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in consumption, timenity and a pteine- ture grave Sold by all uruggists, or will be sent free on receipt of *1.'41 per box, or six boxes for as. Address F. J. emcees', Toledo, Ohio, role agent for the United States- Bend for circ der and teatimoniels of genuine cures (leo Rhynas, ODderich. 3m Da. Low's PLEASANT WOKS hit MVP. - Au agm.eabk, safe and effectual remedy to reunre all kinds of w. rats. m INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH AIM. LIT. Tosionte-- l•oahltabe leis PHOENIX bN$.OIYT,seLease. asglasq- k.,taM.shod 111111. RAwrrtntir INa. (•e'T, et Haserrea. Oess. EM.bllahed lass. Risk. take. is Ile above Brat class Oinos es the hostel rates W HORACE NORTON. Tie unesselgatel ls also Ay. saw. 1 the CAN.l1.A PER. ULAN AIM SAVINGS CO. S( T0110a70. Mose) is IA.. so Grata lam sacurhy. tam 7 toe per (*eta Charges moderate. HOD ACP- HORTON. Oeder' -h leapt- It leas. A Lite Mevtag Pvrarsl. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hufehins..n, Kan , saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle et Dr. King's New Discovery, ter C..u- gumption, which caused him to procure a largo bottle, that completely cured him, when Declaim, change of climate and atom thong elmms had failed. .1.thma, Breechitir, Hoarseness. Severe Coughs, mild all Throat and Lung diseases, it is . guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J. W ml&.i, s drug store. Large size $i. (1 A semarllabk deep.. Mr. Mary A. Dailey,of Tunkh..nn,.tk, Pa.,w':Is Rfhu.teal for six years with Asth- ma and Bronchitis• during which time the hest physicians could give no relief. Her life wan despaired of, until it. last Octohet .he pr.•eured a b,.ttle o1 Dt. Kine. New Discovery, when in.medinrc relief u .. -:1. an.1 by c..;tinoii( t, tat for a short Dino 1.I0 sea' l'nlllp.!a tel• !'u; ell, gaining in thigh 50 1b.. in a fru months. Free Trial itotlles .4 this certain cure of all Throat and Lull Dises.es at Jas. Wilson's Drug Store. Large Bottles 81.00 4) Die wise We '•N.. ; she -lingered •sed anffered alaog, • all the time for fret.. the d.oc- "tgrs doing her no s;•.••,i : and : t last was "coral by this H..p Bitters the papers 'say se, much about. Indeed ! indeed' "how thankful we should be for that "medicine ". A week , rade at home 1'y the is duslriour. Beat business now he fore the mobil.-. ('spits not need ed. We *III start you. lien • we Dr. Lows Worsen Syrup will remora ■ gam.en, boys and girl wanted very worms and cause quicker than tiny other l where to work for us. Now is the time. Yon can w.,rk in ...pare time. or rive your whole medicine. m ' time to the bu.lns•a. No o'her husiucs will pay you nearly so well. No one can fail 10 make enormous pay. by engaging at once Costly outfit and tern., free. Ntone•v made test. easily. and hon .r.-'.ly. Address 1`wi-n e Co.. A moist Malone For nettle rash, itching piles, ring- worm eruptions. and all skin diseases, sae Prod. Low's Sulphur Soap. et' Nave you TYesgbt about it. Why suffer a single nwment,when you an get immediate relief fr all inter- nal and external pains by the ase of Poi- son's Nerviline. the great 'pain curt. Nereilinehas never been known to fail in a single case ; it cannot fail. for it is a c.mbivation .4 the, must pw.werfal pain subduirg remedies known. Try a 10 et. sample bottle of Nerviline. YOU Kill find Nerviline a sure cure for neural,ia. to,.thache, headache. Buy anal try. Large bottle Th cps., by all drugguRts. Sample bottles only at James Wil- son's. Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is highly recommended for the cure of Eruption. Chafes, Chapped Hands, Pimples, Tan, otc lea Dr. Low's Worm Syrup has ralno.ad tape worms from 16 to 30 feet in length. It also destroys alt kinds of worms. m CINCA .Elsa. -A name well known in ennection with the Hair Renewer,which .stores grey hair to its natural color by $ few weeks use. Sold at 60 cents per bottle by James Wilson. Yat The People's Live J. P. FISHER tt JOHN KNOX Having purchased the Livery busies. -s. of Jno. E. Swartz. formerly owned by Robert Kerr. solicit a Acre of public patronage. The) guarantee sotisfactien to all. and offer The Finest Rigs BOEBFII T i.ouwadw( gesvep are annually robbss ..f their "act ms,wise Prolonged. happtaees ..ud he,hb restated t.1 the aloe of the irreat GERMAN /NVIGORATORi whl, L posit e. , ,) and permanent y tares Ism - poles., h-aurcd 1y ear. " of any kind,' aeeslwal Ilea aims, mud all diseases that fu(- too e- r +e••iest. r el ++el( -Abuse as Iu.► of ctr e . h... of n.rtuo.ry. ticlteral la.slitade, pan inthe buck- dimness of .lawn, pee*► fur old arc••, sato( many Other dna sw•s that iced t., Illwan11% or cousumpuon and a perms -- tun. crave Mend f..r eirenlan. with trio lmnnlal• free by mail. The t\ttt.es %T5s i• sold st 111 per her. ..r six hoses fur t,. b) all druggists, or will tw• sent fmc n.) mail, ,..•cutely seal(d, ea receipt of prim. 1.. addressing F. J. I tllc .1:\'. UriKgia,, PIT Seaman. rip..•pTuledo, Obis AT REASONABLE Pltll'F:e'. ('ALL AND 8EE US -Opposite Bailey's Hotel. liodertch. Goderich• Feb. iNb. 12*1. ITtMin Glu o. t•nv.A., Sole Aerial for (Ioderlch I t -•ogle are alway•On the look w t Increase .ul for ',hence* o then earnings and is. time bit r one wealthy ; th.wr w be do mpro..• their opportua ities amain in poi erty. We offer a gets chsiwe to tnahc ,,.one.We want men, wo- men, Ian.. Rud goals to wnrl for us in *nor n wn l.w:aiitir.. An)elle ran do the work pee- ped) front 1h.• first start. TI'. business will pay Clore lbw. 1sn tiutca unlu.nl) wages. Its - penal t r uulnt 111nrh.brd fns. No nnr w'Lo ta- darN . falls to make monr, espial', . y..0 . ase ge•rolc your wiodel" •to 11r u. •1, or uul] VOW spare moment- F• " • " ,• ot. era all that n. re.•••a,.nr•• •• • • In. !.i. ss •- .IN w )N .f• t "- • 1'.n*las..(, )1a'• e- $50C.I.i I'. cw& ▪ d.. We ...,I pay the ate'.. a reward for et) rase IA ice l'.-a•1'lt•'' '. Ihy*i.etisi.. i•k w. Nradaaae• lndys'wtyob. t'ut.+r,)enuar 3 ,:.L%10*re we canto, cue. watt Wn eat' V.t.. " I le liter IMUS, welt., the. :reigns slrktlt . twptled w tib. They cry purer) V.. able. and eager lad to get. ...tow. I. n, ?ty:nrCta'er'. 1 awe dioses coelia.g re At W., 1% .. Pts. 1. r rake W all 1 r •c. hos• • Pr ware of ..•gaffe. ata 004 Imha- tJhl.iH" 1 rT. Pt'1„tk r11r,ie).. ,1 epd MybL sl ...1 St K•. G 14 Is.t, Tsrt-r ee. n rt:' Ire. tr *I pat, len. - ..I I; c.a. 1'tv 1'--- , I. receipt ofn..eras .lnite, Fear Sol: al tMtfi,W$ Rt - : uT 8. Eco, th is Wangs DN, I.-('. Weaver's' NERVE •N1, itNAlo TREAT nese. a guaranteed specific for II) atria. ins xlae,w, t one vision.. 11ts. Neriuu. Neuralgia Heada,Lc. Nero tilts l'rostrat'.•v' ,.used by the nae of alcohol or tobacco. W ekefulneeMen- tal », .reasion. Softening of the Besla. result ing in Inanity nest leading to misery• decay and death. Premature Old -tote . i'.arrrnaras, Immo( lower in either sex. involuntcry Loses and Sp.•rostnrrhir.. caused by over-exertloa of Do- brain. self-abuse or over -indulgent_. Oran box -3111 cum recent canes. Fick box ons tains gine month's treatment. (tee dollar a box or six boxes for five dollar': sent by mail pro paid MI r eeip• of price. We irearent,* she boxes to curt any a-a.e. Witt) each order re- cd.. -•i 1., 'is for sl, boxes. aecnmpeLicd with fire dollar.. we will send the punt -Meer one written guarantee to refund the 'notary If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantee issued only by JANIE% WIW3. sole author 1,0.1 agent forf,wterieh. tint. JOHN (' WEST k CO.. sole proprietors. Toronto Ont. WOLL El1MA1ISM FREYMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Ars pleasant to take. Contain their owe Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and •10 Mattreyer at warms la CbneteswA.'•. r Pteeragr and intermediate RA=S_ Steerage, $25.36. G0i ERIC ----Tfr Liverpool, Londonderry,Glaaaaggoow London, Queenstown, BeH at, Bristol, Cardiff. 1 ALLAN LINE WA•sINfsm.. D.C.. May 1bth, 1660. GENnttwgr-Hawing been a sufferer for • long time from nervous prostration and general 4.4.1ity, f was advised to try Hop Bitters. I have taken one bot- tle, and i have been rapidly getting bet - tet ever simie, and I think it the beat medicine i ever used. I am now gaining str•lmgth and appetite. which was all gone, and i was in despair nntil 1 tried ynnr Ritter. Igim now well. able to go about and do rAy own work. Before taking it i was completely prostrated. MR& MAST STi'aay. • ateNMmg N ree.ry. Wm. Johniem, of Huron, Dak. , writes that his wife had hewn tr.uhleld with acute Rrvoehitis for many years, and that all remedies tried gave no permanent re- lief, until he prr.'nved • bottle of Dr, Kings New Ihax,rery for Cownlnnptiont Coughs anti Colds, whish had • magma' seers, and prndoced a permanent earns it is guaranteed to mire all diseases of Throat. bangs or Bronchial Table. Trial hoWes free at J. Wilson's drug store, Largo as. •1.O0. (1) or ROYAL MAiL STEAMSHIPS Lt VERP0o1: I.ON 1>oN DERRY-OLASOOyt Toe Stionnit? Saw Bourg 1., asp FROM ENi:1AN1). SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY UNSURPASSED EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. Oabin Rate from Quebec to Liverpool, $80 From Quebec to Liverpool and Return, $110. SBS Ilfe le !sweep' i 1 by, gad dare before yen dl •nmething mighty and sub lime leave behind to conquer time. Ma week in you own town. 116 octet free. No AM. Everything new. Capital not required. we will furnish lou everything. Many are maklag fortune. Ladies make se much a mon. and boys and girls make great fay. Reader. 1f you want bt.slness at which Jou can maks great pay all Use time write for particulars to H. HALLert l.Co. P;orttas Mal Sailings from, Quebec. SARMATIAN lye► Way lobi( UAN Nth '• SARDINIAN .... ....,flet " ('iR('A8)SIAN 7th Jewe POLY N RS1AN 14th PERUVIAN lea PARISIAN "eh " saltMATIAN Seel stoutlath " It('igRt ANSI♦N July POLY NKR .. IVa). PRRCViAl11!l11111 •hh _ Pameweela re T• t I! d bol, a.sh kt.gesn ore ilea with sMemeoe ar Qnaher. 1f yell are Seel Ing for roar Mends. you cilia el*Ia Ptepad Passage rickets at lowest rotas at this Offiesk availahie from England, Ir.lsod (herniated, me*. nermany. Pwed.n as 1 =instil N lbs 7tetetil sad all Inhwwistkrw. apply to Q.ARUOTRONO Ticket Agent, Aederieb. Qeaertsrt May Ieth. HOC $1000 FORFEIT Having the utmost ton&Icnce in its super t r1ty over all other. and after thousands of tests of the mom (ample -ate -41 and ae.eres taw we ....mkt find. we feel Jim, Hied In o01.1 - Ise to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any case of tnnghs....Ida. sire thrust. influenza hoarseness. Ironcbiti., r•onrumplinn in its early stages, whooping cough. and all d (ceases of the throat and tantog�.w. .7orp asthma- far which we only claim relief. that we can't , tare with West's (lough Syrup, when taken ae.•ord lag to directions. Sample bottles. 2S and ti cents: large bottles one dollar. li•nnlne wrapper, only in Mae. Hold 1.r all dowries*" or sego by express on receipt of prise. JOH N C. WEST & ('0.. el and Rt King street Meat, Tomato oat ..rood at JAS. WIIJN1N'P Drug Store (inderteh GENUINE SINGH;R SEINING MACHINE. CHAS. PRETTY, Marla, been appointed agent of the above towel,,.. hews to se1M,t the venal pati, pet ►wag.•, and will supply endless on 111.•r,.l toren. Try the Genuine Singer. Rectae". ' V Elora q►.)►r. near 1lte N E. ('March, tlnd.ri. 1. Go deriek , Dee. 13, Iff13, tan ha WILL CURE OR REUEVID BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, 4. DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, FLUTTERING Of THE HEART; ACIDITY OF WrHE STOMACH, DRi NESS INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And awry noseios of alloses aristej_lhww dloardor d'AVM EIGNEV•, • BOWELS eft BOA00, T. ■ILBURN 164., Preor r=sepm �66: el •r Leers. Nplat ,,rtth 1Mlw 1>til . gaited ort. n tisk. (',.slkai Ir ural Reader. If ).a naso M ,...telt e. ream of .lrher ser, i o. Irmo .•,I , . task, Ir pay all Yrtea A w-xk o 0 r. alts.l,teeertai.tr Write • pa-r.euii' to H. itsn.isl'i A- 1 N IAA n.. 01.